Report (8) STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS FOR RTU Replacement Vesta Building 7 Park 217 CITY OF TIGARD REVIEWED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE Tigard, Oregon Approved: [ L]� OTC: [ ] Pcrmit #: 1L - '( — Address: jQ Spite #: F,: _i11,�•,, Date: �� Hunter- Davisson , Inc . 1800 SE Pershing Street OFFICE COPY Portland, Oregon. 97202 i1/4‘) CT0A Associated ' 8ss% Consultants I i,�i Inc. Structural Engineers a�L': tzo.� cYAG• 'EXPIRES: 6-30- 100 East 13th Street • Suite 10 • Vancouver, Washington 98660 Portland: (503) 384-0460 • Vancouver: (360) 699-0607 (._) 4 L 1# >LJ p`r D' —ty P ti I - "r < Syr ... __ .._. _ --.4— , , . j > 0 / ti Pic, 1 0100.11° g) De c° . VE—TZ-1 Fy I \. t)I - 1 Ctk,i) A-PittPtf_LF , l'i . ® 1 . 1.___ _L ) e....0x4t) l : ! : 1 . . I ! 1 I---- _,,.. .... . v v °gel) zt4 , N u MZ"ri At, <}aD " -FWA I hvi PL. Q By: ' Vesta Bldg #7 RTU lob Na.15-125 Associated Consultants, laeati°a Park 217, Tigard, Or Date02/13/2015 inc. StruGutal Engineers Clicnt Sheet No. 1 100 East 13th Street•Suite 10•Vancouver,Washington 98660 Hunter Dav i s so n Portland{503)M-0460-Vancouver,(360)699-0607 - UNIT PLAN VIEW 6-#12 SCREWS ROOF UNIT EACH SIDE OF UNIT \_I6 GAGE X 4" X SHOWN W/ 8-#12xREQUIRED SCREWS, 2-EACH SIDE OF UNIT EXISTING CURB NEN ADAPTER CURB 2-16 GA L 3"x 1 1/2" x 2-16 GA L 3"x 1 1/2" x 0'-3" w/ 3 #10 0'-3" w/ 3 #10 SCREWS AT (E) CURB SCREWS AT (E) CURB 3 #10x2.5" @ ROOF 4 3 #10x2.5" @ ROOF EA SIDE J u _ SIDE �► _ (E) DOUBLE 2X6 NEN 2x4 BLKG AT Lax 1 1/2" TYP AT OPPOSITE END A ROOF TOP UNIT SUPPORT DETAIL UNIT PLAN VIEW -ROOF UNIT 16 GAGE X 4" X SHOWN W/ 6-#12X4" SCREWS 3-#12xREQUIRED SCREWS, EACH SIDE OF UNIT 2-EACH SIDE OF UNIT NEW ADAPTER CURB EXISTING CURB 2-16 GAL3"x11/2" x O'-3" w/ 3 #10 SCREWS AT (E) CURB $ 3 #10x2.5" @ ROOF EA SIDE NA (E) DOUBLE 2X6 B ROOF TOP UNIT SUPPORT DETAIL 3 ,eTi p 4 lArr: 2.- 00 „Ai rz-ro 540 14 A-P - / r e"•D kir----- ei-.5' f- beci --1- ' s4°/7-- /4004- �I f? To ,j3E.A-rte -.--:--- 1 ? 0 411- — _ S I P i e -ro P.5t, z-x , 5 # I I e.) / K 0 / r- gi-i- 0 (.0 tZ ) -0?0 STS Pr-- d-0 s pf . I7 L... et....X lv a IL 5.1-.. .E. 0 .e---x-r p14-Cie--- p`°'°`` Vesta Bldg #7 RTU >06�a.15-125 �.,_ Associated Consultants, mat°° Park 217, Tigard, Or 02/13/2015 Inc. StruQrr>fEoyneen Client Sheet t2v. IOOEa5113lhShcot•Suiu 10•Vnncvuver,Washington 98660 Hunter bavisson Portland(03}384-0460 • Vancouver:(360)699.0607 ! _ Associated Consultants,Inc Title: Job# 100 East 13th Street suite 10 Dsgnr: Date: 9:51AM, 16 FEB 15 Vancouver,Washington Description 503 384-0460 Scope: - Rev: 580004 User:KW-0603830.Ver 5,8,0,1-Dec-2003 General Timber Beam (01983-2003 ENERCALC Engineering Software ec.ecw:Calculations - Description Check E Dbi 2x6 [General information Code Ref:1997/2001 NDS,2000/2003 IBC,2003 NFPA 5000.Base allowables are user defined 11 Section Name 2-2x6 Center Span 7.75 ft Lu 0.00 ft Beam Width 3.000 in Left Cantilever ft Lu 0.00 ft Beam Depth 5.500 in Right Cantilever ft Lu 0.00 ft Member Type Sawn Douglas Fir-Larch(North),No.1/No.2 Bm Wt.Added to Loads Fb Base Allow 850.0 psi Load Dur.Factor 1.150 Fv Allow 180.0 psi Beam End Fixity Pin-Pin Fc Allow 625.0 psi Repetitive Member Wood Density 40.000 pcf E 1,600.0ksi [Full Length Uniform Loads 1 Center DL 30.00#/ft LL 75.00 #/ft Left Cantilever DL #!ft LL #/ft Right Cantilever DL #/ft LL #/ft [Point Loads 11 Dead Load 405.0 lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs Live Load lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs ...distance 3.875 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft Summary I Beam Design OK Span=7.75ft,Beam Width=3.000in x Depth=5.5in,Ends are Pin-Pin Max Stress Ratio 0.873 ; 1 Maximum Moment 1.6 k-ft Maximum Shear* 1.5 0.9 k Allowable 1.8 k-ft Allowable 3.4 k Max.Positive Moment 1.61 k-ft at 3.875 ft Shear: @ Left 0.63 k Max.Negative Moment 0.00 k-ft at 7.750 ft @ Right 0.63 k Max @ Left Support 0.00 k-ft Camber. @ Left 0.000 in Max @ Right Support 0.00 k-ft @ Center 0.216 in Max.M allow 1,84 Reactions... t@ Right 0.000 In fb 1,275.31 psi fv 52.69 psi Left DL 0.34 k Max 0.63 k Fb 1,461.36 psi Fv 207.00 psi Right DL 0.34 k Max 0.63 k [Deflections 1 Center Span... Dead Load Total Load Left Cantilever... Dead Load Total Load Deflection -0.144 in -0.236 in Deflection 0.000 in 0.000 in ...Location 3.875 ft 3.875 ft ...Length/Dell 0.0 0.0 ...Length/Deft 645.1 394.69 Right Cantilever... Camber(using 1.5•D.L.Defl)... Deflection 0.000 in 0.000 in Center 0.216 in .,,Length/Deft 0.0 0.0 @ Left 0.000 in @ Right 0.000 in Associated Consultants,Inc Title: Job# 100 East 13th Street suite 10 Dsgnr: Date: 9:51AM, 16 FEB 15 Vancouver,Washington Description 503 384-0460 Scope: Rev: 580004 User.Kw-0603830.Ver5.8.0,1-Dec-2003 General Timber Beam (c)1983-2003 ENERCALC Engineering Software ec.ecwCalculations Description Check E Dbl 2x6 [Stress Calcs III Bending Analysis Ck 32.811 Le 0.000 ft Sxx 15.125 in3 Area 16.500 in2 Cf 1.300 Rb 0.000 CI 0.000 Max Moment Sxx Req'd Allowable fb Ca3 Center 1.61 k-ft 13.20 in3 1,461.36 psi @ Left Support 0.00 k-ft 0.00 in3 1,461.36 psi ©Right Support 0.00 k-ft 0.00 in3 1,461.36 psi Shear Analysis @ Left Support a Right Support Design Shear 0.87 k 0.87 k Area Required 4.200 in2 4.200 in2 Fv:Allowable 207.00 psi 207.00 psi Bearing @ Supports Max.Left Reaction 0.63 k Bearing Length Req'd 0.334 in Max.Right Reaction 0.63 k Bearing Length Req'd 0.334 in Query Values II M,V,&D @ Specified Locations Moment Shear Deflection a Center Span Location= 0.00 ft 0.00 k-ft 0.63 k 0.0000 in @ Right Cant.Location= 0.00 ft 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k 0.0000 in @ Left Cant.Location= 0.00 ft 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k 0.0000 in cA-Fc.i< i.;,.4-e55 \AI --;.• --1-1.- (e7) e?t4 I5 2 , Z 0 R5 5 moo -' Fie-- a PAL/ p 10 Associated P"' Vesta Bldg #7 RTU lob No.15-125 Consultants, 6Na`i°a Park 217, Tigard, Or Dath02/13/2015 Inc. StructuglEngineers Meat Sheet No.� IOV east Uth Street•Suite lV•Vancouver,Washington 98660 Hunter Davison Ponland.(503)384-0460 • Vancouver.(360)609-0607 Associated Consultants,Inc Title: Job# 100 East 13th Street suite 10 Dsgnr: Date; 10:04AM, 16 FEB 15 Vancouver,Washington Description 503 384-0460 Scope: LkRev: 580004 User,KW-0803830,Ver 5-8.0,1-Dec-2003 General Timber Beam (01983-2003 ENERCALC Engineering Software ec.ecw.Calculations Description Check E 4x14 General Information Code Ref:1997/2001 NDS,200012003 IBC,2003 NFPA 5000.Base allowables are user defined i Section Name 4x14 Center Span 19.25 ft Lu 0.00 ft Beam Width 3.500 in Left Cantilever ft Lu 0.00 ft Beam Depth 13.250 in Right Cantilever ft Lu 0.00 ft Member Type Sawn Douglas Fir-Larch(North),Select stru Fb Base Allow 1,350.0 psi Load Dur.Factor 1.150 Fv Allow 180.0 psi Beam End Fixity Pin-Pin Fc Allow 625.0 psi E 1,900.0 ksi Full Length Uniform Loads i Center DL 80.00#/ft IL 200.00 #Ift Left Cantilever DL #/ft LL #Ift Right Cantilever DL #Ift LL #Ift Point Loads 1 Dead Load 405.0 lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs Live Load lbs lbs lbs ibs lbs lbs lbs ...distance 3.250 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft LSummary Overstressed in Bending !