VAR4-82 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. 1111111 OREGON EOUCATION ASSOC. V 4-82 6900 SW Haines Rd. ' 151 360A lots ' 101 & .2300 # • • • • • .0•• • • 1 • • • • • Ji • • ti ■.1 ) ti:#4”."44.0,V41, , • I • ,, •4' % i ;;, :+■■•, ' -c,ro= rtei" 4,1 • • • ---,•••• • • • NORRIS, BEGGS & SIMPSON 720 S,W, WASHINGTON STREET, PORTLAND, OREGON 97205 1503) 223-7181 June 3, 1986 • Planning Department City of Tigard 13125 SW Hall Boulevard P.O. Box 23397 Tigard, OR 97223 Attention: Deborah A. Stuart Dear Deborah: This is in response to your letter of May 13, concerning the large "Plaza Sotthwest" sign at Haines Road and 1-5. It would be very much appreciated if further thought could be given to the , future of this sign before any final determination is made concerning it. He are some comments that may be of help: 1, We do not know at this time who may be responsible for that sign. / '44t, 2, It does not appear that a sign that large is not likely to be permitted . to remain, 3. The combination of the site we have listed, and the Oregon EdUdational Association property, will constitute one of the major developments in Tigard. These Sited lie below the freeway level and should have some appropriate identity, L'4, George HanSen, attorney for the 0.E.A. , tells me that the City of Tigard granted them a vat14nce fot a SUitable aign, visible from I-5. They did not build it when the dost turned out to be around $80,000.00. 5. My thought is that a sensible Solution may be to teduce the sie of the present sign and pkepare sole dignified copy preSenting the two major office parks, This WoUld, of course, have to be initiated by the two property owners, and would require a vatiance, 6, If suCh a long term use of the sign Would be permitted, We would like to stipekifiposs a short term teal estate sign on the billboard, to be used Until ou t site is at:ad, at which time the permanent sign would be temodeled, VANCOUVki1 6 laoRTLANca a AAN ORANcitoo sAN Jo a 6AckA0t,iro HONOLULU a TACOMA LArketrit a Ltab ANdeLkS ---, . , . . ... . . , . . , : ..., , . . . . . . .• . . . , . _ - • _ . . . . , _ • . , . • Deborah A. St t uar .•4 .. ., June 3, 1986 ., Page Two • •. . . . . , . . • . . . . . .. '/ • I would like to discuss this matter with you and other' City officials, to learn whether or not there is any support for a variance to help these • _ . property owners. ., . .. Yours very truly, . . . . 1 , • . , . - ' • NORRIS, r.EGGS & ;IMPS' .. . _ -------- . . . .. . , . .. . . . , .• .. ,. b t8ip . , .„.,.' Sttart.lb . , . . , , . , • cc: George Hansen ; .• , • prank Warren ... • • Dodds t Seve Ot . . ,. . . .'.. . , . . . . . , . , . • . . , . t • • • ,.. . _ • . , . . . , . . . . .i . . .. , . . . . . . . . , . ,1• . ;• : . . .. . • 94iran • • May 13, 1986 Mr, Lin Bowman Norris, Beggs and Simpson 720 SW Washington Portland, () 97205 Dear Lint . am writing in response to your inquiry about the 600 square foot Plaza ■ , Southwest advertising sign located on property zoned Commercial—Professional (C—P) near the Haines Road, 1-5 Interchange, (Tax Mop 181 361)A Tax Lot 100) , The above—mentioned sign is too large to be allowed in a Commercial—Professional zone, which permits a maximum of 80 square feet of sing area, Section 18,114,110 of the Tigard Community Development Code states that all non—conforming signs may be allowed to remain until March 20, 1088. • On that date, all non—conforming signs located in the City must be• removed or taken down. Because the sign is so lrct I believe the City would like to see the sign come down prior to March 20, 1088, howeVer) the decision to remove it earlier than •1988 will be yours, • Therefore, I respectfully request a letter from you or preferably from the current property owner upon whose land the in now stands. The letter must indicate that you willv1/411erely be maintaining or painting this sign through and up to March 20, 1988,eat that time the in will be removed by an identified • party, The sigh c.;ahriot be altered in any other way nor can it reCeiVe a new legal sigh permit, Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact mo, • • Sincerely, Deborah A, Stuart Assi •stant Planner DAO:bs74 ( BEFORE THE HEARINGS OFFICER FOR THE CITY OF TIGARD IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION FOR A ) No. f- gr ' VARIANCE FROM THE HEIGHT LIMIT ALLOWED FOR A FREESTANDING SIGN, LOCATED ON SW ) HAINES ROAD; Or n ego Educational Associa- V 4-82 tion, Applicant. The above-entitled matter came before the Hearings Officer at the regularly scheduled Meeting of May 27, 1982, at which time testimony and evidenc was heard; and The application was for a variance from the height limitation for a free-standing sign on property zoned commercial or industrial and fronting on arterial streets to allow a sign which measures approximately 54 feet from the base and approx- , imately 18 feet above grade from the elevation of Interstate-5 adjoining the subject property, on property more specifically described as Tax