Cityscape 2009-05 City of Tigard's Official Newsletter
Tigard's Transportation System Plan
Mayor's Corner Work continues on the city's Citizens will be able to
In March,l had a unique opportunity to Transportation System Plan (TSP) review and discuss consultant
travel to Washington,DC to meet with Oregon's update.The TSP update began on findings at a public forum in June.
legislative delegation as part of Metro's Joint Policy January 1,2009 and will result in Additional public forums will give
Advisory Committee for Transportation QPACT). a 20-year plan for providing the the community time to review,
community with: discuss,and comment on draft
Although the timing was just after the passage
of the Stimulus Package,our purpose was to ■ A blueprint for investing in materials.An open house will be
discuss activity after the package. transportation;
held near the end of the project
for community review of the final
In the coming year,Congress will consider a ■ A way to prepare for future draft plan.
federal transportation funding bill for the coming growth in Tigard and the
decade.The citizens of our region pay millions region;and For more information,visit
www.ti or
of dollars in federal taxes,and it is reasonable to ■ Answers to existing and future contact Darren Wyss at darren@
expect that an appropriate amount of that money transportation needs related to tigard-orgov or 503-718-2442.
should return to us as funding for much-needed bicycles,pedestrians,transit,
highway and transit projects throughout the metro vehicles,freight,and rail.
One of our messages emphasized the need for Tigard Receives Two Bicycle-Related Grants
dependable,on-going funding for preservation and The city has been awarded Bicycle safety and gear give-
upgrades to our existing highway infrastructure two grants aimed at promoting a-way events will be coordinated
the very definition of "sustainability." bicycle use and safety. by the Tigard Police Department
Another point expressed the need for a A Metro Travel Options Bicycle Safety Unit in partnership
national program of improvements to create the Grant will be used to with the Washington
balanced transportation system we need to support produce a city County Bicycle
a healthy economy in the 21 st century,including color-coded Transportation
funding for"Mega Projects"like the Columbia bicycle route Coalition.Police
River Crossing. map which will officers will
Even though we were successful in be distributed emphasize the
communicating our message to all our Senators at no charge. importance of
and Congressmen,with the economy in turmoil it An Alliance bike safety in
is anybody's guess how well that message will play one-on-one and
for Community Traffic Safety activities.
out on the floor of the House and Senate. Only group in Oregon Bicyclist Safety
time will tell. Mini-Grant will be used to If you have any questions or
provide safety education,bicycle comments about the grants,please
inspections,and ANSI-certified feel free to contact Duane Roberts
safety gear to Tigard's youth. at 503-718-2444 or Juane@tigard-
Craig E.Dirksen,Mayor orgov.
& City of Tigard
Tigard Awarded Federal Stimulus Dollars Additional Funding
Tigard will be awarded about$1.3 million in Federal stimulus funds from the Required
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act(ARRA) through the State of Oregon and The convergence of I-5 and
Metro regional government. Highways 99W and 217 make
Over$1.1 million of the funding will be used for pavement preservation and
Tigard a transportation hub for
major street maintenance overlays meant to preserve and extend the life of the nearly all of Oregon.
following streets: Although the following
projects were submitted but not
chosen for American Recovery
&Reinvestment Act(ARRA)
72nd Avenue Upper Boones Ferry Road Fir Street(just south of Hwy 217) funding,Council and staff
continue to seek out alternate
Durham Road Hall Boulevard Upper Boones Ferry Road state and federal funding for:
Bonita Road Fanno Creek Interstate 5 Bridge
Highway 99W I Greenhurg Road I Main
This type of stimulus funding is limited Street Intersection
to arterials and collectors (the City's busy
Highway 99W I Gaarde Street I
streets),and these streets were chosen McDonald Street Intersection
for paving because their pavement has Fir St
deteriorated to the level at which we can Walnut Street from Tiedeman Avenue to
make best use of the funding. 116th Avenue
Paving is planned for this summer and Bonita Rd _ Burnham Street I Ash Avenue
fall. We plan to keep the roads open during
preparation work and paving,though there N
may be long traffic delays on paving days. _ 72nd Avenue from Dartmouth Street to
Hampton Street
Signs will be posted advising drivers when 5
to expect delays,so drivers can choose Durham Rd �000e
P Y � e� Fanno Creek Regional Trail
alternate routes. OQQ
Each project will contribute
to a reduction in traffic
congestion and pollution,better
Small-Fix Congestion Solutions sidewalks for pedestrian safety,
more convenient transit access
Tigard is also slated to receive$160,000
for small-fix congestion solutions. These are and increased jobs.
