Correspondence Ov /,5: • n 3 (, October 24, 1995 CITY CITY OF TIGARD Ross & Vicki Mercer OREGON 11535 SW 67th Ave. Tigard, OR 97223 TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE FOR MERCER OFFICE BUILDING Enclosed with this letter you will find a calculation sheet showing the computation that has been performed to determine the amount of the Traffic Impact Fee (TIF) to be paid for the project noted above. The amount of the TIF is $1,689.00. You have two payment options available to you. The first is to pay the TIF at the time you are issued a building permit. The second is to arrange for payment over time by signing a promissory note (if you wish to exercise this second option please contact me for additional details). Traffic impact fees are subject to an annual increase of up to 6% if not paid or financed prior to July 1st of each year. Please note that you may appeal the discretionary decisions made in determining the appropriate category and the amount of the fee based on that category. A notice of appeal must be received by the City Recorder no later than 5:00 p.m. on November 7, 1995 and must be accompanied by the $625.00 appeal fee required by Washington County. Although filed with the City Recorder, an appeal would be heard by the Washington County Hearings Officer. If you have any questions, or if I can be of further service, please contact me at 639 -4171. Bonnie Mulhearn Development Services Technician c: TIF file Building file 13125 SW Hall Blvd., Tigard, OR 97223 (503) 639 -4171 TDD (503) 684 -2772 DATE PLANS CHECK NO.: I� - zy ' S I to - IBC, PROJECT TITLE COUNTYWIDE Kegef g DK -IL.E. 601 L-bI NJC, TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE APPUCANT: WORKSHEET CRO4 4 t Lk; Nearer MAILING ADDRESS: (FOR NON - SINGLE FAMILY USES) 11565 Si-0 Ave., Ave. . CITY/ZIP PHONE RATE PER !� . r ' / .12 - 2 - 3 _ LAND USE CATEGORY TRIP T • MAP NO.: RESIDENTIAL $159.00 5 3(v - 201 BUSINESS AND COMMERCIAL $40.00 SITUS NO. ADDRESS: IV OFFICE $146.00 .S Sly • AV INDUSTRIAL $153.00 INSTITUTIONAL $66.00 PAYMENT METHOD: (ASH /(HF(K CREDIT INSTITUTIONAL ONLY: BANCROFT (PROMISSORY NO LAND USE CATEGORY 'DESCRIPTION OF USE Y AVG. TRIP RATE WEEKEND AVE TRIP RATE DEFER TO OCCUPANCY 11.00 RPS Pct d o ID CA BASIS: Pd/A4).44 T i t c bA <err r� n r i'ee* a A\ eue v k (A_5'€- • a P ro t rbe' a new 1°100 ccz ►C..2 J ock) , . CALCULATIONS: Tl F : erCt5" eb U Se X Laa-te- -( avetagx '�v If a. �C 'C v S2 cG �iov �I 0, 061 )44- (1-y4 .v Q J 1 1 solo ' c = 11,51 Tv PROJECT TRIP GENERATION: ) I ,S1 ICI , * 14 = 1,401, zZ !In' 1 4g9.°° 7- FEE: b i e t . od ADDITIONAL NOTES: FOR ACCOUNTING PURPOSES ONLY ROAD AMT.: TRANSIT AMT.: 0 11 4 . °D PREPARED Ktaveviks CC WASHINGTON COUNTY TIF NOTEBOOK form tif10 I `{ -G as v,ar 1 r.bY OI FEES C E�„ I I ` fir. afi„tui., • • • FebrUazy 23, 1996 CITY F TIGARD QRJ N Rotas' & Vicki Mercer RE �� 1153$ SW 67th . „n Tigard, OR 97223 ,�` }; S_ -, °•: • . Re: ;MERCER OFFICE BUILDING • uUta��1 �t vtlui'MtNt �yiia� 11565 SW 67th 'MBC96 -0353 The plane and :specifications have b.en reviewed for conformity to appliCabler codes. Please submit th ee (3) sets .of revised plans and specifications incorporating the following requirements: 1. Provide the calculations, sp= cifications, and source of ;combustion air for AH -1 and AH 2 (OMSC, Section 601(a)), ' 2.: :Provide an equipment schedule t at corresponds with equipment 'shown on the plan, and the =mount of outside air being ;continuously provided. :A. The heating /ventilation sy =tam must provide 5 cubic feet per minute (efm) of outsid= air per occupant with a total :circulation of not legs t an 15 cfm per occupant in all portions of the building UBC Sections 605 and 7051. 