HOP2002-00164 CITY OF T I G A R D HOME OCCUPATION PERMIT TYPE: I DEVELOPMENT SERVICES PERMIT#: HOP2002-00164 13125 SW Hall Blvd., Tigard, OR 97223 (503) 639-4171 DATE ISSUED: 12/30/02 APPLICANT NAME: BUSINESS ADDRESS: 15440 SW 81ST AVE PARCEL: 2S112CB-12100 ZONING: R-7 JURISDICTION: TIG NATURE OF BUSINESS: TYPE I-HOP DESKTOP PUBLISHING BUSINESS NAME: CREATIVE PRINTING SQ FT - DETACHED: GENERATE EXTRN NOISE: N SQ FT - RESIDENCE: DAYSIHOURS OF OPS : SQ FT - BUSINESS: BUS. VEHICLES GARAGED @ RES: SIC CODE: OUTSIDE STORAGE: PAID NON RES EMPL: N EXTERIOR SIGN?: CUST/CLIENT @ RES: N PICK/DELIV @ RES: U ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: I understand this Home Occupation Permit is approved for the above described business at the specified location only, and does not require renewal. Further, I understand that the City of Tigard Business Tax must be renewed annually in order to maintain permit authorization. I acknowledge that this Home Occupation Permit approval may be revoked if the conditions and standards of approval have not been complied with and/or this home occupation is otherwise being conducted in a manner contrary to the Tigard Community Development Code (18.742). Permit revocation due to a violation of requirement(s) of this Home Occupation Permit cannot be renewed for a minimum period of one year. (18.742.070). Approved y Permittee Signature HOME OCCUPATION TYPE I APPLICATION CITY OF TIGA kL-~ C:~:NERP._ €r FO RiMATtci . "rGr~;rty Address~LOC~:~tr~ ~ 5~~-! ~ 5 ' i ~ l'bt1L Tax Mid, S, Tax Lot r, Z!ine:_ r Q)R ST,IF F i15t✓ ONLY 7-raperty G'n r <<L , i ioi;;ar('s r': f r ~c tC tm _ 1 15 q 3~~ ~[%;er C sip iVo.(5;:- U VV, ruu;cre.' Re.C',y,: rev •-CPipt No Z 45'( nr:cplpt No 7007--11W( 1 aU - 3 S W S lJflf 1 ! ~ICe , ~~hrl_ ME~ L..' :C PyrJp-CVcDy9 ~Z1 ?rU~oL red ✓J ~USif165'"s t5 PD~_..~ . _ ,i (J N'b ice. - cnt/~~ y :3us:rr~s=s T ~x Rr~c ; r: , ~c u z. t t%,'ilon ti:e 0v1,1nFr ? :"(t !"e dFIpi1?; nl, P-o difPfEnt peopl! °j :~?lt west i;^ !t?- i;1; ;'t5r'Of 'LGUrd or d 'Ui 1"~n:.~:;; i.Jr, ri,. _1'1.x. (.-,.I~ a•i>v' ~i"JYt~E'r :rr =,r zipA.-A of `nl %'v^'i'. r)y,TtGri j rnuS? Si ~t tr,,s acpiic3tlon Irt the 6,pac;e Drovid or; the i Rr- C'.:e?i(r ft7_Si1:,"JI13?At< Ei.ME7S j -i, above iaessot _v_iotate am deed r estricFi,o S..-t hat w~ rectu _ . any - _L, i ✓ Application Elen°IcrW; Aubmitted: I ily t e:aftach~d tr_or irnaqaed__.mon-the sc~b'e~ ck property.. 3 . rr r r I U Applicator) Form . : .tie apple, at;an is granted, the applic m will exercise the rigf li r g,,nted in accordame with ths terms and subject to the 0~ ~,yr,er's S;gnafuretti^Iririer~ Au!hr~: ization vonditions arrd !ilalita6or!s of the approval. 1E Pioof of Pij5iness L1x Certiffcalk: Ail of the above stVements and the state dints in the pint plan, i' }'iliac Fee: C,07- Fee: Y 3G. JO ttad~men arlci exhielts trap,initted herewith. are true, and the i 1 1j(icants so acknow)Pdge that .:•ny P&", it, issued, based on this rEVcyr.F.,•! ;f f,..~n4 , . ry pI'ir'tl4n maysJe Ich ~3f8 fdi:~8. The app-.,],it including the polities arid c'k;ha, 4,1 r l;erst~rnc rr gjirements for approving cr denying the appli;;at`311. 1?; 1~; .Gir2 15:56 FAX 503-398119130 (IT OF T?GARI> p 002 1. Home Es t utlOna rr:ay b:*! WI iertaken only by ft- t:rindpal 10). There shall be no exterior storage of cccupaiit(s) of a residential property; vehicles of any kind used for the business except that one commercially 2. There s:lali be no more than rhrety deliveries per -t eek to the :icerased vehicle of not more than three- resident by SUpplier:;; qua±ters ton r\M,' may be parked Outside of a st,-ucture or screened area. 3: -T-hnre shav be no offensive, noise, vibe~tit3n, smo e., dust, odor:, beat or glare rioticeabie at or beyond the property line resulting Standards: from late operatic?:. Home oxx,-l pGtions shal! observe the provisions of TCC Chapter 18.7246 (Ervironment Performance Strndards); : ;ccordirp • to Tigard Development Code `apter 15.742'.050, a Horne Occupation 4, The ilon;e occ! rpation sr' al! be oper,atec; entireiy