Specifications 2011 -12 -07 13:57 WEST SIDE ELECTRIC 15037360677 » 5035981960 P 11/17
Monitoring Sensor
General Accessor
Smoke Detector 7
DEC 2011
-µ-ms DescripticiWILDING DIVISION
/7 : Y`` The Smoke Detector with built -in relay
.�r ' ' r „ l' , � , 4ii k l l utilizes a photoelectric sensing method
, ' 'r
�' ," t and is designed for use in commercial and
� h :, {t - a 7,„ a r ��4 ,� residential applications. The device requires
,. i ' + � ; , 44, 4% 1 1� ' I "' ` hard—wired 120VAC 60Hz power (220VAC
, .a ' )t:1: � ', '� ' }' , a ` 50 Hz optional). The det fe atures two
n i} ,1. „, t 1 1 e rr Er
,� '`x' y ; ' ,'< t ;, : A. ; ' l ,c , sets of dry alarm contacts: one form -A SPST
a 1 a ,t aq ,waro<; � ,: ° �, o
J R ig 4 {ql' of 2 ire, 'c JI ,n■ ' y.+ * r' Toil
� m -C D
; �� (y 1 P �1 �` { ° a�l,O l Y y, "'a 1 � ' 0 tandem and one interc SP capability T. The detector allowing has up to
;I + „reo "' K � 1 ` 6,
devices to be connected together. A 90dBA
4 k x' F � i µ 1 ( � } "�,i f ' f T' audible horn is included. Also available with cot „, ,. 144 ;` ; ` ^ 1 . f k `, 4s , f 'e �� OF TIGARD belle backup or in 220V. The i a I . I f: y ',.(,,,,,,,,,,,,. , A?It e n be used with all Sensaphone
„APP ' -' i'
, -, ' r Tonally Approved
j._ _.' ' : ee Letter to• . Follow
Permit Number: �•►�i �
Ad r SS: .• . wI III a
I By: f �i Date:
pecification ;
Packc,c�o Contents Dimensions: Operating Temp R ange:
l) Smoke Detevtor 6'/2” • diameter x 2 S / e " 40 to 100 ° F (4 to 37 °C)
1 (1) Wiring Harness Weight: Compatibility:
(I) Mounting Template
6 1 /2 ounces All Sensaphone models
()) lnsnuction Manual Housin "specifications subject to change without notice
White plastic
FGD -0049
Smoke Detector 1 10V 1
Smoke Detector 1 10V w /battery backup FGD -00 - B E
Smoke Detector 220V FGD- 4049 -220V 1
Nf, i,r: honf: + {iOl 'f rye,_ Rc • A :, t t,r,, PA 1 • 4 • „7 -373 ' 7C)O • WWW ,.:f ,:,«,
2011 -12 -07 13 :57 WEST SIDE ELECTRIC 15037360677 » 5035981960 P 12/17
11;21 I
A Smarter Vision* SERIES LISTED
Installation Instructions - Owner's Information READ CAREFULLY AND SAVE
The 9123 & 9223 Series smoke alarm is a photoelectric type unit q/ �
for use as an evacuation device ih residential and commercial :;;
residential applications, while the 9120 & 9220 Series are for use as a user s . ION mm
an alert and relocate device. Each smoke alarm has a solid slate
piezo signal to warn and alert the household to the presence of
threatening smoke. gnaw, o; i
Your photoelectric smoke alarm Is designed to detect the smoke
that results from an actual fire. Consequently, it is uncommon for
household smoke such as cigarette smoke or normal cooking smoke �
to cause an alarm. ��� L It
"" 9123 120VAC, 80Hz with Temporal Horn
" 9220 220VAC, 50160Hz • Your smoke alarm is provided with an alarm horn and pulsating
" 9223 220VAC, 50/60Hz with Temporal Horn Light Emitting (Indicator) Diode, which pulses every 30 seconds,
and a green AC power on LED.
• These units produce a non - temporal audible alarm and are therefore • When turning the test knob on the smoke alarm to TEST 1 the
not intended for locations where the desired action MU* oeoupantte) red light emitting diode should flash rapidly and the horn should
is evacuation. sound.
▪ Per NFPA 72, the American National Standard Audible Emergency • If the battery Is low or missing, a chirp will be emitted when the
Evacuation Signal ae defined in ANSI SSM, to required whenever red LED flashes. If the smoke alarm is malfunctioning, the chirp
the intended response Is to evacuate the building. will sound between the red LED flashes. If AC power falls, the
OPTIONS, SELECTIONS: green LED will turn off.
T - integral 135'F Thermal Sensor • The test knob of your smoke alarm simulates actual smoke
H - isolated 135 Thermal Sensor NOTE: Tandem Interconnect Models.
F -1 Form A/1 Form C Auxiliary Relay • When testing one smoke alarm, the device that Is activated will
NOTE: In the event AC Power falls, a 9VDC battery will provide flash the red Indicator light and sound Its alarm horn. All other
proper alarm operation for a minimum of 24 hours. units will sound the alarm horn with their red indicator lights
remaining off. The relays will also activate on all units in tandem
HOW YOUR SMOKE ALARM WORKS . on models equipped with the relay option.