• Span=19.25ft,Beam Width=3.50c x Depth=13.25in,En.- are Pin-Pin .9°� / o Jam._ �7 Max Stress Ratio 1.029 : 1 O Maximum Moment 13.6 k-ft Maximum Shear* 1.5 4.1 k Allowable Allowable 9.6 k Max.Positive Moment 13.64 k-ft at 9.394 ft Shear: (41 Left 3.03 k Max.Negative Moment 0.00 k-ft at 19.250 ft ©Right 2.76 k Max @ Left Support 0.00 k-ft Camber: @ Left 0.000 in Max @ Right Support 0.00 k-ft @ Center 0.347 in Max.M allow 13.25 Reactions... @ Right 0.000 in rb 1,597.81 psi fv 88.29 psi Left DL 1.11 k Max 3.03 k Fb 1,552.50 psi Fv 207.00 psi Right DL 0.84 k Max 2.76 k Deflections Center Span... Dead Load Total Load Left Cantilever... Dead Load Total Load Deflection -0.231 in -0.710 in Deflection 0.000 in 0.000 in ...Location 9.394 ft 9.548 ft ...LengthfDefl 0.0 0.0 ...Length/Deft 999.2 325.16 Right Cantilever... Camber(using 1.5*D.L.Dell)... Deflection 0.000 in 0.000 in @ Center 0.347 in ...Length/Defl 0.0 0.0 @ Left 0.000 in ©Right 0.000 in 6 Associated Consultants,Inc Title: Job# , 100 East 13th Street suite 10 Dsgnr: Date: 10:04AM, 16 FEB 15 Vancouver,Washington Description 503 384-0460 Scope: . Rev. 580004 User.KW-0603830,Ver58.0,1-Dec-2003 General Timber Beam `(01983-2003 ENERCALC Engineering Software ec.eowCalculetions Description Check E 4x14 [Stress Caics ill Bending Analysis Ck 28.371 Le 0.000 ft Sxx 102.411 in3 Area 46.375 in2 Cf 1.000 Rb 0.000 CI 0.000 Max Moment Sxx Req'd Allowable fb @ Center 13.64 k-ft 105.40 in3 1,552.50 psi c@ Left Support 0.00 k-ft 0.00 in3 1,552.50 psi @ Right Support 0.00 k-ft 0.00 in3 1,552.50 psi Shear Analysis @ Left Support G Right Support Design Shear 4.09 k 3.69 k Area Required 19.781 in2 17.837 in2 Fv:Allowable 207.00 psi 207.00 psi Bearing @ Supports Max.Left Reaction 3.03 k Bearing Length Req'd 1.386 in Max.Right Reaction 2.76 k Bearing Length Req'd 1.263 in Query Values 11 Ml,V,8 D @ Specified Locations Moment Shear Deflection @ Center Span Location= 0.00 ft 0.00 k-ft 3.03 k 0.0000 in @ Right Cant.Location= 0.00 ft 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k 0.0000 in ig Left Cant.Location= 0.00 ft 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k 0.0000 In 9 Associated Consultants,Inc Title: Job# 100 East 13th Street suite 10 Dsgnr: Date: 10:08AM, 16 FEB 15 Description: Vancouver,Washington 503 384-0460 Scope: Rev: 580004 User.KVV-0803830,Ver5.8.0,i-0ec-2003 General Timber Beam (c)1983-2003 ENE RCALC Engineering Software ec.ecw.Calculations Description GL Beam General Information Code Ref: 1997/2001 NDS,2000/2003 IBC,2003 NFPA 5000. Base allowables are user defined II Section Name 5.125x24 Center Span 32.00 ft Lu 0.00 ft Beam Width 5.125 in Left Cantilever ft Lu 0.00 ft Beam Depth 24.000 in Right Cantilever ft Lu 0.00 ft Member Type GluLam Douglas Fir,24F-V4 Bm Wt.Added to Loads Fb Base Allow 2,400.0 psi Load Dur.Factor 1.150 Fv Allow 240.0 psi Beam End Fixity Pin-Pin Fc Allow 650.0 psi Wood Density 40.000pcf E 1,800.0 ksi Full Length Uniform Loads Center DL 200.00#/ft LL 500.00 #Ift Left Cantilever DL #/ft LL #Ift Right Cantilever DL #/ft LL #Ift Point Loads Dead Load 800.0 lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs Live Load lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs ...distance 4.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft Summary 1 Beam Design OK Span=32.00ft,Beam Width=5.125in x Depth=24.in,Ends are Pin-Pin Max Stress Ratio 0.944 : 1 Maximum Moment 95.6 k-ft Maximum Shear* 1.5 16.6 k Allowable 101.2 k-ft Allowable 33.9 k Max.Positive Moment 95.58 k-ft at 15.872 ft Shear: @ Left 12.45 k Max.Negative Moment 0.00 k-ft at 0.000 ft @ Right 11.85 k Max Q Left Support 0.00 k-ft Camber: Q Left 0.000 in Max @ Right Support 0.00 k-ft @ Center 0.829 in Max.M allow 101.23 Reacfions... Q Right 0.000 in fb 2,331.22 psi fv 134.60 psi Left DL 4.45 k Max 12.45 k Fb 2,468.95 psi Fv 276.00 psi Right DL 3.85 k Max 11.85 k Deflections Center Span... Dead Load Total Load Left Cantilever... Dead Load Total Load Deflection -0.552 in -1.662 in Deflection 0.000 in 0.000 in ...Location 15.872 ft 16.000 ft ...Length/Dell 0.0 0.0 ...Length/Deft 695.0 230.98 Right Cantilever... Camber(using 1.5*D.L.Deft)... Deflection 0.000 in 0.000 in Q Center 0.829 in ...Length/Deft 0.0 0.0 @ Left 0.000 in @ Right 0.000 in ( 0 Associated Consultants, Inc Title: Job# . 100 East 13th Street suite 10 Dsgnr: Date: 10:08AM, 16 FEB 15 Vancouver,Washington Description 503 384-0460 Scope: . Rev: 580004 User:Kw-0603530,Ver General Timber Beam `(0[983-2003 ENERCALC Engineering Software ec.ecvcCalculations Description GL Beam Stress Caics 0 Bending Analysis Ck 20.711 Le 0.000 ft Sxx 492.000 in3 Area 123.000 in2 Cv 0.895 Rb 0.000 CI 0.000 Max Moment S:oc Req d Allowable fb @ Center 95.58 k-ft 464.55 in3 2,468.95 psi @ Left Support 0.00 k-ft 0.00 in3 2,468.95 psi @ Right Support 0.00 k-ft 0.00 in3 2,468.95 psi Shear Analysis @ Left Support @ Right Support Design Shear 16.56 k 15.66 k Area Required 59.984 in2 56.723 in2 Fv:Allowable 276.00 psi 276.00 psi Bearing @ Supports Max.Left Reaction 12.45 k Bearing Length Req'd 3.736 in Max.Right Reaction 11.85 k Bearing Length Req'd 3.556 in L Query Values M,V,&13 @ Specified Locations Moment Shear Deflection @ Center Span Location= 0.00 ft 0.00 k-ft 12.45 k 0.0000 in @ Right Cant.Location= 0.00 It 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k 0.0000 in @ Left Cant.Location= 0.00 ft 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k 0.0000 in • 1? la • 1 �---.:---• i. .L,,-1—....t i_L,.._._. A.L !�...L.. � f • _ • _ • . I i / - iiiiiiii�� FFFFtt •• 1-----.... '`� . I - ..'• ..,ale...1-#...)....... ley,..g. _hit lazip .. if.4.o...____•._._.. ! ; } } ' s I F--,_ i ..• ••••:••••• •,.•./m, „...,„ : 4„, .....„..,..,I .......... ..... i ., /, , • , . ......., . ..... ........, ... . . . . , . . 4 ;.. j r'r ( i j 1 .. - •-.mot i. ._w•.'.I *kV..4#....f..•1 •. •r•an t,.r/. 7 . r, - I. .. ..1 • t t 1d y a f I 4v - f,r j i , I • --........ i ''''—: / -.1_ ..,..gt 17.. -.7.71._ (2...... 1....,,,,, . : ...........: ... ...._ _.•,.., ,/.4,. -a } f ( • I 1 a, . � -., . 2p, ..p I-I -I, z.. z p f t , , i 1/.0, Th. oi , 4.1 , c 1 ,. vli p. .: i____ 1 ..... ...4 ."-i.i.,-) WO w=3 {I 1 i I .,, s •e f:_i, ...„ , ie., i . ----OW—.r :. ..„--__.......i?,,.„2,.,,.. ....ir vip. ......1. i• , - : i,-;— , : , t. : 1 , : . , t, i k'f lj ( r 1 I . °'`" Vesta Bldg #7 RTU 15-125 ,,,.,� Associated Consultants, `°e"`0e Park 217, Tigard, Or – ��IeO2/l3/2�15 Inc. SclucuclfEngncers ------ – — Client Shed No 100 East 13111 Street•Suite 10•Vancouver,Washington 96660 Hunter b a v i s s o n 12- Padwfl(503)384-0360 • Vaa wuvcr.(360)699.0607 ..f7 :::--- • S S C 1 114.9 ,- CZ9 ( 4015 . 7,,) ( 7,z) lia,5O # VTO 61 155'/e -US 4t 2, _ If.5 EA/ _44 rz, 5 - - e 4 ' ioe-- @ 1_v Tfl A-n74-- r - gi. @zo ) z- 171/0 ? 77 o f Coo 41-,tAfre_rt o cURt o (2,1,0) c, 132-° -7- a <.* orto / 5 5/0 ( tot 7,5/0 2 9s-50 r 4 12- I'1 . 