362-520 ~ Bull Mountain Road
Its Iona derm"94 Of Q 1 Ol aav e. tt ~r ere-
of Is hereby a0kMOV1e41eQ, tb "OoMigned boz*b:r 4m ta.,s~,. per,
Detwaeaaenent to iiGM VAT= 1.K!+►1rtti~4
operate, saintain, inspect, 1!e1*ir #,nd y 4L ,lDe l Ae
from TioLrd Water IXLstrict V~4 10D~ <O~ter~~~e~'~'Oai . e:ILOt'~-
era beundary of _ the Solilll!f `r b pp r of the uWor-
signed located in Seetlen 10, Twnsbl.p 2 South, lunge 1.l est of
the Yi23amette lbridian, in Aash~.ngtQn Cotuity, tlaego;►! tq writ s
Beginning at a polatt on . the Ust . ll as _ of tl" _
Northwest Qarter "of Section 10; 3p 2
South, huge I hest of, the W. a IO chains
South of the Section corner "of t{ie Nort2i side
of said Section= thence Vest paMllel with
the North section line 1164 feet to the true
point of beginning, said trae point of begin-
ning being also the Northwest cotter of tDit,
certain property deeded to Oliver and Amy llairNt that certain lcastrUMAt_ xecgrdad April
_ -26,~Z9s at Book 284, -Page 536 need Rsdords
of Washington County, Oregon; ;As;ee South
along the West line of the said drat tract to
the ]forth line of 'Bull Xounta~ n road; thence
West along the North Lta%-af said road to they
Southeast corner of-that-properttydeeded to
Charles R. and georgLne Stegart by that aor%DAD
instrument recorded duly 50 1942; at geok 204
page 229 Deed Records,,Vashirwton Co%kntya. .
Oregon; hence North along the ]last line of
said Stavart property to a point on the South
1irfw Of that certain tract deeded to Aatherlne
BLlgore Gnntbsr -that certain instrument re-
-cord,sd September 1, 1938. at Book 175, page
89, Deed Horde of yr ghh pion orasgxs r-
thence $st along the south line of said 'CIEULher
tract to the point ofbeginning, excepting there-
frOm a tract described as followst Beginning
at a ;point on the North line of Bull Mountain
Road tfisre the West line of the above described
tract intersects the saw; thence North along
said West line a distance of 293 feet; thence
Ust 128 feet; thence South 293 feet, to a point
on the North line of said Bull Xomtaln Road;
thence West along the North line of s&JA road to
the place of beo moing,
She pipe tine OU12 ba -boui-ed Vo xUah- a depth - as not
to interfere vith ordiraj- cultivation of o e land, and shall
be so located as not to damage strawberries now growing near
the northern'.boandasd Or `4fA qty..
Ibis easement is granted for use ID a0wwetion with
construction of a eater supply system. V, after construction
of the system, the grantee,.,its successors and assigns, ceases
to use the easement hereby granted for ssid Purposes, the ease-
want hereby granted vial terWMAte and the grantee agrees to
execute and deliver an appropriate instrelent relinquishin6
said easemnt,
The riShisa conditions and provisions of this, e*se-
meat shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the hetxs,
executors, administrators sue^~s~.c =e and assSgns of the re-
spective parties hers-to,
=g Vn14-~s W F, t:-a un"rsigned have executed
this instrumnt this at$ day of tember, 1954.
a v Q
gal Awn -7-
County of W&sh17n8tO4.
september -?-4 1953•
p awn TT ~pp~
's{yffil~ appeared the above pawd RONkW 14• r'~j!"ilii~
S V7MIL NACM Ir 11T, hnsbw d and wife, and ack noWl-
on instrument to be their voluntary act and
_ e
v!: d®
fore me:
~ .FLU -
xy c or 8fln
Xy couflission expires AtPst 26, 1954.
R. Tmwr, CgUNTr CLUX