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Permit (6)
CITY OF TIGARD ELECTRICAL PERMIT 311 PERMIT #: ELC2008 -00032 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DATE ISSUED: 1/14/2008 TIGARD 13125 SW Hall Blvd., Tigard, OR 97223 503.639.4171 PARCEL: 2S 102BA -01100 SITE ADDRESS: 12220 SW GRANT AVE ZONING: I -P SUBDIVISION: NO. TIGARDVILLE ADDITION AMEND LOT : 058 JURISDICTION: TIG PROJECT: AG SPECIALTIES Project Description: install (1) 200 amp service panel and (8) branch ciruits RESIDENTIAL UNIT TEMP SRVC /FEEDERS MISCELLANEOUS 1000 SF OR LESS: 0 - 200 amp: PUMP /IRRIGATION: EACH ADD'L 500SF: 201 - 400 amp: SIGN /OUT LINE LTG: LIMITED ENERGY: 401 - 600 amp: SIGNAL/PANEL: 3 MANF HM/ SVC/ FDR: 601 +amps - 1000 volts: MINOR LABEL (10): SERVICE /FEEDER BRANCH CIRCUITS ADD'L INSPECTIONS 0 - 200 amp: 1 W /SERVICE OR FEEDER: 8 PER INSPECTION: 201 - 400 amp: 1st W/O SRVC OR FDR: PER HOUR: 401 - 600 amp: EA ADD'L BRNCH CIRC: 0 IN PLANT: 601 - 1000 amp: PLAN REVIEW SECTION 1000+ amp /volt: > =4 RES UNITS: > 600 VOLT NOMINAL: Reconnect only: SVC /FDR >= 225 AMPS: CLASS AREA /SPEC OCC: Owner: Contractor: JOHN & BARBARA HADLEY COHO ELECTRIC INC 12220 SW GRANT ST PO BOX 40 TIGARD, OR 97223 WILSONVILLE, OR 97070 Phone: Contact #: PRI 503 - 582 -9774 FAX 503- 582 -9840 FEES Description Date Amount Reg #: ELE 3 -575C (ELPRMT] ELC Permit 1/14/2008 $133.50 LIC 157169 [TAX] 12% State Surchar 1/14/2008 $16.02 SUP 5255S Total 41.49;52- REQUIRED ITEMS AND REPORTS 317. 5D, This Permit is issued subject to the regulations contained in the Tigard Municipal Code, State of OR. Specialty Codes and all other applicable laws. All work will be done in accordance with approved plans. This permit will expire if work is not started within 180 days of issuance, or if work is suspended for more than 180 days. ATTENTION: Oregon law requires you to follow rules adopted by the Oregon Utility Notification Center. Those rules are set forth in OAR 952 - 001 -0010 through OAR 952 - 001 -0100. You may obtain copies of these rules or direct questions to OUNC at 503.246.6699 or 1.800.332.2344. Issued By: . or—e � : Permittee Signature: r /.%ia7criv OWNER INSTALLATION ONLY The installation is being made on property I own which is not intended for sale, lease, or rent. OWNER'S SIGNATURE: DATE: CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION ONLY SIGNATURE OF SUPR. ELEC'N: DATE: LICENSE NO: Call 503.639.4175 by 7:00 a.m. for an inspection that business day. This permit card shall be kept in a conspicuous place on the job site until completion of the project. Approved plans are required on the job site at the time of each inspection. t r . 'FROM ,:COHO ELECtRIC FAX NO. :5035829840 J. n. 1 2008 0 ' :' P2 Pi_d i — , i.�. . 1 Electrical Permit Application u•fl( i�FFIC _ E.USE O NLY City of Tigard Received ; Pem / Tigard, OR 97223 Pato; ` r t - �00 - ... i�dd 3 c). 13125 SW Hall Blvd., Ti 8 Nee Review Phone: 503,639.4171 Pax: 503.598.1960 1 r „ifisj, ; c \ r)4” wlt l'I y; Other Perna: _ Inspection Line: 503.639.4175 (! `I 1 Date Read /By; Jr u' Sc e Pu_ re 2 cur Internet: www.ci.tigard.or,ua Notified/Method; Supplemental Information I - F ) ' "l �:,; , 2 .l i { r l.