3 ;Each individual roof-mounted HV • C shall be permanently .labeled as to the areas it serves ISecti•n 504(e)). Tn addition, each 'unit shall be equipped with a p•wer disconnect and a 120 -volt receptacle shall be located wit in 25' of each unit (Section 509) 4. Illustrate area of gas meter an• gas pressure (OMSC, Section ' 2219) . If;you wish to discuss any of these items, please give me a call. Sincerely, $/ 0 (: Jmes. Funk Plana Examiner mec9S- 0353 \rossmxor • 13125 SW hall Blvd., Tigard, OR 97223 (603) 639 -4171 Toff (503) 684 -2772 • - lti 4011k Jk CITY OF TIGARD November 16, 1995 OREGON Larry Abell 805 SE Sherman Street Portland, OR 97214 Re: MERCER OFFICE BUILDING 11565 SW 67th PC10 -11C BUP95 -0434 The plans and specifications have been reviewed for conformity to applicable codes. Please submit three (3) sets of revised plans and specifications incorporating the following requirements: Site ( 1 /. Requirements of the October 12, 1995 site review letter. Accessibility 1. Drinking fountains are required. One shall be mounted at standard height and one mounted to be accessible for persons with disabilities [Section 3108 (d) and Table 5 -E] . Point of clarification to cover sheet, Building Classification, Item 11 -C. 0 . The sink and counter in Lobby 200 shall be accessible in accordance with OSSC, Section 3109(k). Unisex restrooms are not permitted when providing the number of fixtures required by OSSC, Table 5 -E. Provide one (1) men's and one (1) women's accessible restroom. A The door to Toilet 201 shall not swing into the clear floor space required for the lavatory [OSSC, Section 3109(j) 2] . Structural . Provide roof drains and scuppers at each low point of the roof [OSSC, Section 3207(b)]. The TJI 35's specified are residential joists with the span determined using 40 PSF live load and 10 PSF dead load. Provide a manufacturer's layout and specifications using the correct product. 13125 SW Hall Blvd., Tigard, OR 97223 (503) 639 -4171 TDD (503) 684 -2772 Larry Abell November 16, 1995 pg. 2 Complete the enclosed Special Inspection form and return to this office. Copies of all inspection reports shall be filed with this office continually during construction. A final — signed report must be on file before occupancy will be permitted [OSSC, Section 306(c)]. Fire and Life Safety 1. Glazing, in fixed or operable panels adjacent to a door where the nearest exposed edge of the glazing is within a 24" arc of either vertical edge of the door in a closed position and where the bottom exposed edge of the glazing is less than 60" above the walking surface, shall be tempered [5406(d)3]. j 2. Provide Type 2 -A fire extinguishers throughout so that the travel distance to a unit does not exceed 75 feet [NFPA 10- 3.2.1] Mechanical 1. In Seismic Zones 3 & 4, water heaters shall be anchored or strapped to resist horizontal displacement due to earthquake VV '1 // 6 r motion [Section 1310(e)]. A 2. e✓) The heating /ventilation system must provide 5 cubic feet per V minute (cfm) of outside air per occupant with a total circulation of not less than 15 cfm per occupant in all portions of the building [UBC Sections 605 and 705]. 3. Provide the type of utility for the water heater and furnace, BTU's, venting, and combustion air access. If you wish to discuss any of these items, please give me a call. Sincerely, v •i� James Funk Plans Examiner bup95- 0434 \pc10 -llc - ij 7 DATE PLANS CHECK NO.: 10 10 • PROJECT TITLE: COUNTYWIDE MEFCEr OFFICE --- ii■t.-11r.)( 3 TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE APPUCANT: WORKSHEET c\ magc..c12 MAILING ADDRESS: (FOR NON-SINGLE FAMILY USES) CITY/ZIP/PHONE: • RATE PER - I - A fkb. c3 77- z5 LAND USE CATEGORY TRIP TAX MAP NO.: RESIDENTIAL $159.00 I 51 7--.Labe - 201 BUSINESS AND COMMERCIAL $40.00 SITUS NO. ADDRESS: Li OFFICE. $146.00 , 1151.05 9,L) INDUSTRIAL $153.00 INSTITUTIONAL $66.00 PAYMENT METHOD: • CASH /C.HFCK CREDIT INSTTTUTIONAL ONLY: BANCROFT (PROMISSORY NOTE) LAND USE CATEGORY 1DESC Ggit y 0 F41SE rIOJAY AVG. TRIP MT WEEKEND AVE TRIP RATE DEFER TO OCCUPANCY 111 6 (c. 6 ' 4 - 1[0.31 BASI - 1 1 "/ Zt_ Way r Ctr CZ= • CALCULATIONS; r T. x 1\4t05-L- ),clo Ite 771 r_ =_ PROJECT TRIP GENERATION: FEE: 4) ) 2-3 . °1) ADDITIONAL NOTES: FOR ACCOUNTING PURPOSES ONLY: ROAD AMT.: 0 lc TRANSIT ANT.: MED • CC: WASHINGTON COUNTY TIF NOTEBOOK form tif10 October 10, 1995 CITY OF TIGARD Ross & Vicki Mercer ®REG ®N 11535 SW 67th Ave. Tigard, OR 97223 TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE FOR MERCER OFFICE BUILDING Enclosed with this letter you will find a calculation sheet showing the computation that has been performed to determine