13500 SW PACIFIC HIGHWAY-3 �j reel \L A�4 A x cP?^ cc 0 ova 10, u 6m �A . F t • n., ,� v�• � II ' , , f t r' ' � d ' ti � V ,, JJ S � � 6 E I•�: , ,y, f H e ,/ H D. fly V ITY OF TIGARD Approved ....... ............................................ . • G 15� Conditionally Ar, ' :,d .......................................... Fn.r orly the wc. P MMIT NO ......................................... At1% ..................................... -49 'lo 75QARD MARKET" i I Z--,; \r A, ,4 ?f' A 14L OFFICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'V "'N.'j"'ttlY APRF3r'.) '/---C) . . . . . . . '-y1'q0VAL 0i' PLANSS IS NOT AN APPROVAL A Mt LETTE.9 . . . . . . . . . . D D F'. TIC- 0RD OR. SCALE APPROVED BY : DRAWN By DATE REVISED y w C J, F. r C.- I 1 .1. (1 ..1(Ali ;ilj 1. FEE]....( f001) :' AWING NUMBER IF THIS "OrUMENT IS LESS (Jill III Ili III Jill 1111LIll 1111111111 1111111 1111- LEGIBLE THAN THIS NOTATION , Ip I T"Tj TITIT XTOBER 2 6 1993 IT IS DUE TO THE QUALITY OF 71 4, ,fp; No.36 THE ORIGINAL DOCUMENT . 61 --. —T— LZ zz I o T T, 91I I! II llllllll II III I (IIII 1111111 I III III i 9IIIIz T I til 1 IIII Ile— rill I I I ) (. � I 1 L-A CY-- LN 10�160r-1 C, u 1#4 J Ory I t4- '877b�4 UICV, rte r � ��.., �� a Ira 140 k LJ H IT' Mrs F1 s. Pir-F-wiS 14�* 4-1;, 14 Z-)fr,-Ura' vr-?- 4apo ilf CAP�- o �.l Az IZ,� NIP :3CO U 4-, LL j vriC 4.vo Cr" �-- A LLI t jo APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION t---�I -- - -- b*'~ .� �IQe,.�? ) C" OF TIGARD lY— # PERMIT NO<9Ej6V SITE ADDRE,-P-S/3j1Wj (T 0 or 0 4, i,-1 P 41 r- UU IT --4 z MAY Q E-Cl 0 Ir - ENERAL ES- c-"MrIUN MOD F! Fl)(Ils F pig IDS z 0 U- Co 00 AU cutting., patekbvr painting & runners, by opom >LLi M 0 U-) 0 < r-- G All plumbing and drain lines by others Z 0) 0 Cc: Co 1A0 c°KU electriW. by otherexcmpt low voltage control L) cuo Ca C ) wit Ing by this c=ttractor -Z Cf) Uj '0 1 Responsibility for verification of stxuctural requirement kr; �: created by HVAC eWLpwt rest with others Z U-) C/) LO < r- 0 Insulation: 1* thidbWas with min. density of lk# per z i � Llj Y cubic feet < < Entire RM installation, material w4 @q%qp=nt xhau . i M0fully comply with 19ft state UK# NFPA 90 A and OwphW. ------- 53 of ME Flf;ZST- �W 0 0 F., Thermostat to ' au over with suk►-base on-qmto- off fan switch A heat-acto-woling selector' (ther1l ; I tat• - to be not at 650 for heating and 780 for 000illx4. TM Switch to be in an position during occupied hours). ABI Heating A kir'Oonditioning varrants an parts and labor to be free from defects in materials en! G- H-Osoa- wDr lip for a period of am year from iirtallati0rl SHFFT NO The abm warzoity com parts only aftw 0, yatiriodFV-1 of 90 "a tem &tA at etactv unless PC%WC PrWM*.1ve C= maintomm hoebeen ;wftc no wftT 90 fte bV-a Ar, 1:!%5 0 5-1 W FAC,'I F I C' I-AIGHWAY SUITE 34-DR. FECr'I-C-5001.):' S 2 OF 2 1�1 NO C) 1r7 IF TIFTS DOCUMENT IS LESS 111111111111j1111111 11 1.111111f 111p, 1 70CTOBER 26 1993 LEGIBLE THAN THIS NOTATION, 6 IT IS DUE TO THE QUALITY OF No.36 THE ORIGINAL DOCUMENT. Pm 7177 17 L 9 I i I LI A QT 11 111 11 v Ii tilil I� 11��111 F111trIlL F11711 1111t 111 11 N ill! Hill Li 11 x„•,.1 .1 1 11 1l 1 1 Ll l r 1 -1 _l .. SW PACIFIC H IC-MVAy .R : EM ens. 3 PW l A I 1 y � � 1 w � I 1 Aw a! 94F *� a11► sl�f +I��ae► ® CERTIFICATE OF CITYOFTIVARD ���„D COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OCCUPANCY 131266SW4WIBIvd. p.A.gac^.. W.TOW,Onpw97223(6W)004175 PERMIT #. . . . . . . -- DATE ISSUED: 03/.17/92 SITE ADDRESS. . , t 13500 SW PACIFIC HWY #"S. :34 PARCEL : 2S102CC-00`)001 SUODI VISION. . . . I Z0143NGi 0LUCK. . . . . . . . . . I LOT. . . . . . . . . . . . . I CLASS OF WORK. a ALT TYPE OF USE. . . ICOM OCCUPANCY GRP. IA3 OCCUPANCY LOAD 11551 TENANT NAME:. . . :DFi. FEELOOOD' S PUP Remarksa Tenant Add' n: Add 1, 050 sgft, r'elucaty C0010t- & bat-, add rear exit I Iwner a OUANTUM PROPERTIES 1.04 MAIN STREET, SUITE 100 IANCOUVfR WA 98660 W,hone #: i::.27-8400 ; 13NALD HARVEY :71be SW SUMAC COURT i'CAVERTON OR 97007 ­Ihone #I 642­)368 Rog #. . c 79395 (JLA_.1Apat<r1cy Of' they AbDVe refer^enc:eri building is hereby given, and certifies the compliance with the :state Of Oregon Gpecialty Coders for the 91-0'.1r, ,�•f� arrcy, and\/Use 1.11)dPt- which thw referenced pet-mit wa ; issvrtd. r �+ F 1 RE DEPARTMENT I 9ING �plf3i"E TQR 14LIIL11INO ICIAL. POST IN CONSPICUOUS PLACE I IN Vq� TUALATIN VALLEY FIRE & IMSCUE AND j BEAVERTO_N FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRM; MARSHALS OFFICE (503) 526-2469 POSTED: F RES OCCUPANT CONTRACTOR '}} i �� ' c (~ '� OA-1�1. 1 f �' / �' ���) i BLDG. PERt[IT It PROJECT NAME 1� y PLAN REVIEW 0 LOCATION JURISDICTION: 1= Be. 2= Du, 3= I:.C. (�:I. 5= Tu. 6= Sh. 7= Wi. 8= CC 9= WC 0= MC COVER FINAL SPFCIA -- FOLLOW-UPJREINSPECTION ATTEMPTED FINAL El Framing �El Separation Walls Spriakler System El Shaft Fire Dampers (Overhead/Underground) Alarm System �'Hood Extug SystemsJ? El Conference Spr,3y Booth Ceiling Cover � Other .......- r,,�L.e. - r Date s. �� _ Inspector: INSPECTION NOTicE City of Tigard Building Departawnt 13125 SW Ball Blvd. Tigard, Oregon 97223 Inapection Line (Ree.-O-Phone: 639-4.175 Business Phone: 639-4171 C Inspection: l Y! Footing �Vbg. Underelab Mach. Rough-in Anpr/Edwlk Found. Plbg. Top Out Gas Line FINAL: Post/Beam Struct. San. Sewer Framing -Bldg. Post/Ream Mach. Rain Drain lnsulatirn -Plumb. Plbg. Underfloor Nater Line Gyp. Bd. -Koch. !loch.~ I Date Requested: Tit AM PM r Addreent d�� emit #t rl Builder: THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS ARE REQUIRED: 1 Datet_�__/_,+ — _ APPROVED �^ DISAPPROVED APPROVED xGBJECT TO ABOVE _Call For Reinsp. .