lots 101 and 2300# 1S1 36DA, City of Tigard, WaShington .lounty, Oregon; and The HearihgS Officer conducted a public hearing on May 27, 1982, at which time testimony, evidence and the plannii department staff report were receiVed; and The Hearings Officer adopts the Findings and CondlUSieths contained within the staff report, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference heir , and markied "Ekhibit Alt ; therefore IT 18 HEREBY OADtRED: mum ' ' Variance 4-82 is approved for a sign not to exceed 18 feet from center-line grade of Interstate-5 adjacent to the subject property, as measured from the nearest point of Interstate- 5 to the proposed sign, subject to the following additional • conditions: 1. The applicant shall apply for a sign permit for the design and cJonstruction of the sign. Structural calculations shall be submitted to and approved by the City of Tigard Building Department prior to issuance of the sign permit. 2. The applicant shall indemnify and hold the City harmless from any damage which may occur as a result of the con- . struction, placement or use of said sign. V? • DATED this / * / day of dune, 1982. HEARINGS OFFICER APPROVED: // / 16 / BETH BLO "T • Page 2 - V 4-82 1 CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN'THAT THE CITY OF TIGARD'S HEARINGS OFFICER, AT A MEETING ON T ur da , at _Lop_ P.M. , . IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM OF THE 'DURHAM WASTE TREATMENT PLANT, CORNER OF S.W. L . HALL BLVD. AND S.W. DURHAM ROAD, TIGARD, OREGON, WILL CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING APPLICATION: FILE No. V 4-82 NPO .11 4 APPLICANT: Oregon Education Assoc. OWNER: Same as applicant 6900 SW Haines Road Tigard, Oregon 97223 REQUEST: A Q request t q for a variance to the height limit allowed in Title • " 16 of the Tigard Municipal Code for a freestanding sign. The sign is t g o be placed on property located at 6900 S.W. Haines Road (Wash. Co. Talc Map 1S1 36DA, Tax Lots 101 and 2300) . See location map on the river se side) r ti THE PUBLIC HEARING ON THIS MATTER WILL BE CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RULES OF PROCEDURE OF THE HEARINGS OFFICER. TESTIMONY MAY BE SUBMITTED IN WRITING TO BE ENTERED INTO THE RECORD. PLEASE CONTACT THE PLANNING DIRECTOR • 1 FOR TIGARD, OREGON• TIGARD -� THE CORNER OF ASH AT: AT639 ��+�.'� R FURxHE � VENUE T 9722 A R IN�"ORNI,ATION� ARD CITY HALL �S LOC AND BURHAM STREET. 12T5a SW ASH , , • • ,.. ••- t. .. .i.lc .1 j y uY,..:3:1.h in dt.,(Yx:V1,dYllidtld.ISx%..3uA.p n'u'kFnw. Mb erk. tas El L r 'air TM N AII al illy 443 Ian w a a MIL ma".111r1 L as • MM M a MI NM NM M M M a 444,p "1"30 an'� rsr t Jf a 7 1'1%M V lb�' Ni,1'Wl �r ......i .. ...I w.l•—'y.i7 'ww 3301+ 13.014 Y,L0V1:,4 AIN2,104.sa r 9 5Z io ° 411 1111 l.n 0 .. r r-� Ida"va N TII 'ti a ,01 s 1 Y tf G ,n.3.q,r.a�.•,,, y4� p 4 - b15 w 1 W 4 Illato 'U ` � Y T ' 1 a ..s r-' ^,iii '.• i`it I. .. .I �. "11 4h.d' � = 17— , I � I 1' 01 .-7.-- .T^..1 wrsr.�r +1+.ice..}r • 4-- —,.1"n1 j E—. y.., L-a s 1"i ........4474.7 4.4.. 4 I i 1 3 dill "� r',.y,.,y. 1 .n 1 r , • * r 1 M G-1-1 , � �"'''' -.4.1-1, ; ; , 1 .J L 1 .. J F. 1 , . r . . .,....-,.......,_,,. ..J 44_, n, . ..,,i 1,.,.. .: 1 r. I I- 1 4334.?"T--1 '""T_t.„.,— r1 f--,.,.t,,.T...T''' ^""...," i YYf?,_"'1 r-r- ( , ,7 n _,__4_,,„i ; . ^^rt"-. » i T T .T. .� w± ♦,7 r "3 t --r Y--� r-- —i n pp,1 Er" „1: ! 1LLI I b • a • ' , ''' T 413a1s{ ' {�rYlNV1 an `2:171 1 (*,1 V j t_,_ aa� is l hod 7! "(4�`s 1 �»_,- gym» a...-.r ° M s 7-70-57,97- - ' M i 1 T,, _ r.- , t...., .. , , , I w .M,.^; May 21, 1982 STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM 2. 1 • CITY OF TIGARD HEARINGS OFFICER ' May 27, 1982 - 7:00 p.m. ' Durham Waste Treatment Plant Corner of SW Hall and SW Durham A. FACTS General Information: Case: Variance (V 4-82) NPO #4 Request: The applicant is, requesting a, variance to the height limit allowed in Title 16 of the Tigard Municipal Code to replace and relocate a freestanding sign, See Attachment A Recommendation: Based on information presented by the applicant, specific site characteristics and applicable Tigard Municipal Code Provisions, staff recommends the Hearings Officer approve the sign variance request with conditions on page 5 of, the .• Staff Report. Applicant: Oregon Educational Association Owner: Same 6900 SW Haines Road Tigard, Oregon 97223 Location: 6900 SW Haines Road (Washington County Tai: Map 1S1 36DA) taK Lots 101 & 2300) r Lot Area Tax lot 101 is 778 acres tart lot 2300 is 975 acres Present Zoning Designation: CP (Commercial Professional) Y , « Public Notices Mailed: Notic es we re na.aled to wen'' t y e (27) surrounding p r op rt y owners, No respons e has b een ! .. received, NPO Comment; See Attachment B. r.. Vicinity lnformationt The surrounding land uses ihdlude the Interstate 5 freeway to the eas t, some residentia l and vacant commercial p ro p erty to the south and West and highway , p y commercial: development to the north, The property is bordered by SW Haines Road on