Cityscape 2011-05 City of Tigard's Official Newsletter
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Mayor's Corner Tigard Tests Emergency Plan
For three years Metro and Washington, Tigard,along with other 0 Put new tools and equipment into
Multnomah and Clackamas Counties have Washington County jurisdictions,will practice.
been engaged in a state-mandated Urban and be staging a severe weather emergency Implement Tigard's Emergency
exercise from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Response Plan.
Rural Reserve process to determine how much p
the Urban Growth Boundaryshould row in Wednesday,May 10.
g 0 Communicate and coordinate with
the next 50ears and where expansion will Some residents
Y p fellow emergency responders.
happen. How will the decision impact Tigard may be affected
and what is our plan for dealing with it? by the"practice" Q Effectively manage resources such
Tigard's challenge is finding a way to
emergency. Citizens as equipment and.personnel.
accommodate the population growth we can expect to see - __ -^_ City facilities will remain open
expect over the next 20 or 30 years within our increased activity - during the exercise and city services will
existing footprint.Tigard is effectively land- from public works,law enforcement and not be interrupted.
locked,so under the current plan we couldn't emergency personnel throughout the The city participates in one or
expand outward even if we wanted to. How city.As a test of the city's emergency two emergency exercises every year.
1' e city notification system,residents may These exercises help the and other
do we meet future growth needs while
preserving our existing single-family home receive a phone call alerting them of the jurisdictions assess their ability to
neighborhoods? emergency exercise. effectively respond to emergencies.
Our solution identifies specific areas The exercise will measure the city's For more information contact
to allow and encourage greater urban ability to: Emergency Management Coordinator
density without adversely affecting existing R1 Respond to a severe weather Mike Lueck at 503-718-2593 or mikel@
neighborhoods.These include downtown,the disaster. tigard-orgov.
Tigard Triangle,the Pacific Hwy.corridor and
the Washington Square Regional Center.
Map Your Neighborhood for Emergency Response
Accommodating this density will require
improved transportation systems (like Tigard is offering free Map Your A neighborhood gathering site and
improving Pacific Hwy. and considering high Neighborhood(MYN) training to help care center.
neighbors prepare for disasters.The We'll bring the training to you!
capacity transit)in order to be functional. g g
training identifies: The city has several trained volunteers
Planning for this kind of development . How to secureour home and
Y who will come to your neighborhood,
allows us to create a new and different
typeprotect your neighborhood provide MYN training and help you
of living environment in those areas;one that immediately following a disaster. establish an emergency action plan.
I believe will become more important as we • Neighbors who have emergency
move forward in the 21 st century. response skills and equipment. To learn more about MYN training,
Next month in this column I'll tell • Shut-off sites for natural gas, or vide your name,address and phone
schedule a presentation,please
you why. propane tanks and water service. provide
• Neighbors who may require special number Coordinator
assistance,like children and the or ke Lueck at 503-718-
Craig E Dirksen,Mayor elderly. 2593 or mikel@tigard-orgov.
ACity of Tigard
Transforming the Tigard Triangle
Tigard and Metro give Town Center Designation Shop n'Talk!
The Tigard Triangle encompasses 470 With the Tigard Triangle earning Do you have questions or
acres within an area bordered by Pacific Town Center status,the city gains some comments about projects around
Hwy. (99W),Interstate 5,and Highway flexibility in dealing with transportation Tigard?Bring them to the city
217.Twenty years ago,planners designated issues.The next important action will occur booth at the Tigard Area Farmers
it for a mix of office,commercial and early in 2012 with adoption of the Pacific Market on the third Sunday of each
medium-density residential use.The city Hwy.High Capacity Transit Land-Use month(between May and October)
was optimistic that the Triangle's easy Plan.The plan will guide future decisions from 9 2 p.m. Chat with city
access to major transportation routes regarding transit station area locations in staff about the latest construction,
would spur growth. However,development the Triangle,and other areas in the Pacific planning and parks projects as well
expectations have been frustrated by Hwy. corridor. as the city's Neighborhood Network
limitations imposed by traffic congestion. The ultimate goal is to transform program.The Farmers Market is
The Tigard Triangle still represents the Tigard Triangle and the Pacific Hwy. located at the corner of Pacific Hwy.
a significant economic development corridor into a great place to live,work and Warner Ave.,just west of
opportunity for the city and the region. shop and entertain. Hwy.217.