The 9000 Series smoke alarm operates on the photoelectric light FIRE PROTECTION PLAN: WHAT YOU
scatter principle. The unit's sensing chamber houses a light source
and a light sensor. CAN DO TO MAKE YOUR FAMILY SAFE
The darkened sensing Chamber Is exposed to the atmosphere FROM FIRES
and designed to permit optimum smoke entry from any direction This smoke alarm can quickly alert you to the presence of
while rejecting light from outside the smoke alarm. smoke; it cannot prevent flre- The ultimate responsibility for Are
The light source is an infrared (invisible) LED which pulses every protection rests solely on you.
8 seconds. The light sensor is a photodiode matched to the light Installing smoke alarms is just the first step in protecting your
frequency of the LED light source. family from fires. You also must reduce the chances that fires will
Under normal conditions, the light generated by the pulsing start i your home and increase your chances of safely escaping if
Infrared LED is not seen by the light sensor, as it Is positioned out of one does start. To have an effective Ira safety program:
the direct path of the light beam. When smoke. enters the sensing a. Install smoke alarms properly following the instructions in
chamber, light from the pulsing LED light source Is reflected by the this manual. Kemp your units clean. Test your smoke alarm
smoke pattides onto the photodlode light sensor At the first sighting weekly and repair or replace It when it no longer functions.
of smoke, the device is put into a pre- alartn mode. As with any electronic product, smoke alarms have a limited life,
This is indicated by a rapidly flashing LED on the face of the and devices that don't work cannot protect you.
smoke alarm. Once the Tight sensor confirms smoke for 2 b. Follow safety rules and prevent hazardous situations:
consecutive pulses inside the chamber, the light sensor produces the .Use smoking materials properly, never smoke in bed.
signal necessary to trigger the alarm and sound the electronic horn. • Keep matches and cigarette lighters away from children.
This technique of verifying the smoke condition, combined with a • Store flammable materials in proper containers and never use
5-to -1 signal -to -noise ratio, substantially reduces the possibility of them near open flames or sparks.
nuisance alarms. • Keep electrical appliances and cords in good working order and do
not overload electrical circuits.
• Keep stoves, fireplaces, chimneys. and barbecue grills grease -free
and make sure they are properly Installed away from combustible
— - -- - -- materials: - - -
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• Keep portable heaters and open flames such as candles away In a multi - family building, the device may not provide early warning
from combustible materials, for residents if It is placed outside of the residential units. such as on
• Do not allow rubbish to accumulate. outside porches, In corridors, lobbies, basements, or in other
• Do not leave small children home alone. apartments. in multi- family buildings, each residential unit should
c. Develop a family escape plan and practice It with your entire have smoke alarms to alert the residents of that unit. Units designed
family, especially small children. to be interconnected should be interconnected within one family
• Draw and post a floor plan of your home and find two ways to exit residence only; otherwise, nuisance alarms will occur when a smoke
from each room. There should be one way to get out of each alarm in another living unit is tested.
bedroom without opening the door. IMPORTANT NOTICE: WHAT SMOKE
• Teach children what the smoke alarm signal means, and that they
must be prepared to leave the residence by themselves If ALARMS CANNOT DO
necessary. Show them how to check to see if doors ate hot before
opening them, how to stay close to the floor and crawl if Smoke alarms will not work without power. A battery must be
necessary, and how to use the alternate exit if the door is hot and connected to the device to maintain proper alarm operation If device
should not be opened. AC power supply Is cut off by an electrical fire, an open fuse or
• Decide on a meeting place a safe distance from your house and circuit breaker, or for any other reason. In the event of AC power
make sure that all your children understand that they should go failure, the battery will supply power for a minimum of 24 hours.
and wait for you if there is a fire. Smoke alarms may not sense firs that starts where smoke
• Hold fire drills at least every 6 months to make sure that everyone, cannot reach the devices such as in chimneys, in walls, on roofs,
even small children, know what to do to escape safely_ or on the other side of closed doors. If bedroom doors are usually
• Know where to go to call the fire department from outside your
closed at night, smoke alarms should be placed In each bedroom as
residence well as in the common hallway between them.
• Provide emergency equipment such as fire extinguishers and Smoke alarms also may not sense a fire on another level of
teach your family to use this equipment properly. a residence or building. For example, a second -floor device may
d. Bedroom doors should be closed while sleeping it a smoke not sense a first -floor or basement fire. Therefore, smoke alarms
alarm is installed in the bedroom. They act as a barrier should be placed on every level of a residence or building.
against heat and smoke. The horn In your smoke alarm meets or exceeds current audibility
requirements of Underwriters Labcratorles_ However, if the smoke
WHAT TO DO IF THERE IS A FIRE IN alarm is located outside a bedroom, It may not wake up a sound
YOUR HOME sleeper, especially if the bedroom door Is closed or only partly open.
