12/02/2009 - Packet ON Completeness Review
for Boards, Commissions
and Committee Records
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City of Tigard
Transportation Advisory Committee —
MEETING DATE: December 2, 2009, 6:30 p.m.
MEETING LOCATION: City of Tigard - Fire Station #50
12617 SW Walnut Street, Tigard
1. Welcome and Introductions Susan Hartnett/A116:30 p.m.
2. Transportation Funding Sources/Relationship to City Budget Toby La France 6:40 p.m.
3. Major Transportation Project Overviews Gus Duenas 7:20 p.m.
4. Suggestions for City Council Goals for 2010 Susan Hartnett 8:00 P.M.
5. Wrap up and Next Meeting Susan Hartnett 8:25 p.m.
6. Adjourn Susan Hartnett/A118:30 p.m.
Preliminary Agendas for Upcoming Meetings:
January 2010
Financial Forecast
Overview of Tigard TSP Update
Update on Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Process
Committee Leadership
February 2010
Overview of Downtown Circulation Plan
City of Tigard 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard, OR 97223 1 503-639-4171 1 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 1
of 1
City of Tigard
Transportation Advisory Committee
Project List
1. Street Maintenance Fee Rate Increase
(Discussed as a separate agenda item)
2. Transportation System Plan Update
a. Update of the Tigard Transportation System Plan adopted in 2002.
b. The project is funded by the ODOT Transportation and Growth
Management Program and will result in a 20-year plan for providing
the community with:
i. A blueprint for transportation investment;
ii. A coordination tool with regional and agencies local
ill. An important component of prudent and effective land use
iv. A means to prepare for future growth in Tigard and the region;
v. Answers to existing and future transportation needs related to
bicycles, pedestrians, transit, vehicles, freight, and rail.
c. The development of the plan is well underway. The expected product
from the plan update is a draft TSP that will be submitted to the
Planning Commission and City Council for adoption and
incorporation into the Tigard Comprehensive Development Plan.
3. Tigard Transportation System Development Charge (SDC)
a. The new Countywide Transportation Development Tax (TDT) is
expected to capture approximately 28% of the transportation impact
of new development after the phase-in period built into the ordinance.
b. The Tigard Transportation SDC study is underway to provide the
basis for the City to charge a system development fee to capture a
higher percentage of the impact. The SDC would take into account
the TDT collections as part of the determination of the fees.
c. The study is currently underway and should be completed early in
4. Highway 99W Improvement Plan
a. This is a concept-level plan for transportation improvements and
recommended additional interventions to meet the future needs in the
Highway 99W corridor. Development of the plan was funded
through a Transportation and Growth Management grant and
included a detailed analysis of needs, opportunities, market analysis of
redevelopment potential in the corridor, and comparative evaluation
of concept plan alternatives.
b. The recommended alternative includes aggressive access management
and a prioritized list of projects. Many of the projects are targeted at
improvement of key intersections throughout the corridor.
c. Key aspects of the access management plan include medians
throughout the highway east of the Greenburg Road/Main Street
d. As development projects proceed in the Tigard Triangle and along the
corridor, median installation and widening of the highway may be
required, This will result in the removal of the two-way left turn
lanes that currently exist, which will spur concern from existing
e. It is important for the TAC to be aware of the issues that may arise
from the implementation of the plan.
5. Hall Blvd/Highway 99W Intersection Project
a. Widens and provides additional capacity to the intersection
b. Funded by the Countywide Major Streets Improvement Program
c. Project is managed by Washington County staff with participation by
ODOT and the City in the project design review and approval.
d. Project is at 90% completion and integrated with the City's
Greenburg Road intersection project for construction under one
construction contract.
e. Bid advertisement is expected in early 2010 followed by construction
in spring and summer of 2010.
6. Greenburg Road/Highway 99W/Main Street Intersection Improvement
a. Widens and provides additional capacity to the intersection
b. Is currently at 90% design completion for construction with the Hall
Blvd/99W intersection project under one construction contract.
c. Expected to be ready to bid in early 2010 for construction next spring
and summer.
7. Future Project
a. The recent removal of the sunset clause from the City's local fuel tax
ordinance allows the City tax to continue indefinitely. Once the
Greenburg Road/Highway 99W/Main Street intersection
improvements are completed, another project will need to be selected
for funding from the local fuel tax.
b. The TAC is expected to assume a major role in the recommendation
to Council for selection of a new project.
