VAR7-82 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. • • .• • • • 0011401.181100111111MO , „ • " G1Onn Chilcbte V 7-,-82 • 13333 SW 68th/Parkway 2811DA 100 • , . „ 200 300 i400 part. • • • • ••• , •• ••- • ,.• • r• • • ..•1 • • ,• • •• , ..• • •. •, •, '.\ • \,. •, • , ;,,,.•,•,••••••• , W • CIWOFTkRD WASHINGTON COUNTY;OREGCIN • CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON ,NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE CITY OF TIGARD'S HEARINGS OFFICER, AT A MEETING ON August 12, 1982 ,AT 7:00 P.M. , IN THE CONVERENCE ROOM OF TM DURHAM WASTE TREATMENT PLAN, CORNER OF S.W. HALL BLVD. AND S.W. DURHAM ROAD, TIGARD, OREGON, WII.I, CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING APPLICATION: FILE NUMBER: V 7-82 NPO #: 4 APPLICANT: Glenn E. Ch.lcote A.I.A. OWNER: FIG HOLDING CO. 15964 S.W. Boones Ferry Rd. A California Corp. Lake Oswego, Ore. 97034 4680 Wilshire Boulevard Los Angeles, California 90010 REQUEST: For a Variance to the public improvements requirements to allow for a sidewalk on one side only. • LOCATION: 13333 S.W. 68th Parkwa y (Wash. Co. Tax Ma p ' Si 1DA lots 100 200, 300, 400 (part) `y • (See location map on the reverse side) . A IID PUBLIC HEARING ON THIS MATTER WILL BE CONDUCED IN � r, CONDUCTED ACCORDANCE WITH THE RULES OF PROCEDURE OF THE HEARINGS OFFICER. TESTIMONY MAY BE SUBMITTED IN i WRTTTNG 'DO BE ENTERED INTO THE RECORD. PLEASE CONTACT THE PLANNING DIRECTOR AT'639-9171 FUR. FURTHER INFORMATION. TIGARD CITY HALL IS LOCATED AT THE CORNER OF S.W. ASH .AND S.W. BURNHAM STREET, 12755 S.W. Ash AVehUe, Tigard; Oregon 97,!23 • i 2755 5W,A5H PPO,BOX 23397 TiGARD,oiREGoN 97223 PH:5 , . . . , - . , . .., .. . . , . . . . . ,. . . .. .. . , . ,. . . . . , .. • • .. . . . . . , ...1 . .„... . , ... .. a: . . ..,.. ,. ,..•.. . • 1 1 1111 M1 :i 1111111110 ' aAt 1 i ma a n--I:"-•.'-..'4ia".h41,1 .Ta...4.l 6, ,•.. pqi.i i .* " .al Elms asr" m ' A 4 A , i •NM 1 ' mi.. pm' , •Is 1 ' ' --ms . am . . •hi OAO , IM 'a ., IN al. at' , •-a • Ali 4111 gill . .. • • t filtAil,tit:1 , N. ...01: ",* ,,.. iiiiiit , ,,,, 61, .0 pi • co ,11111111111111 =Ina '• T1: __ NIA.. En r. u--ForiPm" ill "I 111 11111 a 0 . . - - -' whme R ...., ....;.4.41,14.ad , - .. • • , ‘ 7-7 , .$.- E . XII a .11111111. 41; IMI Sian . MO • Z in EN am 11 ". ' ,'" suriol mi. pi .'-' 111 MI 41111 liii em ,o . .S.W. II ' t_.' ia in - bi- ial all' lit 32,4111,„, V. ., . . . , . =11 '• ,,............................ '11111 MIN '',11, ,411111'11111 : M im w.:tiiimi 74.6 EN• . . a•.. . ilri,ms.mvill mg all rill Ill MS! "Vi . ..-10$ arm 0.1 Mr .....,...s.. a "."... NB' 1111 a IA yr . . ,,. ,... ali si all 11 , sm En ME 0,,,-v. .. 0.7....„Im..,,,, • a , • . \ „ . 7,•,, D, g.,....ms. I . . ■ 4,, a r. . •. ,, - III-- - t," 1. . ... . „ "... , 1 . ° •1 i.ak 1 4..._.._L,... .,...,,... , .-... .4... .......... 'FI n t .... .... ,' < S W.F IR* m , fi'.— 4)‘.... . i . . . . . .— EiN ' ......_.... \ \ • . , 0044(4 1 1 , billtt ..,,. . ..., .....,...,. „ . ..... , , •. c z 1 , .4, i . , .. . . , . . . . . - ,:. • ;-,, . 01, . , I , :;'..7,,;:, • . . , . • ..... , ._ ......_ __....„. , , ',.A , • • ' ,. ' . ( 0 _ . , ,,,----' . . • A ITE 22. 1 ..............__AGEND M . „ . .1 : tglaiiilitill:•,.. .,. ,,,. . , ' ciroFilpi), -. . . - August 6, 1982 WASHINGTON COUNTY OREGON .• • , , ,, •. , , - , . . . • , ., • .7' .„ . . , . , Mr. Glenn E., Chi.lcote . . Glenn[t.1,,:,Chilcote 4,,,Asabciates A.I.A. 510, P.atirttiY,Street • take, 06wegii-•,,,•Oregon 57034', . . .. , . , . Dear Ivii:;, °:.Ciiiidbie: After 'reVietiiiig,,yOur f.request,for a:Variance. to the ,,dity°8 siart.4ta.111d pub,11.q '1 improvemdnt:teqti it,emetit s with the,,Public Works Director, it has been ' I ' deterthined:;,that a Variance .approval will not be ,reitaired. Instead,. the . . , , . ,. . City Staff,Will:,ask,o.the- City Cotincil,.pn: Monday','August .46, 1981 ,,,:tc,.consider .a,,:request, that „Farmers• Inatiratt0e..Gronp,be allowed to "satisfy their 'street dedication. cOMplianCe.,agreement by proViding, a sidewalk on the west and . ,. :. ... south side of S.W. 68th, Parkway .At the time the •,prOperty,on the 'north and eaet 'side of S..W.. 68th Parkway develops, staff,mill .evaluate the need • , ., • for sidewalks On. that side of the street and require appropriate improve-- , mentS at that time . , Sindreiy,. • — . ,... 