If the smoke alarm is located on a different level of the residence
If you have prepared family escape plans and practiced them than the bedroom, it is even less likely to wake up people sleeping in
with your family, you have inoreased their Chances of escaping the bedroom. In such cases, the National Fire Protection
safely. Review the following rules with your children when you have Association recommends that smoke alarms be Interconnected so
fire drills so everyone will remember them in a real fire emergency that a unit on any level of the residence wIU sound an alarm loud
If the alarm should sound: enough to awaken sleepers in closed bedrooms. This can be done
a. Don't panic; stay cairn. Your safe escape may depend on thinking by Installing a fire- detection system, by connecting smoke alarms
dearly and remembering whet you have practiced. together, or by using radio frequency transmitters and receivers.
b. Get out of the house following a planned escape route as quickly All types of smoke alarm sensors have limitations. No type
as possible, Do not stop to collect anything or to get dressed- of device can sense every kind of fire every time. In general,
c. Open doors carefully only after feeling to see if they are hot. Do smoke alarms may not always warn you about fires caused by
not open a door if it is hot; use an alternate escape route. violent explosions, escaping gas, improper storage of
d. Stay dose to the floor, smoke and hot gases rise, flammable materials, or arson.
e. Cover your nose and mouth with a cloth, wet if possible, and take NOTICE: This smoke alarm Is not designed to replace special-
short, shallow breaths. purpose fire detection and smoke alarm systems necessary to
1. Keep doors and windows dosed unless you open them to escape. protect persons end property in non - residential buildings such as
g. Meet at your prearranged meeting place after leaving the house. warehouses, or other large industrial or commercial buildings. It
h. Call the Fire Department as soon as possible from outside your alone is not a suitable substitute for complete fire - detection systems
house. Give the address and your name. designed to protect individuals in hotels and motels, dormitories,
i. Never re-enter a burning building. hospitals, Or other health and supervisory care and retirement
Contact your local Fire Department for more information on homes. Please refer to NFPA 101,The Life Safety Code, and NFPA
making your home safer from fires and about preparing your family's 72 for smoke alarm requirements for fire protection in buildings not
escape plans. defined as "households."
NOTICE: Current studies have shown smoke Installing smoke alarms may make you eligible for lower
insurance rates, but smoke alarms are not a substitute for
alarms may not awaken all sleeping individuals, insurance. Home owners and renters should continua to Insure
and that it is the responsibility of individuals in the their lives and property.
household that are capable of assisting others to PLACEMENT OF SMOKE ALARMS
provide assistance to those who may not be THIS EQUIPMENT SHOULD BE INSTALLED IN
awakened by the alarm sound, or to those who ACCORDANCE WITH THE NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION
may be Incapable of safely evacuating the area ASSOCIATION'S STANDARD 72 (National Fire Protection
unassisted. Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269) -
For your information, the National Fire Protection Association's
WHAT THIS SMOKE ALARM CAN DO Standard 72, reads as follows:
This smoke alarm is designed to sense smoke entering its NFPA 72, 2007 Edition, Chapter 11, Section Where
required applicable laws, codes or standards for a specific type of
sensing chamber. It does riot sense gas, heat (except for the H or T
occupancy, approved single and multiple - station smoke alarms shell
options), or flames. be installed as follows:
When properly located, instated. and maintained, this smoke
1) 1 In all sleeping rooms and guest rooms
alarm Is designed to provide early warning Of developing fires at a within 6.4m
reasonable cost This unit monitors the air and, when it senses 2) Outside of each separate dwelling unit sleeping area,
smoke, activates Its built-In alarm horn, It can provide precious time (211t) of any door to a sleeping room, the distance measured
for you and your family to escape from your residence before a fire along a path of travel
spreads. Such an early warning, however, Is possible only tf the 3) On every level of a dwelling unit, including basements
smoke alarm is located, installed, and maintained as specified in this 4) On every level of a residential board and care occupancy (small
facility), including basements and exduding crawl spaces and
User's Manual.
NOTICE: This smoke alarm Is designed for use within single unfinished attics
residential living units only; that is, it should be used Inside a 5) In the Irving area(s) of a guest suite
single- family home or one apartment of a multi=family building-
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6) In the living area(s) of a residential board and care occupancy
(small facility)
The installation of additional alarms of either the smoke or heat Figure 4
type should result in a higher degree of protection_ Adding alarms to
rooms that are normally dosed off from the required alarms increas-
es the escape time because the fire does not need to build to the
higher level necessary to force smoke out of the dosed room to the Ili twee
required alarms. As a consequence, it is recommended that the
householder consider the installation of additional fire protection
devices. However, it should be understood that NFPA 72 does not
ele D4mgml"
require additional smoke alarms over and above those called for in
Figures 1, 2, 3 and 4 where required smoke alarms are shown.
Figure 1 r+ 11111111111r
to r
qi Are More Smoke Alarms Desirable? The required number of
Recreation room smoke alarms might not provide reliable early warning protection for
those areas separated by a door from the areas protected by the
nip required smoke alarms. For this reason, the use of additional smoke
alarms for those areas for increased protection is recommended.