8. Burnham Street/Ash Avenue Improvement Project
a. The Burnham Street Project is one of the major catalyst projects
identified in the Tigard Downtown Improvement Plan. The project
incorporates design concepts recommended by the Tigard Downtown
Comprehensive Streetscape Plan and includes reconstruction and
widening of Burnham Street between Main Street and Hall Blvd.
Wide sidewalks, landscaped medians, pedestrian crossings, on-street
parking, green street storm water treatments, and undergrounding of
utilities will be provided as part of the widening
b. Project construction has been awarded and construction is
commencing for completion in 2010.
9. Main Street Green Street Retrofit Project
a. The project is funded through a federal grant obtained via Metro's
Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program
(MTIP)solicitation process. This grant provides approximately $2.5
million of the $3.0+ million project estimate to retrofit
approximately 1,400 lineal feet of Main Street (southwest of the
railroad tracks in downtown Tigard) to full green street standards. It
includes widening of sidewalks, as well as reconstruction and
reconfiguration of portions of the existing street to create a
pedestrian-friendly atmosphere.
b. The work described is Phase 1 of a two-phase project aimed at
incorporating streetscape design standards for Main Street together
with green street components. Future Phase 2 improvements on Main
Street will extend from the railroad tracks northeast to Highway
c. Main features of Phase 1 include redirection of stormwater runoff
from a piped system to infiltration and detention devices for
treatment prior to discharge, reduction of impervious surface to the
maximum extent feasible, new street lighting, and planting of native
street trees.
d. The project includes design and construction of the segment of street
in accordance with the Tigard Downtown Comprehensive Streetscape
Plan with green street elements integrated throughout.
e. Project design is in the initial stages and construction is expected to
begin in 2011. The finished product will improve vehicle circulation
and enhance pedestrian activity throughout the street. The Phase 1
drainage, stormwater treatment, and streetscape improvements will be
designed to accommodate future Phase 2 improvements.
10.Highway 217 Interchange Management Study
a. The Highway 217 long-term plan is to widen the freeway to 6 lanes
with interchange improvements at a cost approaching $1.0 billion
dollars. Funding the long-term plan is just not feasible now or in the
foreseeable future.
b. This project is a technical study to identify a project that can be
reasonably be constructed in the next few years. This project needs to fit
into the long-term plan, must provide perceptible benefits without
adversely affecting the adjacent local street systems, and can realistically
be funded in the next few years for design and construction.
c. Earmark funding combined with some MTIP funding provide the
opportunity to look for a project that can be done initially. DKS
Associates has been selected to perform the study with review and
input by a Transportation Advisory Committee composed of
professional staff from ODOT, Beaverton, Tigard, Washington
County and Metro.
d. The study began in July 2009 and is expected to be completed by
the end of 2009.
11.High Capacity Transit
a. Portland City Center to Sherwood (Barbur/Highway 99W Corridor)
is considered one of the three "Near-Term Regional Priority
Corridors" for high capacity transit (HCT) in Metro's Regional
Transportation Plan Update. This corridor is the highest priority of
the three listed.
b. The City is supporting light rail as the HCT of choice.
City of Tigard> City Hall > City Council > City Council Goals Page 1 of 2
City of Tigard, Oregon
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503-639-4171 k
"A Plare to Ca 11 Jrfeme" f�
City Hall Business Cainmunity Police L16rary Heip s Apr zoos
Related Items City Council Goals
:.City Council Meeting2 HQt!!4> City Hail > City Council > City Council Goals
:.MMyor's Corner
:.Mgetjthe Council 2009 Tigard City Council Goals
Quick Links
home On January 6, 2009 the City Council met to set its goals for the coming year. These
:.Affordablle HoAiIng. goals represent those items that the Council feels deserve special attention in the
:.Bid Advertis -6: #1 months ahead. The City will accomplish much more than what is listed here, but we
Budget os/os identify these to be of particular importance to our residents.
:.Cft Charter The goals listed below were adopted at the January 13, 2009 Council Business
C.C! Council Meetings meeting. If you have any questions regarding City Council, please contact City
:.Construction in Tigard Recorder Cathy Wheatley.