It has the potential to become a major For more information contact Sr.
regional employment center with higher Planner Darren Wyss at 503-718-2442 or Schedule of featured
intensity urban land uses;but not without Barren@tigard-orgov. departments and topics:
significant transportation and associated * May 15:Parks
land use solutions. ale June 19:Downtown,high
• . ■ . ■ ■ ■ ■ . . ■ . . ■ . ■ ■ . . ■ ■ ■ ■ • capacity transit planning and
upcoming construction projects
Where Would You Put High Capacity Stations in Tigard? * July 17: High capacity transit
Tigard is working to bring high rail and bus rapid transit. planning and parks
capacity transit(HCT) to town.We invite A Transportation and Growth * August 21:Urban forestry
you to join local residents,city staff and Management code revisions and high capacity
project partners grant from the transit planning
for an interactive INTERACTIVE WORKSHOP state will fund * September 18:Neighborhood
workshop on land the first phase of networks and arks
use alternatives work—developing * October 16: Construction
and transportation Wednesday,May 25,6-8:30 p.m. a HCT land use
Tigard Library Community Room projects and urban forestry code
improvements. plan. The plan will revisions
(13500 SW Hall Blvd.)
Let the project identify potential
We're looking forward to
planners know the locations and land
meeting you.For more information,
types of changes you believe will ultimately use features for six to ten station areas.
contact Assoc.Planner Marissa
help our community usher in a new era for Figuring out a HCT route and alignment
Daniels at 503-718-2428 or mari.rra@
high capacity transit. will be determined after the station area
locations are identified.This ilong-term
e . s a
Traffic congestion continues to be a
primary concern for residents and HCT project and it may be 10-15 years before
is a logical solution to the problem.HCT residents could expect to see an operational
vehicles make fewer stops,travel at higher HCT line. J
speeds,have more frequent service and For more information,visit www..tigard-
carry more people than local bus service. orgov/hct or contact Judith Gray at 503-718- •� % ��
HCT options include light rail,commuter 2557 or judith@tigard-orgov.
Ron 0 im
Paget www.tigard-orgov•503-639-4171 CITYSCAPE
Cityscape Newsletter
Bulky Waste A Day in the Life of ...
Disposal Coupons Public Works Director Dennis Koellermeier
Available As the public works director,many The public works team is comprised of
Spring cleaning?
of the programs I manage are a part of 69 dedicated professionals.We are a diverse
Disposing of bulky waste your everyday life. And if the public works group that includes a business manager,
just got a little easier on
department does its job well,you probably land surveyor,engineers,certified water and
the pocketbook.Tigard never even give the services we provide a sewer system operators,mechanics,park
residents are eligible to second thought. On a good day: and facility maintenance staff and utility and
receive a$20 coupon * 59,000 people turn on their faucets and administrative workers.
to offset disposal costs have high-quality,safe drinking water. Not only do I work on current issues
at Waste Management's * Everyone's toilet flushes—without a facing the city,but I also spend a good deal
Tualatin Valley Waste major incident! of my time planning for Tigard's future.
Recovery Station located On an average day,I might tour a city
at 3205 SE Minter Bridge * Traffic flows smoothly and safely on construction project,speak to a community
well-maintained city streets. organization or ea operate hequipment.
Road in Hillsboro. g P �'Y e ment.q P
* Our park system is accessible and (Okay,mostly I get to watch someone else
Accepted items include: continues to expand and improve. operate equipment,but a guy can dream!) On
* Furniture * Citizens are prepared for emergencies. the not-so-exciting side,I sometimes spend
entire days going from one meeting to the
* Appliances * City facilities,vehicles and equipment are next.
* Box springs/mattresses in good order. I am proud to be part of an exceptional
* Passenger car tires * Garbage and recyclables are collected and department and contribute to the city's vision
disposed of properly. for the future.
* Automobile batteries * Tigard is a place that people want to call
Not accepted: home.
* Food waste
* Household hazardous Increasing Tigard's Tree Canopy
and/or medical waste
WHERE WE ARE: or preserving required canopy are
The city has a limited Tigard has 25 percent tree proposed and include utilizing"green"
number of coupons which canopy citywide. building techniques or paying into an
are available on a first- * WHERE WE WANT TO BE' urban forestry fund.
