Report /457 - 7 o - 4 -i0 8
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Sep to cuus 17ssi GeePacific Engineering, I 503- 598 -8705 p.I
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Reel -Wolfd OeatwhMoel Solutions
Investigation • Design • Construction Support
September 2e, 2003
Job No. 00 -4945
Attention: Andrew Thomas
Venture Properties, Inc.
4230 Galewood Street, Sulte 100
Lake Oswego. Oregon 97036
Fax No. (503)670-9099
Reference: GeoPacific Engineering Inc., Soil Engineer's Summary at Conclusion o1 Earthwork,
Thomwood City of Tigard, Oregon, dated March 16, 2003.
GeoPecific Engineer, Jim lmbrie, has visited the above- referenced lot on September 25 The
purpose of our visit was primarily to review the foundation excavation subgrade, and footing proximity
to existing slope faces and terrace cuts. The nearest adjacent footing west (downslope) end for the
subject residence is approximately 6 feet from the natural slope face which is only approximately 40
percent grade for at least 15 feet The west end of the excavation is at the base of the fill slops.
The footing subgrade generally consisted of engineered ill on the front embankment and natural soils
at the lowest (rear) portion of the home. Both soil types probed stiff to very stiff. The current
subgrade Is considered adequate for spread foundation support. Based on our observations, the
foundation subgrade and excavation setbacks should be aooeptable for support of the proposed
single -family home. No deck footing subgrades were observed. Some retaining walls are needed In
the middle of the home to retain tall vertical cuts and some backfliling will be neosssary.
Our work scope for this phase of geotechnical review pertains to foundation bearing conditions only
and is limited to the conditions existing and exposed at the time of our site visits. if you have any
further questions, please call.
Sincerely, .
0eoPaelfia Engineering, Inc.
clY 14743
James O Imbrle P.E., C.E. c ,74-1" �►
23. l i. -, `•re „ns
Geotechnktei Engineer 4 t2 p 11
7312 SW Durham Mond Tel (gyp) 5904
Portland, Oregon 97224 Fax (503) 58541706