smaller projects at key locations that can help _ If you have questions,
traffic move better without having to widen contact Mike McCarthy at 503-
roads or do major construction. These small 718-2462 or mikem@tigard-orgov.
projects include traffic signal improvements,
such as `flashing yellow arrow'left turn signals
which allow drivers to turn left when there are
gaps in opposing traffic,instead of having to
sit through the signal cycle for a green arrow.
These would only be installed at locations
where traffic engineers judge them to be safe.
Work would be performed in
coordination with Washington County and
the Oregon Department of Transportation.
Streets will remain open during this work,although there may be some delays.
Paget•503-639-4171 CITYSCAPE
Cityscape Newsletter
BE AWARE of Crosswalk Safety!
Tigard Police offer the following with a crosswalk signal,the driver Tigard Teen
information regarding changes to must stop and remain stopped if Personifies Royalty
pedestrian laws. the pedestrian is in the driver's lane Congratulations to Tigard
• If a pedestrian is standing in a marked or is less than six (6) feet from the High School Rose Festival Princess
or unmarked crosswalk on any portion driver's lane.Remain stopped until the Breanna! For the first time in the
of the roadway,including a bike lane or pedestrian has cleared the driver's lane 102-year history of the Portland Rose
shoulder,motorists must stop. plus six additional feet of the adjacent Festival,the Court opened its doors
• If a driver is traveling on a roadway to representation from the greater
without a crosswalk signal,the driver Tigard Police suggest giving metro area. Princess Breanna was
pedestrians your travel lane plus an chosen from hundreds of candidates
must stop if a pedestrian is in the additional lane at all times. B di
driver's lane or any adjacent lane. By g so, representing schools in Beaverton,
Remain stopped until the pedestrian has you provide a greater margin of safety Hillsboro,Gresham and more.
cleared the driver's lane of travellus for everyone on the road. To learn more
p contact SgtBartolomucci at 503-718-2567 The Queen's Coronation takes
one more lane. place June 6,2009 at 8:30 a.m. at the
• If a driver is turning onto a roadway or 20850@tigard-orgov. Memorial Coliseum,prior to the start
of the Grand Floral Parade. Learn
p They Can Help more at www.ros�
Dispute Resolution Center...
It's spring!The grass is growing,the A neighborhood dispute can be "If I Were Mayor,
flowers blooming,and the days are longer... stressful.If you are looking for new ways
life is good!But wait... to address your concerns and I WOU I d..."
The dog next door - to have a more peaceful Calling all Tigard area students
is outside barking day summer,call the Dispute between grades 4 and 12 (home school
and night. Sam down Resolution Center. students too!)
the street is mowing Professionally trained What would you do if you were
the lawn and waking volunteer mediators can help Tigard's Mayor? Tell us and you
you up at 7 a.m. on you have a more successful could earn a$50 gift certificate for
Saturday morning.Tom conversation with your Washington Square and be entered to
is building a fence on neighbor.If you don't feel win one of three laptop computers
property you know is yours.Soon it will comfortable talking directly,they can work from the Oregon Mayors Association.
be summer and the kids will be making directly with you and your neighbor to help The contest ends May 29,2009.
noise well into the is really not you find mutually acceptable solutions.This The contest details and entry
so good! service is free to Tigard residents. form can be found at www..tigard-orgov/
Last year,you got angry and had Call 503-526-2523 or e-mail mayor. If you have questions,call
some unfortunate conversations with your For more Joanne Bengtson at 503-718-2476 or
neighbors.When getting angry didn't work information about services,visit the joanne@tigard-orgov.
you called the police.When that didn't Dispute Resolution website at www..
work you called your attorney.It was a beavertonoregongov/disputereso/ution.
difficult summer.
TIDE COALITION is rolling out a
Police Receive Heart-Saving AEDs unique campaign called Prom Perfect.
Thanks to a generous donation from Mr. Corliss is It encourages young people,parents
Landmark Ford President Jim Corliss,the currently the National and other caring adults,and local
Tigard Police Department can purchase Automobile Dealers businesses to do their part to make
automated external defibrillators (AED) Charitable Foundation this prom season safe and alcohol and
for installation at Cook Park and at the Ambassador.The drug free for Tigard students.
