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L. ! ,....... , OTQ I I • • Permit SP: i4r=c_20i4---(52;76(7 Address* jaz44aalCiyaKi..._ Suite , t By Dates 7(e-lit4--- 1 qt, • OFFICE COPY C JUL 7 X2014 CITY0 !r iGARD SIDE PANEL CROSS SUPPORT CHANNEL UNIT BASE CHANNEL 4 1i" AC 3"x3/8"x6" PLATE @ 5 W PLCS EA. LONG SIDE 1/2"0 HILTI-KWIK BOLT II 3" MIN. EMBED. ROOF �-. • ° . 14. � ' ' ' -; - ' • • _ :• ' • f r. 6" MIN. r LEVEL CONCRETE PAD 1 AC-UNIT MOUNTING DETAIL SCALE: NONE 15830-26 15830 - 26 2 /22 /01 COMcheck Software Version 3.9.2 Mechanical Compliance Certificate 2009 IECC Section 1 : Project Information Project Type: Alteration Project Title: Construction Site: Owner/Agent: Designer/Contractor: Section 2: General Information Building Location(for weather data): Tigard,Oregon Climate Zone: 4c Section 3: Mechanical Systems List Quantity System Type&Description 1 HVAC System 1 (Single Zone): Cooling:1 each-Rooftop Package Unit,Capacity=183 kBtu/h,Air-Cooled Condenser,Air Economizer Proposed Efficiency=12.80 EER,Required Efficiency=11.00 EER Fan System: Unspecified Section 4: Requirements Checklist Requirements Specific To: HVAC System 1 : IVY '. Equipment minimum efficiency: Rooftop Package Unit: 11.00 EER kr-2. Integrated economizer is required for this location and system. 3. Cooling system provides a means to relieve excess outdoor air during economizer operation. ❑ 4. Hot gas bypass prohibited unless system has multiple steps of unloading or continuous capacity modulation ❑ 5. Hot gas bypass limited to 50%of total cooling capacity Generic Requirements: Must be met by all systems to which the requirement is applicable: [e. Plant equipment and system capacity no greater than needed to meet loads Exception(s): ❑ Standby equipment automatically off when primary system is operating ❑ Multiple units controlled to sequence operation as a function of load e. Minimum one temperature control device per system ❑ 3. Minimum one humidity control device per installed humidification/dehumidification system ❑ 4. Load calculations per ASHRAE/ACCA Standard cto . Automatic Controls:Setback to 55°F(heat)and 85°F(cool);7-day clock,2-hour occupant override,10-hour backup Exception(s): ❑ Continuously operating zones e'6. Outside-air source for ventilation;system capable of reducing OSA to required minimum ❑ 7. R-5 supply and return air duct insulation in unconditioned spaces R-8 supply and return air duct insulation outside the building R-8 insulation between ducts and the building exterior when ducts are part of a building assembly Exception(s): ❑ Ducts located within equipment ❑ Ducts with interior and exterior temperature difference not exceeding 15°F. Project Title: Report date: 07/07/14 Data filename: Untitled.cck Page 1 of 3 '8. Mechanical fasteners and sealants used to connect ducts and air distribution equipment ❑ 9. Ducts sealed-longitudinal seams on rigid ducts;transverse seams on all ducts;UL 181A or 181B tapes and mastics ❑ 10.Hot water pipe insulation: 1.5 in.for pipes<=1.5 in.and 2 in.for pipes>1.5 in. Chilled water/refrigerant/brine pipe insulation: 1.5 in.for pipes<=1.5 in.and 1.5 in.for pipes>1.5 in. Steam pipe insulation: 1.5 in.for pipes<=1.5 in.and 3 in.for pipes >1.5 in. Exception(s): k ❑ Piping within HVAC equipment. • ❑ Fluid temperatures between 55 and 105°F. 1 ❑ Fluid not heated or cooled with renewable energy. ❑ Piping within room fan-coil(with AHRI440 rating)and unit ventilators(with AHRI840 rating). . ❑ Runouts<4 ft in length. ar11.Operation and maintenance manual provided to building owner 1..--1-2.Balancing devices provided in accordance with IMC(2006)603.17 - a/13.Demand control ventilation(DCV)present for high design occupancy areas(>40 person/1000 ft2 in spaces>500 ft2)and served by systems with any one of 1)an air-side economizer,2)automatic modulating control of the outdoor air damper,or 3)a design outdoor airflow greater than 3000 cfm. Exception(s): ❑ Systems with heat recovery. ❑ Multiple-zone systems without DDC of individual zones communicating with a central control panel. ❑ Systems with a design outdoor airflow less than 1200 cfm. ❑ Spaces where the supply airflow rate minus any makeup or outgoing transfer air requirement is less than 1200 cfm. ❑ 14.Motorized,automatic shutoff dampers required on exhaust and outdoor air supply openings Exception(s): ❑ Gravity dampers acceptable in buildings<3 stories ❑ 15.Automatic controls for freeze protection systems present ❑ 16.Exhaust air heat recovery included for systems 5,000 cfm or greater with more than 70%outside air fraction or specifically exempted Exception(s): r ❑ Hazardous exhaust systems,commercial kitchen and clothes dryer exhaust systems that the International Mechanical Code prohibits the use of energy recovery systems. ❑ Systems serving spaces that are heated and not cooled to less than 60°F. ❑ Where more than 60 percent of the outdoor heating energy is provided from site-recovered or site solar energy. ❑ Heating systems in climates with less than 3600 HDD. ❑ Cooling systems in climates with a 1 percent cooling design wet-bulb temperature less than 64°F. (=I Systems requiring dehumidification that employ energy recovery in series with the cooling coil. ❑ Laboratory fume hood exhaust systems that have either a variable air volume system capable of reducing exhaust and makeup air volume to 50 percent or less of design values or,a separate make up air supply meeting the following makeup air requirements: a)at least 75 percent of exhaust flow rate,b)heated to no more than 2°F below room setpoint temperature,c)cooled to no lower than 3°F above room setpoint temperature,d)no humidification added,e)no simultaneous heating and cooling. Section 5: Compliance Statement Compliance Statement: The proposed mechanical alteration project represented in this document is consistent with the building plans, specifications and other calculations submitted with this permit application.The proposed mechanical alteration project has been designed to meet the 2009 IECC,Chapter 8,requirements in COMchec 9.2 and to comply with the mandatory requirements in the R 'rements Checklist. cer41. Name-Title Signature Date Section 6: Post Construction Compliance Statement ❑ HVAC record drawings of the actual installation,system capacities,calibration information,and performance data for each equipment provided to the owner. 