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City Council Packet - 01/14/2025
MCITY Of Tigard Business Meeting .., Tigard E N DA TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE AND JANUARY 14, 2025 - 6:30 p.m. Business Meeting TIME: MEETING LOCATION: Hybrid - City of Tigard -Town Hall - 13125 SW Hall Blvd., Tigard, OR 97223 - See PUBLIC NOTICE below PUBLIC NOTICE: In accordance with Oregon House Bill 2560, this will be a hybrid meeting where some Council, staff or public will participate in person and some will participate remotely. How to comment: • Written public comment may be submitted electronically at www.tigard-or.gov/Comments by noon the day before the meeting date. • If attending the meeting in person, please fill out the public comment sign-in sheet at the front of the room and come to the microphone when your name is called. • If you prefer to call in, please call 503-966-4101 when instructed to be placed in the queue. We ask that you plan on limiting your testimony to two minutes. •You may comment by video through the Teams app. Go to this link to learn how to participate by video: January 14, 2025 Council Meeting (https://www.tigard-or.gov/Home/Components/Calendar/Event/7891/372). Upon request, the City will endeavor to arrange for the following services: • Qualified sign language interpreters for persons with speech or hearing impairments; and • Qualified bilingual interpreters. Since these services must be scheduled with outside service providers, it is important to allow as much lead time as possible. Please notify the City of your need by 5:00 p.m. on the Thursday preceding the meeting by contacting: City Recorder Carol Krager at 503-718-2419 (voice) /carolk@tigard-or.gov, or Deputy City Recorder Jesse Raymundo at 503-718-2417 (voice)/jesse.raymundo@tigard-or.gov, or 503-684-2772 (TDD -Telecommunications Devices for the Deaf). SEE ATTACHED AGENDA VIEW LIVESTREAM ONLINE: https://www.tigard-or.gov/boxcast CABLE VIEWERS: The City Council meeting will be shown live on Channel 21 (1st Tuesdays) and Channel 28 (2nd & 4th Tuesdays) at 6:30 p.m. The meeting will be rebroadcast at the following times on Channel 28: Thursday 6:00 p.m. Friday 10:00 p.m. Saturday 7:30 p.m. Sunday 11:30 a.m. Monday 6:00 a.m. CITY Of Tigard Business Meeting Tigard E N DA TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE AND TIME: JANUARY 14, 2025 - 6:30 p.m. Business Meeting MEETING LOCATION: Hybrid - City of Tigard -Town Hall - 13125 SW Hall Blvd., Tigard, OR 97223 6:30 PM 1. BUSINESS MEETING A. Call to Order B. Roll Call C. Pledge of Allegiance D. Call to Council and Staff for Non-Agenda Items 2. PROCLAMATIONS AND RECOGNITION 6:35 p.m. estimated time A. THE CELEBRATION OF VIETNAMESE AMERICAN LUNAR NEW YEAR OF THE SNAKE PROCLAMATION 3. PUBLIC COMMENT A. Public Comment—Written B. Public Comment— In Person C. Public Comment— Phone-In D. Public Comment—Video 4. CITY MANAGER REPORT 6:55 p.m. estimated time 5. CONSENT AGENDA: (Tigard City Council) The Consent Agenda is used for routine items including approval of meeting minutes, contracts or intergovernmental agreements. Information on each item is available on the city's website in the packet for this meeting. These items may be enacted in one motion without separate discussion. Council members may request that an item be removed by motion for discussion and separate action. Any items requested to be removed from the Consent Agenda for separate discussion will be considered immediately after the Council has voted on those items which do not need discussion. .:00 p.m. estimated time A. RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT FOR PURSUING THE 2025 RAISE GRANT FOR 72ND AVE (99W TO DARTMOUTH ST) 6. BOARD APPOINTMENTS 7:05 p.m. estimated time 7. TIGARD SERVICE REQUEST ':15 p.m. estimated time 8. PRESENTATION FROM FUSUS BY AXON (CRIME REPORTING) 7:55 p.m. estimated time 9. BRIEFING ON PAVEMENT MAINTENANCE PROGRAM (PMP) 8:25 p.m. estimated time 10. NON-AGENDA ITEMS 11. SUPPLEMENTAL QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 12. EXECUTIVE SESSION: The Tigard City Council may go into Executive Session. If an Executive Session is called to order, the appropriate ORS citation will be announced identifying the applicable statute. All discussions are confidential and those present may disclose nothing from the Session. Representatives of the news media are allowed to attend Executive Sessions, as provided by ORS 192.660(4), but must not disclose any information discussed. No Executive Session may be held for the purpose of taking any final action or making any final decision. Executive Sessions are closed to the public. 13. ADJOURNMENT 8:55 p.m. estimated time AIS-5733 2. A. Business Meeting Meeting Date: 01/14/2025 Length (in minutes): 10 Minutes Agenda Title: The Celebration of Vietnamese American Lunar New Year of the Snake Proclamation Authored By: Rebecca Hathaway Presented By: Mayor Lueb (Thao Tu to speak) Item Type: Public Hearing Legal Ad Required?: Publication Date: Information EXPLANATION OF ISSUE Every year the Vietnamese American community in the city of Tigard and vicinity is happy to celebrate Vietnamese American Lunar New Year. This new lunar new year will be the year of the Snake and begins on January 29, 2025. This special holiday signifies a time for families and friends to carry on the traditions of welcoming and preparing for the new year. ACTION REQUESTED Mayor Lueb received a request from Thao Tu to issue a proclamation for the Celebration of Vietnamese American Lunar New Year of the Snake on behalf of the Vietnamese Community of Oregon. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Dates of Previous and Potential Future Considerations The Mayor has not previously issued this proclamation. Public Involvement This proclamation offers an opportunity for the Tigard community to learn about and be involved in the celebration of the Vietnamese American Lunar New Year Impacts (Community, Budget, Policies and Plans/Strategic Connection) There is no fiscal impact associated with this proclamation. ALTERNATIVES & RECOMMENDATION The Mayor could choose not to issue the Celebration of Vietnamese American Lunar New Year proclamation but it is the recommendation of the team to do so as it supports diversity in our community and recognizes the contributions of Vietnamese American residents and businesses in Tigard. ADDITIONAL RESOURCES www.vncousa.com • Attachments Vietnamese American New Year proclamation """"3""""'"°"1" no x* {::Va(Jt..''' " a ;fa'KZ'� V'e ' {L+;t ti n''' ,�. "..'7'.':'..,_ na3: S :i'''''.:::•::;.:;.:, Y" €:s 8 ?E ;?F ;:." ..:t"-':..;..11 ' r�c' eao7 ooa �q „ y ° m� ,;,.71;,,,,,,,,,,„.4,,,1„:::.,...: ' ',= , 4C��. ,,--.:f,:-..,:e4. ° r! ,,, t�duv .w.::,;,,:,•,..,:1=:: -�xd a4e r� .,:., ,v svagrrw4 �''F / nt : ,a8�� l° -" - at 1.0-!,-.',..::4 e*':„ tey"› y .. # „.es, y t s1 , , g " f ✓ i * 4 r F� -ys ,) 5a � ri $ lva z -..owOsoAuonusop®flva000lo.ee0000aooa000mammmeeRAanfooa000005CAas0000no0000aoouoo0oao.na000 ...5opoanoeo3000 5tiV I ♦a :••••,.,.;.:;:i'.011'..0', ''k;14:;: t - s r, 1 x t: `•. 4 Els° r: 9 g.� ah 5 e, -,, ,,,,,,.,:: ,,,,,,,,,,e 4y tr -.,'Ag,"r.'::. 1 1 ' i '10)C/1 (IfIrritirrr41( 1 r City of Tigard k: .:':;.1 �F •i 4,,,,,,,-,, ,:',- CELEBRATION OF VIETNAMESE AMERICAN NEW YEAR OF , �� THE SNAKE ' ,, �' -"`_ WHEREAS, in celebration of the Vietnamese American Lunar New Year, the City of Tigard, ',,n 4 joins many families around the world to welcome the Year of the Snake.This year,the start of v it the Lunar New Year falls on January 29, 2025; and ,,-, '`� `' WHEREAS, the Vietnamese American Lunar New Year is a special holiday which signifies a I� 1 i;' time for families and friends to carry on the traditions of welcoming and preparing for the new f ,li nti, 5 , . , year. As many of these traditions have been passed down from generation to generation, newo frip n q -,*,.*-i-of ones have been created along the way; ander ,, i ;;. WHEREAS, the Vietnamese American Lunar New Year is associated with several myths and 4 0:% ,.PoE=" $ customs.The common themes for traditional Lunar New Year festivities focus on family, good f a�z fortune, and prosperity; and . WHEREAS, this year marks the Year of the Snake, which is the sixth in accordance to the . j zodiac animal order. Each zodiac animal represents their own unique qualities.According to ` t, tradition,the Year of the Snake is a symbol of rebirth, healing and protection, and 1 E WHEREAS, during this time of joy and renewal,the Vietnamese American Lunar New Year "j-- celebration is an opportunity to educate and promote the rich cultural heritage of our Ar ' communities.The City of Tigard recognizes the contributions from our organizations, il � m businesses, and community members; ander r g litliV WHEREAS, the City of Tigard wishes all its community members good health and prosperity as we welcome the new Vietnamese American Lunar Year Celebration. ` €# NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, I Mayor Heidi Lueb of the City of Tigard, Oregon, do ,5°# "; r hereby proclaim January 29, 2025 to be the start of *' ,t r s THE VIETNAMESE AMERICAN LUNAR NEW YEAR CELEBRATION In Tigard, Oregon, and encourage all people to acknowledge, learn about, and celebrate the '0,":'''1'7,,,e, *.::,,,A--.-.;:-: W i . aPnew lunar year, its traditions, and other cultural practices. Lt-.4471,47 - ,moi': Ali _,,„ Dated this 28t" day of January 2025 tE-i :, , IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the City ofrf`-,Z.,:: z > = Tigard to be affixed. iax'� ii r s r F Heidi Lueb, Mayor City of Tigard w r Attest: xx'�� ', S .,1,,,f):57 ---;;I''''''' A. Krager, City Recorder ; t,' 6;p' C HHHOSpW IHSHOSGHOSNSOUHNP p pGl3ppppplaWMUiZMMMWMV16O,]�19OOptlPMMOM2aMMaMOMHOHOHpHHHOpppHHHYH0YH9HpHOMOMOMa0O4Qpp ppp 7›,,,,,,, A;...-., 1 2,9. e�,'s+tea� +. : ° �i s _ i Xtv -a rl 44140�s * ;3Z-t,„,..,:„.,,,,,,,v,1„,.e ystio ' .xh - '344$3 f '�• '�s& — i , "�s. .,,,,,,,.,::,:,k. ss a1j '-tee: ,!,. >rsjl s . . a),ii. s= q ,{m r <i S's"s< 4' t ; "ft s -i xi 3 x L , ,.. s : .. -° ctL J auxaops r �r.� -:f ' 4rv,w �.' as; - if 4e 1 . 8 -6 i 0 Ts 0 1 0 Ta • • ..• • f• 1 0 73 TR 7 8 ... 1 , 4-, I 1 L • i.. 4-, a) a) , I a) a) Zr • .... 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L- i . c_ L-- •• C ,_ rts *- o / o_ ,- .:.: C 1- .- o_ L- .c L. 0 o. ea 0 v) a v, a_ m 0 CM o_ as = 0 ra ra g) 4-, c V) a) 0 ft) c ,_ a) U E a) E co 0 i..-. - ' 0 E co (-) '47, 4-d c) E Ll..1 4" •— V) 4' C 0C o C - ir1 Ev) ±2 t cum co a) 0. 0 _a co a) a 0 -0 ra a) a 0 .0 03 (1) a 0 -C =1 E . " n, z a- 0 0 u Q. Z E o 0 L.) a. Z "EC o 0 u Q. z . o 0 0 o. < .-. AIS-5731 5. A. Business Meeting Meeting Date: 01/14/2025 Length (in minutes): Consent Item Agenda Title: Resolution of Support for Pursuing the 2025 RAISE Grant for 72nd Ave (99W to Dartmouth St) Authored By: Tiffany Gehrke Presented By: Tiffany Gehrke Item Type: Public Hearing Legal Ad Required?: Publication Date: Information EXPLANATION OF ISSUE The first phase of 72nd Avenue improvements, from 99W to Dartmouth Street, is estimated to cost approximately$25M. Although Tax Increment Financing (TIF) funds are available for use in the Tigard Triangle, these funds could not cover the cost of this project and the other needed improvements within the Triangle. Due to limited local funding, grants are often needed to pursue larger construction projects. The City team would like to pursue the FY2025 Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) grant. This will be the City's third attempt at securing grant funds through RAISE. ACTION REQUESTED The request is for City Council to pass a resolution in support of the City's pursuit of the 2025 RAISE grant for the SW 72nd Avenue Improvement project (99W to Darthmouth Street). BACKGROUND INFORMATION Dates of Previous and Potential Future Considerations This project originated from a comprehensive corridor study completed in 2020. The 30% design phase is currently underway on this segment of 72nd Ave. The project will be ready to obligate RAISE funding by the statutory deadline of Sept. 30, 2029 and construction is expected to conclude in 2031. Council previously approved the pursuit of the 2023 RAISE grant for this same project on February 21st, 2023; however, the City was not successful in obtaining the grant that year. The project team is resubmitting a revised application in hopes of receiving the 2025 grant. Public Involvement Comprehensive public involvement was done during the corridor study and continues as the project team does additional targeted outreach for the 30% design phase. Project information can be found on the city's website. Impacts (Community, Budget, Policies and Plans/Strategic Connection) Tax Increment Financing funds are available in this area to support infrastructure financing. However, there is sizable budget needed to complete this project (about $25 million). Consequently, the city is