:.Development Code
:.Emergency 1. Implement Comprehensive Plan
:.Events&Makings a. Update Tigard zoning maps based on Comprehensive Plan Update
:.Forms b. Update Tree Code to meet Comprehensive Plan
:.Job Opportunities c. Continue to lobby for light rail in 99W Corridor
:.New to Tigard? d. Develop a 50-year aspirational goal in support of Urban/Rural Reserves
:.Parks in Tigard Program
:.Public Rec9yAk 2. Implement Downtown Urban Renewal
:.Room Reservation.
:.Tigard Municipal Code a. Move forward with Burnham Street Project
:.Volunteer b. Complete land use regulations and design standards for the downtown
..Water Division
:.Zoning 3. Prepare for 2010 Bond Measure for Parks, Open Spaces and Trails
a. Complete Parks Master Plan
Online Services b. Pursue Fanno Park and downtown plaza property acquisition
:.Library Catalog-WCCLS
:.Online Park 4. Continue to support the legislature in addressing the financial needs of
Reservations state and local governments in Oregon
:.Ti gar _Mans
:.Utility Payments �-
5-Year Goals
. Implement Comprehensive Plan
Develop a long-term financial strategy
. Obtain 99W designation as the next Light Rail Corridor
Prepare 2010 Bond Measure for Parks, Open Spaces and Trails
Begin 99W access management implementation
. Support WCCLS and Public Safety levy renewals in 2010 .
Begin City Facility Needs Paan implementation
Long Term Goals
Pursue opportunities to reduce traffic congestion in Tigard
Seek to improve Hwy 99 Corridor (land use, alternative routes, traffic, etc.)
http://www.tigard-or.gov/city_hall/city_council/city_council_goals.asp 4/9/2009
City of Tigard> City Hall > City Council> City Council Goals Page 2 of 2
. Implement Downtown Urban Renewal Plan
City of Tigard, 13125 SW Hall Blvd,Tigard,OR 97223, 503-639-4171 1 Mao and Directions
Public Works/Water: 503-639-1554 1 Police Non-Emergency: 503-629-0111
Questions,comments,suggestions?Fill out the feedback form.
Printer Friendly Version
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http://www.tigard-or.gov/city_hall/city_council/city_council_goals.asp 4/9/2009
City of Tigard
Transportation Advisory Committee [TTAC] MINUTES
Wednesday, December 2, 2009, 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Fire Station #50, 12617 SW Walnut Street, Tigard, Oregon
Members Present
Gretchen Buehner— Anthony Rivano x Basil Christopher_ Cam Gilmour_x_
Christopher Warren x Dennis Mitchell x Jennifer Stanfield x Jeremy Vermilyea x
Joe Schweitz x
Staff present
Ron Bunch— Susan Hartnett x Gus Duenas x Toby LaFrance x Michael McCarthy x
Dennis Koellermeier Doreen Laughlin x
Welcome and Introductions
Susan Hartnett, Assistant Community Development Director, facilitated this meeting. For an "ice
breaker" she asked everyone present to give their name and to tell about a spectacular drive - which
everyone did.
Cam Gilmore attended for the first time (he'd missed the last meeting.) He gave a little background on
himself and told everyone why he was interested in being on the TTAC.
As to a bit of"housekeeping," Hartnett spoke briefly about the following matters:
• Minutes. Hartnett said the minutes would be a synopsis of the meetings, not a transcript. One
of the members said since this committee would be advising the Planning Commission, he would
like the minutes to be more detailed when it came to subjects of substance. Someone else said
"the shorter, the better" because people don't tend to read long minutes and another thought
"action" minutes would work well. Hartnett asked them to think about it and that this would be
• Administrative Support. Hartnett advised the group that the administrative support would
rotate between 3 departments - Community Development (Doreen Laughlin); Finance (Liz Lutz)
- and one as of yet unnamed person, from Public Works. She said the Admins will not all have
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the same experience and that some training time would be needed. Laughlin will provide the
other Admins with a short procedural guide to help with the transition. Hartnett asked the
group to be patient as the different Admins get used to the group and the subject matter.
