Permit (7) CITY TIGARD ELECTRICAL RESTRICTED ENERGY PERMIT l DEVELOPMENT SERVICES PERMIT #: ELR2005 -00325 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd., Tigard, OR 97223 503 - 639 -4171 DATE ISSUED: 10/7/2005 PARCEL: 2S102BA- 01100. SITE ADDRESS: 12220 SW GRANT AVE ZONING: I -P SUBDIVISION: NO. TIGARDVILLE ADDITION AMEND LOT: 058 JURISDICTION: TIG Project Description: Data and phone. A. RESIDENTIAL B. COMMERCIAL AUDIO & STEREO: AUDIO & STEREO: INTERCOM & PAGING: BURGLAR ALARM: BOILER: LANDSCAPE /IRRIGAT: GARAGE OPENER: CLOCK: MEDICAL: HVAC: DATA/TELE COMM: X NURSE CALLS: VACUUM SYSTEM: FIRE ALARM: OUTDOOR LANDSC LITE: OTHER: : HVAC: PROTECTIVE SIGNAL: INSTRUMENTATION: OTHER: TOTAL # OF SYSTEMS: 1 Owner: Contractor: HAYS, THOMAS R + LORI J REDS ELECTRIC CO INC 12220 SW GRANT AVE 2002 SE CLINTON ST TIGARD, OR 97223 PORTLAND, OR 97202 -2245 Phone: Phone: 503 233 - 6467 Reg #: SUP 5010S LIC 4443 FEES ELE 26 -152C Description Date Amount REQUIRED ITEMS AND REPORTS [ELPRMT] ELR Permit 10/7/2005 $75.00 [TAX] 8% State Surchari 10/7/2005 $6.00 . Total $81.00 This Permit is issued subject to the regulations contained in the Tigard Municipal Code, State of OR. Specialty Codes and all other applicable laws. All work will be done in accordance with approved plans. This permit will expire if work is not started within 180 days of issuance, or if work is suspended for more than 180 days. ATTENTION: Oregon law requires you to follow rules adopted by the Oregon Utility Notification Center. Those rules are set forth in OAR 952 - 001 -0010 through OAR 952 - 001 -0100. You may obtain copies of these rules or direct questions to OUNC at 503 - 246 -6699. Issued By: ,, �jf J Permittee Signature: i / _� �- , . /L OWNER INSTALLATION ONLY The installation is being made on property I own which is not intended for sale, lease, or rent. OWNER'S SIGNATURE: DATE: CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION ONLY SIGNATURE OF SUPR. ELEC'N DATE: LICENSE NO: Call 503 - 639 -4175 by 7:00 a.m. for an inspection that business day. This permit card shall be kept in a conspicuous place on the job site until completion of the project. Approved plans are required on the job site at the time of each inspection. , 6. 2005 9:36AM No. 5631 P. 1/2 Electrical permit tit ct:w9 IDR or, 1, f: I ;I; t > 1.1 City of Tigard t 1 E ' f Received Date/B . 7 0 g R Permit NaL - _ DM ' O(�ZS 13125 SW Hall Blvd, Tigard, OR 97223 plan Review Phone: 503.639.4171 Fax; 503.598. °y " i DatrfB • Other Permit: Inspection Line: 503.639.4175 T ' 6 2005 .4.1, 1 J, Date Ready/By. !uqh: la See Page 2 for Internet: warw.d.tigard•or.us Notificd/Mcthod \ Supplementallnformatttrn "'w , P - S e � • "' � q^F � . , �''y� - � V 'A`r n�)s �f��"r �e4•. 4 .' { . � � �.• • t?n .ofi'' T TC,1 . y , ; ;I7 d-� j.i 4,'.• . �{��7* - *, . r,yam dt' �. Y,,�y� •�- •� • ., sY o ;�-; 1. 4 .'w 1 Ysfe:y ?t3 �bl',- .!ti .'.c. d,t�� n 1 �4:aic + is' tr, , �. ❑ New construction .' ,: if, Ti . ,,, ; BINigiatkEnt Please check all that apply; ['Service over 225 amps. cornm ❑hazardous location ❑ Demolition ID Other: p� t a* s 0. w,•.> ',;,,,40.40;- .., �: •, -� :, r .,, ©Service over 320 amps - rating ❑Bulldog over 10,000 sq. f ' E Ti is r ' .� li,: s # ` ,� v , : , a,+ c'� �• � a� -�� . .,.. :., , ;. ~ " •,�: ''�, r" .; M m � � -c of I- and 2- family dwellings 4 or more new residential ❑ 1- and 2 dwellin. j omm rcial/industrial 0 Accessory building ❑System over 600 volts nominal units in one structure I ❑ Buildin over three stories ❑peelers, 400 amps or !nor 0 Multi - family Q Master builder ❑ Other: g ;: x" � M ? r y �� o. a u::` 4 r .` ,,� }} :, [ x, ['Occupant load over 99 persons ❑Manutieturcd structures 0 = -s 10- • ` ~ I`I' I . s- . T !.. �". x '�1:�,` -- _.n. .���. •- icr�••�,:��.... ci1a 12V [Health -care facility ['Other: Job no.: Job site address: k a�....0 5i el/0A1 - it Submit 2 acts of plans with any of the above. City /State/ZIP: . The above are not applicable to temporary construction service. Suite/bldg. /apt no.: 1 Project name: ;' "r *�" 1 �".,r ? ±, 4886„ eta '• : .. 