Specifications (38) EQUIPMENT SUBMITTAL INDEX TIGARD TRIANGLE 11850 SW 67 AVE. TIGARD, OR 97223 ❑ EQUIPMENT SUBMITALS: 1. Model BFV -N Butterfly Valve 2. Potter VSR -F Waterflow Alarm Switch 3. AGF Model 1000 TestanDrain 4. Central Soft Seat Globe Valve 5. Allied Dyna -Flow Pipe 6. Allied Dyna - Thread Pipe 7. Allied Schedule -10/40 Pipe 8. Ward Cast Iron Fittings 9. Grinnel Grooved Fire Protection Products 10. Tolco All Thread 11. Tolco C -Type Beam Clamps 12. Tolco Beam Clamp Retaining Strap 13. Tolco Trimline Adjustable Band Hanger 14. Tolco Fig. 1000 Fast Clamp Sway Brace Attachment 15. Tolco Fig. 909 No- Thread Swivel Sway Brace Attachment 16. Tolco Fig.980 Universal Sway Brace Attachment 17. Tolco Fig. 4A -pipe Clamp for Sway Bracing 18. Trubolt Wedge Anchors 19. Tyco TY -FRB, TY3231, 155 °, Chrome Pendent 20. Tyco TY -FRB, TY 3131, 200 °, Brass Upright 21. Potter Electric Bell 22. Sprinkler Head Cabinet ❑ HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS: ❑ FIRE SPRINKLER PLANS: 11 . 7) ., , tqcsal I Fire & Building► Products Technical Services: Tel: (800) 381 -9312 / Fax: (800) 791 -5500 Model BFV-N Butterfly Valve Grooved End 2 Inch - 10 Inch (DN65 - DN250) General Technical -- =r Description Data t 1 1 } The Model BFV -N Grooved End But- Mode T: ` , 1 terfly Valves (Ref. Figure 1) are indicat- BFV -N 1 � ,. �,e '�s,». ing type valves designed for use in fire Sizes: ANSI Inches / DN ..--1... k f ; r ' protection systems where a visual in- 21/2 (DN65), 3(DN80), k ,,, r ' dication is required as to whether the 4 DN100 , 5 N125), valve is open or closed. They are used 6 (DN15 8 ( 10 (DN250) f'',, C_ for example, as system, sectional, and Approvals pump water control valves. They have The 21/2 through 10 inch (DN65 - DN250) _, cut groove inlet and outlet connections Model BFV -N Grooved End Butterfly 1. , - \ k w� „ , 4 - that are suitable for use with grooved Valves are UL and C -UL Listed and FM i! . end pipe couplings that are listed and Approved. ti � ,4 i r approved for fire protection systems. v; r j` All labor listings and approvals are , For applications requiring supervision for indoor and outdoor use. - ? of the open position of the valve, the .:- Gear Operators for the Model BFV-N Maximum Working Pressure : Butterfly Valves are provided with • 2'/2 - 8 Inch (DN65 - DN200) ":� : two sets of factory installed internal 300 psi (20,7) bar switches each having SPDT contacts. • 10 Inch (DN250): Friction Loss The supervisory switches transfer their 175 psi (12,0 bar) The approximate friction loss, based electrical contacts when there is move- Materials of Construction: on the Hazen Williams formula and ex- ment from the valve's normal open po- Body pressed C 120, is follows. length pipe data a is sition during the first two revolutions of Ductile iron conforming to ASTM A -395 based on friction loss information col - the handwheel. l ected at a t Body Coating typical flow rate of 15 feet WARNINGS Polyamide per second. The Model BFV-N Grooved End But- Disc • 6.9 feet of h v inch Sch. 40 pipe for terfly Valves described herein must be Ductile iron conforming to ASTM A -395 the 21/2 inch valve. installed and maintained in compliance Disc Seal • 8.7 feet of 3 inch Sch. 40 pipe for with this document, as well as with the Grade EPDM "E" encapsulated rubber the 3 inch valve. applicable standards of the National conforming to ASTM D -2000 • 4.5 feet of 4 inch Sch. 40 pipe for Fire Protection Association, in addition Upper & Lower Stem the 4 inch valve. to the standards of any other authori- Type 416 Stainless Steel conforming • 6.6 feet of 5 inch Sch. 40 pipe for ties having jurisdiction. Failure to do to ASTM 582 the 5 inch valve. so may impair the performance of these devices. Lower Plug • 11.1 feet of 6 inch Sch. 40 pipe for PVC the 6 inch valve. The owner is responsible for maintain- Operator • 10.2 feet of 8 inch Sch. 30 pipe for ing their fire protection system and de- Gear operator with iron housing the 8 inch valve. .i- • es in proper operating condition. e installing contractor or sprinkler • 12.1 feet of 10 inch Sch. 30 pipe for anufacturer should be contacted the 10 inch valve. •ith any questions. Y Page 1 of 4 MARCH, 2006 TFP1510 - Page 2 of 4 TFP1510 -- j Nominal Weight Fife Nominal Installation Dimensions In Inches and (mm) Weig Valve Sizes 0 ' D ' A B C D E F G H (kg) 2-1/2" 2.88 3.85 11.71 3.25 5.43 6.00 7.81 2.50 22 DN65 (73,0) (98,0) (297,4) (83,0) (137,9) (152,4) (198,4) (63,5) 0 (10,0) 3' 3.50 3.85 12.25 3.54 5.68 6.00 7.81 2.50 23 DN80 (88,9) (98,0) (311.1) (90,0) (144,2) (152,4) (198,4) (63,5) 0 (10,4) 4' 4.50 4.56 13.95 4.35 6.58 6.00 7.81 2.50 28 DN100 (114,3) (116,0) (354,3) (110,0) (167,1) (152,4) (198,4) (63,5) 0 (12,7) 5' 5.56 5.86 14.93 4.84 7.07 6.00 7.81 2.50 31 DN125 (141,3) (149,0) (379,2) (123,0) (179,6) (152,4) (198,4) (63,5) 0 (14,1) 6' 6.63 5.86 17.31 5.93 8.35 6.00 7.81 2.50 0.67 41 DN150 (168,3) (149,0) (439,7) (151,0) (212,0) (152,4) (198,4) (63,5) (17,0) (18,6) 8' 8.63 5.26 19.20 6.87 9.29 6.00 7.81 2.50 5.86 53 DN200 (219.1) (134,0) (487,7) (174,0) (236,0) (152,4) (198,4) (63,5) (148,8) (24,1) 10' 10.75 6.29 25.11 9.17 11.50 9.00 7.68 3.00 7.41 88 DN250 (273,1) (160,0) (637,8) (233,0) (292,1) (228,6) (195,1) (76,2) (188,2) (40,0) INDICATOR G F ---- HANDWHEEL FLAG 1/2' NPT CONDUIT — - u CONNECTION GEAR t ��• OPERATOR E H O BODY 1 D % L DISC (9) 8 _ H lJ t A FIGURE 1 MODEL BFV -N GROOVED END BUTTERFLY VALVE - NOMINAL DIMENSIONS - i t r 4 rfa- r W 4 TFP151O Page 3 of 4 ;. Installation ^` fhe Model BFV -N Grooved End But- r terfly Valves may be installed with flow I I-- SUPERVISORY in either direction and can be posi- SWITCH tioned either horizontally or vertically. The grooved end pipe couplings used I I SWN HH SHOWN VALVE with the Model BFV -N must be listed 1 - — — J FULL OPEN or approved for fire protection service 3 3 a, to and installed in accordance with the manufacturers instructions. > > 0 0 The Model BFV -N Butterfly Valve may be installed with any schedule of pres- sure class of pipe or tubing that is list- END OF LINE PANEL ed or approved for fire protection. RESISTOR As applicable, refer to Figure 2 for the internal switch wiring diagram. r Conduit and electrical connections I I— AUXILIARY are to be made in accordance with GO I SWITCH the authority having jurisdiction and/ or the National Electrical Code. With I I SWITCH SHOWN reference to Figure 2, the "supervi- L J WITH VALVE sory switch" is intended for connec- 0 FULL OPEN tion to the supervisory circuit of a fire w o J u, alarm control panel in accordance with ¢ o in m , NFPA 72. The "auxiliary switch" is in- o 5 o tended for the unsupervised connec- 1 tion to auxiliary equipment in accor- _ + ^ BELL dance with NFPA 70, National Electric Code. POWER • + - NOTE For outdoor applications with inter- nal supervisory switches, it is recom- mended that wiring connections be CONTACT RATING .... 1/2A ®125 VDC made at a temperature above 15 °F 1/4A ® 250 VDC ( -9 °C), in order to insure sufficient flex- 15.1A/12HP • 125, 250 VAC ibility of the wire lead insulation. 5A • 125 VAC °L° Care and FIGURE 2 MODEL BFV -N BUTTERFLY VALVE Maintenance - INTERNAL SWITCH WIRING DIAGRAM - The owner is responsible for the in- spection, testing, and maintenance of their fire protection system and devic- NOTE es in accordance with the applicable Before closing a fire protection system standards of the National Fire Pro- control valve for maintenance or in- tection Association (e.g., NFPA25), in spection work on either the valve or fire addition to the standards of any au- protection system which it controls, thority having jurisdiction. The install- permission to shut down the affected ing contractor or product manufac- fire protection systems must be ob- turer should be contacted relative to tained from the proper authorities and any questions. Any impairment must all personnel who may be affected by be immediately corrected. this decision must be notified. ,It is recommended that automatic sprinkler systems be inspected, test- . ed, and maintained by a qualified in- spection service. r. ti _ G Page 4 of 4 TFP1510 Limited Ordering 1 'Warranty Procedure Products manufactured by Tyco Fire Grooved End Butterfly Valves: & Building Products (TFBP) are war- Specify: (specify inch size) Model ranted solely to the original Buyer for BFV -N Grooved End Butterfly Valve ten (10) years against defects in mate- with internal supervisory switches, rial and workmanship when paid for P/N (specify). and properly installed and maintained Valve Size Valve Part Number under normal use and service. This 214 59- 300- F -025N warranty will expire ten (10) years from 3 59- 300- F -030N date of shipment by TFBP. No warran- 4 59- 300- F -040N ty is given for products or components 5 59- 300- F -050N manufactured by companies not af- 6 59- 300- F -060N filiated by ownership with TFBP or for 8 59- 300- F -080N products and components which have 10 59- 300- F -010N been subject to misuse, improper in- stallation, corrosion, or which have not been installed, maintained, modified or repaired in accordance with applicable Standards of the National Fire Protec- tion Association, and /or the standards of any other Authorities Having Juris- diction. Materials found by TFBP to be defective shall be either repaired or re- placed, at TFBP's sole option. TFBP neither assumes, nor authorizes any person to assume for it, any other ob- ligation in connection with the sale of products or parts of products. TFBP shall not be responsible for sprinkler system design errors or inaccurate or incomplete information supplied by Buyer or Buyer's representatives. In no event shall TFBP be liable, in contract, tort, strict liability or under any other legal theory, for incidental, indirect, special or consequential dam- ages, including but not limited to labor charges, regardless of whether TFBP was informed about the possibility of such damages, and in no event shall TFBP's liability exceed an amount equal to the sales price. The foregoing warranty is made in lieu of any and all other warranties. ex- press or implied. including warranties of merchantability and fitness for a par- ticular purpose. This limited warranty sets forth the ex- clusive remedy for claims based on failure of or defect in products, materi- als or components, whether the claim is made in contract, tort, strict liability or any other legal theory. r .This warranty will apply to the full extent permitted by law. The invalidity, in whole or part, of any portion of this warranty will not affect the remainder. TYCO FIRE & BUILDING PRODUCTS, 451 North Cannon Avenue, Lansdale Pennsylvania 19446 or , t J VANE TYPE WATERFLOW Rte® The Symbol of Protection ALARM SWITCH WITH RETARD UL, ULCandCSFMLIsted, FMand LPCBApproved, NYMEA Accepted, CE Marked �". ''' Service Pressure: Up to 450 PSI (31 BAR) ,? Minimum Flow RateforAlarm: 10 GPM (38 LPM) i Maximum Surge: 18 FPS (5,5 m/s) Contact Ratings: Two sets of SPOT (Form C) 4 15.0 Amps at125/250VAC v y4 f 2.0 Amps at 30VDC Resistive " Conduit Entrances: Two knockouts provided for 1/2" conduit & Environmental Specifications: •Suitable for indoor or outdoor use with factory installed � K : gasket and die -cast housing. w!y f F ti y � y < � .,� • NEMA 4/IP54 Rated Enclosure - use with appropriate conduit fitting. y �� 1 • Temperature Range: 40 °F /120 °F, 4,5 °C /49 °C � ?� • Non - corrosive sleeve factory installed in saddle. Caution: This device is not intended for applications in explosive t3 ` ° - -' environments. Sizes Available: Steel Pipe schedules 10 thru 40, sizes 2" thru 8" BS 1387 pipe 50mm thru 200mm Note: For copper or plastic pipe use Model VSR -CF. Service Use: Automatic Sprinkler NFPA -13 U.S. Pat. No. 3921989 One or two family dwelling NFPA -13D Canadian Pat. No. 1009680 Residential occupancy up to four stories NFPA -13R Other Patents Pending National Fire Alarm Code NFPA -72 Potter Electric, Rd., 1990 Optional: Cover Tamper Switch Kit, Stock No. 0090018 GENERAL INFORMATION INSTALLATION: See Fig.2 The Model VSR -F is a vane type waterflow switch for use on These devices may be mounted on horizontal or vertical pipe. wet sprinkler systems. It is UL Listed and FM Approved for On horizontal pipe they should be installed on the top side of the use on steel pipe; schedules 10 through 40, sizes 2" thru 8" pipe where they will be accessible. The units should not be in- (50mm thru 200mm). stalled within 6" (15cm) of a fitting which changes the direction of LPC approved sizes are 2" thru 8" (50mm thru 200mm). the waterflow or within 24" (60 cm) of a valve or drain. The unit may also be used as a sectional waterflow detector Drain the system and drill a hole in the pipe using a circular saw on large systems. in a slow speed drill. The 2" (50mm) and 2 1/2" (65mm) devices require a hole with a diameter of 1 1/4" + 1/8" - 1/16" (33mm The unit contains two single pole, double throw, snap action ±2mm). All other sizes require a hole with a diameter of 2" ±1/8" switches and an adjustable, instantly recycling pneumatic re- (50mm ±2mm). tard. The switches are actuated when a flow of 10 gallons per minute (38 LPM) or more occurs downstream of the device. Clean the inside pipe of all growth or other material for a dis- The flow condition must exist for a period of time necessary to tance equal to the pipe diameter on either side of the hole. overcome the selected retard period. Roll the vane so that it may be inserted into the hole; do not bend ENCLOSURE: The unit is enclosed in a general purpose, die- or crease it. Insert the vane so that the arrow on the saddle cast housing. The cover is held in place with two tamper resis- points in the direction of the waterflow. Install the saddle strap font screws which require a special key for removal. A field in- and tighten nuts alternately to an eventual 50 ft-lbs. (68 n -m) of stallable cover tamper switch is available as an option which torque (see Fig. 2). The vane must not rub the inside of the pipe nay be used to indicate unauthorized removal of the cover. See or bind in any way. bulletin no. 5400775 for installation instructions of this switch. Specifications subject to change without notice. Potter Electric Signal Company • 2081 Craig Road, St. Louis, MO, 63146 -4161 • Phone: 800 - 325 - 3936 /Canada 888 -882 -1833 • www.pottersignal.com PRINTED IN USA MKT. #8800001 - REV W PAGE 1 OF 2 MFG. #5400761 - 7/02 4 F ~ VSR-F : P VANE TYPE WATERFLOW " "c. - ° The Symbol of Protection ALARM SWITCH WITH RETARD FIG.1 FIG. 2 SWITCH TERMINAL CONNECTIONS OPTIONAL TAMPER SWITCH DO NOT LEAVE COVER OFF FOR EXTENDED PERIOD OF TIME CLAMPING PLATE TERMINAL RETARD ADJUSTMENT: TO CHANGE TIME TURN KNOB (EITHER DIRECTION) 1 TIGHTEN NUTS FOR DESIRED TIME DELAY. USE THE MINIMUM /11�" 1 �I \`( ALTERNATELY TO AN AMOUNT OF RETARD NECESSARY TO PREVENT 45ikl EVENTUAL SOFT. -LEIS 68 n -m j *: , )\ '''' FAL QUAT ALARE FOMSR T , A HIS. 8" S F Y I IS S S USUEi ALLY "8'. � � OF TOROUE ( ) TO _ TO INSTALL. DRILL HOLE AS INDICATED: ; PIPE SIZE HOLE SIZE `,\ �\ CO 0,16 Dm. /BZS -! 2" to 2 1/2" 1 1/4" +1/8" 1/16" ��l� ► ' MOUNT ON PIPE SO (50mm to 65mm) (33mm t2mm �� ARROW ON SADDLE CAUTION: Y POINTS IN DIRECTION 3 to 8" 2" t 1 /8" OF L PADD An uninsulated section of a (80mm to 200mm) 50mm t2mm) single conductor should not ROLL PADDLE IN Cover Tam 00 r OPPOSITE DIRECTION be looped around the termi- 111111111rah � W- OF WATERFLOW nal and serve as two sepa- (with cover in place) rate connections. The wire DIRECTION OF must be severed, thereby Aill WATERFLOW I providing supervision of the C NO NC ` APPROX. RETARD SETTINGS (IN SECS.) connection in the event that (V (RED) (8.6) the wire becomes dislodged °""'°°"' o A a C 0 E g DWG. ()761 - 0 10 -25 20 -40 35-55 50 -70 60 -90 from under the terminal. FIG. 3 TYPICAL ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS NOTES: FIG. 4 1. The Model VSR - has two To remove knockouts: Place switches, one can be used to screwdriver at edge of knock - 2 WS operate a central station, pro NORMALLY OPEN - C ONuas ..11mnn„ zw ,p,, outs, not in the center. CLOSE ON "" On FIRE PANEL ema prietary or remote signaling _ � unit, while the other contact is ■ 1 1 I' • ' used to operate a local audible I 1 or visual annunciator. ' 1I II I r i ' I1 1 2. A condition of LPC Approval of / mil n4 NC NO NO r amens POSITIVE K this product is that the electri- OR NOT °i AN illl w 0T 9 ;� ' Q cal entry must be sealed to i , TAR CONTACTS AN n� B REVERSED m ' 'C as t » � exclude moisture. DI i e t.1 EM M OE= THE foam commok MS For supervised circuits see ° p a E' "Switch Terminal Connec- U1 tions° drawing and caution ONG. 1761 -4 note (Fig. 1). APPLICATION WARNING! Due to the possibility of unintended discharges caused by pressure surges, trapped air, or short retard times, waterflow switches that are monitoring wet pipe sprinkler systems should not be used as the sole initiating device to discharge AFFF, deluge, or chemical suppression systems. TESTING The frequency of inspection and testing for the model VSR -F and its associated protective monitoring system should be in �. accordance with applicable NFPA Codes and Standards and/or the authority having jurisdiction (manufacturer recommends quarterly or more frequently). If provided, the inspector's test valve, that is usually located at the end of the most remote branch line, should always be used for __test p:lrposes. If there are no provisions for testing the operation of the flow detection device on the system, application of the VSR -F is not recommended or advisable. A minimum flow of 10 gpm (38 Lpm) is required to activate this device. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please advise the person responsible for testing of the fire protection system that this system must be tested in accordance with the testing instructions. PRINTED IN USA MKT. #8800001 - REV W PAGE 2 OF 2 MFG. #5400761 - 7/02 S MODEL 1000 .' :. ... �` ..w ��� �. . + �` y r„ . F .. T" f � ,.S.,' M `1x f�.`Y 1 � S k {. y ....Y..i J- ..., .C.Y. ! t "fY h y ,;_71L }7'y... .L.. v w - _W,. ':✓'F t* F � • j �< 9 ® AIN Ti T f ""' e 'E . ... 5.- - ,. ^J ,f ` 4 a, z a 4 . ..; r ; , .' s € � s' {; l ,,,,, x 11, r r r - 4-, ,, ,-,,.:4 , ,# i - 0, .,. r, -? . `a 7 ,,. ,.....w C + a°3 ,- 5 .., >.. ?,. , x.. .ve' , .1 . .ai K <s....s A/41111 1 r. /4" /2n 2.. e° z t'I ' n +c a ` �* ,�,h *2 y 4.} ,h ^5, f t 'aY ''"' ° .r - °„ t'* ' ' " 8 a. , � ,c ar C� � �t 2� u e ux. ac x t.r �..b,� +� ? 'i ° • '� t' y y� d i t s , r • � `��,t . g; j sx ... # � a ,� '' r: --. � ' i..V ,-s`'ta �F��'fi� 4 �.� Ya � . fv �, u h ` " �t `„:'. t , , '_., P ' " , y' ; - �, v Vi y r , S t # V' r ' r - *,' 7" 1 vt �� 2 * f , � .4 a W „* c ,, 's fi ' � '�'k"t r t A. , '.� P , L ;, * y tS- , 1 ri, t:,), ', k f �i ' � # " $ r' � �v,, r al s! - - y s "t ..+^, C, ' .. a ,y ,c s" :. � M ' '"`. , R0 . , F A b _ t $ r . -' T '1 .. C� .'r $ r� 9 � t , k s i r •a - "si h w'`d3+ � s ° f,..., * zr 'te e t f .4"Z Y� '. � `� e � y * � .4#l� Y4 t yam+. - e X 7i e `' 3 1 9 y �i � � 1. a b'� 5 Y k ` 4 f?3�.a;,a�.' 14;3,.'e.%114. -! i�` r� �. �TG��4��r� „!;;;/ t � � � xF '` i t x.; w e i¢ � I f Y 2'.V �J�y iw44 , t O zlik ' ,' .^ , .., - ,,'i , _„, ,, ,, , _- . .. w . r . r , , t ....,‘r, it L a 1 , ,T,..,,,i,,Pu '471 -,.::,' -' i , , -i-Artv; ( c .,. ,..4 ..;:2f.. ■ , AU 1 ' 1 itil ! , -.4 - ,., .,;-- , 0 iiii., s „ r.: ' a ` .� { ' t . ,: f �,t” t _r ? 1°i x ' 'off ,,; � ; . t F a r ',. 4 1 ^..,; +4.'a Z M 4",:F'' S.* t i .. t .4,04` 4 t"k,JW. `" i h ' � ,, fi r,, . f" t k 4' t % . ! � n 'h" r "� b "- "' #'� fi t + '• ��s s } 7r�'"� 4 �t''� ! ! � S�'k c � k Y,, s ' .a' -T " i dz F,-[ u. ; ?4 E - y t g ras . ss s +. t x 'mac - y!% §.` - o,c ,t. r , ,, t , i ✓,..' t ?,, . yr ,z. ' $ r� r s , x, g R M , .ac`s �. ;,:-.1: t s t 3 �; * „.,;4 i.r � ~ , - � „` `; 1 ` P # O THE , R P y ATE � PENDING ` S ` .P .. an. .:.r 3sw di :. x.;.«,:+:��.reye! -. " 4+ , .u.t.:�.z:,.>.. .. ^, ^.iYVr >.rr. t i. T.r :.: .. ❑ The AGF Manufacturing Inc. Model 1000 TESTANDRAIN Provides Both The Test Function And The Express Drain Function For A Wet Fire Sprinkler System. ❑ The Model 1000 Complies With All Requirements Of NFPA -13, NFPA -13R, And NFPA -13D. ❑ The Model 1000 TESTANDRAIN Is A Single Handle Ball Valve That Is Light Weight And Compact, Includes A Tamper Resistant Test Orifice, Integral Tamper Resistant Sight Glasses, And Is 300 PSI Rated. ❑ Available In A Full Range Of Sizes From 3 /4” To 2" NPT & BSPT, With All Specifiable Orifice Sizes 3 /8", 7 /i6 ", ", 17 /32 ", 5 /8" (ELO), 3 /4" (ESFR) and K.25. ❑ The Orifice Size Is Noted On The Indicator Plate And The Valve Is Tapped For A Pressure Gauge. ❑ The Standard Model 1000 TESTANDRAIN Valve Includes A Pressure Gauge Port Tapping And Can Be Ordered With A Relief Valve As A Model 1011 Or 1011T ❑ Locking Kit Available Which Provides Superior Vandal Resistance And Prevents Unintentional Alarm Activation. but our New Autos eG� Visit us 1,0 Gr on the Internet i)t 6 / at w ww!testandrain com 9 , K1 UL 0* ' MODEL 1000 300 PSI `' tr ra t^ L t! x rf. `ra a it , S • gi;i7 4' F ^ Yrt 6 7 a r S f � kiY V�+' i� `tW�" ,,,7 X � 5 3 '7 �,i �� ��y3 L. v i +-_ ' : ,, te a: �^� 111 d„� ' �-- . t, s F.''..,l'Ai z <� E �� a a s a �� � � !ri C..' z ' r 1 "� F o- � rl t z s• "y '�2 V,.t :t.. (* ;$ fi/ is'• 1 F sK ,.,.,E ., }L . ✓ ~` ty k' ; A r c ` ' 'stir * k T }i,4 .C.i r t z,, ,-,` d '" :s. .,.`' ,t a i__ v.:. .` . ai, l..art 'k-t.» � , Y.?L..? _ ..7 . , �u c, X r .� 3/4" 1 11 11 �4" 1 �2" 2 u r ! YS r 2 s4;' `PS a , r , 1 i .yam *,x f PLAN VIEW FRONT VIEW/VERTICAL INSTALLATION i. A ■ FROM BRANCH GAUGE INLET B 0 -i - PROVIDED I II! III To DRAIN 1 . \ � � • c 40 1 1 0 STREET EL 0All FRONT VIEW /HORIZONTAL INSTALLATION IRON i lliit Im TO DRAIN E '.., STREET EL /' 1 ► • OR PIPE 1 1 1 F .�:1 jl1_ 1 H . ..1113. 1 RIGHT HAND /STRAIGHT INSTALLATION TO DRAIN 1 (J O In . i G so � APPROVALS: ( ❑ UL and ULC Listed L�-11 a FM Approved except 3 /4" ORIFICE SIZE u NYC -BSA NO.720 -87 -SM AVAILABLE - 3/8", 17/16", 1/2", 17/32", ELO(5 /8 "), ESFR(3 /4")` and K.25 *Available on 11/2" to 2" size units only. c CA. State Fire Marshall DIMENSIONS - INCHES SIZE A B C D E F G H MATERIAL LIST 3 5 l/16" 1 1/2" 2 3 /16" 3 5 3 3 1 13 4 9 6 3 /8 " „ 128mm 37.58mm 55.65mm 93.23mm 85.88mm 45.30mm 117.12mm 162.42mm PART: MATERIAL: 111 5 1/16" 1 1/2" 2 3 /16 3 5 3 3/8" 1 13/16" 4 9/16" 6 3 128mm 37.58mm 55.65mm 93.23mm 85.88mm 45.30mm 117.12mm 162_42mm HANDLE STEEL 1 1/ 5 16" 2 9 /16 " 4 1 /4n 3 5/16" 15/16" 5 9 /16 " 5 1/2" STEM ROD BRASS 137.7 4 2.70 11 /mm 65.36mm 1 08. 36mm 82.84mm 50.89mm 141.39mm 192.28mm BALL C.P. BRONZE BODY BRONZE 6 7 /18 � 1 13 /16 " 3 1 /4" 5 1 /16" 3 7 /8 " 2 5 /8" 8 1 /4" 10 7 /8" SIGHT GLASS LEXAN® 1 / 2 It 163.38mm 45.50mm 81.50mm 127mm 99.18mm 66.97mm 206.63mm 273.60mm VALVE SEAT IMPREGNATED TEFLON 2 6 7 /16 " 1 13 /16 " 3 1 /4" 5 1 /16" 3 7 /8" 2 5 /8" 8 14" 10 74n INDICATOR PLATE STEEL STEEL PRING 163.38mm 45.50mm 81.50mm 127mm 99.18mm _ 66.97mm 206.63mm . 273.60mm HANDLE LOCK S * *13/4" Valve UL listed only. ,•,,t-,,,•.r 4 ..? 8 :' ._ rQ� r .n y,•, ‘w.' (`. -., ?S. ' n ''''F_:%.{"'''' i'-.r ''•'+� (� l S Y.1 if r:"A K , . ';/- ~`S l . j ',- ''',1 7 t K . � ' }USA PATENT;AND OTHER PATENTS P E N DING s _ ` ' � 4, •',1,4,2'..M' ' 4 ` 4 `k ' ' .:4 . .. ..- ' a. .�. ...� rte, ;m.. ,,,, a. >r rm*c. r ,..,. -•-•,:' . , a 4i t . e. - - °..1, �,..ws -1L . : ,.7 u.. ... .A. r 44 3 ' 4 UI LISTING EX4019 k , ` -„ AGF Manufacturing Inc. JOB NAME: �. �b ' G 3* +: 100 Quaker Lane, Malvern, PA 19355 V r a t :_ ARCHITECT: 3 p T: (610) 240 -4900 / F: (610) 240 -4906 • Email: info @testandrain.com = :: ENGINE � t 4 Web: www.testandraln.com ' �R e li a blhty V re sa t y- CodVC o mpat/b l► i _ iy , MADE IN U.S.A. CONTRACTOR: . RiserPACK and TESTenDRAJN are registered trademarks of AGF 3/02 R .. ,. ......._,.., ,„_,.. ,4,..,,..,........7.41.r.,,..,: ..:..,.,.. a �.r y f sux ,x+' Soft Seat Y� 99' ,44'4 * „t V w v tl':1 Central Sprinkler Company ,'� " 451 North Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, Pennsylvania 19446 Product corrosion resistance. The hand wheel is manufactured from cast iron materials to meet or exceed the Bronze Description requirements of Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., Factory Mutual, The Central Model F15 Soft Seat The American Water Works Globe Bronze Globe Valves are designed Association C -509 and ASTM A -126, for general service as shut -off, Class B Standards. throttling, or drain valves. The Central Model F15 Soft Seat Valves The Central Model F15 Soft Seat Bronze Globe Valves are rated with Bronze Globe Valves provide positive cold water at 200 psi, non -shock for - shut -off under normal operating cold water service, and are tested conditions. They are recommended twice, air under water for consistent for water service only. quality. The Central Model F15 Soft Seat The Central Model. F15 Soft Seat Bronze Globe Valves are of cast Bronze Globe Valves have a soft bronze construction strictly in rubber seat for tight shut -off under all accordance with ASTM B-62 operating conditions. (Mfg. Source: specifications 85 -5 -5 -5 for superior Non - Domestic) ...-- C • enl A 1 Dimensions - Weights Wt. eau �"� Size A B C Lbs. i i 4 i e '' /z" 2.05 2.60 2.09 .66 ■` 3 /" 2.36 2.70 2.24 .83 mi 1" 2.68 3.50 2.46 1.50 � � 77 11/4" 3.08 3.85 2.85 2.13 ` 4rm, 1%- 3.46 4.30 3.22 3.06 i ll i i 42 nil• ivill, ft, A I l 2" 4.00 5.10 3.43 4.88 S $ 1111 14 A No. 27.1.0 Central Sprink No. 45.0 , Bill of Materials - Ordering Item Description Material Specification Information 1 Body Bronze ASTM . 8=62 III 11 ■ 2 Bonnet Bronze ASTM B-62 Ordering Information: When 3 Stem Brass Rod ASTM B -16 placing an order, indicate the full 4 Disc Holder Brass Rod ASTM B -16 product name. Please specify the 5 Seat Disc NBR Commercial quantity, model number, style, orifice size, temperature rating, type of finish 6 Disc Holder Nut Brass Rod ASTM B -16 and sprinkler wrench. 7 Disc Nut Brass Rod ASTM B -16 Availability and Service: Central 8 Packing Nut Brass Rod ASTM B -16 sprinklers, valves, accessories, and 9 Packing Gland Brass Rod ASTM B -16 other products are available 10 Packing PTFE Commercial throughout the U.S. and Canada; and 11 Hand wheel Cast Iron ASTM A -126 -B internationally through a network of 12 (dent. Plate Aluminum ASTM B -209 Central Sprinkler distribution centers. You may write directly to Central 13 Wheel Nut . Brass Rod ASTM B -16 Sprinkler Company or call (215) 362 - 0700 for the distributor nearest you. Guarantee: Central Sprinkler Company will repair and /or replace ® any products found to be defective in e material or workmanship within a i period of one year from the date of �� �!■■� shipment. Please refer to the current Q 0 Price List for further details of the 0 pi oeii io. warranty. 4 , O Patents: Patents are pending. ■� �`. Conversion Table: Q ��� i` 0 1 inch = 25.400 mm 1 foot = 0.3048 m k ~��4 1 pound = 0.4536 kg ' A (1r 111;x' 0 1 foot pound = 1.36 Nm • ��`I i �� , j/ 1 psi = 6.895 kpa �{ - 1 I I �! = 0.0689 bar �I I I� 1 = 0.0703 kg/cm2 1 / 4 "......�� ~4 r , 1 U.S. gallon = 3.785 dm3 = 3.785 liters Conversions are approximate. mimistrammmarawssa i i CENTRAL _......_ Central Sprinkler Company 451 N. Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, PA 19446 © 1991 Central Sprinkler Company Phone (215) 362 -0700 Printed in U.S.A. FAX (215) 362 -5385 F15.0 • • , • • ..g... • :t :. 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' ., ..z. .,..,..,. ,, ...,. .: ..,.... ,,,,,..., ,- ...,1 . f..: iEz ,,.. 1 - - r,' , .- - f , v.,4.-‘ - %Y.,"4-5:.' II% kf..- - Pf ft4gt■F Z.14W-:. '..' ,.. Dyna.Flow® i h Strength Steel Pipe The original high - strength lightwall sprinkler pipe with hydraulics superior to Schedule -10. Dyna -Flow pipe is the "original" high- SpeCifiCatiOns strength lightwall sprinkler pipe. Dyna - Flow has outstanding hydraulic NPS Nominal I.D. Wt. Wt. (H20 Filled) Pcs/ Witt (21') WWII (24') Wt11.01(25') capabilities and is recognized as the In; mm In; mm Lbs/F1, Kg/m Lbs/Ft, Kg/m Lilt Lbs; Kg Lbs; Kg Lbs; Kg most popular alternative to Schedule -10 1° 1.191 0.830 1.31 91 1,586 1,812 1,888 pipe. Lightweight, easy to cut and easy 25 30.3 1.2 1.95 91 719 822 856 to handle for installation. Dyna -Flow is a 1W 1.536 1.059 1.87 61 1,356 1,550 1,615 valuable addition to any fire protection 32 39.0 1.6 2.78 61 615 703 733 system. 1 1.728 1.667 2.71 61 2,135 2,440 2,542 Superior Hydraulics 40 43.9 2.5 4.03 61 968 1107 1153 2° 2.203 2.104 3.79 37 1,634 1,868 1,946 With an inside diameter of up to 11% 50 56.0 3.1 5.64 37 741 847 883 larger than Schedule -40 and up to 7% 21/2° 2.703 2.564 5.10 30 1,615 1,846 1,923 larger than Schedule -10, Dyna -Flow 65 68.7 3.8 7.59 30 733 837 872 pipe hydraulics are exceptional. Larger 3° 3.314 3.387 7.18 19 1,351 1,544 1,608 I.D.s enable Dyna -Flow, and related 80 84.2 5.0 10.69 19 613 700 729 components, to be down -sized within the 4° 4.310 4.473 10.86 19 1,784 2,039 2,124 system, thus increasing the potential for 90 109.5 6.7 16.16 19 809 925 963 job cost savings. For complete Hazen- Williams charts, refer to "Dyna - Flow Hydraulic Data Tables." Coatings & Fab rication Specifications & Approvals Additional Benefits Dyna -Flow products are coated with Dyna -Flow /Super Flo pipe is manufac- • Lightweight and easy to install, an environmentally approved and tured to meet ASTM A -795 Type E, resulting in more efficient use of your specially formulated modified- acrylic or Grade A and is in compliance with freight and labor dollars. water -based coating. This durable coating NFPA -13 and NFPA -14. All sizes of is paintable. The black coating acts as Dyna Flow /Super Ho are UL Listed, FM • Provides stability needed to comply Approved and ULC Listed. with standard hanger spacing an excellent primer and is resistant to PP (15 ft O.C.) per NFPA. weathering and U.V. degradation from outdoor storage. el ® ® • Available in Standard lengths for your Metallurgical properties rovide excellent convenience, or can be ordered in provide Listed Approved Listed custom upon lengths approval. fabrication characteristics for end prep Dyna -Flow /Super Ho is UL/ULC Listed g pp finishes, welding and roll grooving. for use with roll grooved, plain end • Fast cutting and welding, as well as There is no special process or equipment couplings, and welded joints for wet, dry, easy roll grooving and end preparation. needed for fabrication and installation. preaction and deluge systems. It is FM • Available in Factory roll grooved form The internal surface of all black Allied Approved for roll grooved, plain -end, and for quicker shop turnaround.. Tube & Conduit Fire Sprinkler pipe welded joints for wet systems. Refer to products up to 4.5000" in diameter is appropriate documentation for up -to -date • Clean, durable mill coating provides coated with our new Antibacterial listing and approval information. Dyna- longer "shelf life" and acts as an _. Formula, "ABF'. In scientific laboratory Flow /Super Flo is now available "hot- excellent primer for custom paint test, ABS proved to have superior dip" galvanized and has been specifically applications. resistance to microbial colonization of _ approved by FM for dry systems uses. pipe walls, thereby delaying or possibly preventing the onset of Microbiologically Influenced corrosion (MIC) when the First Sprinkler System is first installed. Vico / Flow Control � ()lied 16100 S. L a throp d • Harvey elphiaIL 60426 Customer Service: ® ` - i �, J No 11350 rco R •d, PA 19154 (800) 882-5543 TUBE & CONDUIT 2525 N. 27th Ave. • Phoenix, AZ 85009 Fax 708 -339 -1806 S2 - • * ii ' tY,I ,. • '�±' ,.,A♦,.tr ,•� r ,? � } �?: >r�c �?;r7f4' yx,i' c�' • 1` +>f ' .. - to a o a rt.,.•' .' ' 1,1,-V-,,—, ' .b 1 ., - R t ' 1cv. `in 1 E 4 xi '�j -. c 1 Ja y,. - `i ' -/ tt,,�� ..L^� ,. 4 Ry :yr+s ,t �.. ."�.. �f . ft t �t ' � yy � 1 ri.T„i ' • " 1 i .,'. J . . 0, 4, $ i->z 3 � Al µr4``' n L `l� X r;+ s 'G , c44:„ < - All t40, lr R < , r r 1 'E'r ,crr i S %.44,1 or ' ( y . : ,, { )' ...,,,,,,..:.,-2,-.11::. �,: ` : t.' 4- n. ` ?�Z' .,, +' r ,.. ., r�' J r }r - t r t '' t' '� a T .��,,t'. „,. p R' - 'art •- ,0 -, `i ' u s ' X 4('.: ---'-"6t.'''''' .-3 - o -- �.:' ' , t-sa 'E ! 1 . I + +�11 t ' 4 � �3 }• r , . �- A .o 4 r 4 r r , , 9y s .. b" ;:: .. ' ?F' 'x::2 a i J /\ liner L '� i Y ) K� \ 4 , ( l'ti r• , � q1 71.11; Q�y 'VW ,I 12 • .. 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Y./ 111' 1' N A D T N li 1 ; t 'b'' •:, •l ° TRR f,CA.O TH TIRI"'f AO r 'Y i L fi h 7HI1 t14 [7 ' 1 R " , ^ R � r, • C 'S- - - • -9 : "`$�.,. 'sr r.. , tr �Tr . >l i .tlt y z � Y X . - ? t+Y ft f � +i^ 4 `¢ ) ti w0 l y i i� r ' r . F _ . • �;. „4 - t I i r -r > ".. "Y "' ( 4 -1:,-3,... „ �l a, r • ' •cx '`, , r :, 4'. : F. • 7 ” 7 n ., 1�i - ?. Ir .J t' e i } y , ) -F a ^ ,. ,, y *" .*i 47� 44 5 .. .' .` _ ,, r , ]� t t . . { .. ' ' ' {� ,' r r'' :1 '.t ,,.,, ,,,, '£., +R. .. x' a4 -•' ° 4 a"" q a n At r, ,if 4 :i 'S' v . y $ , ' T x " ' j ,) s a �§� C� '� r S 3 x-ts;a 'Y. ' ' r.7 , ?it ' \ t nt ) " , >" T �+� a ks< . 43rt . " t rive ° ' ' , , r ,., , .. v ,..�'. .., .�?' ta 4`. ; zn F, `' a -g ++ . .-! �� ''4• t v ,- . ? w . ': , 'trt 5 3; i r -£ - - . - .