Correspondence (2) 11/06/2008 12:37 5032551966, - - -: t CAPITOL ELECTRIC PAGE 01
ELECTRIC CO., INC. Date: 11/6/2008
PORTLAND, OR 97220 Time: 11:32 :30 —
(503) 255-9488 FAX 255 -1966
Fax #: 503.624.3681
Please deliver the following pages immediately to:
Name: Rick Bolen
Firm: City of Tigard Building Dept.
From: Dan Wilson RE: Dartmouth Square
Outside Flow Alarm Code Reference
Attached is the 2007 OSSC code reference for the fire s • rinkler outside
flow alarm location.
Our fire alarm plans were approved by the building department and show
the location of the outside flow alarm.
If you have questions or comments please contact me.
Thank Dan Wilso 503) 262 -0411 Di rect, dan
11/06/2008 12:37 5032551966 � CAPITOL ELECTRIC y� PAGE 02
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[F] 903.35.1 Domestic services. Where the domestic 4. Jockey pump control valves that are scaled or locked
service provides the water supply for the automatic in the open position.
sprinkler system, the supply shall be in accordance with 5. Control valves to commercial kitchen hoods, paint
this section. spray booths or dip tanks that are sealed or locked in
[F] 90335.1.1 Limited area sprinkler systems. the open position.
Limited area sprinkler systems serving fewer than 20 6. Valves controlling the fuel supply to fire pump
sprinklers on any single connection are permitted to engines that are sealed or locked in the open position.
be connected to the domestic service where a wet
automatic standpipe is not available. Limited area 7. Trim valves to pressure switches in dry, preaction and
sprinkler systems connected to domestic water sup- deluge sprinkler systems that are sealed or locked in
plies shall comply with each of the following require- the open position.
- [F] 903.4.1 Signals. Alarm, supervisory and trouble signals
1. Valves shall not be installed between the shall be distinctly different and automatically transmitted to
domestic water riser control valve and the an approved central station, remote supervising station or
sprinklers proprietary supervising station as defined in NFPA 72 or,
when approved by the building official, shall sound an audi- 1
Exception: An approved indicating control bk signal at a constantly attended location.
valve supervised in the open position in
accordance with Section 903.4. Exceptions:
2. The domestic service shall be capable of sup- 1. Underground key or hub valves in roadway boxes
plying the simultaneous domestic demand and provided by the municipality or public utility are
the sprinkler demand required to be hydrauli- not required to be monitored.
cally calculated by NFPA 13, NFPA 13R or 2. Backflow prevention device test valves located in
NFPA 13D. limited area sprinkler system supply piping shall
[F] 903. Residential combination services. A be locked in the open position. In occupancies
single combination water supply shall be allowed pro- required to be equipped with a fire alarm system,
vided that the domestic demand is added to the sprin- the backflow preventer valves shall be electrically
kler demand as required by NFPA. I3R. supervised by a tamper switch installed in =or-
dance with NFPA 72 and separately annunciated.
[F] 9033.5.2 Secondary water supply. A secondary [F] 903.4.2 Alarms. Approved audible devices shall be
on -site water supply equal to the hydraulically calculated connected to every automatic sprinkler system. Such sprin-
sprinlder demand, including the hose stream require- kler water -flow alarm devices shall be activated by water
ment, shall be provided for high -rise buildings in Seis- fl equivalent to the flow of a single sprinkler of the small. -
mic Design Category C. D, E or F as determined by this est orifice size installed in the system. Alarm devices shall
code. The secondary water supply shall have a duration be provided on the exterior of the building in an Approved
of not less than 30 minutes as determined by the occu- locatio ere a fire alarm system is installed, actuation of
pancy hazard classification in accordance with NFPA 13. the automatic sprinkler system shall actuate the building fire
Exception: Existing buildings. alarm s stem.
[F] 903.3.6 Hose threads. Fire hose threads and fittings [F] 903.43 Floor control valves. Approved supervised
used in connection with automatic sprinkler systems shall indicating control valves shall be provided at the point of
be as prescribed by the fire code official. connection to the riser on each floor in high -rise buildings..
[F] 903.4 Sprinkler system monitoring and alarms. All [F] 903.5 Thsting and maintenance. Sprinkler systems shall
valves controlling the water supply for automatic sprinkler sys- be tested and maintained in accordance with the Fire Code.
tems. pumps, tanks, water levels and temperatures. critical air
pressures and water -flow switches on all sprinkler systems
shall be electrically supervised.. SECTION 904
1. Automatic sprinkler systems protecting one and 904.1 General. Automatic fire - extinguishing systems,
two - family dwellings. other than automatic sprinkler systems, shall be designed,
2. limited area system.s serving fewer than 20 sprin installed. inspected, tested and maintained in accordance with
klers. the provisions of this section and the applicable referenced
3. Automatic sprinkler systems installed in accordance standards.
with NFPA 13R where a common supply main is used [F] 904.2 Where required. Automatic fire - extinguishing sys-
to supply both domestic water and the automatic terns installed as an alternative to the required automatic sprin-
sprinkler systems and a separate shutoff valve for the kler systems of Section 903 shall be approved by the building I
automatic sprinkler system is not provided. official. Automatic fire - extinguishing systems shall not be con-