Correspondence (428) OOP 7 s-- ‚25O December 18, 1998 CITY OF TIGARD OREGON Charles W. Siegmann III, P.E. Fire Protection Engineer 2820 Camino del Rio South, Suite #200 San Diego, CA. 92108 RE: Eagle Hardware — Request for Alternates Dear Sir: I have reviewed your requests for alternates presented in your letter dated December 10, 1998, and can advise you of the following: Draft Curtains: Your requests to install smoke and heat vents only at a ratio of 1:75 is denied. I would refer you to exception 2 in the Uniform Fire Code, table 81 -B as a means of compliance. Smoke Shutdown: Your request to use the.sprinkler system flow switch in lieu of smoke shutdown required in OMSC, Section 608 is denied. Sprinkler Omission for retractable shaded area: The City is open to your request; however, the sample you refer to in your letter was not submitted with the package you presented. Please provide a sample as well as the Manufacturers listing on the material. Make -up Air: Provide details on how you will provide make -up air when the smoke vents are activated. Reference, NFPA Fire Protection Handbook page 7 -107 and UFC, Section 101.3. (TVFD amendments) Sincerely, / Qa Robert D. Poskin, C.B.O. Senior Plans Examiner 13125 SW Hall Blvd., Tigard, OR 97223 (503)639 -4171 TDD (503) 684 -2772 Mamantn To: To File CC: David Scott From: R. Poskin Date: 12/18/98 Re: Eagle Hardware Memo to File: I have reviewed the Eagle Hardware request for alternates, (Copy Attached), and I have forwarded the comments as attached. In reviewing their request, I talked at length with the Commercial Plans Examiner with the City of Mt. Vernon, WA. I went through the alternates requested by Eagle for the store here, receiving the following information from him. The store in Mt. Vernon is the same style and size at the request for Tigard. The City of Mt. Vernon advises that all requirements from the code, Smoke Vents, Curtains, sprinkler requirements were installed as required by code. The sprinkler omission in the shaded area was approved in the shaded area, based on the retractabilty of the screen and the material used. R. Poskin 12/18/98 • 1