• Status of the hiring of a new Sr. Transportation Planner. As of 12/2, the 2nd round of
interviews had been conducted and the result was encouraging. There are two equally good
candidates. Hartnett said it would be a tough choice but the expectation would be that they
would make a decision by the end of the week and the new Sr. Planner [who will also be the staff
facilitator to this group] will be on board by the end of this year. It is expected, and hoped, that
the committee will meet the new Sr. Transportation Planner at the next meeting in January.
Hartnett will facilitate that meeting and help the new person transition into the role.
• Change of Venue. Hartnett advised the group that, after researching the possibility, Fire
Station #50 was not found to be consistently available for the group's use; however, the 2nd floor
conference room at the Tigard Public Library had been secured for the next two years. She noted
the meetings will continue to be held the first Wednesday of every month beginning at 6:30pm
and ending at 8:30pm.
Transportation Funding Sources/Relationship to City Budget (Part 1)
Toby LaFrance, Director of Finance, gave very "high level" (not too deep) information about the
primary funding sources within the City of Tigard. He provided a description of the various funds;
where they come from; and how they can be spent. He passed out a packet of information (Exhibit A).
He spoke about the Gas Tax fund; Gas Tax fund post adoption changes; Street Maintenance Fee fund;
and the Traffic Impact Fee fund, including the financial forecast on these through FY 13/14.
LaFrance noted that one of the biggest projects funded by the Gas Tax is Burnham Street. He said
money had to be borrowed to fund Burnham. After the adoption of the FY 2009-2010 Budget, two
important changes occurred. First, the State of Oregon passed a transportation bill that increased the
Gas Tax [by 0.06/gallon] and registration fees. The registration fees will be in full effect by January 1,
2010, and the gas tax is phased in on January 1, 2011. In addition, the bids for Burnham Street came in
much lower than had been anticipated. When combined with the State Gas Tax revenue, Tigard will
need to borrow fewer funds over a shorter time and can have a stable fund balance of$1.5 - $1.5 mil
over the life of the loan.
There was some discussion about how people don't tend to understand budgets and funding very well.
Major Transportation Project Overviews (Continued from 11/4 meeting)
Mike McCarthy, Streets & Transportation Senior Project Engineer, spoke to items 5 & 6 on the project
list: "Hall Blvd/Hwy 99W Intersection Project," and "Greenburg Road/Hwy 99W/Main Street
Intersection Improvement Project." He had brought a plot of the subject area and the committee
members gathered around it as he gave a broad "5000 foot level" overview of the various projects. Some
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of these projects would include bus pull-outs, street trees, etc. He said there will be some major impacts
on right-of-ways. It was noted that much of the construction would be done during the nighttime so as
to have the least impact on traffic. He said this is not fully finalized and asked that the members call him
should they have detailed questions or suggestions with regard to the overviews he'd just given [503-718-
2462]. There were some questions as to funding. After speaking about the projects, he gave a "sneak
peek" at the draft version of the "Tigard Bike Map."
Gus Duenas, Development Engineer, spoke to item 4 - the "Hwy 99W Improvement Plan." One of
the things he noted was the plan for widening Hwy 99W near Fred Meyer, and that medians would be
U-turns would be designed into this plan as well, with the idea being to improve travel time to the area.
Susan Hartnett interjected that the land use plan is being appealed to LUBA by some property owners
(due to the medians.) There were some questions as to the type of signals that would be used. It was
noted the document is on the City website and that a Hwy 99W "launch page" will be on the City
Website soon to help make it easier to navigate if people are looking for information on this plan.
There was a question about the "synchronization" project on Hwy 99W. Dennis Mitchell, from
ODOT, spoke to that question. He said it was coming along and would be implemented soon. There
was some discussion on the "ripple effect," and how synchronization is not as easy as it may seem.
Due to the scheduled timeframe, Hartnett suggested they pick up at item 8 at the next meeting.
Everyone agreed. [The aim is, in respect to all attending, to keep these meetings as close to the scheduled
ending time as possible.]
Suggestions for City Council Goals for 2010
Hartnett said the City Council is asking boards and committees to give input on goals for 2010 — short-
term, mid-range, and long-term. (Mid-range is described as being 5 years, and long-term being 10 years
plus.) She noted this committee will eventually be working on establishing their own goals and how
those goals fit in with the Council goals. She conducted a brief brainstorming session with the aim of
the TTAC to come up with ideas for Council's 2010 goals. They came up with the following four ideas:
1. Develop community access transit options- a comprehensive plan that integrates with the
Westside Express Service (WES) and the regional transit system;
2. Develop a plan to complete the bicycle/pedestrian system in Tigard. Set a goal with a
timeline and prioritization based on funding, safety, schools, & connectivity.