the amount of the Traffic Impact Fee (TIF) to be paid for the project noted above. The amount of the TIF is $4,523.00. You have two payment options available to you. The first is to pay the TIF at the time you are issued a building permit. The second is to arrange for payment over time by signing a promissory note (if you wish to exercise this second option please contact me for additional details). Traffic impact fees are subject to an annual increase of up to 6% if not paid or financed prior to July 1st of each year. Please note that you may appeal the discretionary decisions made in determining the appropriate category and the amount of the fee based on that category. A notice of appeal must be received by the City Recorder no later than 5:00 p.m. on October 24, 1995 and must be accompanied by the $625.00 appeal fee required by Washington County. Although filed with the City Recorder, an appeal would be heard by the Washington County Hearings Officer. If you have any questions, or if I can be of further service, please contact me at 639-4171. - finiJvkA. , 2 ‘ Bonnie Mulhearn Development Services Technician c: TIF file Building file 13125 SW Hall Blvd., Tigard, OR 97223 (503) 639 -4171 TDD (503) 684 -2772 '0 COUNTYWIDE CITY OF TI D TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE OREGON PAYMENT OPTION FORM ( o7*/q s I15&5 su Cob Date Site Address I/IE � � t 5)1 (4)1 - IBC 60? 15 Project Project Name Plan Check # I realize that I must make a decision on payment of the Traffic Impact Fee (TIF) at this time. Therefore, I request the following (choose whichever option or options are applicable): Cash or Check ❑ Credit Voucher ❑ Bancroft or Installment Payments and /or ❑ The Ordinance allows for deferral of payment of the TIF until issuance of the occupancy permit if the TIF is greater than $5,000. If the TIF meets this requirement, I also request this option. I understand the TIF must be paid prior to issuance of an occupancy permit. I also understand that the TIF will be recalculated based on the prevailing rates at the time of payment. Please be advised that TIF rates may increase up to six percent each July 1st. This rate increase is not subject to appeal. ,41111111 — 111 i LW O . NER/APP CA •T OWNER/APPLICANT c: :Lidding Permit File Payment Option Notebook :t:tlogunaststtdsuo • 13125 SW Hall Blvd., Tigard, OR 97223 (503) 639 -4171 TDD (503) 684 -2772 Ov /,5: • n 3 (, October 24, 1995 CITY CITY OF TIGARD Ross & Vicki Mercer OREGON 11535 SW 67th Ave. Tigard, OR 97223 TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE FOR MERCER OFFICE BUILDING Enclosed with this letter you will find a calculation sheet showing the computation that has been performed to determine the amount of the Traffic Impact Fee (TIF) to be paid for the project noted above. The amount of the TIF is $1,689.00. You have two payment options available to you. The first is to pay the TIF at the time you are issued a building permit. The second is to arrange for payment over time by signing a promissory note (if you wish to exercise this second option please contact me for additional details). Traffic impact fees are subject to an annual increase of up to 6% if not paid or financed prior to July 1st of each year. Please note that you may appeal the discretionary decisions made in determining the appropriate category and the amount of the fee based on that category. A notice of appeal must be received by the City Recorder no later than 5:00 p.m. on November 7, 1995 and must be accompanied by the $625.00 appeal fee required by Washington County. Although filed with the City Recorder, an appeal would be heard by the Washington County Hearings Officer. If you have any questions, or if I can be of further service, please contact me at 639 -4171. Bonnie Mulhearn Development Services Technician c: TIF file Building file 13125 SW Hall Blvd., Tigard, OR 97223 (503) 639 -4171 TDD (503) 684 -2772 DATE PLANS CHECK NO.: I� - zy ' S I to - IBC, PROJECT TITLE COUNTYWIDE Kegef g DK -IL.E. 601 L-bI NJC, TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE APPUCANT: WORKSHEET CRO4 4 t Lk; Nearer MAILING ADDRESS: (FOR NON - SINGLE FAMILY USES) 11565 Si-0 Ave., Ave. . CITY/ZIP PHONE RATE PER !