come,first-served basis. Tigard wants 40 percent The 40 percent figure is
Coupons are valid during citywide by theyear2047. recommended by the American Forests
the month of May. The city's Urban Organization anization for cities in the Pacific
For more information, Forestry Master Plan calls Northwest because tree canopy relates
or to request a coupon, for 40 percent tree canopy citywide by 2047. directly to environmental quality(air,
contact Environmental Residents serving on the Urban Forestry water,wildlife) and can be readily mapped and
Program Coordinator Code Revisions Citizen Advisory Committee monitored over time. Many cities throughout
Jennifer Joe at 503-718- are working with staff to set canopy the nation have surpassed the 40 percent
2599 orjennifer@tigard-orgov. requirements for future development projects. goal,including the cities of Lake Oswego
For more information These goals could be met through planting (47 percent) and Durham(54 percent). West
concerning acceptable new trees or preserving existing trees.In Linn is approaching the goal with 39 percent
materials or pricing,contact the current proposal,the preservation of tree canopy.
Waste Management at existing trees will receive double canopy If you have questions or comments
503-640-9427. credit to incentivize preservation and reward about the current canopy proposal,contact
the incorporation of mature trees in new Associate Planner/Arborist Todd Prager at
development.Alternatives to planting todd@tigard-orgov or 503-718-2700.
May2011•503-639-4171 Page
City of Tigard
RULES of the ROAD: A SAFETY SUCCESS STORY Growth in Building Permit
Activity Continues
For over twenty-five years, safety-belt"blitzes"by state and local Over the last year,building
Oregon has required drivers and law enforcement,along with funds permit activity continued to grow in
passengers to use safety belts.The for advertising and other educational Tigard. Commercial development
law was toughened in 1990 and today, efforts. in the Tigard Triangle on Pacific
violations are subject to a base fine of While the scale of the program Hwy. and tenant improvements at
$142.Under the current law,Oregon has diminished the campaign's success, Washington Square contributed to
has achieved a compliance rate of the Three Flags Campaign will continue. the increase.However,office and
97 percent;the third-highest in the The Tigard Police Department has commercial space vacancy rates
nation.The national compliance rate scheduled its next blitz for the first remain relatively high and most
was 84 percent in 2010. two weeks in May,with another to businesses are choosing to remodel
Not surprisingly,in recent years follow in September. instead of building new space.
the number of citations for safety-belt Nearly all drivers and passengers Residential subdivision activity
violations has declined in our court cited for violations admit that they is still very low due to little demand
and across Oregon.More importantly, were fully aware of the law. Some for new homes on more than 300
the rate of injuries resulting from believed they were still in compli- vacant,developable residential lots in
collisions has declined by 49 percent ance by simply wearing the shoulder Tigard.Future housing development
since 1990;fatality rates have dropped strap under their arms. However,the activity in Tigard is partly dependent
by 44 percent. law requires that safety belts be worn on working though this existing
What contributed to this success? "properly. A shoulder belt worn inventory.
I believe the multi-jurisdictional Three under the arm provides little protec-
Flags Campaign deserves much of the tion in a collision.The lap belt should
credit.It focuses on expanding safety- be worn low,at the hip,to avoid injury Building permits for new
belt usage in Oregon,Washington to the soft tissue of the lower abdo- single-family homes are
and British Columbia through two men.To get the full benefit, seatbelts
parallel approaches: education and should be worn as intended. on the rise.
enforcement.Its original focus [For more information: www..tigard-
was the Interstate 5 corridor from orgov/police/public safety/safety.asp]
Vancouver, Ashland,OR, Building permits for new
but the program quickly grew to BY JUDGE MICHAEL J. 01BRIEN single-family homes are on the
encompass the whole region. Federal TiGARD MUNICIPAL CouRT rise.In 2009, (the lowest point of
grants provide dedicated funding for the economic downturn) only 49
building permits were issued.In
2010,that number rose to 107 and
based on permits to date,2011 looks
Celebrate Bike to Work Month! to improve on that figure by about
May is Bike to Work Month!Warm 20 percent.
weather and longer days make this the Many forecasters believe it may
perfect time to start pedaling to work. take three to five years before the
The benefits of biking to workti development and real estate sectors
include saving money on gas and fully recover;however,it is positive
maintenance for your car,reduced traffic Scout the best routes and brush up on news that the broader construction
congestion and air pollution and getting safety tips using the Bike Tigard map (find and development industry has been
the doctor-recommended 30 minutes of it online at www.tigard-orgov/BikeTigara). able to sustain moderate growth over
physical activity per day. And most importantly,have fun! the last year.For more information,
If you live far from your worksite, For more information on Bike to contact Building Official Mark
consider combining bike and transit.The Work events, safety and benefits,visit the VanDomelen at 503-718-2448 or
Tigard Transit Center has bike lockers and Westside Transportation Alliance website markv@tigard-orgov.