3. Snow removal plan: Possibly utilize "on-call" contracts. Prioritize routes and consider
leveraging options with other agencies.
4. Transform Hwy 99W — Pursue land use, high capacity Transit (HCT), and adopted
Improvement Plan along with interagency coordination & cooperation. Refine actions and
approaches over time.
The consensus was the above four goals would be submitted to Council on their behalf.
Wrap up and Next Meeting
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Toby LaFrance will speak to the financial forecast and give an update on the CIP Process.
Darren Wyss, Senior Planner, will give an overview/update of the Tigard TSP.
Committee leadership will be discussed and leaders may be chosen.
The next TTAC meeting will be held on Wednesday,January 6, at the Tigard Library 2nd Floor
Conference Room, 13500 SW Hall Blvd.from 6:30pm - 8:30pm.
Hartnett adjourned the meeting at 8:30 pm.
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Gas "Fax Fund
"lhk fund rccr)rdq sharvd rcvcjwcm from i-ar~ ;tn<l (:jaunty taxru on sale and u9e of mornr vchiclr fuvl. hinds arc used for o niot-wrion, rcc.pristrucmoi3,
imprrlvenn-nr, i` pair, malntctimicr, cjwt-arion, and use of public himhwuya, roads, strct,rs, and roadside tcst arcan. Moriws may also be ustd for Direct
lightiiig iltnl C.lt�ulrl11g. 3resrrn ElraingLge, traffic c(;ntrc)l cicvices, and cost of admi ni-ritn don.
S"raw rix and veluc'le regionifivin fee9 are shared with cities and counties thrs ughnur rhe Srate, rising a formula wt by the Iegisixt=, Stuic ps rax
rTatcs 13avr 110t IIICr(.`;INUd in SUMe. rirne mid hudWt for FY 2009-10 docs havc o xlighr increasr~ from the rumnr fiscal vear'w j)r0jCC-tl11T1r Thiq incrUOSC ix
largely duc. to the xigniliratir o kst licr gallon rho rht• na6nn ha% expcHencc d. "lli4i mdurtion has Ic d tri a grcutcr ronsumprion of guxtolinc From the public
and tlicreforc slighrly higher revrpuC!4
1 a-';liingtiIn County rollcmr {Inc. dont l'i`t' gall(Ai ,if gas sn1d within the (: pwiry as a Counry gag rax. Ticxcq siry diKMbutc.d to citio within the Comity
LLM?rding to a formula Iset by the Counry.
I{unds are litl(lgavd. for the Sircer hght9 and Signalm progrgm a i(i rlle arrret mamrvi,un.ce program riprrated by Pahl1c 1 nicks. In addition, the (:lipital
Impr(wement Prop m includes vari,Iurt stvvei impirovenwiv proivam thu are outlhwd to thr Ciry's I'Ivc `ciir. CrLpital Il prevenient Ilan. Sonic oftjji's
projects ate part of rhe• downrown revitalivarion effort currently un[.Icmor
Ducembe'r 2, 2009 TTAC Mccting 1
Gas Tart Fund
Capacity for CIP Projects
Financial Forecast through FY 13/14
FY OS/06 FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY()RI09 FY 09 t0 FY 10f t1 FY 11/12
Actual Umaudked -
ftm Ending Fund Balance ver/CIP Forecast Reuenue/Trans in Forecast Operat Ing ftp/Trans Out Forecast exp w/CtP
Gap Tim Fund
Actual Unnudlled PraJaclad
pry com FY ON07 FY 07M6 FY cam FY 0910 Fir 10111 rr 1%112 FY 12113 Fr 13f14
Feraceet Rwmnue7rena In $2.503.171 $2.770.797 17139 $2.18f1,934 59.117 399 ".210 dQ1} $2.210,ODD $2.210sm $2,210,000
Foracae4QperpllnQ Exp.+Trano oul 11,456,W5 __;1.580,338 51 11$0 700 $2.237097 $2990,206 $9,463.796 52,494.639 $2.540.6166 $21592.675
CIPJD4bISavlce $$06.056 S1,399,781 $378,186 S1-112800 $3.881,170 53.639§40 S309m0 SW9.540 $$91.640
Forarwl Exp w+OP S1162.331 $2.055.119 $2.342690 $3.349,897 699,376 $0.003330 $2 994$7o $3 M.406 �092,A16
Endlnr Fund 9alarlca w)DIP $ 719A61S 53934 437 52.3239145 1646432 S4,17 442 I#•i[I.1 772 +5 1.2C lir8i S7.12r1.0331
Dmcmber2, 2009 TTAC Meeting
Gas Tait Fund -- Post Adoption Changes
A Rvr adoption of the FY 2009-2010 Budget, two imrx)rtant changcs occurred. First, the State,ofOrcgon postA a tra n srAmation bill that incrca,;W
the G as Tax by $0.($/gal]on and registration 1�cs. The registration Foes circ: rully in of oct by January I, 2010 and the gns tax is phasod ire nn January
1. 2011. 'Chis w ll increase I lie rc v tm ucs to the State G as Tax Fund and the resulting ending fund balance is adjusted olid shown in yellow in the:
graph helow.