1,1 • , • A . I Elitabeth A., Newton _, , •• Associate Planner . . . . . • . ,, . 1 i EANdM5 • . . . . . . , , I • , . , . , . .. i - , A la 178 SW ASH 12,6 bbX 20807 TI6Ario,OREGON 9723 OH:6 .0..41'11 . ' '' • . . , , ,„ ' a " N ° AFFADAVIT OF NAILING STATE OF OREGON County of Washington ) ss. City of Tigard ) I, Diane Ni. Jelderks, being first duly sworn, on oath despose and say: That I am a Secretary for the City of Tigard, Oregon That I served notice of hearing of the Tigard Planning Corrti.ssion of which the attached is a copy (Matted o► ' •it A) upon each of the following nand persons on the 62 _day of 0 „ 1982, by mailing to each of them at the address shown • erthe attached list (Marked Exhibit D) , said notice as hereto attached, des;:•sited n the United States Mail on the day of d1...4 A, , 1982, postage prepaid. M).444.----9 Subscribed and sworn. to before xt e on the m, day' of 1982 „ 001/0)4,4 'r A+\O ' a+^ a Y.k^° ` •r,A1U PUBL,TC OE' OREGON ark My Cortt`ea4sjon E ires • o. . 1 t,�he oti000g; ew ide B; by:thk Tigard r1 : �on-August •1. AFFIDAVIT OF- r 5 W Hai .Tig O on.:Further__information=may be obtained''frcom_the ;Prenncng Directorat-12755_ $.W Ash Avr .Tigard,- gon:97223;dieby tailing STATE OF OREGON 639411 zt-r, r- = z_x:.,. ¢; -E.� -:2-k; j __`. COUNTY OF WASHLNUTON, SS... ' .:7-f':.,.4Yr� `'t,r ,'-PUB BEAT ING, _ 2:�.SETS :A D - k)d:8 Losii:Inc. { NPO.#,``- .? 1 t 02 uesti y<Dbs�dq and:Howard-7':osli for-a-Sensifive f Lands.Permit,to '_ yj. ��w..�r. 1. r, _._._ . John W.- Marling :Iii lud leH pr`Qvemen a cutand fili`wi elfloodplain;.for future, . _ _._ _ =dev -apnien f bliildfng;ladiapi g and open space.P_ roperty-Is located`at. } being first duly sworn, depose.and say that I at SOI V: Roa " M= S� BI3-tot 00Y : i; '-2 Ais €t -78 `CIc E: co" e`NP-#4 =. .4.: '` ,-,_:.',!-.t.:-.:7'; .. __ _—of The Tigard.Times,.a newspaper c . :A reque by°Crsenn E. ilcf k ora V ce t#the public Improvement requirements to.° of,for=a-side"walk an one:side-oaiy:Located-ate 13333`S X by ORS 193:010 and 193.020;. published, at Tigar "68tjg' jay, ash;Co;T x Map2�Si 1DA TaxLotS100,,200,300,400(pa_rt}:R_ ,',.Written comments, _ ;encouraged-.please:-submit to:t_be_Planning:Director state; that the Iegal.notice,. a printed. copy of gi g above address in Sdv cC of a heating dated r r ' , UU491--Publish:JuIy:29'1982.4:. _ _- o - • _ published in:the entire issue of said newspaper 1� ;.'- ' t. _ ` consecutive weeks:in the following issues' _ JuLY 29,E 1982: .z ^M . . A timil 1 (Signature} Subscribed and sworn:to before me th 3rd_ �_day of__._.._ -4 s __. August _ _....... i9:_ ? Notary Public of Oregon__ . My commission,expires_..Feb• 24 - 19_..8 5 s- ',':.: r .= A to 1 Y 1 f' r t i- F } 1' 1. 1_ t i J' r 4 } Y - _ 1 .. . . 20 July 19 ._ • S.W. 68th Avenue/S.W. 68th Parkway 15'-0" Limited Use Easement Description for Farmers Insurance Group A strip of land 15 feet in width situated in Section 1 T. 2 S. , R. 1 W. of the Willamette Meridian, Washington County, Oregon, being a part of "West Portland Park" and "Verne Acres", being more particularly described as follows to-wit: Beginning at a point in the centerline of S.W. Irving 5treet, which point bears South 88°34'46" East, 30.00 feet; South 2037'53'+ West, 15.00 feet and North 88°34'46'+ West, 32.00 feet from the !' southeast corner of Block 39, "West Portland Park";said point also bears North 88°34'46" West, 32,00 feet from the centerline intersection of S.W. 68th Avenue with said Irving Street as described in Book 1073, Page 82, Deed Records, from said place of beginning; thence South 2°37'53" West along the westerly right of Way line of S.W. 68th. Avenue as described in said Book 1073, Page 82, 393.00 feet to a point of curve and the merging of the southerly right of way line of S.W. Parkway; thence along said southerly right of way line on a curve to the left, having a radius of 50.00 feet, through a central angle of 63°00'00", a distance of 54.98 feet to a point of tangent; thence