3/ea (' , r G 1) is2220 >1 52-30 c301.. /lc I/P t■ IPT . By P`°'"` Vesta Bldg #7 RTU Job X15-125 Associated Consultants, ' Park 217, Tigard, Or 02/13/2015 Inc. StttxturaiWive's cutot sn«a xo. 1 IOOEasl l3thStrnc•Suit 10•Vaicourv,WashingWn 95660 Hunter Davisson Puotland:(503)3-04.0460 Vancouvcr.(360)694-0607 RECEIVED FEB 2 3 2015 CITY OFTIGARD BUILDING DIVISION SUBMITTAL DATA For: Quotation Order#: Date: 01/14/2015 Project: PARK 217 Project #: RWS01142015-05 Location: OREGON Purchaser: HUNTER DAVISSON-JEFF Submitter: YORK NW-RYAN Unitary Sales Tool v1.5.9.0 Information is subject to change without notice.Check local codes. Printed 01/15/2015 Y I Date 01/14/2015 Project Name PARK 217 Project Number P RWS01142015-05 Client/Purchaser HUNTER DAVISSON-JEFF Submittal Summary Page Qty Tag# Model# Description 1 OPTION 1 ZF240N32T2AZZ30001 20 Ton,York Large Sunline Single Packaged R-410A Air Conditioner, 10.0 EER/11.0 IEER, Two Stage Cooling, 320 MBH Output Aluminized Steel,Two Stage Gas Heat, 7.5 HP High Static Belt Drive Blower,2"Throwaway Filters,208/230-3-60, Galvanized Steel Drain Pan •Dry Bulb Low Leak Economizer w/Barometric Relief and Hoods (Bottom Return Only) •Simplicity®SE Controller with Discharge Air, Return Air, and Outside Air Sensor •IntelliSpeed control of the VFD based on stages of cooling (Provides Single Zone VAV Fan Operation as defined by ASHRAE 90.1 section OPTION 2 ZF240N24T2AZZ30002 20 Ton, York Large Sunline Single Packaged R-410A Air Conditioner, 10.0 EER /11.0 IEER, Two Stage Cooling, 240 MBH Output Aluminized Steel, Two Stage Gas Heat, 7.5 HP High Static Belt Drive Blower, 2"Throwaway Filters, 208/230-3-60, Galvanized Steel Drain Pan • Dry Bulb Low Leak Economizer w/Barometric Relief and Hoods (Bottom Return Only) • Simplicity®SE Controller with Discharge Air, Return Air, and Outside Air Sensor • IntelliSpeed control of the VFD based on stages of cooling (Provides Single Zone VAV Fan Operation as defined by ASHRAE 90.1 section AIM 1 CDI-1-5510-5020 CDI ADAPTER CURB 4 DAY BUILD MM-MH-0565-HOLD MICRO METL HOLDDOWNS Equipment start-up and commissioning by a factory trained technician is recommended. Contact your supplying distributor or sales representative for additional information&guidance. Unitary sales Tool v1.5.9.0 Information Is subject to change without notice.Check local codes. Printed 01,1512015 1 } ayoRK0 Large Sunline Page:3 Single Package R-410A Air Conditioner Project Name: PARK 217 Unit Model#: ZF240N32T2AZZ30001 Quantity: 1 Tag#:OPTION 1 System: ZF240N32T2AZZ30001 Cooling Performance Total capacity 260.4 MBH ---- ---— Sensible capacity 189.3 MBH Refrigerant type R-410A Efficiency(at ARI) 10.00 EER Integrated eff.(at ARI) 11.00 IEER Ambient DB temp. 95.0 °F Entering DB temp. 80.0 °F 'o Entering WB temp. 67.0 °F t Leaving DB temp. 58.1 °F Leaving WB temp. 56.7 °F - Power input(w/o blower) 22.57 kW Sound power 92 dB(A) f Gas Heating Performance Entering DB temp. 60 °F Heating output capacity(Max) 320 MBH Supply air 8000 CFM Heating input capacity(Max) 400 MBH Leaving DB temp. 97.0 °F 20 Ton Air temp.rise 37,0 °F SSE 80.0 % • York Sunline Units are Manufactured at an ISO 9001 Registered Facility and Stages 2 Each Rooftop is Completely Computer-Run Tested Prior to Shipment. Supply Air Blower Performance Unit Features Supply air 8000 CFM • Unit Cabinet Constructed of Powder Painted Steel,Certified At 1000 Hours Ext.static pressure 0.6 IWG Salt Spray Test(ASTM B-117 Standards). Unit static resistance 0.15 IWG • Through-the-Curb and Through-The-Base Utility Connections Blower speed 953 RPM • Either Supply and/or Return can be Field Converted from Vertical to Max BHP of Motor(including service factor) 8.63 HP Horizontal Configuration without Cutting Panels Duct location Bottom Motor rating 7.50 HP • Full Perimeter Base Rails with Built in Rigging Capabilities ' Actual required BHP 6.06 HP • Galvanized Steel Drain Pan Power input 5.08 kW • Dual Refrigerant Circuits for Efficient Part Load Operation with Scroll Elevation 0 ft. Compressors Drive type BELT • Two Stage Cooling Electrical Data • Solid Core Liquid Line Filter Driers Power supply 230-3-60 • 320 MBH Output Aluminized Steel,Two Stage Gas Heat Unit min circuit ampacity 103.5 Amps • 7.5 HP High Static Belt Drive Blower Unit max over-current protection 125 Amps • Unit Ships with 2"Throwaway Filters with a Standard Filter Rack That Will Dimensions&Weight Accept up to 4"Filters Hgt 53 in. Len 137 in. Wth 92 in. • Replacement Filters:4-(16"x 25"x 2"or 4")AND 4-(16"x 20"x 2"or 4"). Weight with factory installed options 2948 lbs. Unit accepts 2"or 4"wide filters. Clearances • Single Point Power Connection Right 36 in. Front 36 in. Back 49 in. • Dry Bulb Low Leak Economizer w/Barometric Relief and Hoods(Bottom `Top 72 in. Bottom 0 in. Left 36 in. / Retum Only) Note: Please refer to the tech guide for listed maximum static pressures • Short Circuit Current:5kA RMS Symmetrical A,�IP.f5,I R- el. A (#) Standard Unit Controller: Simplicity Control Board ` • An Integrated Low-Ambient Control,Anti-Short Cycle Protection,Lead-Lag, Fan On and Fan off Delays,Low Voltage Protection,On-Board Diagnostic and Fault Code Display.Allows all units to operate in the cooling mode down to 0°F outdoor ambient without additional components or intervention. • Safety Monitoring-Monitors the High and Low-Pressure Switches,the Freezestats,the Gas Valve,if Applicable,and the Temperature Limit Switch on Gas and Electric Heat Units.The Unit Control Board will Alarm on Ignition Failures,Safety Lockouts and Repeated Limit Switch Trips. BAS Controller • Simplicity SE Controller with Discharge Air,Return Air,and Outside Air Sensor • IntelliSpeed control of the VFD based on stages of cooling.Provides Single Zone VAV Fan Operation as defined by ASHRAE 90.1 section Warranty • One(1)Year Limited Warranty on the Complete Unit • Five(5)Year Warranty-Compressors and Electric Heater Elements • Ten(10)Year Warranty-Aluminized Steel Tubular Heat Exchangers Unitary Sales Tool v1.5.9.0 Information is subject to change without notice.Check local codes. Printed 01/15/2015 I al Large Sunline Page:4 Single Package R-410A Air Conditioner Project Name: PARK 217 Unit Model#: ZF240N32T2AZZ30001 Quantity: 1 Tag#:OPTION 1 System: ZF240N32T2AZZ30001 Factory Installed Options ZF240N32T2AZZ30001 York Large Sunline Single Packaged R-410A Air Product Category: Z Conditioner Product Identifier: F 10.0 EER/11.0 IEER 20 Ton: . Nominal Cooling Capacity: 240 Two Stage Cooling 320 MBH Output Aluminized Steel, Two Stage Gas Heat Type and Nominal Heat Capacity: N32 Heat Dry Bulb Low Leak Economizer w/Barometric Relief and Hoods(Bottom Return Only) Airflow: T 7.5 HP High Static Belt Drive Blower 2"Throwaway Filters Voltage: 2 208/230-3-60 Installation Options: A Galvanized Steel Drain Pan IntelliSpeed control of the VFD based on stages of cooling (Provides Single Zone VAV Fan Operation as Additional Options: ZZ defined by ASHRAE 90.1 section Simplicity®SE Controller with Discharge Air, Return Air, and Outside Air Sensor Product Generation: 3 Field Installed