racks. at
Page•503-639-4171 CITYSCAPE
Cityscape Newsletter
JNF Mrs4 • buo*.ALXam
Woodward Garden Clean Up Plant Sale Calling
* Volunteers are needed on Sunday, Monday through Friday between All Tigard
May 1,for a Woodward Garden 8 a.m. and 4 purchase Students
clean-up. A great way to kick off beautiful fuchsia and geranium
the start of spring! hanging baskets.All proceeds Grades 4-121
• Lookingfor another way to support benefit the school's outdoor
y pp learning lab and the flowers will Mayor Craig Dirksen serves as the
the children's garden program?Visit g city's recognized civic leader.If you
the Woodward Gardenlant sale brighten any yard.
P were Mayor of Tigard,how would you
Mary Woodward Elementary School and Woodward Garden is located at 12325 SW serve the city's 47,595 residents?Are
Katherine Street. If you have questions, call Nancy at 5034314700. your Council partners,city residents
and outside agencies involved?Are
your plans related to a service the
Have some fun and share neighborhood news! city provides (parks,transportation,
Did you know that each of the (Area 8) Solo in Southview! community planning,water,public safety)
or something new?Winning work will be
city's 13 Neighborhood Network areas Another picturesque area in need chosen based on creativity,proper use of
has its own blog?Incredible volunteers of a part-time web administrator is ry'pro p
just like you are sharing the news you Southview grammar,clarity/sincerity of thought and Ron is looking for a partner subject relevancy.
might not know about in the in bringing residents the news about
place you call home.A few events and opportunities in and Enter the 2011 "If I Were Mayor"
(listed below)are seeking around the area bordered by Contest! One local winner in each
to share blog duties00
o � Pacific Hwy.,McDonald St., category will take home a$50 Visa gift
with another resident o o qr�9 g0 Hall Blvd. and the north card and be honored at the June 14 City
`°a°n$ "°Ra Council meeting.Winning entries will
in the area.Log onto o
=``� o0 op
C,,,�, side of Durham Rd. g' nng
your neighborhood - be forwarded to the Oregon Mayors
This is a great Association for a statewide contest and
page—don't be shy— opportunity for someone
we want you to share a chance to win one of three new laptop
to learn about and help blog
your ideas,news or questions! computers.
for their neighborhood! If you are
interested or know of someone that Mayor Dirksen and City Council will
(Area 4) Managing near Metzger! may be interested please contact Joanne select one winner in each category:
Area 4 is bordered by Hall at 503-718-2476 or joanne@tigard-orgov. 1. Elementary School Poster
Blvd.,Pacific Hwy.and the Portland
city limits.It's home to beautiful, 2. Middle School Essay and
(Area 13)Waiting in West Tigard
established neighborhoods and serves This area is in need of a web 3• High School Video or
as the city's gateway to the southwest PowerPoint presentation.
administrator—or a team if you like!
corridor.Ed,the current web Have a regular gathering of friends at * Entries must be received at Tigard
administrator,is looking for a partner the local coffee shop?Why not take City Hall by 5 p.m. on May 31,2011.
in maintaining the area blog—are you over duties as your neighborhood's * Entry forms and additional
that resident? There's a lot of things to resource for all the things that affect information is available in the City
love about this distinctive area. Share West Tigard.We're looking for g g a Hall lobby and on the web at
news and
resident who lives in the city limits www.tigard-orgov/mayor.
happenings bordered by Bull Mountain Rd. Gaarde
with your 1ZSt.,Lauren Ln. and the Sunrise area, If you have questions,contact
neighbors. the western-most border of Tigard. Joanne Bengtson at 503-718-2479 or
May2011•503-639-4171 Pages
it City of Tigard
Library Weaves New Web Trail Count Info Revealed
Take a look at the Tigard Library's Library"and"May We Recommend" The annual trail count and survey
new website (www..tigard--orgov/library). features under the Books,Movies and is helping city volunteers and staff
It's gotten a facelift to make it a vivid, Music menu.The"How Do I"feature develop Tigard's first Greenway Trail
user-friendly website designed to get you on the homepage provides quick System Master Plan.The annual
where you need to go with a minimum answers to frequently asked questions. survey is used to gather valuable data
of clicks. To learn more about any of the about the city's greenway trail system,
Looking for a book,movie or CD? programs or services featured in the including the number and type of
Just type title,author or subject in the colorful rotating images,just click users who are out there enjoying our
big"Search for Books,Movies&Music" on them.Take a test drive and let us trails. For example:
box at the top of the page. know what you think by contacting WHERE? The most popular trail
Need ideas on what to read next? hope you find it is the Tualatin River Trail between
Click on the colorful"New at the bookmark-worthy. Cook Park and Ki-a-Kuts Pedestrian
Bridge.More than 100 people an hour
use this trail during peak times.The
second most popular trail is the Fanno
Library Gets Thumbs Up Tigard's Downtown Revival creek Trail,with a user flow of 75
on Annual Survey How can businesses,property people an hour using the northern
The Tigard Library received high owners and residents collaborate to portion at peak times.
