Cityscape 2009-03 City of Tigard's Official Newsletter
Mayor's Corner Citizens Police Academy:
One of Council's goals for 2009 is to prepare It Only Happens Once a Year!
to go to Tigard residents in 2010 for a bond The Tigard Police Department
measure;money to buy land for parks and open is accepting applications from Tigard
citi-Zens who would like to participate in
It's no secret that we don't have enough parksU
in Tigard to provide the standard number of acres the upcoming Citizens Police Academy.
for a population our size.In the past,when land The purpose of the academy '
was plentiful and cheap,the need for preservation is to create better understanding
was less apparent. The opportunity to proactively of police department operations
create a park system necessary for a more urban and improve communication
Tigard was lost. Now we find ourselves at a time between citizens and police through be accepted until March 20.The
when the remaining open space is scarce and education.When the community academy will be conducted on eight
expensive,and is in danger of being lost forever understands the abilities and consecutive Wednesday evenings
if we fail to act soon. limitations of law enforcement, from 7 p.m. to 9:30 Tigard
Since 2000,I've been part of a City Council the police can better serve the City Hall.The academy will begin
that has done all they could with the resources community. April 8 and conclude June 3.
available to acquire and improve park land.In just The academy sessions are Applications are
eight years,park acreage has increased from 313 presented by members available in the
to 394. of the Tigard Police Tigard Police
Department and cover Citizens Police Academy
Despite.the state of the economy,the time P Department
to act is now.Recent surveys and polls of citizens a wide range of topics begins April 8 and lobby,on-line
lung: at www.fiard-
indicate that there is considerable support for land inc
purchase,and we are entering a time when state • Investigations concludes June 3. orgov1police
and federal money may be more available than in • Training or you may
past.ast. contact Jim Wolf
• Defensive Tactics at 503-718-2561. Return
Most state and federal grant programs require completed applications in person
a local match,and that is what a 2010 bond • Weapons cocoby mail to the Tigard Police
measure would provide.This spring,our Parks or
Master Plan update will be completed. It will • Narcotics Department,fax to 503-718-2645 or
tell us where and how much additional park land • K-9 email to jim@tigard-orgov.
is needed,and will guide how much money the This year's academy will mark
. Youth Programs ears of Citizens Police Academy.
bond measure will need to raise. 17 Y y
• Technology and Equipment To date,over 325 citizens have
Stay tuned for news as the process continues.
• Patrol Functions and Traffic participated and have gained new
levels of understanding about their
Enrollment is limited to 20 police department.
Craig E.Dirksen,Mayor participants and applications will
ACity of Tigard
2009 Tigard Tree Stewardship Awards
We're Looking for Nominees! Budget Time
Did you know that every year the City The Tigard Tree Board and City The City of Tigard's
of Tigard honors individuals,businesses,or Council will select this year's award winners. fiscal year is measured from
organizations who,in a very tangible way, Nomination forms may be downloaded July to June of the following
contribute to our city's urban forest? We from the city's web site (s wnaigard-orgov/ year. Even though it is only
are on the lookout for potential recipients trees),with paper copies available at City March,we are well into our
of the"2009 Tigard Tree Stewardship Hall. We encourage"extras"such as FY-2010 budget process.
Awards"—and we're looking to you for photographs,plans,newspaper clippings, After a 5-year forecasting
nominations. or any other items of note. Judges will performed in December,
These awards are presented to evaluate entries on the basis of impact, departments started preparing
outstanding citizens to recognize those quality,innovation,stewardship,and their budget requests in
who have contributed to the beauty and adherence to sound tree management January.
long-term health of our city's urban forest. practices. In light of the current
Tigard is filled with people who put forth The deadline for nominations is economy,departments were
the extra effort to make our city a more March 20,2009. Winners will be selected instructed to prepare status
beautiful and tree-friendly place,and we on April 1,2009 and will be honored at the quo budgets. Any new
would like to recognize these folks—but April 14,2009 City Council meeting. If position needs to be paid with
we need your help! you would like more information,please ongoing,dedicated funding.