1 ❑ HVAC O&M documents for all mechanical equipment and system provided to the owner by the mechanical contractor. ❑ Written HVAC balancing and operations report provided to the owner. The above post construction requirements have been completed. Project Title: Report date: 07/07/14 Data filename: Untitled.cck Page 2 of 3 t: . , , TRANS ,...,_,,,, ,,,,, .. , g, Product Catalog , , , • ...g •. , RECEIVED JUN 25 2014 CITYOF TIGARD Packaged Rooftop Air Conditioners 6UIL©INGTWISIQN FoundationTM Cooling and Gas/Electric 15-25 Tons, 60 Hz 1 1 \1 w 1 v r L . _--; ,, 1 --- >.,,,...... ,ifi.0:000;---o-w,- ..„0,000----- February 2014 RT PRC060B-EN (0)IngersollRand L! nwzr Model Number Description G A C 1 8 0 A 3 E Z A 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Digit 1 — Unit Type E = Economizer,Reference Enthalpy Model Number Notes 0-100%without Barometric E = Packaged Cooling,Electric Heat Relief 1. Some field set up required. G = Packaged Gas/Electric F = Economizer,Reference Enthalpy Digit 2 — Efficiency 0-100%with Barometric Reliefl 2. Must be ordered with Through- A = ASHRAE 90.1 -2010 G = Economizer,Comparative the-Base Electrical option. Enthalpy 0-100%without Digit 3 — Airflow Configuration Barometric Relief 3. All Factory Installed Options are C = Convertible H = Economizer,Comparative Built-to-Order.Check order D = Downflow Only4 Enthalpy 0-100%with Barometric services for estimated production Reliefs cycle. Digit 4, 5, 6 — Nominal Gross Cooling Capacity (MBh) Digit 15 — Supply Fan/Drive 4. High heat is available on 180 = 15 Tons Type/Motor downflow units only. 210 = 171/2 Tons 0 = Standard Motor 240 = 20 Tons 1 = Oversized Motor 300 = 25 Tons 7 = Multi-Speed Standard Motor 9 = Multi-Speed Oversized Motor Digit 7 — Major Design Sequence Digit 16 — Not Used A Digit 17 — Condenser Coil Digit 8 — Voltage Selection Protection 3 = 208-230/60/3 0 = Standard Coil 4 = 460/60/3 4 = CompleteCoat' Condenser Coil W = 575/60/3 Digit 18 — Through The Base Digit 9 — Unit Controls Provisions E = Electromechanical Note: Applicable to Digit 1,E models. Digit 10 — Heating Capacity 0 = No Through The Base Provisions A = Through The Base Electric Note: (Applicable to Digit 1 E models Note: Applicable to Digit 1,G models only) 0 = No Heat only. G = 18 kW Electric Heat 0 = No Through The Base Provisions N = 36 kW Electric Heat A = Through The Base Electric P = 54 kW Electric Heat B = Through-the-Base Gass R = 72 kW Electric Heat C = Through-the-Base Electric/Gas Note: (Applicable to Digit 1 G models Digit 19 — Disconnect Switch only) 0 = No Disconnect H = Gas Heat-High4 1 = Unit Mounted Non-Fused L = Gas Heat-Low Disconnect Switch2 M = Gas Heat-Medium Digit 20— Not Used X = Gas Heat-SS Ht Ex-Low Y = Gas Heat-SS Ht Ex-Medium Digit 21— Not Used Z = Gas Heat-SS Ht Ex-High4 Digit 22— Not Used Digit 11 — Minor Design Sequence Digit 23— Not Used Digit 12, 13 — Service Sequence Digit 24— Not Used 00 = None Digit 25 -System Monitoring Digit 14 — Fresh Air Selection3 Controls 0 = No Fresh Air 0 = No Monitoring Controls A = Manual Outside Air Damper A = Condensate Drain Pan Overflow 0-25% Switch B = Motorized Outside Air Damper 0-50% C = Economizer,Dry Bulb 0-100% without Barometric Relief D = Economizer,Dry Bulb 0-100% with Barometric Reliefs RT-PRC060B-EN 15 I 1 . 1 0 - General Data Table 1. General data - 15-25 tons 15 Ton 171 Ton 20 Ton 25 Ton E/GAC180 E/GAC210 E/GAC240 E/GAC300 Cooling Performance(a) Gross Cooling Capacity 183,000 212,000 252,000 290,000 EER(Downflow/Horizontal)(b) 11 11 10 10 Nominal Airflow CFM/ARI Rated CFM 6000/5250 7000/6125 8000/7000 10,000/8000 ARI Net Cooling Capacity 176,000 202,000 240,000 271,000 Integrated Energy Efficiency Ratio(IEER)(One 11.5/12.8 11.5/12.8 10.8/11.9 10.2/11.7 Speed Fan/Multi or Variable Speed Fan)(c) Percent Capacity©part load(Stage 1/Stage 2) 52/100 52/100 63/100 66/100 System Power(kW) 16.00 18.36 24.00 27.10 Compressor Number/Type 2/Scrolls 2/Scrolls 2/Scrolls 2/Scrolls Sound Outdoor Sound Rating(BELS)(d) 9.7 9.7 9.5 9.5 Outdoor Coil Type Microchannel Microchannel Microchannel Microchannel Coil Width(in.) 0.71 0.71 1.0 1.0 Face Area(sq.ft.) 34.74 34.74 34.74 34.74 Rows/FPI 1/23 1/23 1/20 1/20 Indoor Coil Type Hi-Performance Hi-Performance Hi-Performance Hi-Performance Tube Size(in.)ID 0.3125 0.3125 0.3125 0.3125 Face Area(sq.ft.) 26.00 26.00 26.00 26.00 Rows/FPI 3/15 4/15 4/15 4/15 Refrigerant Control Short Orifice Short Orifice Short Orifice Short Orifice Drain Connection Number/Size(in.) 1/1.00 1/1.00 1/1.00 1/1.00 PVC Pipe Female PVC Pipe Female PVC Pipe Female PVC Pipe Female Outdoor Fan Type Propeller Propeller Propeller Propeller Number Used/Diameter(in.) 2/26 2/26 2/26 2/28 Drive Type/No.Speeds Direct/1 Direct/1 Direct/1 Direct/1 cfm 10,700 14,200 14,300 15,900 Number Motors/hp 2/0.5 2/1.0 2/1.0 2/1.0 Motor rpm 1100 1125 1125 1125 Indoor Fan Type FC Centrifugal FC Centrifugal FC Centrifugal FC Centrifugal Number Used/Diameter(in.) 2/15x15 2/15x15 2/15x15 2/ 15x15 Drive Type/No.Speeds Belt/1 Belt/1 Belt/1 Belt/1 Number Motors 1 1 1 1 Motor hp(Standard/Oversized) 3.0/5.0 5.0/7.5 5.0/7.5 7.5/10.0 Motor rpm(Standard/Oversized) 1750/3450 3450/3450 3450/3450 3450/1750 Motor Frame Size(Standard/Oversized) 145T/145T 145T/184T 145T/184T 184T/215T Filters Type Furnished Throwaway Throwaway Throwaway Throwaway Number Size Recommended (8)20x25x2 (8)20x25x2 (8)20x25x2 (8)20x25x2 Refrigerant Charge(Pounds of R-410A)(e) Circuit 1/Circuit 2 8.1/7.0 8.5/8.2 13.2/7.1 13.2/7.2 (a)Cooling Performance Is rated at 95°F ambient,80°F entering dry bulb,67°F entering wet bulb.Gross capacity does not include the effect of fan motor heat.ARI capacity is net and includes the effect of fan motor heat.Units are suitable for operation to±20%of nominal cfm.Certified in accordance with the Unitary Large Equipment Cergificatlon Program,which Is based on ARI Standard 340/360-93. (b)EER is rated at ARI conditions and in accordance with ARI Standard 210/240 or 360. (c)Integrated Energy Efficiency Ratio(IEER)is rated In accordance with AHRI standard 210/240 or 360. (d)Outdoor Sound Rating shown is tested in accordance with ARI Standard 270 or 370. (e)Refrigerant charge is an approximate value.For a more precise value,see unit nameplate and service instructions. 