South 60°22'07" East along said right of way line, 54.14 feet; thence southeasterly along a curve to the left, having a radius of 520.00 feet, through a central angle of 27°00'00", a distance of 245604 feet to a point of tangent; thence South 87022'07" East along said southerly right of way line of S.W. Parkway, 279.06 feet more or less to the westerly right of way line of Interstate 5; thence South 1°22'39"West along said westerly right of way line, 15600 feet; thence leaving said westerly right of way line, parallel with said southerly right of way line of S.W. Parkway and 15.00 feet distant from when measured at right angles thereto, 279.39 feet more or less to a point of curve; thence northwesterly along a curve to the right concentric with said southerly right of way lane of of.W. Parkway on a�radius t, through a central angle us o f 535.00 fr.e 252.11 f f tangent; the 0 '00" ,..,distance of 252. feet to a point o g nt; thence North 60°22'07" West, 54.14 feet to a point of curve; , thence northwesterly c having of 65.00 feet through on a curve to the r�. ht g a radius 1 ,47 feet�to a int e f'ntanle�tgltltt,of 63'00'00", a distance 392. � ; North 2. 37'53" E� t of 71 .47 point 0 thence Nair ° � , 68��eet to the o sand S.W. Irv : ; ng Street, thence �1 along said centerline, South 88°34'46" East, 15.00 feet to the place of beginning. Subject to the rights of the public Within S.W. Irving Street. Containing 15,254 square feet inclusiVe of area Within aaid S.W. Irving Street, • GUNN CHILCOT & ASSOCIAILS ARCHITECTS/PLANNERS/ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS it R)I ()L OH. S I RLL1 LAKL OSWi.GO ORLGON 9703,1 PHONE(503) 626.366 5 i n " + PEpETUAl AND BICYCLE PATHWAY LIMITED USE EASEMENT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that F.I.G. Holding Company, a California Corporation hereinafter called grantor, for no consideration IS 4� other than acceptance of the obligations hereinafter described by the grantee, do hereby give and grant, subject to the terms and provisions hereof, to the City of Tigard, a political subdivision of Washington County in the State of Oregon, hereinafter termed grantee, an easement to construct and maintain pp an appurtenance to a pathway on, over and within the following described lands of the grantors subject to the conditions hereinafter stated: SEE ATTACHED ' f The rights and easements herein granted are subject to each and all of the following conditions and limitations and reversions: (1) That the use of the above described area shall be limited to" the construction, maintenance and use thereof for a pedestrian and bicycle pathway and for no other public pt rpose and iii the event that the said Area shall be improved}, utilized, or maintained by the grantee or by any other public body for any other purpo(, e, all rights herein granted shall revert to and revest in grantors, heirs and ass&gnsr (2) That grantor does hereby reserve the right to utilize the said area for all private lawful purposes which do not unreasonably intirftere with or are not inconsistent with the Uses thereof by the grantee and the public for the purposes herein stated, (3) that if, at any time, grantee or any other public body shall undertake .proceedings to improve the present .. _ __ . . . „_, and by reason thereof grantee, or any other public body shall seek to acquire from grantors, heirs, or assigns, by negotiation or condemn P tlol ri h M„ p -.,wa y area additional t0 that heretofore vested in the public with th respect tc sat(' x all rights herein described shall revert to and revert in grantor, heirs and assigns, effective with the initiation Qf such proceedings and the just compensation to be paid by said grantees or any other public body for such additional right-of-sway area shall be determined as if this instrument had not been executed and to the same extent as if the rights herein described had not been granted. IN WITNESS WHEREOF grantors have executed this instrument for the uses and purposes hereinabove set forth. Witness our ha d ,an• seals this 15th day of July , 19 82 atao as Jfr p . HOLDING CO 4PANY, a California Corporation {SEAT.