Correspondence FILE COPY
July 7, 2003 --' I
. David A Bissett
David Bissett & Associates
322 NW 5 # 301
Portland, OR 97209
Project Information
Building Permit: BUP2003 -00219 Construction Type: VN
Tenant Name: Integumend Occupancy Type: B
Address: 10215 SW Hall Boulevard Occupant Load: 48
Area: 9,175 Sq Ft Stories: 2
Sprinkled: YES Alarms: NA
The plan review was performed under the State of Oregon Structural Specialty Code (OSSC)
1998 edition; and the Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue Ordinance 99 -01 (TVFR99 -01) 1999
edition. The submitted plans are approved subject to the following conditions.
1. Stairway serving mechanical equipment is exempt from section 1003.3.3 per
2. The means of egress shall be provided with illumination of not less than 1 foot candle
at the floor level anytime the building is occupied. 1003.2.9.2 OSSC
3. Provide one 2 -A rated fire extinguisher in the new area. The extinguisher shall be
located so that no usable space has a distance greater than 75 feet to the extinguisher.
Standard 10 -1, Chapter 3 TVFR99 -01.
• Please include the valuation for deferred submittals. Deferred submittals are subject
to a plan review fee based on the valuation with a minimum fee of $200.00.
When submitting deferred or revised drawings or additional information, please attach a copy
of the enclosed City of Tigard, Letter of Transmittal. The letter of transmittal assists the
4. City of Tigard in tracking and processing the documents.
13125 SW Hall Blvd., Tigard, OR 97223 (503) 639 -4171 TDD (503) 684 -2772
c r
American with Disabilities Act (ADA): It shall be the responsibility of the Architect,
4„ Engineer, Designer, Contractor, Owner and Lessee to research the applicability of the ADA
requirements for the structure. The City of Tigard reviews the plans and inspects the structure
only for compliance with Chapter 11 of the OSSC which may not include all of the
requirements of the ADA.
Approved Plans: 1 set of approved plans, bearing the City of Tigard approval stamp, shall
be maintained on the jobsite. The plans shall be available to the Building Division inspectors
throughout all phases of construction. 106.4.2 OSSC
Certificate of Occupancy: No building or structure shall be used or occupied until the
Building Official has issued a certificate of occupancy 109.1 OSSC
Premises Identification: Approved numbers or addresses shall be provided for all new
buildings in such a position as to be plainly visible and legible from the street or road
fronting the property.
Respec y,
Bria < lalock,
Seto or Plans Examiner
Page l of
brian blalock - Integumend buildiing
From: "marla ross" <marla.ross>
To: <brianb>
Date: 6/13/03 10:07 AM
Subject: Integumend buildiing
, -- --
Integumend intends to operate the building as an outpatient medical clinic. We will see regular clinic patients and
perform minor outpatient surgery. There will be no use of medical gases or IV sedation.
Marla Ross MD
President, Integumend, LLC
file: / /C: \WINDOWS \TEMP \GW } 00002.HTM 6/13/03
■ / =`
June 20, 2003
To: Brian Blalock / City of Tigard •
From: David Bissett / DBA
Pursuant to your plan review checklist, please note the corresponding response to each item
(See attached):
1. The requested forms have been filled out and are attached as requested.0
2. The requested forms have been filled out and are attached as requested. 0
3. This memo will serve as the clarification letter requested. The procedures in this oI'•
facility are strictly outpatient related to Dermatology treatment of the skin and hair.
Patients are capable of unassisted self preservation at all times during their visit (Per
section 304 OSSC).
4. A medical gas room is not used in this facility. 0 IL
5. The transaction height is shown on detail 2/A9. °
6. Plastic laminate wainscot (48 "H) and semi -gloss enamel paint is used on restroom d I<
walls (Refer to sheet Al2).
7. Attached is the manufacturer's details and specifications for the accessible shower oK
(Refer also to sheet A2.1, key notes).