Tigard Senior Center. This lifesaving foundation permits an ambassador to direct Visit to send a
device is used to restore a victim's normal a donation of their choice every three text message to a teen on prom night
heart rhythm in incidents of sudden cardiac years.Tigard Police are deeply honored and and to access helpful resources.
arrest. appreciative of Mr. Corliss'donation.
May2009 Page
City of Tigard
Shelf Arr Limf
He Programs for teens in grades 6-12
News from the Tigard Library 13500 SW Hall Blvd. Teen Comic gook Day
Saturday,May 2,1:30-2:30 p.m.
Community Room _
Music Events @the Library! Seminar for Seniors— Celebrate Free Comic
Medicare Part D Explained Book Day at the Library! d
Larry Pattis Concert Wednesday,May 13,2:30-4 p.m. Chat with Carl Horn
Friday,May 1,7-8 p.m.,Community Room LibraryConference Room
Dark Horse manga
Fingerstyle guitarist Larry Parris Henry Chavira of the Washington editor,about the art of
will perform a concert of original County Department of Disability,Aging making comics.Pick out a comic book or two
compositions. Parris'music is and Veterans Services will discuss the for your very own.
filled with appealing melodies,rich details of Medicare Part D. Teen PIlline (Pizza �Aid
harmonies and moving,evocative
rhythms. Join a Book Group Today! Saturday,May 9,Noon-1:30 p.m.
Puett Room
Three book groups meet monthly in Munch on pizza while you help create the
Bridgetown Big Band the Grace Tigard Houghton Room at the Winter Teen Zine. Bring book review ideas,
Friday,May 15,7-8 p.m.,Community Room Library. Registration is not required and artwork and your creative juices.
Come swing and dance to the Big new members are always welcome.
Band sound. The eighteen-member Morning Book Group: T P_pm Writing Croup
band plays jazz that really cooks. Tuesday,May 12,10:30 a.m.—Noon Wednesday,Mayl3,4:30-6 p.m.
Thankyou to the Friends of the Library for The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton Puett Room
generousysupporfing this music program. Bring your own creative writing,exchange
Mystery Book Group: ideas and maybe even try out a new style of
Thursday,May 21,6:30-7:30 p.m. writing,like screenwriting,short stories and
Out of the Deep I Cry fractured fairy tales.
Pirates and Oceans Ahoy! by Julia Spencer-Fleming
Tuesday,May 5,7-8 p.m.,Community Room gookTKON
Evening Book Group:
What is it like to swim underwater Wednesday,May 27,7-8:30 p.m. (Teens Kead Outrageously Now)
with sharks and sea turtles?What is it The Boy in the Striped Pajamas by John Boyne Thursday,May 114,430-6 p.m.
like to write a book or make a movie? Puett Room
Can YOU sing Library Patrons Become Join us for another discussion of a great teen
like a pirate?Join .#. More Self-Sufficient book,featuring snacks,games and writing
T J"�►r exercises. Come by the Library to register and
us and find out! �•_� A large percentage of patrons
Laura andpick up your book.
appreciate the do-it-yourself services
Robert Sams offered by the Library,according to the teen Game Fest
will share a Library's annual survey. Eighty-two Thursday,May 21,5-7 p.m.
behind-the- percent of survey respondents said they Community Room
scenes look had renewed items online and nearly 75 Take a break from school with our"Recess"
at their book :t ercent said the had laced items on hold
p they p Game Fest. Enjoy playground games and the
A Pirates online. Fifty-five percent said they use the usual SuperSmash Brothers,Dance Dance
Quest and their self-checkout machine. Revolution,Bingo,prizes and snacks.
movie The Biddle
in the Bottle. A combination of customer service
from library staff and the opportunity to from Animanga Club
help one's self seemed to be the formula Thursday,May 28,5-7 p.m. '
: for patron satisfaction. Ninety-eight Community Room " "
percent of the respondents said the Library Watch anime on the big screen,
Children, Teen &Adult Summer Reading sample Japanese treats,share
Program registration begins June 1! was serving their needs. Nearly 3,500 your fan art and hang out with
: Details in next month's Cityscape. surveys,a record number,were returned in g
other anime/man a fans.