16 RT-PRC060B-EN �r , t • TRANE General Data Table 2. General data—heating performance—15-25 tons Heating Performance(a) 15 Tons 17Ih-25 Tons High High (Downflow (Downfiow Heating Models Low Medium only)(b) Low Medium only)(b) Heating Input(Btu/h) 240,000 320,000 350,000 240,000 320,000 400,000 1st Stage(Btu) 168,000 224,000 245,000 168,000 224,000 280,000 Heating Output(Btu/h) 192,000 256,000 280,000 192,000 256,000 320,000 1st Stage(Btu) 134,500 179,200 196,000 134,500 179,200 224,000 Steady State Efficiency% 80% 80% 80% 80% 80% 80% No.Burners 6 8 8 6 8 8 No.Stages 2 2 2 2 2 2 Gas Supply Line Pressure(in.wc) Natural Gas(minimum/maximum) 4.5/14.0 in.wc.4.5/14.0 In.wc.5.0/14.0 in.wc.4.5/14.0 in.wc.4.5/14.0 in.wc.5.5/14.0 in.wc. LP(minimum/maximum) 11.0/14.0 in.wc.11.0/14.0 in.wc.11.0/14.0 in.wc.11.0/14.0 in.wc.11.0/14.0 in.wc.11.0/14.0 In.wc. Gas Connection Pipe Size(in.) 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" (a)Heating Performance limit settings and rating data were established and approved under laboratory test conditions using American National Standards Institute standards(ANSI).Ratings shown are for elevations up to 2000 feet.For elevations above 2000 feet,ratings should be reduced at the rate of 4%for each 1000 feet above sea level. (b)High heat models available with downflow configuration only. RT-PRC060B-EN 17 . i . 0 TRANfir Weights Table 39. Maximum unit&corner weights(Ib)and center of gravity dimensions(in.)cooling with optional electric heat units only Unit Weights (Ib)(a)• (b) Corner Weights(c) Center of Gravity(in.) Tons Model No. Shipping Net A B C D Length Width 15 EAC180A 2020 1700 568 402 338 392 54" 37" 17% EAC210A 2074 1755 578 418 358 400 55" 38" 20 EAC240A 2163 1844 632 438 357 416 54" 37" 25 EAC300A 2208 1888 664 457 345 422 53" 35" (a)Weights are approximate.Horizontal and downflow unit and corner weights may vary slightly. (b)Weights do not include additional factory or field installed options/accessories.For option/accessory additional weights,reference Table 41,p.60 to be added to unit weights. (c)Corner weights are given for information only. 15-25 ton models must be supported continuously by a curb or equivalent frame support. Table 40. Maximum unit&corner weights(Ib)and center of gravity dimensions(in.)gas/electric heat units only Unit Weights (Ib)(a),(b) Corner Weights(c) Center of Gravity(in.) Tons Model No. Shipping' Net A B C D Length Width 15 GAC180A 2183 1864 626 439 371 427 54" 37" 171/2 GAC210A 2238 1918 636 455 392 436 55" 38" 20 GAC240A 2327 2007 690 475 391 451 54" 37" 25 GAC300A 2327 2058 723 493 380 455 53" 35" (a)Weights are approximate.Horizontal and downflow unit and corner weights may vary slightly. (b)Weights do not include additional factory or field installed options/accessories.For option/accessory additional weights,reference Table 41,p.60 to be added to unit weights. (c)Corner weights are given for information only.15-25 ton models must be supported continuously by a curb or equivalent frame support. CENTER OF GRAVITY LENGTH A — B CENTER OF GRAVITY 0 0 WIDTH . D C CENTER OF GRAVITY RT PRC060B-EN 59 OR Aire 15 Ton RTU June 23, 2014 . T■ag Data - Packaged Gas/Electric Rooftop Units (Qty: 1) rItem Tag(s) Qty Description Model Number Al RTU-1 1 15 Ton Pkgd Gas/Elec Rooftop - Foun _GAC180A3ELA--090000 Product Data - Packaged Gas/Electric Rooftop Units Item: Al Qty: 1 Tag(s): RTU-1 Gas/Electric Product Efficiency Convertible 15 Ton 208-230/60/3 Electro-mechanical Gas Heat - Low Two speed fan oversized motor Horizontal Conversion Kit (Fld) 0-100% Economizer,Dry Bulb - Horizonral (Fld) Shaft Grounding Ring - 0.875" Shaft (Fld) Crankcase Heater(Fld) Less Or Provided By Others: DDC controller, thermostat/sensor, CO2 sensor, smoke detector, barometric relief, power exhaust, field installation of accessories (Fld), spares, external vibration isolation, external seismic restraints or calculations, testing/balancing, commissioning assistance, start up, Owner training and labor warranty. • FLD=Furnished by Trane U.S. Inc./Installed by Equipment Submittal Page 3 of 11 Others OR Aire 15 Ton RTU June 23,2014 Mechanical Specifications - Packaged Gas/Electric Rooftop Units ''0•'` • Item: Al Qty: 1 Tag(s): RTU-1 General The units shall be dedicated downflow or horizontal airflow. The operating range shall be between 115°F and 40°F in cooling as standard from the factory for all units. Cooling performance shall be rated in accordance with ARI testing procedures. All units shall be factory assembled, internally wired,fully charged with R-410A, and 100 percent run tested to check cooling operation, fan and blower rotation and control sequence, before leaving the factory. Wiring internal to the unit shall be colored and numbered for simplified identification. Units shall be UL listed and labeled, classified in accordance to UL 1995/C 22.2, 236-05 3rd Edition. Casing Unit casing shall be constructed of zinc coated, heavy gauge, galvanized steel. Exterior surfaces shall be cleaned, phosphatized, and finished with a weather-resistant baked enamel finish. Units surface shall be tested 672 hours in a salt spray test in compliance with ASTM B117. Cabinet construction shall allow for all maintenance on one side of the unit. In order to ensure a water and air tight seal, service panels shall have lifting handles and no more than three screws to remove.All exposed vertical panels and top covers in the indoor air section shall be insulated with a 1/2", 1.0 Ibdensity foil-faced, fire-resistant, permanent, odorless, glass fiber material. The base of the downflow unit shall be insulated with 1/2", 1.0 Ibdensity foil-faced, closed-cell material. The downflow unites base pan shall have no penetrations within the perimeter of the curb other than the raised 1 1/8"high supply/return openings to provide an added water integrity precaution, if the condensate drain backs up. The base of the unit shall have provisions for forklift and crane lifting. Compressors All units shall have direct-drive, hermetic, scroll type compressors with centrifugal type oil pumps. Motor shall be suction gas-cooled and shall have a voltage utilization range of plus or minus 10 percent of nameplate voltage. Internal overloads shall be provided with the scroll compressors. All models shall have phase monitors and low and high pressure control as standard. Controls Unit shall be completely factory wired with necessary controls and contactor pressure lugs or terminal block for power wiring. Unit shall provide an external location for mounting a fused disconnect device. Discharge Line Thermostat A bi-metal element discharge line thermostat is installed as a standard option on the discharge line of each system.This standard option provides extra protection to the compressors