� ;�I 7 ., o itig 1;9 "; .ri /k" i ! i f F ', 1 ?Va , �.p ? ,. . ',1 VF" Vi: 1V c l pr i y - _...., l'k'.: ;".' , t l ', S i i 1, ;111 01 � i i ; ! ° fl fl j / I 't i i 4 g 0 1 j T , h ,3W I Yf tl � ' vll i M ,t ry} . [ +� 1 '4 p d, Nil e I;I ,'F;',7:7. •: t:l).,: � .1.,,:� .. .... . s i.Il ,.. ,:, ; I lor r nlu: ,.olrl.,.I�lS.IMr� 1 .; IEi. hlt�f, r ,. 6�6nlCf3iif��PtL ViV�,l6�'e ?��„, •1011/1i , x, CK�I .k!.h"si�"�"�371�f. . ' ' ,, • D New construction P/ Addition /alteration /replacement Please check all that apply: 0 Demolition ❑Other: I-lService over 225 amps, comm'l ❑hazardous location l bl, ;, „ ' '! S' 'r i t , �'. i` : as U r 1 It: slt; ? lti! DServicc over 320 amps - rating © Buildng over 10,000 sq. ft., !e '' I f l r f ai f cr l r nhv l i Wil . e I1 4 e � i .. u ; IN 4 1 t . li ' • i t ,L. !i:KC..6.t1. +..,.., 4 : :... i..._ i, ,, t, .' ;I,' i q r, a�,!, "• ,,..,ryt , `t t i i4hfil�!i der ri 4 ft b ' ,i oft- a nd 2 - family dwellings 4 or more new residential M 1 - and 2- family dwelling %1 Commercial /industrial ©Accessory building ©System over 600 volts nominal units in one structure Multi- family ❑Master builder ❑Other: ❑Building over three stories ©F eodtma, 4 00 amp or more r ' } , ' I ( m �yl3u� 1 t DOecupant load over 99 poraone [�Manufaelured structures or • 1" "i 1, V 'V ti' i ! n I) !I tG , , I � Ja IIIU�r ' 1 1 rT Ug1 6, g:;X 6iii); l iii {r i9l1b 4 +p } 6 i l l �i , RV ark , ' lrl ; , . i ' .., _Iti ._ . ,u1.,., ,.�1 }I , .t „EAil:wtl :, ;llltekl L 'thh! :i, „1@ Cad a1`, i l ❑Egress/Ilgh p ❑ Health -care facility ❑Other: _ Job no.: \ Job site address: \ te,. -Y, Submit gets of plans with tiny of the above, City /State /ZIP: , ' �, O p C -i r The above are not applicable to temporary construction service. ”' + 5' w, } u 4 - ir,Yl u , , r 7 e nnzrn y a �in' n ri(I Il , f 'in ; li .5 l5 .r rlllll� IL t I,ILf) r 1 i j�,ri',, Suite/bldg. /apt. no.: Project name: .. � : U..I.L „r,Jr .1,Pieu:5lualta. ,t,,Iflla: r L:,l.,.2,hlt i7, . n = ar. Dctcrtptfan Qty. P. Total „< Cross street/directions to job site: R- — i s , , New residential single.. or multi - family dwelling uhit. _dn chides. attached • garage. -„ ' 1,000 sq. ft. or Icss 145.15 4 Subdivision: Lot no.: Ea. add'I 500 sq. ft. or portion 33.40 1 Tax map /parcel no.: Limited energy, residential 75.00 2 „ : :: ... :•!._ Limited energy, non - residential , g ° ” �I } te r tlrrlttt d I u, yr Bltl :g ” i t, a �: tr7s t ipl en Y 3 75.00 • 2 Ii { 11 ., ...nlf,I r 1 Iid � 'i It 1 7Vt1 (� s ldI � ; , ] T +.11 .! � 1 ta li l al it iL. l � '.i "z 1 a.0 i`jN,� i Bach roan .......�.r.. -,.. _,....., i.,_�.. r. ;I,,., , . rN,. 'r i , ur I n , } IN .... ,l in'e n. :.,. V. I h t �. l„..:,al ,,li,u.ei..l,,1..f.. r,,,,51.1;t, t,hr .; i,,r „ manufactured or modular r dwelling { service anti /or feeder 90.00 2 • ` ». 0/ ~ 11::` - , _,....______ ' Services or feeders installation, alteration, and /or relocation c c. ' o\,- nps i 80,30 t p, 3(1 2 200 at or less I r i '1".., e l ; "17 s 0," I uil " I 1, ilJllit ,e 4.7VI 1 p y i n, , 1 11 _ P p 1 06.85 .. 2 ! , ' .: „ . e ;. I ,1 1 r ,, o',11,,,,1;1110[;:: .. ' �� p1'r 114. e,, i,.,v1 :! •111 I1 14011i1 . 