Page•503-639-4171 CITYSCAPE
Cityscape Newsletter
Help Wanted Toilet Roundup Reminder IN YOUR BACKYARD:
Do you want to learn more Recycle old, IT'S FISHING TIME!
about library operations? Consider unwanted toilets
applying for a position on the Library free of charge from ��� Whether you fish from a dock,a
Board. The City is seeking to fill three 9 1 p.m.on rock,or even a canoe,here are some
openings on the Board by Wednesday, Saturday,May 16 at fish you might find in Tigard waterways:
July 1. The Library Board advises City the Tualatin Valley Trout,like our native,non-
Council on library policies,budget, Water District, migratory Cutthroat,thrive in bog
facilities and other needs.The Board 1850 SW 170th ponds,large lakes and rivers. Confused
meets at the Library on the second Avenue,Beaverton. with Rainbow trout,Cutthroats sport
Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. Recycling your toilet at this red,pink,or orange marks under their
To apply,fill out a Citizen event complies with the recycling lower jaw. Cutthroats and Rainbows
Committee Interest Application form requirement associated with Tigard's do interbreed,which results in colorful
and return it to Tigard City Hall by High-Efficiency Toilet(HET) hybrids termed"Cut-Bow Trout."
Friday,May 29. Applications are Reimbursement Program. For details Bass,both smallmouth and
available on-line at www..tigard-orgov/ on the reimbursement program or largemouth,prefer clear,quiet water
volunteer and in the City Hall lobby. the Toilet Roundup,visit wxw..tigard- with good hiding spots.
For more information contact orgov/water or contact Environmental ♦ "Smallies"are sensitive. Their
Library Director Margaret Barnes at Program Coordinator Jennifer Joe at presence indicates our waters are
503-718-2501 or margarel@tigard-orgou 503-718-2599 providing a healthy environment.
♦ `Biggies"are the top predators in
our waters,eating nearly anything
"But I Returned Them Volunteers Needed! that moves,including smaller bass!
Yesterday!" Help Install Storm Water Decals Catfish of several varieties can be
Ever wonder why an item remains Storm drains,or catch basins,are found in quiet,shallow water. Most
on your record after you returned it to found along roadways and in parking have"whiskers"and an excellent
the Library? We try our best to check g �''
lots throughout the city. Oil and other sense of smell,but no scales. Bottom
things in as quickly as possible,but
chemicals sometimes make their way feeders,they eat just about everything
into these drains,which empty directly that smells interesting. Catfish can
sometimes we are deluged by returns. be found on ever continent except
into local creeks and streams. Y p
Typically around 3,000 books, Antarctica!
DVDs,CDs and other materials are Volunteers can help spread the
word about how to keep hazardous Sculpins are bottom feeders found
returned each day.We also receive in unusual shapes and sizes. All have
between 30-40 crates of materials daily substances out of our waterways p
by installing educational decals near sharp spines,and most have large teeth.
from other libraries to fill patrons'
storm drains.Decals must be installed These prehistoric fish can even live
hold requests.It is not always possible for hours out of water. Scul ins can
to check in an item on the day that it is during warm,dry _ p
weather,and the city be used as bait fish,but handle with
provides training �•4 care,their venomous spines can inflict
Not to worry!If an item is and furnishes kits ' �` I painful stings!
returned on time,it will not incur a with all the necessary Common Carp are close relatives
fine even if it's checked in a day or two supplies. ` to goldfish and Koi,though they are a
after it has been returned.We date the lain brown. Car negatively affect
return bins and use that date when This is a great 1' P may ne g Y
volunteer activity for individuals or food and water quality for fish like bass
checking in items. families who want to improve the and trout because they"root around"
If you've returned an item and it water quality of our local creeks and disturbing vegetation and muddying the
still shows as "out"on your account, streams. Scheduling is flexible. water.
or you receive an"overdue"e-mail,
For more information,contact For fishing and license information,
wait another day. If it still hasn't been
Environmental Program Coordinator please visit the Oregon Department of
checked in,give us a call. Rest assured Fish and Wildlife at
that we'll check in your materials as Brian Wheatley at 503-718-2610 or
soon as we can!
May2009•503-639-4171 Pages
ACity of Tigard
4A"ft"o_d �� e
Have you logged on lately?
All of the Neighborhood network areas have web pages up and running! Have you checked your neighborhood page lately?