call Associate Planner,John Floyd,at 503- Departments have completed
Eligible projects could include: 718-2429,or this phase and requests are
• A business that has paid particular being reviewed and refined by
attention to the protection and the city management team.
preservation of trees during
This review process
results in the City Manager's
• Acknowledgement of a Proposed Budget which
donor's generous financial is reviewed by the Budget
support and sponsorship of Committee,a group
community forestry projects. comprised of the five elected
• An outstanding project council members and an equal
or program planned or number of citizen volunteers.
implemented by youth. The Budget Committee
• A neighbor or business that conducts three or four public
has done an outstanding hearings starting Monday,
job of landscaping that April 27 in the Library
incorporates trees into the Community Room. These
design. public hearings will produce
• An individual,organization,or an approved budget that goes
business that works with trees to the City Council for final
( arborist,landscape consideration on Tuesday,
architect,etc.) and exemplifies June 9,2009.
sound tree management. If you have questions
or need more information,
• An individual or organization �
that has made significant contact Finance Director
contributions to community Toby LaFrance at 503-718-
forestry through the 2406 or
innovation in tree planting
and/or management.
Paget•503-639-4171 CITYSCAPE
Cityscape Newsletter A
Shelf Arr. Limf
Familyfun at the Library during Spring Break!
Mews from the Tigard Library 13500 SW Hall Blvd, THE MUSES—AN EVENING OF CELTIC MUSIC
Friday,March 20,7-8 p.m.,Community Room
Curso de Computadora con Traductora al Espanol A lively musical duo will perform Irish and Scottish
Computer Classes with Spanish Translator songs with a variety of instruments.
Cuarto de Tecnologia/Technology Room MUD PIE MADNESS
Una traductora al Espanol estara disponible durante las siguientes clases asistir Saturday,March 21,1:30-2:30 p.m.,Puett Room
a estudiantes de no-habla Ingles. A Spanish translator will be available durin the Create mud pie crafts and enjoy a delicious mud pie"
following classes to assist non-English speakers. treat!
Comienzo a Word Processing Getting Started with Word RAINY DAY CRAFTS
(Procesador de Palabras)-Nivel 1 Processing-Level 1 Sunday,March 22,1:30-2:30 p.m.,Puett Room
Lunes,Marzo 9,1:30-3 p.m. Monday,March 9,1:30-3 p.m. Put on your galoshes and splash on over to the Library
Comienzo al Uso de Computadoras Getting Started with Computers for crafts that will showhow fun rain can be.
Lunes,Marzo 30,7-8:30 p.m Monday,March 30,7-8:30 p.m. CANINE MOVIE MARATHON
Para una lista completa de cursos de computadora,visite el sitio web de la Biblioteca: Monday,March 23,2-8 p.m.,Community Room For a complete list of computer classes,visit the Library's 2 p.m.—Golden Retriever Buddy captivates the audience
web site at www with his soccer skills and finesse at fatherhood(rated G)
4 p.m.—Lovable St.Bernard goes Hollywood(rated PG)
International Women's Day Every Child Ready to Read 6p.m.—National dog show comedy(rated PG-13)
Saturday,March 7,2-3:30 p.m.,Community Room Workshops
"Early literacy"is everything your child Tuesday,March 24,7-8:30 p.m.,Community Room
Women's Day by knows about reading and writing before
cl International consultant and business writer Gary
exploring the life of they can actually read and write.Adults Langenwalter will talk about sustainability.