} (SEAL) � ar d � 'Gingrich V.T 4*± (sEYAI ) (SEAL) r r' a� Q I{. Ritchie V.T. Grahm 40,0 ,`„ " °a (5 �► (SEAL) ) ;- ' ��c>�'1� g04 n�br sideratior, the mortgage lien; on the above described properties is hereby t+ �4t1Y�lbv ,, •, i made s b.firdinate to the easements above granted, dated this - day of ' 19 Mortgagee Title STATE OF OREGON ) ) sa. County of On this day of ; 19 ; personally a PP eared the above named and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be their voluntary act and deed. Before me: Notary Public for Oregon My CommisS1on Expires STATE OF OREGON • ) ss, County of • ) On this day of , 19 , personally appeared the above named and acknowledged the fore- going instrument to be dieir' volunatry act and deed. Before me: Notary Public for Oregon My Commission Expires: ACCEPTANCE The City above named bereby accepts the foregoing grants and agrees to comply with each and every term and condition thereof, CITY OF TIGARD By: Mayor By: Recorder STATE OF OREGON ) ss. County of • On this day of , 19 , before me appeared and both to be personally known who, being du/y sworn, did say that he, the said • is the Mayor, and she, the said is the Aecorder o the CITY OF TIGARD, a municipal corporation, and the said --- acknowledged the said instrument tp be the free act and deed of said municipal corporation. IN TESTIMONY WHEAEOP, I have hereunto set my hand and affiXed my official seal, this the day and year in this m ..ertificate first written. Notaxy Public for Oregon-- My Commission Expires: #s F. I. G. HOLDING COMPANY 4680 WILSHIRE BOULEVARD LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90010 EstCeUTIVE OFFICC5 July 14, 1982 City of Tigard Tigard, Oregon Subject: Glenn E. Chilcote, Representation of F.I.G. Holding Company To Whom It May Concern: F. I .G. Holding Company does hereby appoints Glenn E. Chilcote, A.I.A. to represent it with regard to an application for a variance and for a side-walk installation at 68th Parkway, Tigard, Oregon; This appoinment will expire at the earliest of either the completion of the side-walk installation at 68th ParkWay, Tigard, Oregon on January 14, 1983. F.I.G. Holding Compan Graham Ritchie, Vice-President • • i' l++ 1 E n ..i ..i.. ....r... ... .r i „ .,, .,,.., .. ,i,r_, rFw N x+•.0 .w, ...a i. ... .K... t i F.vnr a nr a r, , .. , , i _ . , ., ' 4 t *-1' C 7 , WASHINGTON COUNTY,OREGON GENERAL APPLICATION FORM CASE No. -� CITY OF TIGARD 9 12755 SW Ash, PO Box 23397 Tigard, Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 RECEIPT N6: �, 1. GENERAL INFORMATION • FOR STAFF USE ONLY: PROPERTY ADIIRESS 13333 S.W. 68th Parkway TigardOR 97223 Associated Cases: LEGAL DESCRIPTION NE 114 SE. 1 4 Se 1 " Ma. i 2S11 DA T if III 1 i 1 i ..,• INTERNAL PROCESSING: Ac epted for Pre-App. : SITE SIZE not applicable PROPERTY OWNER/DEED HOLDER* FIG HOLDING CO. A California Corp. By: ' ADDRESS 4680 Wilshire Bow yard PHONE 932-3279 ._._. Pre-A CITY Los Angeles, California ZIP 90010 Datep & 'me AMICANT* Glenn E. Chilcote A.I.A. . ADDRESS 15964 S.W. Boones Ferry Road PHONE 636_3668 • • ---- -.-y Accepted for 1=cis ion: CITY , Oswego, OR ZIP 97034 =--- B : , *Where the owner and the applicant are different people , the A /10d applicant must be the purchaser of record or a leasee in Hesr'. "' Date" possession with written authorization from the owner or an / ,, ( agent✓ of the owner with written authorization. The written Hearing •eset To: authorization must be submitted with this application. 2. REQUIRED LETTER OF AUTHORIZATION IS ATTACUED 0 YES 0 NO, Decision: filed & mailed 3. ` THIS : • . Accepted INVOLVES FO LLOtaxNG APP ;�-- APPLICATION INVOL ep for Appeal: Comprehensive Plan Amendment FEE FILED PAID from to By: . quasi-judicial legislative Date of Hearing: '' Zone Change fr'om to n quasi-judicial legislative DESCRIPTION: Planned Unit Development Comp. Plan Designation: concept plan- detailed plan Subdivision v---N 141'0 No. ..