&44. x 4 1fi et,... - 4. + va } Ro , ts ; . -�,y @ ai aF41 • 1.4 t rDYNA R -r tr Gt';eF',U 7d1fl� p:R>• °�°rt. Fr.u. P,ap - - -_— 4• - - y , ....Pia, r-'R-* - + 3,-„:;,4:,00..;* _ x ' ,; ,.r: f t7° • d r 3 �{`� E y r r t , k 3 . Nt 4 1 * s t i �` y �µi K% .4_,f � 3: ,,•6:-•:.7-•,...--. -.:___ • ...., : • ,,........._:...7. •-•'-,•.. :•,• ••,• - • -'-' - • • • - • . .. ..„....; L r } e , .. ,.TS' , J` .- 1 , A t i, ' .M i i T g +� i� } j y � .+ ' mo t x�t r Y • s ' r rt d"��r �Y ttsyS Gd r � , ' � { ; � �� rts �'t �' 7 A §.- �;t r . lr �C .rks. t d. .i� � � �� P7"�. :CI ii,V"';.'n.• 1D'YPJJA I�?�CEIi DY,NA' �?YAJ� VYNA. i ; f MI a FkiP. r�T _ � �, - r.l:,: , e 1 4 }; l r#a,aG ` ;f'Ir fi ." .a.W n w q 3 x k n ,..4'.0.!.: ` � l ig S 3 ti ay� a N < ec s <'" >r,t •.tr °Y)" ''' S4,�y 9 ,y;.,eLl,' .r a '° ^ � " ` .- . p a t r z_ x r ,. ''' �Yi ' ' � '4 Lr y t a.. r F , +.t y.r ' 'x • < r J?Y { n., `7 , i' r t i *, _,,�" r4N t! 3 r l ? v € , r a , .4 q d` b v� .'s# Y1{ � 7 iCY 6' � �D't'' � "� ;� ;";-� ��j �t, �" ��r.,� q �G ; i4FT '' M1 �' 7 11 R � i i sr .. __......_.___..._.. _._......, ----.. i' i 4, 3•r i a t oy f •' (` ! @ 7� k� jiat )11111 • „,;r, �, 1! � /� L YA DYJYA G'I iV IA A , Y k � Y 12 4r .,.., V1R • r 4 , i R -' J ) r f # + . "l x :: 4 x M. {.'�a, fly •es r -'' � y , lb , A 4 { "r V � '.1 Z a 'G' `it . . ., .,1} . ,k t, , y ,"?. j x 11,4 - - ` •--1 • � F ;:ea ;- ,fir• : t .!,, z0) r ^ R'` 4 ;`.t ..('- 'S` z. ; : ' c'• ` .v. g ' / ' -1 R 2 , . . 4: . :. n . '' . ' a+ d” , r.�z . €..4?„F t ( t3 <r�, ., y .. .. m .� �? ! • .� , . `R� ■ ® Y S S ; >� xr r Sg a t yea � r :*�4, , t [ ' " + ' ` ' t r 7 s � ,.3.k �$ . a t „ �++ t tn v `n .. n # ' r* .Y A " 1 r # x t S w�,. + ® ;i ii ,i'h�'r' t' 1 i r k . L7 gl e fr 7`13'113 ''"'} w' r3 . .. 1 - i r t r f.. t s . i i.- r , S t & r C. yy� f'i .k't 'i l F S �1 c e < 1.- yr• i9 r Rr . �' n�'Tr,,' " ,,�* f"teF"� },i Mt t k s , u t•.'," ? 1 X u .wr S i ... i c ; r 'r a ,! , .1 +'k 4 a- J 3 A'£y°.i' a s 1. } u,.4 t ,~ b r , :,:u" i, 3^k .ik ,I.,...„0,,,.... . ., 2. _. , Vi c+ r ' S� ez • i c z, t t. 41 - ,,,i,,, ..7 . .. • 4 • + ., • • 0 Dyna-Thread ' " Full Line Sch -40 Replacement -.., `D - Thread' offers the life expectancy of Sch-40 with superior hydraulics and greater value. Dyna - Thread sprinkler pipe represents an engineering advancement for the sprinkler pipe industry. It combines the safety and longevity of traditional Sch -40 pipe with quality and superior hydraulic advantages. Comparison to Schedule 40 Comparison to L.W.T. Pipes • Dyna- Thread's inside diameter is up • With its increased strength and lighter • More wall thickness at the thread to 3.6% larger than Sch-40 giving it weight, Dyna - Thread reduces (CRR =1.00) gives Dyna - Thread superior hydraulics. And, when used installation fatigue and is ideal for better life expectancy than lightwall in combination with Dyna -Flow pipe, retro-fit applications. threadable pipe joints. down sizing often occurs. Corrosion Resistance Ratio (CRR) is a • Unlike lightwall threadable pipe, • Dyna -Thread is fully listed and UL (Underwriters Laboratory) term for Dyna - Thread has no thread gauge approved by UL, ULC, and FM for the estimated life expectancy of a pipe warning. fire sprinkler applications. joint. This is based on the calculated • The life expectancy of Dyna-Thread wall thickness at the base of the first •byna- Thread is approved for 1?� Y yn standard hanger spacing (15 ft. and Sch-40 are equal based on the exposed thread, assumed to be the O.C.), can be used as earthquake calculated wall thicknesses per UL. weakest point of the pipe length. Dyna - Thread and Sch-40 have the same sway bracing, and is safe to use as - • The consistent quality of steel used to calculated wall thicknesses at this point drops. make Dyna - Thread facilitates smooth and are both assigned the same CRR of • Dyna -Thread is safer to weld on. threading and lower maintenance 1.00. costs. • Dyna - Thread is more widely accepted than lightwall threadable • The exterior of Dyna -Thread is The internal surface of all black Allied where Sch-40 is specified. protected by a clean, durable mill Tube & Conduit Fire Sprinkler pipe coating for extended shelf life and products up to 4.5000" in diameter is easy paint application. coated with our new Antibacterial Formula, "ABF". In scientific laboratory test, ABS proved to have superior Specifications & Approvals resistance to microbial colonization of (IP ® ® pipe walls, thereby delaying or possibly Super 40/Dyna- Thread pipe is preventing the onset of manufactured to meet: ASTM A -135, Listed Approved Listed Microbiologically Influenced corrosion Grade A and is in compliance with (MIC) when the First Sprinkler System NFPA -13. All sizes of Super 40/Dyna- is first installed. Thread are rated at 300 psi working pressure. Super 40/Dyna- Thread is UL and ist for wet, dry deluge and Specifications pre-action sprinkler systems and FM NPS Nominal i.D. Wt. WI. (H20 Filled) Pcs/ WI/Lift (21') WI/Lift (24') WtVLifl (25') Approved for use in wet systems. Super In; mm In; mm Lbs/Ft; Kg/m Lbs/F. Kg/m Lilt Lbs; Kg Lbs; Kg Lbs; Kg 40/Dyna- Thread can be "hot -dip" 1° 1.080 1.330 1.75 70 1955 2234 232 galvanized to meet FM requirement for 25 27.4 2.0 2.60 70 887 1013 105: dry systems Super 40/Dyna -Thread is _ . 11/4° 1.408 1.870 2.54 51 2002 2288 2384 approved for all threaded couplings and 32 35.8 2.8 3.78 51 908 1038 108 welded outlets and is suitable for all 1'/z° 1.639 2.290 3.22 44 2115 2418 2519 roll - grooved, and plain -end fittings. 40 41.6 3.4 4.79 44 959 1097 114 (See listing information). 2" 2.104 3.050 4.57 30 1921 2196 2287 50 53.4 4.5 6.80 30 871 996 103 ty QQ Flow Control 16100 S. Lathrop • Harvey, IL 60426 Customer Service: / \ �/ allied 16100 Norcom Rd. • Philadelphia, PA 19154 (800) 882 -5543 TUBE & CONDUIT 2525 N. 27 th Ave. • Phoenix, AZ 85009 Fax 708 - 339 -1806 S3 -3 e y a ti, ' ;� t d :V 1 51 S I .: : • 3' 4 � �t 6 P..r� t l ::: _ _ : Y - •� �- y z a 3 E '8 (n t . c n - '�. �RW'R, _,. � .. a0,e & .p � •: 7'; 'z` � t C'°: 3" � v. L � 'YS' �S, rt , .K ti � ;5 K �•'•+' ~ ,c r« l- ,-�1r, � 9F 4s� k�:, ^•,,� ,�M��� +y � +. � t fifi. �t �' .. ".r\ � m O � i�`� yy ay a , >4 Y� L v4•;� t��i; tG:? t p n {� Y. O tt S' � �,Q al r. h.i^�„�, •t r �� - ® r r ` •tC. r r 5, r kry k �•? i a - S a - r rte �' y �' + 4 -c t ? ▪ e'c�•'tl' r69 2 ���.. �,�i'. s.•�,„„„}�•tti .As�';lf'i. , - •.J F,. .,5: O � y�Q" L�$•.'•h, ' ,�*�t'• �??_ �_ k,�:� . � � �u•4�k1 p` } y. � .Y. � �L}." ar ��� f t ,. ^ .1 y - ` . g, 4- ;-'� •,'h °d, �SVe ,e ".' �.7e��>�' si °�. .r r' nxv cr r. .. - � _ t �,:f d � _ �� . �i2 .u ''l , , ��6.�, 3� `'� Wp.R4.c i '� c , f t ``�` _��^ ti'��; -'f �krt`v�s l -A ,'�) ��� +�t� + h t '?�' f -j'l. . * .� ,y f #, u ?.1�Y' -;'' • '�j , 1 �. sqg � 1 w "'N+r 3�' y�,f�'}ty"V�"YA ' . t . S+ �. t �s.,,��+'�". '`,t7 t .rp f . Ma' < h �• ": :q, r, $ vi , �r i��a +3itSSj7a . * tit v'.'xactxa g } , < 'S ° �' ' c x y � • r w *S . *, � y. .� , .s'.�. . � ��.. fc�e l � S r- ,� rw a;a. +r • ,i �, . • d � �'C� 13? y .\� .7� � - t vW' s 63. • y '� :� _ K � F�' ]>,. ',�.: 4'v.,,. Y e" s. , '�r J , ` v , rt afe. .� Z. t ��.re� A - . '',� -.�;, >:3 - 1 f 4 'xY� " :�� � r �.lw i� �.�'`�,. *at�•�r �;� �� �• ft� ^S' ' `��i' �Aa,•¢�r'' fr,� 'E . ,+q r k i ; " x,.,..*. "' x�} �'X9 h � , � P;,y A� t c � Y .t r F � _,��...... •�t �r � �$!!�S � i � ; ' � � E✓ a� �a e ♦50 a F. r§ Fly Y; r b N - t 3 F F 92aM It g� � y t�, t , r r t',L ^ t � •p I i! d .� o • M ( B� ' a � •` 7f . t j, � f • s }� � ., y T 4 � K �` �t � � s..'j'*c� +Y h.��'tr 't r °e`'�ti fir•• rt ,� .: � e x � f t . t 't! •k b . 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Y �� t, r-2' ' 7 � ">"' �, UL'�J fi -' qtr ' �����= ° (J 6 1 A T,tT59� +1 �'� �,�¢.xlt�•'2�4, �., IkJ� K. 2�'*�. . . 1 .. F.. 9 � yR j�Y } M . i . j,'.` -, , - 5: .�� v�'- ba , o} •�:d t f' . '{'4 y " " ' Kr. Y.`1 ^.. 'il F }�r� S, .t - { '1' �,�. • 'q y �rf�n. # F- + �. �.� +'� 1� # *` � . � + di e ., �?ic• �. t� � .•r x `'��� �'hr�..+ r � ( � at „ �@�}} Y+ ;'ti° • r r� • - a • �4 �.I�•. ,} fir �,�" . fy t ��k� t'd' ,y: r�?'Y h,:�, -�' r , '� ;%�: ?•'?�:.�y Fy t - k 7.. �. � j�pf r �liir . y. F z33� k �i- , l� G k - t?•v` {+ - Y3 4`i. � H '�- ` y �, h. f A'y„ 42 � •� .� 5 �.' . /' '�. ^'X ;:.• k �r J ! �'. OS! w _ � F v `, { a ,�. Jf 4 ,i -. �� '#' z v tJ y �.n � 4'- �F..� •�'` � �` y,� �°; €4 -�,r °'b� Y?; ;�'+�o� �-� �',`'.�z�•t,�a.�.� � ���y ,�� '• r _,3�� tY '� y, �! , ay t .* .. �t t. K +�.N - ''�.. .`s• ,� �A#'�:'b'• v�� raf '..`I� `4 �;�;1 :� t -`4 y '� '{" -v:F v w3 •� , � �_ ��9 - ".'�. r `, B.. A � V �S �.` 5+` �`^ v F',7r .:,f•' -f , +♦ e` a k "U• S ,8 ,.,t of '9�'' -_ • p ;M1r...L+ ��., e' T x + ;'�- +�. ♦$ i t- trt' '♦ 4 _�.�.: Schedule40 c Fully Listed and FM Approved Sprinkler Pipe When you specify Schedule -10 /Schedule -40 sprinkler pipe you get a UL listed and FM approved product. Although these products do not require separate approvals, Schedule -10 /Schedule -40 gives you the extra quality assurance you demand. Our Sch -10 (1' / "- 8 ") pipe and Sch-40 (1 "- 2' 2 ") pipe have passed the same thorough lab testing as our other listed pipe products, and receive periodic mill inspections from both UL and FM agents to ensure consistent quality. Galvanized Pipe p Sch-40 Specifications:. . Galvan __. NPS Nominal I.D. Wt. Wt. (1120 Filled) Pcs/ WtiUft (21') Wtllin (24') WtNft (25') Schedule -10 /Schedule -40 product can be In; mm In; mm Lbs/Ft Kg/m Lbs/Ft ;; Kg/m Lift Lbs; Kg Lbs; Kg Lbs; Kg "hot -dip" galvanized to meet FM 1° 1.049 1.680 2.05 70 2,470 2,822 2,940 requirements for dry systems in 25 26.6 2.5 3.05 70 1,120 1,280 1,334 accordance with the zinc coating specifications of ASTM A -123. 1'A° 1.380 2.270 2.93 51 2,431 2,778 2,894 32 35.1 4.36 4.36 51 1,103 1,260 1,313 Superior Coating 1'f" 1.610 2.720 3.61 44 2,513 2,872 2,992 40 40.9 4.0 5.37 44 1,140 1,303 1,357 Our advanced formula mill coating of- 2" 2.067 3.650 5.13 30 2,300 2,628 2,738 fers a clean, durable surface. It is also 50 52.5 5.4 7.63 30 1,043 1,192 1,242 paint -ready for custom color applications 2W 2.469 5.790 7.86 19 2,310 2,640 2,750 without special preparation. 65 62.7 8.6 11.73 19 1,048 1,197 1,247 The internal surface of all black Allied Tube & Conduit Fire Sprinkler pipe Sch =10 Specifications products up to 4.5000" in diameter is coated with our new Antibacterial For- NPS Nominal I.D. Wt. Wt. (120 Filled) Pcs/ WI/Lift (21') Miff (24') WIILiif (25') mula, "ABF". In scientific laboratory In; mm In; mm Lbs/Ft; Kg/m Lbs/Ft; Kg /m Lift Lbs; Kg Lbs; Kg Lbs; Kg test, ABS proved to have superior resis- 1° 1.097 1.400 1.81 91 2,675 3,053 3,185 tance to microbial colonization of pipe 25 27.9 2.1 2.70 91 1,213 1,385 1,445 walls, thereby delaying or possibly pre- 1'A" 1.442 1.810 2.52 61 2,319 2,664 2,760 venting the onset of Microbiologically 32 36.6 2.7 3.75 61 1,052 1,208 1,252 Influenced corrosion (MIC) when the 1W 1.682 2.080 3.04 61 2,664 3,045 3,172 First Sprinkler System is first installed. 40 42.7 3.1 4.52 61 1,208 1,381 1,439 American Made 2" 2.157 2.640 4.22 37 2,051 2,344 2,442 50 54.8 3.9 6.28 37 930 1,063 1,108 Meets `Buy American" requirement 21/2' 2.635 3.530 5.89 30 2,224 2,542 2,648 and is available through distributors in 65 66.9 5.3 8.77 30 1,009 1,153 1,201 the USA, Canada and Mexico. 3° 3.260 4.330 7.94 19 1,728 1,975 2,057 80 82.8 6.4 11.82 19 784 896 933 Specifications & Approvals 4" 4.260 5.610 11.78 19 2,238 2,558 2,665 Schedule -10 /Schedule -40 pipe are in 90 108.2 8.3 17.53 19 1,015 1,160 1,209 . compliance with the following: 5° 5.295 7.77 17.33 10 1,632 1,865 1,943 125 134.5 11.56 25.80 10 740 846 881 ASTM A -135, and NFPA 13. Both pipe 6" 6.357 9.290 23.03 10 1,951 2,230 2,322 products have a working pressure rating 150 161.5 13.8 34.27 10 885 1,012 1,053 of 300 psi maximum and also meet the 8" 8.249 16.490 40.15 7 2,424 2,770 2,885 stringent requirement for the following 200 209.5 24.5 59.75 7 1,100 1,256 1,309 tests: • Welded Outlets 0 41 4* GO • Hydrostatic Pressure • Side Wall Rupture Listed Approved Listed • Vibration Test fti,CO /Flow Control ^'II ®d 16100 S. Lathrop • Harvey, IL 60426 Customer Service: T allied 11350 Norcom Rd. • Philadelphia, PA 19154 (800) 882 -5543 TUBE & CONDUIT 2525 N. 27th Ave. • Phoenix, AZ 85009 Fax 708- 339 -1806 S5 -3 WARD MANUFACTURING FITTINGS SUBMITTAL CAST IRON FITTINGS The manufacturing process for the Class 125 Cast iron fittings adheres to strict standards to assure superior quality. Tapping for these fittings is done on the most modem types of threading machines. All tapping is . done to USA Standards for iron pipe threads. Straightness and correct depth of threads are assured through continuous capable inspection. Precision machining and thread chamfering allows Ward flanged components to be easily installed. These fittings are designed to handle the tough service that flanged components normally experience. Ward cast iron drainage fittings are designed especially for drainage systems using wrought pipe. The inside diameter of the fitting is the same as that of wrought pipe. These fittings are made with an interior shoulder so that when the joint is made, the end of the pipe practically meets the shoulder and forms a continuous surface providing smooth flow of the pipe contents. CAST IRON THREADED FITTINGS SPECIFICATIONS Standard Class 125 Specifications: ANSI B1.20.1, Threads, B 16.4, Dimensions, Pressure Rating ASTM Al26, Material. A153, Galvanizing Federal Spec: WWP 521 Pressure Ratings: 125 psig — Saturated Stream 175 psig — At 150 Degrees W. O. G. Federal Spec: WW -P -501 U.L.C. and U.L. . Listed Where Applicable FM Approved Where Applicable Plug and Bushing Specifications: ANSI B1.20.1, Threads, B16.14, Dimensions, Pressure Rating ASTM A197 (Malleable), Al26 (Cast), Material A153, Galvanizing Pressure Ratings: Malleable: 150 psig — Saturated Stream 300 psig — At 150 Degrees W.O.G. Pressure Ratings: Cast: 125 psig — Saturated Stream - 175 psig — At 150 Degrees W.O.G. Federal Spec: WW -P-471 U.L.C. and U.L. . Listed Where Applicable FM Approved Where Applicable CAST IRON 45 ELLS . 1 BLK CI 45 ELL Ward ID: 2320600003 Mnemonic Code: 1.BC45L 14411.,, Illi)) I Center Outside Dia. Of „ I Length of 1 Unit to End Out Band (min) `NPS Thread (min) I Weight 1 A2 0.433 0.95 95 1 0.58 10.867Ib 1 -1/2 BLK CI 45 ELL Ward ID: 2320800003 Mnemonic Code: 1D.BC45L *A Center to 1 Outside Dia. Of Length of End I Take Band (min) NpS Thread (min) i Unit A 1 Out 1 B 1 1 C ; Weight 1.43 10.743 1 2.68 I 1/2 ! 0.7 1 1.8Ibs 2 BLK CI 45 ELL Ward ID: 2320900003 Mnemonic Code: 2.BC45L \1 4104; ) I,• MI it C 1 . _ t Center to Outside Dia. Of € I Length of i i End Take Band (min) I Thread (min) Unit A Out B 1NPS C I Weight 1.68 0.93 3.28 1 2 r 0.75 12.9751bs CAST IRON STRAIGHT 90 ELLS 1 BLK CI 90 ELL Ward ID: 2120600003 Mnemonic Code: 1.BCL A r.. d, r 1j'' s �� /i .'im. %SOP" Center to 1 Thread Outside Dia. Of End Length (min) Take Out Band (min) Unit A D Dimension B NPS Weight I 0.58 1 0.813 1.95 [ 1 1.042Ibs 1.5 .. 1-1/2 BLK CI 90 ELL Ward ID:. 2120800003 Mnemonic Code: 1 D.BCL A B . ,,,,„ .111E1 %. Thread 1 ' Outside Dia. Of Center to � Length (min) 1 Take Out Band (min) NPg End 1 Unit D , Dimension B , A f Weight 0.7 1 1.253 1 2.68 ' 1 1/2 1.94 12.0931bs 2 BLK CI 90 ELL Ward ID: 2120900003 Mnemonic Code: 2.BCL A ' IP". AIIII i Thread Outside Dia. Of 1 Center to Length (min) Take Out ( Band (min) I -, End Unit _ - D - Dimension i B (NPS A 1 Weight j 0.75 1 1.5 1 3.28 ! 2 1 2.25 13.114Ibs CAST IRON STRAIGHT TEES 1 BLK CI TEE Ward ID: 2420600003 Mnemonic Code: 1.BCT M NM iw Um 0 ir Center to Thread Length ! Outside Dia. Of 1 End (min) Take Out i Band (min) I ? Unit A D Dimension B ,NPS � j Weight l 1.5 0.58 0.813 1.95 1 1 1.351bs 1 -1/2 BLK CI TEE Ward ID: 2420800003 Mnemonic Code: 1D.BCT MN ME III / A /' // 01111%. o . A hread Length 1 Outside Dia. Of 1 Center to (min) Take Out 1 Band (min) 1 End ! Unit 1 D Dimension B I NPS A I Weight 0.7 1:253 i 2.68 11 1/2 1 _ , 1.94 2.6411bs 2 BLK CI TEE Ward ID: 2420900003 Mnemonic Code: 2.BCT IIINII U • mi IPA! A it .11111 0 iimil:', A . T is j I j Thread Length Outside Dia. Of 1 Center to (min) Take Out 1 Band (min) 1 End Unit 1 D Dimension j B NPS 11 A Weight 1 0.75 _ [ t _ I , � 3.28 . . 2 ii 2.25 _ 4.69Ibs CAST IRON SOLID PLUGS 1 BLK CI SOLID PLUG Ward ID: 320600003 Mnemonic Code: 1.BSP J 4Q I MI A Nominal Width of Access Length of Thread Height of Square I Unit NPS Flats I (min) (min) Weight C 1 A B 0.8125 0:75 0.5 0.331bs CAST IRON SOLID PLUGS 1 -1/2 BLK CI SOLID PLUG Ward ID: 320800003 Mnemonic Code: 1D.BSP L IIE:it — 1 1 IMO. A Nominal Width of Access Flats Length of Thread (min) Height of Square (min) M NPS C 1 A B !Unit Weigh , 1 1/2 1.125 j 0.83 0.62 �I 0.8Ibs I • CAST IRON SOLID PLUGS 2 BLK CI SOLID PLUG Ward ID: 320900003 Mnemonic Code: 2.BSP 0111 1 E) I I I Mit A 1 ominal Width of Access Flats Length of Thread (min) ;Height of Square (min) ,NPS I C l A I B Unit Wei . h 2 1.3126 0 .8 8 I 0.68 ..... 