Accessories Unitary Sales Tool v1.5.9.0 Information is subject to change without notice.Check local codes. Printed 01/15/2015 , 1 • • Large Sunline Page:5 Single Package R-410A Air Conditioner Project Name: PARK 217 Unit Model 0: ZF240N32T2AZZ30001 Quantity: 1 Tag#:OPTION 1 _ System: ZF240N32T2AZZ30001 Consolidated Drawing NOTES: U I. FOR OUTDOOR USE ONLY. M OPERATING CENTER Or GRAVITY 2. WEIGHTS SHOWN ARE FOR COOLING ONLY UNITS. TONNAGE I WEIGHT I18S1 LOCATION)BAS(UMITI 1 POINT CORNER LOADS 11851)BAS[NMI - 3. MIN. CLEARANCES TO BE: 1 (BASE UMITI 9 r A 0 C D RIGHT SIDE: 36 [911,11 11.5 IF 2006 19101 10.98 11802,91 45 111131 110 12131 511 12321 534 12421 491 (2231 LEFT SIDE: 21 1609,61 (LESS ECONOMIZER) ECONWIZ[R/ 36 (911,11 WITH ECONOMIZER) N010RI2E0 DIAPER 20 2F 2533 111191 70 111181 11 11117,61 569 12671 622 12821 679 13081 613 12921 FRONT: 36 1911,11 1 PIA.EliA051 REAR: 24 [609,61 (LESS ECONOMIZER) RAIN NOOD IOPTIONALI 25 IF 2591(11181 70117781 11.5 11130,3] RI)12171 615 12931 68113131 652[2961 49 [1211,61 (WITH ECONOMIZER) TOP: 72 (1828,81 WITH 36 1914,41 MAX. HORIZ. 71.01 IS xP 2110 11111 11.1(1158,31 15 111431 151 1206] 592 12611 6If 0811 175[2161 OVERHANG (FOR CONDENSER AIR DISCHARGE) 11803.81 BOTTOM: 0 [01 35.23 /, FOR SMALLER SERVICE AND OPERATIONAL CLEARANCES [891,71 CONTACT YOUR APPLICATION ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT. S. DOWNFLOW DUCTS DESIGNED TO BE ATTACHED TO ACCESSORY REAR ROOF CURB ONLY. IF UNIT IS MOUNTED SIDE SUPPLY, IT 65.75 IS RECOMMENDED THAT THE DUCTS ARE SUPPORTED BY [1670,11 CROSS BRACES, AS DONE ON ACCESSORY ROOF CURBS. 5.89 6. SIDE DUCT FLANGES ARE 0.875' [22,21 NIGH. + 1119,51 BOTTOM DUCTS DO NOT HAVE FLANGES. A B 7. MINIMUM CONDENSATION TRAP HEIGHT SHALL BE 1.5 TIMES 7 j " THE LOWEST NEGATIVE STATIC. • RETURN I 1- 8. DIMENSIONS IN f 1 ARE IN MILLIMETERS OR KILOGRAMS. 9. OPTIONAL COIL GUARD, GAS HEAT. ECONOMIZER HOOD. 2.73-i' r FONT DISCONNECT SWITCH, CONVENIENCE OUTLET, AND [888 51 [69,21 �I L �1 OUTLET/INLET HOOD SHOWN. r • 1 r- 33.08 I 21.10-1 AR.HIRING Ii, BOTTON®EXCEPT XP (HEAT PUMP) UNITS. (810.21�; 1543.5] 03.00 ENTRY 1253.00 176,2]FPt 10.38 R[ruxx 0u -�DIRECTION OF AIRFLOW • IL.WIRING [1025'5] COMCCESS(xt SI CENTER OF GRAVITY BorTON EXIAr 1� BOT 75[19,1]FP1 • • Y 8.06 ���-�mi II•��'71/1 1201,81 L .II j►�l� 9 I. 21.75 39.59 -{ B 1217.71 1701,9] (1005,51 D • O 11.13 ��NOM[282.6] 9.31 18.33 5.08 1 12.50 - [236,51 [113,11 [119,01 [317,51 Irla_PREMALLSIEll GAS SUPPLY BUTTON ENTRY 46.21 -- (WITH 510E DUCT FLANGE PANELS INSTALLED) CONONI ZEB/NOTORIlED DAMPER ®0 1.69[12.91 - I. 115,11 RPT AT GAS VALVE [1113,81 AND POOR. EXHAUST RAIN HOOD (OPTIONAL) COMBUSTION AIR INLET NWI YENTOA OUTLET HOODS CTL WIRING ENTRY X1.13 128,61 _ • I ONVENIENCE OUTLET DY/ODOR AIR 1 4 10NTR01 BON COVER IOPTIONALI 1111111111(161111 COaA9 rxFR [9[[OIION« I << ., s �. A[[ns IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIMMIIIMIIIIMIll 76.67 ACCESS 26.00 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1931,51 _ 11315.91 El(C.xur 9.72 1660,5] ACCESS t2- ■_ .=��,az, 1z :_ IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII91111111111, /G1 7.13 6.41 5 82 ISCONNECT SWITCH 5.89 [181.0] 1162,71 92.00 1119,61 [118,6) ' [117.81 ', II.50 COYER[OPTIONAL) I'125,11 FPT 10.50 02.38 N.O. GAS SUPPLY ENTRY 1282 I] [2336,81 GOAD. oRANN [1028,71 ® 1. 125,41 NPT AT GAS VALVE 46.23 OIL GUARD 28.68 [1171.31 PIN WIRING ENTRY 1718.6] 136.25 03.63 N.O. AfRfF (OPTIONAL) LEE Wit 13160,81 maim' 192,1) Unitary S .Tool v1.5.9.0 Information Is subject to change without notice.Check local codes. Primed 01/15!2015 i aiii- x Large Sunline Page:6 Single Package R-410A Air Conditioner Project Name: PARK 217 Unit Model#: ZF240N32T2AZZ30001 Quantity: 1 Tag#:OPTION 1 System: ZF240N32T2AZZ30001 Component Locations ELECTRIC HEATER LOCATION j r(OPTIONAL ELECTRIC/ELECTRIC UNITS)I HIGH EFFICIENCY COMPRESSORS LONG LASTING 20 GAUGE ALUMINIZED STEEL WITH CRANKCASE HEATERS POWDER PAINT FINISH TUBULAR HEAT EXCHANGERS I COPPER TUBE/ALUMINUM FIN \ 1 CONDENSER COILS ECONOMIZER HOOD _„ '-C.,=R i-:. LOW VOLTAGE RELAY BOARD �_�_„_�r' � - '�, AND TERMINAL STRIP ' - `` 1 ELECTRICAL DISCONNECT �____ R�� _- = MOUNTING LOCATION �'�.,_`��+� �J °\I (Field installed) 1 - - J ",/�)'\ '' I I SIDE CONTROL WIRING ENTRY 2"DISPOSABLE— '_ ` _�, s/ MI o 1'2) ��1 KNOCKOUT FOR FILTERS r I ),.jiI Ir ' SIDE POWER WIRING ENTRY SIDE ��f�- II)IIII �j1 �1e I TERMINAL BLOCK llul O� �L,III I �^ _ (For Single Point Power Supply OUTDOOR AIR OPENING �,' , I�y glll' ' ��4 f C 6 I with Electric Heat) \\N �Ip, p L � \ i ELECTRICIELECTRIC UNITS FOR SLIDE-IN/PLUG-IN ',,Ie;l' 111 INTERNAL ECONOMIZER(OPTION) \ /��` BOTTOM POWER 8 CONTROL r,s WIRING ENTRY KNOCKOUTS FOR SIDE SIDE AND BOTTOM GAS SUPPLY ENTRY SUPPLY 8 RETURN AIR HOLE FOR DUCT OPENINGS(SIDE X SIDE) \ I GAS SUPPLY ENTRY 1"NPTI POWER VENTOR MOTOR GAS/ELECTRIC CONDENSATE DRAIN BELT-DRIVE WITH POST PURGE CYCLE UNIT SHOWN BLOWER MOTOR LOCATION OF VFD(Optional) FULL PERIMETER 14 GAUGE BASE LOCATION OF VFD BYPASS(Optional) RAILS VYI11-1 LIFTING HOLES Unitary Sales Tool v1.5.9.0 Information is subject to change without notice,Check local codes. Printed 01/15/2015 ay0Filt Large Sunline Page:7 Single Package R-410A Air Conditioner Project Name: PARK 217 Unit Model#: ZF240N32T2AZZ30001 Quantity: 1 Tag#:OPTION 1 System: ZF240N32T2AZZ30001 Typical Application Roof Jack -- Installation Roof Curb i Installation u ` t l II t P x' `+ •• L_ --1 Slab On :: =r. .. Ground — Installation r.-- .,.. 1 5.-:E--=. 1. - AMMON TT r, . s-- Sales Tool v1.5.9.0 Information is subject to change without notice.Check local codes. Printed 01/15/2015 alyORFC Large Sunline Page:8 Single Package R-410A Air Conditioner Project Name: PARK 217 Unit Model#: ZF240N32T2AZZ30001 Quantity: 1 Tag#:OPTION 1 System: ZF240N32T2AZZ30001 Typical Control Diagram Typical Control Diagram THERMOSTAT CONTROL TERMINALS TERMINAL BLOCK w1 W1 w20 - I W2 Y1 0 - - — OCC 0 P P1 0 Y2 Smoke Detector i x HE- R n� I I SD R )Jumper I SD SD 24 VAc © C Class 2 TERMINALS ON A LIMITED NUMBER OF THERMOSTATS Ii Second stage heating not required on single stage heating units. M Second stage cooling not required on single stage cooling units. El Jumper is required if there is no Smoke Detector circuit. a❑Jumper Is required for any combination of R,RC,or RH. ❑ s OCC is an output from the thermostat to indicate the Occupied condition. ©X is an input to the thermostat to display Error Status conditions. Unitary Sales Tool v1.5.9.0 Information is subject to change without notice.Check local codes. Printed 01/15/2015 yoRico. Large Sunline Page:9 Single Package R-410A Air Conditioner • Project Name: PARK 217 Unit Model#: ZF240N32T2AZZ30001 Quantity: 1 Tag#:OPTION 1 System: ZF240N32T2AZZ30001 Seismic Certification SPECIAL SEISMIC CERTIFICATION OF NON-STRUCTURAL Johnson '� �� COMPONENTS AND SYSTEMS Controls CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Dynamic Certification Laboratories has qualified the listed packaged rooftop units as CERTIFIED for seismic applications in accordance with