marks for its programs and revitalize Tigard's historic downtown? WHo? Walkers account for two-
services in the 2011 That's the question consultant Michele thirds of overall weekday trail use and
patron survey. Of Reeves is exploring with stakeholders. cyclists for one-third.
the 3,100 completed Reeves has created a buzz on Main Street Trail users are somewhat more
surveys,patrons using her background in retail leasing likely to be male (56 percent) than
f who used children's and development. She is presenting a
series f well-attended workshops that female(44 percent) and about one-
services,the reference l'
investigateowewaeworsos to tell downtown's fourth use the trail to commute or run
�. desk and the check-outy errands. Others indicated recreation-
desk ranked them as "story"and how to market the district to oriented usage. Cyclists account for
"excellent"or"good." customers and new businesses.
almost all of the"transportation"
More than 96 percent of A recent field trip took stakeholders usage.Few walkers commute or run
computer users ranked the availability of to a neighboring commercial district errands.
public computers"excellent"or"good." to talk with business and property
The words "great library,""staff," owners who successfully tackled similar A recent survey of residents
"books"and"love"appeared most often issues.Working with stakeholders,she who live within walking distance
of potential trail alignments along
in the general comments. will suggest detailed and achievable Krueger Creek,Pathfinder—Genesis
This year,the survey asked patrons solutions to build on what is successful and Summer Creek Trails revealed:
to rate their experience using free online in downtown and address what needs
access to over 175 full-text magazines, improvement. 62 percent of survey respondents
newspapers,audio books,reference By bringing together public and favor completing the Krueger
books and more.Results showed that private sectors to discuss common issues, Creek Trail.
72 percent of respondents were either Tigard hopes to further the goals of the 64 percent of Pathfinder-Genesis
unaware or didn't use the service. voter-approved urban renewal plan.The respondents support improving
The library has conducted the annual city has made significant investments existing trail segments.
survey for more than 15 years.Your in downtown street improvements 68 percent of Summer Creek
input has provided important feedback and hopes to encourage more private residents support closing gaps in
affecting open hours,children's programs, investment in the district. that trail.
parking issues and more. Complete For more information,contact For more information on trail
results are located online at wwu).tigard- Redevelopment Project Manager related data,contact Duane Roberts at
orgov/survey. Sean Farrelly at 503-718-2420 or 503-718-2444 or duan@tigard-orgov.
Page•503-639-4171 CITYSCAPE
Cityscape Newsletter ift
Information for Seniors—
Shelf Arw Lmife Wednesday IMar18,2ag0-4 p.m.
News from the Tigard Library 13500 SW Hall Blvd. 2nd Floor Conference Room
Seniors can learn how to use reverse
Discovering Labyrinths: World Labyrinth Day: mortgages as a tool to retain their personal
Patterns with Purpose Waik as One at 1 �- independence
` and help
Friday,May 6,7-8:30 p.m.,Community Room Saturday,May 7,12:30-2 p.m.,Community Room " determine
On Friday,May 6,Kay Kinneavy from the Labyrinth Society whether to
will discuss the history and significance of labyrinths.A 30' stay in their
labyrinth,modeled after the one at the Chartres Cathedral homes.
in France,will be assembled for those who want to walk it
that evening. Otaku Teens
On Saturday,May 7,celebrate World Labyrinth Day with a Thursday,May 26,5-7:30 p.m.,Grades 6-12
"Walk as One at 1"event. It offers another opportunity to Join us to find out just how much trouble
walk the labyrinth from 12:30-2 p.m.and discover why groups the Tsubasa—a legendary object that grants
have used them for centuries for relaxation and fun. its beholder any wish—can cause. Sign
up ahead of time to get your free copy
of Tsubasa,then come to the meeting to
Genealogy Workshop Vietnam Vacations discuss the manga and watch the anime
Thursday,May 12 Tuesday,May 24,7-8:30 p.m. that goes with it. Registration required—
Two sessions: 4:30-6 p.m.and 6:30-8 p.m. Community Room please stop by the Children's Desk or call
Technology Room 503-718-2656.
