Correspondence S id 96--,cte---
513 NW 13th #204
Portland, Or 97209
223 3855
223 2630 fax
Bob Poskin
City of Tigard
13125 SW Hall Blvd
Tigard , Or 97223
Re: Pacific Utility Corp.
12805 SW Hunziker St.
Tigard, Or.
Tract in NW 1/4, Section I.T.2.S )/‘61-
Response to your comments of 10/30/98; /
1. I have confirmed that the proposed buildin will be an F1 occu Th e ose
p p g P anc . ( owners of the
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company have confirmed that the new building will only be used for r oof existing
vehicles and that there will be no more than 250 cubic feet of gas in portable tanks in the
building at any given time. The only open flame will be occasional cutting with a torch. ■
The canisters will be kept in the existing sprinkled, H4 building.
2. The site plan has been revised to show an accessible pathway from the proposed building
to the existing building where accessible toilet rooms and other facilities are located.
3. The drawings have been revised to show a one hour wall at the south side of the building
where the building is less than 20 feet from the property line.
Respectfully submitted,
dr' fir . NOV 0 5 1998