requesting the RAISE funds to cover the bulk of the estimated amount in order to be able to utilize TIF funds elsewhere throughout the Tigard Triangle. ALTERNATIVES & RECOMMENDATION Council could not approve the resolution and direct that the RAISE grant application not be submitted, however the city would lose the resources it invested into developing the application and plans created to-date. There are no atlernative funding sources available for this project at this time. ADDITIONAL RESOURCES Attachments Draft Resolution CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON TIGARD CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 25- A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN APPLICATION FOR FEDERAL RAISE GRANT FUNDING FOR DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF PHASE ONE OF THE SW 72ND AVE CORRIDOR IN THE TIGARD TRIANGLE. WHEREAS, the City of Tigard's Tigard Triangle TIF District Plan goals include the creation of a safe and effective multimodal transportation network to support multimodal access, mixed-use development, and pedestrian-oriented development;and WHEREAS,the City of Tigard's 2040 Transportation System Plan (TSP) envisions a transportation system that advances Tigard's Strategic Vision to be an equitable community that is accessible, walkable, and healthy for everyone;and WHEREAS, the 72nd Ave Transportation Study (2020) recognizes the need for capital improvements on SW 72nd to achieve the Tigard Triangle vision of becoming a highly walkable,pedestrian-oriented,mixed-use district; and WHEREAS,the 72nd Ave Transportation Study(2020)recommends a new roadway concept that will transform the busy arterial into an attractive,multimodal street for all users;and WHEREAS, the RAISE program is a federal funding program within the Federal Highway Administration designed to support transportation infrastructure projects that will improve: safety; environmental sustainability;quality of life;mobility and community connectivity;economic competitiveness and opportunity including tourism; state of good repair;partnership and collaboration; and innovation; and WHEREAS,the SW 72nd Corridor Plan completed in 2020 envisions two phases of construction with the first phase rebuilding the section between SW Dartmouth and Pacific Highway and the second phase rebuilding the section between SW Dartmouth and SW Hunziker; and WHEREAS, Community Development and Public Works staff recommend submitting a grant application for Phase 1 improvements. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the City of Tigard Council that: SECTION 1: Council approves submittal of a 2025 Federal Department of Transportation(DOT)RAISE grant application to fund the design and construction of Phase One of the SW 72nd Ave Corridor Plan in the Tigard Triangle. SECTION 2: This resolution is effective immediately upon passage. PASSED: This day of ,2025. Mayor—City of Tigard RESOLUTION No. 23- Page 1 ATTEST: City Recorder—City of Tigard RESOLUTION No. 23- Page 1 AIS-5728 6. Business Meeting Meeting Date: 01/14/2025 Length (in minutes): 10 Minutes Agenda Title: Board Appointments Authored By: Nicole Hendrix Presented By: Nicole Hendrix, Assistant to the City Manager Item Type: Public Hearing Legal Ad Required?: Publication Date: Information EXPLANATION OF ISSUE The City of Tigard's Audit Committee and Library Board have open voting member positions. The recommendations being considered by City Council aim to fill these openings by moving alternate members into voting positions. Board members are key to informing the development of Tigard's programs and policies. These volunteers dedicate time and expertise to serve as an important link to community needs and represent community values. ACTION REQUESTED City Council is asked to consider passing resolutions to appoint voting members to City of Tigard Audit Committee and Library Board; these appointments are recommended by the Mayor. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Applications to serve on a City board are open year-round for anyone to apply. A large recruitment effort was completed in the summer and subsequent, smaller rounds of recruitment work to fill the remaining openings. There is a current round of recruitment in January 2025 to fill openings on the Library Board, Audit Committee, Budget Committee, Committee for Community Engagement, and Town Center Advisory Commission. If the resolutions are approved, this will create openings for the alternate positions on the Audit Committee and Library Board that the team will try to fill in the current recruitment effort. ALTERNATIVES & RECOMMENDATION The Mayor recommends approving the attached resolutions to appoint board and committee members. The Council may decide not to approve some or all of the recommendations. ADDITIONAL RESOURCES N/A Attachments Resolution Audit Committee Resolution Library Board Presentation Board and Committee Appointments CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON TIGARD CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 25- A RESOLUTION APPOINTING KELLI PEMENT AS A VOTING MEMBER OF THE AUDIT COMMITTEE. WHEREAS,Tigard City Council established the Audit Committee to manage the audit contract with the city's outside audit firm and oversee the city's internal control management;and WHEREAS,there is one voting member vacancy on the Audit Committee;and WHEREAS, Mayor Lueb recommends moving current alternate member Kelli Pement to the open voting position. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the Tigard City Council that: SECTION 1: Kelli Pement is appointed to the Audit Committee as a voting member for a 2-year term, effective immediately through December 31,2026. SECTION 2: This resolution is effective immediately upon passage. PASSED: This 14th day of January 2025. Mayor- City of Tigard ATTEST: City Recorder- City of Tigard RESOLUTION NO. 25- Page 1 CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON TIGARD CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 25- A RESOLUTION APPOINTING PAM MICHAEL AND LILT DIAZ AS VOTING MEMBERS OF THE LIBRARY BOARD. WHEREAS, Tigard City Council established the Library Board to communicate with the City Manager and Council about Tigard Public Library's policies, budget, facilities, and other needs of the community to provide quality library service;and WHEREAS,Mayor Lueb recommends moving current alternates Pam Michael and Lili Diaz to voting members of the city's Library Board. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the Tigard City Council that: SECTION 1: Pam Michael is appointed to Library Board as a voting member effective immediately through December 31,2028. SECTION 2: Lili Diaz is appointed to Library Board as a voting member effective immediately through December 31,2027. SECTION 3: This resolution is effective immediately upon passage. PASSED: This 14th day of January 2025. Mayor- City of Tigard ATTEST: City Recorder- City of Tigard RESOLUTION NO. 25- Page 1 -- ... , - ... . 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ION , : a I ,, . •, . . - _ . -7,.. . •''., , • OAP ,:i_ ' 1 . • ., ,4 ". . %..'. • F AV - • — Audit Committee Name Position Term Kel l i Pement Voting 2 year r Tiçja°rd The 5 E's — Tigard's Community Promise: Equity • Environment • Economy • Engagement • Excellence Library Board Name Position Term Pam Michael Voting 4 year Lili Diaz Voting 3 year I • CITY OF Tigard The 5 E's — Tigard's Community Promise: Equity • Environment • Economy • Engagement • Excellence /I . • - ., • , .. . 1 111 II 11 4 -11r llorim ...4 . . . aongattI1t u Board & Committee Mem e _ I =- Th _. ankyou fserving_our1 mmunity e;, :,t - �� .....•# iiTiga°rd CITY 1 i f .. .:, ._ ar'ulI .. . . - lir mi 1111 TIM --:-..1r7"..' -.r �,.ft AIS-5684 7. Business Meeting Meeting Date: 01/14/2025 Length (in minutes): 40 Minutes Agenda Title: Tigard Service Request Authored By: Nicole Hendrix Presented By: Nicole Hendrix, Assistant to the City Manager Item Type: Update, Discussion, Direct Staff Public Hearing No Legal Ad Required?: Publication Date: Information EXPLANATION OF ISSUE Tigard Service Request is an online portal that will be available to community members starting January 28, 2025 to request physical, non-emergency services. This portal is one module being implemented as part of the Tyler Technologies solution. This presentation will provide more information on the portal's purpose, user experience through a demonstration, and the public communications plan. ACTION REQUESTED Provide feedback on the Tigard Service Request module; together with feedback from user acceptance testing, this will inform final product review before Go-Live. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Dates of Previous and Potential Future Considerations Tyler project updates have been provided to City Council at Council Goal updates and throughout the Tyler project implementation. This will be the first presentation specific to the Tigard Service Request portal. Public Involvement In November 2024, the city team began sharing information about Tigard Service Request with the public. The Committee for Community Engagement and Park and Recreation Advisory Board were consulted for feedback on the communications plan for portal release. Additionally, a select group of Committee for Community Engagement members tested the Tigard Service Request system. Impacts (Community, Budget, Policies and Plans/Strategic Connection) As part of Tigard's City Council Goal to modernize and improve city services, we're implementing an integrated software system, Tyler Technologies, designed specifically for government service tools such as utility bills, permit center services, service requests, and more. Tyler Technologies will streamline processes, provide new features, and help improve communication with our customers. ALTERNATIVES & RECOMMENDATION N/A ADDITIONAL RESOURCES More information on the portal, including how-to videos and guides, are available on the City's website: www.tigard-or.gov/servicerequest Attachments Presentation Tigard Service Request e CITY OF Tigard igar Service Request City Council Presentation January 14, 2025 i• POWERED BY < •. tyler• • technologies e CITY OF Tigard Overview WHAT Tigard Service Request is an online portal for community members to request non-emergency, place-based services at their convenience. WHEN Available to community starting January 28, 2025 WHY eVir♦" The cityis modernizingits services to enhance customer experience and service ��• p delivery. This module is part of the Tyler Technology implementation. e CITY OF Tigard About TService Request Tigard Service Request will allow community members to: Helpful Tips: - ➢ Submit requests for services such as: • A phone number and email are o Abandoned/Stored Vehicles, required to submit a request o Park Maintenance, • Have an address orspecific location o Trail Maintenance, o Tree Issue, of the request o Walk/Bike Improvement, • Setting up an account will allow you o Water Issue, and many more! to more easily track requests • Laptop or desktop recommended ➢ Receive email notifications about their requests • Requests are not monitored on a ➢ View requests reported throughout the city 24/7 basis and will be addressed ➢ Track multiple requests via ticket system during business hours. e CITY OF Tigard How Service RequestWorks To Receive c Receive email i email/call Receive email Submit Ticket x confirmation comment from lfr closure "J staff as needed co Complete c Request Email Team Tasks Submitted 0 Confirmation 0 Verification 0 0 Close » Email Clos C Comments to — Requestor i. Key Automated Manual E 4 C IT, yoftigardor-test2.tylerportico.comJ IM/Porial/ponal-homeQ LY ID 0 uo r3 Inside Tigard-Home 3 Web ing In q Ageizauick 0 Home I Microsof.. 3 Council Sharepoint CO NIWJW Email 0 Sign in to repm'tory II®Tyler Hub-Enterynse... 0 FV265tretDEl®A0... r Get&,,cted 0 Popo ®Redirectingk Kudos Sign In 0 Tyler Customer Espen... 4.nub-Enterprise EPP... 4.UtilTy nillIg.Cry of.. fit ngard Maps Intnat. (y smannra. b Tiga"rd Service Request Access I City of Tigard[Test2] ,aaJ*q Sign In . 40111 s ,'' 1 4 4.1`' Welcome to City of Tigard [Test2]ts . Service Request Access ®l Request non-emergency services when convenient for you.Requests . J -�'' - 1 are not monitored on a 24/7 basis and will he addressed during business haus. ,, City of Tigard resins Service Request Access is not for Sign in or Sign up emergency situations.Please dial 911 for emergencies. Register or sign in to track requests IHaving an issue?Create a New Request ) you submit,or follow Sign in or Sign up City of Tigard[Test2] I Contact I Terms of use I Privacy policy I 0 2024 I Cookie settings •1".i%EMPOWERED BY •TYLER TECRHDLOSIES Tigard Service Request Landing Page View i TrgIrd Service Request Access I City of Tigard[Test2] ... 