What information would you like to see posted? Your web page administrator is interested in your feedback and comments.
To fin
dd the web page for your area,log onto wwwtigard-orgov/neighborhood.
You Asked! Area 3 Update
Here are more comments generated from the Neighborhood Survey. Area 3 Steering Committee is
TOPIC:Neighborhood Watch community.The importance of targeting graffiti removal and forming new
A• The Tigard Police quick graffiti eradication sends a Neighborhood Watch Groups—check out
Department strives to make strong message to the criminals information on the Area 3 web page at:
neighborhoods as safe as possible. responsible,and lessens the
However,leaving it all up to attraction for more graffiti. Area 3 Neighbors—Stronger Together
police is not practical. Tigard maintains A neighborhood meeting will be held
They rely on residents zero tolerance for Thursday,June 11 from 5 to 8 p.m. at
to observe and graffiti. Police want Fowler Middle School.
report suspicious and to hear about it so it
criminal behavior, can be documented Come and learn more about the
Participate in a � and photographed. programs and activities available,share your
ideas for neighborhood improvements and
Neighborhood Police have
Watch within your successfully made raise issues you would like to see addressed.
Neighborhood arrests of persons Do you have a topic for the agenda?The
steering committee would like to hear your
Network area.It's easy responsible for
and doesn't require much work. graffiti in the past;however,that ideas! Log onto tigard
The basis for this proven-effective requires responsiveness from the
program is simply watching out community.
for your neighbor.The benefits Once reported to police,
are carried out when everyone quick removal is strongly Neighborhood News
participates. Criminals will not urged. In fact,a policy in place
conduct their dirty work if they requires the property owner or Is your neighborhood planning
are being watched and reported. person responsible to remove a garage sale this spring? Consider
Take a stand against crime reported graffiti within specified announcing the event on your
in your neighborhood and get time limits.To report graffiti, Neighborhood
involved. Contact the Tigard please telephone 503-629-0111. Network web
Police Crime Prevention Office Concerned Tigard citizens can page! Log on
at 503-718-2561 or learn more on learn more about graffiti on the to your page GARAGE
the web at wwwti and-or. ov/ olice. web at www.ti and--or. ov/ olice and send the
g g p g g p l SALE
crime--prevention/graffiti. information
TOPIC:Graffiti to your web
To read more comments,log
A: It is no secret that onto www.tigard-orgov/neighborhood administrator
graffiti allowed to remain, or contact Liz Newton at 503-
using the comments link.
slowly deteriorates communities. 718-2412 or b.Z@tigard-orgov Don't know your neighborhood web
The mere presence of graffiti page address? They are all listed on the
evokes a sense of violation city's web site:www.tigard-orgov/neighborhood.
that carries through the entire
Page•503-639-4171 CITYSCAPE
Cityscape Newsletter
Let's say you're entering a typical of your lane,hoping to gain some violation of Oregon law. If drivers
urban freeway that's congested with precious time by passing some of cut off another vehicle while merging,
rush-hour traffic. your"competition." they disobey another requirement to
You find that your While there's a natural "refrain from moving from [a] lane
acceleration lane tendency to view the"late until the driver has first made certain
is nearly empty for mergers"as aggressive and that the movement can be made with
hundreds of yards unethical cheats,a traffic safety." Each violation is subject to a
before it merges with engineer might argue that $250 base fine.
the right lane.What's they help everyone by The Oregon Driver Manual offers
the best way to enter < > making the most efficient this advice: "If you are entering a
the flow of traffic in use of all the available freeway from a merging lane,you
this situation? highway space. An empty must yield to traffic already on the
You have two lane isn't doing its share of freeway. If you already are on the
options: moving traffic towards its destination. freeway,you are obligated to help
1. You can try to merge quickly Nonetheless,other drivers are likely merging traffic.Adjust your speed
into the left lane, slowing if necessary to view late merging as a provocation, to permit a safe,smooth merge."
until someone lets you enter. In so sometimes leading to serious incidents This ideal of seamless "zippering"
doing,you may risk blocking(and of road rage. requires a level of cooperation and
annoying) drivers behind you and If drivers choose late merging communication that Oregon drivers
slowing traffic even further. Or, and no one allows them to enter,they should cultivate.