► � 's w � � a aw INSPECTION fCTlcs City of Tigard Building Department 13125 OW Ball Blvd. Tigard, Oregon 97223 Inspection Line (Rec-O-Phone): 639-4175 Business Phones 639-417; Inepe^tion:, ►ooti.ng Plbg. Underslab Mach. Rough-in Appr/Bdwlk Pound. Plbg. Top Out Cas Line FINAL: Poet/Beam Strur_t. San. Sewer Framing -Bldg. Poet/Beam Ner_h. Rain Drain Insulation -Plumb. Plbg. Underfloor Water Lin Gyp. ed. -Mach. Date Requested: Times —AM -----PM 2 Address: I C 'C� C it is _ Builder: -- � C Gk�r 4-fJ i THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS ARB REQUIRED: { r Inspector:J� _ Date: APPROVED DISAPPROVED APPROVED SUBJECT TO ABOVE Ca)1 Por Reinep. MECHAN I CAL CITY(V. TIGA RD CRYOf RD PERMIT COMMUNITY VEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT kl'I #. . . . . • 13126 SW HWI Blvd. P.O.'ac 23397.Tt pM,Oregon 97 (603)8394M 639 41 DATE ISSHP11. ih e-"I -'k I q -)I TS HUDRESS. . . 1 13500 bW PAC IFI' HW Y' #S. 34 PARC'FL: 2S102CC-00500 JUBDII)ISION. . . . : ZONING: BLOCK. . . . . . . . . . : LOT. . . . . . . . . . . . . -------------------- >>LASS OF WORK. . :ALT FLOOR FURN. . . . i EVAP COOLERS: TYPE CjF USE. COM UNIT HEATERS VENT FANG. OCCUPANrY GRP. . :A3 VENTS WIO APPL: VENT SYSTEMS: STORIES. . . . . . . .. : I DOI,_ERS/COMPREG5OPS HOODS. . . . . . . . I FUEL TYPES------------- 0-3 HP. . . . : DOMES. INCIN: - /GAG/ 3-15 HP. . . . : C3MML. INCIN: MAX INPUT- STU 15-30 HP. , - . : REPAIR UNITS- 1 FIRE DAMPERS?_ :N 30-50 HP. . . . : WODDS-I'OVES. .,AS G PRESSURE. L 50+ HP. . . . : CLO DRYERS. NO. OF nIR HANDLING UNITS OTHER UNITS. : r-URN ( 100K BTU: 10000 cfm - GAS OUTI-ETS. -2 FURN ) =100K BTU,-. i 10000 cfm : Remarks: Tenant Add1n : Add 1, 050 sqft, r-elocate cooler re bar-, add rear exit. 1wnev-c --------------- ---- FEES DUANTUM PROPERTIES type amount by date recpt 1 .104 MAIN STREET, SUITE 100 PRMT $ 00 JLH 02/26/92 - PLCK $ 6. 25 JLH 02/26/92 - VONCOUVER WA 98660 5PC T $ 1 . t='5 JLH 02/26/92 I�Ihcne #- 227-8400 UNITED FIRE EXT. SYSTEMS 4611 NE MLK JR PLVD 32. 50 TOTAL keg #. 65290 11UNfLAND OR 171hone #- 249-0771 ---- REDUIREAD INSPECTIONS This oervit is issued sub'ject to the regulations contained in the bas Line Insp Tigard Municipal Code. State of Ore. Specialty Codes ant all other MeChaniCal ITISP applicable laws. All work will be done in accordance with Shaft inspection approved plans. This permit will expire if work is not s,tarted Hood Inspection within 190 days of issuance, or if work is suspended fov. sort Fire SL(Ppr Insp than 180 days. Di-ict Inspection F=inal Inspecition Permittee Siqnati.tt-e : ted By I I f or- inspest-ion 639'-.4175 Ibf�k �11 'Jc1cT S i IA Oc,ck T ---son" — i O ARA 6 s �?f:11 ►YIc��4r 4 n1f'c'��r•l' �k,.11 f!< 1F fy�� �.. l /l1�7��Ci���___...._...-.._- �e le �P- Ch14-1 f�t�•y eQ Q. —� ' "h than; f<,l (y 416 L) Ve ►.'J = l�r��uol Pell "i;:C1`;`:y."iIGFFif� 1. _ALLYAPMjv 'I.J... . . . . ;I 4l ANS 19 N07 AN APPROVAL t r r_u CITY OF 710ARD REXEIPT OF PAYMENT RECCE it-,,,r NO. qp--2237(,o CHECK AMOUNT 32. 50 )ME, a FIRF HE'f)LTH 4 SAFETY CASH AM(JLJN'I' N. olb 4611 NE MI-V HL VD myww DwrF a 0a/a6/92 SUDD I V I S 1014 PORTLAND, OR 9721 1 - l'URPOSF-- Of (4)YMENT AMOUNT PAID ruprosF OF' PAYMENT AMOUNT PAID IVU. iIANIUAL PU E5. 00 PLAN CHECK FE 0. 25 SUIL.0 PEP 1. FFELCIOD011,33 I (YIPt- AMOUNT PAI 1' 50 MA W.AL W . MA MA MA awFA INSQr�TOFNOTI City of Tiga:'d Building Depactaent 11125 BR Ball Blvd. Tigard, 97223 Inspection Line (Rec-O-•Phone): 639-4175 Busineup Phone, ' 639-4171 Inspect ion: Footing —� - Plbg. Underalab Mech. Pough-in Appr/Sdw1k Found. Plhg. Top Out Cas Line FINAL: Post/Beam Struc-t. San. Sewer Framing -Bldg, Post/Beam Mect,. Rain Drain Insulatlon -Plumb. Plbg. Underfloor Water Line �� GYP• Bd. /i -Mech. Date Requested: -- Time: AM _— PM Add:eeer /3 'r� _S��✓ � s'��P=S_���L y Permit _ B,ilder: THE FOLLOWING QORREL'TIONS ARE REQUIRED: Inspector: —-----1�- -- Dater 2 L APPROVED DISAPpROVEp APPROVED BOBJECT TO ABOVE Call For Reinep. _.,.......-„+..:.....wRwr�.••..wx�.e.�w•..,.n...., w...""'�,w.w.rwx...wr.. Sl GN PERMIT DATE ISSUED. . . . : 02/14/92 PERMIT #: SGN92-0015 EXPIRATION DATEt oq//Y/92- PA110EL. . . . . . . . . : 25102CC-00200 ZONE. . . . . . . . . . . . CG BUSINESS NAME. . : DR FEELGOODS PUB SIGN LOCATION. . : 13500 SW PACIFIC HWY APPLICANT/AGENT: DAVID WOOD BUSINESS TAX NO: SIGN:- FREEWAY ( ) PERMANENT (X) FREESTANDING (X) ELECTRONIC ( ) TEMPORARY ( ) WALL BILLBOARD BALLOON ( ) OTHER ( ) ( ) SIGN DIMENSIONS. . . . . . t 64 X 1.9' TOTAL SIGN AREA. . . . . . 480 sQ.ft. WALL AREA. . . . . . . • " ' WALL FACE (DIRECTION) : 8E ft. SIGN HEIGHT. . . . . . . . . . PROJECTION FROM WALL. : 15 INT in. ILLUMINATION. . . . . . . . . DESCRIPTION Or SIGN: 3' X 1.9' X 64.5 SQ.FT PERMANENT WALL SIGN. : MATERIALS. . . . . . . . . . . . METAL/PLEX' 0 EXISTING SIGNS. . . . . . . : ELECTRICAL PERMIT REQUIRED: YES BUILDING PERMIT REQUIRED. . : NO ADMINISTRATIVE EXCEPTIONS. : N/A PERMIT FEF.: $ 25.00 / APPROVED BY: _ DATE: 02/14/92 Permit•No. SQ) 7 CITY OF TIGARD SIM PERMIT APPLICATION The applicant hereof applies for a permit for the work indicated or as shown in the a ye plans and specifiCCUOns.SIGN IDCAZ'ZCN ADDRESS: I. L'U �4 Lv_TQC j -- NAME OF rIT1=: i- 'G'E(.�7C.�C� � F3 APPLICAW/AGENT: �_ l 'Y�1b01� COMANY: 1 1.11 { 1�4T SNE: The City of Tigard impo-ses an annual Business Tax which mist be kept current on all. persons doing busiru-a.ss in the C;ty. Do you presently have a current business tax? YES ( • ) NO / ) U.L. Label PROPoSM SIGN: (Chock. as many as apply) PU ANIIdT ( ) FWM9rANDING ( ) FRI934AY ( ) TEMPORARY ( ) WALL ) EL EL-11MIC ( ) OTHLR ( ) BILLBOARD ( { BAL Lai ( ) SIGN DIKENSIONS: IN.