7A I sign in Make a request Portal Nome Enter a request type SELECT A LOCATION Sewn fora 1nca1155 using the map below I wN+=r �I fmdaddressorplace Q ___ . „.wee 11 , iti,�,. - — .a A— - . , H. - E+.w.ye _ . -r� -- •. � ,Esrn, ' :...D;-•...::......-i•-rt..4..3.4A-L V:•••sc•SE:L., c.-c-.a-..da.a_ .. LS.:IN t...Llac.a Nca-••-•.y.:5-=: •wax a:= -- ESTER REOYEST ORTAILS Description A ANt AN WAGE Supported fife types.jpg 3.6mp l.gl}I prig I.Nb a Drag and mop file Fe upload 01 select a ale ENTER CONTACT INFORNIATfON Contact information does not display on this website.Note that the agency staff may be obligated to share contact information_If you have any inquiries,please get in touch with the agency directly First name :::i:::Tess Pnenumber M I If you wish to submit anonymously,ensure you are logged out and leave these fields blank. J Cancel e CITY OF Tigard Convenience (7 Efficiency What does this Transparency mean for users ? rip Clear Communication © Enhanced Quality of Life e Communication Plan TigTar d 2 months leading up to release and 2+ months after Our goal is to: How we achieve our goal: - Inform/Build Awareness: About the - tool, when it's available, how to Public-Facing access Virtual Social media, website, - Notify of Change: Existing process podcast, newsletters, how- changes to videos and one-pagers - Educate: How-to documents and Print Tigard Life — ads and Mayors videos Corner, refrigerator - How to Submit a Request magnets, brochures, (required info, map, etc.) business cards - How to Manage a Submitted In Person Community events, board Request (for registered and and committee meetings, unregistered users) word of mouth e CITY OF Tigard Community Resources • How-to videos and one-pagers Two drop-in support sessions in For questions/comments about available in English and Spanish the Library Technology Room. the system, online feedback (plus FAQ) on Service Request On-site help will be available in form available. webpage. English and Spanish. Saturday, February 1, 10 AM - 11 AM Wednesday, February 5, 12 - 1 PM e CITY OF Tigard Thank Questions? Reactions? POWERED BY ef:• tyler technologies AIS-5698 8. Business Meeting Meeting Date: 01/14/2025 Length (in minutes): 30 Minutes Agenda Title: PRESENTATION FROM FUSUS BY AXON (CRIME REPORTING) Authored By: James McDonald Presented By: Police Chief McDonald Item Type: Update, Discussion, Direct Staff Public Hearing No Legal Ad Required?: Publication Date: Information EXPLANATION OF ISSUE The Tigard Police Department is considering investing in the next level of information integration by purchasing a system from Axon called Fusus. Fusus integrates separate data systems such as Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD), Body Worn Camera (BWC), In-Car Video, public and privately owned video camera systems, and other resources into one interface to increase situational awareness. At its core, Fusus allows authorized personnel to remotely access live-streaming video from integrated systems. This helps improve the safety of the responding officers and the community when we are faced with critical incidents. Fusus enables police officers and supervisors to make better informed decisions in routine or emergency situations by placing a lot of data in one interface. The system further allows officers a much more efficient way to conduct follow-up investigations by providing timely access to the data collected by the system and improving the chances of case resolution. In Oregon, the Bend Police Department is currently using Fusus and the Portland Police Bureau is about to start using Fusus. ACTION REQUESTED Input on the use of the system to support law enforcement efforts in our community. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Dates of Previous and Potential Future Considerations Previously, on November 22, 2024, the Council was provided with a synopsis of the system as well as supporting documentation from the vendor. That information is attached to this document. Public Involvement We have reached out to multiple businesses in the community, including Macerich (owner and operator of Washington Square Mall), the Tigard Area Chamber of Commerce, and PacTrust Properties. All of these entities have written letters of support for the program. Those are attached. Impacts (Community, Budget, Policies and Plans/Strategic Connection) This system provides the Police Department a powerful tool to utilize while responding to emergencies and for follow-up investigations. The cost of the system is estimated to be approximately $100,000 annually, and will be funded through monies currently included in the Police Department's asset forfeiture budget. The Police Department has developed a draft policy, standard operating procedures, and data-sharing license agreement. These drafts are attached. ALTERNATIVES & RECOMMENDATION The council could decide to do nothing and the system will not be placed into use in our community, or they could direct the Police Department to move forward with the program and return on January 28, 2025, to enter into a contract with the vendor. ADDITIONAL RESOURCES N/A Fiscal Impact Fiscal Information: The cost of the system for the level we intend to move forward with is approximately$100,000.00 per year and will be paid for through the Police Department asset forfeiture budget, which is already included in the current fiscal year appropriation. Attachments Fusus Council Update PacTrust Fusus Letter of Support Draft Policy Language Draft SOP Language Camera Sharing Agreement Chamber Letter of Support Washington Square Letter of Support Fusus Power Point Slide Deck 1 Fusus by Axon slides City of Tigard r TigdTY MEMORANDUM ,„,,-._.,-,,,,,„'4,1: 13125 SW Hall Boulevard, Tigard, Oregon 97223 • www.ticaard-or.gov To: Tigard Mayor and City Council From: Chief J. McDonald 6./0 Re: Axon Fusus i 'S7 Date: 11/15/24 What is Fusus? The Tigard Police Department is considering investing in the next level of information integration by purchasing a system from Axon called Fusus. Fusus integrates separate data systems such as Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD), Body Worn Camera (BWC), In-Car Video, public and privately owned video camera systems, and other resources into one interface to increase situational awareness. At its core, Fusus allows authorized personnel to remotely access live streaming video from registered systems. Fusus enables police officers and supervisors to make better informed decisions in routine or emergency situations by placing a lot of data in one interface. In Oregon, Bend Police is currently using Fusus and Portland Police is about to start using Fusus. There are other vendors on the market with similar systems that we have looked at. Fusus makes the most sense for us given the technology investment with Axon we have already made and on which we have already seen positive returns. Using Fusus means it is already integrated and operating on the same architecture as our BWCs and In-Car Video. Council Goals and How Will Tigard Use Fusus? As it relates to Council Goals, Fusus Modernizes and Improves City Services and Enhances Community Safety and Access. Fusus is at the leading trend of data integration. Being able to access live streams from cameras remotely will help officers determine the appropriate response to calls for service, including how many personnel we may need in a particular situation and how best to deploy our resources before anyone is on-scene. Maximizing our situational awareness means we can better decide what tools we need and how many officers should respond to emergencies. Fusus will help us determine if we need to scale up a response or, conversely, free up officers when they are not needed to respond. Additionally, detectives will be able to more quickly review and consider the evidentiary value of video data. Accessing data remotely, when authorized by the owner, means detectives do not have to go to individual locations and try to figure out how a particular recording system works and how best to obtain data from it. For Tigard, we envision deploying Fusus to all sworn and select professional staff who support patrol operations and investigations. When an officer is dispatched to a call for service, Fusus will show them the location of the call on a map and what video stream are available to them to M.qCity of Tigard • CITY OF TIgard MEMORANDUM begin gathering information. They can now start broadcasting information via radio to responding officers and supervisors to shape the response appropriately and safely. Tigard has a unique opportunity to leverage our relationship with the business community through the Commercial Crimes Unit. Our close partnership with businesses and property managers better suits us than most agencies to get access to privately owned video systems. Our proven track record solving problems for businesses and successfully investigating crimes affecting the business community means owners and managers are more familiar and comfortable working with us from a foundational level. How Will Tigard Pay for Fusus? We are still talking with Axon and Fusus about the right size program and its cost. The initial estimate is approximately $100,000 per year for five or ten years. At this time, our plan is to use Asset Forfeiture money to pay for the first year as a proof of concept. If the program is able to prove its worth, we will request appropriation in the next budget to continue paying for the service. The contract will contain clauses that allow for early termination. Fusus Resources Key Messages About Axon Fusus: • Public safety is about people feeling and being safe in public.Axon Fusus, a Real- Time Crime Center Platform, integrates and enhances all public safety and investigations assets for law enforcement,first responders, and private security personnel. • Axon Fusus saves time and assists in investigations by creating a map of all public and registered private security cameras in a location. Camera owners can either register by location, or if they choose, be integrated into the system for real-time access (please see community involvement). • Axon Fusus,when utilized within a Real Time Crime Center, integrates various data sources, such as cameras, sensors, social media feeds and other information systems,to provide a comprehensive and immediate view of ongoing criminal activities or emergencies. Ultimately, by aggregating all of this information into a single pane of glass for public safety,Axon Fusus can enhance situational awareness, improve response times and support proactive crime prevention efforts by leveraging up-to-the-minute information and analytics. • Axon Fusus is in use in hundreds of cities and counties including Atlanta, Miami, Cleveland, Minneapolis, and Orlando to name a few. Community Involvement: • Businesses and residents can support law enforcement in their community by registering their cameras via an online portal. Participation is voluntary and access and permissions can be changed or canceled at any time. • There are two options: o A business or resident can register their camera to notify a law enforcement agency a camera is present at a location.The law enforcement agency can then contact the person after the incident occurs to obtain evidence or information in an investigation. o A business, resident or organization, gives law enforcement direct access to a camera feed in the event of an emergency. Using a CORE device which allows the conditional access, a camera owner can pre-set how and when their camera(s) are accessible to the department. • The system is highly secure, and all activity within the system is restricted to qualified law enforcement users whose actions are tracked within secure audit logs, as per agency policy. Benefits for Law Enforcement • Improved Response Times:With real-time data, officers can quickly assess situations and deploy resources where needed. • Enhanced Crime Prevention: Predictive analytics help identify hotspots and potential threats, allowing for proactive measures. • Increased Public Trust:Transparency and community involvement in safety efforts foster trust and cooperation between residents and law enforcement. Key Benefits for use with Real-Time Crime Center: Real-time Crime Centers provide public safety with a centralized facility equipped with advanced technology and data analysis tools that enable law enforcement agencies to monitor and respond to incidents in real time. • Combines feeds from CCTV, body-worn cameras, license plate readers, and public sources. • Provides a comprehensive view of incidents as they unfold. • Enables rapid search and automated alert capabilities. • Enables residents to share real-time information and video feeds with law enforcement. • Fosters a collaborative approach to public safety, enhancing trust between communities and police. • Streamlines communication between officers in the field and analysts in the RTCC. • Reduces response times and improves situational awareness. • Facilitates timely dissemination of information to the public regarding ongoing incidents or safety alerts. • Utilizes social media and other platforms to keep communities informed and engaged. Steps Taken in Successful Implementations: 1. Identify the specific needs and goals of the agency, prior to implementation. 