-... ,, Major Partition Minor P artition ,Z.,-oning Di s t, r 1C t Map Design Etevzew i Cond�ta.onal Use Zonin g Ma � N i Variance to Zoning Ordinance �' ce (Title 18) Quarter Section No. Variance to Su bdxvision Ord, (Title 17) - Sensitive Land Kermit STAFF` NOTES: Floodplains ' 1111111111 . Drainageways ' , Stee p Slopes Othe MOORWAVAIIIIIIIIIIIII at 68th, Parkway , g OR • ToTALt '77 ' . , . . .. I ,, . GENERAL ..APPLICATION FORM l'.'PACE_2 (L: CASE No..._ • • , 1 CITY OF TTGARD, 12755 SW Ash, PO Box 23397 ':., . Tigard , Oregon 97223 - (503)639-4171 . . , . 1 SUPPLEMENTAL . INFORMATION . (TO BE PROVIDED, BY APPLICANT) FOR STAFF USE ONLY Notice of Response ... , 4 . DISTRICTS • Not Applicable . A. . . eht L - ', ..„' • . 'es No Yes'• f 1 • • SCHOOL DISTRICT , . . ' . . .. , . . . • WATER DISTRICT , . . . . . FIRE DISTRICT . . . ' ______ • , PARK DISTRICT -,. UNIFIED SEWERAGE AGENCY - Sewer e:Available: YES I NO 111 H.H . , . . . . . ,. . OTHER ' . . . . , . . % • . . . . 5. PUBLIC UTILITIES Not applicable . '. ELECTRICITY . _____ . . . , NATURAL GAS . . . . TELEPHONE -, . , . . . ". OTHER : ' . . . .. . „ . .. . ' . . •., 1 . _ . . , 6. PUBLIC TRANSIT (TRI MET) Not applicable . NEAREST BUS ROUTE AND STOP • , • 7. , OTHER INTERESTED AGENCIES (SPECIFY) Not. opplicable . . . . . . . • . _.• ' . :. 8. OARACTER, OF THE AREA Not applicable EXISTING 40p pos PLAN DESIGNATION tONE VERIFIED BY STAPP • NORTH SOUTR .* .., . EAST . , , . . .. • WEST . . *.„ * l, PI' . . I , 'I :...7., ,.,.,„. ,:,. ,■■; , I minimmiiiii..,,,.” ■',...'''' ' 'inimiiimiiiiiiiiIiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirialig".".-'''iiiiiilliOiliiiiiiiiiiiiiikillie'llftiliimmill.'". „' , 1' ' CASE No. 'GEN 'RA , APPLICATION FORM - PAGE 3 ° 1. CITY OF TIGARD, 12755 SW Ash,, PO Box 23397 , '• ' Tigard, Oregon 97223 - (503)639-4171 z 9. CHANGES IN THE CHARACTER OF THE AREA WHICH AFFECT THIS APPLICATION. Please Discuss: 68th Parkway Street L.I.D. including landscaping and curbs, street paving and street , r•o lighting and fire hydrants, irrigation system, catch basins and other utilities installed and 'completed approximately 6 to 8 years ago. One item not completed is a sidewalk under a previous L.I.D. development for this section of street. The character. , of the area will not be changed, except for an addition of a 5' sidewalk for pedestrian use adjacent to the westerly and southerly side of said street. The change in no way • affects zoning, topography or uses of parcels as zoned.. 10. DESCRIPTION OF THE SITE Not applicable Lot Area (acres, square feet) '1.1. EXISTING STRUCTURES ON THE SITE None Square Distance From Proper.t 'Line • • Use Feet North South East West • r , Y . NATURAL CONDITIONS . 12. Percent Slope: t ' 1.e� 13. Vegetation Types: A'ver,,;e 1r, ame ter Percent Of Each See completed landscape Yes_ No S �,�Of„Tres Per Size plan drawings. tees y_..___.r r.d1iN WF'• . Brush: �.,,„„+.,:,,: 1 GtasS: 14 + Floo dp 1aa ns X of much of the site is in f foodP lain?, , . 1 15. Water Courseslat tYge? ' 16. sock Outcroppings X Y 7 NOW tnent: Please briefly describe the ptoposed developtti " 18. P��►posed Develop., • _ � .. • iettt: Addition of 5! meenderi sidewalk rsllelitid the.Westerl aiid s..u usl constructed street 68th Parkway to be constructed to City standards of preva�a y � Parkway y . c A SE. No. , , ' ■ ■ GENERAL` APPLICATION FORM - PAGE '4. ---- ' CITY.OF TIGARD, 12755 SW Ash, PO Box 23397 ‘... Tigard, Oregon 97223 - (503)639-4171 19. The following is Fl , is not 12 required.* 20. Overall Site Development • Residential Commercial Industrial Open Space Other goads Total I . , 1 .., t No. of acres 25.84 A. or square . , feet per use • r, Percent of '1000 L.F.X5 1 .site wide=5000s.f, . , 44% - 0 coy2L' m. • - . ,, . 21. type of Residential Use and Characteristics # of Bedrooms/Unit Type of Use 1i of Units manifflunjum Proposed Density. • - 1. 11111111111111 111 , . 111111111 . 22. Where applicable, please explain how the open space , common areas and recreational ' facilities will be maintained. Not Applicable „ . . , . , . ' . . , • , 23, If the project is to be completed La phases* please describe each phase of the project. Project will be completed ih one phase. • . . . . 