the following codes and standards: CBC 2010, IBC 2009, ICC-ES AC-156 2010, ASCE 7-05 The following model designations are included in this certification. A complete list of certified models,options, and installation methods are detailed in report number 90300-1108b by Dynamic Certification Laboratories, provided by the equipment manufacturer upon request. Unitary Product Group Packaged Rooftop Units (UPG) Seismic Qualification Testing was conducted in accordance with and in strict adherence to the standards set forth within the American Society of Civil Engineers(ASCE 7)by the independent approval agency,Dynamic Certification Laboratories. The above referenced equipment is APPROVED for seismic applications when properly installed and used as intended. The basis of this certification is through testing of the active and energized components per AC156. This certification covers multiple UPG brands,including York,Johnson Controls,Coleman,Luxaire,Evcon and Fraser- Johnston. The seismic values are obtained from the Maximum Considered Earthquake Short Period Spectral Response Acceleration,Sds,as determined by the ASCE 7 seismic maps. Various installation locations/isolation configurations are covered under this certification,limited by the Sds value stated in the following table. A seismic importance factor,Ip,of 1.5 applies to this certification to include essential facility requirements and life safety applications for post event functionality. The units are approved for both a rigid and flexible mount configuration. Maximum Design Sds Values of UPG Packaged Rooftop Units Series Size Tons _ Sds(g) _ Fp/Wp ZF/ZS 180/J**ZF/T* 180(48®) 15 2.0 1.5 ZF/ZS/J**ZF/T* 210,240,300(534) 17.5,20,25 2.0 1.5 XP/XA/J**XP/T*180 180(53®) 15 2.0 1.5 XP/XA/J**XP/T*240 240(530) 20 2.0 1.5 ZJ/ZW/J**ZJ/T* 180,210,240,300(532/) 15,17.5,20,25 2.0 1.5 ZR/ZK 180/J**ZR/T* 240,300(53®) 15,20,25 2.0 1.5 Page 1 of 2 Dynamic Certification Laboratories 1315 Greg Street,Suite 109,Sparks,NV 894315 ph:775-358-5085 www.sbaketest.corn Unitary Sales Tool v1.5.9.0 Information is subject to change without notice.Check local codes. Punted 01/15/2015 6111YORK Large Sunline Page:10 Single Package R-410A Air Conditioner Project Name: PARK 217 Unit Model#: ZF240N32T2AZZ30001 Quantity: 1 Tag#:OPTION 1 System: ZF240N32T2AZZ30001 Seismic Certification SPECIAL SEISMIC CERTIFICATION i/ 11 ((•)) DCL OF NON-STRUCTURAL Johnson ���Mr��.k^�°°-��° Controls COMPONENTS AND SYSTEMS CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Table of Seismic Design Parameters Site Class F. Ip ap Rp z/h D 1.0 1.5 2.5 6.0 1.0 Site and Project Requirements It is the responsibility of the Design Professional of Record to: • Provide engineering for the anchorage and restraint of the unit • Validate Cerftficafton Design Parameters with actual site condiftons • Provide engineering of all equipment support structures • Confirm component configurafton Cerftficafton Issued by: Dynamic Cerftficafton Laboratories Document Control Number: 90300-1108b-1 Issue Date: 12/19/11 QROFESS/0 ���BPD M•/19114(‘' S5220 Lai i lt✓ . Dr.Ahmad Itani,SE Randy Forristall Dynamic Cerftficafton Laboratories YORK Unitary Engineering Johnson Controls,Incorporated Page 2 of 2 Dynamic Cerftficafton laboratories 1315 Greg Street,Suite 109,Sparks,NV 894318 ph:775-358-5085 www.shaketest.com Unitary Sales Tool v1.5.9.0 Information is subject to change without notice.Check local codes. Printed 01/15/2015 . gigiyoRK Large Sunline Page:11 Single Package R-410A Air Conditioner Project Name: PARK 217 Unit Model#: ZF240N24T2AZZ30002 Quantity: 1 Tag#:OPTION 2 System: ZF240N24T2AZZ30002 Cooling Performance Total capacity 260.4 MBH -_ Sensible capacity 189.3 MBH al •'a — — _ __ Refrigerant type R-410A 1. Efficiency(at ARI) 10.00 EER Integrated eff.(at ARI) 11.00 IEER – t Ambient DB temp. 95.0 °F Entering DB temp. 80.0 °F Entering WB temp. 67.0 °F 4, Leaving DB temp. 58.1 °F t. Leaving WB temp. 56.7 °F Power input(w/o blower) 22.57 kW _ Sound power 92 dB(A) ` • Gas Heating Performance Entering DB temp. 60 °F Heating output capacity(Max) 240 MBH Supply air 8000 CFM Heating input capacity(Max) 300 MBH Leaving DB temp. 87.8 °F 20 Ton Air temp.rise 27.8 °F • SSE 80 0 % York Sunline Units are Manufactured at an ISO 9001 Registered Facility and Stages 2 Each Rooftop is Completely Computer-Run Tested Prior to Shipment. Supply Air Blower Performance Unit Features Supply air 8000 CFM • Unit Cabinet Constructed of Powder Painted Steel,Certified At 1000 Hours Ext.static pressure 0.6 IWG Salt Spray Test(ASTM B-117 Standards). Unit static resistance 0.15 IWG • Through-the-Curb and Through-The-Base Utility Connections Blower speed 953 RPM • Either Supply and/or Return can be Field Converted from Vertical to Max BHP of Motor(including service factor) 8.63 HP Duct location Bottom Horizontal Configuration without Cutting Panels Motor rating 7.50 HP • Full Perimeter Base Rails with Built in Rigging Capabilities Actual required BHP 6.06 HP • Galvanized Steel Drain Pan Power input 5.08 kW • Dual Refrigerant Circuits for Efficient Part Load Operation with Scroll Elevation ft. Compressors Drive type BELT • Two Stage Cooling Electrical Data • Solid Core Liquid Line Filter Driers Power supply 230-3-60 • 240 MBH Output Aluminized Steel,Two Stage Gas Heat Unit min circuit ampacity 103.5 Amps • 7.5 HP High Static Belt Drive Blower Unit max over-current protection 125 Amps Dimensions&Weight • Unit Ships with 2"Throwaway Filters with a Standard Filter Rack That Will Hgt 53 in. Len 137 in. Wth 92 in. Accept up to 4"Filters Weight with factory installed options 2903 ins. • Replacement Filters:4-(16"x 25"x 2"or 4")AND 4-(16"x 20"x 2"or 4"). Unit accepts 2"or 4"wide filters. Clearances • Single Point Power Connection Right 36 in. Front 36 in. Back 49 in. • Dry Bulb Low Leak Economizer w/Barometric Relief and Hoods(Bottom `Top 72 in. Bottom 0 in. Left 36 in. / Return Only) Note: Please refer to the tech guide for listed maximum static pressures •• Short Circuit Current:5kA RMS Symmetrical ^..DI�ER,FEO. s a Standard Unit Controller: Simplicity Control Board c use•;4.