HOP2002-00163 CITY OF T I G A R D HOME OCCUPATION PERMIT TYPE: I DEVELOPMENT SERVICES PERMIT HOP2002-00163 13125 SW Hall Blvd., Tigard, OR 97223 (503) 639-4171 DATE ISSUED: 12130102 APPLICANT NAME: BUSINESS ADDRESS: 15440 SW 81ST AVE PARCEL: 2S112C6-12100 ZONING: R-7 JURISDICTION: TIG NATURE OF BUSINESS: TYPE I hop-SOFTWARE BUSINESS NAME: CREATIVE SOFTWARE PARTNERS SQ FT - DETACHED: GENERATE EXTRN NOISE: N SQ FT - RESIDENCE: DAYS/HOURS OF OPS : SQ FT - BUSINESS: BUS. VEHICLES GARAGED @ RES: SIC CODE: OUTSIDE STORAGE: PAID NON RES EMPL: N EXTERIOR SIGN?: CUST/CLIENT @ RES: N PICK/DELIV @ RES: U ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: I understand this Home Occupation Permit is approved for the above described business at the specified location only, and does not require renewal. Further, I understand that the City of Tigard Business Tax must be renewed annually in order to maintain permit authorization. I acknowledge that this Home Occupation Permit approval may be revoked if the conditions and standards of approval have not been complied with and/or this home occupation is otherwise being conducted in a manner contrary to the Tigard Community Development Code (18.742). Permit revocation due to a violation of requirement(s) of this Home Occupation Permit cannot be renewed for a minimum period of one year. (18.742.070). c, . u Approved By (Per ittee Signature lk: 18: 200:' 15: SS FAA 5035 8..19G0 IT.i` OF TIG kkI? 001 U IMEQO~"X"IPATION ? I APPLICATION CITY OF ~"IMM Slv+:, Tigard, Orf? 9722,s i'S!i~t ~ ~7 f FAQ` (503 6847297 lrorwr: AciC9r't=°aS/i_OG :tltlrl: Zone: F"OR STAFF USE ,ONLY o~-c•,,.>: ~ ~:~~:c~~i i ,c:~Gar;s;`• al ~r/~f'i !s~-1~'crrr?if IVc?.; 6~©~ZGr~~~10i~ J S~ Phone. (A _ [p: ? u~ other Ga=a e Noo (S')a receipt No. ~Z ~Li 9 51 H~tSr~r. _ !0 S~~`~ - s i G~cl i±P~cine:Sl f> ~9 °I X4/5 Bpi:, :'tin, Approved fez;': f--- _ - - Approved. 1711 3-0102 Tip: Lr .rr atiori: susisies; t~t~ rlir: _ r~u.1 V~ Si~tL'i~r~~ -po r f d► r' C NaWre of SJSir•esS: _ F_ , .s, •.N'p T"eaxR,6mipt No 1 Rev;" , -:ec_^h-':1.doc When t?:e o,rjrie; i,t,e =.~pplici r:t are different paople, the app,i*rit nil!'7 the pur•'.;;as r of record o: a isssee, in possacsiorl ' ,lith , tt-en & 'iZ@+1i0n fmni the or an agent of the TC,y.°1er(S~ (iia.it i it if S c~I~0sczflor i~? f'S.'Pace provkleif on the ba,,l,' of tili7 ;:+r it t7P `3ut?'.Y:2t 4~(lttZri ~iuihrurizatiori, with this- appii caborr I pEL iJ S, D .8,0BDOITTAL ELEMENTS THC APPLICANT S i ALl, CERTIFY THAT: j t s T h a!]<TV iL Ll !at ?E S Y~L,s violatc-a! , r G_e t•eSt i;tlop that 1~' r } su'crt prr~riert~e ~s ' pr~li,icn Eir~cr~is Submitted, 5 .e.i 9iriar~ the a c eff r is .or IMIrj.e i~ _ - $ - r_ a 9 if the apTi,C ~tcci :s :Iraned, appli-ant will exercise the r4aht 1' L..5 ~:piicatiGn Form ranted in oc-ry~)rlance Mttl tbS-Ms an,, furs ient to all the n ~ + i ~i Sig>iafc~`e;1: !~i~,ti, s r'ltttiZCrizaticrn GOY1 • "'O s, ar d ii riftations tit tl-Ee a..oprov?l, i p V `-eyam}Tp{ /y 'roof of Bio-inress,%x fflici to 3 Ali of tj 1e akC!vr-- ana the -,stalemi:i rats in the pint plan, ti ttt3 itll ri.'S. i I~? c~~' li~7ii$ frczs idr?lliil'}~ 'lei ~'tYi, i true. and he. '117 i`Mng Fee: 0.-.073 Fee;' $ 30.04 applicants so acknowledge ti'i,at rstiY' h~_-i'rriit iseuaid, based on 1`hls pliC^ytivst, r!i )8 rev,_ 'l `ua if i, is iCr(iflw ttl t any 8Uc;Yi StGtr3rr are 3f5@, a 't tic 8ppiic;aiit has read the entire c.+,ntents of the appil1ration, intruding this policies ~zr CritUrtc, and taridetands fhe requirements for approving or deilying the application. 1; ::)G FAX 5U:~5931.~1,'r1 CI TI' t:1F T1 ('ARV i Hanle i,,Owpatlor,s may be undertaker; only by the pdnr ipai 10. 