against high discharge temperatures in case of loss of charge, extremely high ambient and other conditions which could drive the discharge temperature higher. Discharge line thermostat is wired in series with high pressure control.When the discharge temperature rises above the protection limit,the bi-metal disc in the thermostat switches to the off position, opening the 24 Vac circuit.When the temperature on the discharge line cools down, the bi-metal disc closes the contactor circuit, providing power to the compressor. Evaporator and Condenser Coils Microchannel coils will be burst tested by the manufacturer. Internally finned, 5/16" copper tubes mechanically bonded to a configured aluminum plate fin shall be standard for evaporator coils. Microchannel condenser coils shall be standard on all units. Coils shall be leak tested to ensure the pressure integrity. The evaporator coil and condenser coil shall be leak tested to 225 psig and pressure tested to 450 psig. Sloped condensate drain pans are standard. Filters Two inch standard filters shall be factory supplied on all units. Gas Heating Section The heating section shall have a progressive tubular heat exchanger design. An induced draft combustion blower shall be used to pull the combustion products through the firing tubes.The heater shall use a direct spark ignition (DS!) system. On initial call for heat, the combustion blower shall purge the heat exchanger for 20 seconds before ignition. After three unsuccessful ignition attempts, the entire heating system shall be locked out until manually reset at the thermostat. Units shall be suitable for use with natural gas or propane (field-installed kit) and also comply with the California requirement for low NOx emissions (Gas/Electric Only). High Pressure Control All units include High Pressure Cutout as standard. Indoor Fan Units above shall have belt driven, FC centrifugal fans with adjustable motor sheaves. Units with standard motors shall have an adjustable idler-arm assembly for quick-adjustment of fan belts and motor sheaves. All motors shall be FLD=Furnished by Trane U.S. Inc./Installed by Equipment Submittal Page 4 of 11 Others OR Aire 15 Ton RTU June 23,2014 'thermally protected. Oversized motors shall be available for high static application. All indoor fan motors meet the U.S. Energy Policy Act of 1992 (EPACT). Low Pressure Control All units include Low Pressure Cutout as standard. Outdoor Fans The outdoor fan shall be direct-drive, statically and dynamically balanced, draw-through in the vertical discharge position. The fan motor(s) shall be permanently lubricated and shall have builtin thermal overload protection. • Phase Monitor The Phase Monitor is a three-phase line monitor module that protects against phase loss, phase reversal and phase unbalance. It is intended to protect compressors from reverse rotation. It has an operating input voltage range of 190-600 Vac, and LED indicators for ON and FAULT. There are no field adjustments and the module will automatically reset from a fault condition. Refrigerant Circuits Each refrigerant circuit shall have independent fixed orifice, service pressure ports, and refrigerant line filter driers factory installed as standard. An area shall be provided for replacement suction line driers. Unit Top The top cover shall be double hemmed and gasket sealed to prevent water leakage. Multi-Speed Indoor Fan System Multi-speed indoor fan system is designed for use in applications for meeting the minimum requirement of CA Title 24. This system incorporates a multi-speed fan control to change the speed of the fan to 67% of full airflow based off of compressor stages. Crankcase Heaters - Field Installed These band heaters provide improved compressor reliability by warming the oil to prevent migration during off-cycles or low ambient conditions. Economizer-Horizontal The horizontal economizer shall contain the same features as the downflow economizer with the exception of barometric relief. FLD=Furnished by Trane U.S. Inc./Installed by Equipment Submittal Page 5 of 11 Others OR Aire 15 Ton RTU June 2014 Unit Dimensions - Packaged Gas/Electric Rooftop Units Item: Al Qty: 1 Tag(s): RTU-1 4 \ \I\ LI ! � I , CONDENSATE DRAIN o p °° REFRIGERANT GAUGE ACCESS CONNECTION(1")NPT 1.,..1 iiiiiiiiiiiiit or DISCONNECT CUSTOMER POWER SWITCH ACCESS I° CONDUIT CONNECTION(ALTERNATE) PACKAGED GAS/ELEC HORIZONTAL DIMENSION DRAWING NOTES: 1.THRU-THE-BASE ELECTRICAL IS NOT STANDARD ON ALL UNITS. 2.VERIFY WEIGHT,CONNECTION,AND ALL DIMENSION WITH INSTALLER DOCUMENTS BEFORE INSTALLATION n 58 5/8" 59 5/16" il_Ill O 171■INIIG MINMU.—i■112.1 - 50 7/8" - - 82 1/4" - - 123 1/8" FRONT VIEW OF UNIT DIMENSION DRAWING RETURN SUPPLY ■-■;111. 4611/16" 58 518 H HORIZONTAL 2511116" 3913/16" II I AIR FLOW , 22 V 16 I��� ~ I I�f�.1�[.∎1�•r1 6' 41/2" I - 27" - - 20 3/16' 5 1/2" 7 15/16' - 6" - 82 1/16" - 13" - - - 86 15/16" BACK VIEW OF UNIT RIGHT SIDE VIEW OF UNIT DIMENSION DRAWING DIMENSION DRAWING FLD=Furnished by Trane U.S. Inc./Installed by Equipment Submittal Page 6 of 11 Others •OR-Aire 15 Ton RTU June 23, 2014 4• Unit Dimensions - Packaged Gas/Electric Rooftop Units Item: Al Qty: 1 Tag(s): RTU-1 'ELECTRICAL/GENERAL DATA •GENERAL (2)(4)(6)(7)(1 0) HEATING PERFORMANCE Model: GAC180 Oversized Motor HEATING-GENERAL DATA . Unit Operating Voltage: - MCA: 82.0 Unit Primary Voltage: 208 MFS: 100.0 Heating Model: Low Unit Secondary Voltage 230 MCB: 100.0 Heating Input(BTU): 240000/168000 Unit Hertz: 60 Heating Output(BTU): 192000/134000 Unit Phase: 3 No.Burners: 6 No.Stages 2 EER: 11 'Gas Inlet Pressure IEER One Speed Fan: IEER Multi Speed Fan: 12.8 Natural Gas(Min/Max): '4.5/14.0 in.wc LP(Min/Max) 11.0/14.0 in.wc Standard Motor Field Installed Oversized Motor Gas Pipe Connection Size: 3/4" MCA: 79.0 MCA MFS: 100.0 MFS: MCB: 100.0 MCB: 'INDOOR MOTOR Standard Motor Oversized Motor Field Installed Oversized Motor Number '1 Number: 1 Number: Horsepower: 3.0 Horsepower: 5.0 Horsepower: Motor Speed(RPM): 1750 Motor Speed(RPM): 3450 Motor Speed(RPM): Phase 3 Phase 3 Phase Full Load Amps: 10.6 Full Load Amps: 16.7 Full Load Amps: Locked Rotor Amps: 81.0 Locked Rotor Amps: 109.8 Locked Rotor Amps: COMPRESSOR Circuit 1/2 OUTDOOR MOTOR Number '2 Number 2 Horsepower 7.0/6.0 Horsepower: 0,5 Phase: 3 Motor Speed(RPM): 1100 Rated Load Amps: 28.5/26.0 Phase: 1 Locked Rotor Amps: 164.0/164.0 Full Load Amps: 3.2 Locked Rotor Amps: 8.8 POWER EXHAUST ACCESSORY (3) FILTERS REFRIGERANT (2) (Field Installed Power Exhaust) R-410A R-410A Phase: Type: Throwaway Horsepower Furnished: Yes Motor Speed(RPM): Number 8 8.1 lb/7.0 lb Full Load Amps: Recommended 20'(25'X2" Locked Rotor Amps: NOTES: 1. Maximum(HACR)Circuit Breaker sizing is for installations in the United States only 2. Refrigerant charge is an approximate value.For a more precise value,see unit nameplate and service instructions. 