®' � An Integrated Low-Ambient Control,Anti-Short Cycle Protection,Lead Lag, Fan On and Fan off Delays,Low Voltage Protection,On-Board Diagnostic and Fault Code Display.Allows all units to operate in the cooling mode down to 0°F outdoor ambient without additional components or intervention. • Safety Monitoring-Monitors the High and Low-Pressure Switches,the Freezestats,the Gas Valve,if Applicable,and the Temperature Limit Switch on Gas and Electric Heat Units.The Unit Control Board will Alarm on Ignition Failures,Safety Lockouts and Repeated Limit Switch Trips. BAS Controller • • Simplicity SE Controller with Discharge Air,Return Air,and Outside Air Sensor • IntelliSpeed control of the VFD based on stages of cooling.Provides Single Zone VAV Fan Operation as defined by ASHRAE 90.1 section Warranty • One(1)Year Limited Warranty on the Complete Unit • Five(5)Year Warranty-Compressors and Electric Heater Elements • Ten(10)Year Warranty-Aluminized Steel Tubular Heat Exchangers Unitary Sales Tool v1.5.9.0 Information is subject to change without notice.Check local codes. Printed 01/15/2015 1 YOPJ( id Large Sunline Page: 12 Single Package R-410A Air Conditioner Project Name: PARK 217 Unit Model#: ZF240N24T2AZZ30002 Quantity: 1 Tag#:OPTION 2 System: ZF240N24T2AZZ30002 Factory Installed Options ZF240N24T2AZZ30002 York Large Sunline Single Packaged R-410A Air Product Category: Z Conditioner Product Identifier: F 10.0 EER/11.0 IEER 20 Ton Nominal Cooling Capacity: 240 Two Sta e •oo ing 240 MBH Output Aluminized Steel, Two Stage Gas Heat Type and Nominal Heat Capacity: N24 Heat Dry Bulb Low Leak Economizer w/Barometric Relief and Hoods(Bottom Return Only) Airflow: T 7.5 HP High Static Belt Drive Blower 2.';FTh rowaway�E i Ite rs Voltage: 2 208/230-3-60 Installation Options: A Galvanized Steel Drain Pan IntelliSpeed control of the VFD based on stages of cooling(Provides Single Zone VAV Fan Operation as Additional Options: ZZ defined by ASHRAE 90.1 section Simplicity®SE Controller with Discharge Air, Return Air, and Outside Air Sensor Product Generation: 3 Field Installed Accessories • Unitary Sales Tool v1.5.9.0 Information is subject to change without notice.Check local codes. Printed 01/15/2015 g Large Sun line Page:13 Single Package R-410A Air Conditioner Project Name: PARK 217 Unit Model#: ZF240N24T2A7230002 Quantity: 1 Tag i1:OPTION 2 System: ZF240N24T2AZ230002 Consolidated Drawing NOTES: U CENTER OF GRAVITY I. FOR OUTDOOR USE ONLY. N OPERATING LOCATION CHASE UNIT) /POINT COINER LOADS(LAS)(BASE 011111 2. WEIGHTS SHOWN ARE FOR COOLING ONLY UNITS. TONNAGE I WEIGHT 11851 3. MIN. CLEARANCES TO BE: T (RASE Ox rtl 7 Y A 8 C p RIGHT SIDE: 36 1911,11 17.5 IF 2006(9101 10.98[1802,61 45 111131 170 12131 511 12321 534 12421 191(2231 LEFT SIDE: 24 1609,61 (LESS ECONOMIZER) (Comm 36 [911,41 (WITH ECONOMIZER) NOTOI17ED SHAPER 20 IF 2533 111491 70 111161 11 11111,61 589 12611 622 12821 679(3081 613 12921 FRONT: 36 1911,11 A P09.ENAAUSI REAR: 24 [609,61 (LESS ECONOMIZER) RAIN HOOD ICPTIONALI 25 IF 2597 111181 10 111101 11.5 11130,31 611(2111 615 12131 689 13131 652 12961 49 [1211,6] (WITH ECONOMIZER) TOP: 72[1828,81 WITH 36 [914,11 MAX, HORIZ. 71.31 IS XP 2140 19111 71,1 [1958,31 15(11131 151 12061 592 12691 619 12811 175 12161 OVERHANG FOR CONDENSER AIR DISCHARGE) (1803,81 BOTTOM: 0 [01 35.23 1. FOR SMALLER SERVICE AND OPERATIONAL CLEARANCES [891,71 CONTACT YOUR APPLICATION ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT. S. DOWNFLOW DUCTS DESIGNED TO BE ATTACHED TO ACCESSORY TEAR ROOF CURB ONLY. IF UNIT IS MOUNTED SIDE SUPPLY. IT 65.75 IS RECOMMENDED THAT THE DUCTS ARE SUPPORTED BY 11610,1] CROSS BRACES, AS DONE ON ACCESSORY ROOF CUABS. 5.89 + 6. SIDE DUCT FLANGES ARE 0.815' [22,21 HIGH. [119.51 BOTTOM DUCTS DO NOT HAVE FLANGES. A + l_ B 1. MINIMUM CONDENSATION TRAP HEIGHT SHALL BE 1.5 TIMES _ THE LOWEST NEGATIVE STATIC. 1111111 __1 u `• • 8. DIMENSIONS IN[ 1 ARE IN MILLIMETERS OR KILOGRAMS. 9. OPTIONAL COIL GUARD, GAS HEAT, ECONOMIZER HOOD, 31 98 2.73-i-� v nOiT DISCONNECT SWITCH, CONVENIENCE OUTLET, AND [69,21 , Al 888,5) OUTLET/INLET HOOD SHOWN. 1 PWR. WIRING ®EXCEPT RP (HEAT PUMP) UNI15. 1840,21 T (5/3,51, • BOTTOM ENTRY oYA ■I 053.00 176,21 FPI 10.38 Al R[111RN CONPARTA(N) -�DIRECTION OF AIRFLOW TL,'NIAING (1025.51 ACCESS }I BOTTOM ENTRT S CENTER OF GRAVITY I 00.15 119,11 iPi Y • 11. -�31 ... ,•. 8.06 1204,81 �+1 1 21.15 39.59 j�:,� V.511 [101,9] (1005,51 DI 12.50 MIMI O 18.63 5.08 IF R [2112,81- 9.31 1136,51 [173,1] [129,01 1317.51 ISSELIBABMALLIEN GAS SUPPLY BOTTOM ENTRY 46.21 --< (WITH SIDE DUCT FLANGE PANELS INSTALLED) COxONI ZE R/NOTORIZ[D DAMPER j1181.69 112,91 - I'(25,11 NPT AT GAS VALVE [1173,81 AND PAR. EXHAUST RAIN HOOD (OPTIONAL) COMBUSTION AIR INLET HAr, VEITOR OUTLET HOODS CTL WIRING ENTRY .__-_______ / 01.13 + Jt 128,61 ONVENIENCE OUTLET r CONTROL 002 COVER(OPTIONAL) -�-- - OUTDO�ORN'IR EVAPORATOR \ I RLWIEA --_BL Re(R, 0 ACCESS L J6.67 ACCESS SECTION u(iss AC[E33 � 51.81 1931,5] - 1)315.91 I 888!!!88I 26.00 ' ' • 8A! 9.72 [660,51 F!IC H(AY iY� (246,81 T CMS__9 b ■ fi 31 c3 l∎iMIIN.1∎10I, (Pt i 1.13 Al). 'ISCONNEC(SWITCH 5.89 1.67 (181,01 1162,11 5.82 , COYER(OPTIONAL) .`, ..I [119.61 !118,61 1111,81 11.50 92.00 I' ISO,1]FPI 10.50 092.38 N.O.GAS SUPPLY ENTRY 16 27 1292.11 [2336,81 1 28.68 �-1 COXO. DRAIN [1028,1] ® I'(25,11 NPT At GAS VALVE 11174,31 PRA WIRING ENTRY `--COIL SUM (728,61 136.25 03.63 6.0. 8�1m (OPT I ORAL) IIETVEYN 13160,8) fAOlr VEYI 192,11 • Unitary Sales Tod v1.5.9.0 Information Is subject to change without notice.Check lord codes. Printed 01/152015 49 Large Sunline Page: 14 Ila , ''' ., :. , • Single Package R-410A Air Conditioner Project Name: PARK 217 Unit Model#: ZF240N24T2AZZ30002 Quantity: 1 Tag#:OPTION 2 System: ZF240N24T2AZZ30002 Component Locations • ELECTRIC HEATER LOCATION i(OPTIONAL ELECTRIC/ELECTRIC UNITS)I HIGH EFFICIENCY COMPRESSORS LONG LAS rING 20 GAUGE ALUMINIZED STEEL WITH CRANKCASE HEATERS POWDER PAINT FINISH TUBULAR HEAT EXCHANGERS COPPER TUBE/ALUMINUM FIN ECONOMIZER HOOD —7, yam` `^_= . `_ ` '� CONDENSER COILS ANOT RMIANA�STRIP BOAP,O R T ''''''C- 1 � � ELECTRICAL DISCONNECT _--��—�. MOUNTING LOCATION ` "`"`1 r I I I (Field installed) _ KNOCKOUT FOR 3� 'I, SIDE CONTROL WIRING ENTRY l'''-:. ,. 0OIJi I�� 1 2"DISPOSABLE `� --?�., ���� i� J` n � KNOCKOUT FOR FILTERS r { j v SIDE POWER WIRING ENTRY SIDE II`-_"mil r �I I -s t• I I,lill (fly %^�Jr ITERMINALBLOCK p .III IL. / I \ I(For Electric Point Power Supply q II III ` J .- "�_J I with Eletlnc HeaQ OUTDOOR AIR OPENING \ I,I III ` �' % } I ELECTRICIELECTRIC UNITS FOR SLICE-IN/PLUG-IN ECONOMIZER(OPTION) II,or I� %„p I I INTERNAL ECONOMlZER(OPTION) \ VVVV fe," � BOTTOM POWER&CONTROL i •L./ WIRING ENTRY KNOCKOUTS FOR SIDE SIDE AND BOTTOM GAS SUPPLY ENTRY SUPPLY 8 RETURN AIR HOLE FOR BOTTOM DUCT OPENINGS(SIDE X SIDE) 4�/ GAS SUPPLY ENTRY 1"NPTI POWER VENTOR MOTOR GAS/ELECTRIC CONDENSATE DRAIN BELT-DRIVE WITH POST PURGE CYCLE UNIT SHOWN BLOWER MOTOR LOCATION OF VFD(Optional) FULL PERIMETER 14 GAUGE SASE RAILS WITH LIFTING HOLES LOCATION OF VFD BYPASS(Optional) Unitary Sales Tool v1.5.9.0 Information is subject to change without notice.Check local codes. Printed 01/15/2015 rayomc. Large Sunline Page: 15 Single Package R-410A Air Conditioner Project Name. PARK 217 Unit Model#: ZF240N24T2AZZ30002 Quantity. 1 Tag#:OPTION 2 System: ZF240N24T2AZZ30002 Typical Application Roof Jack Installation leI Roof Curb !'