1.25Ibs • , 4,0E66, 'Fire & Building / ProdL'rcts EENTRAL w. Customer Service /Sales: Technical Services: Tel: (800) 381 -9312 / Fax: (800) 791 -5500 Tel: (215) 362 -0700 / (800) 523 -6512 www.tyco- fire.com Fax: (215) 362 -5385 Grinnell Grooved Fire Protection Products Grooved Fittings General Material: Limited Cast: Figures: 201, 210, 219, 250, 260, 501, 510, ®�® Description 519, 510DE, 501S, 510S and 519S - Warranty OM See Fire Protection Ductile iron conforming to ASTM A -536, Products manufactured by Tyco Are Products are (VdS Submittal Sheet for Grade 65 -45 -12 warranted solely to the original Buyer for ten (10) • Pressure Rating and Fabricated Steel: Figures 391, 392, 393, 312, years against defects in material and workmanship ® V us i ti nfgApproval 313, 321, 327, 341 and 350 - Carbon Steel, when paid for and properly installed and maintained n formation p (Sizes 1 - 6° are Schedule 40); (Sizes 8" -12" are Schedule 30), under normal use and service. This warranty will conforming to ASTM A-53 Grade B expire ten (10) years from date of shipment by Tyco Are Products. The grooved fittings provide an economical Protective Coatings: No warranty is manufactured d given for products or c and efficient method of changing direction, • Non-lead orange paint components mas o ownership by companies not . adding an outlet, reducing, or capping • Fire brigade red (optional) non -lead paint products and d components whic h have beeen en subject b with grooved piping systems. Grooved fittings • Hot dipped galvanized conforming to ASTM tom sutsmpohicaubj are available in durable ductile iron or A -153 isuse, improperinstallation ,corrosion,orwhich steel as indicated. have not been installed, maintained, modified or fabricated repaired in accordance with applicable Standards of Note: Figure 510S and 519S fittings are Ordering the National Are Protection Association (NFPA), special short radius fittings with smaller and/orthe standards ofany otherAuthorities Having center to end dimensions than standard Procedure Jurisdiction. Materials found by Tyco Are Products grooved fittings. Depending on the size and When placing an order, indicate the full product to be defective shall be either repaired orreplaced,at coupling used, there may be interferences at name. Please specify the quantity, figure number, Tyco Fire Products' sole option. Tyco Are Products the bolt pads that require repositioning of the wall thickness, and size. neither assumes, nor authorizes any person to coupling orientation. The use of flange Grinnell Grooved Piping Products, valves, assumeforit, anyotherobligationinconnectionwith adapters is not recommended with Figures accessories and other products are available the sale of products or parts of products. Tyco Are 510S and 519S fittings. Contact Tyco Fire throughout the U.S., Canada, and internationally, Productsshall notberesponsibleforsprinldersystem Products for details. through a network of distribution centers. You designerrorsorinaccurateorincompleteinformation WARNING may write directly or call 215 - 362 -0700 for the supplied by Buyer or Buyer's representatives. The Fittings described herein must be installed distributor nearest you. IN NO EVENT SHALL TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS BE and maintained in compliance with this document, � LIABLE, IN CONTRACT, TORT, STRICT LIABILITY as well as with the applicable standards of the Care and OR UNDER ANY OTHER LEGAL THEORY, FOR National Fire Protection Association, in addition Maintenance INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, SPECIAL OR to the standards of any other authorities having CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUTNOT jurisdiction. Failure to do so may impair the The owner is responsible for the inspection, LIMITED TO LABOR CHARGES, REGARDLESS OF performance of this device. testing, and maintenance of their fire protection WHETHERTYCOFIREPRODUCTSWASINFORMED The owner is responsible for maintaining their system and devices in accordance with the ABOUT THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES, fire protection system and devices in proper applicable standards of the National Fire Protection AND IN NO EVENT SHALL TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS' operating condition. The installing contractor or Association (e.g., NFPA 25), in addition to the LIABILITY EXCEED AN AMOUNT EQUAL TO THE sprinkler manufacturer should be contacted with standards of any authority having jurisdiction. SALES PRICE. ° any questions. The installing contractor or product manufacturer 111EFOREGOINGWARRANTY SM4I EIHLIEUOF should be contacted relative to any questions. AHYAHDALL 0TNfRWAI0RAN11ESEaPFE OR Technical Any impairment must be immediately corrected. IMPLIED. INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF It is recommended that automatic sprinkler MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A Data systems be inspected, tested, and maintained by PARI_MBPtfflFf . Approvals: a qualified Inspection Service. UL, FM, ULC, VdS, and LPCB; Note: See Fire Protection Submittal Sheet for exact Listing / Approval information. Page 1 of 6 September 2004 TFP1810 Page 2 of 6 TFP1810 Figures 201, 21, 219, and 260 • c to II Figure 201 45° Elbow Figure 210 Figure 219 90° Elbow Tee Figure 260$ _ End Cap _ Nominal C to E Appx. . C to E Appx. Wt. 'C to E Appx. Wt. E to E Appx. • \ II Size Inches Lbs. Wt Inches Lbs. Inches Lbs. Inches Lbs. Wt c ro E mm Kg. mm Kg. mm Kg. mm Kg. C to E • 1.75 0.9 2.75 1.0 2.75 1.4 0.88 0.4 L..... imiu t _1 1 v 44.5 0.4 69.9 0.5 69.9 0.6 22.4 0.2 C to E 1.75 1.1 2.75 1.2 2.75 1.8 0.88 0.6 Figure 201 1' /2 44.5 0.5 69.9 0.5 69.9 0.8 22.4 0.3 Figure 210 2.00 1.8 3.25 2.0 3.25 2.7 0.88 0.9 2" 50.8 0.8 82.6 0.9 82.6 1.2 22.4 0.4 2.25 2.2 3.75 3.0 3.75 5.8 0.88 0.9 2W 57.2 1.0 95.3 1.4 95.3 2.6 22.4 0.4 !-- ctoE -1 EtoE-1 r- II ! .._____4.____111 ' 76.1mm 2.25 2.2 3.75 3.0 3.75 5.8 0.94 1.1 57.2 1.0 95.3 1.4 95.3 2.6 23.9 0.5 II I III 11111 c c-1 2.50 3.5 4.25 4.5 4.25 7.0 0.88 1.1 1 , 3° 63.5 1.6 108.0 2.0 108.0 3.2 22.4 0.5 ! C to E 108.0mm 2.88 5.5 4.75 8.5 4.75 11.5 73.0 2.5 120.7 3.9 120.7 5.2 ■In.I. -� Figure 260 3.00 5.2 5.00 8.5 5.00 11.8 1.00 2.6 I 4 , 76.2 2.4 127.0 3.9 127.0 5.4 25.4 1.2 Figure 219 133.0mm 3 25 7.7 5.25 11.3 5.25 10.6 _ _ 82.6 3.5 133.4 5.1 133.4 4.8 139.7mm 3.25 7.7 5.50 11.3 5.50 15.3 0.92 4.7 82.6 3.5 139.7 5.1 139.7 6.9 23.4 2.1 3.25 8.5 5.50 13.5 5.50 17.0 1.00 5.0 Friction Resistance' S° 82.6 3.9 139.7 6.1 139.7 7.7 25.4 2.3 (Expressed as Equivalent Straight Pipe) 3.50 12.0 6.00 14.6 6.00 13.9 Elbow Tee 159.0mm 88.9 5.4 152.4 6.6 152.4 6.3 Size 90° 45° Branch Run 1651mm 3.50 12.0 6.50 18.5 6.50 26.0 1.00 7.5 Inches Feet Feet Feet Feet 88.9 5.4 165.1 8.4 165.1 11.8 25.4 3.4 mm Meters Meters Meters Meters 3.50 12.0 6.50 18.5 6.50 26.0 1.00 7.5 1% 1.9 1.0 4.8 1.9 6° 88.9 5.4 165.1 8.4 165.1 11.8 25.4 3.4 42.4 0.6 0.3 1.5 0.6 4.25 23.0 7.75 36.5 7.75 45.0 1' 2.3 1.2 5.8 2.3 216.3mm 108.0 10.4 196.9 16.6 196.9 20.4 - - 48.3 0.7 0.4 1.8 0.7 4.25 23.0 7.75 36.5 7.75 45.0 1.19 12.8 . 2 3.2 1.6 8.0 3.2 8° 108.0 10.4 196.9 16.6 196.9 20.4 30.2 5.8 60.3 1.0 0.5 2.5 1.0 4.75 31.0 9.00 60.0 9.00 72.1 1.25 20.0 21/2 3.9 2.0 9.8 3.9 10° 120.7 14.1 228.6 27.2 228.6 32.7 31.8 9.1 73.0 1.2 0.6 3.0 1.2 5.25 40.0 10.00 67.0 10.00 92.5 1.25 36.0 76 mm 4.1 2.1 10.3 4.1 12" 133.4 18.1 254.0 30.4 254.0 42.0 31.8 16.3 1.2 0.6 3.1 1.2 3 4.9 2.4 12.2 4.9 1: • Available with tapped plugs, contact Tyco Fire & Building Products. 88.9 1.5 0.7 3.7 1.5 108.0. 6.5 3.3 16.3 ' 6.5 2.0 1.0 5.0 2.0 4 6.5 3.3 16.3 6.5 114.3 2.0 1.0 5.0 2.0 133 Omm 8.0 4.0 20.0 8.0 2.4 1.2 6.1 2.4 8.0 4.1 20.0 8.0 139.7mm 2.4 1.3 6.1 2.4 5 8.Z 4.1 20.5 8.2 141.3 2.5 1.3 6.3 2.5 159.0. 9.5 4.8 23.8 9.5 2.9 1.4 7.2 2.9 165.1 mm 9.5 4.8 23.8 9.5 2.9 1.4 7.2 2.9 6 9.9 5.0 24.8 9.9 168.3 3.0 1.5 7.6 3.0 216.3. 13.1 6.6 32.8 13.1 4.0 2.0 10.0 4.0 8 13.1 6.6 32.8 13.1 219.1 4.0 2.0 10.0 4.0 . . - 10 16.5 8.3 41.3 16.5 273.0 5.0 2.5 12.6 5.0 12 19.9 9.9 49.7 19.9 323.4 6.1 3.0 15.1 6.1 ' For reducing tees and branches, use the value that is corresponding to the branch size. Example: for 8' x 8° x 2' tee, the branch value 2' is 8.0 feet. • Friction resistance for all elbows and tees except Figures 510S and 519S. Page 3 of 6 TFP1810 Figures 501, 510, 519 and 51 ODE • Cto -- C toE j H I L II = C toE II i II 9 CtoE fir_ I _!_ C to E I mo!_ 11 L .m. i - C to E ssa = A-i-- C to E III Figure 501 Figure 510 Figure 519 Figure 510DE Figure 501 Figure 510 Figure 519 Figure 510DE 45° Elbow 90° E lbow Tee 90° Drain Elbow Nominal C to E Appx. Wt. C to E Appx. Wt. C to E Appx. Wt. C to E A B Appx. Wt. Size Inches Lbs. Inches Lbs. Inches Lbs. Inches Inches Inches Lbs. mm Kg. mm Kg. mm Kg. mm mm mm Kg. 1 1.75 0.9 2.75 1.0 2.75 1.4 44.5 0.4 69.9 0.5 69.9 0.6 1' /z 1.75 1.1 2.75 1.2 2.75 1.8 - 44.5 0.5 69.9 0.5 69.9 0.8 2° 2.00 1.8 3.25 2.0 3.25 2.7 50.8 0.8 82.6 0.9 82.6 1.2 2' /z° 2.25 2.2 3.75 3.0 3.75 5.8 3.75 2.00 2.75 2.7 57.2 1.0 95.3 1.4 95.3 2.6 95.3 50.8 69.9 1.2 3° 2.50 3.5 425 4.5 4.25 7.0 425 2.34 2.75 3.7 63.5 1.6 108.0 2.0 108.0 3.2 108.0 59.4 69.9 1.7 4° 3.00 52 5.00 8.5 5.00 11.8 5.00 2.85 2.75 7.0 76.2 2.4 127.0 3.9 127.0 5.4 127.0 72.4 69.9 3.2 5° 3.25 8.5 5.50 13.5 5.50 17.0 5.50 3.38 2.75 13.0 82.6 3.9 139.7 6.1 139.7 7.7 139.7 85.9 69.9 5.9 6° 3.50 12.0 6.50 18.5 6.50 26.0 6.50 3.92 2.75 13.4 88.9 5.4 165.1 8.4 165.1 11.8 165.1 99.6 69.9 6.1 8 . 4.25 23.0 7.75 36.5 7.75 45.0 7.75 4.95 2.75 26.3 • 108.0 10.4 196.9 16.6 196.9 20.4 196.9 125.7 69.9 11.9 Figures 5 01 S, 510S and 519S Cto i 11 IL CtoE1 II - CIoE II i L �� sm.. ! C to E CtoE 1 s:. Figure 501S Figure 510S° Figure 519S° Figure 501S Figure 510S Figure 519S Friction Resistance 501 S, 51 OS & 519S 45° Elbow 90° Elbow Tee (Expressed as Equivalent Straight Pipe) Nominal C to E Appx Wt. C to E Appx. Wt. C to E Appx. Wt. Inches Lbs. Inches Lbs. Inches Lbs. Elbow Tee Size mm Kg. mm Kg. mm Kg. Size 90° 45° Branch Run 2 00 1.8 2.75 1.5 2.75 2.1 Inches Feet Feet Feet Feet 2° mm Meters Meters Meters Meters 50.8 0.8 69.9 0.7 69.9 1.0 2 3.2 1.6 8.0 3.2 21/2° 2 2.2 3.00 2.2 3.00 3.0 60.3 1.0 0.5 2.5 1.0 57.2 1.0 76.2 1.0 76.2 1.4 2' /x 3.9 2.0 9.8 3.9 76.1 mm 225 22 3.00 2.3 3.00 3.1 73.0 1.2 0.6 3.0 1.2 57.2 1.0 76.2 1.0 76.2 1.4 4.1 2.1 10.3 4.1 3° 2.50 3.5 3.38 3.0 3.38 4.1 76.1 mm 1.2 0.6 3.1 1.2 63.5 1.6 85.9 1.3 85.9 1.9 3 4.9 2.4 12.2 4.9 4° 3.00 5.2 4.00 5.6 4.00 7.7 88.9 1.5 0.7 3.7 1.5 76.2 2.4 101.6 2.6 101.6 3.5 139.7. 3.25 7.7 4.88 8.6 4.88 12.0 • 4 6.5 3.3 16.3 6.5 139.7 114.3 2.0 1.0 5.0 2.0 82.6 3.5 124.0 3.9 124.0 5.4 8.0 4.1 20.0 8.0 5° 3.25 8.5 4.88 8.8 4.88 12.0 139.7. 2.4 1.3 6.1 2.4 82.6 3.9 124.0 3.9 124.0 5.4 5 8.2 4.1 20.5 8.2 165 1 mm 3.50 12.0 5.50 11.00 5.50 15.0 • 141.3 2.5 1.3 6.3 2.5 88.9 5.4 139.7 5.0 139.7 6.8 9.5 4.8 23.8 9.5 6° 3.50 12.0 5.50 11.2 5.50 15.2 165.1 mm 9.5 1.4 3. 2 9 88.9 5.4 139.7 5.1 139.7 6.9 2.9 6 9.9 5.0 24.8 9.9 8° 4.25 23.0 6.88 23.4 6.88 31.2 168.3 3.0 1.5 7.6 3.0 108.0 10.4 174.8 10.6 174.8 14.2 13.1 6.6 32.8 13.1 ' Nate: Figure 510S and 519Sfittings are special shod radius fittings with smaller center to end dimensions 8 1 219.1 3. 2.0 10.0 4.0 than standard grooved fittings. Depending on the size and coupling used, there may be interferences at the bolt pads which requires repositioning of the coupling orientation. The use of flange adapters is not recommended with Figures 510S and 519S fittings. Contact Tyco Fire Products for details. Page 4 of 6 TFP1810 Figures 250 and 350 • Figures 250 and 350 Concentric Reducer - Groove x Groove Nominal E to E Appx. Wt. Nominal E to E Appx. Wt. Nominal E to E Appx. Wt. . 1.--E to E - » Size Inches Lbs. Size Inches Lbs. Size Inches Lbs. II I : Inches mm Kg. Inches mm Kg. Inches mm Kg. i. 2.50 1.0 3.50 4.2 4.00 5.8 _ 2x1' /a 63.5 0.5 "1397 88.9 1.9 '6 101.6 2.6 *2 x 11/2 2.50 1.3 '139 x 4 3.50 4.4 8 x 2 5.00 12.2 63.5 0.6 88.9 2.0 127.0 5.5 Figure 250 '2'h x 2 x 2.50 1.2 5 1' /z 3.50 4.6 8 x 2, /z 5.00 12.1 9 63.5 0.5 88.9 2.1 127.0 5.5 Cast 1.5 3.50 4.6 5.00 12.0 *76.1mmx. 63.5 0.7 5x2 88.9 2.1 8x3 127.0 5.5 2.50 1.6 3.50 4.5 5.00 11.9 `761 "" x 2 j 63.5 0.8 5 x 2' /z 8 8.9 2.0 8 x 4 127.0 5.4 2.50 1.3 3.50 4.4 5.00 11.3 3x1' /a 63.5 0.6 5x3 88.9 2.0 8x5 1270 5.1 2.50 .5 1.3 3.50 88.9 4.5 5.00 10.8 3x1h 0.6 'x4 2.0 8x6 127.0 4.9 2.50 1.3 4.00 5.5 6.00 21.9 Figure 350 '3x2 63.5 0.6 '165.1mm 101 2.5 1 0x4 152.4 10.0 Fabricated •3 x 2'/z 3.00 1.5 *165.1 mm x 4 4.00 6.0 10 x 5 6.00 21.6 Sizes 3" to 6" 76.2 0.7 101.6 2.7 152.4 9.8 '3 x 76.1 mm 3.00 2.0 .t661 t�.7m" 4.00 5.6 10 x 6 6.00 21.1 76.2 0.9 m x 101.6 2.5 152.4 9.6 f•-E to E-1 3.00 2.2 4.00 6.0 6.00 19.5 4x1'/. ' 10 76 .2 1.0 1 01.6 2.7 152.4 8.9 -111111- 3.00 2.3 4.00. 6.0 7.00 28.0 4x 1'/2 76.2 1.0 6x2'/z 101.6 2.7 12x4 177.8 12.7 3.00 2.3 4.00 6.0 1 2 x 6 7.00 30.0 '4 x 2 76.2 1.0 *6 x 76.1 mm 101.6 2.7 177.8 13.6 Figure 350 3.00 2.3 4.00 6.0 7.00 28.0 Fabricated '4 x 21/2 76.2 1.0 6 x 3 101.6 2.7 12 x 8 177.8 12.7 Sizes 8" to 12" 3.00 3.2 4.00 5.9 7.00 33.0 *4 x 76.1mm 76.2. 1.5 `6x4 101.6 2.7 12 x 10 177.8 15.0 4x3 3.00 2.6 • 4.00 6.3 76.2 1.2 101.6 2.9 Note: Sizes marked with an asterisk (') are only available in Figure 250 Cast. Sizes without an asterisk are only available in Figure 350 Fabricated. ADA A Patented Pipe Nominal Dimensions Size Outlet 0.0. Takeout Center to End Net Inches NPT' Inches Inches Inches Inches Lbs. o Inches mm mm mm mm Kg. __ , 1.25 1.75 1.89 0.77 31.8 44.5 48.0 0.3 ° 1.900 1.25 1.75 1.89 0.77 ' am c 11/2 3/. 48.3 31.8 44.5 48.0 0.3 B 1.37 2.00 2.02 0.88 1 34.8 50.8 51.3 0.4 L I ,/z 1.25 1.75 1.89 0.92 31.8 44.5 48.0 0.4 2 , 2 1.25 1.75 1.89 0.92 60.3 31.8 44.5 48.0 0.4 _ 1.37 2.00 2.02 1.06 1 34.8 50.8 51.3 0.5 1.47 1.97 1.89 1.28 , 37.3 50.0 48.0 0.6 2' /z 3/4 2.875 1.47 1.97 1.89 1.28 73.0 37.3 50.0 48.0 0.6 1.37 2.00 2.02 1.50 1 34.8 50.8 51.3 0.7 • ISO -7 threaded outlets are available upon request. Page 5 of 6 TFP1810 Figures 391 392 393, 312 .and 313 • ' 1 E to E-- 1 Figures 391, Figure 312 Figure 313 392 and 393 221/ Elbow 11 Elbow Adapter Nipples Figure Nominal E to E Appx. Wt. C to E Appx. Wt. C to E Appx. Wt. - -- - -- - - 3g1 Inches Lbs. Inches Lbs. Inches Lbs. Size mm Kg. mm Kg. mm Kg. h- EtoE --►I 11/4' 101.6 0.8 44.5 0.4 35.1 0.4 101.6 0.4 44.5 0.2 35. i 0.2 1,12 4.00 0.9 1.75 0.5 1.38 0.5 Figure 101.6 0.4 44.5 0.2 35.1 0.2 2• 4.00 1.2 1.88 0.6 1.38 0.6 101.6 0.5 47.8 0.3 35.1 0.3 2' /z° 4.00 1.9 2.00 0.7 1.50 1.1 E to E - 101.6 0.9 50.8 0.3 38.1 0.5 3, 4.00 2.5 2.25 1.4 1.50 1.2 101.6 1.1 57.2 0.6 38.1 0.5 Figure 6.00 5.5 2.63 2.4 1.75 2.2 Jj 393 4° 152.4 2.5 66.8 1.1 44.5 1.0 2.00 3.3 5 , 6.00 7.4 2.88 4.1 152.4 3.4 73.2 1.9 50.8 1.5 C to ft 6" 6.00 9.5 3.13 5.6 2.00 4.6 152.4 4.3 79.5 2.5 50.8 2.1 Figure 6.00 14.2 3.88 11.1 2.00 8.7 312 8' 152.4 6.4 98.6 5.0 50.8 3.9 ct E11111111 8.00 27.0 4.38 14.0 2.13 9.1 s■ 10° 203.2 12.2 11.3 6.4 54.1 4.1 c to E - - 8.00 33.0 4.88 22.0 2.25 16.7 Figure 12* 203.2 15.0 _ 124.0 10.0 57.2 7.6 C to E = 313 7. Figures 327 and 341 !- -- ctoE Figure 327 Figure 341 Cross 150 lbs. Flange Adapter Nominal C to E Appx. Wt. E to E Appx. Wt. nches Lbs. Inches Lbs. Size mm kg. mm kg. /a 2.75 2.0 4.00 2.8 1 -s--- 69.6 0.9 101.6 1.3 CtoE 11/2 2.75 2.2 4.00 3.2 69.9 2.0 101.6 1.5 2 , 3.25 2.7 4.0 5.2 82.6 1.2 101.6 2.4 Figure 327 3.75 5.0 4.00 8.0 21/2° 95.3 2.3 101.6 3.6 4.25 7.1 4.00 10.2 3 , 108.0 3.2 101.6 4.6 5.00 11.9 6.00 17.2 .I IiI i I!iIr 4 ' 127.0 5.4 152.4 7.8 • I I I 5.50 17.1 6.00 21.4 5 , E to E 139.7. 78 152.4 9.7 6716..755.051 27.5 i I 6 � 12.5 152.4 61.00 26.0 11.8 I 1 8 , 47.0 6.00 38.4 Figure 341 196.9 21.3 152.4 17.4 10" 9.00 68.0. 8.00 65.0 228.6 30.8 203.2 29.5 12° 10.00 107.0 8.00 91.0 254.0 48.5 203.2 41.3 Page6of6 TFP1810 • . Figure 321 I-- ctoE --r _ Figure321 Reducing Tee I - Nominal C to E Appx. Wt. Nominal C to E Appx. Wt. Size Inches Lbs. Size Inches Lbs. _ - � Inches mm Kg. Inches mm Kg. j 1'fz x 1 x 11/4 3.25 2.0 6 x 6 x4 6.50 26.6 C to E 82.6 0.9 , 165.1 12.1 f i 3.25 2.7 6.50 27.0 i 1 2x2x11/2 82.6 1.2 6x6x5 165.1 12.2 Figure 321 21/2 x21/2 xWs 3.75 4.2 8x8x2 7.75 36.2 95.3 1.9 196.9 16.4 2 %x2 %x1% 3.75 4.2 8x8x3 7.75 36.5 95.3 1.9 196.9 16.6 2' x2' x2 3.75 4.3 8x8x4 7.75 36.6 95.3 2.0 196.9 16.6 3x3x1'h 4.25 5.3 8x8x5 7.75 36.8 108.0 2.4 196.9 16.7 4.25 5.5 7.75 37.0 3x3x2 108.0 2.5 8x8x6 196.9 16.8 3x3x2'k 4.25 5.8 10x10x2 9.00 57.1 108.0 2.6 228.6 25.9 4x4x11A 5.00 9.8 10x10x3 9.00 57.4 127.0 4.4 228.6 26.0 4x4x1% 5.00 9 . 