Learn about exploring the culture,food
Volunteers from the Tualatin Family and scenery of this beautiful country.
History Center will present two free A local travel agent will describe unique Alterna–T �]
genealogy workshops.They will instruct outings,such as cruises through the Thursday,May 19,5-7 p.m.
participants about exploring family roots Mekong Delta. Puett Room,Grades 6-12
using AncestryPlus and Heritage Quest Bring your old,boring
genealogy databases available at the t-shirts or use ours and
library. International Day of Families turn them into edgy new fashions and
Sunday,May 15,1:30-2:30 p.m.
"""""""""""""""""""""""' Puett Room,All Ages accessories.
ChlCamdrlmba Celebrate your loved ones and Van Oodles
Friday,May 13,7-8 p.m.,Community Room get excited for the 2011 Summer Tuesday,May 10,7-8 p.m.
An eight-woman marimba ensemble's Reading Program,"One World, Community Room,All Ages
upbeat world music blends African Many Stories,"with stories and crafts Family musician and entertainer Van
and Latin American rhythms,as well from around the world. Oodles will play infectious,original tunes
as contemporary favorites for all ages. from his brand-new CD,Flossophy 101,to
Sponsored by Friends of the Tigard Library.
be released May 7. Sing along and bop
your head as Van Oodles brings quirky
"ago ��O characters to life with beat-boxing,funny
accents,pitch-shifting,lots of audience
chicaman a Sing,Sign&Story Time participation and more.
Mondays,May 2,9,16&23 1:15-2 p.m.
Puett Room I Ages 3-6
Summer Reading Program
Sing songs,learn sign language,listen
to stories and play signing games with registration for kids, teens and adults
local children's author and sign language begins June 1
educator Dawn Prochovnic.
May2011•503-639-4171 Page
Library Board Recruitment City of Tigard PRSRT STD13125 SW Hall Blvd. US Postage
The city is seeking volunteers to fill Tigard,OR 97223 PAID
openings on the Library Bd.F503-639-4171
yoarour- Portland,OR
year terms begin in July and meetings Permit No 2528
are held on the second Thursday of
each month at 7 p.m.This group is
responsible for advising City Council
on library policies,budget,facilities and
other needs. POSTAL CUSTOMER
To apply,complete a Citizen
Committee Interest Application,available at City Hall or
online at zvavzvtigard-orgov/volunteer.Return the completed
application to Tigard City Hall by 5 p.m.,Friday,May 27.For
more information,contact Library Director Margaret Barnes
at 503-718-2501 or margarel@tigard-orgov.
Budget Committee Meeting: Monday,May 2 (if needed)
Help is Available @ 6:30 p.m.,Public Works Auditorium
(8777 SW Burnham St.)
Healthy Kids is a new program that provides free or
low-cost health care coverage for Oregon kids who don't Regular Council Meetings: Tuesdays,May 10, 17,24
have health insurance.Kids with current health conditions @ 6:30 p.m.,Tigard Town Hall (13125 SW Hall Blvd.)
can enroll.Even if you think you would not qualify,or just
have questions,please contact the Tigard-Tualatin Family All meetings are open to the public. Council agendas are
Resource Center at 503-603-1585. available online at ivavav tigard-orgov/council or contact
Carol Krager at 503-718-2419 or
"Tails"from the Ash Avenue Dog Park Save the Date
After a one-year hiatus for the Burnham Street The Festival of Balloons
reconstruction project,the Ash Avenue Dog Park is slated will take place at Cook Park
to re-open this summer.New park features include: from Friday,June 24
• A shelter,benches and bicycle rack through Sunday,June 26.
• Dog-friendly wood fiber surface This year's
attractions include
�Ik Recycled concrete manhole rings—for exploring a carnival,soccer
Two drinking fountains,one for dogs and one for tournament, safety safari,
their human companions festival of cars,scenic
�Ik A hose for washing paws and shoes helicopter tours,music and
of course,hot air balloons.
ADA-friendly parking and shelter
The Ash Avenue Dog Park grand re-opening For more info, visit
celebration will take place this summer.Watch the
Burnham Street web page (wzvavtigard-orgov/burnham)for
details.For more information on the city's dog parks,visit