Plans �,. • / o, v s 662-am-4./.4 Rd yoo
deli&DC6 Ooci5 Bulletin 121 Rev.I
Model G4 Concealed IVY®
\' Automatic Sprinkler
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The Concealer l ;; . re ..,..,.f,.; ._ ,,,, , : - , 'x; v V ,SIN , . ., ; Z
A Concealed Sprinkler - 1 i ° i ,� f . 0 , ' . �
With Y (13mm) or x.:: ; „
1” (38mm) Adjustment ` .; ,�� t tot -
1. Push -on /Thread -off cover plate assembly y,, �'"
attachment with /z (13mm) adjustment. , ., , 4 � Y: i0
Does not require clips or springs. � f tt °
2. 1'/z' (38mm) Total adjustment provided by0.i, 2 � �
�� 1 °
adjustable inlet versions. _ 5 : g 4k t �'k
3. Adjustable inlet version available with either . m . " , _ Y
1" NPT ale or female threads eliminating x *# j - z
costly reducing coupling. g : ¢ � ~ ` '`;
4. Smooth aesthetic ceiling profile.'"
5. Available in white or other color painted or
brass, chrome, or black plated finishes. The Concealer is designed for use where aesthetic ap-
pearance is important. Offices, hospitals, motels and res-
6. Ordinary and intermediate temperature taurants are but a few of the applications where it can be
ratings. used. It is available in different orifice sizes allowing the de-
signer to optimize system performance, thereby achieving a
7. Multiple orifices for design flexibility. most efficient installation.
The Concealer can eliminate the need for precise cutting
of drop nipples. The Push - on/Thread -off cover plate assem- I
i bly can be adjusted without tools so it mates accurately with
Approvals & Listings the ceiling. The fire protection system need not be shut
1. Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL) down to adjust or remove the cover plate assembly.
2. Underwriters Laboratories of Canada. (ULC) Product Description
3. N.Y.C. BS&A No. 587- 75 -SA. The Reliable Model G4 Concealer uses the proven
Note: Approvals are for light and ordinary hazard, except for Model G fusible element in a standard style sprinkler frame
small orifice sprinklers which are limited to light hazard with a drop -down deflector. This assembly is recessed into
occupancies. The cup and skirt are fabricated from plated the ceiling and concealed by a flat cover plate. The
steel and are intended for interior non corrosive applications. Push- on/Thread -off cover plate and sprinkler cup assem-
blies are held tight by a flexible tooth engagement to the
U.S. Patent No. 4,880,063. threaded cup. This threaded engagement provides 'h"
.. (13mm) of cover adjustment. The flat cover plate is attached
Application to the skirt using an ordinary temperature classification sol-
The Reliable Model G4 der. This results in a strong cover plate assembly with an or-
} "` 5 " dinary temperature rating, and an intermediate temperature
Concealer is the most versatile t. sprinkler which can be installed in 150 °F (66 °C) environ-
concealed sprinkler available. It ," �.R.- ments. When the ceiling temperature rises, the solder hold -
provides the best form of fire pro- ing the cover plate to the skirt melts, the flat cover plate
tection while offering an attractive _ — ""-.�
appearance and '' /z' (13mm) of -1) released thus exposing the sprinkler inside to the rising am-
bient temperature.
cover adjustment for ease of instal The subsequent fusing of the sprinkler element opens the
r s . The adjustable 1" NPT inlet waterway and causes the deflector to drop into position to
versions have 1y" (38mm) of total distribute the discharging water. Any secure engagement of
adjustment and also eliminates the need for a reducing cou- the threads between the cover plate and cup will assure that
piing. The small diameter Push - on/Thread -off cover plate the drop —down deflector is properly located below the ceil-
assembly is easily attached and blends into the ceiling, con- ing when a sprinkler operates.
cealing the most dependable fire protection available, an
automatic sprinkler system.
The Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Co., Inc., 525 North MacQuesten Parkway, Mount Vernon, New York 10552