1 • , . . \. ' . , • . .. Staff 'ii,ii11 itiaotify for yoti idhethet thia aection is to be cOmPietedg • • 410 OtF% 'GENERAL APPLICATION FORM - PAGE 5 • \. ,� CASE No. CITY OF TIGARD, 12755 SW Ash, PO Box 23397 Tigard, Oregon 97223 -= (503)639-4171 THE FOLLOWING{PEOPLE, AS REQUESTED BY THE APPLICANT, SHALL BE. NOTIFIED OF EACH HEARING. (e.g. Attorney, Surveyor, Engineer) Staff Notice Notice Repo:..t Decision of Review T---- Lame Farmers lngurancg Group , Attn. Harold _Gingrich ` A Street 4680_ Wilshire Boulevard City Loa Angeles State CA Zip.90010 Name Farmers Insurance Groin Attn. Doha. Hag man 1 , Street.,13333 S.W. 68th Parkwa ____y__T'iard g State. OR Zip g7�23 h �. Name Glenn. E. Chilcote AlA Street P.O. .BoX 14$8 Cit g State , Y Zip'p 703 , Lalfe OsWe `o - Name Street City State Zip I APPLICANT Glenn E. Chilcote A.I.A. OWNER Farmers Insurance Group • • • Y , rrrwrLrM � 1 f. . . , . .. 4 I . . . . . 1 z 1 % .,, 0, c k,,4,4 . o . . . . ' WASHINGTON COUNTY,OREGON VARIANCE APPLICATION ' ' • Title 18 . , . • ' . . . . Case No. , Name of Applicant: Glenn E. Chilcote A.I.A. ' . • , • de ' ' Legal Description: "NE 1/4 SE 1/4 Sec: 1T2S R1W.W.M. :,,, . . Assessor Map # 2S 1 ,1DA_ • Taxj Lot No. 1004 200,_31.14_401apart) TO FILE FOR A VARIANCE YOU WILL NEED TO: Parcel 1 & Parcel II 1 ' . g$e 1. Complete a °General Application Form". .,' Complete this form entitled "Variance Application Form". . 3. Attach a copy of a legal description of your property showing that . , you have access to a public road or a copy of an assessor's Map , showing ur property abuts a public road. )( 4. TirrigAzga. 16ROcopies of the County Tax Map or other survey ap showing the location of the property (copies of tax maps may be purchased from the city) . _A___ 5. &wen' (;) copies and one (1) P.M.T.4 or photo cay reduction 81"x11" . of each page of a site plan, drawn to scale, showing the arrangement. of the proposed development, and any adjacent existing buildings, streets, utility poles, draihage ways, floodplainsand sewer or water maihs attached. , • x 6. T44A4.oewcopies of the "Written Narrative" in support of your , . . application. is a photographic reduction of an original drawihg. , • , IT IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED THAT THE APPLICANT ATTEND THE PUBLIC HEARING & SPEAK IN SUPPORT OF YOUR APPLICATION & BE PREPARED TO ANSWER QUESTIONS WHICH ARISE. , . Notice of Final Decision will be sent to the applicant or the applicant's , agent. The Notice of Decision must be sighed by the applicant or the applicant's , agent and retUrned to the TigaPd Planning Director Within 10 days. No buildihg permits or giheering approvals will be issued uhless the signed acknowledgment „ is returned within t time limit, . WRITTEN• NARRATIVE You have the buPden of proVihg that each of the following cohditions are met . before f.ha hearings body can consider granbihg your reqUest, YOU mUst show . that:• 1 . ThEwe are exceptional or extraordinary cohditiohs applying to your property . that do not apply generally to other properties ih the same tohe or vicihiby, which conditions are a result of Iot sie or shape, topography, or other . , circumstance8 oVer Which you have ho cohtPol. Plea Se describe the conditions , 4 Which apply bb your property, 4, ii i Variance abblictiabh to coMplete 8,W, 68th ParkWay IMproVeMe ht District for streets aideWalks. All cohatrUctioh items have previously been completed as required . except or a aide Walk. Subject k has hot b eeh ihstalled 1b this date due to original cohceptUal planning allowing fora meander-type pedestrian welkwey. Aa all L fh three parcels or property bordering thin street. krarcels #1 ,2, ) have to date not t been developed and are not to be deVelobed ih the immediate future, it hdd been determined that to cmplete the L,I,O, improvement the aideWalk -@hoUAd be tompleted, ThiS'Veriance is to siloW a sidewalk to be lbcbted oh the westerly and southerly side of SaW, 8th Parkway, with ho sidewalk development oh the e' st ly nd ( v ) 1 . . . , • ,.ar aVarw4:a..+iV r,4.A.,,.. . ...A +...,elr,.».;w,,,µ♦'w..u. , ... ,..,. nN',k4 d I.f.,t,;kLWt.-«i. .51Ns w« , c, ..,.i , - - •_ .e v 1.... ..r , .,..,4_..t^. .._, northerly side of S. ,. 