2. You can continue down risk crossing over the fog line onto
the highway until you near the end the shoulder at the"pinch point,"a BY JUDGE MICHAEL J. BRIEN
• ke • Oregon Own Backyard
In 2009, the State of Sorg Rhododendron Pitch-in Party at the
Oregon turns 150. Pay tribute Garden Mulching Tigard Public Library!
to the place you call home by WHEN: Saturday,May 16from WHEN: Sunday,May 17from
participating in Take Care of 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. 10 a.m. to noon
Oregon Days. WHERE: Summerlake Park, WHERE: Tigard Public Library,
As apart of Oregon's 11450 Winterlake Drive, Tigard 13500 SW Hall Blvd., Tigard
sesquicentennial, Oregonians REGISTER ON-LINE: Go to REGISTER BY PHONE: 503-718-2516
www.tigard-orgov/volunteer See your library from the inside out.
from every corner of the state
are invited to roll up their
Volunteers will be sprucing up the Thirty volunteers are needed for projects
sleeves and give back to their
garden,installing new mulch,repairing including shelving,organizing,and
garden paths,and enjoying the garden helping with craft time preparation.You
state. Here are two events where in full bloom. We need 75 volunteers to must be at least 12 years old to volunteer.
you can make a difference! make this event a success. Tools,gloves, Training and snacks provided.
and birthday cake will be provided. For more information and to register,
-MIFor more information,contact contact Volunteer Coordinator Trish
Environmental Program Coordinator Stormont at 503-718-2516 or
Carla Staedter 503-718-2788 or trisb@tigard-orgov.
May2009•503-639-4171 Page
City of Tigard PRSRT STD
Holiday Closures: 13125 SW Hall Blvd. US Postage
Tigard,OR 97223 PAID
Tigard City Hall and the Tigard Public Library 503-639-4171
will be closed Monday, May 25 in observance Portland,OR
of Memorial Day. Permit No 2s2s
To Market, To Market
The Tigard Area Farmers ! POSTAL CUSTOMER
Market is dedicated to bringing
you fresh locally produced
fruits, vegetables, plants, food
and crafts in support of local Budget Committee Meetings: Mondays,May 4, 11 and
farmers and artisans. The May 18 (if needed) @ 6:30 p.m.,TVF&R Station#50
(12617 SW Walnut St.,Tigard)
Sunday Market opens on Contact Liz Lutz at 503-718-2487 or
Mother's Day, May 10.
Conveniently located near the Regular Council Meetings: Tuesdays,May 12& 19
intersection of Hwy 99W and @ 6:30 p.m.,Tigard Town Hall (13125 SW Hall Blvd.)
Hwy 217 at 11831 SW Pacific Joint Council Meeting with Lake Oswego:
Hwy (99W), the market is open Tuesday,May 26 @ 6:30 p.m.,Tigard Town Hall
from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. every Sunday. Rain or shine!
All meetings are open to the public. Council agendas are
Log onto learn more. available online at wwwtigard-orgovl council or contact
Cathy Wheatley at 503-718-2410 or
Tigard Partners Being Prepared '-
Tip of the Month -Volcano Preparedness
Would you know what to do if our area were exposed to volcanic ash?
In our community,the most If you have a respiratory ailment, ' Stay indoors until the ash has settled
likely outcome of a nearby avoid contact with any amount of ash. unless there is a danger of roof
volcanic eruption would be Wear long-sleeved shirts and long collapse. (Two-and-one-half-inches of
falling ash.Ash is made up pants. ash can collapse a roof.)
of small,sharp pieces of rock Turn off and cover(if possible)
and glass. It is hard,abrasive, Use goggles and/or l wear eyeglasses ventilation devices like furnaces,air
mildlycorrosive conducts instead of contact lenses.
� conditioners,and fans.
electricity when wet,and does Use a dust mask or hold a damp cloth
not dissolve in water. over your face to help with breathing. Avoid driving unless absolutely
necessary.Driving can stir up ash that
Stay away from areas downwind from can clog,damage and stall engines.If
the volcano to avoid volcanic ash. you must drive,keep your speed below
�Ik Tune in to the radio or TV for the 35 mph.
` latest emergency information.Be Remember to help your neighbors,
aware that in extreme cases,falling ash especially those who may require
can disrupt communications. special assistance—infants,the elderly
Close doors,windows,and exterior and people with disabilities.
openings like chimney vents.