� . r ' / .12 - 2 - 3 _ LAND USE CATEGORY TRIP T • MAP NO.: RESIDENTIAL $159.00 5 3(v - 201 BUSINESS AND COMMERCIAL $40.00 SITUS NO. ADDRESS: IV OFFICE $146.00 .S Sly • AV INDUSTRIAL $153.00 INSTITUTIONAL $66.00 PAYMENT METHOD: (ASH /(HF(K CREDIT INSTITUTIONAL ONLY: BANCROFT (PROMISSORY NO LAND USE CATEGORY 'DESCRIPTION OF USE Y AVG. TRIP RATE WEEKEND AVE TRIP RATE DEFER TO OCCUPANCY 11.00 RPS Pct d o ID CA BASIS: Pd/A4).44 T i t c bA <err r� n r i'ee* a A\ eue v k (A_5'€- • a P ro t rbe' a new 1°100 ccz ►C..2 J ock) , . CALCULATIONS: Tl F : erCt5" eb U Se X Laa-te- -( avetagx '�v If a. �C 'C v S2 cG �iov �I 0, 061 )44- (1-y4 .v Q J 1 1 solo ' c = 11,51 Tv PROJECT TRIP GENERATION: ) I ,S1 ICI , * 14 = 1,401, zZ !In' 1 4g9.°° 7- FEE: b i e t . od ADDITIONAL NOTES: FOR ACCOUNTING PURPOSES ONLY ROAD AMT.: TRANSIT AMT.: 0 11 4 . °D PREPARED Ktaveviks CC WASHINGTON COUNTY TIF NOTEBOOK form tif10 e ir,..",, C C/, c t//y.) tinii, December 21, 1995 ' OF TIGARD ®REC ®N Carlson Testing Company, Inc. PO Box 23814 Tigard, OR 97281 PERMIT NO: BUP 95 -0434 OWNER: Mercer Building PROJECT ADDRESS: 11565 SW 67th PROJECT DESCRIPTION: New Building TYPES OF SPECIAL INSPECTION: Structural special inspections. Dear Mr. Leach: The owner has notified us that he/she will retain your services to perform Special Inspections in accordance with the provisions of the State Building Code, permit documents, and special inspection requirements. The owner or the owner's agent must also confirm with you that they have authorized you to do the special inspection work. As the regulatory agency, the City requires that you do the following: 1. Submit copies of all inspection reports promptly to the Building Division, architect, engineer, and the contractor. 2. Maintain one copy of each field report at the job site. 3. Submit a final report at the completion of each category of work that you inspect. (See U.B.C. 7015 for soils special inspection final report requirements). If you fail to comply with the above requirements, there may be cause for the City to revoke your authority as special inspector for this job. Should you have any questions, please call the Building Division at (503) 639 -4171. Sincerely, Jim Funk Ci ' Building Division Enclosure t:\wordlnotily.doo 13125 SW Hall Blvd., Tigard, OR 97223 (503) 639 -4171 TDD (503) 684 -2772 . 1 . t . , ', ,:. ,- !•10.7,kraqurc,rzlifie:' 6 C,1/,r0!', a rt DEC -08 -93 FR 1: 'ti * 503 231 0317 P.02 raw Plan Review # l 1 `. pate ORIGON Structural Special inspections The owne r or architect of engineer of record shall complete Parts B & Q of this form and then soda form ma it to the in ° eel on for approval pan to Issuance of a building permit. (Please note that a separate sot e special and additional spacial In$pactions may be required for contractor design items.) .' 7 a') prote Nam®: Mut (d i a.& Project Addrea: //5; _ Phone No: -- ( 1.:Z.... Architect of Record (Rlrtn)s . , j A - L ( ? • Phone No: Z 4 Engineer of Record',(>>rlrm): ' .-�, 4' The following special inspections and structural observations shall bes e f hae le s o o F to the I ate Building by sh Engineer the Ci of Tlgsud's Municipal Code Chapter 14.06.810 • i 4.06.040 un of Record And approved by the Building Division. ❑ Prestressed Concrete A. 53 Reinforced .Concrete Da Structure) Masonry, t'm R 2- �rda Structural Steel p Field Welding ❑ Fireproofing • ❑ Shop Fabrication ❑ Other in Part A sbove, 8. Indicate the special inspector or approved testing agency special the spe�al inspectors o� including addresses and phone numbers. Submit , qualifications o the assigned to the project. The special inspector or Inspection e� testing were fulfilled ifilled l and rsporte signed d ands to the of u his/hef Division stating that all items requiring spadel inspection roved change orders he and t knowledge, In conformance with the approved design drawings, specifications, app r orders andnthe applicable workmanship provisions of the U.S.C. (see U.B.C. 7015 for soils special inspection final repo eq� ens, Items not in'oonformance unresolved Items or any discrepancies In Inspection coverage (I.e., missed periodic