- " 91,t,I 91,t,I EXPIRUION 11 TE: TOTAL SIGN AREA (Sq. Ft.) : WALL AREA (Sq. It.) : ' WML FACE: L V", !1 `' L C v HEIC;1T (Ft) PRATEY:.TION FROM WALL: ' IIZ1A2 24ATION: YES ( ) NO ( ) TYPE: I��1�Irh�+►�c_ !lc�n (I n Wr t-ia 1 ) COPY: _"r. �-- eC ck? e, EXISTING SIC$1S: EX=`ION: N/A ( ) APPIM D ( ) HOW KJ0 % AREA ( ) mca rr ( ) Ij _G DEPARTMLNr All Sign p^rmit�s =•-t be aa=%3ani� by a scale: pgi t Fee: � 11"'i drawing aria plot plan. If work authorized wxk-r aivt No: jai a sign permit has not been Meted within ninety � : t days after the issuance of the permit, the permit pashall be=m null and void. II.Fk~'IRICAL PMqT I r�.FRTIFY THAT I AM ME REXI7M D Ci4WER OF THE F.0 TIRM. 0 NO ( ) �71, OR AN APEn . T RIZED BY THE OWNER. BUI7!)ING PF144IT W'4, (! b� RDQL=: YES ( ) NO Appl t',% Signature (I ILI 15-0 oT. cp/MWERMr Address J Telephone N.\W0RD\CX14DLV\ ,T'E.U.IM),60FIr !Cry 4-0 / --=pWN(NC7 PjVEW�At 1C - / dW"Id ti c i 5��1 Tic e i Prr►a:'z►JT�'i J i�,t~ 2�}GTh-,fl4uGy.� ►tel, t er as i�1 (Wt i1.U�rv�i1JA-iWD Wit%_r5IAM,30Mq - T -r,Bp obj5ET, 1J�ipG ek 6c�ros�D FI.F�reiGAl�R�.t. ►1'�_, �.'-. ' i)F "I:IiiAL2D Luminite ;. -.1 ��17SZ.���11�xJ5 pU$ StancoMmm MW&W.rOWV- r"OR"M (%3)0"9n 1•=��1Z��Z I -- -- .Cot�nLT2+t►- TiC�ARLt_ -. - '. NAlex—,15?95 _ LL Fa?D 4 UF-SS -- - --- + F v 14 7ltllIS8"WI W ttlltMlotiPlRV!tolnlfrttl- tdW►rt WA.1att�Mnd�t by"I*,t11 rsy tt�'t entevtd `_ tau Mt1oR 1wA140IlntG Mllltwt0l h h nit ro M rtpo0utl6�M"muwr rrftnail MnMw m i �I�StBCCION NOTICE City Of Tigard Building DePartaent 13125 SO Hall Blued. Tigard. Oregon 97223 fay-4171 Inspection Line (Rec-O-Phone): 639-4175 Business Phone: Inspection: -- — Mach. Rou h-in Appr/Sdwlk Foo`:inq Plbg. tlndaralab y To Out Gas Lias FINAL: Fuund. Plbg' p —^ 1 !rami -Bldg. Poet/Beam Struct. San. Sewer Poet/Beam Mech. Rain Drair Insulation -Plumb. ploy. underfloor Water L1.ns Gyp. Bd. -Hoch. —� Timss AM PH Date Request'ezd: Address: /�✓� (ALJ /�G `rmi't�i �� Builder: 2 THE FOLLOWiNG CORRECTIONS ARE REQUIRED, Inspectoc: --------� -- - Date:__ -1—_ APPROVED DISAPPROVED APPROVED SUBJECT TO ABOVE call For ReineP. r I TY oF T X G ARDl:J p,r OF c}FIYMF'N'r RECEIPT NO. 0 2 stZ►6�► CHECK AMOUNT : ;�"i. 00 1 UM i N I TF: SIGN CO CASH AMOUNT a 0. 00 n. 0. BUl� 23636 PAYMENT DATEt OR/07 92 fY©N�H2Gw ORsUW)iVISl()N i 14.7 el a31 ,F (?F PAYMU NT AMOUNT [RAIU RURF'f)flr CIf: PAYME::N"r AMOUNT PAI P 00 INSPECTI_( �� / City of Tigard Mailding DOP t223 1.3125 BM Hall Blvd. Tigard, Oregon Inspection Line (Rea-O-Phones 639-41.15 Business Phone: 639-4171 Inspect ion t Tooting Plbg. Underelab Mech. Rough-in Appr/Sdwlk Plbq. Top Out Gas Line FINAL: Pound. Yost/Beam Struct• Satt• Sewst Framing -dldq. Yost/ey+un Me-h- Rain Drain Inaa:lation -pig' plpg. Underfloor Water LinsJ gyp. Bd. -Meeh. Times AN PH Date Requestedt Permit ►:� ----`�-=�• Address, Builder. THE FOI'LOWINO CORRECTIONS ARE REQUIREOt ——_ ------------- r-- io? Datet Inspectort - APPROVED SUB-ZCT TO ABOVE _APPROVED DISAPPROVED _-___ i Call For Reinep. ENKA ' q# # C17YOFTIfARD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT �,Crry 041100" 13126 8W 1 WI BNd, P.O.Banc 23907,Tip ld.ONVM 07223(607)!X!04176 F-11 I MRIN16L F1 FPMY.L- --- - — 639--4171 DATE. ISSUED: 02/04/92 i.TE: ADDRESS. . . : 13500 `3W PAC I F I(.-, HWY #S. 34 PARCEL: 0900OX X--00000 SUBDIVISION. . . . : ZONING: CP I)L0CK. . . . . . . . . . . LOT. . . . . . . . . . . . . :— ___—__—___ _ ----- -- ------ ___ - __-__ - CA-ASS OF WORK. AL-7 _-- --------------------------------------- -`GARBAGE DISPOSALS- - MOBILE HOME ^PACE:S. TYPE OF USE. . . . :COM WASHING MACH. . . . . . . : BACKFLOW PREVNTRS. . : OCCUPANCY GRP. . :A2 FLOOR DRAINS. . . . .. . . TRAPS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . STORIES. . . . . . . . : 1 WATER ►'EATERS. . . . . . : CATCH BASINS. . . . . . . FIXTURES—._.-__._______.- LAUNDRY TRHiS. . . . . . : ,SF RAIN DRAINS. . . . . SINKS. . . . . . . . . . :2 URINALS. . . . . . . . . . . . : GREi4SE TRAPS. . . . . . . . !.-AVATORIES. . . . . .. OTHER FIXTURES. . . . . . I TUB/SHOWERS. . . . : SEWER LINE (ft) . . . . : WATER CLOSETS. . : WATCR LINE (f t ) . . . . : DISHWASHERS. . . . RAIN DRAIN (ft; . . . . : '2amar^ks - Tenant Add' n: Acid 1, sgft, relocate cooler- R bar, add r-ear !)cit „ ----------------- FEES FEE'S -----_—__.__--.-- 1 .UANTUM PROIDE:RTIES type amount by date recp!: 1104 MAIN STREET, SUITEr. 100 r='RMT $ 25. 00 JLH 02/04/92 22 PLCK $ 6. 25 JLL1 @`/04/92 22 , i�NGOUVER WA 98660 5PCT $ 1. 25 JL.H 02/04/92 22 �.'h nn e #: 2217--8400 L:o n t r^act o r: --------------"---------- 3RDH �'0:33 NE SARATOGA 'Uf2TLAND OR 97211 ------ _.___.___-•---' I 'h'lone #: E189-3316 $ 32 50 TOTAL Reu #. . : 771.41 ------- REQUIRED I IJrPEWC'T I UN5 This permit is issued subject to the regu!at»ns contained in the Rough—in Insp Tigard Municipal Code, State of D,P, Specialty Codes and all other -rop--out Insp _ �_- applicable laws, All work will be done in accordance with Firial Inspection woroved plans. This permit will expire if work is not started within 198 days of issuance, or if work is suspended for more than 180 uays. m_t t e e ysi.ced By : L".._... Call far inspection 639-4175 L 1� # 'e. .+rw..w,._,................ ._. »... S i 4 k 11 I CIT Y Of: T 1 OARf) RECEIPT CIF'" r,AYME"NT RRC E I F'T NO. (.HECK FAMOUNT R 32. 50 CASH nMOUNT t (a. (60 SF�gH NAME PAYMENT DAVE 0t? 0'4/9.-: f ADDRESS a 203,x, NE. SARA'F'Ct[aA GLISD I V I S f.ON e PUFVUSE: OF F',P'YEMNT AMOUNT PAID pURPOSE OF PAYMENT AMOUNT PAID I Pl..►..iMDINtJ pEF<.M _... ...._. _..__. .. Pt.-AN CHECK� VE a._..._...._..-6. 2'5 ST. Al1lt..D PER �'•�"'� 1 i I PUS SW PPC I F I C, HWS A; OUNT PAIL) ^BC'_"ION NOTICE City of Tigard Building Dopertmmt 13125 ON Ball Blvd. Tigard, Oregon 9-1223 v Inspection Line (Ro-7c-0-Phon6)s 639-4175 Busirese Phone: 6M'-4171 Inspect Lon t looting ? Plbg. Undsrelab Mr;ch. Rough-in Appr/sdwlk 1 ' Lound. Plbg. Top Out Gan Line FINAL- Post/Beam Struct. San. Sewer Framing -Bldg. Poet/Beam Hoch. Rain Drain Insulation -Plumb. Plbg. ssnder.floor Water Line Gyp. Bd. -Mach. Date Requested:_ _T t � AN NPH Address: l z. THE FOLLOWING CORRECfIONS ARE REQUIREDs -- s 91 Inepectoct Date APPROVED D?5APPROVFD APPROVED SUB.TECT TO ABOVE Call For Reinsp. CITYOFTIGrARD �.TYOFTWARD ,�� I:tUILDINC FF_RMIT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PM I T #. . . . . . . BUP9�:-1�1i_1c'vl 13125 SW Hdl Blvd. P.O.Bac 23397,Tipud,Oregon 97223 (503)&-04175 \. j —_—_-----._ - ---- --- 639-4171 DATES ISSUED: 01/30/92 3I TE ADDRESS. . . : 135010 SW PACIFI(:; HWY #9. 