The additional areas include the basement, bedrooms, dining room;
® Indicates required sucks alarm furnace room, utility room, and hallways not protected by the
Figure 1: A SMOKE ALARM SHOULD BE LOCATED ON EVERY required smoke alarms. The installation of smoke alarms in
LEVEL OF DWELLING UNIT, INCLUDING BASEMENT, WITHIN kitchens, attics (finished or unfinished), or garages is not normally
EACH SLEEPING ROOM AND OUTSIDE SLEEPING AREAS. recommended, because these locations occasionally experience
Where to Locate the Required Smoke Alarms. The major threat conditions that can result In Improper operation.
from fire in a dwelling unit occurs at night when everyone is asleep. IMPORTANT CONSIDERATION
Persons in sleeping areas can be threatened by fires in the
remainder of the unit; therefore, smoke alarms are beet located in NFPA recommends replacing your smoke alarm(s) every ten
each bedroom and between the bedroom areas and the rest of the ( years; why:
unit as shown in Figure 2. + Dust, dirt, and other environmental contaminants can affect your
smoke alarm over a prolonged period -
Figure 2 i;i () • Fast changing industry consensus standards and codes on all
Dining Kileilrn gadraorm Bedroom smoke alarms make it advisable to periodically upgrade your
rOpm A devices to maximize life safety.
I , • Assurance that your smoke alarm needs are kept abreast with the
( ;) constantly improving electronic technology.
(;~, • Smoke alarms we recognized as one of the lowest cost ways to
Coons) room Bedroom protect dwelling Inhabitants against the danger of fire(S), it makes
good common sense to periodically replace and update your
smoke alarm that contributes so much to life safety.
THE SLEEPING AREA AND THE REST OF THE DWELLING UNIT This smoke alarm can be mounted on a ceiling or wall with equal
AS WELL AS IN EACH BEDROOM. efficiency in either location.
In dwelling units with more than one bedroom area or with + Ceiling location - smoke alarm should be mounted as close as
bedrooms on more than one floor, more than one smoke alarm is possible to the center of a hallway or room. If this is not possible,
required, as shown in Figure 3. the edge of the unit should be at least 4 Inches from any wall.
Figure 3 D m Kitchen CV Bedroom • Wall location - locate the top of the smoke alarm at least 4 inches
and not more than 12 Inches from the ceiling.
TV _
V Living morn (p Bedroom Figure 5 fi r ` e:et °
IT depaMi
In addition to smoke alarms outside of the sleeping areas and In
each bedroom, NFPA 72 requires the Installation of a smoke alrm S „�,,,�„
on each additional level of the dwelling unit, Including the basement.
These installations are shown in Figure 4. The living area smoke er erarta else
alarm should be installed in the living room or near the stairway to o AocirlAsi.fithCASION
the upper lever, or in both locations. The basement smoke alarm Figure 5: RECOMMENDED SMOKE ALARM MOUNTING
should be installed in close proximity to the stairway leading to the LOCATIONS
floor above. Where installed on an open - jointed ceiling, the Smoke
alarm should be placed on the bottom of the joists. The smoke
alarm should be positioned relative to the stairway so as to intercept
smoke coming from a fire In the basement before the smoke enters code& T t wo o a tio n al with permission o � ?Q National his
the stairway. repented matedel Is not the templet. and .meow position of the Na larval Fire Pro(CGpan
Aaeorapdon on the referenced aublect widen le Fe rneaented only Dy Nm standard in its
entirety. NationaI Fire Norm Code® end NFAA72110 C registered traded erks of the
— - - - -- IOWAat Firs Protection Aeaodielo tna., Quincy, 550-0093
Pg. 9 -3
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Figure 6 HORIZONTAL • In dead air spaces at the top of a peaked roof or In the
DISTANCE corners between ceilings and walls. Dead air may prevent smoke
FROM PEAK from reaching a smoke alarm. Sae Figures 5 and 6 for
recommended mounting locations.
3 FEET • In insect-Infested areas. If insects enter a smoke alarm's
(.9 m) sensing chamber, they may cause a nuisance alarm. Get rid of the
bugs before instating smoke alarms where bugs are a problem.
