iii IEN BY `I'1', E- ENT S, a ilat we, E;'IRIL
n II, N and uV A NDA FLOL.LNCE WILSON, husband and wife, in considera-
tion of ten and no/1'J'.0 Dollars (10. 00), and other gfood consideration.:, t:7
as psi.: u 7%, t a 'AuniCipal ic:rroration, do hereby
grant. :,:erg%ir., sell ail,' conv:e.y unto tha said. 'il'L..-Al 7, ~TE - DISTPICT,
a Municipal Corporation, its successors and assians. all the following real
property, together with the taner rents, heredita nerits and appurtenances,
situate in iv assington County, Mate of 3re,gon, bounded and described as
follows, to-wit:
Begin ing at an iron rod on 6he -,sorb-, iire of 6ection 9.
T213, R_1W, i'yj• 71~., 1'dashington-Couaty, Vre~,on, N. 39
06' E. 34P,. 6 feet iron the nortli% est corner thereof,
and running thence N. 89° 06' E. along the section line
for a distances of 80 feet to an ir13i1 rod at the northeast
corner of that certaica tract of land coriveyed to Cyril
4 iison 'by creed recorded on sage 257 V` _,oo6C 338,
4,u a i iirigtora County. Oregon., Deed ;Records; running
thence: S. 00 09' vv'. along tree east tine of the tits ilson
tract fcia a _JistanLe ;di 16j feut to an iron rod; running
thence S. 39° Via' 80 feet to an iron rod; running
i :eil~.G? lA~. V~ ✓j' . =t:J cQt LO the place L) 0e`xilsi~11g.
.oatainilxca, 0. `94 acres, =fioi- cr Less,
togethe. ''With a peapat"ii aic:xtwoi-Wa'y% and easernem; froin :gaid property to
Bull Vdountain F-tact, particularly descri:nee as fotlows, to-wit:
Beginning ai an iron roc or. me east U--r-- of hat certain
tract 017 lanex in ' tectiun 11, , rCl'rr, .A., asl;'ei;btJ~d
County, Oregon. conveyers to 'v:,yrii , iison by deed re-
ca page 2D-7' of Book 339, ikashi-a toa County,
Oregon, Deed Records, and which irons rod is N. 89
36' E. 628. 6 ,feet and 5. 0a )9' ~b . 163 feet from the
north-%vest corner of said Section 9, and running thence
'rv. along the east line of the v iison tract
for a i istance of 973. o feet to a point in the center of
the Bu! -,Aountain moats; :'-'urining thence N. 34° 'Ju' .,4.
.along ti'i:enter of said road for a distance of 10.05
feet; u atii:l tiieac; ii. 11; 0 09' Z. on a line pa ra 1le it to
the east line of the Wilson tract for a distance of 972. 6
feet to a point -%which is S. 00 U9' ~jv. i60 feet from the
north line of Section 9; running thence N. 89Q 06' E.
10 feet to the place of beginning,
the easement and right-of-way shall be used:
(1) T:, lay and maintain thereon water pipes and conduits.
(L) For ingress and egress inicludinO the right to grade gravel
and pave the right-of-way for road purposes,
(3) To install and maintain electric puaer lines t-ixc wvr.; :zi s,
.:,ncluding the right to set arse -enlace Yo.rCz pci's.
book ` 5 PAGE M
Page 1
(`.d ;:.a:,e,,-r.enlt to: su-,*^_ 01-P.1eY. and, f'eirUier purpose neces-
sary or convenient to the Grantee in the performance of its purpose as a
municipal wai-.er co-v:f ration.
fit r.alto F shai4. have the ri. "lt to 22se 'n'le (_%isetn].ent and riBAit•
of-vaay .riot. "`ua .-eta:r to 'Le sights of they _ rantea, but shalt not use it in,
any &ay to impa:Ar the rights of the Grantee.
TO HAVE AND TO NOLD the above idescribed g-acted premises
unto the 77710'A LE v AT R %.I:ST:RUCT, a Manici.pa.. Corporation, ite. successors
and assigns Forever.
!-!"q .e 1-1 E33 r1 HE E01'. :.,e, me. (_-~rantors, al-ove nal-led, here.
2 - .-lay of
aVOVC 22iit:3. IyG~7.
unto bet 4ii1" liBSl-i$ 2rr: SeGLu this
b =~s•
County of
BE IT R"'MEMBERED. That on this ~ day of November.
1963, before ine, the undersigned, a Notary Public: in and for said County
and hate, personally appeared the within named CYRIL. ;,k 11,33N and vVAND.A.
FLORENCE :z II..33,N, husband and vaife. who are kn3.va to -rie €o be the
identical. persons described in vnd who executed the within instrument. and
acirnowledged to :_.e t':aat they executed ti-ie same fr--eiy and vutuntarily.
I14 j A I?:~CyN~1 j.EREOF, I have hereunto :yet my hand and
seal the day and year last above written.
?tary Pu he or t'regon
~ao.oo°°e°G 1;;SEP 18 198 a~
=c:. Filed for record ...~........19.........at..
ROGER THOMSSEN, Director of Ree:osds & Ele
11......__....:......... x~.
Page 2
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a58n. Dlrettor. of CofWaYanC9S
fderof tthe withln
:1 R'oger0ThOfficio ReCO ha
a E ifY t d
E14019. ®unty ado hereOby Wed and records
for•W co ng
in rb{ ofa~ rds fl t•. u ~f!
hand end seal affixed'~EN Director of
& Elections
;r, Records
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