34 PARCEL: 2q IO2CC•-0Q)500 ,)UBUIVISION. , . . : 7..[lN:INGia BLOCK. . LOT. . . . . . . . . . . . . : Rf.ISSUE :- ---�_--- -- _.__- -FLOOR�AREAS)­­­­­ . .__ EXTERIOR WALL_. CONSTRUCTION - CLASS OF WORK. :ALT FIRST. . . . :3300 ,J N- C.3: E: W: TYPE OF USE. . . :COM SECOND. . . : s f PROTECT OPEN I NGS?-----------'- 1YPE OF CONST. :3N THIRD. . . . : sf N:N S:N E:N W:N OCCUPANCY GPP. :A3 TOTAL----- ----: 3300 9f ROOF CONST:B FIRE RET'' :Y ('ICCUF'ANCY LOAD: 1'_5 BASEMENT. : s`' AREfa SEP. RATED: ,TOR. : 1 HT. r 1B ft GARAGE. . . : s Of;(.'U SEP. RATED- t,sm- ? :N ME'Z Z?:N REOD SETBACKS--.--_-.__._ REPLI I REn-------_- !:I._O0R LOAD. . . . :5121 f LEFT: ft RGHT: ft FIR SPKL.:Y SMOK )ET. . :N DWELLING UNITS: FRNT: ft REAR: ft FIR ALRM:N HNDICP ACC:Y BEDRMS: BATHS: IMP SURFACE: PRO CORH:N PARKING: VALUE. $ : 20000 ,lemA­ks : Tenant Addln : Acid 1, 050 sclft, relocate cooler & bat-, add r-ear- exit. F=EES; -IUANfUM PROPERTIES type ---amount by date recpt 1104 MAIN STREET, GUTTE 100 PRMT $ 140. 50 JL..H 01 /30/92 - PLCK $ 91. 33 JLH 01 /28/92 22252_6 1ANCOUVER WA 98660 FIRE $ x6. 2_'0 JL_H 01 /L,_E1/92: 22,2526 ;.,hone #: 227-•8400 SPCT $ 7. 0:3 JLH 01/30/92' - i:0ntr-ACt0r DUNALIJ HARVEY 171E+0 SW SUMAC COURT NEAVERTON OR 97007 ---.---_________---____.___.______.---_-•--.---.-. Phone #: 642-93P93 $ 2195. 06 TOTAL Rpt #. . : 7934 ---- REQUIRED INSPECTIONS This oersit is issued sub„ect to the regulations contained in the Framing Insp —_.- Tigard Municipal Code, State of Ore. Specialty Codes and all other I n s'_11 at i on aoplicab;e laws. Ail work will be done in accordance with Gyp Soard Insp approved plans. This persit will eipire if work is not started S1.15p Cei lnq Insp within 160 days of issuance, or if work is susDended for sore Final inspection than 160 days, — — Issued Sv : Call far inspection - 639--4175 �M'+11YprlMwwwW.an.._-.--^„-r,,,�,....,.w....ti.+w...ar.r�.r.rrWarw•�--..____ G I'TY O 'I'I CiAF7p REC:F-1 F'T OF PAYMENT RE:CE T PT NO. 392-22-666 NAMECHECk, AMOUNT o 14 7, 3 � H!"iRVFY, EiUNAt..D CRAIG CASH AMOUNT p t�. 0�► AiIURF OU a 17160 GW SUMAC CJ i'IAYMENT DATE n 011;,0/92 GUBDIVIS?ON a E3C:AVEFtT�7tJ, OR 97007-- 'Ufil�UF3E OF' PAYME.NT 11MOUN-1 PAID PURPOSE. OF PAYMENT AMOUNT PAID EAIJILDJNF':'p PERM 1401. Sel ST. BUILD F'FR_.___. _._. .. _..._ 7. 03 t .OR. FEELGOODIG PUB i E;W PAC I F=I C HWY TOTAL AMOUNT PAID _ _. y i 47. ', 1. CITY OF TIGARO OREGON January 29, 1992 4 Donald Craig Harvey 17160 SW Sumac Court Beaverton, OR 97007 Project: Dr. Feelgood's PUB, BUP92-0020 13500 SW Pacific Hwy, Suite 34 Dear Mr. Harvey: The plane for this project were reviewod for conformity with applicable codes, and are approved. Please submit, or have a contractor submit, plans for revie-t of changes or additions to automatic sprinkler, mechan°-cal and plumbing systems. All such work requires plan review and separate permits. Also submit a door and hardware schedule for the door to ne added. Exit doors serving this occupancy must be fitted with panic exit deviceo. You may get the building permit to begin work on the construction portion of this project at your convenience. If you have questions, or if we may be of assietance, please contact us. Sincerely, J m Jagd i Plane aminer FAX (503)681-7297 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,P.O.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)539.4171 ---- — 2/l Z- ?)p TUALATIN VALLEY FIRE & RESCUE, AND BEAVERTON FIRE DEPARTMENT 4755 S.W. Griffith Drive• P.O. Box 4755 • Beaverton, OR 97076• (503) 526-2469• FAX 526-2538 January 29, 1992 Donald Craig Harvey 17160 S.W. Sumac Ct. Beaverton, Oregon 97007 Re: Dr. Feelgoods Pub 13500 S.W. Pacific Hwy. 6089C-360-OOF Dear Mr. Harvey: This is a Fire and Life Safety Plan Review and is based on the 1988 editions of the Fire and Life Safety Cade (UBC) , Mechanical Fire and Life Safety Code (UMC) , Uniform Fire Code (UFC) , and other local ordinances and regulations . Plans are conditionally approved subject to the City of Tigard Building Department requirements and the following items: 1 . Automatic Sprinkler Plane Plans referred to and examined by this office contain no provisions for the alteration or installation of automatic sprinkler system. Not less than three sets of plans for the installation shall be submitted to this office for approval prior to installation . UBC 302. (b) 2 . Avproved_ Plans onJob Site: One set of approved plans bearing the stamps of the building department issuing the construction permit and this office must be maintained on the project site throughout all phases of construction and must be made available to building and fire inspectors for reference daring required construction inspections. UAC Sec. 303 3 . Reguired_Occupancy Certificate_ Prior to the use and occupancy of the project (space) , a certificate of occupancy or other written instrument of approval must be obtained from the building department issuing the construction permit . UBC Sec. 307 "Working"Smoke Detector%Save Lives �r Donald Craig Harvey January 29, 1992 Page 2 If I can be of any further assistance to you, please feel free to contact me at 526-2502 . sincerely, 1 � Ce Deputy Fire Marshal GB:kw cc: Tigard Building Dep, -tment t:' w,..xr�,wi.w.rwawur«+wi�:.�..�+�uC]rAk"''Y1uN�17frad:'WRBI%74.tl�IL ��' :h —'— RV I, . t CITY (W TIDAF D RECEIPT cir PAYMENT RE=CEIPT NCI. CHECK AMOUN-r 147. 