9 10x10x4 9.00 57.6 127.0 4.5 228.6 26.1 4x4x2 5.00 10.1 10x10x5 9.00 57.8 127.0 4.6 228.6 26.2 4x 4x 2% 5.00 10.3 10x10x6 9 58.0 127.0 4.7 228.6 26.3 4x4x3 5.00 10.5 10x10x8 9.00 58.4 127.0 4.8 228.6 26.5 5x5x2 5.50 14.5 12x 12x3 10.00 80.2 139.7 6.6 254.0 36.4 . 5 x 5 x 2% 5.50 14.8 12 x 12 x 4 10.00 80.5 139.7 6.7 254.0 36.5 5x5x3 5.50 15.2 12x 12x5 10.00 80.7 139.7 6.9 254.0 36.6 5x5x4 5.50 15.8 12 x 12 x 6 10.00 80.9 139.7 7.2 254.0 36.7 6x6x2 6.50 26.5 12x12x8 10.00 91.4 165.1 11.9 254.0 41.5 6x6x2% 6.50 26.5 12x12x10 10.00 91.8 165.1 12.0 254.0 41.6 6x6x3 6.50 26.5 165.1 12.0 General Notes: It is the Designer's responsibility to select products suitable for the intended service and to ensure k , � 1 j that pressure ratings and performance data is not exceeded. Always read and understand the installation instructions 9001 rTii (IH- 1000). Never remove any piping component or correct or modify any piping deficiencies without first 11'1/4; depressurizing and draining the system. Material and gasket selection should be verified to be compatible for the specific application. Certified Company TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS, 451 North Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, Pennsylvania 19946 Printed U.S.A. • www tolco corn o O NIBC Revision 5/24/2001 bran - Fig. 98 - Rod Stiffener t= • Size Range — Secures 3/8" thru 7/8" hanger rod Material — Carbon Steel Function — Secures channel to hanger rod for vertical seismic bracing. ;.. Finish — Electro Galvanized Note — Available in HDG finish or Stainless Steel materials. T Order By — Figure number I ;; r • tip Fig. 99 - All Thread Rod Cut to Length Size Range — Secures 3/8" thru 7/8" rod in ��� Dimensions • Weights 1" increments "�1( 1�� Rod Max. Rec. Load Lbs. Material — Carbon Steel ((('( Size For Service Temps Maximum Temperature — 750 °F l! ll 650 °F 750 °F Finish — Plain 1 /2 610 0 (((( /8 1130 1010 0 5 Note — Available in Electro- Galvanized and 1( It � / 5/8 1810 1610 HDG finish or Stainless Steel materials. (( / /ji 3/4 2710 2420 Order By — Figure number, rod diameter, rod (( 7/8 3770 3360 • length and finish Fig. 100 - All Thread Rod Full Lengths Size Range — Secures 3/8" thru 7/8" rod in 10' lengths Material — Carbon Steel Maximum Temperature — 750 °F Finish — Plain " / � Note — Available in Electro- Galvanized and��i ►((�� HDG finish or Stainless Steel materials. • jl�!! Order By — Figure number, rod diameter and finish Dimensions • Weights itf((ljfj Max Rec. Load Lbs. Rod For Service Temps Approx. Size 650 °F 750 °F Wt./100 1/4 240 215 12 3/8 610 540 29 • 1/2 1130 1010 53 5/8 1810 1610 84 3/4 2710 2420 123 7/8 3770 3360 169 1 4960 4420 222 1 8000 7140 360 1 11630 10370 510 Main Office/Manufacturing Facility • 1375 Sampson Ave. • Corona. CA 92879 • Ph: 909 737 5599 • Fax 909.737.0330 G Customer Service • 800.7865266 www.tolco.com 0°r.'T -QLCO www:tolco. corn , ., a Drand of NI B : . Revision 9/22/2001 . Fig. 65 and Fig. 66 Reversible C -Type Beam Clamps 3/4" and 1 Throat Openings Size Range — (Fig. 65 and Fig. 66) 3/8 ", 1/2" and 5/8" rod Component of State of California OSHPD Approved Material — Carbon Steel with hardened cup point set screw and Seismic Restraints System � jam nut Function — Recommended for hanging from steel beam where flange thickness does not exceed 3/4" (Fig. 65) or 1'/4" (Fig. 66). Features — All steel construction eliminates structural deficiencies associated with casting type beam clamps. May be used on top or bot- B tom flange of the beam. (Beveled lip allows hanging from top flange where clearance is limited.) May be installed with set screw in up or D down position. Offset design permits unlimited rod adjustment by 40p, allowing the rod to be threaded completely through the clamp. Open E design permits inspection of thread engagement. ®0 C �' Approvals — Underwriters in th Laboratories Listed the USA (UL) and i Canada (cUL). Factory Mutual Engineering approved. Conforms to � Federal Specification WW -H -171 E, Type 23 and Manufacturers F ®° 4011 Standardization Society SP -69, Type 19. Exceeds requirements of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), Pamphlet 13, 3/8" rod will support 1/2" thru 4" pipe, 1/2" rod will support 1/2" thru 8" pipe. ,�� A . Included in our Seismic Restraints Catalog approved by the State of %IS California Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD). For additional load, spacing and placement relating to ITO OSHPD projects, please refer to the TOLCO Seismic Restraint Systems Guidelines. Finish — Plain Note — Available in Electro- Galvanized and HDG finish. Order By — Figure number, rod size and finish Fig. 65 Patent #4,570,885 B D Fig. 65 Dimensions • Weights �r r E /jl C Rod Size Max. Rec. Approx. %°0011 A B C D E F Load Lbs.* Wt. /100 3/8 1'/,, 3/4 1 7/16 1 610 28 F 1/2 1 3/4 1 9/16 1 1130 55 5/8 1 3/4 1 9/16 1 1130 55 _ • Max. loads for clamp with set screw in up or down position. 440 Fig.66 414 A Dimensions •Weights ,/ Rod Size Max. Rec. Approx. A B C D E F Load Lbs.* Wt. /100 318 1 1 1 7/16 1 610 28 1/2 1' /2 1 1 9/16 1'14 1130 55 5/8 1 1 1 9/16 1'/4 1130 55 * Max. loads for damp with set screw in up or down position. OFFICE/MANUFACTURING FACIUTY • 1375 SAMPSON AVE. • CORONA, CA 92879 • PH: 951 737 5599 • FAX 951.737.0330 CUSTOMER SERVICE • 800 786 5266 www.tolco.com , =www tolco.com QTOLCO , � - � _ - i Nam ofN {BCO Revision 8/1372001 Fig. 69 - Beam Clamp Retaining Strap Se® Size Range — 3/8" thru 7/8" rod by 4" thru 16" length.* Function — To offer more secure fastening of various types of beam clamps to beam where danger of movement might be expected. NFPA 13 requires the use of retaining straps with all beam clamps installed in earthquake areas. Satisfies o requirements of NFPA 13 (1999) 6- 4.7.1. Important Note — Good installation practice of a retaining strap requires that the strap be held tightly and securely to all component parts of the assembly. Therefore a locking mecha- nism of some kind such as a hex nut or the beveled locking slot on the TOLCOTM Fig. 69R will provide a more secure B reliable installation. Approvals — Underwriters' Laboratories listed in the / USA (UL) and Canada (cUL). Approved for use with any listed beam clamp. Included in our Seismic Restraints Catalog approved by the State of California Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD). Finish — Pre - Galvanized Order By — Figure number, type, length "B" and rod size being used with beam clamp Note — Minimum return on Strap: 1". Dimensions • Weights I. Type Rod Size A Hole Size B it '-- - ' 1 3/8 7/16 Specify 7., 1/2 9/16 Specify = I.1 2 5/8 11/16 Specify 3/4 13/16 Specify 3 3/8 - 7/8 Specify Specify • Longer lengths are available, consult factory. it 1 1 .. � i 7 1 ArrAmordIAllrAwAri :___:__, ______ 3 Iii Office/Manufacturing Facility • 1375 Sampson Ave. • Corona, CA 92879 • Ph: 909 737 5599 • Fax 909 - 737.0330 Customer Service • 800.786.5266 61 www.tolco.com 0 OL O www toto. :: afNIBCO ' Revision 5/24 /2001 Fig. 200 - "Trimline" Adjustable Band Hanger .4► ' Size Range — 1/2" thru 8" pipe Sc® Material — Carbon Steel, Mil. Galvanized to G90 specifications �r Function — For fire sprinkler and other general piping r 6% purposes. Knurled swivel nut design permits hanger i adjustment after installation. Features — • (1/2" thru 2 ") Flared edges ease installation for i t all pipe types and protect CPVC plastic pipe from s ,' abrasion. Captured design keeps adjusting nut i from separating with hanger. Hanger is easily � A installed around pipe. • (2'/2" thru 8" Spring tension on nut holds it ,- securely in hanger before installation. Adjusting i ,,-'`- nut is easily removed. f'' Approvals — Underwriters' Laboratories listed (1/2" thru 8 ") in the USA (UL) and Canada (cUL) for steel 1/2 THRU 2 INCH PIPE 21/2 THRU 8 INCH PIPE and CPVC plastic pipe and Factory Mutual Engineering Approved (3/4" thru 8 "). Conforms to Federal Specifications WW -H -171 E, Type 10 and Manufacturers now • Standardization Society SP -69, Type 10. . Maximum Temperature — 650 °F ...... i Finish — Mil. Galvanized. For Stainless Steel materi- als, order TOLCO'TM Fig. 200WON. / Order By — Figure number and pipe size ' a , 1 ,, // \ i r ■ i j Dimensions • Weights Pipe Rod Size Max. Rec. Approx. Size Inch Metric A B Load Lbs. Length 1/2 3/8 8mm or 10mm 3'/e 2 400 11 3/4 3/8 8mm or 10mm 3'/8 2 400 11 1 3/8 8mm or 10mm 3 2 400 12 1 3/8 8mm or 10mm 3 2 400 13 1 3/8 8mm or 10mm 3' /8 2' /8 400 14 2 3/8 8mm or 10mm 4'/2 3 400 15 • = 2 3/8 10mm 5 4'/8 600 27 3 3/8 10mm 5 4 600 29 3'/2 3/8 10mm 7 5' /. 600 34 4 3/8 10mm 7' /e 5 1000 35 5 1/2 12mm 9'4 6'1. ' 1250 66 6 1/2 12mm 10 61. 1250 73 8 1/2 12mm 13'/8 8 1250 136 Main Office/Manufacturing Facility • 1375 Sampson Ave. • Corona, CA 92879 • Ph: 909 737 5599 • Fax 909.737.0330 86 ''' Customer Service • 800 786 5266 www.tolco.com b ® www: a nr:;orNIBCO . r -. Revision 8/30/2002 Fig. 1000 - "Fast Clamp" Sway Brace Attachment Se® Size Range — Pipe size to be braced: 1" thru 6" Schedule 10 Component of State of e size used for bracin : 1" and 11 /4" Schedule 40 California OSHPD Approved thru 40.* Pi P 9 Seismic Restraints System IPS. * Additionally (UL) approved for use to brace Schedule 7 f ` sprinkler pipe up to 4" (maximum horizontal design load `~J / 655 lbs.) Torque requirement 6 — 8 ft. lbs. ( \\ Material — Carbon Steel Function — For bracing pipe against sway and seismic disturbance. The pipe attachment component of a sway brace system: Fig. 1000 is used in conjunction with a TOLCOTm Fig. 900 Series Fitting and joined together with bracing pipe per NFPA 13* or TOLCO OSHPD Approved Seismic Manual, forming a complete sway brace assembly. ,,- Features — Can be used to brace Schedules 7 thru 40 IPS. Field adjustable, making critical pre - engineering of bracing pipe — unnecessary. Unique design requires no threading of bracing pipe. Can be used as 4 -way riser brace. Can be used as,r longitudinal brace with Fig. 907. All steel construction eliminates 1 1 structural deficiencies associated with casting type sway brace 14 1 t t - fittings. Comes assembled and individually packaged with `~*lw, illustrated installation instructions — sizes are clearly marked. Steel leaf spring insert provided to assure installer and inspector necessary minimum torque has been achieved. Application Note — Position Fast Clamp and tighten two hex Maximum Design Load nuts until leaf spring flattens. A minimum of 1" pipe extension 1" thru 4" pipe size — 2015 lbs. beyond the Fig. 1000 is recommended. 6" size — 1265 lbs. Approvals — Underwriters Laboratories Listed in the USA (UL) and Canada (cUL). Included in our Seismic Restraints Catalog approved by the State of California Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD). Finish — Plain " "'f"• Note — Available in Electro- Galvanized and HDG finish or / , Stainless Steel materials. Order By — Order first by pipe size to be braced, followed by pipe size used for bracing, figure number and finish. Important Note — The Fig. 1000 is precision manufactured to�~� perform its function as a critical component of a complete ` f bracing assembly. To ensure performance. the UL Listing { requires that the Fig. 1000 must be used only with other ,- TOLCO bracing products. • Main Office/Manufacturing Facility • 1375 Sampson Ave. • Corona, CA 92879 • Ph: 909.737.5599 • fax: 909.737.0330 166 Customer Service • 800.786.5266 www.loko.com • vvww:toleo:com e or -.d u ; NIBCO Revision 2/02/2005 _ Fig. 909 - No- Thread Swivel Sway Brace Attachment Se® $ize Range — 1" bracing pipe. For brace pipe sizes larger than 1 ", Component of State of use TOLCO Fig. California HP Approved g Seismic Res O System Material — Carbon Steel, hardened cone point engaging screw Function — The structural component of a sway and seismic bracing system. Features — This product's design incorporates a concentric attach- � ��� P 9 P �„ • ment opening which is critical to the performance of structural seismic N e k connections. NFPA 13 (1999 Edition) Table 6 -4.5.9 indicates clearly that fastener table load values are based only on concentric loading. e H No threading of the bracing pipe is required. Open design allows for easy inspection of pipe engagement. All steel construction eliminates lop deficiencies associated with malleable type attachments. Fastener A can be mounted to all surface angles. Application Note — The Fig. 909 is used in conjunction with the TOLCO Fig. 1000, Fig. 1001, or Fig. 4 (A) pipe clamp, and joined together with bracing pipe. Install per NFPA 13 and /or TOLCO State of California OSHPD Approved Seismic Restraint Manual. The required type, number and size of fasteners used for the structure attachment fitting shall be in accordance with NFPA13 and /or OSHPD. tr– . Installation — Extend bracing pipe through opening. Tighten cone point engaging screw until head bottoms out or minimum torque 23 ft./lbs. Approvals — Underwriters Laboratories Listed in the USA (UL) and Canada (cUL). Included in our Seismic Restraints Catalog approved by the State of California Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development ( OSHPD). For additional load, spacing and placement ', j / 41ew information relating to OSHPD projects, please refer to the TOLCO Seismic Restraint Systems Guidelines. Finish — Plain Note — Available in Electro- Galvanized and HDG finish. Order By — Figure number, pipe size and finish. Important Note — The Fig. 909 is precision manufactured to perform its function as a critical component of a complete bracing assembly. Sway brace assemblies are intended to be installed in accordance with NFPA13 and the manufacturer's installation instructions. To ensure performance. the UL Listing requires that the Fig. 909 must be used only with other TOLCO bracing products. NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL PATENT APPLICATION IN PROCESS. Dimensions • Weights c Max. Design. Max. Design Load Approx. Pipe Size A B H* Load Lbs. Lbs. w/Washer Wt. /100 1 6 1 17/32 2015 2765 91 • Available with hole sizes to accommodate up to 3/4' fastener. Consult Factory. OFFICE/MANUFACTURING FACILITY • 1375 SAMPSON AVE. • CORONA, CA 92879 • PH: 951 737 5599 • FAX: 951.737.0330 CUSTOMER SERVICE • 800.786.5266 www.tolcacom fi www.tolco.com NIBCO Revision <3 /28 /2003 Fig. 980 - Universal Swivel Sway Brace Attachment ( e® Size Range — One size fits bracing pipe 1" thru 2 ", TOLCO 12 gauge channel, and all structural Component of State of steel u to 1/4" thick. California OSHPD Approved p Seismic Restraints System Material — Carbon Steel V: Function — Multi- functional attachment to structure or braced pipe fitting. Features.— This product's design incorporates a concentric attach- ment opening which is critical to the performance of structural seismic connections. NFPA 13 (1999 Edition) Table 6 -4.5.9 H indicates clearly that fastener table load values are based only � on concentric loading. Fits multiple sizes of bracing pipe, 1 strut or structural steel. Mounts to any surface angle. Break off bolt head assures verification of proper installation. Application Note — Install per NFPA 13 and /or TOLCO State of California (OSHPD) Approved Seismic Restraint Manual. A Installation — Place bracing component into jaw fully and tighten bolt until 141141b1 head breaks off. B Approvals — Underwriters Laboratories Listed in the USA (UL) and Canada (cUL). Included in our Seismic Restraints Catalog approved by the State of California Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD). For additional load, spacing and placement information relat- ing to OSHPD projects, please refer to the TOLCO Seismic Restraint Systems Guidelines. Note —The Fig. 980 Swivel Attachment and the Fig. 1001, Fig. 1000 , Fig. 2001 or Fig. 4A Pipe Clamp make up a sway brace system of UL Listed attachments and bracing materials which satisfies the requirements of Underwriters' Laboratories and the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Finish — Plain Note — Available in Electro- Galvanized finish. Order By — Figure number and finish. Important Note — The Fig. 980 is precision manufactured to perform its function as a critical component of a com- plete bracing assembly. To ensure performance. the UL Listing requires that the Fig. 980 must be used only with other TOLCO bracing products. NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL PATENT APPLICATION IN PROCESS. 