2. Ensure compatibility with existing systems and data sources. 3. Provide thorough training for personnel on using FUSUS and operating the RTCC. 4. Engage with and educate the community to explain the benefits and encourage participation. 5. Regularly assess the effectiveness of the system and make adjustments as needed. Additional resources • Axon Blog Post: ps:// VYYVY.exDn^com/Oews/aboWt/p[0tect-life-in-real-time • Dallas Police Press Release - https://dpdbeat.com/2024/04/20/dallas-police- department-announces-Launch-of-connect-dallas/ • Dallas Police Video (English Version) - https: /watch/?V=969395274320703 • Metro Nashville Video: Ittps://www.youtube.corn/watch?v=hHOiScg4KQ 1r1I rrma 111 , . esus CTY Ti 'a°rd Fusus by Axon: Proposal for Tigard, Oregon Introduction to Fusus by Axon Fusus by Axon is a Real-Time Awareness platform designed to integrate all public safety assets into a unified system, enhancing situational awareness for law enforcement,first responders, and private security. By connecting existing cameras, sensors, and data sources into a single, comprehensive view, Fusus by Axon enables faster response times, improved crime prevention, and stronger community trust. It is already successfully deployed in major cities like Atlanta, Minneapolis, and communities of all sizes over 350 agencies, demonstrating its capability to meet diverse public safety needs. Locally to the West Coast, Bend OR-West Sacramento, CA and Pasco WA are similar communities with active Fusus deployments. Fusus by Axon offers a voluntary participation model for businesses and residents: 1.) Camera Registration: Notifies law enforcement of camera locations for post-incident evidence collection. 2.) Direct Integration: Provides conditional, real-time access to live camera feeds during emergencies. How Fusus by Axon Aligns with Tigard's City Goals 1. Reducing Houselessness and Enhancing Community Livability Tigard's commitment to addressing homelessness can be strengthened through Fusus by Axon's real-time information-sharing capabilities. By providing a unified platform for law enforcement and social services, Fusus facilitates quicker, coordinated responses to incidents involving unhoused individuals, supporting de-escalation and connecting them with appropriate resources.This approach not only enhances public safety but also aligns with Tigard's community-centered initiatives. Key Benefits: - Improved coordination between law enforcement and outreach teams. - Faster, more efficient response to non-emergency incidents. - Enhanced safety and transparency for both the unhoused population and local businesses. 2.Addressing Community Impact on Climate Fusus by Axon complements Tigard's sustainability efforts by leveraging existing infrastructure, minimizing the need for additional hardware. By integrating with current camera systems and environmental sensors, Fusus provides real-time monitoring capabilities that can help the city detect and respond to environmental hazards swiftly. This contributes to Tigard's climate resilience and reduces the city's overall environmental footprint. Key Benefits: - Efficient use of existing technology, reducing waste and energy consumption. - Real-time monitoring supports rapid response to environmental emergencies. - Enhances the city's ability to track and mitigate climate-related risks. 3. Modernizing and Improving City Services As Tigard aims to modernize its city services, Fusus by Axon offers a scalable solution that integrates seamlessly with the city's existing systems.The platform enhances public safety operations by providing real-time data and analytics, streamlining communication between departments, and improving overall service efficiency. Fusus by Axon aligns with Tigard's City Facilities Modernization Project, offering cutting-edge technology without requiring a complete system overhaul. Key Benefits: -Seamless integration with existing city infrastructure. - Enhanced data analysis and real-time alerts for better decision-making. -Scalable platform that adapts to Tigard's evolving needs. 4. Enhancing Community Safety and Accessibility Fusus by Axon's core mission is to elevate community safety, making it an ideal partner for Tigard's public safety goals. The platform consolidates video feeds,geolocation data, and incident alerts, providing law enforcement with a comprehensive, real-time view of ongoing situations.Additionally,the voluntary camera-sharing feature allows businesses and residents to contribute to public safety efforts,fostering a collaborative and connected community. Key Benefits: - Faster response times through enhanced situational awareness. - Greater community involvement via the voluntary camera-sharing program. -Support for advanced training initiatives like crisis intervention and de-escalation. Supporting Tigard's Retail and Business Community Fusus by Axon offers significant value to Tigard's retail sector, where safety and security are critical. By allowing businesses to register their security cameras, Fusus enhances situational awareness for law enforcement, reducing the risk of theft,vandalism, and public disturbances. This contributes to a safer environment for shoppers and retailers, boosting confidence and supporting economic growth. Key Benefits for Retailers: - Proactive monitoring and rapid response capabilities reduce incidents of theft and vandalism. - Flexible camera participation options ensure privacy and autonomy for business owners. - Improved safety contributes to a welcoming environment, supporting customer traffic and retail growth. Alignment with Tigard's Core Values Equity: Fusus' technology promotes equitable safety by providing the same level of service and response capability across all neighborhoods. Environment: By maximizing existing technology, Fusus supports Tigard's sustainability goals and reduces the city's environmental footprint. Economy: The platform offers a cost-effective solution that leverages existing infrastructure, reducing the need for new, costly investments. Engagement: Fusus enhances community engagement by allowing residents and business owners to participate in public safety efforts through voluntary camera integration. Excellence: Fusus delivers a cutting-edge solution that exceeds expectations, supporting Tigard's commitment to innovation and high-quality service. Conclusion Fusus by Axon aligns seamlessly with Tigard's strategic goals of enhancing public safety, modernizing city services, addressing environmental concerns, and supporting vulnerable populations. By adopting Fusus,Tigard can leverage advanced technology to build a safer, more connected, and resilient community. Leigh, Thank you for taking the time to come in and speak with me about Fusus. As you know, PacTrust has been heavily involved in the Tigard business community for over fifty years. We feel that we have a very strong relationship with Tigard PD and that they serve our tenants and the community well. If Fusus can be a positive resource for Tigard PD, then PacTrust is in support of Tigard PD pursuing the program. Best, Elliot Elliot T. Wiitala PacTrust 15350 SW Sequoia Parkway Suite 300 Portland OR 97224 Mobile 503.680.5760 Main 503.624.7787 elliotw©pactrust.com www.pactrust.com Policy Tigard Police Department 708 City of Tigard Camera System 708.1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines for the use of the City of Tigard camera system by Tigard Police Department personnel and storage and dissemination of video, images, and data captured by the camera system. This policy applies to Tigard Police Department personnel and does not apply to other City personnel. 708.2 POLICY The City of Tigard Police Department, in conjunction with the City of Tigard, operates a video recording and streaming system to allocate and deploy personnel effectively and enhance livability, public safety, and security in public areas. Cameras may be placed in public areas within the City of Tigard to deter crime, help safeguard against potential threats to the public, collect digital evidence, and to help manage emergency resources and emergency responses to critical incidents. Video collection in public areas will be conducted legally and ethically while recognizing and protecting privacy rights. Members of the Tigard Police Department may utilize the City of Tigard camera system only for investigative purposes related to criminal investigations, administrative investigations, significant events, and emergency calls for service. 708.3 USE OF CAMERA SYSTEM The City of Tigard Camera System is owned and maintained by the City of Tigard. Access to the camera system by police department employees is reserved for investigating crimes, administrative investigations, monitoring a significant incident, emergency calls for service, and system maintenance and administration. Tigard Police Department personnel who access the camera system for investigative purposes are required to have an associated case number or incident number. Tigard Police Department personnel accessing the City of Tigard camera system for criminal investigations or calls for service shall provide documentation for the reason within their reports or CAD notes. Supervisors should ensure such use and access is appropriately documented. Tigard Police Department personnel may access the City of Tigard camera system for administrative investigations. Use of the system for administrative investigations shall be documented within the investigator's report. Members of the City of Tigard Police Department may access the City of Tigard camera system for approved system training. Video images or recorded media needed for a criminal investigation or other official reason shall be collected and booked into evidence following current departmental evidence procedures. City of Tigard Camera System- 1 Tigard Police Department City of Tigard Camera System Media shall be accessed, maintained, stored, and retrieved in a manner that ensures strict adherence to the chain of custody requirements. Electronic trails, including encryption, digital masking of innocent or uninvolved individuals to preserve anonymity, authenticity certificates, and the date and time stamping shall be used as appropriate to preserve individual rights and ensure the authenticity and maintenance of a secure evidentiary chain of custody. 708.4 PROHIBITED USE OF CAMERA SYSTEM Tigard Police Department shall not use the camera system to: 708.4.1 Target individuals or groups based solely on actual or perceived characteristics such as race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, economic status, age, cultural group, or disability; 708.4.2 Harass, intimidate, or discriminate against any individual or group; 708.4.3 Conduct personal business or advance personal interests of any type; 708.4.4 City of Tigard camera system will not intentionally be used to invade the privacy of individuals or observe areas where a reasonable expectation of privacy exists. 708.5 HANDLING AND RELEASE OF DIGITAL MEDIA/RECORDINGS All City of Tigard camera system equipment and all data, images, video recordings, and metadata captured, recorded, or otherwise produced by the equipment is the property of the City of Tigard. Public Records Requests for camera system recorded video, and associated records shall be submitted to Tigard Police Records. Tigard Police Records will review the Public Records Request and respond with a form requesting specific information related to dates, times, and locations. If the video is subject to disclosure, the Tigard Police Department will provide it directly to the requesting party. Tigard Police Records will collect all fees associated with the request. Requested data shall be preserved, if available, until the request has been completely processed. All requests for video or photos will be subject to the City's public records request process and policy and will be fulfilled in compliance with state and federal law. 708.6 DISSEMINATION OF RECORDS No data shall be disseminated from the City of Tigard camera system unless required (1) for an investigative purpose, (2) to respond to a records request, or (3) as authorized by the Chief of Police. 708.7 MEDIA STORAGE All recorded media will be electronically stored in a secure area with access restricted to authorized persons. Cameras system recordings not otherwise needed for official reasons shall Copyright Lexipol,LLC 2023/04/26,All Rights Reserved. Public Safety Camera System-2 Published with permission by Bend Police Department Tigard Police Department City of Tigard Camera System be retained for not more than thirty days and thereafter may be overwritten. An exception to the thirty-day retention period shall be made for recordings produced during active investigations. 