the south and SW 72nd on the west Site In rorma tion! The Oregon duca Lion Association property encompasses approximately 25,4 acres on three separate tax lots bordered by SW 72nd on the west and 1-5 on the east,r The Plata Southwest office complex, oonsistirig or 2 office buildingsis developed on tax lots 101 and 2300, Currentlyf there is tl sign oriented towards 1-5 identifying the protect, The existing sin is located appro<ima tely STAFF HEPOHT •; V 4-82 ;..n Page 2 100-feet east of 1-5 and 50-feet north of Haines Road. The existing sign is 38-feet in height and is at the 360' elevation. The existing in has to be removed due to the construction of the new Haines Road overpass proposed by the State Highway Division. In addition, the property owners would like to change the name of the office development from Plaza Southwest to O.C.A. • Plaza. The property involved is characterized by a steep grade downward from 1-5 and Haines Road to the western portion of the site. The existing office com- plex is at the 290' elevation. The grade at 1-5 is 360' in elevation. Haines Road is 380' elevation, In addition, cm September 22, 1980, the Tigard City Council approved a variance to allow construction of a four story office building not to exceed 75-feet in height. To date, that office building has not been constructed. The applicant's narrative addresses several points to be considered in review of this variance: The applicant contends that the location of the new sign will be 36-feet below the grade of 1-5 and 56-feet below the grade of Haines Road. Approval of the request would permit a sign of which 18-feet would be above the grade of 1-5. The maximum sign height allowed Within 10-feet of a property line facing an arterial street is 20-feet. The proposed • sigh will be located 250-feet from 1-5 and 200-feet from Haines. A portion of tax lot 100, owned by PGE, lies between the OEA property and I-5• The applicant also con- tends that other signs in the area are over the height limit. The City of Tigard Code Enforcement Officer measured two signs in the area -- Landmark Ford and All- state height , Both signs are approximately 45-feet in a ns B, APPLICABLE GOALS AND POLICIES 1. LCDC Goals and Guidelines: a. Citizen Involvement - The intent of this goal iS to insure the opportunity of citizen input to the planning process. Sn the case of Within . . this wi application) all property owners of records thin 250=-feet of the site 1' have been notified by U,S, mail of the date) time and place of this hearing on this application and any interested parties Will be heard, In addition) Neighborhood Planning Organization Number 4 (NPO #4) has been r: notified of this application, ri b and de �Planning The intent of framework f this goal is to establish a planning process �. policy framework to assure ah adequate factual basis for all land use decisions, In the Case of this application) all applicable LCDC goals and guidelines) NPO ##4 policies and Tigard Municipal Code sections have been considered in review of this application. 2, NPO #4 Plan Policies Policy 27: "Building height in the office park portion of the triangle STAFF REPORT V 4-82 Page 3 shall not exceed the following standards: A. Between the Interstate 5 freeway and 68th Avenue, building heights up to 75-feet will be permitted. 3. Applicable sections from the Tigard Municipal Code are as follows: "Section 16.34.020 Variance Granting. The Planning Commission may grant a variance from the provisions of this title (Sign Regulations) based on findings that due to practical difficulties, undue hardships or incon- sistencies with the objectives of this• title, the strict or literal ' interpretation and enforcement of a specific requirement hereunder shall be waived or modified." "Section 16.36.040 Commercial and Industrial Zones. b. No signs shall be permitted in a CP commercial-professional zone except those specified in Title 18 for such zone." Section 18.40.070 Sighs. •. ; a• There shall be not more than one square foot of sign area for each one hundred square feet of floor area within the building or buildings to be identified: No sign shall exceed fifteen square feet in size unless approved under paragraphs (c) or (f) of this section: b. No sign shall project above the roof line or extend over a public sidewalk or right-of-way; All faces of signs shall be parallel to the, face of the building Upon Which the sign is located and to • which the sigh pertains. c. Signs may be painted or otherwise applied directly to a wall providing such sigh is an integral at of building design and approval is obtained for such sign from the design review board. d. The sign may be lighted with indirect lighting. No neon (exposed tubing) , plastic (interior illumination) , blinker, flashing or animated sighs shall be permitted. e. No billboatids or incidentiai U8e .a .gns 1 shall be permitted. f`. Freestanding sighs designating, a particular project ,Pite or building may be permitted in lieu of building-mounted sighs atb j,ect to specific approval by the design review board. v" !t Sighs insaepla.nned development.. district (under provisions of Chapter 18?r56) specific purpose of site identification, building ideht .ficabio ten.. ......