Alice Day Pratt,a single !rr#ernational only,registration required.Please call 503-
woman who homesteaded Women's Day 684-6537 and ask for the Children's Desk. DISNEY MUSICAL(RATED G)
in central Oregon in * Early Talkers:For parents of children Wednesday,March 25,1-3:30 p.m.,Community Room
the early 1900s. Portland Community from 0-24 months—Monday,March 2, Join Troy,Gabriella and the Wildcats in their final high
College history instructor Cathy Alzner 6-8 p.m. school spring musical. Stay after the movie for fun
will draw from Pratt's diaries and essays activities.
to reconstruct the life of this strong, * Talkers:For parents of children from
determined woman. 2-3 years—Monday,March 9, 6-8 p.m. ANIMANGA FUN
Thursday,March 26,5-7 p.m.,All Ages,Community Room
* Pre-Readers: For parents of children Enjoy a classic anime film along with Japanese crafts,
Video Calls and Internet from 4-5 years Monday,March 16, calligraphy,song,dance and crafts.
Phone Service 6-8 p.m.
Looking for a way to ANIMATED FILM(RATED PG)
connect with family An Evening with Abraham Lincoln Friday,March 27,1-3 p.m.,Community Room
members across the continent or Wednesday,March 4,7-8 p.m.,Community Room Enjoy the antics of Alex the Lion,Marty the Zebra,
across the world?At the Tigard Library To celebrate the 200th Melman the Giraffe and Gloria the Hippo as they discover
you can now keep in touch with yourtheir roots in Africa.
anniversary of Lincoln's
loved ones without breaking the bank. birth,actor Steve REVOLUTION!THE BATTLES OF LEXINGTON AND CONCORD
Skype software and equipment in the Holgate will present Saturday,March 28,2-3 p.m.,Community Room
Technology Room will allow you to an April 1865 "press Dressed in full battle regalia,Gary Langenwalter will use
make free or inexpensive phone or conference"about his slides,music and trivia to evoke the battles of Lexington
video calls on the computer. Come presidency and the Civil and Concord,and describe the life ofa soldier in the
to one of our Open Labs in the War. Musician"Illinois" Revolutionary War.
Technology Room upstairs to learn Doug Tracy will open the
about the technology and try it out! SeePlease call the Library at 503-684-6537
program with historic songs from Lincoln's or visit for movie titles
schedule @ wwwtigard-orgov/library. presidential campaigns. and additional information.
March 2009•503-639-4171 Page 3
City of Tigard
Oregon drivers and vehicle that Don do the same. So citation charging him with driving
owners are required to change their DMV sends a letter while suspended ($450 base fine),
addresses with DMV no later than 30 informing Don that expired registration($100),and failure
days after relocating. Violations are "Failure to his right to drive to change his address for his license
subject to a base fine of $100. communicate in Oregon will ($100) and registration ($100). And
While this requirement may with DMV be suspended if his car is impounded,at an additional
seem unimportant,failure to comply can be costlhe doesn't file cost of $250 plus storage fees.
can lead to serious consequences. his report by a As a result of his simple failure
Consider this example: specified date. to change his address with DMV,
Suppose that"Don"moves and But Don never Don faces base fines totaling$750. In
changes his address at the post office, gets the letter, since DMV court,Don can't claim the"lack of
but neglects to directly notify DMV. never received notice of his address notice"defense if he failed to inform
A few months later,he's involved in a change. So Don doesn't file the DMV of an address change.
minor collision. The drivers exchange report and DMV suspends his license. Enough said.The change of
the required information but don't file He is also suspended for a full year address form is available at DMV
an accident report with DMV because because DMV assumes that he was an offices and online at: a
it appears that neither car sustained uninsured driver when the collision ODOT/DMV/dv/chgaddress sbtml
more than$1,500 in property damage. occurred.
