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4 n K 1469 EASM MTr SNOW AU IM BY 1"L. M MTS9 that NAM M, INC., a corporation, horoina2tor reforred to an ^Gzam oro" for and in connidoration of tho c= of Cao Dollar (01.60)9 the receipt o2 which in hereby acta.oGledCcd, to uc raid by. MOM UATIM Dls uYC 9 a =nicipal corporation of Uaabinaton Coomty9 Oroaoa, horoina2tar roforrod to as "Ca-matooi°9 do hereby aunts, barGain9 cell, convoy and tranc2or unto Grantoo9 ita ouccoaaoro and aaaipa forever, a perment casemont over cad rApom the followiu,Y; doocribod real property, to twits The North 45 feet of the folloviaam described property; inelcdod therein tho north 2G foot which noa* oxiats as a public riCht-o4 way, S. U. Darham Roads Part of Section 149 '1'242 R111i 1'IJI. t Vashimaton County, arcoon9 rcora particularly doaeribod an fol~oWat ' Bcaiming at tho tzortTMrz-ot cornor of that tract convoyod to C. L. Shavor ty decd rocordcd in Doolz 53 s, Ft::o 1959 Dood L'ocordo o Waohl23ton County, Oroaon; tbcnco Dact 269 foot to the root lino of a 23-Soot privato road; - thoneo 'l?0l'4 % Cj',? foot; , thenco West 433 foot to tho.1hot lino of a ti•#'& cc« cycd to Donald Davin of tx= by dead rocordod to Boar 1%9 P .Zo 14©9 Dood . L'oco.rdo; thoaco Tloritb on tho taut lino of paid Davia trpot cud, tho contl=tioa thoroo2 to a point on the U=,"' 11r.a of cold '3octica lfa =d tho true point of ho~i fln3~04 tho-proport7-to bo dooorlbcd; thcaoo Laot 417943 Ccot; thonco South CCJ.71 foot; thaaco 11bat 417.44: fcatB thoaoo 11orth to trio point of be- Cimmin,j; ECE27MG fihorofr= a tLaot LcCiunin3 at ` tho 770B Dact 105 foot; thenoo south 2C:D.71 root; thcnco Wcot 809 foot; thonco Vorth to tbo Ty OD. Thin cancz_mnt oball ba for tho conotructica, asintemanco and ropair of an =2or4-,ro=d: PSpolIna c^.d/or =ino for tho 1ra^poaQ of. convoyin3 wator iovor9 acrooop _tLron;;% a undo- tho hcrcindbovo doacribod roal property =d, chall izzoludo tho r'arpoteal.riebt to entor upon acid roil paoparty at ro eicaablo ticoo9 toaothcr with the riebt to encavato and refill diteboa for tho location of said pipolinon end/or tuna and tho ftrthor rI ;bt taa.rc=ovo all obatrnco tioaaa iato720r im3 With the 10e2ati039 coaatractioa a^d1 sainteanneo of paid pipolinoo rad/ou =ima. Grantora9 thoir hoirop o cc-toro9 adziniatnatorc =d csaoiLlns9 do horoby covcgant with C^a 11co that Choy aro lav:ully aoiaod aid poaooaacd off tho horoinab~'.= doccribod real p.operty9 and -'that Choy havo a lawful riGht to convoy a=o, o d. that they will warrant and forams' dofond th© tdtle thoroto aCainot the lawrtal cloiMB-., Qf all porcom a vhazaoover. PALM Y USZ=T BooK I042 PAL=E 8 L 77 r' . 1• ~ 1469 EASEWT(Conti ed) Grantee, its successors and.anaigmo, does hereby cove4apt that it shall roatore.said property to its original condition no nearl3 as is practicable upon the ccaplotion of construction and upon completion of away oubaequent mintenaance =d repair work. Grantors, their heirs, executors, adminiatrators and assigna9 do further eovenant;thaat in the event they are responsible for destruction of said water lino or interruption to the water sorvicep they hereby agree to pay the reasonable coat of repairing same. TO HAVE IND TO HOLD said easement and right-of-gray unto Grantee and into ita succoacors. wand asdigno forever. This easement is a covenant running with the land. Dates D "v7 7r5 GRANTORS State of Oregon as County of Washington 97 before me, On this „ duy of 91917-5 ip' tha alQraiened, a notary public in thv reaaid county and tote, personally appeared the within named ' . vho are known to me to be the idont cal individuala deaacribed- in cad wbo executed the within instr=ont and acknowledged to me that they executed the came freely and voluntarily. IN TESTIMONY VMMOP9 I have hereunto cot way hand and affixed my official seal the day, and year last above written. i >wawa:rus,s:':YS/4:9&:LSBSSIYIf1Iil6fl9/S¢@097LISLSYSLlI161g ~ ~ t r ZMA L. At KENZIE Ktxs°.: f NOTARY PUBLIC - CALIFORNIA NI!NCIPAL OFFICE IN 6 1tJ MATED COUNTY ry Ifiablic for : MY Commission Expires April 9, 1979 Vq cc=oiasion expires: 7 ~1IIIIDiil2l1i11Bii//iL////1111li1I11111/1//i!!i//!//1111®' STATE OF OREGON ss County of Washington I, Roger "omss#n,~ D' or of Records and Electmod ~E1=j ecorder of Conveys ~lior an om ~y~ hereby cer- tify tha~tr1#~ri9s`,;' exf writing was recerv+~'and rew~dez3 o records. No. PAGE II EASE MST of said `Co ntX. .g ppO Witness ~y-*ld and se P„ BOOK IQ4 PAGEO ROGE R Tt} I14 Director of Records& ons Ei#