within the. C!vv~eliin I en sit - Type i shell :;xhibit no evidence that a unit and a informing accessory, structure. The total area which business is being conducted from the may be used in the a essa building for either material L`r4ciuct Premises. ! lorne Occupation Pennits - Type I storage and;'or the r,usiriess na tivity sr,al! not exceeds 523 sq_iare shat; not perrnit: feet. Otherwise, the no;a e ocupati n and associated storage of Material and nrodu,is sila!! not occupy more than 25 percent of t?ie A. ' Outside volur7eers or employees to be c,t}tSibinvd rt'ahj e,l::;e a:sl~ aC;:e3Sor; $t:trCf!7re ~}rvSS IiO.r sea. E,'rigarged in the business activity other "sie indoor storage of r at;da!:, or troducts shall riot ,~x eed the than the- ;persons prig tcipeily residing on lirrilttlflons impo^ed by the pr-o ision of the building, firs;, health artc' Oe premmises; housing ckdes; B. Exterior wi;,nage which identifies the ,property as a busine:;s location; L, i? home ott c`.Upaflori i??il Ft'u m;;ake necessary a. change, in the C. Clients or custcrners to visit the premises Ur,60P'n 13121:10411g CCrle use class 5c ation of a C1wel!ing unit. Any for any reason; and acs ssny i ulk"ing that is Used must rrieet Uniform Building code D, Exterior storage of n:~tWrials. re-quirsmeMs. i hereby certify t1h2.t have read and 6, -,lore ttian t'his' boi ,;inn s ac ti'.Ify, consttiUting two or more hCn"t? i,nde,-` t ,r?d the i OJr q. s and Ft os if the combined ndar.s f::r O~L1Cc'3,6itJn s .}t i~~! is~; ta.(~rs~4"'c,i vr~ ono. property only Id _ 4,tsr°~.a :.f a f1bt71B floor spi ac(of the ~uscrte~s ai.-A Ues dkoes not exceed 225 pekrcen4 Oc-cucation. L ~ ~ the:' this home =t)r r,rai be revoked if the or 3 r~•i711}tote~ d gross floor area of the residenck and acce. :.S ry t;00 UOaiiJn %y I~"i oc upali:?n shall apply for a sep arats horne above Conditio s acid t ttdsrds have not been S ' 'Wire'. L:i=cn home oc;-,upat*n porrnlt, if re-,gvlred per thlk; chapter, and each sh211 r!so rorri lied with and/o,- tl-ie borne occupation is have ssc rat° B?7si test T~ Ls° tii'ltJa.t~S; t. tlietw!se ben conducted In a manner Contrary to Lhe Tigard Community 7, Tf-,e si:all be no s`Oreg ~ e ~.~r :?f';,r ~ f'istrib_rtiet }r Cif if toxic i~; e; n t', ! Develcp~iner t "Qd6 (18.742). Revocation due a,,. .tai 6 4 k !:fit 'to di4'l:liitft of tie itDi iE C:CUpatiOn ,nateriai, and spry paiiliing or ''ray finishing Irl,jolve toyic or T16rt mie i4 ie r, alsr'a! vihich in the 4A,--,fit i Me requirer7i'` nVs) cannot tae renewed for a sire Marshall pcwe a *iar?gerct.Y r sk to the residv'ru{v, its minipl!rrn period of one yesr (18.742,080). ~7CCl3p~lrl aitdiCCt srouritilirlc; Nrr}{}ei sirs. ThC5e i"1dIVi'lS rvl a;ch are engaged iri honno oo-Gupnbon shall make avai:able to trs, sir Marshall for t-evlevv tt;at f`la.terial 'afoly Data Sheets ::hies poi t,i°dn>`'s Signature: to all pottir~tia!ly toxi:. and/or flammable materiais wsociate with V_A the use; D 8. No home o cupation shall require. =uny on or off-street pa.,kina other than that norrrtal!W required for a residence; 9. The foiio~.virrg usL:4a are not alloy' d as horne oc;cupations, w er's dgnature; a.} Auto-body repair and painting; QL ) r✓ s b.) Can-going mecnanic'.ai repair conducted atitssde of an entire!; - enciosc-d building; c.) Junk and selvage operations; and d.) Storage and/car sale of fireworks. Owner's Signature: 2 CITY OF TIGARD 12/30/2002 13125 SW Hall Blvd. 4:15:3°M Tigard, Oregon 97223 (503) 639-4171 Receipt 27200200000000004951 Date: 12/30/2002 Line Items: Case No Tran Code' Description Revenue Account No Amount Paid HOP2002-00163 [LANDUS] Type I Permit Fee 100-0000-438000 30.00 HOP2002-00164 [LANDUS] Type I Permit Fee 100-0000-438000 30.00 BUSTAX Business Tax - 55.0000 @ $1.0000 100-0000-430000 55.00 BUSTAX Business Tax - 55.0000 @ $1.0000 100-0000-430000 55.00 Line Item Total: $170.00 Payments: Method Payer User ID Acct/Check Approval No. How Received Amount Paid Check CREATIVE PRINTING MET 8618 In Person 170.00 Payment Total: $170.00 4s