A few days later,though,the Don remains blissfully unaware
other driver learns that the damage to of these problems. But then,a couple
her vehicle exceeded$1,500. She then months later,he's stopped for driving BY JUDGE MICHAEL J. O'BPdEN
files a report,triggering a requirement with expired tags. The result? A TIGARD MUNICIPAL COURT
Spring is on its way! Plan Frog Abode:Take an old clay Native plants offer a diverse,hardy and
your backyard wildlife habitat pot,chip out a"doorway,"and colorful landscape:
today. It gives the enure family a place upside down in a quiet . Douglas Fir:A tall tree with attractive
place to observe nature close-up moist area near a water source. seed cones.
and rehabilitates areas changed Bird Baths:No matter the style,
by development.Need ideas? Oregon White Oak A shady canopy
bird baths provide valuable •
Crafty Snacks: Birds and drinking and bathing water. Place with acorns.
squirrels will love these tasty treats. near trees and keep cleaned and filled. • Western Service Berry:White star-
Here are a few ideas: shaped flowers and sweet purple berries.
• Pine Cones:Slather with peanut butter,
and roll in seeds. Practical:Turn a plant pot upside down, • Blue Elderberry:Small white flowers
and then sit the saucer upright on top. and blue berries.
• Twigs:Find a thin but sturdy suck,cover
with honey,roll in seed and raisins, Whimsical.Glue a teacup to a saucer, Salmonberry:Bright pink flowers with
harden in the fridge,and hang. drill holes in the edge of the saucer, yellow or salmon fruits resembling
and hang. blackberries.
Fun Projects: Natural:Chip or P • Red Columbine:Dangling flowers
• Butterfly Puddle:Butterflies drink carve a bowl attract hummingbirds.
from calm shallow water. Mix water shape out of
and garden soil into a"soupy"mud and the middle of Beach Strawberry:Hardy ground
place a concave rock in sunny area a chunk of cover yields strawberries of course!
near bright flowers.Deep moist. firewood.
Page•503-639-4171 CITYSCAPE
Cityscape Newsletter
Irrigation System? Here's a Tip: Fix That Drip
It's Time to Test Your Backflow Prevention Device How long have you been ignoring
If you have an in- perform the test. that drip-drip-drip coming from the
ground lawn irrigation All Tigard Water Service Area Testing is typically shower?How about the leaky spigot
system,then you must Customers with irrigation systems will done before an on the side of the house,or that
have an approved be required to have their irrigation system running toilet?While leaks might
backflow prevention backflow prevention device is turned on in the sometimes seem like small problems,
device.This important tested by spring. over time they can waste water and
device prevents More informa- money. On average,a U.S.household
stagnant or potentially JUNE 1, 2009. tion and a list of loses more than 11,000 gallons of
contaminated water companies offering water per year to leaky faucets,toilet
from being drawn testing services are flappers,valves and other plumbing
back into our drinking available on the city's web site at fixtures;that's enough water to fill a
water supply. To ensure these devices mvwtigard-orgov/backfloau or by contacting backyard swimming pool!
are working properly,Oregon law Environmental Program Coordinator
requires annual testing. A person who is Hung Nguyen at 503-718-2603 or bung@ 1`�
state-certified in backflow testing must tigard-orgov. .V
6.4M a Leak Week
Watersets, Mash 16-20.2009
City Constructs Entryway Monuments
The week of March 16 is Fix a
As part of a plan to give the city its • Walnut Street eastbound,just east of Leak Week.If you suspect you may
own unique image,the Tigard City Council Barrows Road. have a leak,take note of the following
decided to install entryway monuments,or Work on the next two signs will begin suggestions to help identify the
signs,along six major thoroughfares into later this year.Look for these signs on 72nd problem:
the city.The first two monuments were Avenue northbound,north of Bridgeport
completed recently and are located just off: Village Shopping Center,and on Pacific Test your toilet for leaks
dropping a little food coloring
ing in
• Pacific Highway(99W)northbound, Highway southbound,just south of 65th the tank. Wait about 10 minutes
just south of Durham Road. Avenue and Interstate 5. without flushing. If color appears
in the bowl,you have a leak.
t' ♦ Watch to make sure your toilet
flapper closes properly after
♦ Inspect faucets and showerheads.
If you notice any dripping,inspect
i faucet and showerhead washers for
wear.Replace any washers that are
worn or damaged.