• ,. .. an identification dentification and traffic direction may be permitted ih such planned development, diatr ict as appi-roved in the general plan (Section • 18.56.030) subject to design review board approval,, providing that an integrated sign. theMe is carried out compatible With the oVe"rail develop- meta, and eohsiStent With the apprioved general plan and program. (0111) 75-37 §4(part) , 1975! Ord. 70-46 §4, E .h1bi t A(pat^t) , 1970! Ord. 70-3 §l56.7's 1970) ..._... ,. .....,.___ _ .._..max.. _...w_..... STAFF REPORT .. U 4--82 k ' Page 4+ Section 16.36.040 Freestanding Signs. Freestanding signs shall be permitted only in commercial and industrial zones. Where freestanding; signs are permitted, the size, height, orientation, location, and design : . shall be controlled by the criteria set forth . . . 1. One multifaced freestanding sign identifying the principal goods, products, facilities or services available on the premises shall be permitted on any premise. 2. Freestanding signs shall be permitted on properties zoned eom- mercial or industrial and fronting on arterial streets subject to the following conditions and limitations: A. Area Limit. The maximum square footage of sign allowable shall be seventy square feet per face or a total of one hundred forty square feet for all sign faces. If the sign is moved back from the property line which parallels the street is facing, the sign area may be increased at the rate of one square foot per lineal foot, measured from the property line to the portion of the sign nearest the property line. If the property line is more than fifteen feet from the edge of the road pavement, the measurement shall be made from that portion of the sign nearest the pavement to a point fifteen feet from the pavement edge. The maximum allowable area Under this provision shall be ninety square feet per face or a total ' of one hundred eighty square feet for all in faces. •r B. Height. No freestanding sign located at the right-of--way p, edge shall exceed twenty feet. Height may increase one foot for each ten feet of setback from the property line (or fifteen feet from pavement edge, whichever is less) to a maximum of twenty-two feet. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION AND CONDITIONS Staff recommends approval of V 4-82 for height and location of the OEA sign only based on findings as follows: 1. Staff finds that there are practical difficulties involved in this case which allow the height requirement of Title 16 (Sign Regulations) to be waived:, .. ... � , . . ch that any, sign to notw.. .. Visible. � ht to identify the would be .. The topography of the site is su ' viewed from or Haines Road at the lega�, height . The existing sigh must be moved to allow construction of the Haines Road Inter- changer The replacement sign will not be approved at the location of the existing sign: Staff recommends the following' condJtions be attached to approval of V /1-12: l: The applicant shall apply for a sign permit for the design and construction of the sig n, Str uctura1 Calculations be submitted to and approved;!dy the • City of Tigard building Department pe,i0i4 to issuance of the sign permit, . . . - . . . . . . . , , • .., . . . - .4.,..., ,. . . .. .. , . . . . -1 . , . STAFF REPUHT • . . ,. . . . . V 4-82 ( ....„. 4.. N, • Page 5. , .. ;..r. 2. The applicant shall assume liability for any damage. the sign May do to surrounding property or structures should the sign fall. .. .' . •„, . :._ . . , .. . ' . _ . , ..„, ,.-...,.,..: . • . , Prepared by ' ' Approved birtZ",;%5:2;7,-g4.'445:4047161g;?..41,4,,e..e' , .. • Elizab-th A. Newton Frank A. Currie .• . , . _ Asso. ate Planner Director of Planning . . . • . , . . . ••,'. :... - .... , . •. , . . .. . . , . , . , . _ . _ , •, . , .. 4,.... . , . -• . . . ,.. . . . , . . ,,. • . .. . , . , ,.. , . r .• . .. - i . II. 1•• ..,-.. . .. .. 1.:' . 1 . , ' IC . , .. , _ . • . . . . • , , T: . , i• • 1 .. . , . •4 , •,, • . . ._ . , : ','''• . _ 3 . . . . • ,. it! I" F 116741 WASHINGTON COUNTY,OREGON • NOTICE OF FINAL DECISION . e • 1. The final decision was filed by Hearings Officer , Concerning V 4-82 on May 27, 1982 Case Number Date 2. Name of Owner: Or-. .. . . 3. Name of Applicant: Same Address 6900 SW Hains Road City Tigard State OR 4. Location of Property: Address 6900 SW Haines Road Legal Description Washington County tax map 1S1 36DA, tax lots 100&2300 5. Nature of Application: Request a variance to the height limit allowed in Title 16 of the Tigar. unicipa ode to replace and relocate a freestanding, sign. ° 6. Action : r---1 Approval as requested xxi Approval with conditions Denial ,Notice: *Notice Was published in the newspaper & was mailed to • ixx I The applicant & owners • [XXJ Owners of record Withih the reqtAPed distance The affected Neighborhood Plahhihg Organization * * 1111 Affected governmentel agenc_es If there are qUestiohs regarding the names of the per8ohs or agencies Who Veceived notice, this information is aVailable at the Planning Department. 