Permit w ilk CITY OF TIGARD BUILDING PERMIT PERMIT #: BUP2002 -00432 i DEVELOPMENT SERVICES D ATE ISSUED: 10/8/02 13125 SW Hall Blvd., Tigard. OR 97223 (503) 639 -4171 PARCEL: 2S112DC -00100 SITE ADDRESS: 15705 SW 72ND AVE SUBDIVISION: OREGON BUS. PARK III ZONING: I -L BLOCK: LOT: 002 - JURISDICTION: TIG REISSUE: FLOOR AREAS EXTERIOR WALL CONSTRUCTION CLASS OF WORK: ALT FIRST: sf N: S: E: W: TYPE OF USE: COM SECOND: sf PROJECT OPENINGS? TYPE OF CONST: 5N : sf N: S: E: W: OCCUPANCY GRP: B TOTAL AREA: 0.00 sf ROOF CONST: FIRE RET? OCCUPANCY LOAD: BASEMENT: sf AREA SEP. RATED: STOR: HT: ft GARAGE: sf OCCU SEP. RATED: BSMT ?: MEZZ ?: REQD SETBACKS REQUIRED FLOOR LOAD: psf LEFT: ft RGHT: ft FIR SPKL: Y SMOK DET: DWELLING UNITS: FRNT: ft REAR: ft FIR ALRM : HNDICP ACC: BEDRMS: BATHS: IMP SURFACE: PRO CORR: PARKING: VALUE: $ 18,000.00 Remarks: Combine Nike /Bridgestone, create opening between existing offices and remodel existing locker rooms. Owner: Contractor: PACIFIC REALTY ASSOCIATES HOWARD S WRIGHT CONSTRUCTION 15350 SW SEQUOIA PKWY #300 -WMI 425 NW 10TH AVENUE #200 PORTLAND, OR 97224 PORTLAND, OR 97209 Phone: 220 -0895 531 -9492 Phone: 220 -0895 Reg #: 51EI -9492 89229 FEES MET REQCJQIW Npp�� SPECTIONS Description Date Amount Electrical Permit Required [BUILD] Permit Fee 10/8/02 $216.10 Plumbing Permit Required TAX 8% State Tax 10/8/02 $17 29 Gyp B o r d In [TAX] Gyp Board Insp [BUPPLN] Pln Rv 10/8/02 $140.47 Susp Ceilng Insp [FLS] FLS Pln Rv 10/8/02 $86.44 Final Inspection Total $460.30 This permit is issued subject to the regulations contained in the Tigard Municipal Code, State of OR. Specialty Codes and all other applicable law. All work will be done in accordance with approved plans. This permit will expire if work is not started within 180 days of issuance, or if work is suspended for more than 180 days. ATTENTION: Oregon law requires you to follow the rules adopted by the Oregon Utility Notification Center. Those rules are set forth in OAR 952 - 001 -0111D.- through OAR 952 - 001 -0100. You may obtain a copy of these rules or direct questions to OUNC by calling 3) 246 -6 6' ° • r 1- 800 - 332 -2344. - P if Issu d By: K. Q , . 4 /. - �, / / Perm itte -- Signature: , �� mi l �%� Call 639 -4175 by 7 p.m. for an inspection the next business day 7 --- - - lib. Building Permit Application 1/59‘ Date received: /C 3 4'2 Permit no.:tu �a _G9 � City of Tigard = .1� ' `) I! g Project/appl.no.: Ex ire date: • • Ci o Ti and Address: 13125 SW Hall Blvd, Tigard, OR 97223 rY l 8 Phone: (503) 639 -4171 Date issued: C B I Receipt no.: Fax: (503) 5984960 Case file no.: Payment type: Land use approval: 1 &2 family: Simple Complex: TYPE OF PERMIT 0 1 & 2 family dwelling or accessory 0 Commercial/industrial O Multi - family 0 New construction 0 Demolition 0 Addition/alteration/replacement » Tenant improvement 0 Fire sprinkler /alarm 0 Other. JOB SITE INFORMATION Job address: I 765 01 72- P4 j7 fl•E • Bldg. no.: Suite no.: • Lot: Block: 'Subdivision: I Tax map /tax lot/account no.: Project name: M ice 4, .f /btMVJFA tvdIV6 ' Description and location of work on premises/special conditions: A41001 JNT 0 - erPtee iktl' EilL stirs OWNER FOR SPECIAL INFORMATION, USE CIIECKLIST Name: N 1i f pro (Floodplain, septic capacity, solar, etc.) Mailing address: 1 P o W Eh•M00 PP, 1& 2 family dwelling: City: >v DOJ I State: CIL ZIP: a(' f dU s Valuation of work $ Phone:b1i_Z86 2 lFaxbt+I.179 IE -mail: No. of bedrooms/baths Owners representative: tE .tc. S 6r2.4945E1v . Total number of floors Phone: . : 6 2. Fax: , • (;__ E -mail: New dwelling area (sq. ft.) . APPLICANT Garage/carport area (sq. ft.) Name: N 114 6 l loc.