—� ♦ Check your water heater. If you
discover a leak,your water heater's
pressure valve may be stuck.
Typically,this valve is a large brass
fitting threaded onto the top of the
tank. If the valve is not working
_ properly,water will be dripping
down the side of the tank.
f ♦ Look for moist spots under
and around inside and outside
.:..., . :;..-... plumbing
Entryway monument located on Pacific Highway northbound,just south of Durham Road
March 2009•503-639-4171 Page 5
City of Tigard
In Case You Missed It... Is It Live? What's the Latest?
About 180 people attended the 2nd As we go to At their February meeting,the citizen
Annual Neighborhood Network Open press,the last two member Committee for Citizen Involvement
House on Saturday,February 7. Families Neighborhood Network (CCI)was scheduled to finalize applications
picked up 140 information packets and web pages are under for the Neighborhood Network Grant
were able to check out their neighborhood's development and should program. Funds will be available for
web page. Several people signed up to be be launched by the end neighborhood clean-up/beautification
on their Neighborhood Network Steering of March! Checkout projects,small construction projects and
Committee. There were tables with the web page for your neighborhood events. In order to be eligible,
information and give-aways for most of area—links are on the Neighborhood Network areas must have
the Neighborhood Network programs, city's web site at www.. active steering committees.
including CERT,National Night Out, tigard-orgov/neighborhood. If you're interested in becoming a
Neighborhood Watch,mediation and land member of your Neighborhood Network
use. Steering Committee,check out the
If you missed the event and would like information posted at nwiv.tigard-orgov/
a program packet,contact Liz Newton at neighborhood or contact Liz Newton at AZ@ or 503-718-2412. �t Du t/ tigard-orgov or 503-718-2412.
Burnham Street Project Update
Wondering what's on tap for this street? No
more potholes! Burnham is slated for street
improvements,new sidewalks,landscaping,
medians,and"green street"storm water w.
features.Design documents are complete and the y
Burnham Street project is close to becoming a - +
reality. �?x`
The city's objective is to bid this project this ;;..
spring—with construction to begin in July,2009. _
There are 22 properties along Burnham Street. e�
Negotiations with property owners on right-of- _
way acquisition have been very successful,with
almost half of the needed right-of-way acquired
to-date. Funding for improvements will come
from gas tax revenue and TIF (Transportation •- �- 4
Impact Fee) revenue.
If all goes as planned,downtown Tigard will
have a"new and improved"Burnham Street in
the not-too-distant future! Staff contact for this
project is Kim McMillan,Development Review
Engineer. If you have questions,she may be Burnham Street is slated for improvements.
reached at 503-639-4171,or
Page•503-639-4171 CITYSCAPE
Cityscape Newsletter A
This Ain't Your Granny's Toilet
High Efficiency Toilet(HET) Reimbursement Winter Weather Creates
Are you flushing money down the as well as or better than their less Sidewalk Safety Issues
toilet?Older toilets can use three and efficient counterparts. The city is asking residents to take
one-half,five,or even seven gallons Tigard water customers can now stock of their sidewalks.In light of this
of water with every flush.That's a receive up to a$150 ($75 per toilet, winter's snow and ice,some sidewalks
lot of water,especially when you with a two-toilet limit) reimbursement aren't exactly pedestrian-friendly.Many
consider the number of people in your on their water bill by replacing and are still peppered with sanding gravel,a
household and how often the toilet is recycling their water-guzzling toilet hazard that can cause pedestrians to lose
flushed—five times per person,per (1.6 gpf or more)with a WaterSense their footing.
day,according to national estimates. model. Sagging tree branches,brought down
And the good news?Selecting For specifics on the by the weight of snow and ice,create
a water-efficient toilet is easy thanks reimbursement program,visit the another hazard.These branches can
to the Environmental Protection city's web site at www.tigard-orgov/water block sidewalks,forcing pedestrians onto
Agency's new WaterSense labeling or contact Environmental Program the roadway.
system.To earn the WaterSense label, Coordinator Jennifer Joe at 503-718- Residents are responsible for
toilets must use no more than 1.28 2599 maintaining the sidewalks adjacent to
gallons per flush and must work their property.Please sweep up gravel,
trim or tie back sagging branches,
Just how much water am I Pushing down my toilet! and take a sidewalks are in ti momenpt top on sure your
to condition.