1R Y Description Qty. Pee. Total ' Cross street/directions to job site: Nevi residential single- or multi- family dwelling unit. A/ includes attached garage. S 1,000 sq. R or less 145.15 4 Subdivision: Lot no.: En. add'I 500 sq. R or portion 33.40 1 Tax map /parcel no.: Limited energy, residential 75.00 2 , - , 2�''' t3, ^K rh :i , ,c,..:va � r � ;, - --�. t b`"' a { , .,� a ce _ �, , Limited energy, non - residential 75.00 2 t;• : { ih 7 ,4 :G. 1 1.-3 :�'",:i"�ety't a ; l t u n r. 1 W' ril ; t , � o�Q' 7 3 ,W0 „ "', f a ir, t '''., .. .� • ..3 � 6!! - ..: w ,a� :,b!, :k.;:,L . •. , . •t iru , .'•, A - 0 y Each or m odular 1112 APIPJIIMIMMIIIILMIMIIMM - dwollie ieriiice anWil 1ifedei .- . , - • -- - 90:90 ... • - 2 Services or feeders installation t alteration, and/or relocation 1 e Veuw . .• —(50/ k 200 amps or less 80 30 2 P T • - Pird ?' ; +�49 -y a ,,.,s �"cb''' ' , . �r��� y f T, �,y .p ti ' 7.ff -' r Mfa , 170: 201 a mps to 400 amps 106.85 r ,.C. R I tta' '/ �� i yA '� , � S��•5 "k'b"�L q , r t {3. v fiS 7 � { d n�i I n a � . G °'q^ _ r -:..., v1-:Lu -�,. h u_;_ � c:?r., ;- 1., •, Ail„ � is :- . .t, . .> . b ';, 4` '..1=....N 401 amps to 600 amps 160.60 2 _7�Z, , 2 Name: • 601 am ps to 1,000 amps 240.60 2 Address: Over 1,000 amps or volts 454.65 2 Reconnect only 66.85 2 City/State/DP: Temporary services or feeders installation, alteration, and/or Phone: ( ) I Fax: ( ) relocation 200 amps or less . 1 Owner. installation: This installation is being made on property that I own which is not 201 alms to 400 amps 100.30 2 intended for sale, lease, rent, or exchange, according to ORS 447, 449, 670, and 701. 401 amps to 600 amps 133,75 2 _ Owner signature: Date: Branch circuits - new, alteration, or extension, per panel n r ._ eta r < � . m. , � t , p P errN .„A. }� �kii ` yV !i ,,;( , „h 74'i .T p �t a :l , y1 r . _... I . ,.n:.. 9''•% D iLerl .. . .. — h FW e c _ t , w a q 'w r ;:g A service for branch circuits hh "'° `�` „,�” ""'""'` service or feeder fee, each Business name: brancl circuit 6.65 2 es B. Fee for branch' circuits Contact name: service or feeder fee, each branch circuit 46.85 2 Address: .. Each add'! branch circuit 6.65 , 2 City /State/ZIP: Miscellaneous (service or feeder not included) Phone: ( ) l Fax: ( ) Pump or irrigation circle . 53.40 2 Sign or outline lighting 53.40 2 E - mail; Signal circuit(s) or limited - o »Sv?k�S?Yt° °� rte..., , :^ +`r ,,, k, its, : a. .ff ` .. u . - o 1 t ' , z �6 energy panel, altWatiOn, or t. u , lactcnsion a be: 1 Paget 2 Businesr Red's Electric Compan k��(�D1ne f4 1 0 6 - Add 2002 SE Clinton Each adds - - final Inspection over allowable In any of the above Portland, OR 97202 Per inspection 62.50 City /Staff (503)233 -6487 Fax (503)233 -1281 Investigation per hour (I lirmin) 62.50 Phone: ( CCB# 4443 Elec. Lic# 26-152C Supry Lic.# 5010 -S Industrial plant per hour 73.75 CCB Lit : : t.r,IF -1: : ":g•.y , 'r , ra �j, ' . . ','. ''.' " 4- *, i �t f 8.8::58 Subtotal Suprv. Electrician signature, required: - Plan review (25% of permit fee) Print name: ��� Ile 4 Date; O ♦ State surcharge (8% of permit fee) TOTAL PERMIT IEE Authorized signature: This permit application expires ira permit is not obtained within 150 Print name: days after It has been accepted as complete Date: ' . Fen methodology set by Tri- County Building Industry Service Board ee Number of inspections per permit Mowed. i; \Buildroa∎Per utame- Pereitapp.doc tjn3 440i6I5T(10/02/COM/WED CITY OF TIGARD BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT #: ELR2005 -00325 13125 SW Hall Blvd., Tigard, OR 97223 DATE ISSUED: 10 /7/2006 Phone: (503) 639 -4171 Inspection Requests (24 Hrs.): (503) 639 -4175 INSPECTION WORKSHEET FOR DATE: 11/21/2005 TIME: 7:13AM PAGE: 100 SITE ADDRESS: 12220 SW GRANT AVE CLASS OF WORK: SUBDIVISION: NO. TIGARDVILLE ADDITION AMEND LOT #: 058 TYPE OF USE: PROJECT NAME: G PECIAL S DESCRIPTION: lc kite hone. OWNER: HAYS, THOMAS R + LORI J, PHONE #: CONTRACTOR: REDS ELECTRIC CO INC `'b JD n W PHONE #: 503-233-6467 Inspection Request Scheduled For: Date: 11/21/2005 Pour Time: Code # Inspection Description Confirm # Contact # Message 1354 Low voltage 021916 -02 503 -891 -5491 N \ > Corrections /Comments /Instructions: (i PASS I I PARTIAL APPROVAL n CANCEL NO ACCESS ❑ FAIL ❑ CALL FOR INSPECTION ❑ ADDITIONAL FEES ASSESSED Inspector: / / -- 4 `°~ -/ Date: ///,--/ Phone #: (503) 718 - J