- Covered porch area (sq. ft.) Mailing address: Deck area (sq. ft.) City: I State: I ZIP: Other structure area (sq. ft.) Phone: Fax: E -mail: Commercial/industrial /multi - family: CONTRACTOR Valuation of work $ 1 Rob• Existing bldg. area (sq. ft.) Business name: !t#51AJ (Lf wl4-tQ 5_ w 04,611.1 - New bldg. area (sq. ft.) Address: 4 Ptv • 1 01 1 &AM tStill 7a) Number of stories 1 City: �j ()Q State :61__I ZIP: 4t7 Type of construction V • 0 Phone:tjg, .pgt{s 1 Fax :ZjA -0/3cj -mail: Occupancy group(s): Existing: $- CCB no.: $l 22 ''( New: 13 City /metro lic. no.: Notice: All contractors and subcontractors are required to be ARCIIITECT /DESIGNER licensed with the Oregon Construction Contractors Board under Name: t•51 - er - P fr i 44- ( f1 Z1' . provisions of ORS 701 and may be required to be licensed in the Address: jurisdiction where work is being performed. If the applicant is exempt from licensing, the following reason applies: City: lij !!1t a ,- a N State: c --1 Z IP: 4 7 Contact person: 4' 2 C /4140P Plan no.: Phone: i. - mg Z Fax: • E -mail: ENGINEER Name: Contact person: Fees due upon application $ Address: Date received: City: State: ZIP: Amount received $ Phone: 1 Fax: I E -mail: Please refer to fee schedule. I hereby certify I have read and examined this application and the Not all jurisdictions accept credit cards, please call jurisdiction for more information. attached checklist. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this 0 Visa 0 MasterCard work will be complied w' whethe specified herein or not. Credit card ° / Expires Authorized signatu - . i_ : ;'Ay'Date: 70 .3 '6 Z Name of cardholder as shown on credit card • $ Print name: A;t�"� 5 = Cardholder signature Amount Notice: This permit application expires if a permit is not obtained within 180 days after it has been accepted as complete. 440-4613 (NONCOM) CITY OF TIGARD 24 -Hour BUILDING Inspection Line: (503) 639 -4175 INSPECTION DIVrSION� Business Line: (503) 639 -4171 MST Received Date Requested 1/ / 4j AM PM BU$ i Location d Suite MEC Contact Person ' Ph ( ) 5 cf - 77 3 Z PLM — act ( 1 4 ?' Contractor Ph ( ) SWR Tenant/Owner 41 -4 o , ELC Footing Foundation ELC Access: Ftg Drain s AO ELR Crawl Drain Slab Inspection Notes: SIT Post & Beam Shear Anchors Ext Sheath /Shear Int Sheath /Shear " — a-- C�C--- Framing Insulation Drywall Nailing Firewall Fire Sprinkler - 1"-V Fire Alarm f � j Susp'd Ceiling — t ; r Roof Other: FAIL P i . Post & et eam� Under Slab Rough -In Water Service Sanitary Sewer 1 Rain Drains Catch Basin / Manhole / Storm Drain \ Shower Pan / Other: a" all RT FAIL M _'.'.ICAL Post & Beam Rough -In Gas Line Smoke Dampers Final PASS PART FAIL ELECTRICAL Service Rough -In UG /Slab Low Voltage Fire Alarm Final ❑ Reinspection fee of $ required before next inspection. Pay at City Hall, 13125 SW Hall Blvd. PASS PART FAIL SITE n Please call fo reins.- tion RE: El Unable to inspect — no access Fire Supply Line ADA y Approach /Sidewalk Date < / A A Inspector Ext Other: Final DO NOT REMOVE this inspection record from the job site. PASS PART FAIL -