Correspondence e iac2 o(1 -k-4-
December 4, 2001
Capitol Electric
12810 NE Airport way
Portland, OR 97230
Re: Nike/Bridgestone BUP2001 -00442
15705 SW 72 " Ave
Tigard, OR 97224
The City of Tigard has completed the review of the submitted plans for the Fire Alarm
installation at the above referenced address. This review was performed under the provisions of
the State of Oregon Structural Specialty Code (OSSC), 1999 edition. NFPA 72, and The
Uniform Fire Code w/TVFR revisions. The plans are approved subject to the following
Non - Required Fire Alarm System (NFAS)
The NFAS shall be installed in accordance with UFC, OSSC, NFPA 72, and Manufactures
1. Smoke detection shall be provided in the return-air duct of this system..
2. In accordance with NFPA 72. Spacing of visible notification (strobes) when more than two
devices serve the same room or adjacent space with in the field of view shall be
3. When non - required strobes are provided they shall be properly sized and spaced according to
the candela setting of the strobes and in no case be less than that required by code.
S -rely,
.1 ones
Plans Examiner
c. File
13125 SW Hall Blvd., Tigard, OR 97223 (503) 639 -4171 TDD (503) 684 -2772
• 'Capitol
Electric Co. Inc. 1 .
November 29, 2001OV n
Daryl Jones iW oN
City of Tigard
Building Services
13125 SW Hall Blvd.
Tigard, OR 97223
Re: Tenant Fire Alarm System Design
Nike Golf Distribution Center
15705 SW 72 Avenue
Tigard, Oregon 97224
Please find enclosed a building permit application, Tri- County Commercial Application
Checklist, Sample Fire Alarm Log Book, three sets of plans, calculations, and product
submittals for the fire alarm tenant improvements at the Nike Golf Distribution Center
(Bridgestone and Nike Tenants).
Group occupancy for office spaces: B
Group occupancy for manufacturing: Fl
Group occupancy for storage areas: S
The fire alarm system is designed to meet the following codes to provide for monitoring
and annunciation of building fire sprinkler water flow, and HVAC smoke detection.:
Oregon Specialty Structural Code, Oregon Uniform Fire Code, and Oregon Specialty
Mechanical Code.
The fire alarm system tenant improvements will provide the following:
1. Replace old FCI zone FACP with new Silent Knight 5208 10 zone FACP. The SK
5208 includes 10 initiation zones, 4 notification outputs, programmable relays, and
a digital communicator.
2. Provide fire alarm remote annunciator at Bridgestone East exit of reception area.
3. Monitor existing Honeywell building sprinkler water flow FACP. A sprinkler water
flow condition in the building will cause the tenant notification to activate. Water
flow will cause the sprinkler panel to dial the Honeywell monitoring station.
4. Monitor existing and new tenant HVAC smoke detection.
5. Provide spot smoke detection at the SK 5208 FACP.
6. Reconnect existing manual pull stations at East office exits.
CCB# 48748 • 12810 N.E. Airport Way • Portland, Oregon 97230 -1029 • (503) 255 -9488 • Fax (503) 257 -7121
7. Reconnect existing manual pull station and heat detector circuit for warehouse area.
8. Add synchronized notification devices throughout both tenant spaces.
9. Reconnect existing notification device circuit for warehouse area.
10. Reconnect fire screen smoke detectors and releasing control at Bridgestone
supervisor's office.
11. Provide fire alarm contact to security panel for future door release.
12. Off site monitoring of FACP to be provided by Tenant.
Please call if you have questions or comments.
Dan W. Wilson
Fire / Life Safety Manager