Figure 6: RECOMMENDED SMOKE ALARM LOCATION IN • Near fluorescent light fixtures. Electrical "noise" from nearby
ROOMS WITH SLOPED, GABLED, OR PEAKED CEILINGS. fluorescent light fixtures may cause a nuisance alarm. Install
The placement of the smoke alarm Is critical if maximum s d smoke alarms and fluorescent lights on separate electrical
of fire detection is desired. Thus, a logical location for a smoke circuits.
alarm is the center of the ceiling- At this location, the device Is nuisance a Never disconnect n a window w or smoke alarm i
aro to silence a
»ulsance alarm. Open a window or fan the air around the unit to
Closest to all areas of the room. remove the smoke. The smoke alarm will automatically turn off
when the smoke In the air is completely gone. Do not stand close to
WHERE SMOKE ALARMS SHOULD BE the unit. The sound produced by the device Is loud because It is
INSTALLED IN MOBILE HOMES designed to awaken you In an emergency. Prolonged exposure to
In mobile homes built after about 1978 that were designed and the horn at a dose distance may be harmful to your hearing.
insulated to be energy - efficient, smoke alarms should be Installed as INSTALLATION 9000 SERIES
described in the section above. CAUTION: New Construction: DO NOT attach smoke alarm head
In older mobile homes that have little or no insulation compared until AFTER sanding, painting, and other dust creating situations are
to today's standards, unlnsulated metal outside walls and roofs can finished end cleaned up,
transfer heat and cold from outdoors, making the air right next to
them hotter or colder than the rest of the inside air. These layers of WIRING /GENERAL
hotter or colder air Can prevent smoke from reaching a smoke alarm. 1. Use U.L. Listed cable with Class 1 Insulation.
Therefore, Install smoke alarms in such units only on inside walls, 2. Observe local code requirements. Use box connector to anchor
between 4 and 12 Inches (10 and 30 cm) from the ceiling, If you are cable to outlet box.
not sure about the insulation level in your mobile home, or if you 3. Metal outlet boxes must be grounded to earth ground.
notice that the Walls or ceiling are unusually hot or cold, Install the 4. Use only Duracell MN 1604 battery with the 9000 Series smoke
smoke alarm on an inside wall. alarms.
Minimum protection requires one smoke alarm as dose to the CAUTION: Turn off electricity to prevent SHOCK and damage to
sleeping area as possible. For better protection, Install one smoke smoke alarm. Be sure the power line to the unit is not controlled by
alarm in each room, but first read the "Locations to Avoid." any on /off switch, or other type of switch, other than a fuse or circuit
IMPORTANT: insure that all fluorescent lighting fixtures are properly
Nuisance alarms are caused by placing smoke alarms where grounded.
they will not operate properly. To avoid nuisance alarms, do not NOTICE: Smoke alarm installation must conform to the electrical
place smoke alarms: codes in your area and to Article 760 of the U.S. National Electrical
• In or near areas where combustion particles are normally Code. Wire installation should be performed only by a licensed
present such as kitchens; In garages where there are particles of electrician.
combustion in vehicle exhausts; near furnaces, hot water heaters,
or gas space heaters. Install smoke alarms at least 20 feet (6 MOUNTING OUTLET BOX
meters) away from kitchens and other areas where combustion Use a 2' x 3' switch box or a 4" square or octagon junction box.
particles are normally present. Mount a box for each smoke alarm. If wall mounting is desired, be
• In air streams passing by kitchens. Figure 7 shows how a sure the box screws are oriented to upper right and lower left
smoke alarm can be exposed to combustion particles In normal air corners. Be sure to use supplied Mounting Plate.
movement paths, and how to correct this situation. NOTE: For trouble areas where there can be a large volume of air
6eanxm Pk Inlet blowing out through the electrical jundlon box_ You must first insert
- see the cardboard shield packaged with your smoke alarm to the
'wae°." .�`` I r backside of device before securing It to the mounting plate.
! •1 1 mcQnat
1. Run a minimum of 16 gauge, 2- conductor cable, plus ground
(3 wires) to the junction box from a power supply. Smoke
- • alarms shall be connected to their own dedicated circuit. Use
U.L. Listed Class 1 wire.
Figure 7 NOTE: The wiring to be used shelt be In accordance with the
provisions of Article 300.3(b) of the National Electrical Code,
• In damp or very humid areas, or next to bathrooms with ANSIINFPA 70, as wall as Article 210.
showers. The moisture In humid air can enter the sensing chamber 2. Make wire connections to the supplied plug-in connector as
as water vapor, then Cool end condense into droplets that cause a follows: black to black, white to white, and connect the ground
nuisance alarm. Install smoke alarms at least 10 feet (3 meters) wire to the metal outlet box.
away from bathrooms.
• In very cold or Very hot environments, or in unheated
buildings or outdoor rooms, where the temperature can go below t ' ? ° 1 A-WIAE CABLE Ieasfo VAS
or above the operating range of the smoke alarm. Temperature / eLatle � !r , limits for proper operation are 40° to 100 °F (4.4 to 37.8 "C). -- . . , ` " te
• In very dusty or dirty areas. Dust and dirt can build up on the
k 1 1 ° ' r ' � smoke alarm's sensing chamber and can make it overly sensitive, or , f ow uwxsULADED WIRE
block openings to the sensing chamber and keep the device from - , —ITE �� WWI 0ROUND-
sensing smoke. \ o r
• Near fresh air inlets, returns or excessively drafty areas. Air RiO"a11OW
conditioners, heaters, fans, and fresh air intakes and returns can NOTE/RED- YELLOW WIRE: The red - yellow wire from the smoke
drive smoke away from smoke alarms, making the devices hose alarm is for tandem connection only. DO NOT USE, AND DO NOT
- - -- SMOKE- ALARM. — - -- —
550 -0093
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SmokeAkarm thing gram BATTERY INSTALLATION
El ■ CAUTION 1, Remove smoke alarm from mounting plate by turning counter-
," ii li t 1 KMER RED/'ELLOw419 to clockwise.