68th Parkway. This is in conformance with adjacent $ "existing sidewalk 4( lopment on.property to the nor 7 o f this property extending "ed' ro ert northerly to �'°� to the :intersection With Hampton S.treet e From subs cam-p p y y Hampton Street the sidewalk has been installed on the westerly side of the street *. only. We would adjoin this existing sidewalk as shown' on development plans. This will conform with approved requirements for 'S.W. 68th Parkway Improvements. 2. This variance request is necessary for the preservation of a property right of, the applicant which is substantially the same as is possessed by owners of other property in the same zone or vicinity. Please describe. Sidewalk construction as shown on the site plain along the westerly and southerly side of the street conforms with property adjacent to this property north of the . sine. 3. The granting of this request will carry out the purposes of the zoning. ordinance as follows: A. The granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the policy of promoting the most appropriate use of land. because: Precedence has been set for sidewalk location as earlier described. ' B. The granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the conser- vati.on and stabilization of the property values in the area because: The sidewalk will enhance adjacent properties. There Will be ho anticipated affect on property Values. C. The granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the provision of fire protection in the area because: JEirehydrants a�:e eisting as 'intalled 'and sidewalk will have no affect in this regard. D. The granting of the variance t be not will detrimental to the provision of adequate open space for light and air between structures becaUSe: Sidewalk Will not affect open space in any regard E. The granting of the flow of ' g g e varianc ` e Will not be detrimental, to the ' traffic in the area '=- it will not cause or increase congestion beCaUSe t Con'est�.on Will , g � `>�.�. be decreased. The edestraan walkway Will imprdV'e pedestrian circUlat±on 'along thie etteet« My • F. The granting of the variance will not be detrimental to development pattern in the area and will not, lead to undue concentrations of population because: • Undue concentration of population will not change with the addition of this sidewalk. Future development will take place under comprehensive plan requirements'. �' •,�. � G. The granting of this variance will hot be detrimental to the provision ' of community utilities and facilities such as water, sewerage, electrical distribution, transportation, schools, parks and other public requirement because: • There will be no change in this regard. • H. This request will not be injurious to other property in the zone in which this property is located or in the vicinity of this property because: • Sidewalk will enhance circulation and will not affect other properties: ' 4. ran The granting of this request will not be injurious to Other property in the zone in which this property is located or in the vicinity of this property because: • rNO other properties will be affected by the addition of this sidewalk as all parcels surrounding this sidewalk are within Farmers Insurance ownership. • 5. The granting of this request will not be detrimental to the objections of the city's comprehensive plan: Please describe how this proposal complies rel�ensa.ve With the comprehensive plan: Not applicable. 6. The. variance, requested is the mini provisions + 4 3 ,` 'tnutn variance y frotrc the� rove:' of the toning ordinance which alleviate the hardship. This cOndition re uir he sions o g .. Y .. . p r . . .... .,. q x es the • applicant to look at the applicable zoning ordinance standards and to eplain. why this is the minimum variance that can be requested. q ' � this required, Thai g ordinance . • Variance request is the tn�:nxmu�� s E are not Impacted by this Variance, r,mow•...w uo.we,vr.;»•..._.,< .,..x....,.,. h.K-,w..f,.. .,,y.,. 4xN,.rk ,i,.. ..,..•..a e- 'y a? ?'f'A�l r:. :' ,rs1 w. �..,, .ar r. � J:: , r u, .y k�1 � ".'j, M ,'. ,.w,• ...�•„ ,w,..,,..,•�•�;": ,4•: f n,` . ,., , ,,.. _ -.:,. .. ,, ...,^ .... �i�`%,,.,.,�^'�, Ma,�°i„��;.�'5 ':#a• w .h.t.."•,. ._,.., Fy�.• r +.,,v..... w. wY..