53 NAME DONALD HARVEY CASH AMOONT fA. 00 I ;�t)U{t� ', z 17160 8W �:,IJMAi� COURT PAYMENT BATE. 01/28/92 BEAVERTON, LIR �IIBL)dVdf;dCaN s 97CAtA7-- 1 uh21�Uf3F pf" P(,)',MV AMOUNT PA r i� F'Uf4F'C13E OF t�AYMFNT AM(:iUNT PAID 6`I. ��'• C.HECFC FE 1•-'f'7C 91. - 3 TtJAL.A1 IN VALt. 56. i I r1�G11. i�Mr:11)NT PPIT, _ 1 147.153 July 7, 2989 CITYOF T16ARD OREGON John Meaky Marketplace Pub 13500 SW Pacific Highway Tigard, OR 97223 Dear John: We have reviewed your proposal for develcping an open patio in association with the Marketplace Pub at the Tigard Marketplace shopping center. :he patio would consist of 192 square feet of wooden panels i:o be placed over four parking spaces in front of the pub. This patio area would be enclosed by lattice fencing and would have a disLuict entrance from the Marketplace's primary sidewalk. The patio structure would be removed during the rainy season. The Planning Division has reviewed you proposal as a minor modification to an approved site development plan and existing development. The proposal complies with applicable Community Development Code provisions related to allowed usage and development standards. No building permit is required. No further City review is required. However, I recommend that you notify the Tigard Police Department of your proposal prior to opening the outdoor beer garden. Please contact me if you have any further questions. Sincerely, /7 004 �� rtyf er list t Planner dj/PUB.JO c: Brad Roast, Bldg. Div. File SDR 87-15 Reader file i 13125 SW Nall Blvd.,f'O Box 23391,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 - -- ttt re y�1 /�l69irA",�', ,►t! �'. 'rR, ya' - r � i�i..uT'�'.'•'',?:S.WT:.iiu"'f�'i3'St - �r. � f " T OrOC UPA.NCY � � .,4 r ti CI I"Y OF TIGA RD O4GON +Pr ` Owner Mercury Deve1Q4wian1 _ _Permit No. 881109 Address: PO Box 53a2 Portland-9B- 97?28 ! Building Address: —_1350 Sw Pacific 5l tLand Use Zone: Bldg. Type-.-3N Occ upancy:_A3__-- r Comments: .-Lem nt__ Markel-p lame p„n I• Certificate is hereby given this a rAday oft August — , 19_�g_ :bt. 4 that said building may be occupied and that it complies r:ith all 4 requirements of the Building Code for the City of Tigard, as approved by the•Tigard City Council. Building Inspector Fire Dep . Buildln Off[cta�� ,a + Post Certificate in Conspicuous Place Cir ,` J� __- .,__ . r `='T w •..1IJ t:4A r111 .� if'�-t r��{(tf ,/ .�I ,R•,` •' ` ,tom i ,- t F-•i�'.. s �u.�.l A. �,,,` t> , p,,, \ �'•i+,.,,,�_ '. =..... �+ ^+a.y' .v '� `rl, '� '+yi � .�• tfib,.. ' • .y4.. - �47r .. " ti. ? 6� 1p=•��.'1.�•`=.....c-���\`.•i+.". - r--' ..�cS Lbw#i .;.3� .,✓�� � .! r ii./A� 1 INSPECTION NOTICE City of Tigard Building Department P.O Box 23397 Tigard, Oregon 97223 Phone: 639-4175 Type of Inspection Q� Tl me��A.M. P.M. Date Requested 1_L! Addresx � Q�) SC-ti 4C � .— Permit 1 - Owner —._ lti'L_ � fft L Budder 9 7J_ rY The following Building Code deficiencies are require.'. to be correct cd* ' jK Presented to - Approved -- -- _ Disapproved Inspector — -- -- _- . Date ---- CALL FOR REINSPECTION ❑ YES 11 NO FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU OFFICE OF FIRE MARSHAL INSPECTION NOTICE 37� 3 OWNER OCC UPAN T/� �i�%- LOCATION �s�Soo plc OCCUPANCY Y OUP ATI. u(ION 13 CALLED TO THE Y �`— I OL LOWING FIpE SArETv oErICIEN CIEs^ �/t�CIL r41LUR_~'TO CORRECT THE ApOVE —'� PrSULT r CONDI LION! WIiNIN ROM SUCH CON 7I TIONS YOU MAV dE �— OAv! WILL MAK ORS 479 100 LIABLE rOR DAMAGES f0 rf..RIQN LIAPL_E f0 7>p0! EC U T10 0"S rqE _.. 'WO E0Tr Ep�F/ROVIlIoNS Or WASHINGTON COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT it1 20885 S.W. 13LANTON STREET — Y ALOHA,OREGON 97006FIRE M ;HAL FORM Poo - 40 845.8577 PRESENTED CONSOLIDATED FIRE AND RESCUE Washington County Fire District No. 1 City of Beaverton Fire Department 0� Tualatin Fire District FIRE MARSHALS OFFICE August 2, 1988 ASI Heating & Air Conditioning 1.7555 S.W. 65th Avenue Lake Oswego, Oregon 97035 RE: HVAC - Market Pub Pacific Highway/Park Street Tigard, Oregon Gentlemen: A fire and life safety plan review was conducted on the above captioned project for compliance with the 1985 editions of t:he Uniform Building Code (UBS) , Uniform Mechanical Code (UMC) , and Uniform Fire Code (UFC) as amended by Tualatin Rural Fire Protection District's Ordinance 86-5. Revised mechanical plans for the above captioned project are approved as submitted. Those items noted on the previous plan still remain intact-. SPECIAL NOTICE: DEVIATIONS FROM THE SUBMITTED t+Nr HEREBY CONDITIONALLY APPROVED PLANS DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION, EXCLUSIVE OF THOSE NECESSARY TO COMPLY WITH FIRE SAFETt REQUIREMENTS As LISTED HEREIN, A:? PROHIBITED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION OF THE WASHINGTON COUNTY BUILDING DEPARTMENT AND THIS OFFICE. If I can be of any further assistance tc you, please feel free to contact me at 526-2502. Sincerely, / Gane Birchill Der)uty Fire Marshal GB.kw cc: Tigard Building department ✓ District Inspectors 4755 S.W. Griffith Drive • F.O. Box 4755 9 Beaverton,Oregon 97076 • (,,-)03) 526-2469 N -M t-IAN GPA PEVIII T 1.-.,EPM I V NO ME138 I It 1, ITYOFTIFARD crribr 4-ARD UAl'in-, 1/29/IN.) COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT P147:M . 1:)M T .NO 801:1.09 13125 S.W.Hall Blvd..P O.Box 23397,Tigard.Oregon 97223.(503)839-4175 —1-4wy 'Oijv I T : SK . TAX MAI)/L LYT TUA141) MARKE I PLACAH I.-AND USE : �..01' SIZE . NO : NO . WORK GLASS : ALI-EHA"I 1014 FORNACE 0.00K AIF 1.46NDI_F4 <I I A:1:62 HANDLA 10K USE 'VYF4__ : (*,UMMI;:.P":A! F'W4NAUE 11.001<4 L',ON5*T .TYKE . IIIN V I. COOLAI'll L)(,CIJI:) L',AP A-3 HEAI'EP VF.:*N'T FAN V f.-.:N'T* VEN T . SYS)FM BL.A/ :OMI"' <"MAP HOOD NO. STOPIES : J. "LA/ClOMP 3__I 51-4r) I NCT NE PAI'0141(DOM DWELL. .UNITS : ULP/cE)Mr." t 5-301AP TW'�TNERATt'.)P(('.'OM T T Y P C DI.JI/Comp 30-501-41P, REPAIR UNTI'S 1. PI 'OMP r (I'THER 1111; NFAYT, 50+HP 01.111LETS I TPE DMP14tii? NO I-I]M4 PPESS'( NO LOW PRESS'? NO 1:4LMAPKS : 'Tenumt Mod : Mvtr,kvtp'I.n(-,47.-1 to in(--I. . 41 tj'S rT77T. Mor-c,ury Dc-gavc.A.clipmr.