4 , 4 • • l4 ` `._r i Dimensions • Weights Max. Design Approx. A B H* Load Lbs. Wt./100 5'14 1 17/32 2765 132 • Available with hole sizes to accommodate up to 3/4" fastener. Consult factory . OFFCFJMANUFACTURING FACILITY • 1375 SAMPSON AVE. • CORONA. CA 92879 • PH: 951 737 5599 • FAX 951.737.0330 170 CUSTOMER SERVICE • 800. 786.5266 www.tolco.com TDLCD . wwvvaolco. corn a braido, NIBCO , Revision , k � 5/24/2001 .,. ti Fig. 4A - Pipe Clamp for Sway Bracing ScO ' Size Range — 4" thru 8" pipe. For sizes smaller than 4" use TOLCOT"" Fig. 4. Material — Carbon Steel Component of State of California OSHPD Approved Function — For bracing pipe against sway and seismic disturbance. Seismic Restraints System Approvals — Underwriters' Laboratories Listed in the USA (UL) and Canada B (cUL) 4" thru 8 ". Included in our Seismic Restraints Catalog approved by the State of California Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD). For additional load, spacing and placement information relating to .- �< OSHPD projects, please refer to the TOLCO Seismic Restraint Systems +� Guidelines. / / i to,„_. Installation Instructions — Install Fig. 4A Pipe Clamp on pipe to be braced. i Attach Sway -Brace Fitting to 1/2" Clamp bolt (Sway -Brace Fitting to be on out- / A side ears of clamp). Tighten securely. (min. torque requirement — 50 ft. lbs.) Sway Brace Assemblies are intended to be installed in accordance with NFPA \ 13 and the Manufacturers Installation Instructions. ',.._ ..D Finish — Plain Note — Available in Electro- Galvanized and HDG finish or Stainless Steel materials. lk Order By — Figure number, pipe size and finish C tli 7 - . 7 - f. . ' 40 ,,, 4 \ 1 � .. II O ' Fig. 4A - Longitudinal Brace Fig. 4A - Brace Dimensions • Weights Pipe Max. Horizontal Approx. ' • Sizes A B C D Bolt Size Design Load Wt. /100 4 8'/2 9/16 3 3 " /,e 1/2 2015 221 5 9 9/16 3' /4 4' /e 1/2 2015 253 • 6 11'/2 5/8 5 5' /8 1/2 2015 513 8 13'/, 3/4 6 6 1/2 2015 601 OFFICE/MANUFACTURING FACILITY • 1375 SAMPSON AVE. • CORONA, CA 92879 • PH: 951 737 5599 • FAX 951.737.0330 • CUSTOMER SERVICE • 800 786 5266 www.tolcacom .,. te a ANCHORING SYSTEMS The Contractor's Choice Since 1910 Submittal Infor ation Table of Contents Anchoring Systems 39 Trubolt Wedge Anchors 40 Large Diameter Tapcon (LDT1 Anchors 43 ,.`";;;'/7/2,. {` } Multi -Set II Drop-in Anchors 45 f ` 4 Dynabolt Sleeve Anchors 47 Stud Anchors 49 SA f�t { yr,� C - Redi -Drive Anchors SO Tapcon Anchors 52 f 119 44.4 4ki gt 'SINCE 19101 Head* 1- 800 -899 -7890 11/04 Red Head A nchoring Systems J -• ''n �^ � t'y zinEw w, f "�� f j_ j� 4a..�f.k�'+��s.s. t I �8. t `sue' NN ! C p W ��y(�' f� �' 1 �7 �' r h � z, is" ti *z ^._ ' {ir' � �. *' is'T.r , + '�w'tr `' r ,� .n i- < 4' a ua vn a C ,s x t o ix „� k � ' �G a 5�t v y 3C • r .£ .x � �`rr .:,. t - wr#` `� ' ' - t ., vi" w, �* t {ate � ' { S �' 9 byt�`'S#.�stt �.wy e F L t } L - n� t FY �- - .n F J?.f � 3 -+ # } - k �' q 1 s u Tea r , y ;fF.� k t ; ..rte,x '..m a+ "`i. .t � t t `t kR. '�` r .i+. Y . +�' a rx TF s +t B - y % F �C. 1 -+ • A, � is # . .i d �ci�.. ,y, ', } a v F tra . ! t 4.- rib �LVr ^ "p • Cfikr zy dt 3 tA" y �> to r z �r +y1` `om'^'� "'„s5 "� P t vt.. A xar x L : ;; : # ,�. �' ✓P Y ; t Lek �fYt,��"ed a F n�' ' r��C v # mss, x k*a t ; +' ,t _ ' t a s y a k„e -'•w ' " „at * *'+ s' ti ,. v .i ` y�l S der s 'r , t+a s .. fit s �{ 4 i z 1! " ky,�, 'x ` �'� V 4• § '. x •' - 3+' f �'� } 2 'F X.� 9 t r r , a^ - .�. 'z' t r_ .rE a .+ x +r L; �� �` .trm ;i ; ' 4 - : - 4• T +� � o x � y jf� Fed. tT T �a � E �� a � a { }�P 1 "£ >� c pp t �.w, fi"R4t.. w fi Fpsr` 5" }'k` . v ei-q.* " " k * dR 5 'Si -. € `�, .Z? • • C� rf T �. ��'-� �� ✓ �iF� t ° � r+A tides � `, 5' 3 s S. i 8 4 4 s ‚-n /ft-.Y, ,5^ F +� t srw " S5 t �s" `r 1 ` - a t ' rklr 4c `* t '" .� .g ma y` 5. v43 {� " rp„9� Ii phi€ �' y M sf fat'��i vt:r 5. 5. ""' r. s,c arm v . i' s' s 1 s. L' � U„ Fµ c tx - tF a> S INCE 1 10 1 - HEAD ANCHORING SYSTEMS Submittal Information 1 Trubolt Wedge INSTALLATION STEPS r 1. Using a bit whose diameter equals the anchor i ii SPECIFIED FOR ANCHORAGE INTO CONCRETE ' diameter, drill hole to any depth exceeding the Wedge anchors feature a type 18 -8 stainless steel split ' 6Y ? . ± p ¢ ' minimum embedment. Clean hole. expansion ring and a threaded stud bolt body and integral cone expander, nut and washer. Anchor bodies are made of o w , '~° plated carbon steel, hot - dipped galvanized carbon steel, type 304 stainless steel or type 316 stainless steel as identified in 2. Assemble anchor with nut and washer so that _ = the drawings or other notations. rp� the top of the nut is flush with the top of the I II o • o ` anchor. Drive anchor through material to be The exposed end of the anchor is stamped to identify anchor 'OF length. Stampings should be preserved during installation for =` - , ; s% L fastened so that nut and washer are flush with • any subsequent embedment verification. ' X • surface of material. Use carbide tipped hammer drill bits made in accordance to ANSI 8212.15- 3. Expand anchor by tightening nut 3 to 5 turns, 1994 to install anchors. `��: or to the specific torque requirement F ' Anchors are tested to ASTM E488 criteria and listed by ICC (formerly ISO) and ;_ :. (see selection chart). SBCCI. Anchors are listed by the following agencies as required by the local 1'p : !io ;14, building code: UL, FM, City of Los Angeles, California State Fire Marshal and •' O'rT'.• 9 4 tj • Cal Trans. APPROVALS /LISTINGS LENGTH INDICATION CODE * Meets or exceeds U.S. Government G.S.A. CODE LENGTH OF ANCHOR CODE LENGTH OF ANCHOR Specification FF -S -325 Group II, Type 4, Class 1 A 11/2 <2 (38.1 < 50.8) 61/2 < 7 (165.1 < 177.8) B 2 < 2 -1/2 (50.8 < 63.5) L 7 < 7 -1/2 (177.8 < 190.5) Underwriters Laboratories c 2 -112 <3 (63.5 < 76.2) M 7 -1/2 < 8 (190.5 < 203.2) D 3 < 3 -1/2 (76.2 < 88.9) N 8 < 8-1/2 (203.2 < 215.9) Factory Mutual E 3 -1/2 <4 (:..9 < 101.6) 0 8 -1/2 <9 (215.9 <228.6) F 4 <4 -1/2 (101.6 <1143) P 9<9 -1/2 (228.6<2413) ICC Evaluation Service, Inc. - #ER -1372 (formerly ICBO) G 4-1/2 <5 (114.3 < 127.0) Q 9-1/2 < 10 (241.3 <254.0) (induding seismic loading conditions) H 5 < 5 -1/2 (127.0 < 139.7) R 10 < 11 (254.0 < 279.4) Metro -Dade County - #01.0504.12 i 51/2 <6 (139.7 < 152.4) s 11 < 12 (279.4 < 304.8) 3 6 <6 -1/2 (152.4<165.1) T 12<13 (304.8 <330.2) City of Los Angeles - #RR2748 'Located on top of anchor for easy Inspection. SBCCI Compliance Report - #9570 California State Fire Marshal Cal Trans R RED Hear 7- 800 -899 -7890 40 11/04 ANCHORING SYSTEMS Submittal Information Trubolt Wedge Anchors Ultimate Tension and Shear Values (Lbs/kN) in Concrete* ANCHOR INSTALLATION EMBEDMENT ANCHOR fc = 2000 PSI (13.8 MPa) fc = 4000 PSI (27.6 MPa) fc = 6000 PSI (41.4 MPa) DUI. TORQUE DEPTH TYPE TENSION SHEAR TENSION SHEAR TENSION SHEAR In. (mm) Ft. Lbs. (Nm) In. (mm) Lbs. (kN) Lbs. (kN) Lbs. (kN) Lbs. (kN) Lbs. (kN) Lbs. (kN) 1/4 (6.4) 8 (10.8) 1 -1/8 (28.6) 1,180 (5.2) 1,400 (6.2) 1,780 (7.9) 1,400 (6.2) 1,900 (8.5) 1,400 (6.2) 1 -15/16 (49.2) 2,100 (93) 1,680 (7S) 3,300 (14.7) 1,680 (7.5) 3,300 (14.7) 1,680 (75) 2 -1/8 (54.0) 2,260 (10.1) 1,680 (75) 3,300 (14.7) 1,680 (75) 3,300 (14.7) 1,680 (7.5) 3/8 (9.5) 25 (33.9) 1 -1/2 (38.1) 1,680 (73) 2,320 (103) 2,240 (10.0) 2,620 (11.7) 2,840 (12.6) 3,160 (14.1) 3 (76.2) 3,480 (15.5) 4,000 (17.8) 5,940 (26.4) 4,140 (18.4) 6,120 (27.2) 4,500 (20.0) 4 (101.6) 4,800 (21.4) 4,000 (17.8) 5,940 (26.4) 4,140 (18.4) 6,120 (27.2) 4,500 (20.0) 1/2 (12.7) 55 (74.6) 2 -1/4 (57.2) 4,660 (20.7) 4,760 (21.1) 5,100 (22.7) 4,760 (21.2) 7,040 (313) 7,040 (31.3) 41/8 (104.8) WS-Carbon or 4,660 (20.7) 7,240 (32.2) 9,640 (42.9) 7,240 (32.2) 10,820 (48.1) 8,160 (36.3) 6 (152,4) WS- 5,340 (23.8) 7,240 (32.2) 9,640 (42.9) 7,240 (322) 10,820 (48.1) 8,160 (363) 5/8 (15.9) 90 (122.0) 2 -3/4 (69.9) Hot - Dipped 6,580 (29.3) 7,120 (31.7) 7,180 (31.9) 7,120 (31.7) 9,720 (43.2) 9,616 (42.8) 5 -1/8 (130.2) Galvanized 6,580 (29.3) 9,600 (42.7) 14,920 (66.4) 11,900 (52.9) 16,380 (72.9) 12,520 (55.7) 7 -1/2 (1905) 7,060 (31.4) 9,600. (42.7) 15,020 (66.8) 11,900 (52.9) 16,380 (72.9) 12,520 (55.7) or 3/4 (19.1) 175 (237.3) 3 -1/4 (82.6) WW-304 55. 7,120 (31.7) 10,120 (45.0) 10,840 (48.2) 13,720 (61.0) 13,300 (59.2) 15,980 (71.1) 6-5/8 (1683) 10,980 (48.8) 20,320 (90.4) 17,700 (78.7) 23,740 (105.6) 20,260 (90.1) 23,740 (105.6) 10 (254.0) o 10,980 (48.8) 20,320 (90.4) 17,880 (795) 23,740 (105.6) 23,580 (104.9) 23,740 (105.6) 7/8 (22.2) 250 (339.0) 3 -3/4 (953) SWW-31653. 9,520 (423) 13,160 (583) 14,740 (65.6) 16,580 (73.8) 17,420 (775) 19,160 (852) 6-1/4 (158.8) 14,660 (652) 20,880 (92.9) 20,940 (93.1) 28,800 (128.1) 24,360 (108.4) 28,800 (128.1) 8 (2032) 14,660 (65.2) 20,880 (92.9) 20,940 (93.1) 28,800 (128.1) 24,360 (108.4) 28,800 (128.1) 1 (25.4) 300 (406.7) 4-1/2 (1143) 13,940 (62.0) 16,080 (715) 20,180 (89.8) 22,820 (1013) 21,180 (94.2) 24,480 (108.9) 7 -3/8 (1873) 14,600 (64.9) 28,680 (127.6) 23,980 (106.7) 37,940 (168.8) 33,260 (148.0) 38,080 (169.4) 9-1/2 (2413) 18,700 (83.2) 28,680 (127.6) 26,540 (118.1) 37,940 (168.8) 33,260 (148.0) 38,080 (169.4) 1 -1/4 (31.8) 500 (677.9) 5 -1/2 (139.7) 18,140 (80.7) 23,280 (103.6) 26,380 (1173) 29,460 (131.0) 33,640 (149.6) 33,780 (1503) 8 (2032) 27,340 (121.6) 35,080 (156.0) 43,300 (192.6) 44,260 (196.9) 45,540 (202.6) 50,560 (224.9) • Allowable values are based upon a 4 to 1 safety factor. Divide by 4 for allowable load values. Trubolt Ultimate Tension and Shear Values (Lbs /kN) in Wedge Anchors;: Lightweight Concrete* ANCHOR INSTALLATION EMBEDMENT ANCHOR LIGHTWEIGHT CONCRETE LOWER FLUTE OF STEEL DECK WITH DIA. TORQUE DEPTH TYPE fc = 3000 PSI (20.7 MPa) LIGHTWEIGHT CONCRETE FILL In. (mm) Ft. Lbs. (Nm) In. (mm) fc = 3000 PSI (20.7 MPa) TENSION SHEAR TENSION SHEAR Lbs. (kN) Lbs. (kN) Lbs. (kN) Lbs. (kN) 3/8 (93) 25 (33.9) 1 -1/2 (38.1) WS- Carbon or 2,120 (9.4) 3,720 (16.5) 1,900 (83) 3,160 (14.1) 3 (76.2) WS-6 2,940. (13.1) 4,240 (18.9) 2,840 (12.6) 4,000 (17.8) 1/2 (12.7) 55 (74.6) 2 -1/4 (572) Hot - Dipped 3,600 (16.0) 7,040 (313) 3,400 (15.1) 5,380 (23.9) 3 (76.2) Galvanized 4,720 (21.0) 6,620 (29.4) 4,480 (19.9) 6,620 (29.4) 4 (101.6) 6,920 (30.8) 4,800 (21.4) 6,440 (28.6) 5/8 (15.9) 90 (122.0) 3 (76.2) or 6,000 (26.7) 9,240 (41.1) 4,720 (21.0) 5,500 (245) 5 (127.0) WW-304 5.5. 5960 (26.5) 9,2; s (413) 6,580 (293) 9,140 (40.7) or 3/4 (19.1) 175 (2373) 3 -1/4 (82.6) SWW316SS. 7,160 (31.9) 12,600 (56.0) 5,840 (26.0) 8,880 (39.5) 5 -1/4 (133.4) 8,900 (39.6) 15,920 (70.8) 7,040 (31.3) • Allowable values are based upon a 4 to 1 safety factor. Divide by 4 for allowable load values. n w /Rest Head' 1 -800- 899 -7890 41 11/04 • ANCHORING SYSTEMS Submittal Inf r°mation Trubol Recommended Spacing and Edge Distance Wedge Anchors . Requirements for Shear Loads* ANCHOR EMBEDMENT ANCHOR EDGE DISTANCE MIN. EDGE MIN. EDGE DISTANCE SPACING MIN. ALLOWABLE DUI. DEPTH TYPE REQUIRED TO DISTANCE AT WHICH AT WHICH THE REQUIRED TO SPACING BETWEEN In. (mm) In. (mm) OBTAIN MAX. THE LOAD FACTOR LOAD FACTOR OBTAIN MAX. ANCHORS In. (mm) WORKING LOAD APPUED =.60 APPUED =.20 WORKING LOAD LOAD FACTOR In. (mm) In. (mm) In. (mm) In. (mm) APPUED = .40 1/4 (6.4) 1 -1/8 (28.6) 2 (50.8) 1 -5/16 (33.3) - - 3 -15/16 (100.0) 2 (50.8) 1 -15/16 (49.2) 1 -15/16 (49.2) 1 (25.4) - - 3 -7/8 (98.4) 1 -15/16 (49.2) 3/8 (9.5) 1 -1/2 (38.1) 2 -5/8 (66.7) 1 -3/4 (44.5) - -- 5 -1/4 (133.4) 2 -5 /8 (66.7) 3 (76.2) WS-Carbon 3 -3/4 (953) 3 (76.2) 1 -1/2 (38.1) 6 (152.4) 3 (76.2) 1/2 (12.7) 2 -1/4 (57.2) or 3 -15/16 (100.0) 2 -9/16 (65.1) - - 7 -7/8 (200.0) 3 -15/16 (100.0) 4 -1/8 (104.8) WS-G 5 -3/16 (131.8) 3 -1/8 (79.4) 1 -9/16 (39.7) 6 -3/16 (157.2) 3 -1/8 (79.4) 5/8 (15.9) 2 -3/4 (69.9) Hot -Dipped 4 -13/16 (122.2) 3 -1/8 (79.4) - -- 9-5/8 (244.5) 4 -13/16 (122.2) 5-1/8 (130.2) Galvan¢ed 6-7/16 (163.5) 3 -7/8 (98.4) 1 -15/16 (49.2) 7 -11/16 (1953) 3 -7/8 (98.4) 3/4 (19.1) 3-1/4 (82.6) or 5 -11/16 (144.5) 3 -3/4 (95.3) - - 11 -3/8 (288.9) 5 -11/16 (144.5) 6-5 /8 (168.3) - 30455. 6 -5/16 (160.3) 5 (127.0) 2 -1/2 (63.5) 9 -15/16 (252.4) 5 (127.0) WW 7/8 (22.2) 3-3/4 (953) 6 -9/16 (166.7) 4 -5/16 (109.5) -- - 13 -1/8 (333.4) 6 -9/16 (166.7) 6-1/4 (158.8) or 8-1/2 (215.9) 6-1/4 (158.8) 3 -1/8 (79.4) 12 -1/2 (317.5) 6-1/4 (158.8) 1 (25.4) 4 -1/4 (108.0) SWW3165S. 7 -718 (200.0) 5-1/8 (130.2) - - 15 -3/4 (400.1) 7 -7/8 (200.0) 7 -3/8 (1873) 10 -1/16 (255.6) 7 -3/8 (1873) 3 -11/16 (93.7) 14-3/4 (374.7) 7 -3/8 (187.3) 1 -1/4 (31.8) 5 -1/2 (139.7) 9-5/8 (2445) 6-1/4 (158.8) - - 19-1/4 (489.0) 9 -5/8 (2445) 8 (203.2) _ 11 -7/16 (2905) 8 (203.2) 4 (101.6) 16 (406.4) 8 (203.2) • Spacing and edge distances sha0 be divided by 0.75 when anchors are placed in structural lightweight concrete. Unear interpolation may be used for intermediate spacing and edge distances. - Trub Recommended Spacing and Edge Distance Wedge Anchors' Requirements for Tension Loads* ANCHOR EMBEDMENT ANCHOR EDGE DISTANCE MIN. ALLOWABLE SPACING REQUIRED MIN. ALLOWABLE DUI. DEPTH TYPE REQUIRED TO EDGE DISTANCE AT TO OBTAIN MAX. SPACING AT WHICH In. (mm) In. (mm) OBTAIN MAX. WHICH THE LOAD WORKING LOAD THE LOAD FACTOR WORKING LOAD FACTOR APPUED =.65 In. (mm) APPLIED =.70 In. (mm) In. (mm) In. (mm) 1/4 (6.4) 1 -1/8 (28.6) 2 (50.8) 1 (25.4) 3 -15/16 (100.0) 2 (50.8) 1 -15/16 (49.2) 1 -15/16 (49.2) 1 (25.4) 3 -7/8 (98.4) 1 -15/16 (49.2) 2 -1/8 54.0 . 1 -5/8 (413) 13/16 (20.6) 3 -3/16 (81.0) 1 -5 /8 (413) 3/8 (9.5) 1 -1/2 (38.1) 2 -5/8 (66.7) 1 -5/16 (33.3) 5 -1/4 (133.4) 2 -5/8 (66.7) 3 (762) 3 (76.2) 1 -1/2 (38.1) 6 (152.4) 3 (76.2) 4 101.6 3 (76.2) 1 -1/2 (38.1) 6 (152.4) 3 (76.2) 1/2 (12.7) 2 -1/4 (57.2) 3 -15/16 (100.0) 2 (50.8) 7 -7/8 (200.0) 3 -15/16 (100.0) 4-1/8 (104.8) WS-Carbon or 3 -1/8 (79.4) 1 -9/16 (39.7) 6 -3/16 (157.2) 3 -1/8 (79.4) 6 152.4 WS-G 4-1/2 (114.3) 2 -1/4 (57.2) 9 (228.6) 4-1/2 (114.3) 5/8 (15.9) 2 -3/4 (69.9) Hot - Dipped 4 -13/16 (122.2) 2 -7/16 (61.9) 9 -5/8 (244.5) 4 -13/16 (122.2) 5-1/8 (130.2) Galvanized 3 -7/8 (98.4) 1 -15/16 (49.2) 71/16 (195.3) 3 - 7/8 (98.4) 7 -1/2 190.5 5 -5 /8 (142.9) 2 -13/16 (71.4) 11 -1/4 (285.8) 5 -5/8 (142.9) Or 3/4 (19.1) 3 -1/4 (82.6) WW 304 S.S. 5 -11/16 (144.5) 2 -7/8 (73.0) 11 -3/8 (288.9) 5 -11/16 (1445) 6-5/8 (168.3) 5 (127.0) 2 -1/2 (635) 9 -15/16 (252.4) 5 (127.0) 10 254.0 or 7 -1/2 (1903) 3 -3/4 (95.3) 15 (381.0) 7 -1/2 (190.5) 7/8 (22.2) 3-3/4 (95.3) SWW-316SS. 6 -9/16 (166.7) 3 -5/16 (84.1) 13 -1/8 (333.4) 6 -9/16 (166.7) 6-1/4 (158.8) 6-1/4 (158.8) 3 -1/8 (79.4) 12 -1/2 (317.5) 6-1/4 (158.8) 8 203.2 6 (1524) 3 (76.2) 12 (304.8) 6 (152.4) 1 (25.4) 4-1/2 (1143) 7 -7/8 (200.0) 3 -15/16 (100.0) 15 -3/4 (400.1) 7 -7/8 (200.0) 7 -3 /8 (1873) 7 -3/8 (187.3) 3 -11/16 (93.7) 14 -3/4 (374.7) 7 -3/8 (187.3) 9-1/2 2413 7 -1/8 (181.0) 3 -9/16 (90.5) 14-1/4 (362.0) 7 -1/8 (181.0) 1 -1/4 (31.8) 5-1/2 (139.7) 9-5/8 (244.5) 4 -13/16 (122.2) 19 -1/4 (489.0) 9 -5/8 (244.5) 8 (203.2) 8 (203.2) 4 (101.6) 16 (406.4) 8 (203.2) • Spacing and edge distances shall be divided by 0.75 when anchors are placed in structural lightweight concrete. Linear interpolation may be used for intermediate spacing and edge distances. Combined Shear and Tension Loading -for Trubolt Anchors Allowable loads for anchors subjected to combined shear and tension forces are determined by the following equation: (Ps/Pt)'+ (Mt)sn 51 • Ps = Applied tension load Vs = Applied shear load Pt = Allowable tension load Vt = Allowable shear load a 7-800-899-7890 42 11 /04 0 -4io RED ANCHORING SYSTEMS Submittal Information Large Diameter Tapcon INSTALLATION STEPS _ (LDT) Self-threading Installation Steps in Concrete 1. Using the proper size carbide bit (see chart) drill a �1 SPECIFIED FOR ANCHORAGE INTO CONCRETE pilot hole at least 1" deeper than anchor embedment. ( _I The LDT anchor is a high performance anchor that cuts its own ir 2. Using an electric impact wrench, or socket wrench threads into concrete. A (hand install) insert anchor into hole and tighten anchor : _ Anchor bodies are made of hardened carbon steel and zinc plated. until fully seated. (see chart for socket size) The anchors shall have a finished hex washer head with anti- rotation Installation Steps in Concrete Block (CMU) 4 serrations to prevent anchor back -out. The head of the anchor is (318" and 1/r diameter) E stamped with a length identification code for easy inspection. / 1. Using a 5/16" (for 3/8" LDT) or 7/16" (for 1/2" LDT) = carbide tipped bit, drill a pilot hole at least 1" The anchor shall be installed with carbide tipped hammer drill bits deeper than anchor embedment made in accordance to ANSI 8212.15 -1994. � li 2. Using a socket wrench insert anchor into hole and MO / hand tighten anchor until fully seated. (9/16" socket ' for 3/8" and 3/4" socket for 1/2 ") APPROVALS /LISTINGS LDT Bit Size Socket Size ICC Evaluation Service, Inc - #ER -5890 (formerly ICBO) (3/8" and 1/2" diameter) LDT 3/8" 5/16" 9/16" City of Los Angeles - #RR25498 (3/8" and 1/2" diameter) LDT 1/2" 7/16" 3/4" LOT 5/8" 1/2" 13/16" LDT 3/4" 5/8" 15/16" LENGTH INDICATION CODE* *,Y 3 LDT's can be installed by hand or with an CODE LENGTH OF ANCHOR In (mm) h : i 1 i act wrench A 1-1/2 < 2 (38.1 < 50.8) . i ' „w impact 'r : , Installation by hand -is easy, simply using a B 2 < 2 1/2 (50.8 < 635) r s� E .: � s. C 2 -1/2 < 3 (635 < 76.2), socket wrench E 3 < 3-1/2 (76.2 < 88.9) r In stallat ion by imp act wrench -is recommended E 3 -1/4 < 4 (88.9 < 101.6) Y P F 4 < 41/2 (1011 < 114.3) - ' - ' '" l s for faster installations or for high volume projects. G 4-1/2 < 5 (114.3 < 127.0) ,' k: " .: a : Installation with impact wrench -is not H 5 < 5-1/2 (127.0 < 139.7) '',1.,.