in addition. ilia huiq for Bumbarn Sxrcet came 111 Much lower than had been anticipated. When combined with the Mate Gas Tax revenue. Tigard wit I
n=l to horro w [ wer fun€*l over a shorter time and cin have a stable fund halance of$1.541.6 mil over the 1i fe of the ician,
Iroput of State TrAnspEhniptirm nlrl an OurnImm S1. pill
FY O-ID FY 10M I I FY i1�12 FY 12-13 FY 13-14 IVY 19119 Ctmat MnatE�,W,463
Lorin Amt Annual Prat. Yrs Paid
Adopted fr
523.71 i35 ibli 11.14 ,uG7f {1�kH+1,48�f {7,01Ui,4511 540.00D 4,15{F,f]00 5R!#,540do ted wI StARr Tracy RIII 1,393 1311 1,567.198 1,704 79? 1,809 377 1 651x,394 500 00f} 6.350.4 54�3.�40 Al
Adopted wf State Trans 4111&ewmha+n Old 1.264 x e 1.41}9.'Jot 1SkE,lx73 1,585.503 2,915.554 500,4Q4 3 RN f,kl3Y 731 5]8,455 i
�,aoo.000 _
Cas Tax Er ctjn g Fund Balance:
z,00a,000 Impact of_Rurnham/Ash Project Options
(2,000,13Dn) Mo9110 FY 10/11 FY 11/12 --FY M13/14 -1s/19
14,000,1 }
15.000,00a1 — — — -- — I
{s.00a,000� —
*Adopted Adopted w/StateTrans Bill 0 Adopted w1 State Trans Bill & Urnham 0 1 d
Deci=hor?, 2009 TTAC Meeting �
City Gas Tac Fuad
This Ound is used to a"ount for revcmues generated f'r()m `1'igard's Iova gas tax, The: tm was duvelopcxi by a iMizon task fbroL who rcwmmcncl l iE
as a way to fund imvrovcmenis to the Greenhurg Rd.M W/Main St. imersection and was :ppmved by the Tigard City Council in Dcezinher X006
All Omcccd-� gencraIcA arc dedicatcd to this one Orejjcct. and 11w tax will t•x pire ottce the cast t k f t11c projccl, prr j*Qtcd at "65 miIIian is rnised
- City Cas Tax
Capacitor for CiP Project
Financial Forecast through FY 13/14
$4,400.000 - - — - - - - — - -
m $1,500.000
$500,004 — I
r-Y OW(h. FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY /09 FY 49110 FY 10/11 FY 11/17 FY 12/13 I FY 13 14
nctuat Unaudilted Projected
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiEndtng Fund Balance w/CIP —ForecAst Revenue/trans In Forecast Opera tknit Exp/TransOut — Forecast Ekp w/C1
Clay Gas Tait Fund
Actual Unaudited Projected
fY ftme FY ON07 FY 07M FY 06M FY O is FY 10111 FY 11112 FY 12M3 FY 131%
For9reat Roy muefrretta in so ,7d SWIM $830.601 ��57,217 1}3,E7�.t]QO $672 MO $972 000 Sd7�.001l�
Fr3rewst tJpt++raling xp�rran Out 0 so 34 so $0 i4 $00
OIF*INN Service $0 $0 51135 074 sam 000 $020,000 $3 843{700 $414.4113
Forac9tl Exp wl C l P $414,415 $414.416
0 0 $106 074 $GOO fl40 $820 00D $3.843,000 $414,1141414,4-5 1 4 415
Ending Puna Balance V#CIO 40 30 5mm $777,186 581+4.403 $941,403 $1 14]Ll 968 $1,M,1574 $1.616,186
December ?. 2009 T"TAC Mcetivg 4
Street Maintenance Fee Fund
The Strca Maintcmmcc Fee f Lind waK cstablislied ire trsick On, rcw.mier4 incl ex13e1ldiriirv.,� frir flit. Srrcct (4 :inrv.ngnec Fec thsit was ;ipprnvcd thrnugb
0rdinante Nu. 113-10 by the City Cotiricil on N ovemhrr 18, 2003, lie>th hi and residcnces pay this fm I"DT IiflgIV. anti n1ulsi-f` Milt' tIriirs. the fev 18