3. Value does not include Power Exhaust Accessory. 4. Value does not include Heater. 5. Value include Standard Motor. 6. Value include Oversized Motor 7. EER is rated at AHRI conditions and in accordance with DOE test procedures. 8. For Compressor Motors and Condenser Fan Motors:Amp draw for each motor;multiply value by number of motors to determine total amps. 9. HP for each compressor. 10. Integrated Energy Efficiency Ratio(IEER)is rated in accordance with AHRI standard 210/240 or 360. FLD=Furnished by Trane U.S. Inc./Installed by Equipment Submittal Page 7 of 11 Others OR Aire 15 Ton RTU June 2&,x2014,_ Weight, Clearance & Rigging Diagram - Packaged Gas/Electric Rooftop Units Item: Al Qty: 1 Tag(s): RTU-1 CLEARANCE 48" CLEARANCE 60" (*))))) �1 AN \\ O CLEAR CE FROM TOP OF UNIT 72" p \ SUPPLY 1:51 RETURN CLEARANCE 18" CLEARANCE 38" HORIZONTAL ISOMETRIC-PACKAGED COOLING WITH ELECTRIC CLEAERANCE FLD=Furnished by Trane U.S. Inc./Installed by Equipment Submittal Page 8 of 11 Others •jOR,Aire 15 Ton RTU June 23,2014 Weight, Clearance & Rigging Diagram - Packaged Gas/Electric Rooftop Units Item: Al Qty: 1 Tag(s): RTU-1 INSTALLED ACCESSORIES NET WEIGHT DATA ACCESSORY WEIGHTS ECONOMIZER 91.0 lb MOTORIZED OUTSIDE AIR DAMPER CD\ f MANUAL OUTSIDE AIR DAMPER \ OVERSIZED MOTOR 2.0 lb �� MULTI-SPEED WITH DRIVE 65.0 lb `,���ir/ 1\111111 THROUGHT THE BASE ELECTRICAL) \\\`"`,•.0,,,,, r BAROMETRIC ROOF CURB �C Il� i-�ll POWER EXHAUST CORNER WEIGHT BASE UNIT WEIGHTS CORNER WEIGHTS CENTER OF GRAVITIY SHIPPING NET OA 626.0 Ib0 371.0 lb (E)LENGHT (F)WIDTH 2183.0 lb 1864.0 lb O 439.0 lb O 427.0 lb 54" '37" NOTE: 1.CORNER WEIGHTS ARE GIVEN FOR INFORMATION ONLY. 2.TO ESTIMATE SHIPPING WEIGHT OF OPTION/ACCESSORIES ADD 5 LBS TO NET WEIGHT. 3.NET WEIGHT OF OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES SHOULD BE ADD TO UNIT WEIGHT WHEN ORDERING FACTORY INSTALLED ACCESSORIES. 4.WEIGHTS FOR OPTIONS NOT LISTED ARE<5 LBS. 5.WEIGHT ARE OF BASE UNIT ONLY FOR TOTAL WEIGHT,10 DIGIT FACTORY INSTALLED OPTION(ECONOMIZER AND/OR OVERSIZED MOTOR OR FIOP/ACCESSORY WEIGHT MUST BE ADDED. / , • 4 ■ di RIGGING AND CENTER OF GRAVITY FLD=Furnished by Trane U.S. Inc./Installed by Equipment Submittal Page 9 of 11 Others OR Aire 15 Ton RTU June 250014. , Accessory - Packaged Gas/Electric Rooftop Units Item: Al Qty: 1 Tag(s): RTU-1 NOTES: 1.VERIFY WEIGHT,CONNECTION,AND ALL DIMENSION `�' WITH INSTALLER DOCUMENTS BEFORE INSTALLATION • • , ECONOMIZER HOOD PLAN VIEW OF UNIT DIMENSION DRAWING ECONOMIZER DIMENSION DRAWING ECONOMIZER HOOD FAN 1 I 11.11111k --I 58 „ „ I� �I I rz�r.,t∎r∎>t�r•I ■ L 21 1116" 193116" 7314" - 68316" 5 9/16" - 123 1/8" - 86 15/16" BACK VIEW OF UNIT LEFT VIEW OF UNIT DIMENSION DRAWING DIMENSION DRAWING FLD=Furnished by Trane U.S. Inc.I Installed by Equipment Submittal Page 10 of 11 Others •„OR Aire 15 Ton RTU June 23,2014 Field Installed Options - Part/Order Number Summary This is a report to help you locate field installed options that arrive at the jobsite. This report provides part or order numbers for each field installed option, and references it to a specific product tag. It is NOT intended as a bill of material for the job. Product Family - Packaged Gas/Electric Rooftop Units Item Tag(s) Qty Description Model Number Al RTU-1 1 15 -25 Ton Pkgd Gas/Elec Rooftop - GAC180A3ELA--0 Foun 900000000000000 00000000000 Field Installed Option Description Part/Ordering Number Crankcase Heater BAYCCHT300A 0-100% Economizer,Dry Bulb - Horizonral BAYECON301A Horizontal Conversion Kit BAYHZRT001A Shaft Grounding Ring - 0.875" Shaft BAYSHGRO02A FLD=Furnished by Trane U.S. Inc./Installed by Equipment Submittal Page 11 of 11 Others I 4T HP Project: -Untitled84 06/25/2014 Prepared By: 4T HP Submittal Cover Sheet Unit Report Performance Summary Report Acoustic Summary Certified Drawings Feature Sheet Residential Carrier Products Bldr 1.19p Page 1 of 9 • Unit Report For 4T HP Project: —Untitled84 06/25/2014 Prepared By: Outdoor Unit Parameters Indoor Unit Parameters Unit Model. 25HCD Unit Model. FB4C Unit Size. 4 Tons Unit Size. 48,000 Btuh Voltage. 208/230-3 V-Ph-Hz Cabinet Insulation:Single-piece cabinet with 1-in.super thick insulation Voltage' 208/230-1-60 V-Ph-Hz Heating Size. No Heat Outdoor Unit Dimensions and Weight Indoor Unit Dimensions and Weight Unit Length 33 in Unit Length 22.06 in Unit Width 33 in Unit Width. 21 in Unit Height 31 in Unit Height 49 in Unit Shipping Weight 228 lb Unit Shipping Weight 157 lb Warranty Information OTHER RESIDENTIAL APPLICATIONS (Apartments, Rental Properties, etc.) The warranty period is five(5)years on parts. The warranty is to the original owner only and is not transferable. OTHER APPLICATIONS • The warranty period is five(5)years on the compressor, and one(1)year on all other parts. The warranty is to the original owner only and is not transferable. Ordering Information Part Number Description Quantity Outdoor Unit 25HCD348A005 25HCD Comfort Series Heat Pump with Puron Refrigerant 4 Tons 1 Cooling 13 SEER @ ARI Conditions 1 Dense Grille 1 Accessories KSATX0401PUR Thermostatic Expansion Valve(Hard Shutoff) 1 Indoor Unit FB4CNF048L00 FB4C Base Series Fan Coil with Puron 48000 BTU Cooling 1 Single-piece cabinet with 1-in. super thick insulation 1 Aluminum 1 Accessories KFADC0401ACL Downflow Conversion Kit 1 KFAHD0101SLP Gasket Kit 1 KFCEH3101 C15 15 kW Electric Heater with Circuit Breaker and Relays 1 Residential Carrier Products Bldr 1.19p Page 2 of 9 Performance Summary For 4T HP Project: -Untitled84 06/25/2014 Prepared By: System Performance System: 25HCD/FB4C Actual Airflow __.______..._____.__.. ..___1600.0 CFM System Quantity:......_.._____.__.. 1 Standard Airflow:. 1600.0 CFM Altitude ____.___...._....._..._..._....0.0 ft Total Net Clg Capacity ___... _.__.__ 47.00 MBH Linear Pipe Length' _.._._ 0.0 ft Net Sensible Clg Capacity 35.27 MBH SEER @ ARI Conditions:._.______ _._ 13.0 Htg HP Capacity 45.00 MBH • EER @ ARI Conditions __ ______.. 11.0 Htg HP Integrated Capacity: 45.00 MBH HSPF @ ARI Conditions' ._..