« ' recommended for hollow block. *Located on top of andior for easy inspection. Allowable Tension and Shear Values* (Lbs /kN) in Concrete LDT Anchors Carbon and Stainless Steel ANCHOR EMBEDMENT fc = 2000 PSI (13.8 MPa) fc = 3000 PSI (20.7 MPa) fc = 4000 PSI (27.6 MPa) MA. DEPTH TENSION SHEAR TENSION SHEAR TENSION SHEAR In. (mm) In. (mm) Lbs. (kN) Lbs. (kN) Lbs. (kN) Lbs. (kN) lbs. (kN) Lbs. (kN) 3/8 (9.5) 1 -1/2 (38.1) 334 (1.5) 527 (2.3) 413 (1.8) 691. (3.1) 492 (2.1) 854 (3.8) 2 (50.8) 373 (1.7) 759 (3.4) 506 (2.2) 801 (3.6) 638 (2.8) 855 (3.8) 2 -1/2 (635) 933 (42) 828 (3.7) 937 (4.2) 841 (3.7) 940 (4.2) 856 (3.8) 3 -1/2 (88.9) 1,349 (6.0) 828 (3.7) 1,656 (7.4) 842 (3.7) 1,963 (8.7) 857 (3.8) 1/2 (12.7) 2 (50.8) 895 (4.0) 1,411 (63) 977 (4.3) 1,628 (7.2) 1,059 (4.7) 1,845 (8.2) 3 -1/2 (88.9) 1,813 (8.0) 1,609 (7.2) 2,011 (8.9) 1,822 (8.1) 2,209 (9.8) 2,035 (9.0) 4-1/2 (1143) 2,544 (11.3) 1,846 (8.2) 2,583 (11.5) 1,992 (8.9) 2,622 (11.7) 2,138 (93) 5/8 (15.9) 2 -3/4 (69.9) 1,319 (5.9) 2,164 (9.7) 1,640 (7.3) 2,766 (12.3) 1,961 (8.7) 3,369 (15.0) 3 -1/2 (88.9) 1,993 (8.9) 2,556 (11.4) 2,462 (10.9) 3,036 (13.5) 2,931 (13.0) 3,515 (15.6) 4-1/2 (1143) 2,892 (12.9) 3,079 (13.7) 3,358 (14.9) 3,395 (15.1) 4,223 (18.8) 3,710 (16.5) 3/4 (19.1) 3 -1/4 (82.6) 1,719 (7.6) 1,785 (7.9) 2,439 (10.8) 2,682 (11.9) 3,159 (14.0) 3,579 (15.9) 4-1/2 (1143) 2,576 (11.5) 3,280 (14.6) 3,606 (16.0) 4,217 (18.7) 4,635 (20.6) 5,153 (22.9) 5-1/2 (139.7) 3,262 (14.5) 4,477 (19.9) 4,539 (20.2) 5,445 (24.2) 5,817 (25.9) 6,413 (28.5) * Allowable values are based upon a 4 to 1 safety factor. (Ultimate/4) R / 1 -800- 899 -7890 43 11 /04 ANCHORING SYSTEMS Submittal Information Recommended Edge & Spacing Requirements for Tension LDT Anchors : Loads* Carbon and Stainless Steel ANCHOR WA. EMBEDMENT DEPTH EDGE DISTANCE LOAD FACTOR APPUED SPACING DISTANCE LOAD FACTOR APPUED In. (mm) In. (mm) REQUIRED TO OBTAIN AT MIN. EDGE DISTANCE REQUIRED TO OBTAIN AT MIN. SPACING MAX. WORKING LOAD 1-3/4 Inches (44mm) MAX. WORKING LOAD DISTANCE In. (mm) In. (mm) 3 Inches (76mm) 3/8 (93) 1 -1/2 (38.1) 2 (50.8) 70% 6 (152.4) 44% 2 (50.8) 2 (50.8) 70% 6 (152.4) 44% 2 -1/2 (635) 3 (76.2) 70% 6 (152.4) 44% 3 -1/2 (88.9) 4 (101.6) 70% 6 (152.4) 44% 1/2 (12.7) 2 (50.8) 2 -1/4 (57.2) 65% 8 (203.2) 27% 3 -1/2 (88.9) 3 (162) 65% 8 (203.2) 27% 4-1/2 (114.3) 4 (101.6) 65% 8 (203.2) 27% • Edge and spacing distance shall be divided by .75 when anchors are placed in structural lightweight concrete. Linear interpolation may be used for intermediate spacing and edge distances. Recommended Edge & Spacing Requirements for Shear Loads* LDT Anchors' Carbon and Stainless Steel ANCHOR DIA. EMBEDMENT DEPTH EDGE DISTANCE LOAD FACTOR APPLIED SPACING DISTANCE LOAD FACTOR APPUED In. (mm) In. (mm) REQUIRED TO OBTAIN AT MIN. EDGE DISTANCE REQUIRED TO OBTAIN AT MIN. SPACING MAX. WORKING LOAD 1-3/4 Inches (44mm) MAX. WORKING LOAD DISTANCE In. (mm) In. (mm) 3 Inches (76mm) 3/8 (93) 1 -1/2 (38.1) 3 (76.2) 25% 6 (152.4) 57% 2 (50.8) 4 (101.6) 25% 6 (152.4) 57% . 2 -1/2 (63.5) 5 (127.0) 25% 6 (152.4) 57% 3 -1/2 (88.9) 5 (127.0) 25% 6 (152.4) 57% 1/2 (12.7) 2 (50.8) 5 (127.0) 25% 8 (203.2) 60% 3 -1/2 (88.9) 5 (127.0) 25% 8 (203.2) 60% 4-1/2 (114.3) 5 -1/2 (139.7) 25% 8 (203.2) 60% " Edge and spacing distances shall be divided by .75 when anchors are placed in structural lightweight concrete. Linear interpolation may be used for intermediate spacing and edge distances. Allowable Tension and Shear* (Lbs /kN) in Concrete Block LDT A (anchors should be installed by hand in hollow block) ANCHOR DIA. EMBEDMENT HOLLOW CONCRETE BLOCK GROUT FILLED CONCRETE BLOCK In (mm) In. DEPTH (mm) TENSION SHEAR TENSION SHEAR Lbs.(kN) Lbs. (kN) Lbs. (kN) Lbs. (kN) 3/8 (95) 1 -1/2 (38.1) 229 (1.0) 794 (3.5) 398 (1.8) 975 (4.3) 1/2 (12.7) 2 -1/2 (635) -- -- -- -- 1,481 (6.6) 1,670 (7.4) `Allowable values are based upon a 4 to 1 safety factor. (Ultimate /4) . oo ° °.so o°.e°L o c•a°. e w.o• ... Anchoring Overhead in 3000 PSI .'41 ` ° LDT Anch °' t � Lightweight Concrete On Metal Deck in ANCHOR DRILL HOLE EMBEDMENT 3000PSI (20.7 MPa) CONCRETE DIAMETER In. (mm) ULTIMATE TENSION LOAD ALLOWABLE WORKING LOAD _, In. (mm) Lbs. N) Lbs. (kN) • 3/8" LOT 5/16 (7.9) 1 -1/2 (38.1) Upper Flute 2,889 (12.9) 722 (3.2) Lower Flute 1,862 (8.3) 465 (2.1) ,Tvtl / n 7 - 800 -899 -7890 44 11/04 ANCHOR /NO SYSTEMS Submittal Information • Multi-Set 11 INSTALLATION STEPS 1; _ : . : -O; , To set anchor flush with surface. ® SPECIFIED FOR ANCHORAGE a Q:a 4. ;, 1. Drill hole the same diameter as outside diameter ® `� INTO CONCRETE - - � - of anchor being used to any depth exceeding ' Drop In, shell -type anchors feature minimum embedment. Clean hole. 63:Z=a .. JE an internally threaded, all -steel shell II with expansion cone insert and flush "'° i; # 2. Drive anchor flush with surface of concrete. embedment lip. Anchors are manufactured from plated carbon steel, ° +i • °` a P moo - °`R: 18-8 stainless steel and 316 stainless steel. Y' ° P : '° a ° '. Anchors should be installed with carbide tipped hammer drill bits made ' in accordance to ANSI 8212.15 -1994 specifications. Anchors should be tested to ASTM E488 criteria and listed by ICC (formerly ICBO) and SBCCI. Anchors should also be listed by the following agencies as required af :4 .. 3. Expand anchor with setting tool provided. by the local building code: UL, FM, City of Los Angeles, Metro Dade, California ' ¢° ! °o y 9 tY 9 ,ao . . Q Anchor is properly expanded when shoulder State Fire Marshal and Cal Trans. °' of setting tool is flush with top of anchor. APPROVALS /LISTINGS Meets or exceeds U.S. Government G.S.A. Specification FF -S -325 To set anchor below surface Group VIII, Type 1 Drill hole deeper than anchor length. Thread ' Underwriters Laboratories bolt into anchor. Hammer anchor into hole Factory Mutual until bolt head is at desired depth. Remove ICC Evaluation Service, Inc. - #ER -1372 (formerly ICBM bolt and set anchor with setting tool. City of Los Angeles - #RR2748 SBCCI Compliance Report - #9570 California State Fire Marshal Cal Trans Multi Set 11' Drop -In Anchors;' Ultimate Shear and Tension Values (Lbs/kN) in Concrete* BOLT ANCHOR MIN. EMBEDMENT ANCHOR TENSION Lbs. (kN) SHEAR Lbs. (kN) DIA. DIA. DEPTH TYPE ft= 2000 PSI ft = 4000 PSI ft = 6000 PSI ft >2000 PSI In. (mm) In. (mm) In. (mm) (13.8 MPa) (27.6 MPa) (41.4 MPa) (13.8 MPa) 1/4 (6.4) 3/8 (9.5) 1 (25.4) 1,680 (75) 2,360 (10.5) 2,980 (13.3) 1,080 (4.8) 3/8 (9.5) 1/2 (12.7) 1 -5/8 (41.3) RM, RL 2,980 (13.3) 3,800 (16.9) 6,240 (27.8) 3,160 (14.1) or Q- Carbon 1/1 (12.7) 5/8 (15.9) 2 (50.8) or 3,300 (14.7) 5,840 (26.0) 8,300 (36.9) 4,580 (20.4) SRM -18 -8 S.S. or 5/8 (15.9) 7/8 (22.2) 2 -1/2 (635) SSRM- 316S.S. 5,500 (245) 8,640 (38.4) 11,020 (49.0) 7,440 (33.1) 3/4• (19.1) 1 (25.4) 3 -3/16 (81.0) 8,280 (36.8) 9,480 (42.2) 12,260 (545) 10,480 (46.6) ' Allowable values are based upon a 4 to 1 safety factor. Divide by 4 for allowable load values. 9 / t%l% m 1- 800 -899 -7890 45 11/04 • - RED HEAD* ANCHORING SYSTEMS Submittal Information - Mul tl Set II Ultimate Shear and Tension Values (Lbs /kN) in Drop =ln Anchors?, Lightweight Concrete* . BOLT ANCHOR MINIMUM ANCHOR LIGHTWEIGHT CONCRETE LOWER FLUTE OF STEEL DECK WITH DIA. DIA. EMBEDMENT TYPE Yc = 3000 PSI (20.7 MPa) LIGHTWEIGHT CONCRETE FILL In. (mm) In. (mm) DEPTH ft = 3000 PSI (20.7 MPa) In. (mm) TENSION SHEAR TENSION SHEAR Lbs. (kW Lbs. (kN) Lbs.(kH) Lbs. Ode 3/8 (9.5) 1/2 (12.7) 1 -5/8 (39.7) RM,Riot 3,860 (17.2) 4,420 (19.6) 3,340 (14.9) 4,420 (19.6) 1/2 (12.7) 5/8 (15.9) 2 (50.8) CL-Carbon or 4,080 (18.1) 5,640 (251) 3,200 (14.2) 4,940 (22.0) 5/8 (15.9) 7/8 (22.2) 2 -1/2 (63.5) SRM- 18- 8S.S.or 6,280 (27.9) 10,440 (46.4) 5,960 (265) 5,840 (26.0) 3/4 (19.1) 1 (25.4) 3 -3/16 (81.0) SSRM - 3165.5. 11,000 (48.9) 15,780 (70.2) 8,180 (36.4) 9,120 (40.6) • Allowable values are based upon a 4 to 1 safety factor. Divide by 4 for allowable load values Mul ti - Set ll. Drop-In An Recommended Spacing and Edge Distance Requirements* BOLT ANCHOR EMBEDMENT ANCHOR EDGE DISTANCE MIN. EDGE DISTANCE SPACING MIN. ALLOWABLE SPACING BETWEEN DIA. DIA. DEPTH TYPE REQUIRED TO AT WHICH LOAD FACTOR REQUIRED TO ANCHORS LOAD FACTOR APPLIED In. (mm) In. (mm) In. (mm) OBTAIN MAX. APPLIED =.80 FOR TENSION OBTAIN MAX. =.80 FOR TENSION =.55 FOR SHEAR WORKING LOAD =30 FOR SHEAR WORKING LOAD In. (mm) In. (mm) In. (mm) In. (mm) 1/4 (6.4) 3/8 (9.5) 1 (25.4) PM, RLor 1 -3/4 (44.5) 7/8 (22.2) 3 -1/2 (88.9) 1 -3/4 (44.5) 3/8 (95) 1/2 (12.7) 1 -5/8 (41.3) CL- Carbon 2 -7/8 (73.0) 1 -7/16 (36.5) 5 -11/16 (1443) 2 -7/8 (73.0) 1/2 (12.7) 5/8 (15.9) 2 (50.8) or 3 -1/2 (88.9) 1 -3/4 (445) 7 (177.8) 3 -1/2 (88.9) - 5/8 (15.9) 7/8 (221) 2 -1/2 (63.5) SRM- 18- 8 SS. 4-3/8 (111.1) 2 -3/16 (55.6) 8 -3/4 (222.3) 4-3/8 (111.1) 3/4 (19.1) 1 (25.4) 3 -3/16 (81.0) SSRM -316 S.S. 5 -5/8 (142.9) 2 -13/16 (71.4) 11 -3/16 (284.2) 5 -5 /8 (142.9) • Spacing and edge distances shall be divided by 0.75 when anchors are placed in structural lightweight concrete. Linear interpolation may be used for intermediate spacing and edge distances. Multi Set II Ultimate Shear and Tension Values (Lbs /kN) for RX -38 Drop -In A (3/4" Embedment)* SIZE ANCHOR EMBEDMENT 4000PSI (27.6 MPa) CONCRETE HOLLOW CORE In. (mm) OIL In. (mm) TENSION SHEAR TENSION SHEAR In. (mm) Lbs. (kN) Lbs. (kN) Lbs. (kN) Lbs. (kN) 3/8 (93) 1/2 (12.7) 3/4 (19.1) 1,987 (8.8) 2,903 (12.9) 1,908 (83) 2,525 (11.2) • The tabulated values are for Rt- 38 anchors installed ata minimum of 12 diameters on center and minimum edge distance of6 diameters for 100 percent anchor effiiciency Spacing and edge distance may be reduced to6 diameters spacing and 3 diameter edge distance provided the values are reduced 50 percent Linear interpolation may be used for intermediate spacings and edge margins. • Allowable values are based upon a 4 to 1 safety factor. Divide by 4 for allowable load values. -. • .. '."::•:;::,„°: - o - ° • p "5 o� p. IA b �w i°� w ro Anchoring Overhead in 3000 PSI ° �' . ; M ulf� Set ll g :- ...,:i t :- ~ 9 .A4 Walled in Metal Deck - Drop-In Anchors Lightweight Concrete On Metal Deck tawnae Uff""ute ANCHOR DRILL HOLE mER EMBEDMENT 3000PSI (20.7 MPa) CONCRETE UM In. (mm) ULTIMATE TENSION LOAD ALLOWABLE WORKING LOAD (mm) Lbs. (kN) Lbs. (kN) RX -38 Drop -In 1/2 (12.7) 3/4 (19.1) Upper Flute 1,410 (6.3) 353 (1.6) Lower Flute 1,206 (5.4) 301 (1.3) • Allowable values are based upon a 4 to 1 safety factor. Divide by 4 for allowable load values. Combined Shear and Tension Loading -for Multi -Set Anchors Allowable loads for anchors subjected to combined shear and tension forces are determined by the following equation: : (Ps/Pt)s "+ (Vs Nt)S° <_1 Ps = Applied tension load Vs = Applied shear load Pt = Allowable tension load Vt = Allowable shear load nwR Heal' 1 -800- 899-7890 46 11/04 J 4• • • P., • ' ° • ANCHORING SYSTEMS Submittal Information . Dynabolt Sleeve INSTALLATION STEPS 1. Use a bit with a diameter equal to the anchor. SPECIFIED FOR ANCHORAGE INTO CONCRETE, See selection chart to determine proper size MASONRY, GROUT- FILLED BLOCK AND HOLLOW BLOCK <:' ;. / • - :; • bit for anchor used. Drill hole to any depth : ,7 , exceeding minimum embedment. Clean hole. Sleeve split , ° • • type anchors feature a P lit ex P ans ion sleeve over a i, i •a c: > o threaded stud bolt body and integral expander, nut .-; C.': -' 1 l �� ■r and washer. sJ 2. Ins assembled anchor into hole, so that 11 Anchors are made of Zinc - Plated Carbon Steel, or Typ 304 ...1 washer or head is flush with materials to �f .0N Stainless Steel. e on'3 == ` D • = l -6,-.: be fastened. - Anchors should be installed with carbide tipped hammer drill _fl.: U a bits made in accordance to ANSI B212.15 -1994. ? = is Anchors are tested to ASTM E488 criteria. L . 3. Expand anchor by tightening nut or head • a;i; s, o • 2to3turns. : 0 V �, i °_.v._'.a ° '._ - APPROVALS /LISTINGS . Meets or exceeds U.S. Government G.S.A. Specification FF -S -325 Group II, Type 3, Class 3 Factory Mutual SBCCI Compliance Report - #9570 . California State Fire Marshal D y na bolt ' sleeve- Anchors, Ultimate Shear and Tension Values in Concrete (Lbs /kN)* ANCHOR INSTALLATION BOLT MINIMUM ANCHOR ft = 2000 PSI (13.8 MPa) p = 3000 PSi (20.7 MPa) f'c = 4000 PSI (27.6 MPa) DIA. TORQUE DIA. EMBEDMENT TYPE TENSION SHEAR TENSION SHEAR TENSION SHEAR In. (mm) EL Lbs. (Nm) In. (mm) DEPTH In. (mm) (STEEL) Lbs. (kN) Lbs. (kN) Lbs. (k14) lbs. (k84) lbs. (kN) lbs. (kN) 1/4 (6.4) 33 (4.7) No.10 1 -1/8 (28.6) 1,200 (5.3) 1,620 (7.2) 1,600 (7.1) 1,620 (72) 2,100 (93) 1,620 (7.2) 5/16 (7.9) 8 (10.8) 1/4 (6.4) 1 -1/4 (31.8) 1,400 (6.2) 2,040 (9.1) 1,920 (85) 2,220 (9.9) 2,600 (11.6) 2,400 (10.7) 3/8 (9.5) 14 (19.0) 5/16 (7.9) 1 -1/2 (38.1) Carbon 1,620 (7.2) 2,560 (11.4) 2,240 (10.0) 2,800 (12.5) 3,100 (13.8) 3,040 (13.5) 1/2 (12.7) 20 (27.1) 3/8 (95) 1 -7/8 (47.6) or Rainless 2,220 (9.9) 4,000 (17.8), 3,140 (14.0) 4,500 (20.0) 4,400 (19.6) 5,000 (22.2) 5/9 (15.9) 48 (65.1) 1/2 (12.7) 2 (50.8) 3,080 (13.7) 6,440 (28.6) 4,400 (19.6) 7,240 (32.2) 6,120 (27.2) 8,080 (35.9) 3/4 (19.1). 90 (122.0) 5/8 (15.9) 2 -1/4 (57.2) 4,200 (18.7) 10,200 (45.4) 6,060 (27.0) 11,600 (51.6) 8,900 (39.6) 13,100 (58.3) • Allowable values are based upon a 4 to 1 safety factor. Divide by 4 for allowable load values. The tabulated values are for anchors installed in a minimum of 12 diameters on center and a minimum edge distance of 6 diameters for 100 percent anchor efficiency. Spacing and edge distance may be reduced to 6 diameter spacing and 3 diameter edge distance, provided the values are reduced 50 percent. Linear interpolation may be used for intermediate spacings and edge distances. rreR Hea l 1- 800 -899 -7890 47 11/04 ' i ANCHOR /Nis SYSTEMS Submittal Information Dynabolt Ultimate Shear and Tension Values in Lightweight Sleeve "A'nchors Concrete (Lbs /kN)* ANCHOR INSTALLATION BOLT MINIMUM ANCHOR f 'c =4000 PSI (27.6 MPa) f c = 6000 PSI (41A MPa) DIA. TORQUE DIA. EMBEDMENT TYPE TENSION SHEAR TENSION SHEAR In. (mm) Ft. Lbs. (Nm) In. (mm) DEPTH In. (mm) (STEEL) Lbs. (kN) Lbs. (NN) Lbs. (RN) Lbs. (RN) 1/4 (6.4) 35 (4.7) No.10 1 -1/8 (28.6) 1,080 (4.8) 1,160 (5.2) 1,220 (5.4) 1,940 (8.6) 5/16 (7.9) 8 (10.8) 1/4 (6.4) 1 -1/4 (31.8) 1,260 (5.6) 1,680 (75) 1,440 (6.4) 2,220 (9.9) 3/8 (95) 14 (19.0) 5/16 (7.9) 1 -1/2 (38.1) Carron 1,620 (7.2) 2,300 (10.2) 2,240 (10.0) 2,800 (125) 1/2 (12.7) 25 (33.9) 3/8 (95) 1 -7/8 (47.6) Stainless 2,600 (11.6) 3,920 (17.4) 3,160 (14.1) 4,840 (21.5) 5/8 (15.9) 48 (65.1) 1/2 (12.7) 2 (50.8) 3,240 (14.4) 5,600 (24.9) 4,300 (19.1) 7,840 (34.9) 3/4 (19.1) 90 (122.0) 5/8 (15.9) 2 -1/4 (57.2) 3,640 (16.2) 8,640 (38.4) 5,800 (25.8) 12,480 (555) • Allowable values are based upon a 4 to 1 safety factor. Divide by 4 for allowable load values. The tabulated values are for anchors installed in a minimum of 12 diameters on center and a minimum edge distance of 6 diameters for 100 percent anchor efficiency. Spacing and edge distance may be reduced to 6 diameter spacing and 3 diameter edge distance, provided the values are reduced 50 percent Linear interpolation may be used for intermediate spacings and edge distances. ` D yn a b o f t,' Ultimate Shear and Tension Values in Masonry Units Sleeve Anchors; (Lbs /kN)* ANCHOR INSTALLATION BOLT MINIMUM ANCHOR LIGHTWEIGHT MEDIUM WEIGHT DIA. TORQUE DIA. EMBEDMENT TYPE HOLLOW CORE GROUT FILLED HOLLOW CORE GROUT FILLED In.(mm) Ft. Lbs. In.