IM b• dam o c when " °11n 2. Remove AC power connector and unsnap power leads from top of
e ■ - mew u aaem y oa m ma p p
�° � COW the old batt ery. Snap new battery onto snaps and reinsert battery
IIII! ■ COW scull through ugh hole in back of smoke alarm. WARNING: Units With
III AOCABSOlr battery back -up will not provide power or transmit en alarm to AC
► only units in the event of an AC power failure. All battery back -up
m �� °0 �""� • units In tandem with good batteries will operate normally during an
P ■fr• RwrcoNrA UTO AC power failure for a minimum of 24 hours.
!'1 ■ THEnw s
. 3. Use only Duracell MN 1604 battery with the 9000 Series smoke
RI ■= A1 � A � i W�M 80E alarms.
WIRING TWO OR MORE SMOKE ALARMS 1. Lace the connector through the provided mounting plate and
secure the plate to the junction box.
Tandem. Installation 2. Plug the wire connector into the smoke alarm base.
NOTICE: All smoke alarms in a tandem installation must be I101iPOR
controlled by the same fuse or circuit breaker. Otherwise tandem
units will not operate. Tandem will operate in the event of AC power �/�
failure if battery is connected to the smoke alarm. 1 0,1 ' rf
LIMITATIONS: A maximum of 12 smoke alarms C9120/9123 or l I�
9220/9223') may be connected together. Do not exceed 126 feet t , , l I between each smoke alarms. Do not exceed 1125 feet between first \ /
and last smoke alarm. . ' .�
NOTICE: A maximum of six (6) Smoke alarms of either model �, Nc
9120/9123 or 9220/9223 with the relay options (F, TF, HF) may be
3. Place smoke alarm up to mounting plate, rotating It clockwise until
tandem interconnected. smoke alarm firmly snap locks Into place. Keep smoke alarm
Wire used for interconnection shall be in accordance with article parallel to mounting plate so upper and lower tabs on plate seat
760 of the latest edition of National Electrical Code (NFPA 70) and correctly into smoke alarm.
must not exceed a resistance of 10 ohms.
NW ntNa1
Yardarm Wlring Diagram r 1 (.. r w ' l�1 � 1 tl i ma I wow LIMITATIONS qv '
I slam \
� t!li�� NodnlI n &is 1
#ti t id MeY ,. . '';, be I
1 • I I together. 00 not w°NlfaoNN!°IO, WHIM =wad t (p� eACN1NR00 MN Awr
i between es* A°APT°RAAs,[ TO WWII' P°W,I°N
I tttttttttt »M 112e hoot between 1. Turn test knob to NORMAL position and Install battery and then
I r tne fist e and
r- - - ' m. supply house power to smoke alarm. The red indicator light
should flash every 1530 seconds, showing smoke alarm is
.. WWI AlMY6 operating property.
(164.1111 AMMO
PER .511114111 2. If red light Is not flashing or the green LED is not on;
_ a. Check that the battery is installed.
1. Run a minimum of 16 gauge, 3- conduWDr cable, plus ground (4 b. Check the connector plug and wire connections. NOTE: Re Sure
wires) to the first alarm junction box from a power supply and you turn off power before checking wire connections.
between all smoke alarms that are to be connected together. C. If power supply and wiring check tut, but red light does not flash
Use U.L. Listed Class 1 wire. or green LED is still off, return the smoke alarm to manufacturer.
2. Make wire connections to the supplied plug -in connector as See TO RETURN A SMOKE ALARM.
follows: black to black, White to white, 3rd conductor to the red/ d. When powering up smoke alarms in a tandem installation and all
yellow wire. The red/yellow wire should be stripped to make the smoke alarms sound immediately, inspect all smoke alarms for
connection. Conned ground wire between metal outlet boxes. those with an Illuminated indicator light These will be the trouble
Q .• 1 4WINECA.LE 120220VAC 3. Testing with Test Knob:
a. Rotate test knob counter-clockwise to TEST 1 position and wait up
d j� to 20 seconds for smoke alarm to sound. If smoke alarm does
❑ � 9
T ; �,M.�� F� a � �rpo wuE not sound after 20 seconds, return smoke alarm for service.