inspections when continuous was required, etc.) shall be speolficalty itemized in this report. ' I Y l4" ?0 6") 12./4,lrs' . C. 0 Structural Site Observation by Engineer of Record D. The owner hereby agrees to employ the special inspector, approved testing agency and/or engineer for the above•noted s • : - . • . -odor's and/or struotural observation. )C it Signature of Owner Print Nome POSS L. )&4 tL ./- Phone No._�(j,,,, - '��a Firm... — Date l _ • • r December 8, 1995 City of Tigard Oregon 13125 SW Hall Blvd. Tigard, Oregon 97223 Attn: James Funk, Plans Examiner Subject: Mercer Office Bldg. PC10 -11 C BUP95 -0434 Dear Mr. Funk, The following is in response to your siteplan check review dated Oct. 12, 1995. Site: 1. Impervious area is as follows: Building: 1256 sq. ft. Sidewalks: 220 sq. ft. Drive and parking: 2436 s•. ft. ARCHITECT •LA PC Total: • sq. t. 2 Grading of the parking area is shown on the plan. Catch basin detail has been added. Pipe sizes have been added. SL p,9 _ 3. Cleanouts have been added to sanitary and storm sewer lines. .4. Catch basin detail has been added. Erosion Control Plan will be submitted by the Contractor._ 6 Grading is shown on the site plan. Accessibility 1. Accessible parking and signage has been added. 2. Curb ramp has been added. Sincerely, wpirkr r3‘' Larry Abel, Architect 1 ,v/sr /)/ 805 SE Sherman Si Portland OR 97214 503 -231 -1122 Voice 503 -231 -0317 Fax .41# CITY OF TIGARD October 12, 1995 OREGON Larry Abell 805 SE Sherman St Portland, OR 97214 The plans and specifications have been reviewed for conformity to applicable codes. Please submit three (3) sets of revised plans and specifications incorporating the following requirements: l . Provide the total square footage of impervious area. Include the building, sidewalks, parking, both paved and graveled. • 2. A storm water drainage plan for the parking lot must be A d submitted for review and approval. Show size and location of p er catch basin(s), pipe size, and type of materials [Section 1408 I d and 1410(b)]. IP e A. Sizing of all storm drain piping shall be determined by Y' UPSC Table 14 -2. If an engineered system is to be used in lieu of Table 14 -2, two sets of stamped plans and the hydrodynamic calculation must be submitted for review and approval. Ac 4 Cleanouts are required on all storm and sanitary sewer drain piping ing every 100 lineal feet and at each aggregate change of direction exceeding 135 degrees [Section 140(b) (1)03)]. J . Please supply catch basin detail for the Engineering Department. If you have any questions regarding this issue, please contact their office 434 - 7312. A. Catch basins shall be trapped by using an inverted one - quarter bend or welded baffle. Provide catch basins constructed to OSPC Section 1408 specifications. Provide an erosion control plan showing sediment' fences, etc. C) 5 . 71 ( Provide a grading and drainage plan illustrating grade breaks and control elevations. Ir .... _,4 / 1-- t i / 5 y i e �� 13125 SW Hall Blvd., Tigard, OR 97223 (503) 639 -4171 TDD (503) 684 -2772 - . . • • • , • • . Larry Abell October 12, 1995 pg. 2 Accessibility 1. Provide 1 parking stall for persons with disabilities. All parking stalls designated accessible for the disabled shall be no less than 9' wide. At least one shall be designated van accessible, and have an adjacent access aisle on the passenger side of the vehicle not less than 96" wide. Other accessible spaces shall have an adjacent access aisle 72" wide [Section 3104 -G -2, 2b, 2c]. A. Accessible parking stalls for the disabled shall have signs and pavement markings of the international symbol of accessibility clearly visible and designed to standards adopted by the Oregon Department of Transportation [Section 3104 (d) 9] . B. Signage for the parking stall for the disabled shall include a separate "van accessible" sign mounted to the side of the parking space [OR20 -6D DOT]. 2. Provide a route connecting the accessible parking stall to the a building and public way [OSSC, Section 3106(b) 2]. If you wish to discuss any of these items, please give me a call. Sincerely, --, ;-_____:76_ /James Funk Plans Examiner pc10- llc \sit95 -0041