8. Fihal Decisioh: The adopted fihdihgs of fact, decision, and btatement of cohditioh cah be obtained from the Plahhihg Director, City of Tigard, City Hall, 12755 8W Ash, P.O. BoX 23397, Tigard, Oregon 97223. /n the case Of a decisioh Oh An application POP a Variahce, the applicant must acknowledge this foPm and PetuPh it to the City of Tigard, Plahnihg birectoP, before ay bUildihg permita Will be issued or ehgiheeeihg apppoval giVeh. SighatUhe of Applic4ht oP Applicahtts Agent Date ■ • 9. Appeal: An appeal has been filed I has not been filed. • Note: Any party to the decision may appeal this decision. Please see the appeals procedure on the reverse side of this notice. 10. Questions: If you have any questions, please call the City of Tigard Planning Department, &3-3= . • t • r A r 1 III i 1 • • • • � • I M � II 4 1 • i • .... ..r'." ..,.,., .r.,,r i. n,,.,, ,, ,. .. ,..,.. ...r.r.4/A�ww .r.w+tr.n✓I'r^Jm"`ny.s rw+Iw.w-�....,.Y4w. _ r. . . , . , . . , . . .. ., . . .■ , .. . . ., . . . , ..,. ./7;g471C2 /91 '2'"* ear'l-'574: : . . . . . . . . . ' . R Ct.7 'ED • MAY 2 .. , • ,. ;• . CITY . . . 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Cii " 'q' 4 I ; \ i i ti g R' i ,,.. ,... , . • , i 77-7-7 Tr'''''''''-'•-.7"-'—''"'":•*'-'1196Atioilek.'7717'7 . . . , !, Ioetotiowtogv01,,be considered 4t.thoT)gAto 4 dliklilt§,:Offioet pa•41Y. ,,.71;.1 • • '.1:68of 7f60-01f,Td(tiothhi-dvieAthiehtPlhd4Wit i.OeS,W,t,bothow000is,w 1, OoliMigoltdiAorege*Vibitrek:,1,itiiiiiiiitiditthOleie:'b(61604ft0-614t.:'0itliii0gi ...„ •";blitotot."at i '705 S.W. A$h.Aitefitte.Tigard,ofegel,•;.67224;0e ih.60 1 tig:'6$9"• , , . . , . 4111, , - , !',,, , ,i , , ., 1, , .. ' 1 ' . • +'liLgt4314:04..g4:41007.10:M,Sr4 ,- ''. 1' I 1,,,,,v..MdAYACt y 4-82 (Oregon PiirlOctitiOli Agsooihttoti).106.04. ' •',. • .,' t I; '..-4,••fe4tidif Oy;:ithe,.(Vegoh-td06alloh Mktiatioir for a Vatiahed to the height 1 . • Whiff allowed in Title 1,3"of the Tigardf Mittifelphl•Codoftif q.,fireeithhdthg':,olgo,'• ' • the'sign is to be wooed on property'bootee at 600.0•Ote4,11altiet Road (Wash .„ , l'..1 Co.Tax Map 181 3615A'to-t,§lot and:241o),. . • ''..w•, " .• '' •,, .,• ' 1 '! 2.VARIANCE V 642,(Belknap,thtthtileo,NPO.itt)• ' •') , ' '- ,, h i A request by .t1elkhdo7lhditottleo for a vAiltinai:to the requirement lit .. • ;')Section 11,00,030 of the Tigard Municipal'Ced6.,thM,tatitivewo$i:000t.patho . . . „ ),/4hail, he concrete for property already improved at 7455 S'AV,',„ Tech Center f , I ,i/Drive(Wash.eo,Ted Map 2S1 1DC lot 71)0 and$00),,, —: .' ' .•' • ,- 'H. - --':'I. I 1 j If ' I i$4 CONbITIONAL.USE CU.6,0,;(t'hOgt4)',..NPO# • ' -,;':., '-',• A requott,'by John Olson for'a•todilithindl,Wo Petiritt.tO;lbehlO,h'Aehuty . ';8Oho-61 1,4•0 '04 General Commercial Zone,-.0ii property located at 8$4• ••:,yv;.,.... .. , i; I . . Center!Street'(Whh,Co,,tiiit'MO'0•4g1.3$1)15 of 4960), '',. .,' .. '„ ''. "' ' „ : f „ I' . 4,•CONDITIONAL USE.•'.60'11)",ilt,'(Sdhdititheue'Adithitteg').'14P-6•02 A•feohoOl by'$thoolliougo Atilltitietloeh Conditional Use Peiiiit(td.41160* . biit§i(fe display and sales of rieHhhiifloe Incidental to hd,ektOting..oetthittea . fge,ii ad,3 General Commercial iodee The property to located h(li$1$ S.W. Pacific Co. Hwy, (Wash. ,Tax Map f$1'.aribb lot'906),• .,,, • "' ! ',,, •'` '' ,'' '‘ - ' i. .. .. '.$,-eONPitibNAL08t 011:.8.8 "(81tipliet'O).•t■ltid#4. -: . , ' , _ , '•, ;,. . A request by.Skipper's hid,for h'cohditlohattle,to construct restaurant io- , . a C- Highway;Commercial • tfid Cd property eeotei on the$ilitik0.0f$"A :; ' Pfhtfle and the WOO side of$,W.,,•113tti(Wash i C31 Tax Mali igt 3de.0 161160, •., , AlliJottodO.are tovited,to opoo,obit speak on tidy•litibild,!behtidg iteifiO' et: ;,• forth. / . • • II!' ., . ‘,t0361.---:Publish Moy,'at 1604' ' ',' '' ' '''',' ,' ' ' ''' ', l' P i GEORGE I. HANSEN, P. G. ATTOUN EY AT LAW l000 5.W.THiRD AVENUE • TELEPHONE 503 224.5445 PORTLAND,OREGON 07204 April 13, 1982 Ms . Liz Newton • Planning Department City of Tigard City Hall • Tigard, Oregon Re: Relocation of 0EA Site Sign Variance - Sign Dear Liz: Enclosed is the follow-up material requested as a result • of our January 22 and February 9, 1982 applications for a sign permit. Enclosed herewith please find: 1. application for sign permit; 2. variance information a. general application form; b. 13 copies-variance application form with written narrative. 3. copy of legal description; 4f seven copies and one PMT of site pian; 5. one copy county tax map. If any other information is desired, please advise. Very! routs , 4' 6off I.e7a sett GIH/blp Efte. cc Robert CrUmpton i7 r � #1 SIGN LOCATION Beginning at a 5/8" rod on the northerly R/W of S.W. Haines St. , that is the S.E. corner survey for O.E.A. dated October 6, 1981 in the S.E. 1/4 of Section. 