0 l'I /•. I �il ' i ,11,1141 1! •• amp to 400 amps 401 amps to 600 Amps 160.60 2 Name: c- ■ 601 amps tt 1,000 amps 240.60 2 Address: , <-,:-_-5\.-i r4-- _ Over amps or volts 454,65 2 ✓ ---- Reconnect only 66.85 2 City /State/ZIP: ‘.--\--'n c.,.) ©R Ck' lRD: Temporary services Or feeders installation, alteration, and/or ���• relocation Phone: ( ) ��" k-� J Pax: ( ) 200 amps or less 66.85 1 Owner Installation: This installation is being made on property that I own which is not 201 amps to 400 amps 100.30 2 intended for sale, lease, rent, or exchange, according to Ol.S 447, 449, 670, and 701. ' 401 amps to 600 amps 133.75 2 Owner signature: , _ u or extension, panel Date: Branch circuits - new, alteration, o on, or a I r r l 1 ++ 144 t t '1.17 l i' A'iN11 i A I H} ."t t lt 7 l, i0iF u,4Ir,f.r: I,IV..r.,,, ,. , , ...... i . t...' e. 1:. : :4',' ,iltb I .. ; , t i.:4�,1 r !�I ) i 1 �Y I � S.! afl�S,alt., 1.41). A . fee for branch r fee, each - :i., ..n,,n.,�,u , 1.1 „Il,c,.a1¢ t. , service or feeder fee. each h Business name: branch circuit 6.55 5. a ,.. ) 2 Contact name: )3, Fee for branch circuits without service or feeder fee, 46.85 2 Address: each branch circui _ .�. Each add't branch circuit ' 6.65 [ 2 City/State/Zll': Miscellaneous (service or feeder not Included) Phone: Pump Or irrigation circle 53.40 2 ( ) Fax: ( ) ___, Sign or outline lighting 53.40 2 E-mail: Signal circuit(s) or o limited- lie - . , --, : ' ,.t;'it6:12v.',f'.: <,.. t,:,; L..,.. 1 ui>•Mi.l ii i e ; , ; J X 1 ' ' 1. l 1* , P 1 1n ?. , 1 1 V � r i ri . li il energy sect, alteration, or i 1 ul,_.a t a.. u.{, � �I ~,.7u,,.:i_SOu:t>Itl.l.¢. ..` k�.: l4 illlyll 'itid�ltl� V il +'' extension. Describe: Page 2 2 Business name k , Address: .1 Each additional Inspection over allowable in any of the above � Q �(. - -�- 3 5"i sc c - i) : 4/ - Per inspection _ City /State/7TP; �, t 62.50 � ,r�� y �. t \,. i t � '� ' / Investigation per hour (3 by min) 62.,50 Phone: (5c,�) 5 _ t L, F ax: ( ) , , 4 . _c c,.. Lie.. Industrial plant pet' hour .�pp 73.75 CCB ' q'1it4 " +' 4r1,1 '+�ia4li�al(tf l�D; iryf Vll�t� u Brie �ilprll,► "•V�iPIM , i ' y ' ,'..i ,, CI3 , I ,... - "a?{. , ,, „tJ .. a ,I n, k: , f . .... ,.., Illr Subtotal ' .. \, 61 Electrical ic.:' C l t; -- . - (-, Suprv. Lie.; Subtotal \ ,-" Suprv. Electrician signature, ri uired: s �'" ' Plan review (251' of permit fee) L ... . - w+ai✓ s, rte. ,.....rte _ Print name: . ' ` tm` ,t Date: r,- \ _ p" ^ _ �_ State surcharge d of permit foe) �j (-y --� r TOTAL PERMIT FEE Authorized signature: ' V 1�1',� ?,'� This application expires tt ermit. it not obtained within lid permit PP P Print name: t \ r - i - 1-__. I� )atC; " \ 14^ d M days after It has been accepted as complete iry Fee methodology act by Tri County Building hidusby Service Board •' Number of lnapectiens per permit allowed, 11tuildingWennitt 16S,C-PermltApp. 12/03 440 -40; 5x(10102/COM/wBB __. ~ CITY OF ��nw m n�pm mn����n��� BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT #: EL[2008-00032 13125 SW Hall Blvd., Tigard, OR 97223 DATE ISSUED: 1122/I008 Phone: (503) 639-4171 Inspection Requests (24 Hrs.): (503) 639-4175 INSPECTION WORKSHEET FOR DATE: 3/592008 TIME: 7:00AM PAGE: �D SITE ADDRESS: 1222O8VV GRANT AVE CLASS OF WORK: SUBDIVISION: NO. TIGARDYILLE ADDITION AMEND LOT #: 058 TYPE OF USE: PROJECT NAME: AG SPECIALTIES DESCRIPTION: install (1) 200 amamp service panel and (B) branch ciruit. 