���•�■ Installation \ L'J -_.1 -.1. ._ — 1 f r: I 1 i L _v-+ wM Slab On :-�:T", __ Ground • Installation _7=m- i L ` ■. Unitary Sales Tool v1.5.9.0 Information is subject to change without notice.Check local codes. Printed 01/15/2015 • OYORK Large Sunline Page:18 Single Package R-410A Air Conditioner Project Name: PARK 217 Unit Model#: ZF240N24T2AZZ30002 Quantity: 1 Tag#:OPTION 2 System: ZF240N24T2AZZ30002 Seismic Certification SPECIAL SEISMIC CERTIFICATION Johnson t(i)) DCLom t Rr•,ci.. V .,. c. ,.. .e OF NON-STRUCTURAL Controls COMPONENTS AND SYSTEMS CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Table of Seismic Design Parameters Site Class F, 1p ap Rp z/h D 1.0 1.5 2.5 6.0 1.0 Site and Protect Requirements It is the responsibility of the Design Professional of Record to: • Provide engineering for the anchorage and restraint of the unit • Validate Cerftficafton Design Parameters with actual site condiftons • Provide engineering of all equipment support structures • Confirm component configurafton Cerftficafton Issued by: Dynamic Cerftficafton Laboratories Document Control Number: 90300-1108b-1 Issue Date: 12/19/11 QckOFESS/04, c9 x40 M./74e S5220 UJ ' C, Dr.Ahmad Itani,SE Randy Forristall Dynamic Cerftficafton Laboratories YORK Unitary Engineering Johnson Controls,Incorporated Page 2 of 2 Dynamic Cerftflcafton Laboratories 1315 Greg Street,Suite 109,Sparks,NV 894318 ph:775358.5085 www.shaketest.com Unitary Sales Tool v1.5.9.0 Information is subject to change without notice.Check local codes. Printed 01/15/2015 Date 01/14/2015 Project Name YORI( , PARK 217 Project Number RWS01142015-05 Client/Purchaser HUNTER DAVISSON-JEFF Guide Specification Summary Page Product Series Models and Unit Tags 'Large Sunline ZF240N32T2AZZ30001 OPTION 1 • ZF240N24T2AZZ30002 OPTION 2 Unitary Sales Tool v1.5.9.0 Information is subject to change without notice.Check local codes. Printed 01/15/2015 ayoRK Guide Specification for Page:20 York Sunline Magnum GENERAL mounted installation. The 20 and 25 ton units shall have a Units shall be manufactured by Johnson Controls Unitary minimum EER rating of 10. Products in an ISO 9001 certified facility. They shall have built-in field convertible duct connections for down discharge supply/return or horizontal discharge York Sunline Magnum units are convertible single supply/return, and be available with factory installed package units. ZR/ZF models have dual independent options or field installed accessories. The units shall be refrigerant circuits for efficient part load operation and factory wired, piped, charged with R-410A refrigerant and maximum comfort control. Although the units are factory tested prior to shipment. All unit wiring shall be primarily designed for curb mounting on a roof,they can both numbered and color coded.All units shall be also be slab-mounted at ground level or set on steel manufactured in a facility certified to ISO 9001 standards beams above a finished roof. Cooling only, cooling with and the cooling performance shall be rated in accordance gas heat and cooling with electric heat models are with DOE and AHRI test procedures. Units shall be CSA available with a wide variety of factory-mounted options listed, classified to ANSIZ21.47 standards, UL 1995/ and field-installed accessories to make them suitable for CAN/CSA No. 236-M90 conditions. almost every application.All units are self-contained and assembled on full perimeter base rails with holes in the UNIT CABINET four corners for overhead rigging. Every unit is Unit cabinet shall be constructed of galvanized steel, with completely piped,wired, charged and tested at the exterior surfaces coated with a non-chalking, powdered factory to simplify the field installation and to provide paint finish, certified at 1000 hours salt spray test per years of dependable operation.All models(including ASTM-B117 standards. Indoor blower section shall be those with an economizer) are suitable for either bottom insulated with a minimum 1/2"thick insulation, coated on or horizontal duct connections. Models with power the airside. Aluminum foil faced insulation shall be used in exhaust are suitable for bottom duct connections only. the furnace compartment and be fastened with ridged For bottom duct, remove the sheet metal panels from the fasteners to prevent insulation from entering the air supply and return air openings through the base of the stream. Cabinet panels shall be"large"size, easily unit. or horizontal duct, replace the supply and return air removable for servicing and maintenance. Full perimeter panels on the rear of the unit with a side duct flange base rails shall be provided to assure reliable transit of accessory. All supply air blowers are equipped with a equipment, overhead rigging and proper sealing on roof belt drive that can be adjusted to meet exact curb applications. Disposable 2"filters shall be furnished requirements of the job.A high static drive option is and be accessible through a removable access door, available for applications with a higher CFM and/or static sealed airtight. Units filter track shall be designed to pressure requirement. accommodate either 2"or 4"filters. Fan performance ZF/XP180 models have 2 condenser fan motors.All measuring ports shall be provided on the outside of the compressors include crankcase heat and internal cabinet to allow accurate air measurements of evaporator pressure relief. Every refrigerant circuit includes an fan performance without removing panels or creating air expansion valve, a liquid line filter-drier, a discharge line by-pass of the coils. Condensate pan shall be internally high pressure switch and a suction line with a freezestat sloped and conform to ASHRAE 62-89 self-draining and low pressure/loss of charge switch. The unit control standards. Condensate connection shall be a minimum of circuit includes a 75 VA transformer,a 24-volt circuit 1" I.D. female and be a ridged mount connection. Unit breaker and a relay board with two compressor lockout shall incorporate a fixed outdoor air damper with an circuits, a terminal strip for thermostat wiring, plus an outdoor air intake opening covered with a bird screen and additional set of pin connectors to simplify the interface a rain hood painted to match the exterior of the unit. of additional field controls. All units have long lasting INDOOR(EVAPORATOR) FAN ASSEMBLY powder paint cabinets with 1000 hour salt spray test approval under ASTM-B117 procedures.All models are Fan shall be a belt drive assembly and include an CSA approved. All models include a 1-year limited adjustable-pitch motor pulley. Job site selected (B.H.P.) warranty on the complete unit. Compressors and electric brake horsepower shall not exceed the motors nameplate heater elements carry an additional 4-year warranty. horsepower rating, plus the service factor. Units shall be Alunimized steel tubular heat exchangers carry an designed not to operate above service factor. Fan wheel additional 9-year warranty. shall be double-inlet type with forward-curved blades, dynamically balanced to operate smoothly throughout the DESCRIPTION entire range of operation.Airflow design shall be constant ZF units shall be factory-assembled, single packaged, air volume. ZF***N Electric Cooling/Gas Heat, ZF***C/E Electric IntelliSpeedTM Supply Fan Control Option (ASHRAE Cooling/Optional Electric Heat,designed for outdoor 90.1 compliant,section—Units configured with the IntelliSpeedTM Supply Fan Option will contain a VFD Unitary Sales Tool v1.5.9.0 Information is subject to change without notice.Check local codes. Printed 01/15/2015 LINO K• Guide