708.8 ANNUAL REVIEW The Chief of Police or his/her designee will conduct an annual review of the camera system. The annual review will include an inventory of video monitoring installations, a summary of the purpose, adherence to this policy, and any proposed policy changes. Copyright Lexipol,LLC 2023/04/26,All Rights Reserved. Public Safety Camera System-3 Published with permission by Bend Police Department City of Tigard Police Department Fusus Program Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Manual Original Issue: 12/9/2024 Revised: 12/9/2024 Next Review: 1/1/2026 Principal Author: Lieutenant Leigh Erickson Approved: Chief James McDonald 1iPage City of Tigard Police Department—Fusus SOP Manual Table of Contents 1. Purpose and Scope 2. Procedure 2.1 Definition 2.2 Operational Guidelines 2.3 Staffing 3. Connecting Policies 3.1 ***708 Public Safety Camera System 3.2 449 Body Worn Cameras 3.3 446 In-Car Video 3.4 613 sUAS 4. Third Party Camera Feeds 5. Records Retention 6. Standard Operating Procedures Review 2IPage City of Tigard Police Department—Fusus SOP Manual 1. Purpose and Scope Purpose: The Tigard Police Department will utilize available technology and information sources to supplement our response to public safety events,emergencies, riminal investigations, and prosecution efforts consistent with Federal and State Law and Department Policy. Scope: All Tigard Police Department Employees 2. Procedure 2.1 Definitions A. Fusus—A software as a solution product that allows for integration of multiple data sources,including surveillance cameras,body worn cameras,in-car video systems, small Uncrewed Aircraft Systems, Computer Aided Dispatch, and other to one interface to enhance situational awareness and investigative efficiency. 2.2 Operational Guidelines A. Fusus users will comply with all Federal, State, and City ordinances, laws, and regulations regarding privacy and constitutional rights. B. Supervisors will be responsible for remaining current on laws and policies that may affect Fusus operations. C. Fusus users will be trained in the appropriate use of associated technology and use the technology for legitimate and legally allowable public safety purposes only. D. Viewing of any authorized video system is prohibited where persons have a reasonable expectation of privacy. 2.3 System Deployment and Staffing A. The Fusus system will be deployed to sworn patrol officers, detectives, supervisors, analysts, and other Police Department professional staff. B. The Fusus interface is flexible and allows for use in the field or in the office. Depending on available staffing, Fusus users may deploy the system in either setting as may be appropriate for the circumstances at the time. 3. Connecting Policies 3.1 708 Public Safety Camera System 3.2 449 Body Worn Cameras 3.3 446 In-Car Digital Video System 3.4 613 Small Uncrewed Aircraft System 4. Third Party Camera Feeds The process by which live or recorded video is reviewed and shared by the third party will be at the sole discretion of each third party. Third-party camera views 3IPage City of Tigard Police Department—Fusus SOP Manual will not be accessed by the Tigard Police Fusus Program unless the following exist: A. A Terms and Conditions Agreement between the third party and the City of Tigard. B. The Tigard Police Fusus Program will only have access to areas where the public has no reasonable expectation of privacy. C. The third party may obtain and utilize specific equipment to enable the Tigard Fusus Program access to their cameras. D. The Tigard Fusus Program may provide equipment to a third party that allows access to their existing camera systems. This situation could occur when the Tigard Fusus Program and the third party have agreed that camera access would be mutually beneficial due to past or anticipated criminal activity or public safety events. E. The third party agrees to share video footage for public safety events and criminal investigations. F. The Tigard Fusus Program may independently save or record video from third party cameras. G. The Tigard Fusus Program will not access a live video feed or control private cameras unless related to a public safety event, criminal investigation,routine audits, system maintenance, and approved training. 5. Records Retention Video recordings generated by real-time information center operations will be retained for a minimum of 30 days or as legally required by the retention schedule for the crime or event captured on video (OAR 166-200-0350). See Tigard Police Policy 806. 6. Standard Operating Procedures Review The Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) Manual will be reviewed every two years. The SOP Manual may be updated as needed without waiting for the next biennial review. Any changes to the SOP Manual requires the authorization of the Chief of Police. The most recently approved SOP Manual will remain in effect until superseded by the Chief of Police. 4IPage City of Tigard Police Department—Fusus SOP Manual DATA SHARE AND LICENSE AGREEMENT This Data Share Agreement ("Agreement") is entered between ("Owner") and the City of Tigard, an Oregon municipal corporation, by and through Tigard Police Department ("City"). Recitals: A. Owner owns real property located at , Tigard, Oregon, and legally described as Tigard, Washington County, Oregon ("the Property"). B. City desires to license space from Owner in a location or locations on the exterior of the Property agreed upon by City and Owner (the "Premises") for the purpose of access to data streamed and recorded by Owners cameras for public safety purposes. ("License Purpose"). Owner is willing to grant City a license to use the Property for the License Purpose on the terms and conditions in this Agreement. Now, therefore, the Parties agree as follows: Terms: 1. Effective Date. This Agreement becomes effective when executed by all Parties. 2. Description of Premises. Owner grants to City the privilege of using the Property solely for the License Purpose as set forth in this Agreement. City is satisfied from its own inspection and investigation that the Property is fit for City's intended use and acknowledges that Owner is not making any warranties or representations concerning the Premises or its fitness for the intended use. 3. Term of Agreement. The term of this Agreement is one (1) year. After the initial term, this Agreement may be renewed by mutual written agreement signed by both Parties. 4. Purpose. The purpose of this Agreement is to allow video access by City to camera(s) owned and operated by Owner. Cameras shared must also be approved by City as appropriate for sharing and deemed useful for purposes of enhanced situational awareness and safety of City and areas surrounding the Property. It is not the intention or expectation that Owner's camera(s) will be routinely monitored in real-time by City. Video sharing by Owner with City is intended to be done in the spirit of partnership for improved situational awareness and efficiency of law enforcement purpose or emergency response by City. Video access by City does not constitute commitment on the part of the City that video will be viewed in emergencies or when requested by Owner. 5. Responsibilities of City. City will only access video sources designated by Owner for fusion into City's video fusion software. City will not share access to Owner's Page 1 of 4— DATA SHARE AND LICENSE AGREEMENT camera views with members of the public, or outside of City, without the prior written consent of Owner. Further, City will ensure video access is strictly limited to personnel responsible for monitoring the system, and authorized login metadata will be tracked and logged. Finally, City will ensure any employee responsible for video access is trained on system use and security of access. City will direct any inquiries related to Owner or Owner's video sources to the appropriate designee as indicated in Section 18. 6. Responsibilities of Owner. Owner will provide City at least one point of contact with a basic understanding of Owner's inventory and locations of cameras as may be required for video sharing. Typical configuration should take less than one hour and may require installation of additional hardware at the Property. Owner will provide information needed by the City for the system to operate; including but not limited to, camera make, model, IP address, and camera and/or associated DVR/NVR login information. 7. Access to Equipment. City may require access to the Fusus device on site for periodic maintenance. Owner agrees that City may access the Equipment annually for system maintenance and on an as needed basis for repairs, with 24-hour advance notice. 8. Termination. City expressly agrees and acknowledges that the grant of this Agreement is a privilege and not a right, that it is temporary and vests no permanent right in the City. This Agreement may be terminated by Owner upon thirty (30) days' written notice before the end of a term, or at any time by City. Upon termination, City shall remove all equipment from the Property, at City's expense. 9. Limitations of Liability. In no event will either party be liable to the other for any indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, punitive or consequential damages of any kind, including but not limited to lost revenues, profits, or goodwill, for any matter arising out of or in connection with the performance or nonperformance of this Agreement, 10. Insurance: City shall maintain General Liability insurance in the with coverage limits of at least $1,000,000 per occurrence and $2,000,000 aggregate. 11. Compliance with Applicable Laws. City will comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws, rules and regulations and obtain any required permits. City expressly agrees to comply with all federal, state and local accessibility requirements, including the Americans with Disabilities Act. 12. No Partnership. It is understood and agreed that nothing contained in this Agreement in intended as constituting a partnership between Owner and City. 13. Assignment. Neither Party may assign any of its rights or interests in this Agreement nor delegate any of its duties to any other person, firm or entity. 14. Entire Agreement. This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties, and any prior understanding or representation of any kind preceding the date of this shall not be binding upon either party except to the extent incorporated in this Page 2 of 4— DATA SHARE AND LICENSE AGREEMENT Agreement. 15. Modification of Agreement. Any modification or additional obligation assumed by either party in connection with this Agreement shall be binding only if evidenced in writing signed by each party. 16. Severability. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be illegal or unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement shall not be affected but will continue in full force and effect. 17. Venue. The parties acknowledge that this Agreement has been negotiated and entered into in the state of Oregon. The parties expressly agree that this Agreement shall be governed by, interpreted under, construed, and enforced in accordance with the laws of the state of Oregon. Any action or proceeding arising out of this Agreement will be litigated in courts located in Washington County, Oregon. Each party consents and submits to the jurisdiction of any local, state, or federal court located in Washington County, Oregon. 18. Notice. Notices may be hand delivered or mailed via U.S. mail. If mailed, they shall be sent by first class mail to the following respective addresses: If to City: If to Owner: City of Tigard Owner Name Office of the City Manager C/o 13125 SW Hall Blvd ADDRESS Tigard, OR 97223 Tigard, OR 97223 EMAIL ADDRESS With a copy to: Tigard Police Department 13125 SW Hall Blvd Tigard, OR 97223 leigh.erickson@tigard-or.gov Notices sent by U.S. mail or via email shall be deemed to have been given when transmitted or properly mailed, and if mailed the postmark affixed by the U.S. Post Office shall be conclusive evidence of the date of mailing. 19. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts, either in tangible form or through a recognized e-signature service such as DocuSign or its equivalent (e-signature), each counterpart of which will be considered an original and together will constitute the same instrument. The signature of any of the parties may be evidenced by a facsimile copy of this Agreement or as enabled by an e-signature service, which will be valid and binding as if an original executed copy of the Agreement had been delivered. 