/ RANME7/L b. Alter successfully testing smoke alarm, return test knob to stop
l � eo a op NORMAL sounding-
(non -test) position and wait 20 seconds for alarm to
\ w + ~
(■ NED/YOU-0w MO IN$ULATlD WANE rur ww•m,An�N,ppnn r�ccaa��71
10 RDDnaLLOW ADra11ON, RIGS70�00e.rNr'RARLD
• DO NOT connect Gentex smoke alarms to other manufacturers' I/ '°" •• n 7ST
smoke alarms-
• No more than 12 Gentex models 9120T, H/9123T, H or 9220T, H/ ; '.
be connected in tandem. ��— - Aeoorismoe 1� xANNa
9223T, H may A E8T cm: NO! Wnit ALARM It
• No more than 6 Gentex models 9120F, TF, HF/9123F, TF, HF or POWs ■
9220F, TF, HF /9223F, TF, HF may be connected in tandem. A°A"k" 11ON7
•All units connected in tandem MUST get their power from the G. To test smoke alarm for high sensitivity, turn test knob clockwise to
same circuit, that Is, all smoke alarms in tandem must be TEST 2 position. Alarm should remain silent.
controlled by the same fuse or circuit breaker. d. Make sure to return test knob back to its normal position.
• After Installation to verify proper working conditions all horns must e. If your smoke alarm sounds during this test It means the smoke
sound in this system. alarm's sensitivity has become too high and may cause false
— — CAUTION: Failureto observe any ofthe conditions - set forth-may alarms. — — cause system malfunction and damage to the smoke alarm. 550-0093
Pg. 9-5
2011 -12 -07 13:59 WEST SIDE ELECTRIC 15037360677 » 5035981960 P 17/17
f_ This could mean your smoke alarm is dirty and Should be cleaned IMPORTANT IT IS RECOMMENDED TO CHANGE WASH AND
as described in the maintenance procedure below. RINSE WATER AFTER FIVE (5) SMOKE ALARMS. IF YOUR
g. If the Smoke alarm continues to alarm, for TEST 2 position SMOKE ALARMS ARE EXTREMELY DIRTY, WATER SHOULD BE
following cleaning, return it to Gentex for service. CHANGED MORE FREQUENTLY.
h. To check for proper smoke entry Into your Smoke alarm's sensing NOTICE: SMOKE ALARMS ARE TO BE AIR DRIED ONLY. DO
chamber, Gentex recommends using the Home Safeguard Smoke NOT PLACE ALARM IN OVEN, MICROWAVE OR USE A HOT AIR
L This test should be performed once a year and should be sprayed RESULT IN DAMAGE TO YOUR SMOKE ALARM.
from a distance no closer than 12 inches from the smoke alarm.
In the event you experience difficulty in the cleaning of your smoke
MAINTENANCE alarm or if you have any questions, please contact Gentex
Alter your smoke alarm has been in operation for a period of time Corporation or your local Gentex distributor,
or if it was installed prior to the completion of all building construo'
lion, your device may have become more sensitive due to dirt build- A WARNING If the smoke alarm does not work properly, do not
up in the smoke alarm's optic sensing chamber which could cause try and fix It yourself. This will void your warranty. See ''o Return a
nuisance alarms or could cause activation from small amounts of Smoke Alarm' for Instructions to return smoke alarms that do not
smoke buildup. operate properly. DO NOT TRY TO FIX IT YOURSELF,
It this should occur, following this simple washing procedure will IMPORTANT: Gentex recommends smoke alarms be tasted a
restore your smoke alarm back to Its original condition_ minimum of once a week_
For further Information, regarding frequency of cleaning and test- WARNINGI Never use an open flame of any kind to test your smoke
ing, refer to NFPA 72, NFPA, Battetymerch Park, Quincy, MA 02269. alarm. You may ignite and damage the smoke alarm as well as your
NO17CE: Failure to follow full cleaning Instructions could result home_ The test feature of your smoke alarm accurately simulates
in damage to this smoke alarm. DO NOT remove all smoke smoke conditions and tests the smoke alarm's functions as required
alarms at the same time for cleaning. by Underwriters Laboratories.
1. Turn off electrical power to the smoke alarm, WARNINGI Do not cover, tape, or otherwise block the openings of
2. Rotate the smoke alarm Counter -doc kwise to remove it from its your smoke alarm. These openings are designed to allow air to
mounting plate - pass through your smoke alarm, thus Sampling the air around the
3. Unplug the connector from the back of the smoke alarm. Do not smoke alarm.
remove the wire connection; leave the connector for your WARNINGI Smoke alarms are not to be used with detector
replacement smoke alarm or jumper plug. Remove the battery. guards unless the combination has been evaluated and found
4. Select three (3) standard else wash buckets and fill them each suitable for that purpose.
with one gallon Of normal tap water (distilled or de- Ionised FAILURE TO REGULARLY CLEAN THIS SMOKE ALARM WILL
treated water Is recommended as a Anal rinse If water RESULT IN FALSE ALARMS. A BUILD UP OF DUST CREATES AN
5. Add 1/8 cup of Ivory dishwashing Ilquid to the first bucket of water UNIT WILL GO INTO ALARM WITHOUT A FIRE CONDITION.
and allow it to mix thoroughly, then place one dirty smoke alarm TO RETURN A SMOKE ALARM
into the soap water mixture until It becomes completely covered Should you experience problems with your smoke alarm, proceed
or submerged. NOTE: If the smoke alarms are exceptionally as follows:
dirty, you may wish to first wipe off any excess dirt before 1, Turn off electrical power tO the Smoke alarm,
washing unit so as not to dirty the wash water too quickly. 2. TWist the smoke alarm counter - clockwise to remove It from Its
DO NOT open smoke alarm for cleaning. IF SMOKE ALARM IS mounting plate.