$2.18 per unit per. moath. Non-req ideittial cuxts niers pay $0.78 per parkiiig. Lpwc. (.1,o Une. -ttations pay $0.7h p c r fuding pump Ktstirrn. T"liu rates are
vn;tiNi9hod uming rht {;ity'1q 5-vrs�r rnainfenmttrc. anei tes~cmgrrur-ttirkn 1,laa, 6)r c<,rrecrive and pru vc,n t,i 6v c mainrunnttc'c cif ihe- (,hy'K wrrvot #nfrar mir -.tr1ft.,
711i� fr-s:. provide:L a stAble 1#ovi-cc c;F r,-ve.tiuc desigiwted for ust in ilit imiiiu!nance of uxsKting -,gImeIA, Th1K usrtlriricc .1plilyingF rink stree.1 R16rffti.t'14 911CII LJw
y111rry sealw, pavemen I ovCrIF1ys, aiid rclistarin14 durv.Hnmring Htro.trs,
I.ndtr ncc '1 Tigard Munictpri.1 {.{:ode, the pretgram wsrs revimed after three yearn and thc rates to-esctA hhshW baac d rm t1sc• arimial nvc.rage co-r ofan updated
5-year plan. Wltilr, it ix prKxbahk tlmf rates will IAC sxd)URNsi during, I-Y 2009-11), the ImLigetcd mvvime4 do not includc ,my rite rhango as thev inert nor
knr)WTI 'GI i1 rirmv rhe Ituclg&W.,js rrc•anFc1,
Member 2. 2009 TTAC Meeting
Street Maintenance Fund
Capacity for CIP Project
Financial Forecast through FY 13/14
� S�.OQO,U40
� S1,SDU.QQf1
++ $I,6DO.000
V $800,1000 --�-
w, � --
w 5400,000
so r�
FY 05/06 FY 06/47 FY 07/08 FY 08109 FY 09/10 FY 10111 FY 11/12 FY 12/13 I FY 13/34
Actual Unaudited Pro*tpd
Ending Vund Balance w/CIP —Forecast Revenue/Trans In Forecav Operating Exp/Trans out Forecast Exp wl CIP
Street Maintenance Fund
Actual Unaudltod Projected
FY 05106 FY 0GM7 FV 07108 FY 08109 FY 09110 FY 10111 FY 11112 FY 12113 FY 13114
Fofecaat RevenuelTrans fn $863,617 5862,953 $874,231 $876,585 $860,000 S860.000--$860,000 $860,000 $866,000
Forocast Operating EXp7fans Out $118,057 $124,647 $127,85$ $1.03,752 $83,180 $83,160 $83,100 $63,180 $83,160
CIP1Qebt Servioa $743,33+ $928,223 31 586 747 $773,511 $776 000 $776,000 $776,000 $716000 $776,000
Forecast Exp wl CIP $661,391 $1 052,870 $1 714 603 $877,263 $858 180 S850150 $859,160 $869 i6Q �H:59160
Lndln0 Fund Balance wl CIP $439,422. $1 17 7,728_L$202,44.5 500 373 Z01 1 $20 ,053 $ 02,893 5 43,735 $�04,5�'3
December 2. 2009 TTAC Meeting 6
Tral:fc Impact Fee Fund
`['hc• TrufFtf- Impact Vve p'l1) N a durgre on new clevrloprncnt a9sessed 15y Wa-Aington Cowtry, 11t1t Vollecled by cltrc�A. It h; bFised up(,w OIL' 11L1111b0' Of
trills per day that each type of dc'vrItjPInuI11 14 c,;lis 3aIcd rf� gou.r:t re. 'I Ile ('01111 muintuit1M a tah1v f if gtond.i rds for all pnssihIc. tij;v. -1 lit! I;I.]n d acc] rrip-,
Per 41ay {s,r uai:It dlrVVlopri]L'Ilt .Iris Ilit 11till licd by rhL. Mtc per kris+ to d Vccrmine the iniount of rhe, `I'll'. I-iInd rvvc oiik!s may only be used For Iiighway aIid
transit uipital tmprovemc� tits rhar prnvidc IddiLicpaaI capacity to major tran m porn rii 5 n gy8tc-rnw and to pity Ow C4nitn I.If.1dniinistw ing 111 $7tr gm Ill.