-Ant r)F-.FIMT t $10.00 0 PLAN PF.---VTEW $8,25 W F:'TX'TIInE5 $123.00 I'l1 $1 . 015 E S1 A,t*r... *TAX R OTHER 111-31 .PO _jjS C o ASI HEWTING N T W R I nkc.� Owego L)W 97'1)34 C A PI,4014[n.' (503) 604-058.3 T 'TOTAL: 1111 .7c�n 1-4.*�*GT S I .311VATION NO . 29YAll LR _ — PECEIP'T NO. This permit is issued subject to the regulations contained in Title 14 W.:.QLJTPVn TNSVE(:,'TIONS of the TMC State of Oregon Specialty Codes.zoning regulations ('.V'AS 11NE and all other applicable codes and ordinances, and it is hereby agreed that the work will be done In accordance with .he plans and MF('I-IANCL S Y S I'F-.M specifications and in compliance with all applicable codes and 11 INAL orc;lnances The issuance of this permit does not waive restrictive covenants Contractor and subcontractors shall have current city business tax permits. This permit will expire and become nuil an J void if work is not started within 180 days.or it work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days any time after work has commences.It shall be the responsibility of the permittee to assure all required inspections are reauested and approved 'g Per itt ig L-A( I-I.. 1 (,41 INSPECTION '49 Issued By: SEPARATE PERMITS REOUIRED FOR WORK OTHER THAN DESCRIBED APOIE CON;'•CLIDATED FIRE AND RESCUE Washington County Fire District No. 1 City of Beaver ion Fire Department Tualatin Fire District FIRE MARSHALS OFFICE July 12. 1988 Ken Pierson Fire Stop Company 9384 S.W. Tigard Avenue Tigard, Oregon 97223 RE: Tigard Market Place Market. Place Pub Pacific Hwy. and Park Street Tigard, Oregon Dear Ken: A fire and life sefety plan review was conducted on the above captioned project for compliance with the 1985 editions of the Uniform Building Code (UBC) , Uniform Mechanical Code (UMC) , and Uniform hire Code (UFC) as amended by Tualatin Rural Fire Protection District's Ordinance 86-5. Plans are approved. 1. Approved Plans on Job Sice: One set of approved plans bearing the stamps of the Tigard Building; Department. and this office must be maintained on the project site throughout all phases of construction and must be made available to building and fire inspectors for reference during required construction inspections. (UBC Sec. 303) 2. Inspections Required: Inspection and approval of construction by a representative of this office is required: (a) prior to the cover of any new framing elements following the iris tall at ion of all utility runs which Will be concealed within wall and partition cavities; (b) upon completion of construction and prior to occupancy of the tenant space. (UBC Sec. 305) SPECIAL NOTICE: DEVIATIONS FROM THE SUBMITTED AND HEREBY CONDLTLONALLY APPROVED PLANS DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION, EXCLUSIVE OF THOSE NECESSARY TO COMPLY 141TH FIRE SAFETY REQUIREMENTS AS LISTED HEREIN, ARE PROHIBITED WITHOUT THE 14RTTTEN AUTHORIZATION OF THE WASHINGTON COUNTY BUILDING DEPARTMENT AND THIS OFFICE. 4755 S.W.Grifffth Drive • P.O. ''ox 4755 • Beaverton,Oregon 97076 • (503)526.2469 w ,e� wi � +� s •w +�w Ken Pierson July 12, 1980 Page 2 If I can be of any further assistance to you, please feel free to contact me at 526-2469. Sincerely, "'(" Gene Birchill Deputy Fire Marshal GB:kw cc: Tigard Building Department ✓ District Inspectors CITY CIF TIGA RD Cny � MECHANICAL PE-PM11 `�RD 7 IV '%COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT r-PM'rr NO 13125 5 W Hall Blvd,P 0 Box 23397,Tig3rd,Oregon 97223.(503)639-4175 C� .-DATE 155UL PPIM. PMT .NO. 881109 JOB ADOPESIS : 13300 SW IDACTF*IC FIWY TAX MAP/LOT SUB . 1 :IGAI-41) HAI-4 K E'T PLACE. Ll LAND USE : I Of* SIZE: YVEM: 140: NO WORK ('.,LASS : AL.'T1:-'PATT0N FLIPINACEE <100K AIR 1AAND1.-P 0.0 USE" TYPEK : COMMERCIAL F'URNOCE: 1.001<+ AIR HANDI-P 10K CONST . I YPE : 1:1*"r.N FLOOP E:,.UAP .CUOLE:P UCCUP .GPP. : A-4 1-11FAU.:14 VLNT FAN VLN*T* VENT . SYSTEM EILP/CUMP <31--IF- HOOD NO . ti*VOPTE:S : 1. "LP/COMP INCINEPA'TOP(DOM DWELL . UNITS : 16111-140'COMF" INC I NU'PATOPI COM FUEL TYPE UI-P/COMP 30 -150[lp REPAIR UNIr5i MAX . INPUT 8LP/COMP 304-1-11:1 OTHER F'IPF- UMP1457 NO GAS PIPING; OITTI F:TS HIGH F"PESS7 HO RNF544? NO PEMAI;4KS: MC)d Mai,kiotplar.•�c-1 fkik) Eric HUAL', A ri, fkarisu rinly r 0 II W N Merr-,urtj Dipvalupment PFIRMIT 1111110 . 00 E R PI AN PF*VIEW $6. 00 r:'IXTLjP1!::S $14 . 00 STAI F.-*.* 'TAX 1111I .80 C 0 VHE'P ON T AS.1 R AS31 HF-*A'I*TN(, A C 1. 7555!5W 65114 T I ytI(f& OlgWega OR 970341 0 R r)HONE' (,503) A84 8583 L I I-oF(j§.STRAT-i0?4 Na P9948 — TOTAL : 11111,31 .20 This permit is issued subject to the regulations contained in TiW 14 of the TMC. State of Oregon Specialty Codes,zoning regulations PFCF-IPI* NO and all other applicable codes and ordinances. and it is hereby ag-Bed that the work will be done in accordance with the plans and PF-*QIJIPF.'.D INSIPFECTIMS specifications and in compliance with all applicable codes and GAS L INE ordinances The issuance of this permit does not waive restricti,op MECHONCA. SYSTLM covenants Contractor and subcontractors shall have current city F'I NAA business tax permits This permit will expire and become null and void if work is not started within 180 days,or if we-k is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days any time after work has commenced. It shall be tho responsibility of the permittee to assme all required inspections are requested and approved issued By CA11-1- I`On TNSPr:.C'TIDN 639-411.75 SEPARATE PERMITS REQUIRED FOR WORK OTHER THAN DESCRIBED ABOVE Washington County Fire District No. 1 City of Bewerton Fire Department Tualatin Rural Fire Prote0ion District June 17, 1988 Oregon Structures 7822 S.W. Capitol Highway Portland, Oregon 97201 CE: Market Place Pub - TigArd Market Place 13500 S.W. Pacific Hic''. Tigard, Oregon Gentlemen: A fire and tiff safety plan review was conducted on the