Plans •
j _ ,,. .7.- " •r. 1999 Roofing Materials and Systems Directory • -
• 0
29. Deck: NC Incline: 1/4 "GAFGLAS Flashing" or "Ruberoid" may be used.for flashing in any
Foam: "Poly -Iso" or "Poly -Iso Special" with "Polyfoam 251" or "Polyfoam A, B or C systems listed below.
303 ", 1 in. min. When "perlite" is referenced, this includes "GAFTEMP PERMALIT
Base Coat: One or two applications "Gacoflex UB- 7050 ", applied at 1 other UL Classified perlite insulation.
gal /sq /application or three applications, applied 1 -1/4 gal /sq /application Crushed stone or slag are suitable alternates for gravel in any of I
(1'6-32 dry mils). B or C systems listed.
Surfacing: "Gacoflex UA -65" Series (various colors), applied 1 gal /sq (12 Structural cement fiber building units are considered suitable to I
dry mils). • . as a deck in the following Class A, B or C systems listed over C -1f.
30. Deck: NC Incline: 1/2 The use of gypsum board under any of the following Class A, B o
Foam: "Poly -Iso" or "Poly -Iso Special" with "Polyfoam 251" or 'Polyfoam does not adversely effect the rating. The use of 1/2 in. min gypsi_
• 303 ", 1 in. min. an acceptable alternate for insulation over C -15/32 decks.
Base Coat: One or two applications "Gacoflex UB- 7050 ", applied at 1 The use of polystyrene insulation board between min 3/4 in. p€
gal /sq/application or three applications, applied 1 -1/4 gal /sq /application and deck with rosin paper (perlite /rosin paper /polystyrene /pe •
(16 -32 dry mils). suitable alternate for isocyanurate board in the following Class
Surfacing: "Gacoflex UA-60" Series (various colors), applied 1 gal /sq (15 systems.
dry mils). "GAFTEMP Isotherm RA ", " GAFTEMP Tapered Isotherm RA" and " GAFTEMP
31. Deck: NC Incline: 2 Composite A" may be substituted for any isocyanurate insulation in any of the
Foam: "Poly -Iso" or "Poly -Iso Special" with "Polyfoam 251" or 'Polyfoam following Classifications.
303 ", 1 in. min. Trumbull "Perma Mop" may be utilized with any of the following "Asphalt Felt -
Base Coat: "GacoSil S- 1000 ", applied at 1 gal /sq (10 dry mils). Systems with Hot Roofing Asphalt ".
Surfacing: "Gacoflex S- 1000 ", applied at 1 gal /sq (10 dry mils). GAFGLAS #80 Premium Base Sheet may be used in any of the following
32. Deck: NC Incline: 1 systems.
Foam: "Polyfoam 251" or "Polyfoam 303 ", any thickness. Class A, B and C.
Surfacing: "Gacoflex Ure- Shield 7007 ", 40 dry mils. Hot roofing asphalt, for use with organic and glass felts or modified bitumen
33. Deck: NC Incline: 2 membranes.
Foam: "Polyfoam 275 ", any thickness.
Base Coat: "Gacoflex A- 6211 ", 1 -1/2 gal /sq (14 dry mils). 1. Deck: C -15/32 Incline: 3 .
' Surfacing: "Gacoflex A- 6200" series (various colors), 1 -1/2 gal /sq (14 Insulation (Optional): One or more layers perlite, wood fiber, glass
dry mils). fiber, isocyanurate, urethane, perlite /isocyanurate composite, perlite/
_ 34. Deck: NC Incline: 2 urethane composite, wood fiber /isocyanurate composite, phenolic, any
Foam: Polyfoam 251, "Polyfoam 275" or "Polyfoam 303 ", any thickness. thickness.
• Base Coat: One or two applications "Gacoflex UB- 7050 ", applied at 1 Ply Sheet: Three or more layers Type G1 "GAFGLAS Ply 4" or "GAFGLAS Ply
gal /sq. /application (16 -32 dry mils). 6 ", hot mopped.
Surfacing: One application of "Gacoflex A -55 Series" (various colors), Surfacing: G ravel. •
applied at 1 -1/2 gal /sq. (15 dry mils). ?Deck: C -15/32 Incline: 2 .
35. Deck: NC Incline: 1/4 Insulation (Optional): One or more layers perlite, wood fiber, glass
Foam: "Polyfoam 251 ", "Polyfoam 275" or "Polyfoam 303 ", any thickness. fiber, isocyanurate, urethane, perlite/isocyanurate composite, perlite/
Base Coat: "Gacoflex UB -64," applied at 1 -1/2 gal /sq. (18 dry mils). urethane composite, wood fiber /isocyanurate composite, phenolic, any
Trowel Coat: 30/60 mesh crushed walnut shells mixed at a rate of 5 thickness.
lb /gal with "Gacoflex UB -64," applied at 1 -1/2 gal /sq or "Gacoflex i Ply Sheet: Three or more layers Type G1 "GAFGLAS Ply 4" or "GAFGLAS Ply
UB -64 ", applied at 1 -1/2 gal /sq (18 dry mils) followed by the broadcast 6 .-
application of 30/60 mesh crushed walnut shells applied at 7 -8 lb /sq. Cap Sheet: One layer Type G3 "GAFGLAS Mineral Surfaced Cap Sheet".