I-und mvcnu" aiv 41c{pend vitl ijpori development prr,iLm. isIid rlIere fow, wiry ttom year to year based (ri the level nF ix[1m)1111L' activiry. 'I'tl revrmleg in
FY (M-09 are projected to be ttlslch lower than was bkidg ted chic ro ncc signi6caur slowdown in construction within the Cir}' LI1nim attcl sea tf .111r-1MIMITL'%
rhiv ttend ra Cc?fltMUC it]III PY 2009-W.
Transportation Development Tait Fund
The C auntywide Transperrtatinn Development Tax ('T`D'f} i a Washington County Tax apprclved by the: voty~ in November 2009, which it~
adininiste: d and collected by the: City of'Tigard. The tax went into effect on July 1, 2(M. replacing tlie 'rraf is Impact Voc (TIF) pnigram.
Like~TIF, TD"r is Assessed on now develapin ent to help provide Funds For the incmasw capacity transportation IMpro vements needed To
accotttm adutu the additional vChi CIO traffic and demand felt transit faciIitie-s gcncrated by that dove Iopmcnt. It provides funds~ for these capacity
i in provemcri 0 to county and city atter alp ;, certain coIluctom and certain state and transit Facilities as listed in they C"aunty',, Capital Improvements
Project List. The TILT is categorized as an Improvement Fee: ro-venue mint be dedical ad to caritaI iinprovctnontlt that expand ct acity rind ma not
lir. used for maintortuncc, repair, or other non-capital improvGrr eats.
December 2. 2G09 TTAC Mooting 7
Traffilr Irnpact Fee Fund
Capacity for CMP Project
Financial Forecast through FY 13/14
$2,0100,000 � � —
51,11300,000 _
$500,000 —
FY 0,5f06 FY 06/07 FY 87/08 FY 08/09 FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 11/12 FY 12/13 FY 13/14
Actual unaudlited Protected
#Ending Fuad Balance w/Clla Forecast Raven u a/Tra ns In Forcast OperatIn&Earp/tram.Out Forecast Exp w/C1
Traffic ronpar4 Feu 8 Trensparatrtin 00valopmanf Tex Funds
J wtw Unwjd1W Projectod
FY OWN FY 06W FY 0710B FY 4EM0 FY QYm0 PY i0f11 FY 11M2 FY 12f13 FY 18114
ronKmr Rovenue(Trans Irk spamm $1,107,150 5862.820 _ 369,829 '301 975 S477,M 1 $650.000 $828.172 4 $828,172
Farmasr Operal.1"Exlw7 ans CM $ib7, 7 $116,345 $154,053 $178.8" $301.005 $213.0$$ $218.996 $22 7 267 $333,7$7
CIWOW Servire $A08.826 5460,640 $2:66033 MUM- $319$0000 $tl _ 34
Foreoaet Exp wl GIP 55",823 $5719.885 2 720 08B $1,50,853 Si 801 006 3,669 356$,966 $233,797
E ndlog Fund Balance w1 CIP S2.707,042 J $3.61M.42.3 $;,661,634 $1,430.22 $131 067 $3+F6,34T $426.361 j1,p27 2T$ S 9�E21.6�}
M-cembor 2, 2M9 TTAC Mcoling 8