36, T 1 S, R 1 W, W.M. ; thence N 13° 28' 37" E 170' to the true point of beginning; t,. thence N 76° 31' 23" W 35. 00 feet; thence N. 13° 28 ' 37" E 35. 00 feet; thence S 76° 31' 23" E. 35. 00 feet; thence S 13° 28 ' 37" W. 35. 00 feet to the true point beginning . Sign is located 170 feet North of the S.E. corner of the OEA property and approximately 100 feet West of existing sign. d . . A #2 •,4 { SIGN DIMENSIONS The existing sign, which is to be replaced, has a single face 20' x 30' and is 34 ' high and is illuminated. The permit for this sign was issued November 5, 1968 by the City of Tigard. The applicant proposes to move the sign, to a new location approximately 170 ' further back from Haines Road and 100 ' further back from the freeway. The existing sign will be removed on or before the erection of the new sign: o ZONE MAP AMENDMENT - COMPREHENSIVE PLAN REVISION CONDITIONAL USE irf L- dq , TIGARD PLANNING DEPARTMENTko39-4171 FEE RECEIVED 12420 SW Main Street RECEIPT ' Tigard, Oregon 97223 DATE RECEIVED RECEIVED BY The "contact person" named in this application will receive all major correspondence from the Tigard Planning Department and that person is responsible for providing same to owner, architects, etc. • In this case , the "contact person" is : NAME George I. Hansen PHONE (Bus . )224-5 (Res ) ADDRESS 1000 S.W. Third Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97204 TStreet - City - Trb--) Signature Date March 19 ACTION REQUESTED Height variance oft tapilgliaphy=pr street level-reouest that sign be allowed18 feet above street level ' , 4 , APPLICANT'S NAMEOregon Education Associa tioRHoNE (Bus . )639-7651 (Res-) ---- ADDRESS 6900 S.W. Haines Road , —TStreet - City - Wig) PROPERTY OWNER' S NAME Oregon Education AssociationPHONE (Bus . ).113.9.za5 (Res . ), 690.0 8.W. Haines Road PHONE (Bus. )_639-'7651 (Res.) ADDRESS TigardOre cn 97223 —TStreet - City - zip PROPERTY OWNER RECOGNITION OF APPLICATION Oregon Education Association . (UT4EITITe of one PROPERTY INVOLVED: TAX MAP 4 _,.„1„&,A TAX LOT(S) ,101 64 2300 , ADDRESS AREA l\WASUREMENT17 ACtes ' EXISTINO BUILDINO (it and type) , Ttoo-Off.tt,p CURRENT ZONING C-p APPLICANT'S PROPOSED ZONING G-1" CURRENT USE Office APPLICANT'S PROPOSED USE Office APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTEb UNLESS POLL COMPLETED 020381VMC • .i,.,_..,..._.........__._.._..,.. ....:......:..._..__......._.. >. tea. ■ OP 1 C CITYOFTQARD� . WASHINGTON COUNTY,OREGON VARIANCE APPLICATION Title 18 Case No. I Name of Applicant: Oregon Education Association • Legal Description: Assessor Map /f 15 136_QA Tax Lot No. 101 & 2300 TO FILE FOR A VARIANCE YOU WILL NEED TO: x 1. Complete a "General Application Form". x 2. Complete this form entitled "Variance Application Form". x 3. Attach a copy of a legal description of your property showing that you have access to a public road or a copy of an assessor's map showing that your property abuts a public road. • x 4. Thirteen (13) copies of the County Tax Map or other survey map showing the location of the property (copies of tax maps may be purchased from the city) . x 5. Seven (7) copies a1d one (1) P.M.T.* or photo copy reduction 8i"x11" of each page of a site plan, drawn to scale, showing the arrangement of the proposed development, and any adja6eht existing buildings, streets, utility poles, drainage ways, floodplains and sewer or water maids attached. x 6. Thirteen copies of the "Written Narrative" in support of your application. 'A R.M.T. is a photographic reduction of an original drawing, IT IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED THAT THE APPLICANT ATTEND THE PUBLIC HEARING & SPEAK IN SUPPORT OF YOUR APPLICATION & BE PREPARED TO ANSWER QUESTIONS WHICH ARISE, !, Notice of Final Decision will be sent to the applicant or the applicant's I ` agent. The Notice of Decision must be signed by the applicant OP the applicant's agent and returned to the Tigard Planning Director within 10 days: No building permits or engineering approvals will be issued unless the signed ackhowledgment is returned within the time limit. i WRITTEN NARRATXVE You have the burden of proving that each of the followingcohditiohs are met before the hearings body can consider granting your tecuest You must show 1] that t 1 There a re exceptional or extraord�.h � �a,t�otheapat property -, y properties, .. y 1yl.hg to your ropy, � . � same zone or vicihit� which dcohditrionsy are nar result ooftlot ite or shap e, topography, or other circumstances over which you have no cbntrol. Please describe the conditions which apply to your property: PRESENT SIGN OR..DzNAN cE 16 .56 .n4o DID NOT CONSIDER • CHANGES IN TOPOfl.APHh ORDINANCE INANCE PROV'I�Eu THAT NO GLOCArIONDFOR. SIGN IS FEET BELOW RADE 1THE O PRO- POSED S EXCEED j HEIGHT, Or 1_-5 AND 56„ FEET BELOW GRADE ( F` LIAtNES ROAD 111 THIS REQUEST IS TO ALLOW THE LOCATION 017' 18 FEET ABOVE THE GRADE CF 1-5J WHICH 18 4 PEET Less THAN ALLOWED 1 Y THE ORDINANCE, • • • ■ • 2. This variance request is necessary Cor the