Estimated Gallons Used The city appreciates your
Gallons Per Flush Flushes Per Day cooperation!
Per Person Per Year
1.28 5 2,336
1.6 5 2,920
3.5 5 6,388
5 5 9,125
Toilet Round Up
Recycle old,unwanted toilets at two upcoming Westside Toilet Round Ups.
Tigard water customers participating in the HET
reimbursement program are required to recycle their
old toilets.Here's your chance:
WHEN: Saturday,March 21 and May 16 P:
9 a.m.-1 p.m.
WHERE: Tualatin Valley Water District
1850 SW 170th Avenue Ice and snow damaged these arborvitae. The sagging
Beaverton,Oregon branches should be trimmed or tied back to clear the
COST: None. Toilets will be accepted free of charge. sidewalk for pedestrians.
QUESTIONS? For more information,contact Environmental
Program Coordinator Jennifer Joe at 503-718-2599
or jennifer@tigard-orgov.
March 2009•503-639-4171 Page 7
City of Tigard PRSRT STD
City Offers " 13125 SW Hall Blvd. US Postage
Tigard,OR 97223 PAID
Facilitation Training
= 503-639-4171 Portland,OR
Permit No 2528
Looking for a way to sharpen
your resume with facilitation training
and experience? Become a trained POSTAL CUSTOMER
facilitator for the City of Tigard. There
is an immediate need for volunteers
to facilitate City Council Fifth Tuesday City Council Meetings in March
meetings. Regular Council Meetings: Tuesdays,March 10,24
@ 6:30 p.m.,Tigard Town Hall(13125 SW Hall Blvd.)
For more information or to sign Joint Meeting: Tigard City Council,Tualatin City
, Contact Marissa Danielsat 503- Council and the Tigard-Tualatin School Board
up, Tuesday,March 31 @ 6:30-8:30 p.m.
718-2428 or marissa@tigard-orgov. School District Office (6960 SW Sandburg,Tigard)
5th Tuesday Meeting: Tuesday,March 31,Time TBA
Tigard High School (9000 SW Durham)
All meetings are open to the public and agendas are available
online at)Pww..tigard-orgov/couneil or contact Cathy Wheatley at
503-718-2410 or cagy@tigard-orgov.
Downtown Tigard
Main Street Update
Staff is laying the groundwork to These changes will help create
retrofit Main Street to full green street a more distinctive town center for
standards from the railroad tracks Tigard and create an identity for the
to Pacific Highway(99W) opposite downtown.
Johnson Street,in downtown Tigard. The green street design is one of
This project includes widening of the key catalyst projects identified in rc :
sidewalks and reconfiguration of the Tigard Downtown Improvement
Main Street to create a pedestrian- Plan and is intended to stimulate
friendly atmosphere and to new development in the downtown.
demonstrate good environmental This project is possible due to an «- y
stewardship. unprecedented$2.54 million in grant
There will be a strong pedestrian funds awarded to Tigard.
emphasis with wider sidewalks, Staff is working with ODOT on
landscaping,new street lighting,and the project prospectus,and expects
native street trees.The green aspect to put out the Request for Proposals
includes sustainable elements such to consultants in late March. The
as brick pavers and pervious areas next phase in the design process will
where storm runoff can infiltrate include citizen involvement;especially
naturally,as opposed to being piped those business and property owners If you have questions,please contact
underground. The design is part of located along the full length of Main Development Review Engineer Kim McMillan at
Tigard's overall sustainability theme Street. 503-639-4171 or kim@tigard-orgov.
throughout the downtown.