20. Authority. Each individual executing this Agreement represents and warrants they Page 3 of 4— DATA SHARE AND LICENSE AGREEMENT are duly authorized to execute this Agreement. CITY OF TIGARD OWNER Tigard City Manager Name Date: Title Date Approved as to Form: City Attorney's Office Page 4 of 4— DATA SHARE AND LICENSE AGREEMENT TIG RD I • CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BUILDING BUSINESS.GROWING TOGETHER. January 1st 2025 Tigard City Council 13125 SW Hall Blvd Tigard OR, 97223 Tigard Police Department Funding: Fusus Investigative Tool Dear Tigard City Council, As advocates for Tigard's vibrant business community for over 69 years, the Tigard Chamber of Commerce is writing to express our strong support for the Tigard Police Department's proposal to secure funding for the Fusus investigative tool. Safety is the cornerstone of a thriving community and economy. Businesses flourish, residents feel secure, and opportunities for growth multiply when public safety is prioritized. The Fusus tool represents a significant step forward in ensuring our community remains a safe and attractive place to live, work, and invest. Fusus is already proving its value in jurisdictions like Bend and Portland, where police departments have seamlessly integrated it into their operations. By enhancing patrol strategies, streamlining emergency responses, and boosting investigative efficiency, Fusus enables law enforcement to respond more effectively in real time. Moreover, the Tigard Police Department has already demonstrated the ability to successfully leverage advanced technology through its use of Axon, a sister product to Fusus, further affirming their readiness to maximize the benefits of this tool. The Tigard Police Department has consistently demonstrated its commitment to fostering strong relationships with local businesses and swiftly addressing challenges impacting our community. This trusted partnership positions them as a natural steward for utilizing Fusus to its fullest potential, ensuring its integration delivers tangible benefits to both businesses and residents alike. We urge you to support funding for the Fusus investigative tool, an investment that will not only bolster the safety of Tigard but also strengthen the fabric of our community. Together,we can empower the Tigard Police Department to continue its exemplary work in maintaining public safety, fostering economic vitality, and upholding Tigard's reputation as a city where people and businesses thrive. Thank you for considering this vital initiative. Should you have any questions or require additional insights,we would be happy to provide further information or engage in a discussion. Warm regards, Megan De Salvo CEO, Tigard Chamber of Commerce Building Business. Growing Together. WASHINGTON SQUARE 12/31/24 James McDonald Chief of Police Tigard Police Department 13125 SW Hall Blvd Tigard OR 97223 james.mcdonald@tigard-or.gov Chief McDonald: We are writing to express our heartfelt appreciation for the Tigard Police Department and the invaluable support you provide to both Tigard businesses and the broader community. Your nationally recognized Commercial Crimes Unit stands as a testament to the department's commitment to safety and innovation.This unit has played a vital role in deterring criminal activity and fostering an environment that attracts and supports businesses in the Tigard area.Washington Square, along with many local businesses, has benefited greatly from participating in this exceptional network,which has had a meaningful impact on reducing crime. In addition to recognizing your ongoing efforts,we are excited about the possibility of supporting a real-time crime center program in Tigard. Based on positive experiences with similar initiatives at many of our mall locations across the country,we have seen how public-private partnerships can enhance community safety. By integrating our shopping center's security camera feeds into a shared system, police officers would gain real-time access to valuable resources during incidents and in follow-up investigations.This innovative approach would further strengthen our existing collaboration, helping to enhance response capabilities and ultimately prevent crime. We deeply value the dedication of the Tigard Police Department and look forward to continuing to work together to ensure the safety and well-being of our community. Sincerely, vela 4.0 - . Maria Halstead General Manager Washington Square Christopher Woiwode Vice President,Security Macerich 9585 SW Washington Square Road Portland,OR 97223 P:503.639.8865 I F:503.620.5612 www.shopwashingtonsquare.com CITY OF TIGARD Respect and Care 1 Do the Right Thing 1 Get it Done TIGARD Realtime Information Gathering Tigard Police and Fusus IJanuary 14t1i, 2025 CITY O F TIGARD Agenda • Introductions • City Council Goals • What is Real-Time Information Gathering? • How Does Fusus Work? • How Will Tigard Police Operationalize Fusus? • Safeguard Constitutional Rights and Privacy • Enhance Efficiency and Community Safety • Community Support • Questions CITY OF TIGARD Council Goals • Fusus will help the Tigard Police Department's efforts towards meeting Tigard Council Goals • Modernizing and Improving City Services • Leading edge of information gathering and sharing on a single secure platform • Scalable and flexible to work with current and future systems • Enhancing Community Safety and Accessibility • Seamlessly integrates multiple data sources to increase situational awareness for emergency responders CITY O F TIGARD What is Real-Time Information Gathering? • Systems like Fusus integrate multiple data sources into a single platform. • Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) • City Owned/Operated Cameras • Cameras Owned and Operated by Businesses • Body Worn Cameras • In-Car Video Systems • By putting all this data in one place, emergency responders are able to formulate situational awareness faster and more accurately • Leverages assets already in place from a wider variety of sources • Unlike traditional information available to emergency responders, this information is collected and shared in real-time rather than delayed or after the fact CITY OF TIGARD Fusus Overview • Andrew Grapp from Fusus by Axon CITY O F TIGARD How Will Tigard Operationalize Fusus? • To field test the capabilities of the system, we will partner with interested businesses to access their camera system • Use terms and conditions will be set in writing prior to collaborating • Even if a business agrees to allow us access, they can set restrictions on when and how we view the streaming • We will only ask for access to cameras that show areas where occupants do not have a reasonable expectation of privacy • For other cameras and systems, such as ring cameras or residential video recorders, if someone expresses interest in sharing their video, we will refer them to register their system and not integrate it • Access to the system to stream video will be limited to Police Department personnel with Criminal Justice Information System clearance only • Any information collected by the system would not be shared except as authorized by statute CITY O F TIGARD How Will Tigard Operationalize Fusus? • While responding to calls for service, authorized staff can use the system to stream available cameras in an area near the call to begin collecting and sharing information • This information will help decision makers shape the response in real-time to the circumstances as they are occurring • After an incident, detectives would be able to access recordings to create more accurate video clips of an incident from multiple angles or gather additional evidence as a suspect, witness, or victims moves from one camera to another • Any access would be limited to authorized purposes such as emergency response, training, or investigation • All evidence collected would still be subject to court procedures and review for due process and search and seizure admissibility CITY OF TIGARD How Will Tigard Operationalize Fusus? • All real-time information gathering system use and operations will be governed by our Policies and program specific Standard Operating Procedures • The backbone of those procedures are sensitivity to privacy and constitutional rights CITY OF TIGARD Community Support for Fusus • We have support for using Fusus from the Tigard Business Community • Pac Trust, the property managers for Oregon Business Parks, notes they have a very strong relationship with Tigard PD and if Fusus can be a positive resource for us, they support us pursuing the program • Macerich, the owners of Washington Square Mall • Tigard Chamber of Commerce strongly support securing the funding for Fusus at Tigard Police Department CITY O F TIGARD Conclusion • Fusus offers a real-time information gathering solution that leverages data systems to enhance situational awareness, especially for emergency responders • Tigard's strong relationship with our business community sets the stage for collaboration to maximize the effectiveness of real-time information gathering • Systems like Fusus will help us make better and safer decisions to maximize the deployment of our personnel and resources at a time when we limited in both • Paramount to our operations is recognizing the rights to privacy and this is no exception • We believe we can increase our effectives, enhance public safety, and safeguard the rights the community as we have for many years with a system like Fusus CITY OF TIGARD Questions ? A Unified Public Safety Ecosystem For Connected fusus Communities byAIAXON Connected Communities / Safer Communities J► 1 t ' IT., . Ito \ ‘ , ! ty - - ill • Unified Axon Ecosystem: Integrate video feeds, data 0 ._ , y „_; �, and signals from Axon body cams, drones, fleet, , ,1 .s f 1 { i ti ! li:-...'•:- • I. signal, TASER and evidence. 7370,He ,), -Air • :- i i ?I bgis .• y '- ' '+ ft•i v . � 1 . • Technology Agnostic Platform: enables agencies to ! . 4tv' v ► break down silos, integrate more of their assets, and 1 �` ° ' unlock the full potential of their existing technology !irk,. '‘, -- :Vii . ,91 investments. a 4414filiA • CORE Video Integration: Open platform that plugs 0 ai 0 'il right into a strategic information center, unifying • '' Jif security camera feeds from city cameras, transit cameras, and privately owned cameras, schools or ' , 4 office building. ..,ii RTCC Topology A RTCCAgency Community Assets 9 ALPRsril = Assets AI Workforce BWCs Residents GPS Trackers Schools&Universities a FEB I;1 pa Access&Fire Alarms ♦ ♦ Workplaces Taser&Signal Sidearm Alerts Mass Transit 1-*-- El 'Iii' it Axon Evidence J AB4 Live Feed&Comms 911 Call Playback&Transcription Local Amenities MI Meta 360 Stadium Internal&External11 Retail Surveillance Cameras rij l T♦ f + 4 o AlReal-time Registry Police&Security Guard Mass Notification Fire Service Body Cameras A Detection&Alerting Records Management Services(RMS) Integration&Link Analysis '•moi Panic Alerts Drone Video Feedsr Ambulance/EMS `OJ Command & Control Investigations Aircraft Video Feeds Hotels REAL-TIME RESPONSE Post-Incident Reactive Response Ell Public and Community Safety Collaboration Platform Q Floorplans&Telestration y i°y & Intelligent Evidence > r,' y *-- ® c= l Search +.4,-+.� l I® CAD: Real-time Dispatch - A— r+ Social Media Live Link Rapid 911 y s Call Video Response �iP 3 r0� fususm Cross-Organization Chat RTC Unified Real-Time Public Video/Photo Tips Intelligence Interface I 0 _ . ,,-.,, 2 . • 0 0 ,r...., Aim 0) _ _ Map Call Sign:CARLO • Q. 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Enhanced Situational Awareness I Improved Decision Making • Ingests All Video Management System Platforms and Data Streams • Provides a 360-Degree view of critical incidents • Intelligent Al-Powered Integration and Analysis • Delivers actionable insights into real-time incidents • Comprehensive Information Provided to First Responders • Allows for more effective tactical responses • Ability to Assess Situations More Efficiently • Streamlined resource allocation, faster responses • More effective investigations, focused on high value tasks f u s LI s by A4AXON . in ea Ii •y• 4 .11. " Push What's Possible "r• • � I � T. ' ANDREW GRAPP / FUSUS ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE J 1:1• 515 - 868 - 1355 " ' ' AGRAPP@AXON . COM IP* 111111.1. r 4tv4 Ile 4 2;-,4. - ei 6 a 4111.411. - AIS-5653 9. Business Meeting Meeting Date: 01/14/2025 Length (in minutes): 30 Minutes Agenda Title: Briefing on Pavement Maintenance Program (PMP) Authored By: Nichole George Presented By: Project Manager Nichole George and Principal Engineer Courtney Furman Item Type: Update, Discussion, Direct Staff Public Hearing No Legal Ad Required?: Publication Date: Information EXPLANATION OF ISSUE Tigard's Pavement Maintenance Program (PMP), funded by the Street Maintenance Fee, keeps Tigard streets in good condition for safe travel in the Tigard community. This briefing provides an update to the Council regarding the PMP, including updates about goals, projects, and expectations. ACTION REQUESTED This is an update about the Pavement Maintenance Program (PMP). No action is needed by the Council. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Dates of Previous and Potential Future Considerations The Pavement Maintenance Program (PMP), funded by the Street Maintenance Fee, has a primary goal set by the Council of keeping Tigard streets at a Pavement Condition Index (PCI) of 80 or above. The current average network PCI is 80. The priorities are set by utilizing a program called StreetSaver and uses the yearly budget, the PCI goal, and the Transportation Demand Score to produce the City's five-year plan. The five-year plan creates a maintenance guide with projects. Part of the project coordination includes working with utilities, such as water and stormwater system plans, TVWD and NW Natural. This allows utility work to be done prior to major roadway maintenance, which limits the need for cutting into the pavement. This coordination ensures that investments in pavement are long-lasting and not degraded. The PMP involves both surface treatments to the roadway and repairs such as subgrade and full-depth pavement replacement. Annually, the PMP includes approximately twenty miles of surface treatments (chip seal, slurry seal, crack seal) and a half-mile of rehabilitation (full depth repairs). In the case of pavement rehabilitation (Rehab), sidewalk ramp improvements are included as required. Public Involvement The PMP includes a robust public notification process with the following elements: • Mailers delivered to residents in the Spring • Project signs with website and contractor information placed within every neighborhood along the length of projects • "No Parking" signs placed one week prior to work beginning. • Door hangers the night before any roadway closures • Educational videos on project website • FAQ's on project website •A project hotline that connects members of the public directly to a City teammate. Impacts (Community, Budget, Policies and Plans/Strategic Connection) The PMP supports the City's adopted Strategic Plan priorities related to equity, walkability, accessibility, and health. The program is equitable in its prioritization of projects. Maintenance and repair of roadways and ramps utilizes the transportation demand score as well as community members requests and needs. The PMP helps create a well-connected, attractive, and accessible pedestrian network by incorporating the intersection sidewalk ramp improvements mentioned previously. The PMP supports Tigard's Transportation System Plan (2040 TSP) with improvements in roadway striping for active transportation. ALTERNATIVES & RECOMMENDATION N/A ADDITIONAL RESOURCES N/A Attachments No file(s) attached. SUPPLEMENTAL PACKET FOR JANUARY 14, 2025 ITEM NO. 9 Pavement Maintenance Program ( PMP Council Briefing December 17, 2024 iM CITY OF Tigard The 5 E's —Tigard's Community Promise: Equity • Environment • Economy • Engagement • Excellence Pavement Maintenance Program (PMP • PMP is funded by Street Maintenance Fee (SMF) to keep Tigard streets in the best condition possible. • The priorities are set with a program called StreetSaver and uses yearly budget, goal for condition of road, and the Transportation Equity Demand Score to produce the City's five year plan . . - i CITY OF TigardThe 5 E's — Tigard's Community Promise: Equity • Environment • Economy • Engagement • Excellence Transportation Equity Demand Score Based on matrix of the following indicators: el Demographics Beaverton - o _ Equity Active Trans, Demand 1 . Total Population Density 2. Child Population Density I 16- 19 3. Senior Population Density20■ _ 22 4. Poverty Rate ■ 23 -25 5. Subsidized Income Rate -ty ■ 26- 30 `� Tu alati 6. Public Transit Reliant Rate 7. Non-English Speaking Household Rate 8. Ethnic Minority Rate Tiga i CITY OF The 5 E's — Tigard's Community Promise: Equity • Environment • Economy • Engagement • Excellence rd Pavement Condition Index (PCI PCI Range Pavement Classification • Tigard 's goal for PMP is to keep Tigard 0-10 Failed streets at a Pavement Condition Index (PCI) 11 -25 Very Poor of 80 or above. 26-40 Poor • Current PCI - 80. 41 -55 Fair 56-70 Good • PCI is calculated by asphalt degradation 71 -85 VeryGood curve built into the software and is 86-100 Excellent updated by windshield inspections by Capitol Asset every 2 years. e". . - • CITY OF TIga The 5 E's — Tigard's Community Promise: Equity • Environment • Economy • Engagement • Excellence rd Pavement Condition Index (PCI) THE CONCEPT QF F 1VEiENT PRESERVATION Longitudinal,Transverse Cracks Pothole Bumpiness Standard PCI Rating Scale CATCH STREETS BEFORE THEY FAIL iflo t Excellent k Transverse COST `Long'; IF 100 . _ 1. 4, , Good aLocalized Preventive Block Cracks Rutting Alligator Cracks v •Crack Seal 5 Crick Seal n 70 C Preventive Treatments 3 Rut depth ! 0- = 6000 60 Ill •Slurry Seals m — I ' Poor 0 Micro-Satiating $$ L = Focus Budget Herm Before Over*is Regslred •chip arid Cape Seals 0 /may . -a 50 Botc m of rat lop or rpt7 4d C POOg _i Crack Seal Aggregate Loss Patch Very Poor D 40 RecanstructiveTreat ments 73 SS 4. ��� •OveHiy m $$ .. _ Focus Budget Herm Before Reconstruction tion Is Required i C 25 G► m 11 Seriou E •Full Depth Reclamation z A. a 3 $$St /i $SSS , 10 Failed a 0 4 a 12 16 20 0 Pavement Age(Years) PCI standard uses up to nine distresses to rate roads from 0 (worst) to 100 (best) Ti CITY OF The 5 E's — Tigard's Community Promise: Equity • Environment • Economy • Engagement • Excellence I iga rd Type of Pavement Treatments Sudace Course Base Course _„,.. Surface Treatment sub�aSO Course ....... 011111, VW• Crack Seal THE CONCEPT OF PAVEMENT PRESERVATION CATCH STREETS BEFORE THEY FAIL. • Dig outs by our Streets Crew 100 COST aLocalized Preventive • Slurry Seal it • " Malntenarxe S Crack Seal m a 70 0 = Preventive Treatments 3 C GOOD 60 •Slurry Seals m $$ • ChiFec116 9.rdgat Nora 6Bete.Ovorley it Requrrod .Micro-Surfacing •Chip and cape seals C p Seal 0 50 O• PDDR 40 ReconstructiveTreatrments 73 $$ U Foe.Budget - err Is Ragrlrod 'OveHay ➢ $$ Full Depth Repair a •Full Depth Reclamation H $$$$ 0 7. $$8S Q 1 OP • Rehabilitation 4 8 ,2 22° 16 Pavement Age(Years) Tiga • CITYOF The 5 E's — Tigard's Community Promise: Equity • Environment • Economy • Engagement • Excellence rd F 4 fir, 474 Seal � = Crack Crack sealing consists of the filling of _ �~ _ - small to moderately sized cracks in pavement with hot, liquid, rubberized -10 asphalt material . This will "seal " the cracks in the surface of the road and reduce the amount of moisture that enters the base and sub - base layers. OF The 5 E's —Tigard's Community Promise: Equity • Environment • Economy • Engagement • Excellence Tiga d Crack Seal 'K;^ , . _; _ . _ .......... _ . „_ - „ori,„ . . .-. AHEAD t.h` �Alw ' 1 'to ' -..-_ I�N I� u OR • ` _,w I\ ,1 fI • r -4, :la ' . .,- _ - rf. - "L f I :4,..,..,,,,,„:,..,:„..._,.,,:,.....,,.....:„ ,...__.... . . . , . % f „;,.„._,..„.....,....;:„...r.....,, MI •. .-. - -,--------- ....... _ ° '� ✓ti" ., d .�. �"fr -t f rt f \ •F� ,.,,.. f-c ',avg' -r+, �^4 , _ • .0..,-', ---. • S'r r '� L .,r�Y es r .r' �s� r ``_iy, �. � Tiga CITY OF The 5 E's —Tigard's Community Promise: Equity • Environment • Economy • Engagement • Excellence ort r `F,{ . . ' A ,d a y Slurry Seal =- - __ , �� , .., ,.., ,,, • ic-,„...„--- ,' '' -; ' ''' ir ,, 4 • • Adds up to 9 years of life - back to thep avement • Preventative Maintenance ___-„, iprevents costlyrepairs • Partnered with Streets for ., dig outs • Crack seal - preliminary tz, step The 5 E's —Tigard's Community Promise: Equity • Environment • Economy • Engagement • Excellence Tiga' OF V 11 l' .... ..., .m. = ...:,I. 1 .... – ..• Slurry Seal — -q.74 ,vri r_•{,•-•'•.a.•• • 441.11118—... 'II m.• ••• .1. ...m. ........... .. . a . ..... • . .•121— .... . , I . ( 41:1 ri 1414111111, Surface Treatment .• ...1., .. . .,• ; r... • i NM/ .•a. , ..E . . ,10.' = ....... = . . 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CITY OF The 5 E's — Tigard's Community Promise: Equity • Environment • Economy • Engagement • Excellence Tigard -:•-•%17.• r of •';' • '. e- 41, 4 . il' ,.,. eo.. ,-• ,..,.„„ .. •• •'N 11.4.1 .1• 4 • . , I 7t„ JO • 11" ' r •..•-,,t'.],t4tf' •. ' .,..% • ••' .r.- iii.1 . -.4..,-4. ,.....t,,:,. .,, ,.. .._ . . .,.(..,-.y. • , ,. ...i7*:- .--- ...1.40 4 ..:: • :fit- - .„ .,F . .-,. .,1 .4-', • ' / •:, / , . . • 'PA• 14 - 4'...d'' '4 4.04' '7, ' 4 :IA*. ,k4.44Tr.,...e r. .4.. . •, ill 4 • A7V 4' ' '''''', . '--7 %.: 7' . 1 7 ,-•...?•,...`, , '1,,',z- - ' • v".,• .•,,,... 'd.,‘ ' ';,. -.' ...r..-s,,,, • . • ..... .- • .. ; --1. • . _ , -• . : ,,,e--• • .'. •.-Tilt4 .4,....,„.-.1,..-A;z•jx...1-,.,-,..-.A.: -., .,.1„...,.. . _ • , .:4,'``.',.... :y•inplizit—,.?1. -;',1,;,..,:,77.1,1.•••-a-14;:. .•: .:". .'" tx• • '. ' ., I . • r-,e,...„,..,-:':.•••:;._, „••••••,.) 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F' .-',-'''.`Le." . '- f• Grindingof the Asphalt's top layer ,' r = I �1� • • • Addingnew layer of Asphalt ,.,. F - • • _,.., • Upgrading ADA curb ramps along that area .. .. . ,. • New pavement markings and • .. . L crossi n s r,' g .*.• . : . •\ %4 . .1 11 ill Ti CITY OF The 5 E's — Tigard's Community Promise: Equity • Environment • Economy • Engagement • Excellence 1 Aga rd :::- hJ f..'''''.::_k''''',.1.,•:,,,;:!:::: lr 1 � Y Mira�t y:. 'Ile Striping , ,, , LYELLOW�i) �. Ina.0- J rnE UET +� • Prior to 2021 , Tigard partnered with _ _, _ Marion County -„____ • 2023 Tigard went out to bid and , . worked with SPM 3° %}r. .� . ..,..„ ► • _ • 2024 the City used Lake Oswego ' �... ,,,, F •contract with SPM (renewable for 5 `xxCO e[vEKc[[ al ' = = - TH ❑M -f es.,.. 104,1 years). ______ .- ,4: Ti CITY OF TThe 5 E's —Tigard's Community Promise: Equity • Environment • Economy • Engagement • Excellence g Public Communications • https://tigard -or.gov/paving/ • Project signs with website and contractor information put in front of every neighborhood along projects • No parking signs a week prior to work beginning • Door hangers the night before any roadway closures • Educational videos on YouTube • FAQ's on project website • Project hotline directly to staff member for questions . - i CITY OF TigardThe 5 E's — Tigard's Community Promise: Equity • Environment • Economy • Engagement • Excellence PROGRAM SUMMARY 21 - 25 tz The 5 E's —Tigard's Community Promise: Equity • Environment • Economy • Engagement • Excellence Tiga' OF 2021 Project Summary� Surface Treatments — 25 miles of Slurry Rehab 121st from Springwood to Walnut — 650' 76th south of Bonita — 150' 76th north of Varns 500' Alderbrook off Durham . - • CITY OF Tiga The 5 E's — Tigard's Community Promise: Equity • Environment • Economy • Engagement • Excellence rd I - S 4ERRY - I' Co, IRONWOOD v -` OAK F I OAK .....I' J I w I ,,,,,,.' roto R,A., '�y I� �Rbe ` vINE Hk r PINE - � H PASOI - Annual Pavernent a'. _ "°"NDN p` f spouts " -. t 15�Irr � Management Treatments -1 i _ ; J w I ANTON AILNIANIIA .av�. I, GI/ICIER lIlY _ ETEV: 1 — %pRTH DAKOTA r of ; ml r 23 �J Slurry Seal Zoxl MILLYIEW �I 1 1 F 1 "I r SIHINIERs NNkRCRESY ? 1 ENBGI S P PFAFFIE _yf, { , ' �f /t Rehab 2021 ONE ` , 1 •9 a GAkp g ,ATEA -- S: ,.we4' ^�Rn _ NTA , I % 1 .�_LL•, �L NIIpR. I�_f V jyQ 4.,,,,_,,,,,\ IV / .AYLOR io ti.:r MORN HHILC E11C7J1 , I od J� III1L 1. J - 2 CLINTpN I ! .� yr2"1-.� �` 6yn7Eii E r t z , _i ` c J�4� 0. V �� R 5 l 1 .-'1,). q rJI k`ARiJ `..) .ANN t 1._ t tlI J 1 ire 2' C.� meq! rJ,�h t F .. I _ WALNUT p,' 4 ,y��1 \'el,1, P.y -.u_w_ ey owl._ t, . IN, FR ANIt LIN Sj - v11T J __ l [y -. \ -- - 1_BEYlLANo 2 !!YJ .� _ CARNCk SEP f �^�\ta eG� ` �[, ....GA I ' .p J 1Lg; __I St+EvH d•.4. e J I Z \ M Y . a .4 ' AENSHIR� yP .1b F AIAfERTA r ..... 4, 4� �p t J \ `�7/Ry HAMPTON .i....a. I ,F�`. . • IJE4IREN / �T r ! A .1� � _ ; �r'{�N4 O .I�.L� 1-_ . �- AAf�I; '� PERRY FELL \ ` w ,C li '''''' _MARICH Q9 Z f �' PARN TA - 2 / I�.I Y6AR8 �� i u TI ¢ 'x."� 1 -.WAR Tina- 4A' §�+ COOKI 'S. �Vd.•LL. .Y [\\\ IJI / $ i 44 ` 'i j LLF.ARYViV+ ' _ pry 11 8� r 111` ' ' Ntdi p ,. - oAfA [l� — A 1 g .. , �I x soL w�f aLa ¢ ' gi IC WALL /I TT .o-'2r� TRI- & A ,I I� k x4 F 9�- Wd�� \� AaN ry •Sri g� .. � �T y�� iii A iuY� k NIL LLVIEW 41 . i ,. or 5VNISE '' it F—' �8i 'auR TECH CENTER EP%�—�N_GM TUR— `� �� (10.100---4 4 I iN�ION yg. 7 MCDONALD I III ALPINE VIEW -� EFxplE ����~ alif �¢' I LW fgIARV a. M°yNTH�w�VIlW `I �0 �y. �- ENLL 7 // r.' �_I�v 1 -F_6_RTNSWARG `r t 0 1j r L LL 47p ' /:.nro n NJERR6,4. -_ Jam.. ma L , /I ' -` 9UNITA 4V �� c°-++,or -9',,,,,,lr-N "t moo" ..PEEIBROD r "JI N4•r . !k NIAIBEN op ^cH e.. t o LPINEIRO�IC LEISER • , :Ar -dj - op 7 k o NURpoGx a 9 YADPE t f ti NIP VEL Vnu11: t C '- a .,= = Ty `FM`AZELCREsi 4c1N r LADY AI RE{LIIIIIIN6 F� A C 9 YYIl Oioc[ I ;I _ MARION HOW CARDINAL ranx u�ac� OD[HO Ip {YLE:jt.,I r — ° 1 4* �- HOppVIEW RATTLER 1, ""N. _ ROSS .