__r 8.0 Heating HP Compressor Power: 3.68 kW Total System Power _ 4.27 kW System Parameters Outdoor Unit Parameters Indoor Unit Parameters Unit Model' 25HCD348A005 Unit Model' FB4CNF048L00 Unit Size (Nominal)* 4 Tons Unit Size(Nominal) --_ 48,000 Btuh Voltage:.......__-......_________ 208/230-3 V-Ph-Hz Voltage 20812301-60 V-Ph-Hz Htg Ent Air DB. 70.0 °F Ent Air DB. 80.00 °F Htg Lvg Air DB* 96.0 °F Ent Air WB. 67.00 °F Clg Ent Air DB Ambient _.._.__._. ...___... 95.0 °F Ent Enthalpy:..._..._____.._..__..._.._..____.._ 31.44 BTU/lb Htg Ent Air DB Ambient' 47.0 °F Lvg Air DB °F Lvg Air WB• _._.._ __ 57.81 °F Lvg Enthalpy __.__-._ 24.91 BTU/lb Heating Size(Nominal) —_.__.—__No Heat Indoor Unit External Static:.......__..._..._....._._........0.50 in wg • Electrical Data Outdoor Electrical Data In..: Electrical Data: Unit Voltage ___.___ 208/230-3 V-Ph-Hz (For u - with no factory installed electric he s) Fan Motor FLA _....._._.___._.__........_.__._.. 1.40 Amps Unit Voltag-._ __ .__..._ 208/ ••-1-60 V-Ph-Hz MCA: ____.._..._._._.__.__.._.__ _ 18.7 Amps Unit FLA. _.... 6.0 Amps Max Fuse _.___._..____ ._...__.__ 30 Amps Unit MCA' .._ 7.5 Amps Operating Range Min:.__._.....__._..........__.__._ __.197 V Unit MOCP _-___...15.0 Amps Operating Range Max:._._. ._.___ __._._______ 253 V Unit Min Wire Si - __- 14.0 Compressor RLA. 13.8 Amps Unit Fuse/ :kr Amps. __..15.0 Amps Compressor LRA• __..___. ____.__.._._______._.._ 83.1 Amps Moto 4 HP • • ice: Indoor Elect. data is for 208/230-1-60 • tage Accessory Electric Heater Data (Single point power for unit WITH electric heaters) EH Part Number KFCEH3101C15 Electric Heater kW 15.0 kW For 4 wire operation(dual circuit): Heater Amps L1/L2- 36.2/40.0 Amps Heater+ Motor MOCP L1/L2:_._. 60/60 Amps Heater Amps L3/L4' 18.1/20.0 Amps Heater+ Motor MOCP L3/L4* 25/25 Amps Accessory Voltage. 208/230-1-60 V-Ph-Hz Residential Carrier Products Bldr 1.19p Page 3 of 9 Acoustic Summary For 4T HP Project: -Untitled84 06/25/2014 Prepared By: Outdoor Unit Parameters: Unit Model: 25HCD Unit Size: 4 Tons Variations: Dense Grille • Octave Band Center Frequency, Hz 63 125 250 500 1k 2k 4k 8k dBA Sound Power,dB 0.0 59.0 67.0 72.5 75.0 73.5 69.5 61.5 A-Weighted Sound Power, dBA 80.0 Indoor Unit Parameters: Unit Model -----------_-_--_ ___._----,__._.-•.•--- FB4C Unit Size _____.__ ..._ ___ .____._._._ 48,000 Btuh Cabinet Insulation:._ _ Single-piece cabinet with 1-in.super thick insulation Octave Band Center Frequency, Hz 63 125 250 500 1k 2k 4k 8k dBA Sound Power,dB 69.0 65.0 61.0 58.0 56.0 54.0 50.0 0.0 A-Weighted Sound Power, dBA 0.0 Residential Carrier Products Bldr 1.19p Page 4 of 9 • • • X 73 -0 1D El o • EL. -a 0 CD DL) 0 v. DIMENSIONS- ENGLISH a 1 C m ? v ELECTRICAL OPERATING SHIPPING SHPPNG , UIT SERIES CHARACTERISTICS A B C D E F 0 K L M N P m WEIGHT (los)FREIGHT In) DINE]NSIONS IL x W x M o_ 25HCD318 0 2 0 0 0 23 1/8' 28 7/19' 3 311' 5/8' 4 7/16' 18 1116' 7 13/16' 2 13/16" I/O' 11 112' 10 1/2' 11 112' 119 137 21 1/8' X 24 1/8' X 30 5/8' A 2580318(L) 0 X 0 0 0 23 1/8' 28 7/11' 3 3/4' 5/8' 4 7/16' 18 1/16' 1 13/16' 2 13/16° 112' 11 1/2' 10 1/2 11' 1195 141.5 25 1/4' X 25 1/4' X 33 114' O 2510324 0 X 0 0 0 23 1/8' 31 13/16' 3 3/4' 3/4' 4 1/16' 18 1/16' 1 13116' 2 13/16' 1/2' 11 1/2' 10 1/2' 12 1/2' 124 142 24 1/6.1 24 1/8'X 34' CZ C 256CD330 0 X 0 I 0 31 3/16' 28 7/16' 3 3/4' 3/4' 8 9/16' 24 11/16' 9 1/8' 2 15/16" 5/8' 15' 15' 11 1/2' 119 110 32 3/16'X 32 3/16' X 30 5/9• C) E 25110331 1 X 0 0 0 31 3/16' 31 13/16' 3 1/8' 7/8' 6 9/16' 24 11/16' 9 178' 2 15/16' 5/6' 15' 15' 12 1/2' 181 189 32 3/16' X 32 3/16'X 34' CO 25110331 0 0 0 X X 31 3/16' 31 13/16' 3 1/6' 1/8' 6 9/18' 24 11/16' 9 1/8' 2 15/16' 5/6' 15' 15' 12 1/2' 169 189 32 3/16' X 32 3/16'X 34' Q. 25HCD342 1 X 0 0 0 31 3/16' 31 13/16' 3 7/8' 1/8' 6 9/16' 24 11/16' 1 1/6' 2 15/16' 5/6' 15' 15' 12 I/2' 180 200 32 3/16' X 32 3/16' X 34' 25//CD342 0 0 0 2 0 31 3/16' 31 13/16' 3 1/8' 7/6' 6 8/16' 24 11/16' 8 1/8' 2 15/16' 5/8' 15' 15' 12 112' 180 200 32 3/11' 132 3/16' X 34' 25HCD316 1 X 0 0 0 31 3/16' 28 7/16' 1 7/0' 1/8' 1 8/16' 24 11/16' 1 1/6' 2 15/16' 5/8• 15' 15' 11 1/2' 208 226 32 3/16' X 32 3/16'X 30 5/8' 25HC0348 0 0 0 X X 31 3/16' 28 7/16' 3 1/8' 1/8' 6 9/16' 24 11/16' 8 1/8' 2 15/16' 5/8' 15' 15• 11 172' 208 228 32 3/16' 132 3/16' X 30 5/8' CO 25X0360 0 X 0 X X 35' 26 15/16' 3 1/8' 1/8' 6 9/16' 28 1/16' 9 1/8' 2 15/16' 5/8' 17. 16' 12' 250 282 36 1/8' X 39 5/16'X 32 9/16' I0=Aluminum Coll R R Oq X=1E5 2}13( i � tq 0=NO A f6+11 CD A — "'III so. CD AIA DISCHARGE M AIR Ix AIR CL DISCHARGE I 6 I ❑ CLI 1 1...11111111110111111.111111.110 MENEM' co I1 \FI UD LONCOON B S /I CHOL.U7/8' HOLE I A AIR 7 x---+ I 1OR),,I 4+FIELD PO E6 SOPPLI COIN. 1 0 11/' HKNE KOUH , , 1 1 \ F�1 1/e'KXOCNOO7 s -AIR IN _ 03/6 / N LIQUID LINE CONN. Ii,. •• • a P '``\, •`\`� • y C 3 11/2 WW1"!�■4-. 4 `+-„�__ ( 1 1_1 _._ 1 7/6• 3 13/16' I '�,�:,���-- 1 I + OD VAPOR LINE CONN. L 1/8.-.- ` MINN 4I K 1-AIR IN UNIT SIZE MOUNTING PAD MANSIONS 03/8'TIEDONN KNOCKOUT 18,24 23 1/2"8 23 1/2' (2)PLACES 30,31,42,46 31 1/2"X 31 1/2' 60 35'135' co 25X(03 CD N C31 O_ N O_ O A -to -to N l O CD 4) CD N 0_ t EA C 0 1-'c 7 0) CD CD n CO 1137 311[5 EIECTIICA4 A B C O E F O 4 J 4. SHIPPING Ti ]NIPPING Ti 'A O CMAN7T[ISf[OS SLOPE '4' M1 TIM.COATED TIN-WAITED a 734711114 B.0 • 42 II/I/• 14 9111' 12 1118' 12 5111' If 1/11' IS 1f1' If 5!0• 12' C • 712 Ili C FB/CN7124 B,C • 42 II/If• 14 Sl11• 12 1116. 11 5/+1' II I/11• IS 7/1• I1 5/6. - it I • 112 112 I= ,�-.� FBICYFI3/ 0.0 IS 9/f' I1 5/9• 15 3!1• 15 5/0• I5 3/0' 23 1/0• 23 5/B' • 1T• N - 122 122 I a C✓1 t ' OB4711131 I,C . /S SI/' I1 sll• 15 311• 15 SII• 15 3/1• 23 I//' 23 5/11• - li• I • 122 II2 co 751717142 IX • 4)5/1• 21 1!{' II Ill' 19 III• IS 11111•23 1/11• 27 1/1• - - • 2 152 ISO Q 0/401114/ B.0 • ID S/P 11 1/6• II lit II 1N• IS 11/11'27 1716. 22 1!1• - 2 151 157 p' 19711//1 B.C.D • 53 1/Il• 21 111' 19 2/e 19 III' 19 Ile 21 III' 21 15/16. - - - X 115 175 i T/6..11/32• s 1'214.X.0,'5 .. 1-IC1 _I. TON HIGH 004141E 0=110 PONCI WIRING t ^. 5/755 11E TO 4/0114540 FIELD r. CO 7/11.01A.K.O. INSTALLED HEATERS. O 1 Ill' TON 101 VOLTAGE >r C •; 717104 RIION - Of F. w NOTE: = E 1 15!16. I• NI:FIB 1 21'FNON FNONT Y`y a 1 SID' 1.SERIES DESIGNATION IS MO I/iN POSITIW TON 7f IVIC[ i TOP VIEW Of UNIT PIO07T 111ING W W i m `C, 6. 22 111 ppp 2.ALL DINERS TOYS ARE IN'117505'OLDS NOTED. -to 3714 Il•---------` TTO• illl I5l11•-9 C 2 116•- r-1• ONTLCT AIA r 3!1' ` V ■ 1 �5 I{CONW[Ci GR 1 J 0-- CIICDIS•ICNIfA _ .ISM 1 LOCATION -At TFANAfE pi UNIT CONNECTION SIZES u1•d 3/32•.1040.N.o.