Correspondence (674) FIRE San Diego SECURITY At anta UFE SAFETY New Jersey TVA FIRE & LIFE SAFETYy, INC. January 12, 1999 Mr. Robert D Poskin, Senior Plans Examiner City of Tigard Building Department 13125 SW Hall Boulevard Tigard, OR 97223 Re: Eagle Hardware & Garden #425 Tigard, Oregon Subj: Variance Request Response Letter Dated 18 December 1998 Dear Mr. Poskin: During a recent phone conversation with Mr. Jim Bryan of Sconzo - Hallstrom Architects, -the architects of record for the referenced project, it was brought to my attention that the Building Department was awaiting further information in response to the subject letter. Accordingly, we would offer the following responses to your letter. Draft Curtains Since you have denied the draft curtain variance request, we will be providing the building with ESFR sprinkler system. This will allow the draft curtains to be deleted based on Note 2 to Uniform Fire Code Table 81 -B. A note detailing these requirements and the applicable code sections will be included on the architectural . roof plan. Smoke Shutdown Since you have denied the duct smoke detector variance request, duct detectors will be installed as required by the mechanical code. These units will be wired back to Fire Protection Supervisory Panel which will be programmed to transmit an alarm signal on activation of any detector. The detectors will also be wired to shut down the affected unit. All necessary changes will be made to the mechanical and fire alarm system drawings. Sprinkler Omission for Retractable Shaded Area I apologize for not including the referenced sample and test results with the initial request paperwork. It has been included with this letter. Please let us know what your decision is so that we can modify the sprinkler system bid drawings as necessary. Make -up Air While UFC Section 101.3 does address the use of applicable standards of the National Fire Protection Association or other nationally recognized firesafety standards, however I am not sure that the Fire Protection Handbook meets the requirements of a "nationally recognized standard ". Reference to NFPA 204 would be 2820 CAMiNO dEl Rio Sourl-i • SUITE 200 • SAN DiEC,o, CA 92108 • Td (619) 296 - 5666 • Fax (619) 296 -5656 Mr. Robert Poskin Eagle Hardware & Garden #425,' Tigard, OR Page Two probably be more appropriate in this case. Please provide a copy of the Tualatin Valley Fire District Fire Code amendment so that we can determine which standard should be used. If after reviewing these responses you have any questions or comments, please do-not hesitate to call. We look forward to the continued opportunity to work with you on this project. Sincerely, (,,,Z/77 6 el 4 z_ Charles W. Siegmann III, P.E. Fire Protection Engineer Enclosures cc: Jim Bryan — SHA LRR/File — TVA San Diego p: \eagle \cor \Tigrdpcl.doc