Specification for Page:21 RK York Sunline Magnum for variable volume supply fan operation. This option a. Unit shall be complete with self-contained low- allows the supply fan RPM to vary based on the number of voltage control circuit protected by a resettable compressors or heating stages energized. The circuit breaker on the 24-volt transformer side economizer's minimum position will also be configurable to vary based on the supply fan VFD frequency output. b. Unit shall incorporate a lockout circuit which provides reset capability at the space thermostat or OUTDOOR(CONDENSER) FAN ASSEMBLY base unit, should any of the following standard safety devices trip and shut off compressor The outdoor fans shall be of the direct-driven propeller type, discharge air vertically, have aluminum blades c. Loss-of-charge/Low-pressure switch. (1) High- riveted to corrosion resistant steel spider brackets and pressure switch, (2) Freeze-protection thermostat, shall be dynamically balanced for smooth operation. The 4 evaporator coil. If any of the above safety devices outdoor fan motors shall be totally enclosed with trip, a LED (light-emitting diode) indicator shall flash permanently lubricated bearings, internally protected a diagnostic code that indicates which safety switch against overload conditions and staged independently. has tripped REFRIGERANT COMPONENTS d. Unit shall incorporate"AUTO RESET"compressor over temperature, over current protection Compressors: e. Unit shall operate with conventional thermostat a. Shall be Scroll compressors internally protected designs and have a low voltage terminal strip for with internal high-pressure relief and over easy hook-up temperature protection. f. Unit control board shall have on-board diagnostics b. Shall have internal spring isolation and sound and fault code display muffling to minimize vibration and noise, and be g. Standard controls shall include anti-short cycle and externally isolated on a dedicated, independent low voltage protection, and permit cooling operation mounting. down to 0°F h. Control board shall monitor each refrigerant safety Coils: switch independently a. Evaporator and condenser coils shall have i. Control board shall retain last 5 fault codes in non aluminum plate fins mechanically bonded to volatile memory,which will not be lost in the event seamless internally enhanced copper tubes with all of a power loss joints brazed. Special Phenolic coating shall be available as a factory option GAS HEATING SECTION b. Evaporator and Condenser coils shall be of the Shall be designed with induced draft combustion with post direct expansion, draw-thru, design purge logic and energy saving direct spark ignition, redundant main gas valve. Ventor wheel shall be Refrigerant Circuit and Refrigerant Safety Components constructed of stainless steel for corrosion resistance. The shall include: heat exchanger shall be of the tubular type, constructed of T1-40 aluminized steel for corrosion resistance and • Balance-port thermostatic expansion valve with allowing minimum mixed air entering temperature of 25 °F. independent circuit feed system. Burners shall be of the in-shot type, constructed of • Filter drier/strainer to eliminate any moisture or aluminum coated steel and contain air mixture foreign matter. adjustments.All gas piping shall enter the unit cabinet at a • Accessible service gage connections on both single location through either the side or curb, without any suction and discharge lines to charge, evacuate, field modifications. An integrated control board shall and measure refrigerant pressure during any provide timed control of evaporator fan functioning and necessary servicing or troubleshooting,without burner ignition. Heating section shall be provided with the losing charge. following minimum protection: • The refrigeration system shall provide at least 15° F a. Primary and auxiliary high-temperature limit of sub-cooling at design conditions. switches. b. Induced draft motor speed sensor. c. Flame roll out switch (automatic reset). Unit Controls: d. Flame proving controls. Unit shall have two independent stages of capacity. Unitary Sales Tool v1.5.9.0 Information is subject to change without notice.Check local codes. Printed 01/15/2015 • r y0 Guide Specification for Page:22 York Sunline Magnum • UNIT OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS Unit shall be capable of starting and running at 125° F outdoor temperature, exceeding maximum load criteria of AHRI Standard 340/360. The compressor, with standard controls, shall be capable of operation down to 25° F outdoor temperature. Accessory low ambient kit shall be available for operation to 0° F.Unit shall be provided with fan time delay to prevent cold air delivery befofre heat exchanger warms up. ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS All unit power wiring shall enter unit cabinet at a single factory provided location and be capable of side or bottom entry, to minimize roof penetrations and avoid unit field modifications. Separate side and bottom openings shall be provided for the control wiring. STANDARD LIMITED WARRANTIES • Compressor 5 Years • Heat Exchanger 10 Years • Electric Heat Element 5 Years • Other Parts 1 Year OPTIONAL OUTDOOR AIR Shall be made available by either/or: OTHER FACTORY INSTALLED OPTIONS • High Static Drive FIELD INSTALLED OPTIONS Unitary Sales Tool v1.5.9.0 Information is subject to change without notice.Check local codes. Printed 01/15/2015 OPTIONS: DIMENSIONED AND TOLERENCED PER ANSI Y14.6M-1982 REVISIONS MATERIAL: 16 ga.GAL STEEL REV. DESCRIPTION DATE APPROVED NON-INSULATED PANEL Attn: Rk I\' sTEXAVVU Tag: 1 INITIAL DRAWING 6/23/2006 DCAM 1" 1-1/2LB DUCT INSULATION (R VALUE 3.85) 2 WAS 14 GA,ADDED NON INSULATED COVER 2/28/2013 EH • GASKET PROVIDED WITH CURB rrrr���� 1 1/2"ADDED TO EXISTING CURB O.D. Approval: (' ; i V6,044107 89 1/8" 66 3/8" 64 3/8" ► 7 31 1/4" r_ --► r 2" \I '' RETURN AIR III► ` ;. SUPPLY AIR 37 7/8" 41 ., .:„,,, 41 EXISTING CURB LAYOUT � :�;' � � , ,, 47" I 26" — 1 24 1/2" 0 NON INSULATED COVER 4...., r 2 1/4" 1 1 15" , } 77" NON INSULATED COVER 92" RETURN SUPPLY 126 1/4" 84" 1 I 5" YI 1 71 IJ 4 I I it l 1 11 11 I 11 ��� 11 II II 109" 30" II II I I T,-' 41- I i II i 11 II ii 8"i y } 110 1/2"' L"► 93 1/2" 3" CURB WEIGHT(LBS.) APPROVALS DATE TIME: 1-5510-5020 CURB SHOWN IS CDI STANDARD CONFIGURATION 538.53 °�"WE ehanson CHECKED: CDI RESERVES THE RIGHT TO CHANGE LAYOUT UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED,TOLERANCES ARE: Thursday,February 28,2013 2:50:06 PM • WITHOUT NOTIFICATION. IF CURB IS NEEDED IN A °VERIFY-EXIS1ING CURB UD y,iio° m.Ux=.°W FILENAME: DRAWING NO.: R DIFFERENT CONFIGURATION CDI MUST BE NOTIFIED `VERIFY SUPPLY AND RETURN OPENINGS ""`j0°1 <,,tn• CDI 17560 TYLER ST NW 'NOTE ANY CHANGES DIMENSIONS ARE 3RDANGLE l ELK RIVER,MN 55330 1-5510-5020 PRIOR TO PLACING AN ORDER. 'CALL WITH ANY QUESTIONS AS FOLLOWS: PROJEC I N (763)391-7790 E°° `FAX BACK IF DRAWING IS OK AS IS [is e'o„IPI 4-E1 (763)391-7851 SCALE: 1:35 I SHEET: 1 OF 4