•s �g LALI 101710. 7[:IIOON.AG f ELECTRIC x741,8 SUCTION:116 1 624•5/1.1.0.MAT 712(11410 F PIGS 245171 SILL Mr[ _ ACCESS PANEL 111 f Ilf•111'[.D MAT 211914.5.0. OPPOIITE 111€ A In-PIECE 77 112 ills 111 ill•[.D.MAI 7011 101 11XTAGE CABINET !y 47324[0:311'I,D.35057 0017104 111[1 _ t., r2.3 710(41410:311'OPT oP71ONAl 71[10 CONTENTED 91 m LAE A yI 11011 SIDE 101015•11[1111 j { V IfIOPE call.41111 IIL11 r `� C INLET 4Ir -- c PANEL4CCFSf A I--...1 1 Ile 0- N� 2 sle• 1 17775 !l ° C [RING 01110 LINE • E . N� H to '� IWID LINE CONNECTION IN Cdq 10 jLIII•' A PMCI 1 111{• [DXXCCfION SUCTION IINC COXXCCTION O !� ____iii 7 1/71• _ ,LAD H 1. .G■88 , I I6.- 1005/1 ONlI/ii S E 670 II my ® SUCTION LINE _i tr . '1 14• 7071[/1101 • e-4 f • hl) 1 ale • i1 f • 1 311' = I• • ��i _ j 13 5' /11101 ACCESS I OPENING - OFENIN I PWIEL SLOPE COIL DETAILS AfrFS3 PANEL 7017IG FOE I+/1'--I 1 11 7/11' I _2l/2• tal I• ~0--i SLOPE COILS RIGHT SIDE VIEW s CONXCCna L/CATIOIS SHOWN F11PR1 ON NAIL /001/1.04 1 NOR I[ INLET All LIST APPLICATIONS 110X1 4PPLICATION1 d a AND INLE1 AID FRONT VIEW 'A' COILS . 0 i c SHORN WITH•A•COIL DETAILS C05ECTION Donna/APPLICAl1ON5 2 LOCATIONS 501 UPFLOP 01 x111.APPLICATIONS MEASUREMENT• ENGLISH "- S14594-1 qi ° 5/.e 1 [ 2 13 a CD 0) fV 0) N O CD ' , CO A . . • • CD u) mo CL -o m SD 0 CD N Q 7 W C7 Tv C OD a CO ft[CTAICAL aria y.lia 5NIPI IMO 1i SHIPPING W 1114 SERIES A R C 0 E f B X J S ELB51 ILBSI CXA0.ACi[RSrIC3 SLOPE 'A' - SON iIN-COAfEO TIN-CIt CL FEAWOIY . 42 II/11' IA 5l1S• I7 1114• It 7/11• ID 1014• IS II6' IS VP • IY C - II! I7 C F8/CO/oz1 . 12 Illli' 14 slli' IE 7111 It 7111' ID tlly U Ile' IS 5/1' - 1E' A • Ilz I3 K C3 FeaNPD3D • 41 54• I1 5!0' I3 3!1• IS 51e' IS 311" 27 Ill' 27 S/e• I1• R 122 77 i 1 Eir FO4E00071 • IN 91• IT sle• Is 4• 15 IS 715 27 III 23 s1• - R - 47 31 e4C044 4 a 541. :1 411" 11 1/1' IN III" IS 11/11' z)Till' 23 i/11. v 31 C7 ' i 444414 • AI 7/1' 21 1111. IS I!1' ! 11' S I1/1Y 23 III' 71111' - sT fl Q. i 1/0'. 3117• • - 1 t•DIA.11.0.1 _ 1-1ES FOR NIGH NONAGE S40 POWER WIRING x •71E5,DUE TO AVAILABLE FIELD CED 1/ j INSTALLED HEATERS. -0 1 111• FN 5 Lee 00 00 = .E _ , i C0311151.WIRING WIRI NOM E 1 MI6. NOTE:ALLEN 21•F004 PRONT Y 9- 1 3115 I.SERIFS OES11NATION IS TNF 14TN POSITION FOR SERVICE 3-•m;: 0 TOP VIEW K MI PRODUCT Seen :z 411' 9 W``a � • 2.ALL OIKNfIW ARE IY'MKS'SN/COO WLFD, X11 7/114 115 • 111• •8 A. a15111"-+1 C S Ile•- De1lET 411 SIN' $i• ISCgIN[CT M -�� N �' cucnr 1AEUU I i.e CD A LOCALIq �3 O'y UNIT CONNECTION SIZES 3 IT[nATE -e fl. P� .LOIER CONTROL, 7T%l 343.•s .14 •�Z�Oj• T[:NODULAR l EUGENIC NEATEN SUCTION:111 1 121 sle•1.0.Stt4T ALTERNATE FOR 4114 1IR1YYi�E VYITt Nlll HAVE pN v :3,E.:3 PAYER 071 S 171 51/5 1.0.SWAT 1!1'014.Y.O. ONPOSI TE SIDE A 110•PIECE 042 TKY 060-115'I.D.SWAT CAB IxET �N LIVID:711'I.O.ittAT FON LN YOLTA4F COM INSATE:724'(P1 GNTAOL elA1N6 .. CO lh ONTIOYAL E FIELD 41 CNVFRTEN _I+, iY F RIGOR SIDE RUNITS OPENING �� W-1,________.___IRET AIR . ISIOP[roll uxlis Oxlrl ACC[SS . A ---I I Ili• - �/• e 7 5/I. A 11/11' I il /A• C IiTIN6 ' IWID LINE CNIFCTION IONIO LINF E • CONNECTION LINE 11 • I ; o �1 M PAYFI ' 3 1111• CONNECTION /1{I '.71:1 0 • IVC71N LIRE CONVICTION S �� 1 71145 - NJ7 H e 1ci�: e • 11• NNUU%NITS I�i$_! 10 111' ® i , •KiION LIRE _ _ Po - 11 /4• CONNECTION • 1 ISO [II Y • Ir.-..L. = g•_ • �) a 4 3 IV 1� l� Ill• _ "Cl T Jumminim6...• .1111111111.111.1111•11111. • -: 5' FILTER ACCESS 1.---111 - OPENING PANEL IS/IG 1• I D SLOPE COIL DETAILS ACCESS PANEL COILS FAA I u4•� 11111• -3 1125 6 Y� CONNECTION LOCAt1OK:YD®I SLOPE COILS RIGHT SIDE VIEW FOR OPTION 01 Mill. COWIN 04 NMI. IYLEi AIR LEFT A11LIC4TIOI3 HIONi Y NDICATINS 11LEi AIR FRONT VIEW "A" COILS DORNFIN APPLICATIONS y N o 0105 11111'4'COIL RETAILS CONNECTION FN OPFLN ON NNT.APPLICATIONS c MEASUREMENT- ENGLISH 005105-4 i 1 ra Tig O m 0) CO CD N -1 a) N O Q CO d3, • ., 25HCD3 Comfort' 13 Heat Pump -----� with Purona Refrigerant Carrier ` 1 -1/2 to 5 Nominal Tons turn to the expert Product Data INDUSTRY LEADING FEATURES I BENEFITS ti iKo` '- Efficiency �t y ` � _ ; • ▪ 13.0- 1I5 SEER;11.0-12.2�.2.,r,ER:7.7-85 HSPF • Microtube.Technology" refrigeration system • Indoor air quality accessories available Sound -- • Sound level as low as 69 dB A • Sound levels as low as 69 dBA with accessory sound blanket = Comfort • System supports Edge3 Thermidistar- or standard thermostat },- controls Reliability • Puron/refrigerant-environmentally sound.won't deplete the ozone layer and low lifetime service cost. • Scroll compressor • Internal pressure relief valve nom; • Internal[hernial overload • High pressure switch • Loss of charge switch r , J c.comfort • Filter drier Pe • Balanced refrigeration system for maximum reliability ron. SERIES Durability Weather4rmor- protection package: Carrier heat pumps with Puron 3 refrigerant provide a collection of • Solid,durable sheer metal construction ra features unmatched by any other family of equipment-The 2S11CD • Dense wire coil guard has been designed utilizing Carrier's Puron refrigerant. The • Baked-on powder paint environmentally sound refrigerant allows consumers to make a Applications responsible decision in the protection of the earth's ozone layer. MOTE: Rating_s contained in this document are subject to • Long-line-up to 250 feet 176.20 ml total equivalent length.up change at any time. Always refer to the AHRI directory to 200 feet 160.96 nil condenser above evaporator.or up to 80 ft. Isri w.ahridirectorc.org) for the most up-to-date ratings (2438 mi evaporator above condenser'See Longline Guide for information. more information.' • Low ambient(down to-20`F/-28.9 C(with accessory kit Residential Carrier Products Bldr 1.19p Page 8 of 9 • FB4C Base Series Fan Coil Carrier Sizes 018 thru 060 turn to the expert Product Data AIR HANDLER TECHNOLOGY AT ITS FINEST The FB4C fan coil combines the proven technology of Cartier fan coil units with the flexibility to handle both Purong refrigerant and R-22.as well as vertical and horizontal applications. The design features contoured condensate pans with rugged drain connections, ensuring that little water is left in the unit at the end of the cooling duty cycle. The lack of standing condensate and corrosion free pans improves LAO and product life. features homeowners appreciate. Standard features include grooved copper tubing and louvered aluminum fins.Coil circuiting has also been updated to make the most of all Carrier heat pumps and air conditioners. Units come