1-here s;rall be no exterior storage of ,✓cx;u~ 4r c(s j of a rs.sicfential proPemy: vehiicles of any kind used for the business except that one commercially 2• there s';atl be no more than VWC!e: deltvories per week to the licensed vehicle of riot more than three- resident by suppliers: quarters ton GM may be parked outside of a structure or screened area. 3. There slim! be nh G!fensivu :nisi;, vibration, smoke, dust, odors, tieat or glare roUceable at or beyond the property Fine resulting Standards: n•om ttie operation. Home occ;upi:!lions steal; observe the provicians of TDC Chapter ;5.725 tEnvi onm iit Performance Standards), According to Tigard Development Code ;hapt',°r 18.742.050, a Monte Occupation t 'F, e t:owe ,cvut.w'ion sha!l be operated entirely within tile, dwefiiny ?errriit - Type [shall exhibit no evidence that a u;,!t and a conforming accessary structu-e. The total are:: which business is being conducted from the r'nay be used In flhe dGGeSSVfy owilding for elther material prori>.rct premises. Nome Cccl!patlon Permits - TypeJ storaige end/oJ i.t;e business activity slutl not exc-eed 15,28 sq.;arv shall not perrilit: `aet. Ct`1 ,wise, the hr.;rl-le tocupstinn and associ,:,t`,3(i 5toragi~ of rn,aTo'r;a! and prod`' :cts sha!l riot Ocupy rnore than 25 percent of thre A. outside volunteers or ernp:oyees to be c;m-ttin d ri sidpr).c and arce5s iy structure. Gross floof- prE::c.. e-19aged !n the business activity other The ir'1Ci(jor Storage Of n-lctt ni .is Cr produ+cis stlall not exceed, the t` arl the persons pr;nc!pV;y residing or, iirrlit4tit)t^s imposed by the provision cf the building, fire, hea•'th mood Uie premises; housing :aclp;'.; S. Exterior signage which identifies the prcperty a5 a b1j;ineS5 iocation; r, N,,,me o(=1patirn s,::A tool mare necessary a charge in the C. Clients or customers to visit the premises vrifornm f3u iuirmr Code use ca assi`cation of a dwelling unit. Any for arty reason; and accessory bulld.ing thzt is r,15ed must meet Uniform 6u;;1dirig Code D• Cxterior storaq,: of materials. r~r~ulr~rY,nntS. i i oreny cartity teat I have read and 6. Mlore ,hian One t ui s::nusS activity constitutins Mo or more hon-o u,iderstanG the a4ove conditions and C,r;.; Upafl is ShZ?1: `De ailOwLd or-, One grope only if the corn ir, e^ stanii4;rd5 for t:7o operation' Of a home ficor spa,~cs of the bu ir'reu, ; activities: does not exceed 25 percent ocCUpatiOn. ! ackno,,l.eri .!gc the-L. this home of the cc:mbirT4d Vross flour area of the residence arld acceaSor S• 7n F 1 oixopatic_ i1 provai rT1r~y be revoked if the rL1C:tUr~:.^Cr. ,Il7tYiM i i ;u a shall apply for a sepafit:te t1Gm~ aJr~Ve coni~itlc 1s ail:i trnda"dis have not been p("(-rrirt, if ; eq.Vlre.' a':::r U, is .chapter, and each &hail at-c 4~. Gdn,D„ wi;tIt ~rw }-tome occupation is nc:,':~ separate ~ St:srririss lax %e.;"ifir_ates; r ~i~drNlse tie;rig r,,0r)ducted in a manner CAx,trary to the `l•igard Community 7. lh*,re shell! }fie; no Slo age an6i/or distributior} Of tMiC Or fjc rrirnable Develrpr'rierit Cade {1$,742;, Revocation due rriAterial, z~lld Spray paintin( f or spray finishin- operations `Jlai to a vio!ation of the n;~rne occupation involve toxic of- fig{,tTtiri_lt)le Material which in tihe jU,194,nient of fPl:; r equiras _ment(sj cannot be renewed. for a Fire Marshal! pose a "arigerous risk l:i the re,-_,Ot ce, i?s r hirtirr~um poriod of one yep r (18,742,080). = pants, and/or Surrouiidirrg properties. ;hose indiviciu;r!.y W,`~ich are engaged in home. OCCdp;;tion Shall make available tc tha F;r e Marshall for review that ,'taterial 13afety Data Sheets which pertain A TNWMU~ is Signature: tO all p0;e;1tially toxic and: or flammable materials associate ti,vith . the use; 6. No hoe ne oc; uFiatlvn shat! require any On or off-street parking other t h2,1 that normally rr quii ed for a residence; 9. The following uses are fiat 8il^wed as home occupations: n 's signature- a.) Auto-burly repair sand poinrirtg; D ~t b.) On-going rnerhanica! repair conducted outside of an antire)y enciosed building; c.) Junk and selvage operations; and d.) Storage and/or sale of fireworks. Q'Mwer''Si Sig nature: 2 CITY OF TIGARD 12/30/2002 13125 SW Hall Blvd. 4:15:35PM Tigard, Oregon 97223 (503) 639-4171 Receipt 27200200000000004951 Date: 12/30/2002 Line Items: Case No Tran Code Description Revenue Account No Amount Paid HOP2002-00163 [LANDUS] Type I Permit Fee 100-0000-438000 30.00 HOP2002-00164 [LANDUS] Type I Permit Fee 100-0000-438000 30.00 BUSTAX Business Tax - 55.0000 @ $1.0000 100-0000-430000 55.00 BUSTAX Business Tax - 55.0000 @ $1.0000 100-0000-430000 55.00 Line Item Total: $170.00 Payments: Method Payer User ID Acct/Check Approval No. How Received Amount Paid Check CREATIVE PRINTING MET 8618 In Person 170.00 Payment Total: $170.00 J'