preservation of a property right of the applicant which is substantially the same as is possessed by owners of other property in the same zone or vicinity. Please describe. EXISTING SIGN HAS TO BE REMOVED DUE TO CONSTRUCTION OF NEW OVERPASS . OTHER COMMERCIAL PROPERTY OWNERS IN THE AREA . INSURANCE COMPANY, RESTAURANT AND AUTOMOBILE AGENCY HAVE SIGNS WHICH ARE 22 FEET ABOVE THE GRADE OF THE ROAD. 3. The granting of this request will carry out the purposes of the zoning ordinance as follows: A. The granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the policy , of promoting the most appropriate use of land because: THERE ARE NO NEIGHBORS IN THE AREA THAT HAVE A VIEW OF THE SIGN FROM THEIR PROPERTY. B. The granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the conser- . ; vationand stabilization of the property ValUes in thearea because: SAME AS ABOVE, AND THAT TESIGN WILL BE REPLACING A MUCH LARGER OLD SIGN WHICH HAS 320 SQUARE FEET. THE NEW SIGN HAS 84 SQUARE FEET. • C. The granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the provision of fire protection ih the aPea because: • THE SIGN WILL BE CONSTRUCTED OF CONCRETE AND METAL AND WILL NOT BE A FIRE HAZARD. b. The granting of the variance Will hot be detrimental to the piloVisioh of adequate open pace for light and airs between stPuctuPes becau8e: , #1 THE SIGN WILL ONLY AFFECT APPLICANTS PROPERTY AND IS SCREENED BY LARGE TREES. E. The granting of the Variance Will not be detrimental to the flow of • tPaffic ih the area -- it Will Mob cause oP ihdt'eeee tongestIon becau8et S WILL ittpLAct EXIsTINO LARG1 ION, NEW sIGN TO BE to GATED AT' A GREATER DISTANCE FROM IA IS ROAD AND 1 - S THAN Exl8TING SIGN aN 4 k F. The granting of the variance will not be detrimental to development pattern in the area and will not lead to undue concentrations of population because: NO EFFECT DUE TO NATURE OF CONSTRUCTION, G. The granting of this variance will not be detrimental to the provision of community utilities and facilities such as water, sewerage, electrical distribution, transportation, schools, parks and other public requirement because: NO EFFECT. N. This request will not be injurious to other property in the zone in which this property is located or in the vicinity of this property because: • THE REQUEST IS MERELY TO CORRECT A DISCREPANCY EXISTING IN THE EXISTING SIGN ORDINANCE. 4. The granting of this request will not be injurious to other property in the zone in which this property is located or in the vicinity of this property because: REQUEST LOGICAL, i SCREENED BY TALL TREES AND THE EXTENT ION OF Q � THE EXISTING ORDINANCE: 5. The granting of this request will not be detrimental to the objections of the city#s comprehensive plan. please describe how this proposal complies With the comprehensive plan, COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ALLOWS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDING UP To 75 FEET IN HEIGHT ON THIS SITE, � EXCEED r SHOULD �E i ALLOWED THAT DOES NOT EXCEED I HEIGHT . T._,... T�� IT WOULD APPEA TI-lA�, A SIGN SHO I OF THE BUILDING. i. q � .�: The variance re nested is the ma:i�xmurn variance from the provisions of the zoning ordinance Which alleviate the hardship. This condition requires the applicant to look ab the applicable zoning ordinance standards and to ekplain why this is the minimum variance that can be requested THE REQUESTED y.. . ' RE.... Vii, NT Q � �1AE.IANCE WILL PLAG ALLOW �:I� L1� ONSTRUCTION; AS U ING SIGN: THE C . F { REQUESTED REQUIRES ONLY AN INTERPRETATION 1 THE EXISTING zoNI� RPRETAT�ON 0� THE NG LAW, • . , /7 C ITLIPic t. .% NPO #4 NPO #4 has reviewed the OEA request for a variance to the height allowed for a freestanding sign. They do not support approval of the variance because they feel approval would set a precedent for signs exceeding the height re- quirement. NPO #4 was also concerned that the sign plan submitted exceeded the square footage requirement. The NPO would also like to see ground lighting for signs -- no interior illumination. . . .--.....7.---, "".1.7. 111•11.----- - -,_ .,. . e .., ., . . ,, .. ,. . . . ,1 ' . , , oie.trzceA1 . oic.,,,g, 776t.A) - - ("417c),/0 . . . I . , . '1'• , 4, .■ ,a.. Z;44,,g„,e-ea.--1-=e-C.... . , . 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'If 11.rf.,`, ,,''rt 1.,A• •'. 4.404#?•o,,. •—. -.,,,41c, • i.. , ppm•4' .•,•,,,i A,,, . , ,,. , .„..4. ,e.;',„,,,.,-',..,Ari• ,,,,,,.,.:,,,„- ••••,..,..', :P..-'......,....A.,. 4,,,;.4..,,,,,, -, -, ..,,. ,,; -.,.,,,,• ogo,,,, .,-low „...,„,, ...1-0, ,,' .. - . ,.. „.,,, .„ .. ,,,,,,,,t: , , ,,,,,....,ff .r.', ,•lied"!'.".fit . .:", ,''L ',".e.t.':ii' .-'6,:,,,,,1-'0,..., l'''''• ..-'''• '• ..,''';H'i''''',..i; ',, ,,!-Tte A'''‘'.‘F•s'''l',''' /t'', ,.., '.;.•';',. ''''''....•:"'.•: ',,,:'0`..V '4" • ) . ,',''''' ;1;f7'' ,i,'.".'''''' '''''''' ''''.` '''' '••••••''' ''''''. .'-' ' I '1'', 4 ii:•,•••0,`;.;: **".„1,,i:', ,..' V;'44,1 4‘ -3,--41titii,i. p., . •AV., 4110,..,"'•.',..'"