-,d...,.,v« • ., .,,..;1✓„x r..y..i., w�.wa.Y^»�,r ti•,. - w. r ,n.,., k" „1 W g • r. � # Glann . i iieote ! ,.)ciatc r ATA h . VENDOR P.O. Bo a 1433 / ��. ADDRESS i d` P .�a'l 'i+�i� ars, $...Oro3on .7034 ,.,. CITY, STATE, ZIP CITYOFTIRD' , DATE P.O. # WASHINGTON COUNTY,OREGON CHECK ONE: I have received the following. Please make REQUISITION payment. (Forward to Accounting.) Received: Date Initials ElI have ordered the following. Please issue OTHER INFORMATION: a confirming purchase order. (Forward to • Administrative Secretary.) I have researched the following. Please issue a Purchase Order. (Forward to Administrative Secretary.) El I want to buy the following. Please research. Return price information to this office. (Forward to Administrative Secretary.) • ACCOUNT # QUANTITY DESCRIPTION (Please explain thoroughly) UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE • r e or.) , p'a i ". l ',71.111 1co pplit "t on Poo,. 1i287 100,00 • • • rH , ¢w_a. , TOTAL, AMOUNT DUE ,$ ,1.,00 ,$,A�{ ,h±. wz• phr `w{” P' •/"!' +L••� x'�gl'F' .y5 DEPARTMENT HEAD APPROVAL: DIRECTOR FINANCE ( for 6O0Accouo APPROVAL: eove 3 0 and all 700 adC ,, . ... ... ... . .. _. $23 ounts) DISrtIEDTION: 'bite Pur., doord. or Accounting Yellow- DepartttMth t Copy . . ,. . , . .■. I . , i . f ' 'S ',-- •,, itt' , /4 , 't2S.1 LBO M-4-8I basil (-,,, ' 2S1 110', LOU ( P 0 L IL0 - Donalr, A. & E. Howard Losli k. ;t r 1(14, JA.p.,,,, .4.) , ,...„.0, •-, 8q15 S.11„ Runziker Rd. City o ' Tigard ' . Ti ,gard, egon 97223 , g ii tr k #, . •, Gary Thorkon 200 . Mackenzie Ijig. KLOKKE .CORPORATION . , 0690 S.W. ii',i,.ncroft 900 S . 5th Suite 1514 Portland, ilegon 97201 Poetlad Oregon 97204 :. •• . , •! Linden Bowmal'o, • q• , . A. 500 Wilcox Buding .' • 506 S.W. 6th Portland, ORe 97204 Chris Vanderv4d V 7-82 2S1 IDA 100 thru 400 : . . 14345 S.W. 80 Place Glenn E. Chilcote , . Tigard, Orego ;, 97223 P.O. Box 1488 . Lake Oswego, Oregon 97034 ‘k; , . ,,,1 • . i ' *. . 231 1 lot' 120 Fame's Insurance Group Coe Manufactur g Company Attn. John Hageman P.O. Box 520 13333 S.W.68th Parkway . . ' Painesville, 040 44077 Tigard, Oregon 97223 ••, ': .. 4' Co 400..600 700 2200 • Coe ManufaCtUr i g u ., Earmez Insurance Group ' , f 7930 S.W. HUnz er Drive Attn. Harold Gingrich Tigard, Oregon ': 97223 4680 Wilshire Boulevard Los Angeles, Ca. 90010 i,. . ' :' 231 113B 200 ,, `giGefloldllagzOiampany Crow-Spieket-H4:ford # 67 • kfiaBx 7110 8.W. Fir lisop zzzx Tigard, Oregon 97223 • .,.. .1 . 281 18A 200 , 281 lAD 3100 Chriaten, Lou' & Bertha Portland Federal Emp. Credit Un. , Route 4 Box 2 :0 Mead Building Sherwood, Ore 97140 421 8.W, 5th • ,I' Portland, OR 97204 • I, 281 1130 100 *If 102 3200 KNEZ , AMPAO FOOD INC. '• 8185 8,W, Hur4,iker 6600 8,W, Hampton 8t. • Tisard, ORegfii 97223 Box 2350 Portland, Oregon 91223 .., . 101 -,' 5400 & 3500 & 3990 ' U8 NATURAL R80ORC8 INC LAMt-W28TON Ido, . P,O, Bot 2308 P,O, tok 23517 • • Portland) Ort),.n• 97223 Portland) Oregon 97223 . , ; 2501 NPO # 4 ' , Palmor 0, Laidig Co, Gordon Martin 8100 We Huntikar Rd, 12265 8,W, 72nd Tfoard. Otto 47W4 TiAatd, Orecton 91221 .. 4, • • " - 44 CITY OF TIGARD c A irr 4ifr • ' y A00.2q12 . .• P.O. BOX 23397 1 , • TIGARD, OR 97223 • tlib 4,44.1.4:00+W a, 44. 2S1 lAD 3100 Portla.nd Fede 1 CITY OF TIGARD ,Wleatr 44 72420ZZAtZ641446,1 40 114c. P.O. BOX 23397 AE 2 11' TIGARD, OR, 97223 .r4f."/VsiltA 4 U 200 taaoKKE CORPORATION 900 8.W. 5th Suite 1514 • Poetlatid, Oregon 97204 t4Z5`ro.97 r4,,LIVERBLE-"#4. ZS6t AS ADORESSO W d UNA8LE TO FORWAAO r g \o II • I 1 • • I 4 11; • • , . . , • . . . . , . . . • . . , • , . . . ,., ., • • . .. • • • . • • 4 e .' . • r, • •1' I • • . 0[4,,. 1 . 1. ''. .. ,!: •,1,;.OP i ., ,. .., SURVEY FOR', . ATE . . . D . --...,-----,---- ,, ..,, . , i: .. 1 A PART OF " 0.1 ET rarzsr LrAmo PAR..K. Aki D A PARr Or "Vil (R.KI,44 AC.RE, i/ . , ,, •' . .441 t „ . . . . , , , , ,...—.. —• . . .E.. I /LI OF 5ECTIL)Ni I . , W 1 LI.,..AM crt E N4EF.tto 1 AN - itzta 1 ST E PLE D OFtEtoiON.1 LAND SUKV YDR.S • ' , 1......0 C...AT"I 4.1 t.,,i : a S, K , I V■,1 , , . . , , MA.;-,I-11KIC170 NI z I 1 D A . . 1 La 55.77 1,..t.4.1. a A ki yow' ORIvE . 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