- 9 �~�" C CA. .:N..s RN •REOLK H Ln,: R 1 � �P� � VIABLE IAy,45Y.1E x NEHTOH •E R$aWppG , 0006 E—`W"� �y ,.1! �' BELLFLGW!- a �tfyB EAVEATO a-..... ,}�' ..w. 11.--" �y///-7 NA i��sv,-0a a �. � 111 g'� �� I. 14 ��,�, lya v I GREENLEAF M •NCTRCE W .TfGAAO,11 .........,.. iP .�'.. )g J a RAHLE7 • I .1;17A-7( 7( °' 1..' ..AR�'- SVMNERFIELD G�e£NS K LAKE - 9 d� ' 1111 I no .Ef gBN� tie acK Rr , CENVCRY ORI i ` ilk �_, e. Ira.. TlIA1'(ATIfY�' _�A „ `�`� WIRHAM ' Lr 4 ,is ES ' t "41 i �� I iii fr, Y A�{Y81�. t 2 oM L•Ol'F.RGAARR - : ,L7.; /� •. ._ crkF/N aFREryA�.� �u-u .Q' � . '91C%SON ina - TITAN f 1. H.ILLEN �� , C L The 5 E's —Tigard's Community Promise: Equity • Environment • Economy • Engagement • Excellence Tigard OF 2022 Project Summary� Surface Treatments - 25 miles of Slurry Rehab - 500' Upper Boones - 650' SW Alderbrook Circle -450' Katherine between 128th and 127th - 500' SW 129th Ave IT Bonita Rail Crossing East of 74th Tigai CITY OF The 5 E's — Tigard's Community Promise: Equity • Environment • Economy • Engagement • Excellence rd - 1 NIL L'JicW _ ....��fiUWIA" W qn 411F4h o wwN `. T eAI.II I 6UMMER `PFAFFLE _8K1S'•Pril .v,„6,,,..„ 4 . ,u;;MSR °` ' _ �, Annual Pavement Die T,DA° ti,¢� a 0,?,-,,,,„,,,,,, i! . Management Treatments `'� +AN4-Np -� � ` l t✓ � � �� \' E01A5 LEWIS \ uuR� x fis�� SC -{ ' ` MLCONRIE Alit- __ .111,011/ ` a Rehab 2022 �\ RUTNERINE \\\\\\_� 4D c�� �� ' • ,- c-�FRO•� LQ,RRP ?�y � �Slurry 2022 J .. PURERIIMMII 2 SC t: O �!I s �41 i y x• J E r i 8♦=NISk 4 NARClA fMIMI liki ��1pp1� \ g p Mw.EF[ 4I 4'p / ��8 - °!, NERMOS6 WALNLI ' ,\\+. / , FRANKLIN ,( E"MOL ®2 bD(c,.I ..~ • \ L _ Wilr rpPff7 p�` CEVELAND 7. ! _ PERU WALNUT UT J ' CARMEN �� ER; �O. OR P q G NZAOA ' o I Hca 002 ' a FDPNE�Y pPtt'•t H4 �' Y4 @G �!1' ; I •` a ALBERTA _ t -`.. `m 'PyrA FIAMP7oN HAMo1�N I LAUREN --aa O nvu d1 I 1 MILaF4E I.y y.F' f Ode JAMES / DERRY DELL Y - .. _ worra .__...�' s MARION As 0.,,, a ���SS °6A ��K _ A � r A� VA_RNE_ NP- k. — •I' ) __ £� M1 NDLLDW .t$4W O P % �� / _ L j CL£ARYIEW , _ q ,OCR ��. .._� _ . 40: .' .. /gyp.'% o s4^ g�..�nS�`YR'd._ /"' kr ■ �q� sP+Rwa•E" a°� �$w" \�t I �x /r' .a.; f m ilia) \. . �p...t, in.\'W r .4 L HILLVIEW I. ;E Y _ r7 1ECN CENTER ��1� ,PWS ANE8 CnLE _ CDONALD — p� 1. k w' ,.I • ,S, ,x ELROSE _• ', LAx9MARK. Y RW Cuq¢p. ❑9_W nl d ___--1 b V MOUNTAIN - \\ '• �_. I�l' - • t i BTA .— i ' 1i W ) i4-4,D4.::'-'1'4 'I / 1 .. y!1 GREENRWARD - \4y . 111 I 1._?I .� EPI i J// fRqirvex..• r. 8GL{R!0 1 NAND �qr =1 .L BUITA • LNpAL+V ^ ^ o PEMBROOR m ,�_ -�}�WIMBRViEW WAA3 LW1Eyam' oMLI R DOCK PINEER 00N1 411.0111r" II ,fie ; 4 ' �MtiP I�/ �' :lI 7 DEL MONTF a �=S o .. C`RG7 dnzm REgl R R10GE1 L1ilN f ..µ OROWNI LAD}MARIDw � NOPE ' �� �T,,,,,,..I'"-- ) DARDIUAL tr — I 0,.6" II NOMMEN I RATLER". RCRS .A,RV,01 NORFOLK h .T r.�..J ,xs OaNS RE'OW lt. daZellaNriti7 a• NO KASLE .._, LPKkMN � Y DI F NENTOn Qoa �` O I. I PY' 1 N4EVt _ a p v_ r re - O A — I I '4— __. 4. m. F �ce' a' — ak?`; �{ ---('��BUMMeafIE�eM f �'R`� a rFr �4, .N.n... ��4 T MAT Nom- a° Y �y,, ° ,q��pt �9 0 "i� S 11 - •..�k, i CENTURY DAK 4„,...„,, L,, ,,:,..„.., y `0., a" "'� ,^r 9Q AVON aD RO z i i Fa DURHAM u°°L""' ALDERtlI 40.R4.EE i SER£NA 1 - m .... L _ I P1CK3 MARTHA The 5 E's —Tigard's Community Promise: Equity • Environment • Economy • Engagement • Excellence Tigard OF 2023 Project Summary� • Over 800,000 LF of crack seal • N 700' Lehman St • N 750' Coral St • Oak St from Hall Blvd to 90th • 87th Ave from Oak to Oak Way • SW Garden Place from 99 to Cul-de-sac • 106th Ave from Canterbury Ln to Murdock St Rehab patches for • SW 121st at Scholls • SW Gaarde St at SW 121st • 106th from SW Del Monte Dr to Murdock iTI Tiga • CITY OF The 5 E's — Tigard's Community Promise: Equity • Environment • Economy • Engagement • Excellence rd iti�•it— Min A yyII • I � BORO EAS Mq�t - E.LMWOOR I LOCA '"RID Malk - II Annual Pavement w _ ii-3 --` yd.A • �1iEMMAHN NISI 4,,,,„ � RA %/111741 C + it ZZ�•V,I, CORAL f .1..cR I Management Treatments ]L-A 1� L ' Lo❑ r = LAN .. ,Mita' . I '�„" '1Gs % :JT 4e Z uST -LocRar r 1 1 1106 Crack Seal 2023 7- .. - J x❑�5'FYcttr3Yp `r I e Ni ~,I _ MAALELEAF _ ill -- 6 ° IRoxwo9lr tai ...Cl _ I �.„, - E, g F .,,. _1• _ 1 .Rehab 2023 sau�K��cp9 o fOy�O a+Ar'1.,,,,,,,,. -�� W$�\ rVila RIxE. PINE , ' r f J 0 �A 1 A• - - ��� I O k ix r y ANTON NAW.AxITA LI IiORTN naKoTN 1- q! m L, S� mol. di S.uMMER ,....,,,,,....,,,,..r—i-..,, ° l.' _ i I r 4.R'}Fq( � _ -Y �. y PUFAFFLE .FFLe + r j IT/4 1 :=""" - prIPT __ , mom 7n 4111101:. A8M ,,ppPP irre $aeR ealcir A $: ■ rcaFE ,'MO ��,r ij -.. �.��'\./`'_-..- -J. ..-. — TIG,WC�4 4rr� J A LANTA 1 rHAYtl, �.tif 114:. g �.� �uaaRor ��r} 1 v � 110)1SNisik. o earxf 'LYNN MCRRIN6 HILL FALCON R19Er _ -. z l C1NEON JY Ex- IFArNERWE r. •l'g�.• www 1I 'may \ 1111111 I rnRrx _aNrr^: j kc p❑l I r ' _ ��rNARciA M r 1 WALNUT I - WAUT * &( . �& iOL@\ 71 B ,. SAHRLIy 5 ; I h r! r 13i CARMEN ER F t GP H7AApA � �I I rREF 1 f O `•;t g 1 / 99 ro 1 �• RoYt-i ar JERs1.RE o� �N „S ALBERTA I " -,1". -1'''d 'Yrs % ', '•. V?ikg� HAMPTON I I r-. br. i `gyp£IN! I 1 4 LAUREN ,J/ S x wEdi - -_FE ER `��Ett.. a,� $ S ...±11. ?g• ' I. 1L L.. d�LL MARRi1 4 P9 RN „d YARN �� .e ° $et a' J cLW<'n"W ! ❑uarL moan - r0'4 aL,o' t4 r.' caaR �7. \ \,\I P I SII Ln x m t9 a,�. / u. 5' ➢I'YFl18Tet, / I:_. t e Y J oIfrA R c!. i y rte. .''' N.•� ,,,,,,,,,c," '` ' a% :T'p.IRYJ`12EL ,,,, WALL _4'L n as It 14 I �-.M M18TLEipE �l4e•�B 9 r ;J � - /ancEWD9D , �� I, 1 . ^ J xILLV1EMI -- 11,41 \ x1GH TOR ' , �— \TECN,FENSE' L IK.'a _F E I I'� MCUOIJnLG �it } ,,,,,v,,,„. .,..,„...0,,,,..../ � ' E:aosE ""'� � Ra•. `.4.11.!.-.1. arp' 411111111r I BULL MOUNTAIN 1� ,YY f 57AR' •Fold f ...Mo�NTPJN`ry1CW Cy .4111. 4�� .j e ��1 + -�'qfq�� ., �L yj6 GAEFxBWARC -. k I.. r' 6 !ol 1 RI'I . .�`n. l AI'r'__II'f� R.. � 'MEL r� �12r FERE.. .rxea LEIseR _130 LITH 1 _ 11 ~1 N y�F • - 4t • YINEBAOOK Z ■ Y,. 1• �` S o MNR90[H r L AR m- f— EL.. E 13 „ ,, ?z T M 9 `MOIE 1 \ Lia.i + t ?L OINLEECRFSI 1r .s _._-7 -hl x "k _ a 1M_' x'7 eLAEW 1 p, ,''" - CARDINAL '"A,- _BUI.FMR RIO.GE•e Z -MARION $ Row _ . - Tiii, ,,,,,�_.. nwm. _� rR , Rg� ..--., 1 .._ ^. Noo9vrorrou Ew RATTL f;R FRu9uM NERr°Ln \q :. . - �1 ' l I _HAELE _ — 1 �qE$'k low-.I NEVTON ry REgN,CpD `� �' - ,E__ "^ --. _...R •..1 I �'` " N4EYL �' Y ®Q -D :.s LoivejE tz ::�ar—+L'r%,n. Nf ,I,,,F' ` o, I ASH,ORF) ❑ d wvru - - 7 • GR!lHLERF ,r a A II a o .g4'R�'. yY�'4 uliN HAMLET LANG7REF_ ru '1� 1 e e +_. � '.. ' '41 f FG �• aVEWERR! �� - Ir y n,40 $ ga s� siert e 'Pr F Ya. ` e°❑ 11 ..., erre!„04,:),..,.,,,,,,.,.., aT / ... d'w SC• �5 /�w F . + (// CENTURY OAR 1 "-,..7,..„..., f m AYOH '6ONp X, I I 1.31 w I.1 - " - ! 1 DURHA�1 I I ALPER !, Tigardr. c' The 5 E's —Tigard's Community Promise: Equity • Environment • Economy • Engagement • Excellence 2024 Project Summary� • Over 6 miles of Rubber Chip Seal on some of our Commercial Roadways (Maintenance) • Over 15 miles of Slurry Seal (maintenance) • Ongoing Rehab (Ramps complete) through Summer 2025 due to NW Natural project coordination • Durham from Carol Ann Ct to 76th • 92nd from Greenberg to end • Sunrise Ln (working with the reservoir project) • Parts of SW Hillview St • Parts of SW Shady PI, Barbara Ln and Lola Ln eT • Striping program with SPM Ti CITY OF The 5 E's — Tigard's Community Promise: Equity • Environment • Economy • Engagement • Excellence I iga rd 1 I ''I I.s 606 NAZLLw°°D € vi i - SGy'.LLSf o� IRDNW°•D y \` DaK ` �.AKF x Q I If, €, l Annual Pavement c„,GWpp9 0"o�&,CkD yOR Iltt&p PINE g , Management Treatments m FES �"°"� R�°E �Ex'" r � INr�pN MAN=gNrrA � ® r ..Asphalt Rubber Chip 2024 �-.�. °�F°IERuLY N°gMID4AO}q F e �/ MILLNEW �� �� -Wi z / Emma roRuxD J 17111,,,ANT II1SlurSeal 2024 .Y WIpTr I _ - SUMMER ���'& "' \ p FFLE PAFFLEFYERCAkP SUMMERCRESr i RGP �Q.TIGARD ? SsHAINES Q FDwrvc s° glir µ`.°"" o -4. -, AA NUJ FIHASw ��. RAYL=R 1 II ��� J a LAq 13 �a� *q — r , rn ? �J °4N FALCDR RISC xow r 'SAC n� KATHERINE t `a40 D`� pgRr�Q •T,� c�•N1 _ • vx.Ls , LYNX '.a V' m 1010u••T /I +` .....\\„„„,, f KA�IN 4NN \" ,,,,,!s, , 1 i NENRRI ` `♦ a ���' 4w3..r Lt 1 hD,p/�y, JR: xNPLT1LIS .r , 'y, ,,, NegM°sD 7 ', + SQL. - WALNUT ERROL i ikilriP, '•¢(r FRANKLI 5j� t Nil"'y X MR1 1 g I- ® :,. �R 6 --BEYELAND til ° u mer CARMEN ¢ 6 eG / Il ' 11 7 it. {t GOry Pa / X411///r 2r NAMPT(1 o To _ w ALBERTA tt;a'y xa��i JE%SHIRE iiy Y F y' a B �UREN r, _J O /� � • 0 Q B YP'. R. DELL 1L; /}M-5TPoOrE Q� Oda � � V �J yco^s r9 NARI°X �j P2 r t PTR_K E. Q Y RN a R n1 XOLLOW A'S� i �i,� o d} CLE EW 'UN�Cag4EN r04L COON 4 _yJ� 3 ,� �Atiiiii„, J�fn. : O lu. t 4 ✓ 3 OIMR4� CA1GN__ •_ ,eq 4% ,,f vr' � py °^ _p yl,�Sy+� a�a�r'�E`° a s" �a�� xJI�6�a .i'fts o- '''' Eba pT[�R, �� ARDa�R �� D �j �A2 ��yh l� a £, NILLYIa. eITECH CENTER ,1�1 PFO:K_ HIGH ♦ \x/, Y.bEW iif 1 A T., „Gil' MCDONALD 1=, A w`LN' l.. s m IIID I 7.L.. , _LPINEylEW, 7 1 �: t N.ROSE uxwxAxK, r �p ? Rohm, III P4'I'Dll �y( z V'�, 3 sTARVION 1 8� WRO y!'Lr� ` Q6 C 6OUNTAIN�EW J - OREENBYYIR6MP f'.t +CD4 ' eLo'',./% vizi, r by �br R _ 1 aMen r- e $ull Mpu . _,I �, ° ,.....v '84gY rc x ® m� 80 ITA L'' . a� 11 NYAIry i'- _g_k 4," — e PlMEROOK I BURGV�MJ MQy Y/ 'E WINTER W^YZ NEAM Z e MURDDCK r PINEBROOK p /1 l ' .I.I)) 7 f P 3 t IOLA w.-<. Q OSOPHIA J l pE'� :EL REST F EELYWne G ryE+ NI �.� AUTlf l -.A LADY WAROPI = HUMEfii CRID rml CARDINAL SUMMIT RiOGE 2 - . i �S VU BATTLER— IIIIWIIIffll MONK 1 KO TEL OAKS _ RAEEURN NORFOLK G 1 _2 y r a° I LAKES'A5 lir KENTON �. RE0W0°p ��. 4 .'aS or!'� NAEYE� m O _ ,nxLLFLOWER $�~ -� 64.1Cd� �.. p1 ��+c, \ 0.01-0° a° RI I'.-win Asnroq' — i a GREENLEAF �, LAN°TRCE -� 1��2GQP�� ill nB0 1' 4.„,,* {P<,A SUMMERFIlLD GRE64g Vu A ess7; w�. J EF ( of o , FF F, �!' tzi - -,,,ti. aCENTUHIOAK } , AY°N EON'. t �e - I l - • DURHAM Y F� ALDER (E� _ii1����°F4CA�{ BEXLEY' xlxc Gx=NE6 /�'._j SIRE. � � JQQ Ni The 5 E's —Tigard's Community Promise: Equity • Environment • Economy • Engagement • Excellence .... ICITY OF 2025 Planned Projects • Durham from 76th to 72nd • 72nd Rail Crossing • Ventura Ct • Karol Ct • Katherine off Tigard • Parts of G a a rd e • Striping program with SPM : . - • CITY OF Tiga The 5 E's — Tigard's Community Promise: Equity • Environment • Economy • Engagement • Excellence rd Current Area of Improvement - More Backlog Street Rehab K• .-.t4 F 1, „ �MI r tib,;� -�:� 1 ', r' c. �e + " y7��y7 is - �1Q1E@`ti :-l7 '-- ..-Rri DAY.OTA 5:T ° � 4 M :11.--4- Color PCI Range _, yam rR PFAFFLE VVVl a i n �� q ,� �t �� 1 ,,, �r g NZ7 c KATHERINE ST - ,' .I NO2 :, z� ;: 4, ,f;��y ElASFIURST SI- Red 0-25 } .�, Vis. p�� ,,- L . � ��y'� ': : '+ dor6EP,Nr57.n W ALNUTST 47. `r QV .4`-' �A f1 l4. FEAMPTO ........m'n r LjF,N ER ST �, '- Cis Orange 26-50 �� =�- �y� _ ,�)� W �� Yellow 51 -60 ';�_� '_ .ir ry �= I; -I_ _. :.....5,r;,,._�e,I A �� GAARDE ST c � �OONALU.S�T Rim pr, s , ��� _ - t., '^. BONITAROBONIT„U& Blue 61 -69 ',_....„, .■ iiii,. kkt ..mA �T z' � J a,Ani ant- ''''ITIAN - `a41011, ,p=�W I A o �� �'.74' ouRr�A w. -.i. ¢`. o n, .•L. IIS 61E1�' r = Iu - -111 i Ilfr r:-,-, C '"ie''''. •iw LI Ti CITY OF The 5 E's — Tigard's Community Promise: Equity • Environment • Economy • Engagement • Excellence 11ga rd Thank y ou Questions? Comments? et. Tiga• CITYOF The 5 E's — Tigard's Community Promise: Equity • Environment • Economy • Engagement • Excellence rd Street Maintenance Fee Code Update 15.20 • Adopted in 2010 with fees associated with parking spots • 2021 Council requested a draft code update with fee based on ITE codes • Draft code still needs a few updates based on scenarios and how to implement into our billings system. • Currently, the SMF is not auditable. eT . - CITY OF The 5 E's — Tigard's Community Promise: Equity • Environment • Economy • Engagement • Excellence Tigard AIS-5739 11. Business Meeting Meeting Date: 01/14/2025 Length (in minutes): 0 Minutes Agenda Title: Supplemental Questions and Answers Presented By: N/A Item Type: Receive and File Public Hearing No Legal Ad Required?: Publication Date: Information EXPLANATION OF ISSUE The City Council may have questions for staff after the council meeting packet is published. For public transparency, these questions and the answers provided by staff are due the afternoon of the meeting and will be attached to the end of the meeting packet. ACTION REQUESTED None BACKGROUND INFORMATION Council may have questions for staff regarding agenda items. These questions can be asked during the meeting or through an email to the city manager and other staff prior to the meeting. In the interest of public transparency, any questions and staff answers are listed on the Supplemental Questions and Answers list. This will be attached to the meeting packet, which is available online. There may be no questions and in that case, this Agenda Item Summary will have no attachments. ALTERNATIVES & RECOMMENDATION N/A ADDITIONAL RESOURCES N/A Attachments No file(s) attached.