1/22K2OOD ADD (3) low voltage systems (data, security, HVAC). OWNER: MAQiEf. JOHN & BARBARA PHONE #: CONTRACTOR: COHO ELECTRIC INC PHONE #: 503-582-9774 Inspection Request Scheduled For: Date: 3/792008 Pour Time: Code # Inspection Description Confirm # Contact # Message 199 Electrical final 066252'81 603-784-1358 N Corrections/Comments/Instructions: ri PARTIAL APPROVAL CANCEL n NO ACCESS FAIL n CALL FOR INSPECTION El ADDITIONAL FEES ASSESSED / � 0 �� Inspector: �����" " Date: �� — ��~ � ^�^ Phone #: (503) 718', .' , �k, '° - / CITY ��������������� . ��mm m OF no���mnm�� / ' ^_ � BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT #: ELC2008-0003'2 | 13125 SW Hall Blvd., Tigard, OR 97223 DATE ISSUED: 1/221'7008 Phone: (503) 639-4171 Inspection Requao�C24Hmj: (503) 639-4175 ,,...„Mr " a. . INSPECTION WORKSHEET FOR DATE: 1/23V2008 TIME: 7:004,1 PAGE: 6 SITE ADDRESS: 1222OpW GRANT AVE CLASS OFVVORK: SUBDIVISION: NO. T|GAHDVYU'EAQD|7l()MAMB4C/ LOT �5B TYPE OF USE: PROJECT NAME: AG SPECIALTIES DESCRIPTION: install O\2OO amp amp service panel and (C) branch ciruits. 1/2212008 ADD (3) low voltage 'ems (data, security, HVAC), OWNER: MADLEY. JOHN &BARBARA PHONE #: CONTRACTOR: COHO ELECTRIC INC PHONE #: 5O3-5819774 Inspection Request Scheduled For: Date: 1/2312008 Pour Time: Code # Inspection Description Contact # Message 156 Low voltage 758-01 \ 503-784'1358 N 7 Corrections/Comments/Instructions: �- -- ..--- .. PASS . | I PARTIAL APPROVAL ri CANCEL E NO ACCESS || FAIL 11 CALL FOR INSPECTION Ei ADDITIONAL FEES ASSESSED �_� u\ Guu� \ �� �� ��n0 Inspector: ^����^ V�`u �«� Date: �- »�*^�J � Phone #: (503) 718- +~»��n` CITY OF TIGARD ' BUILDING DIVISION ` / PERMIT #: ELC200 .Q0032 13125 SW Hall Blvd., Tigard, OR 97223 DATE ISSUED: 1/14/2000 Phone: (503) 639 -4171 u.c4n�0 11 (1 In Requests (24 Hrs.): (503) 639 -4175 INSPECTION WORKSHEET FOR DATE: 1/22/2008 TIME: 7 :01AM PAGE: 58 SITE ADDRESS: 12220 SW GRANT AVE CLASS OF WORK: SUBDIVISION: NO. TIGARDVILLE ADDITION AMEND LOT #: 05(3 TYPE OF USE: PROJECT NAME: AG SPECIALTIES DESCRIPTION: install (1) 200 amp service panel and (8) branch ciruifs OWNER: HADLEY, JOHN & BARBARA PHONE #: CONTRACTOR: 00110 ELECTRIC INC PHONE #: 503-582-9774 Inspection Request Scheduled For: Date: 1/22/2008 Pour Time: Code # Inspection Description Confirrn_ #, Contact # Message 120 EIectiical rough -in - - 0f 35 ' 0'1 1 503.784 -13583 N . Corrections /Comments /Instructions: G (to .) 00 t� 1_. cS( Rp c0 gr Cl3 N. 0 c` .crL vv. )s,' e L, ` i n L_. CON N R �� F'R , nr■ Wc [,� ��iL yV�(na A � � 1 ti_t� Y o G-- Rm - T G (L.,,N Al _ g0. . G-II+S Li Na c to . C,is..0 . F'bo, \c- ,1N5i z.1, (.N., _ _ _ % IN C o ah`Psi 0E of (i ;10) 4J rn osr Ca L1 i IY4 AC. 3 -Q 4 . ,tW W -.z) AO 1., . PASS PARTIAL' APPROVAL CA NO ACCESS ❑ n n n FAIL ❑ CALL FOR INSPECTION ❑ ADDITIONAL FEES ASSESSED Inspector: �r N he l S Date: r I Z 4 0 Phone #: (503) 718- ,