OPENED DURING CLEANING, PRODUCT WARRANTY BECOMES 3. Unplug the connector from the back of the smoke alarm. Do not
VOID. remove the wire connection; leave the connector for your
OTHER BRANDS ARE NOT RECOMMENDED AND MAY CAUSE 4. Remove battery from smoke alarm. Do not ship smoke alarm with
YOUR SMOKE ALARM TO MALFUNCTION, battery atlll attached to battery dip.
5. Carefully pack (the manufacturer cannot be responsible for
6. Allow smoke alarm to soak for approximately 10 minutes (longer consequential damage) and return to the manufacturer. Include
if extremely dirty). Then agitate for 5 or 10 seconds to flush out complete details as to exact nature of difficulties being
any remaining dirt left inside smoke alarm's housing. experienced and date of installation.
7. Remove smoke slam from wash water and transfer directly to 6- Retum to: Gentex Corporation, 10985 Chicago Drive, Zeeland,
one of the first rinse buckets containing dear water, Again, allow Michigan 49464. Prior to returning, call Gentex at
smoke alarm to become completely submerged, agitate once 1- 800 - 438 -8391 or e-mail F RMACagentex.corn to obtain a
more for 5 or 10 seconds to remove soap residue. RMA Number from our return
8. Finally, transfer smoke alarm to your second and final rinse
bucket, repeating method found in Step 7, then remove smoke
alarm to a clean dry area for a period of 48 hours to allow It to
thoroughly dry.
Fa o p5100 d t: mods born We dab of p.Mpw. or • muerte', 0114 1511 m Ilan the date of Mt•I•ktare, DENTE( MI NOT BE LIMLE FOR ANY LOSS. DAMAGE. {RODENTAL OR OOHBEOUENTNL
Gotten warmer LO yw, t Maim! ealNUms paw, as your Smoke Semi YM be Tree be ANKH a OAMAGEa OF ANY KIND ARISPVG IN CONNECTION W!TH THE SALE, USE. OR REPAIR OF THIS SWORE
workroom, W , ney , yy, and caeeecton ardor normal use and eavK9. II a Meat In waprw5Mp me1nUM. ALARM. PLEASE NOT! THAT ROME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE IXCLUBION OR
a consbeakn 100040 cause yar 55ake Marl to harm blamable Tin art tummy period. SOW,, cull LIMITATI D MGDENTAL OR CONSLOUENTIAL DAMAGES, $0 THE ABOVE EXCLUSION MAY NOT
i opa r yaw SMo Ayer N l urnl sh you . 441 ,. raw a to os teplewm Glnmm Alarm 222 D l thage eo pet APPL T O YOU. F
WOO Dr posmpe n 55515 ream the $ n5* Awn to us. Yon ,Mfelrod a n trWonn5* Abe's Alain AI be B R Elect In wortkiwifirkp, malml* or dplwuaHn should tacos y01a Smoke 0155 to Monte
, 00hed to you One d dame NM a wiI be teemEd enemas R warrant' ISO as Oakum al the won* period. inape'UI usher I wM'e period, Yee rood raum the &Wee Ayres la Genet pa0Mye WARM- You must
TMs warmly • acid it co hapeaeon ce your Shake AINm than that 01 damage or talbae was Wooed by etle Peck Ike Smoke Ayr% to minkoGe We Celt N h hmng dameeni it roma You cowl tiro mime a "Am
Mae. Muse, aonamei eiava, faun Mat rrtim, improper mane 01115. re repabe cum Ann d.eso performed address. Smoke Memo rowmed for mom, emalaP sham be MAIM Genmx Corpor►dm. 10955 Ctdcema
ua Olive, Zeeland, MI epees.
ANY WARRANTIES IMPLIED UNDER ANY STATE LAW, MACAW mime WARRAMOEB Of MIR- Uwe remiss s Smoke MCP in a danaged COMM ' O. dta moult or ehippog, too wm potty yes Sd you
OW 0 - . 10 .. bowl prwe.M K. L°w,wnM nM'^plf.01 erAA e
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AeRwYm a e.nt ... ,r.pdNre r Wr4q p,dn b pre, aalm,a nee p,m"pl'wancm MN/rev slam...ik,* AA ..0A d
d ..nTanU•M.ti , a VNM. DAM... .m+ �iJ e.aaNa+r clone ee Pmmm..d wok me. u,.e w,
e a . w i a lg P o .d°.r4111 pea. Sena e1 worked. Is N den or R A e r in se b nimbi byre e. Wan.ein sV f , h el. mamL -
__ 550- 0093 -X _ 10985_CHICAGO DRIVE, ZEELAND, MI 49464
PHONE: 1- 800 -436 - -8391 ate 9