8. Stair and handrail details are shown on sheet A8 as requested. 0 S r A+ p 4
9. East and west elevations have been labeled on sheet A6 as requested. o \('
322 NW 5th Avenue Portland, Oregon 97209 (503) 226-6785 Fax (503) 224 -2311
1. Arched framing features are clarified per attached engineers memo 6 -18 -03
and on sheet S2. % /eoJsEs NeEr 10 O- p 1 U7 GNCD fok 5.
vf/9T Co/40LcTS 6R4ce TO 7-x.(155 POf i
2. Foyer construction details are clarified per attached engineering memorandum
• 6 -18 -03 and on sheet A7. VK
3. Column footing details are clarified per attached engineering memorandum 6 -18 -03
and on sheets S1 and S3. O/<
4. Veneer anchorage is clarified per attached engineering memorandum 6 -18 -03 and on
sheet A2.1, wall type'D.' 0 /C-
5. Veneer Lintel calculations per attached engineering memorandum 6 -18 -03 and on
sheets S1 and S3. d It
6. Shear wall clarified per attached engineering memorandum 6 -18 -03 and on sheet S 1.O /C
7. Shear wall calculations and drawing revision per attached engineering memorandum
6 -18 -03 and sheet S 1. o
8. TJI revision per attached engineering memorandum 6 -18 -03 and sheets S2 and S2. d K
9. TM calculation per attached engineering memorandum 6- 18 -03. 01<-
10. Beam and post clarification per attached engineering memorandum 6 -18 -03 and sheet D /<
11. Header and roof beam clarification per attached engineering memorandum 6 -18 -03 V I
and sheet S2.
Please don't hesitate to call me directly if there are any questions or concerns.
Th. t o ! , ,
Davi • A. : issett, • "A C •
Cc: Dennis Gaffney I JHC
Don Sherman
Dermatology Associates
June 10, 2003 � / ���� m 1
David A Bissett CITY OF TIGARD
David Bissett & Associates
322 NW 5 # 301 OREGON
Portland, OR 97209
Project Information
Building Permit: BUP2003 -00219 Construction Type: VN
Tenant Name: Integumend Occupancy Type: B
Address: 10215 SW Hall Boulevard Occupant Load: 48
Area: 9,175 Sq Ft Stories: 2
Sprinkled: YES Alarms: NA
The plan review was performed under the State of Oregon Structural Specialty Code (OSSC)
1998 edition; and the Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue Ordinance 99 -01 (TVFR99 -01) 1999
edition. The following information is required for the plan review process to be completed.
1. Please fill out and return the enclosed TVF &R Fire Flow and Hydrant Worksheet and
the Building Survey Report.
2. Submit Energy Code Forms for Building Envelope, Mechanical and Lighting.
3. Provide a letter to clarify the procedures taking place at the facility. The letter shall
indicate if patients are rendered incapable of unassisted self - preservation at any time
of the visit. Section 304 OSSC
4. The plans do not indicate a medical gas room. Clarify storage location if medical gas
will be used in the facility.
5. Indicate the height of the transaction counter shown on detail 2/A9.
6. Indicate the wall covering to be used in the restroom areas.
7. Provide details for accessible shower. Control location, grab bars, etc.
8. Provide stair and handrail details to indicate rise and run, handrail height, headroom
• height at top of stairs, etc.
9. Notes 1 /SD3 & 2 /SD3 on sheet A6 indicate East elevation. One of the notes should be
West elevation.
13125 SW Hall Blvd., Tigard, OR 97223 (503) 639 -4171 TDD (503) 684 -2772
1. Provide construction details the arched architectural features on the East, West and
North side of building. Truss drawings may be necessary for clarification of the
framing these areas.
2. Provide construction details for foyer100. Cross section A/A7 does not provide
enough detail for construction/inspection.
3. Provide details for the footing of the columns at foyer 100.
4. Clarify veneer anchorage to the building including the attachment of any lintels.
5. Provide calculations and sizes for any lintels supporting veneer.
6. Shearwall at Dr. Office #3 is indicated on sheet S1 to be 4 feet long with a holdown at
each end. Calculation sheet LL2 requires it to be 6 feet long with a holdown at each
end of the wall. Revise sheet S 1.
7. An interior shear wall, 13 feet in length is indicated on sheet S1 and on the
calculation sheet LL2. The shear wall runs between restroom 116 and 118 and then
bisects Lab 117. The wall does not appear on sheet A2.1. Revise calculations LL2
and Sheet S1 or indicate wall on sheet A2.1.
8. If the wall bisecting the lab will not be built, the joist above will be over spanned.
Provide calculations for a TR with a 16 foot span.
9. Provide a TR calculation for the joist spanning over OR #1 and hallway 134. The joist
is approximately 16 feet long and has a 4 foot cantilever.
10. Provide a beam calculation for the RB2 that is 24 feet long and has an 8 foot
cantilever. The beam is located above hallway 115.
11. Clarify the support for the North end of RB2 that is bearing on the glazing of OR #4.
When submitting revised drawings or additional information, please attach a copy of the
enclosed City of Tigard, Letter of Transmittal. The letter of transmittal assists the City of
Tigard in tracking and proc- the documents.
Brian :- °.lock,
Seni. r Plans Examiner