above captioned Code project for compliance With he 1985 eandtUniform Fireons of the UCode[ (IIFC)ias�amended (UBC), Uniform Mechanical Code (UMC) , by Tualatin Rural Fire Protection District's Ordinance 86-5, Plans are approved conditional to the following items: 1. Hued, Duct and Extinguishing S_ ystem: Submit shop drawings of hood, duct and automatrcfire review andiapproivalgpriorsystem tothat installatior.,placed in this occupancy fo 2, Attomatic Sptinkler Plans: Plans referred to and examined by this office contain no provisions for the alteration or installation of tha thre of for installation shall bessubmitt ot insted ltosthisrioffics plans e forapprovalPr.iorthn nat installation. (UBC 302(b)) 3. Mechanical Equipment Approval: All heat producing and electrical. equipment aild appliances installed in conjunction with the construction or occupancy of this project must be approved by agency Laboratorinstall.ediein Inaccordancet with nationally the rtestingedagencyr's agency specifications. (UMC Sec. 502) 4. Panic Hardware: Fanic hardware is required on doer #107A. 5. Exterior Exit Door: Hardware for the exterior doors and oorand key overathe tvd deadlocks may be permitted where there is a sign posted door reading, "THIS DOOR MUST REMAIN UNLOCKED DURING BUSINESS HOURS" in letters not less than one-inch in height on a contra,,"ing background. (URC Sttc. 3304) Note: This requirement applies only to door 0101A. Oregon Structures June 17, 1988 Page 2 6. Firestopping: In all wood framed walls and partitions, firestopping consisting of 2-inch nominally-sized lumber or other approved materials must be installed at all floor and ceiling levels. Penetrations in this prescribed fi~estopping to accommodate wiring, plumbing, and other similar utility runs must be packed with noncombustible materials in an approved manner so as to prevent the passage of flame. (UBC Sec. 2516) 1. Address Required: The tenant space number must be prominently displayed on the street front where it is readily visible to drivers and officers of responding fire apparatus and other emergency vehicle3. (UFC Seg.. 10.208) 8. Fire Extinguisher Requirements: Not less than one (1) approved fire Wxt aguisher s with rating of not less than 2AlOB:C shall be provided for each 1.,500 square feet of floor area or fraction thereof. The travel distance to an extinguisher from aay portion of the building shall not. exceed 75 feet.. (UFC Standard 10-1) Note: 40BC fire extinguisher will be required in the kitchen with not more than 20-feet of travel distance from it to cooking surfaces. 9. Approved Plans on Job Site: One set of approved plans bearing the stamps of the Tigard Bui�ing Department and this office must be maintained on the project si.te throughout all phases of construction and must be made available to building and fire inspectors, for reference during required construction inspections. (UBC Sec. 303) 10. Inspections Required: Inspection and approval of construction by a representative of this office is required: (a) prior to the cover of any new framing elements following the installation of all utility runs which will be concealed within wall and partition cavities; (b) upon completion of construction and prior to occupancy of the tenant space. (UBC Sec. 305) 11. Certificate of Occupancy Required: Prior to the use and occupancy of the project space , a certificate of occupancy or other written instrument of approval. must be obtained from the city of. Tigard Building Department. (UBC Sec. 307) SPECIAL NOTICE: DEVIATIONS FROM THE SUBMITTED AND HEREBY CONDITIONA11Y APPROVED PLANS DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION, EXCLUSIVE OF THOSE NECESSARY TO COPIPLY WITH FIRE. SAFETY P.EQUIRE;ZENTS AS LISTED HEREIN, Ii(E PROHIBITED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION OF THE WASHINGTON COUNTY Pui .DIN: CFPARTMENT AND THIS OFFICE. i. Oregon Structures ' June 17, 1988 Page 3 If I can be of any further assistance to you, please feel. free to contact me at 649-8577. Sincerely, TUAIATIN EIRE DISTRICT Gene Birchill Building Official 20665 S.W. Blanton Street Aloha, Oregon 97007 GB:kw cc: Tigard Building Dept.t ' District Inspectors T CITY Ow ■IGA M OREGON June 9, 1988 �- .Jeff Schons Oregon Structures 7822 SW Capitol Hwy. Portland, OR 9721q Project: Tigard Marketplace Pub, BP 8811.09 13501) SW Pacific Hwy. , Suite 34 Dear Mr. Schons: I Plans for tris project have been reviewed for conformity with applicable codes and are approved, subject to the following corrections or clarifications. 1. Doors IOTA and 107A shall be equipped with panic exit devi_c,�s. Door 101A may be equipped with a key-locking device, provided there is a readily visible durable sign adjacent to the doorway stating "THIS DOOR MUST REMAIN UNLOCKED DURING BUSINESS HOURS." 2. Plans for the mechanical system, including the class 1. hoorl and extinquishing system, shall be submitted for review prior to any Installation work. 3. The landing for door 107A shall be at least 44" in each dimension, and shall be not more than 1" lower than the threshold of the doorway. 4. Plans for the automa*ic sprinkler system shall be submitted for review. If you have any questions, or if we may be of assistance, contact us at any time. Sincere , i ✓ J+m id Waz Plans Examiner ke/5280D 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,P.O.Box 23397,11gard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4111 --- -- — CITY OF T I GA RD► COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MOM 14AMIT NO. : BUB(311.09 13125 S W Hall Blvd,P 0 Box 23397.71gard.Oregon 97223.(503)639-4175 '11. 6/ 9/88 JOB ADDVO-il PPIM PMT .NO , 1131131.1.09 S 1-iWy 'TAX MAP/1...(:)*t SUB: TIGARD MAPKli_-Jl-')l A(:;I::.. LT . RK : 1...AN13 USE : 1AIT !'