•"....'' ''. ' ' P I , " 1 Steve' teve Dod or • ds ' ' Bowman Lin . • For !Details Cail, S.. ... . „ . . , . . (503) 223-7181 L , , i • ,Iftlilt 11151 II WO I'1.1.111 ri.II ..,,......,............„,._ • .. 1 ' Thi,m,„„mtni,„,„„1„0„,ih,,,oth,,,b,,,,,,,,,,,,,n,„, ., /.. •,/drivI.re do Hot however gultatptice 115 111-1-Iime.v , ... .. , . . . , 1 ' .-—' ' Itit)bitil%WatiA,tYlitiqd%1',N6 NOj e , . , ,........_.-..........- . , . , . . . .,.,.. .,..,.,.., . ,, •„,,.,. , . f ,. - ,.., ' '.• .. 'n,' General Description The site lies on the west side of Interstate 5, with over 1,000 feet of frontage on the freeway. It is wounded on the south by S.W. Haines Street and on the west by S.W. 68th Parkway. (68th, Parkway is the main north/south arterial through the area known as the "Golden Triangle," running from Farmers Insurance at the south to Highway 99 at the north. ) There is excellent four- way freeway access. The attractive Oregon Education Association headquarters, in a park-like setting, is directly across S.W. 68th Parkway. Topography The property lies below the level of Interstate 5. It slopes generally to the northwest. A topographical survey and architectural renditions indicate the feasibility of constructing one or more sizable office buildings with adequate parking. Suitable buildings could provide major identity from the freeway. Legal Description Tax Lots 4101 (7.78 acres) and #102 ( .22 acre) are owned by the sellers. Tax Lot 4100 (6.48 acres) is owned by others but is subject to a perpetual easement to the sellers giving them the right to develop landscaping and automobile parking on the property. (There is a provision for future power line construction on Tax tot 4100. ) The site is in the City of Tigard, Washington County, Oregon. Metes and bounds descriptions are available. Zone CP (Commercial-Professional) Access There is direct access to the new Haines four-way interchange on I=5. south• directly to the four-way 72nd tv the Parkway, the main arterial, y • ,• � S.W.. 68th Park y �.al, connects directly to Highway o north h and to Hampton Street on the Avenue • interchange on Highway 217. • r Utilities All utilities are, or will be provided to the site by the sellers. Phone service iS by General Telephone Company. Encumbrance There is a Local Improvement District assessment in the starting amount of $111,354. This is for construction of 68th Parkway, now being built. , . the,,Pro ert P The owner property ...... parcel:: The pos S `b Dividing r prefers to sell the entire minor ° a�t`it.�.ono has not been ruled �.lrty .; of dividing the site through a m` p out, however. pricx and ,Terms Pride iS $2,4000000. Terms are cash, or as seller may accept FOR DETAILS CALL LII 80Wt At OR STEVE DODDS (5O3) 223-1181 • fyhaiie.lbb • .. ..—..•w.. ..,..,.t.«..,. wH..,..... a.i.,.u... .... • * :• • ._, ., .. 'I, ",:tl"....,._.,. u.,,..w.w:,r.,' ._ x a.. 4./.,,ten,.k Ut.;: R -- tq. - _ '��- • _ - - _ .. .Iii... • 2/71.3113 Er, -fi,}f..Y✓ may` - iv. ` - -X, ` ELEY.R C4Cr.f M-bw,1 c.errY 1 - a- S. '`';R_��Nj'''46 11 -.K'a '.'. - - .�-.��. aa..w.xsi •2artl....cop •..'.T.('Tit,:: �:4•:-.�__ X41 i �. 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'`..- . a ,. .. .. , I . lr 18-1-36DA 100 A.S 1 36AD 6300 1S1 36DD 100 1200 PGE St. Clair Shirley 621 SW Alder 11565 SW 66th Ave. 11600 SW 69th Portland, OR 97205 Tigard, OR 97223 Tigard, OR 97223 D. 200 200 1300' White Leiser Pollock 10995 S.W. 69th 6009 Pendleton Court 10211 SW Barbur Blvd. #202 Tigard, OR 97223 Portland, OR 97221 Portland, OR 97214 600 301, 400, 500 1400 Louie Mattson . King 3710 S.E. 49th 11580 SW 67th 7429 SE 118th Dr. Portland, OR 97206 Tigard, OR 97223 Portland, OR 97266 900 600 1500, 1702 U-Haul of Oregon Johnson .: 11552 S.W. Pacific Hwy. Tigard Water District Tigard, OR 97223 8841 SW Commercial �' 61 5 SW Bonita g ' Tigard, OR 97223 Lake Grove. OR 97034 901 700 1600 Lawrence Harris 11564 S.W. Pacific Hwy. a . `` 11855nSW Lesser Rd. 11540 SW 70th Tigard, OR 97223 Portland, OR 97219 Tigard, OR 97223 2100 800, 801. 1.700 Beach � Southwood .. . . o �� Park Baptist Church 1.530 S.W. Pacific Hwy. 10585 SW 67th wood P 6907 SW P Sorenson Tigard, OR 97223 1,anden Lane Tigard, OR 97223 Beaverton, OR 97005 2200 900 1701 Gorger S.W. 72nd Avenue Green " Law 13225 Greene y .. . SW Haines Tigard OR 97223 s Rd. 6945 SW Baylor St.' Tigard, OR 97223 Portland, OR 97223 2400, 6500 1000 Lee, General. Contractor Inc. Luce ,. 1)orothy 5210 SB 26th Aver c/o HOSELTON 0. Box L Portland, OR 97202 ande, OR 97850 6390 1100 Reidt 15penter c/o PGB 1 .. C 621. SW Alder Tigard, OR 97223 1.570 SW 69th Portland, OR 97205 lS 56DP 100 St. la"r 1165 . • . IllifITIMM1011111.11111111M2111.111.11.116 • . • ••' . ' . • • •. . ., .. . . .. , . I . . . • . 1 , g i. ,a0.*,,,/-:.+H.- 11, . , . , ';.-)•' ., : '',,',' ' ' :7": . .... . . . . . • . .. t ., . . ,. . . . . . . , A., , . . . • (.1 ' ,... *., 4 P.bil t .4.',;. , , 1-,.---.—, ,,,,, •+$11...kk Ali 4.,,• . 4 n r, Cr''OF"‘TIGARD "•,• :- ' ' • '' ''' . 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