with solid state fan controls,1-inch(25mm)thick insulation with R-value of 4.2. multi-speed motors. and fully-wettable coils. Units can accommodate factory- and/or field-installed heaters from 3 to 30 kW It also should he noted that the unique cabinet design of these fan coils meet new stringent regulations for cabinet air leakage - a requirement of 2%cabinet leakage rate when tested at 1.0 inches of static pressure. The FB4C fan coil design is loaded with popular features.These • fan mils utilize the latest in electronic commutation motor(ECM) S•• / technology through the use of high efficiency. multi-tap ECM t' motors allowing reliable air delivery with increased static pressure. It conies in a pre-painted(taupe metallic)galvanized steel casing and a factory-supplied power plug for ease of installation. ArmorCoatr" provides a tin plating of the indoor coil's copper Al C082 hairpins. This creates a harrier between the corrosion-causing elements and the coil. The FB4C unit is shipped with a factory-installed Teflon-rine piston (018 thru 048) or a Puron refrigerant TXV(060), Residential Carrier Products Bldr 1.19p Page 9 of 9 • tr . Li-vs _ _ _ _ _ I I ARCHITECTS 720 NW Davis 503221,1121 E Suite 300 503221.2077 0 db A°m ® r 7 - - 4,8 °o IN dt ' t4, ' Ii, ti, ' FLOOR PLAN GENERAL NOTES Portland OR 97209 WWW,IRarchdeCIS.CDIB I PLATFORM -= I,DIMENSIONS ARE TO FACE OF WALL UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.ADVISE ARCHITECT OF MY DISCREPANCIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. STOWAGE '$ 3.ALL ELECTRICAL WORK IS DESIGN BUILD-ALL ELECTRICAL OUTLETS,DATA B SWITCHES ,F. /A 71'A- ae op 43 4E-1' STORAGE SHOWN FOR REFERENCE ONLY.VERIFY EXISTING CONDITIONS,SUBMIT ELECTRICAL PLANS 7 -7 F.e� I IN TO ARCHITECT FOR REVIEW PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. l.� ._41 4.ALL ELECTRICAL 8 MECHANICAL WORK IS DESIGN BUILD-DEMISE AS REQUIRED SO EACH L-4��IT °`"1'� AN NEW v*a$ , M k 3EI ' t! SUITE HAS SEPARATE METERS. • e®{(C 2e- p�{_a O' •NEW AREA =- ® PROVIDE POLISHED CONCRETE FLOORS THROUGHOUT EXCEPT EPT IN NURSERY 119,t20,121. l E��11 y�i f� 122,TODDLERS 117 AND RESTROOMS AS NOTED ON PLAN.RESTROOM FLOOR TO REMAIN Co I r O O •�iPr ASLS. A -= STORAGE 8.PROVIDE NEW PAINT AND BASE THROUGHOUT UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. • - s N 7.WHERE NEW DOORS,FRAMES AND HARDNARE ARE PROVIDED,MATCH EXISTING BUILDING -,� I• O /� ® - - yr r STANDARD TYPE,SIZE(36'MIN WIDTH),FINISH AND COLOR.TOUCH UP EXISTING FRAMES _ ' _I - a,la O�"/ ; �Y B U AI: AND DOORS WHERE NEEDED TO APPEAR AS NEW. CONSULTANT: • AUGN •=NM aUBDa •III J _ _ 4 Qp.- a IW.LWAV® �!,Q ! //1 -i -.. /� 41 BI ��� it 31 r PI BUILDING lL l F� /9 I I�~• .�5 r G4TNERINa ® _. _ H 4.'. �',®.11''. i■ ni�� _ ? AN., ELECTRIC L 1 I r 8ifd '�_tea! Ip iit El • 111 Q Ili '� E-e. 0 V 4 1'• p e ) AUD(OEQPT sT ® 91 + +F=� 1111LI - FLOOR PLAN KEYNOTES 1 III RI N N _a ® " PRESCHOOL d 0 NFILL OPENING TO MATCH ADJACENT FINISHES. 11 Z �n _ •••!.••••.•••.!•.`..•`... -``� WOMEN • It'll r 116 1 II O PROVIDE VERTICAL ACCESSIBLE GRAB BAR IN STALL 9.� . .IIW A WO Da��• -- © �Ilz TODDLERS O e DO�'[�r-lR� ®PROVIDE NEW PAR 36'GLASS DOOR TO MATCH BUILDING STANDARD STORE FRONT SYSTEM. - 'I M -' IR *' U 10 III IN ® - 0 S O BOLL UP DOOR TO REMAIN.PROVIDE WEATHER PROOFING AROUND PERIMETER JAMB.HEAD IBA�FTCE i �■ I�O •i. .O 111 Nc. _- m .:.,:,....„.„,z : II ®FURR AROUND EXISTING STEEL COLUMN TO CEILNG GRID AS MINIMALLY AS POSSIBLE - (E)9.EC778'109 ;TVA IB 0.0 ! 7 I- OB FLAIR AROUND EXISTING STEEL COLUMN TO 9-0'AFF AS MINIMALLY AS POSSIBLE. 'R' HW71Ng c- 7 SilinDA O e - 7 RELOCATE EXISTING POWER PANELS AND TRANSFORMER TO REDUCE SIZE OF ROOM.MOVE • • O HALLWAY O WALL ANO DOOR TOWARDS RESTROOMS AS FAR AS POSSIBLE. WAY N 9$ CC-- NEW __. 111 \. _ _ O PROVIDE PANIC HARDWARE AT THIS LOCATION. �IJe 1 ,r i51■M _ ,. II �y�' III IF IB IN ■F • QI • H• ®PROVIDE NEW PAIR OF 38'WIDE WOOD DOORS TO MATCH BUILDING STANDARD. NS'Rj URSERY V - __ IPI -•- -22 _ NURSERY _- Ip - A1A7SERY _ 10 REPAIR EDGE OF CASEWORK TO MATCH EXISTING P-LAIR. �T 10' - 11 CASEWORK PROVIDED AND INSTALLED BY TENANT. PROJECT NUMBER: 2f 40B7 { T O FINISH LEGEND Colossae TI N I CARPET r� --I -- -- -- - O•_ .0 CPT-1 TO BE SELECTED 0 • I Park 217 Business Center 13'-5- 15'$ 12'$ 13.10' RUBBER BASE RBA TO BE SELECTED Building 1 • .a+ PAINT 12244 SW Garden Place P-1 TO BE SELECTED Tigard,OR 97223 1. FLOOR PLAN ei-37. LEGEND SCALE. 1/13'=1'-0' /� y► EXISTING PARTITION "�Jf_ )-._ C '/lb _ NEW BUILDING STANDARD PARTITION (SEE DETAIL 2/A201) ��/^� Q�'1 /,.t{ EXISTING WALL IXTENDED TO PROVIDE RW S SHEET METAL Ai. C- ' , '[ L GliC I O )/f 3 C LA �® STRUCTURE(SEE DETAIL 3/A201) SCREWS AT EA U TRACE UNDERSIDE OF STRUCTURE ATTACHMENT TO STRUCTURAL 20 GA J SIB.STUD BRACING TO EXISTING BRACING N 1 j�. MEMBER TYR. ' STRUCTURE B'-0-O.C. I``-T e N c,'os e Tt< REIM PARTITION PROVIDE 30110'LIGHT B SOUND V 1 ! 1FA SEALING BETWEEN WALL 8 CEIUNS CE STUD CONNECTION ®EA W j E C C 10 /h/z�2 L �•(N t-L tr �`�A� BELOW ITEMS SHOWN FOR REFERENCE ONLY BETWEEN WALL SOUND BRACE STUD CONNECRON LO TOP F" A,J�"'•`..V OF WALL STUD ///��� $ SWITCH _ RFY�1€K1HTA VERIFY HEIGHTA f�p wQ/] p-Ai' /I erbi D TELEI DATA OUTLET T -V NEW METAL WALL EXTENSION WITH V / V •C 1'1 '• r r`. 9A DUPLEX OUTLET SIB'GYP.BOON EXPOSED SIDE ONLY, EX/STING ACOUSTICAL CEILING SHEET TITLE: PROVIDE R)FASTENERS(SEA i�� SYSTEM. /NSOO CPO? QUAD OUTLET c BRACE STUD CONNECTION TO TOP ��ffv OF WAIL STIR •i OPEN TO STRUCTURE ABOVE IXISTWGPMi1TDH ) tvo { ® FLOOR PLAN �) Gel / 1 V THERMOSTAT VV(y ® BLANK OUTLET 35'C 25 GA.(3611125-1/B MR ^�"� ' ��� N NEW STUDS AC S SIDE,PROVIDE S GYP. (�'.►/F'�' i ••• BD.EACH SDE,PRDVIOE T SOUND _ a• `V C) R RELOCATED IATTENUATION BATT INSULATION HI 8 f T O ` ' a A NEW FIRE EXTINGUISHER CABINET FRICTION IC N STLA 0 CEB NO . ` •N7 � � ACOUSTIC w sTuoT P CEILING 11 ,, I� 1 r. GRID. VvR 1` O POWDER DRA'EN ANCHOR AT Zd•D.C.THRU MTL NEW OR RELOCATED DOOR BASE ON BOTH SIDES AS POWDER TRAQLUON I l C C DATE ISSUED: 01.08/4 SPECIFIED 1 PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS 05.1214 �I., __ FJ05TINGSIAB 4 C P f2R?.e'f-. F 0'-ic-lklF 04 T e °P\-t017a 2. BUILDING STANDARD PARTITION 3. BUILDING STANDARD PARTITION EXTENSION i f o DO ''T Coo Ll4i ESCALE 12'=1'-0' SCALE T2•=,-0' 2 1 (boo c r✓11 }� `�,y1 A201 • E e�T"'C��� T( c'V Ci f SHEET: usww.n iz cm. € t/-1 O N CO n0MSi Y1 t•' tAlJ I t PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS 05.12.14 t.1.6 B' 3,3 . ,yC1<5TJ "•'r Hu COI L