.iIZF : VALUATION 1111000 SKTRACKS F140N,r : REAP : WUAK t,LASS : AL'I'ERAIJON DWELL .UNII'S : LEF*T : RIGHT : USE TYPE: (`OMMERCI At.. NO . DED114100115 : EXT .WALL CONS V : C:MST TYPE : I I IN NO. BAIIAG : N: S : E W OMUP-GAP . : A3 P140't .OPENINGS : OCCUP.LOAD N:Nn S :NJ; E:NR W: N14 1"O'TAL APPA x!2150 NO. STORIES : I 1 . : 2230 ROOF CONS T*: A FIRE PEI"? YE!;i HE 1 18 2NU: AREA SEPAP7 NO RA'T'ED: BASEMENI"? NO 3140; OCCUF)- SEPAR7 YES PATED: I HW WK24 J.Na I NO BAS EWl' P'LOOP LOAD: I R 11'.5 GAPA('.,F.: 15PPkL.R'j YES ALAAM7 NO F1.01611(GPM) UE,TI-XII NO i 1RAT VY—f—E . %4"= 1-�, 1_1..AN CHEMK BY : Jhj PF'KMAIAIKS : L 00MIXI-It Mirld : MiRX'kkultplaciip 11--q.4) . F*'X5L.5LJF OF: NO . A51 0 W N Vn��r,cmtry Dc�vv.*J. PERMITE $128.50 PLAN nri'VIEW $83 .53 S*TA'Tr-'-' TAX C crrHER 0 N 11EVELOPMEW CHADUES : FP T JE S(A-11ONS SDC( SIT)r4m) R OPEGON STPUCTUPES A 7822 SW CAPITOL 14WY C T P(:lrt1Fkn(J up 0 PPEP A 1:D < $131 . 9, R 1::'H(.)Nr:--' (503) 244-.-()qP0 R ... i'RA+4 *4 MR . 441_�r TOTAL : 101.:3n 9 This permit is issued subject to the regulations contained in Title 14 of the TMC. State of Oregon Specialty Codes,zoning regulations RECEIPT' NO. and all other applicable codes and ordinances, and it is hereby agreed that the work will he done in accordance with the plans and PE(.1(JTv*-l-) INSPE(.'T':r.(.)NS specifications and in compliance with all applicable codes and F:"PAMJ'N(., ordinances The issuance of this permit does not waive restrictive INSULATION covenants. Contractor and subcontractors shall have current city business tax permits This permit will expire and become null and SUSPEND -CEILING void if work is not started within 180 days.or if work is suspended or GYP. BOAPD abandoned for q period 80 days any time after work has F1:NAL ibill 0 ha,, ity Co M7""Cp d I I s I of the permittee to assure III, q1flr ec S req and approved q,,:r'V- ,,c n M,t "S, 'r e Permit a1 Si re 11IM"i yy CAL-1- VON ION 63Y­­111:.� SEPARATE PERMITS REQUIRED FOR WORK OTHER THAN DESCRIBED ABOVE 5 EVE.P PERMIT CITYOF TIG" l)EPM1T NO. : SEBFII16 Ty OF TI6ARD ONlOOM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DATEK 14.,SLIED: 6/ 9/88 13125SW Hall Blvd,.P.O.Box 23397.Tigard.Oregon 97223,(503)639-4175 PRIM. PMT .NO- _991109 JOB ADDHES5 : .1.3,500 '3W 1-114Y 015A NUMBEP . 3,593-6 MORKE'T PLACE 5WIAT: 31 LT EIK : TAX MAP/LOT LAND I-ME- L..O1 'SIZE : PNG WUPK U_WiS : ALTHWAT'10N 1.)IE TYPE: COMMEIK.;TAl lhe iappli('Urit I'l.) (-.,l-jMjA.y with 1:11,1 t1f the Ull":'ed Aipelicry 1-he per,rrfit t--�fxpil­em 1P0 cloty% datte i!615t.l1Rd . 'rhea tcitiiLl The cirleill not mlitee then Ac.! ct.ir-mx., c)�j F the ICK-ftt:i (.11.1 (3-P the 1%1(ic: mower. 19 ttle %"Wer- A.R; the- P'""'Pec. t 3 f c.r�t ricit Ott. t'lle fir-clin the IT not 18(3 jjj(-jate(i , 1:1.110 the Agerley WJ.11 i fill tal.:1. Of, ThIriTALL . 'tYPE : FAXTIL)VIE: UNITS : 4ANI Tmpr.,oVEMENT DWELA—ING UNITS : rl NO. UF' OLUGS. MES : 0 Mercur-y PERIA.11' W CONNEL,TION 0AARGa N E LTNE' TAP 111*11*11011 L. R ()THEP C 0 N T R [A C C TOTAIL­ 4()0 . ()0 R RE-CEAPT N() . This permit is issued Subject to the regulations contained in Title 14 of the TIVIC, state of Oregon Specialty Codes, zoning regulations REQUIVIE.1) T.NroPECAIJAINS and all other applicable codes and ordinances, and it is hereby MEWE-41 agreed that the work will be done in acco,dance with the plans and specifications and In compliance with nil applicable codes and F*JNAL. ordinances. The issuance of this permit does not waive restrictive covenants Contractor and Subcontractors shall have current city business tax permits This permit will expire and become null and void le",we',M nrut started within 180 days.or if work is suspended or lb .Boned for a period any time atter work has c rnen,,�g&shall b P resp ity f the permittee 10 assure i I requ e PC s are Psted an approved. I req-' men, It kx, L' A Issued y EPARATE PERMITS REQUIRED FOR WORK OTHER THAN DESCRIBED ABOVE CITY OF TIVARD '—M-i" CITYOFTWAW PI t.)MF$:I*N(.1 PERMIA, l:+­PM:I: f' NO . PI H(:11110 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 13125 S.W.Hall Blvd..P.O.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223.(503)639-4175 JOD ADDIPIE!55 : 1.3500 SW 1:'A(:,IF.I:(:*, HWY T AX MAP/1-11:111' Fi(.)B: 'T'l(AWD MAWKEAPI.AC E: 1:3K L AND USE : N:r.ZE: : NO: N(] WORK AIA LPA11(:1N WA'T EA LI-OL.A-'r 2 TWAP USE: I'YPI::' : COMME."FiClAL URXNAL 1. HKI;-L(:)W PRVNTP CUNSI .'TYPE. : T 1.1:N L A V C)14 A1(')14 Y 2 'TWAP PPIMEW OCCUP .GPIP . : A3 !:sHOWI':A 'FRAPS EMWAGFIE-114 1. GAAHACAE NO . 51OWCES : 1. WAS&ITINIG MA(.",I-I:[NI:L' DWEXI— tJNI:*T*Fj . LAUNDRY 'T'RAY 1:31...17(». DPAIN FLOOP 1:)r4A]:N 11.5 1i*LN K ZI (5F.:WI:--N W11 WA'Tl::Lp HEWTEA 1. !iTORM/AAM (I: T' J PFAWWt-s . 0 W NPE,P M IT 1 E 11150 00 R S TAIT:: 'FAX $7 .30 C 11111,137 . 150 0 N T 1-1 F.N WE K 1i E N SHEAT R l`*. A i:L.l--IAN1'(:,A1.. 5"TE . SYM5 C po 1'0')X 7035 T 0 9 007 HI PIAONP-K (!.,0'3) 4342 P3-1 1-7�W IWa N() 5.1.0e37-- I'D TAI $1.915 . 00 This permit is issued subject to the regulations contained in Title 14 of the TMC. State of Oregon Specialty Codes.toning regulations NO. and all other applicable codes and ordinances. and it is hereby agreed that the work will be done in accordance with the plans and J 4, PEWAT.PED N.. specifications and in compliance with all applicable codes and PI 19 .UNDEASLAB ordinances. The issuance of this permit does not waive restrictive covenants. Contractor and subcontractors shall have current city P(A)GI-I ]:N business tax permits This permit will expire and become null and P1.F3 - TOPOUT void if work is not started within 180 days,or if work is suspended or F*.I*.NAL,. abandoned for a period of 180 days any time after work has mmenced. It shall be the responsibility of the permittee to assure al eqUired inspections are requested and ap oved Permittee Signature Issued By _ J// SEPARATE PERMITS REQUIRED PdhiWOOk di*bi WXN'btSdh(6E1D ABOVE