Surfacing: "Gacoflex U -66 ", applied at 1/2 gal /sq. (6 dry mils). 3. Deck: NC Incline: 2
Insulation (Optional): One or more layers perlite, wood fiber, glass
GAF MATERIALS CORP R1306 fiber, isocyanurate, urethane, perlite /isocyanurate composite, pertite/
1361 ALPS RD, WAYNE NJ 07470 urethane composite, wood fiber /isocyanurate composite, phenolic, 2 in.
"RUBEROID 20" or " RUBEROID Modified Base Sheet" may be utilized as an max.
alternate to Type G2 base sheets in any of the following Classifications. Ply Sheet: Two or more layers Type G1 "GAFGLAS Ply 4" or "GAFGLAS Ply
1/2 in. thick (min) gypsum board or 1/4 in. thick (min) Georgia- Pacific 6".
"Dens-Deck®" overlayment board may be used in any existing noncombustible Cap Sheet: One layer Type G3 "GAFGLAS Mineral Surfaced Cap Sheet".
deck Classification. When this is done, the resulting roofing system is 4. Deck: NC Incline: 1/2
acceptable for use over combustible (15/32 in. min) roof decks. The joints in Insulation: One or two layers "Isotherm R ", 4 in. max, hot mopped.
the gypsum board and overlayment board are offset 6 in. with the joints in the Ply Sheet: Any UL Classified gravel surfaced Class A asphalt glass fiber
deck. If polystyrene is part of the roof system, it must be placed below the • mat system.
overlayment board. 5. Deck: C -15/32 Incline: 1 ..
Also, multiple plies of "GAFGLAS Ply 4" or "Ply 6" may be adhered to Slip Sheet (Optional): Red rosin paper, nailed to deck.
"Dens- Deck" in hot asphalt. Base Sheet: One layer of Type G2 "GAFGLAS #75 Base Sheet" (may be
"GAFGLAS Stratavent Nailable Base Sheet" may be mechanically attached or nailed).
hot mopped over noncombustible decks, and as a recover over existing roof Ply Sheet: One or more layers of Type G1 "GAFGLAS Ply 4" or GAFGLAS Ply
systems. 6"•
GAFGLAS Perlite Insulation may be utilized as a cover board over "EVERGUARD" Cap Sheet: One layer of Type G -3 "GAFGLAS Mineral Surfaced Cap Sheet".
insulation in any of the following systems. 6. Deck: NC Incline: 3 •
Type G2 asphalt glass mat base sheet ( "GAFGLAS #75 Base Sheet" or "GAFGLAS Ply Sheet: One or more layers of_Type Gl "GAFGLAS Ply 4" or GAFGLAS Ply
q80 Premimum Base Sheet") is a suitable alternate for Type G1 asphalt glass 6". 7
fiber ply sheet, ( "GAFGLAS Ply 4" or "GAFGLAS Ply 6 ") in the Class A, B or C roof Cap Sheet: One layer of Type G -3 "GAFGLAS Mineral Surfaced Cap Sheer'./
systems indicated below. 7. Deck: C -15/32 Incline: 2
The roof deck may first be covered with a Type G2 asphalt glass mat base Insulation: One or more layers perlite, glass fiber, isocyanurate, urethane,
sheet "GAFGLAS Stratavent (Vent -Ply) perforated" or "GAFGLAS Stratavent perlite/isocyanurate composite, perlite/urethane composite, phenolic,
(Vent -Ply) for nailable decks ". Perforated to be mopped and nailable to be 1.0 in. min (offset from plywood joints 6 in.).
mechanically attached granule side down. Base Sheet: One or more layers of Type G1, G2 or G3.
As an option Type G2 asphalt glass mat base sheet ( "GAFGLAS #75 Base • Membrane: One or more layers of "Ruberoid Torch" (smooth or granule),
Sheet ", "GAFGLAS #80 Premium Base Sheer or "GAFGLAS Stratavent (Vent -Ply) "Ruberoid Torch Plus" (granule), "Ruberoid Mop" (smooth or granule) or
for nailable decks ") may be substituted for G1 asphalt glass fiber ply sheet "Ruberoid Mop Plus" (granule). .
( "GAFGLAS Ply 4" or "GAFGLAS Ply 6 ") as the nailed base ply in the following Cap Sheet: "GAFGLAS Mineral Surfaced Cap Sheet", hot mopped:
systems. 8. Deck: C -15/32 Incline: 2
Bottom ply or base sheet may be solid mopped, spot mopped or mechanically Insulation (Optional): One or more layers perlite, wood fiber, glass
fastened. fiber, isocyanurate, urethane, pertite /isocyanurate composite, perlite/
Unless otherwise indicated, all insulations may be hot mopped or mechanically • urethane composite, wood fiber /isocyanurate composite, phenolic, any
fastened. thickness.