(mm) DEPTH In. (mm) (STEEL) TENSION SHEAR TENSION SHEAR TENSION SHEAR TENSION SHEAR (Nm) Lbs. (RN) Lbs. (RN) Lbs. (RN) Lbs. (kN) Lbs. (RN) Lbs. (RN) Lbs. (RN) Lbs. (RN) 1/4 (6.4) 35 (4.7) 3/16 (4.8) 1 -1/8 (28.6) Carbon 1,120 1,360 1,120 1,360 1,120 1,620 1,120 1,360 (5.0) (6.0) (5.0) (6.0) (5.0) (7.2) (5.0) (6.0) Stainless 640 1,620 640 1,620 640 1,620 640 1,620 (2.8) (7.2) (2.8) (7.2) (2.8) (7.2) (2 .8) (7.2) 3/8 (95) 15 (20.3) 5/16 (7.9) 1 -1/2 (38.1) Carbon 1,360 2,560 1,360 2,560 1,360 2,560 1,360 2,560 (6.0) (11.4) (6.0) (11.4) (6.0) (11.4) (6.0) (11.4) Stainless 1,160 2,560 1,160 2,560 1,160 2,560 1,160 2,560 - (52) (11.4) (5.2) (11.4) (5.2) (11.4) (5.2) (11.4) 1/2 (12.7) 25 (33.9) 3/8 (9.5) 1 -7/8 (47.6) Carbon - - 2,220 4,000 - - 2,220 4,000 - - (9.9) (17.8) - -- (9.9) (17.8) Stainless - - 2,100 4,000 - - 2,100 4,000 - - (9.3) (17.8) - - (93) (17.8) 5/8 (15.9) 55 (74.6) 1/2 (12.7) 2 (50.8) Carbon - - 3,080 6,440 -- - 3,080 6,440 -- - (13.7) (28.6) - - (13.7) (28.6) Stainless -- - 3,080 6,440 - - 2,820 6,440 (13.7) (28.6) - - (125) (28.6) 3/4 (19.1) 90 (122.0) 5/8 (15.9) 2 -1/2 (635) Carbon - - 4,200 10,200 - - 4,200 10,200 - - (18.7) (45.4) - - (18.7) _ (45.4) • Allowable values are based upon a 4 to 1 safety factor. Divide by 4 for allowable load values. The tabulated values are for anchors installed in a minimum of 12 diameters on center and a minimum edge distance of 6 diameters for 100 percent anchor efficiency. Spacing and edge distance may be reduced to 6 diameter spacing and 3 diameter edge distance, provided the values are reduced 50 percent Linear interpolation maybe used for Intermediate spacings and edge distances. Combined Shear and Tension Loading -for Dynabolt Anchors Allowable loads for anchors subjected to combined shear and tension forces are determined by the following equation: (it/Pt) + (VsNt) s1 Ps = Applied tension load Vs = Applied shear load Pt = Allowable tension load Vt = Allowable shear load Rantset/ Hsi a 7- 800 -899 -7890 48 11/04 • • p. - RED HEAD° ANCHORING SYSTEMS Submittal Infor t®on s , Stud Anchor INSTALLATION STEPS 1 • Drill hole same diameter as anchor to SPECIFIED FOR ANCHORAGE INTO CONCRETE pr embedment specified in chart. Clean hole. i. Stud Anchors feature a bolt body and pre - assembled ,�'.:Y •?. expander plug. Anchors should be installed with carbide ; , \ ;. , tipped hammer drill bits made in accordance to ANSI � °a 4 W 8212.15 - 1994. = 2. Drive anchor with expander plug in bottom, - Anchors are tested to ASTM E488 criteria and listed by SBCCI. - through material to be fastened. 1 al 1 Anchors are listed by the following agencies as required: UL 0 and FM. a l 9a'a, ; .: off APPROVALS /LISTINGS 3. Expand anchor by driving anchor over plug Meets or exceeds U.S. Government G.S.A. specification FF -S -325 Group VIII, Type 2 with hammer. SBCCI Compliance Report - #9570 Factory Mutual 1....� P o ri Note: Recommended thickness of concrete for California State Fire Marshal Underwriters Laboratories PI ' = - bottom- bearing anchors = embedment depth °: -I ;:: + three times anchor diameter - StUdAnciors Ultimate Shear and Tension Values in Concrete (Lbs /kN) ANCHOR MINIMUM f c = I000 PSI (13.8 MPa) ft = 4000 PSI (27.6 MPa) • WA. EMBEDMENT DEPTH TENSION SHEAR TENSION SHEAR In. (mm) In. (mm) Lbs.(kN) Lbs. Lbs. (kN) Lbs.(kN) 1/4 (6.4) 1 -3/8 (34.9) 1,120 (5.0) 580 (2.6) 1,500 (6.7) 1,640 (7.3) 3/8 (93) 1 -5/8 (41.3) 1,740 (7.7) 2,280 (10.1) 3,160 (14.1) 3,360 (14.9) 1/2 (123) 1 -7/8 (47.6) 2,680 (11.9) 5,320 (23.7) 4,020 (17.9) 5,100 (22.7) 5/8 (15.9) 2 -3/8 (60.3) 3,200 (14.2) 5,460 (24.3) 5,520 (24.6) 6,820 (303) 3/4 (19.1) 2 -7/8 (73.0) 4,020 (17.9) 8,100 (36.0) 7,520 (333) 8,560 (38.1) Allowable loads are based upon a 4 to 1 safety factor. Divide by 4 for allowable bad values. StUd Anchors; Recommended Spacing and Edge Distance Requirements ANCHOR MINIMUM EDGE DISTANCE MIN. EDGE DISTANCE SPACING MIN. ALLOWABLE DIA. EMBEDMENT REQUIRED TO AT WHICH LOAD REQUIRED TO SPACING In. (mm) DEPTH OBTAIN MAX. FACTOR APPUED OBTAIN MAX. BETWEEN ANCHORS In. (mm) WORKING LOAD = .90 FOR TENSION WORKING LOAD LOAD FACTOR APPLIED In. (mm) =.65 FOR SHEAR In. (mm) = .90 FOR TENSION In. (mm) =.50 FOR SHEAR In. (mm) 1/4 (6.4) 1 -3/8 (34.9) 2 -7/16 (61.9) 1 -1/4 (31.8) 4 -13/16 (122.2) 2 -7/16 (61.9) 3/8 (93) 1 -5/8 (413) 2 -7/8 (73.0) 1 -7/16 (36.5) 5 -11/16 (144.5) 2 -7/8 (73.0) 1/2 (12.7) 1 -7/8 (47.6) 3 -5/16 (84.1) 1 -11/16 (42.9) 6 -9/16 (166.7) 3 -5/16 (84.1) 5/8 (15.9) 2 -3/8 (60.3) 4 -3/16 (106.4) 2 -1/8 (54.0) 8 -5/16 (211.1) 4 -3/16 (106.4) 3/4 (19.1) 2 -7/8 (73.0) I 5 -1/16 (128.6) 2 -9/16 (65.1) 10 -1/16 (255.6) 5 -1/16 (128.6) • ' linear Interpolation may be used for Intermediate spacing and edge distances. Combined Shear and Tension Loading -for Stud Anchors Allowable loads for anchors subjected to combined shear and tension forces are determined by the following equation: (Ps/Pt)" + (% /Vt ) s " s 1 Ps = Applied tension load Vs = Applied shear load Pt = Allowable tension load Vt = Allowable shear load m 1- 800 -899 -7890 49 11/04 ' ANCHOR /N6 SYSTEMS Submittal Information Redi -Drive Anchors INSTALLATION STEPS FOR REDI -DRIVE 1. Drill a 3/16" diameter hole (1/4" for 3/8" ® SPECIFIED FOR ANCHORAGE INTO CONCRETE, BLOCK . • pipe drive) at a minimum depth (see chart) AND BRICK • , . and clean hole. The Redi -Drive is a high performance small diameter one - piece"' hammer -drive anchor. The anchor holds based on a friction principle —the shank diameter is larger than the drill hole size. 2. Insert anchor through material to be fastened ll Anchors shall be installed with carbide - tipped hammer drill (insert lie or pipe version Redi - Drive Anchors bits made in accordance to ANSI 8212.15 - 1994. " ' , ° into drilled holes) and drive anchor with a 3-1b. lt " The Redi -Drive is available in four types ...mushroom head, pipe - hanging ...., : % _ � ` .. hammer until the head is flush with surface or (1/4" & 3/8 ") FM approved (on 3/8 "), Tie -Wire, and double -head forming desired embedment versions. Anchor performance in solid concrete at one inch embedment shall 3. Anchor is now set. exceed 400 lbs. allowable tension load and 750 lbs. allowable shear load. _ _ r ;a',. APPROVALS /LISTINGS . Meets or exceeds U.S. Government G.S.A. Specification FF -S -325 Group VI Factory Mutual (3/8" pipe -drive) INSTALLATION STEPS FOR REDI TIE -DRIVE . ' o e .. I I. Drill 3/16" diameter °,,,' ° 2. Hammer in flat side of 3. The Redi -Drive is set. Tie hole in concrete. Redi -Drive 1 -1/4 ". acoustical or electrical drop II wire to open hole. INSTALLATION STEPS FOR REDI- PIPE -DRIVE °. o 1. Drill 3 /16" diameter - •° . ; 2. Hammer in anchor 1 -1/4" ° .. 3. The Redi -Drive is set. Run • .. �: hole for 1/4" anchor • .. for 1/4" anchor (1 -3/4" for _ ° .. 1/4" or 3/8" threaded rod (1/4" diameter hole anchor). or bolt into anchor. 1 irP for 3/8" anchor). / 1 nwRamset/ ° 1- 800 -899 -7890 50 11/04 • !r: : I.® Information ANCHORING SYSTEMS Submittal O °O o ,. ' o °p G °o o °Q . „ io' ''.1 t o.o> � '�a !.o.ac � o \. o < p. 0 `\ooO 1 • O . c • /� \o 0 b y v � \ - Red i - Dri ve Anchoring Overhead in 3000 PSI Red-lipe-Drive , Anchors:: Lightweight Concrete On Metal Deck Installed in Loser Flute ANCHOR DRILL HOLE EMBEDMENT 3000PSI (20.7 MPa) CONCRETE DIAMETER In. (mm) ULTIMATE TENSION LOAD ALLOWABLE WORKING LOAD In.(mm) Lbs. (kN) Lbs. (kN) 3/8" Pipe Drive 1/4 (6.4) 1 -1/2 (38.1) Upper Flute 1,099 (4.9) 275 (1.2) lower Flute 994 (4.4) 249 (1.1) Safe wedding loads for single installations under static loading conditions should not exceed 25% of the ultimate capacity. Redi Drive Ultimate Shear and Tension Values (Lbs /kN) in :Anchors Concrete, Hollow Block and Grout Filled SHANK DIA. EMBEDMENT 4500 PSI (31.0 MPa) (MU (HOLLOW BLOCK) PSI (MPa) CMU (GROUT FILLED) PSI (MPa) ANCHOR In. (mm) TENSION SHEAR TENSION SHEAR TENSION SHEAR Lbs. (RN) Lbs. (kN) Lbs. (kN) Lbs. (RN) Lbs. (kN) lbs. (RN) . Redi - Drive/ 3/4 (19.1) 1,215 (5.4) 1,857 (83) 382 (1.7) 683 (3.0) 731 (33) 1,614 (7.2) Redi -Form Drive 1 (25.4) 1,667 (7.4) 3,112 (13.8) 392 (1.7) 987 (4.4) 870 (3.9) 1,766 (7.9) 1 -1/4 (31.8) 2,373 (10.6) 3,355 (14.9) 398 (1.8) 1,381 (6.1) 1,543 (6.9) 2,778 (12.4) Tie -Drive or 1/4" Pipe -Drive 1 -1/4 (31.8) 2,372 (10.6) - - - -- - - - - - - 3/8" Pipe-Drive 1 -1/2 (38.1) 2,090 (9.3) - - - - - - - -- - - Safe working loads for single installations under static loading conditions should not exceed 25% of the ultimate rapacity. /T l!v Hod° 1 -800- 899 -789® 51 11/04 -- RED HEAD' ANCHORING SYSTEMS Submittal Information Ta con Anchors INSTALLATION . � ELATION STEPS SPECIFIED FOR ANCHORAGE INTO CONCRETE, BRICK 1. With sleeve off and drill bit exposed, drill pilot I OR BLOCK hole 1/4" deeper than recommended anchor "%,, , ` embedment. Snap proper anchor socket onto Th "original masonry" anchor that cuts its own threads into end of sleeve. Slide drive sleeve over drill bit. concrete, brick, or block. Maximum performance is achieved because the Tapcon Anchor, the Condrive Installation Tool, and the carbide - tipped Tapcon Drill Bits are designed to 2. Insert head of Tapcon anchor into hex or work as a system. It is essential to use the Condrive tool and t phillips socket cl the correct drill bit to assure consistent anchor performance. 4 - , ..... - 1 N. Now available in 410 stainless steel. 3. Put point of anchor into pre - drilled hole and drive until anchor is fully seated. APPROVALS /LISTINGS c m(t ICC Evaluation Service, Inc. - #ER -3370* (Carbon Steel only) Metro -Dade County - #00-0118.02 City of Los Angeles - #RR24953 Head Styles 3/16" diameter has a 1/4" slotted hex washer head (HWH) 1/4" diameter has a 5/16" slotted hex washer head (HWH) e 3/16" diameter uses a #2 phillips flat head (PFH) 1/4" diameter uses a #3 phillips flat head (PFH) 0 '�1111111111111%11111%6- . Anchors Ultimate Shear and Tension Values (Lbs/kN) in Concrete ANCHOR MIN. DEPTH OF ' f 'c = 2000 PSI (13.8 MPa) f c = 3000 PSI (20.7 MPa) f c = 4000 PSI (27.6 MPa) ft = 5000 PSI (343 MPa) DUI. EMBEDMENT TENSION SHEAR TENSION SHEAR TENSION SHEAR TENSION SHEAR In. (mm) In. (mm) Lbs.(kN) Lbs. (kN) Lbs.(kN) Lbs. (kN) Lbs. (kN) Lbs. (kN) Lbs. (kN) Lbs. (kN) 3/16 (4.8) 1 (25.4) 240 (1.1) 740 (3.3) 320 (1.4) 840 (3.7) 400 (1.8) 840 (3.7) 440 (2.0) 860 (3.8) 1 -1/4 (31.8) 440 (2.0) 780 (3.5) 560 (2.5) 840 (3.7) 600 (2.7) 840 (3.7) 640 (2.8) 860 (3.8) 1 - 1/2 (38.1) 640 (2.8) 820 (3.6) 840 (3.7) 860 (3.8) 880 (3.9) 880 (3.9) 920 (4.1) 900 (4.0) 1 -3/4 (443) 760 (3.4) 920 (4.1) 1,040 (4.6) 1,020 (45) 1,120 (5.0) 1,020 (45) 1,240 (53) 1,020 (4.5) 1/4 (6.4) 1 (25.4) 520 (23) 1,120 (5.0) 720 (3.2) 1,460 (6.5) 800 (3.6) 1,560 (6.9) 920 (4.1) 1,660 (7.4) 1 -1/4 • (31.8) 840 (3.7) 1,280 (5.7) 1,120 (5.0) 1,600 (7.1) 1,240 (5.5) 1,660 (7.4) 1,400 (6.2) 1,740 (7.7) 1 -1/2 (38.1) 1,120 (5.0) 1,280 (5.7) 1,520 (6.8) 1,620 (7.2) 1,600 (7.1) 1,680 (73) 1,680 (75) 1,760 (7.8) 1 -3/4 (445) 1,320 (5.9) 1,500 (6.7) 1,840 (8.2) 2,140 (9.5) 2,040 (9.1) 2,160 (9.6) 2,240 (10.0) 2,200 (9.8) • Safe working toads for single installation under static loading should not exceed 25% of the ultimate load rapacity. The tabulated values are for anchors Installed m a minimum of 12 diameters on center and a minimum edge distance of 10 diameters for 100 percent anchor efdency. /TpirRamset/Red Head' 7 - 800 -899 -7890 52 11 /04 - k?se RED HEAD ANCHOR /NO SYSTEMS Submittal Information Tapcon A nchors Ultimate Tension Value (Lbs /kN) in Hollow Block ANCHOR DEPTH OF EMBEDMENT IN SOLID MATERIAL In. (mm) DIA. 1" (25.4) 11/4" (31.8) 1 -1/2" (38.1) 1 -3/4" (44.5) In. (mm) Lbs.(kl) Lbs. RN Lbs. (kN) Lbs. (kN) 3/16 (4.8) 209 (0.9) 357 (1.6) 468 (2.1) 547 (2.4) 1/4 (6.4) 406 (1.8) 615 (2.7) 851 (3.8) 984 (4.4) Safe working loads for single installation under static loading should not exceed 25% of the ultimate load capacity. Ta pcon - Anchors: Ultimate Shear Strength ANCHOR ANCHOR SHEAR STRENGTH LIGHTWEIGHT DIA. EMBEDMENT HOLLOW BLOCK In. (mm) In. (mm) Lbs. (k H) 3/16 (4.8) 1 -1/4 (31.8) 731 (33) 1/4 (6.4) 1 -1 /4 (31.8) 1,058 (4.7) Safe working loads for single Installation under static loading should not exceed 25% of the ultimate load capacity. Tapcon , Ultimate Tension Value (Lbs /kN) in Concrete and Hollow p Stainless Steel Anchor Block ANCHOR DEPTH OF EMBEDMENT IN CONCRETE 3000 PSI (20.7 MPa) In. (mm) DEPTH OF EMBEDMENT IN HOLLOW BLOCK DIA. 1" (25.4) 1 -1/4" (31.8) 1 -1/2" (38.1) 11/4" (44.5) 1 -1/4" (31.8) In. (mm) lbs. (kN) Lbs. (k11) Lbs. (kN) Lbs. (kN) Lbs. (iN) 1/4 (6.4) 1,381 (6.1) 1,618 (7.2) 2,041 (9.1) 2,332 (10.4) 754 (3.4) Safe working loads for single installation under static loading should not exceed 25% of the ultimate load capacity. Tapcon • Stainless Steel Anchors': Ultimate Shear Strength ANCHOR ANCHOR SHEAR STRENGTH HARD ROCK CONCRETE SHEAR STRENGTH LIGHTWEIGHT DIA. EMBEDMENT 3000 PSI (20.7 MPa) HOLLOW BLOCK In. (mm) In. (mm) Lbs. (1d1) Lbs. (kN) ' 1/4 (6.4) 1 -1/4 (31.8) 1,622 (7.2) 1,218 (5.4) Safe working loads for single installation under static loading should not exceed 25% of the uhimate load capacity. Note: 3/16° Tapcon requires 5/32" bit 1/4" Tapcon requries 3/16° bit nwR lRed m 7 - 800 -899 -7890 S3 11/03 • /Twit / National Headquarters Take Advantage of these and Technical Service ` 1300 North Michael Drive Contractor Services f rom Wood Dale, IL 60191 Phone:630- 350-0370 ITW Ramset/Red Head Fax: 630 -350 -7985 www.ramset redhead.com From job sites to engineering firms, from Safety Seminars to on -site services, we hope you take advantage of our many contractor services —at no charge! After all, it's one thing to offer the quality products you need to do your job. It's another to provide you with superior service, engineering Customer Service Locations expertise and total product support. 1919 E. U.S. Hwy 12 At ITW Ramset/Red Head, we are proud of the partnerships we have built through the years with Michigan City, IN 46360 our distributor network and contractors. Thanks to quality products, innovative services and on -time 800 - 348 -3231 delivery, we will continue to build new relationships and strengthen existing ones today...and into FAX: 800 - 368 -3844 the next century. 5950 Boxford ® Factory representatives with years of training and service experience will go out to your job site Commerce, CA 90040 to provide you with product, service and technical assistance. 800 -368 -9724 (CA only) 800- 227 -1823 FAX: 800-253-6444 INIA11.141441011 ONO Oft ,. .41M2411ft 1300 Cobb International Drive ifinosesmoli Kennesaw, GA 30152 800- 241- 5640 FAX: 800- 966-0901 _ r ' T Regional Warehouses m Kennesaw (Atlanta), GA ==tir ® City of Commerce (Los Angeles), CA ® We provide architects and engineers with complete submittal packages which gives them the ® Wood Dale (Chicago), IL technical data needed to specify ITW Ramset/Red Head products. Contact your ITW Ramset /Red ® Allentown, PA Head Distributor or your nearest Customer Service location to request submittal packages. ITW Construction Products Canada Technical Application Assistance: 120 Travail Road ® Our staff of application engineers are ready to assist you with any type of application or code Markham, Ontario. 135 311 approval question during any phase of your project. Call 1 - 800 - 899 - 7890 between 8:00 a.m. 800 -387 -9692 and 5:00 p.m. CST, Monday through Friday. FAX: 800-668-8688 24-hour Product and Performance Information: www.itwconstruction.ca III The most frequently requested ITW Ramset /Red Head performance data, approvals, MSDS, tool schematics, etc are available through our automated fax -back system. By calling 1 - 800 - 749 - 8240 (U.S. only) you will be prompted through a few easy steps to receive the valuable information you need immediately. You may also visit our website at www.ramset- redhead.com for the most current product and technical information. If additional assistance is required, our application engineers can be reached at 1 between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. CST, Monday through Friday. C6, Condrive, Dynabolt, E -Z Ancor, GS, Hammer -Set, Multi-Set II, Poly Set, LD1 Ramset, Red Head, Redi- Drivre, Tapcon, and Trubolt are trademarks of ITW Ramset/Red Head and Illinois Tool Works, Inc Hiltr is a registered trademark of Hild, Corp. Rawl Spike Is a ITW Ramset/Red Head products not available in Canada: registered trademark of Powers Fastening, Inc Poly - Set and RX - ® 2004 Winds Tool Works, Inc Form No. RHSUB-11/04 A ' Fire & Building - Products CENTRAL - Customer Service/Sales: Technical Services: Tel: (800) 381 -9312 / Fax: (800) 791 -5500 Tel: (215) 362 -0700 / (800) 523 -6512 Fax: (215) 362 -5385 Series TY-FRB -- 2.6 4.2 5.6 and 8.0 K- factor Upright, Pendent, and Recessed Pendent Sprinklers Quick Response, Standard Coverage mospheres. Although corrosion resis- General tant coated sprinklers have passed the - -- standard corrosion tests of the appli- - : Description cable approval agencies, the testing is,- w M l not representative of all possible cor- Vr , , The Series TY-FRB, 2.8, 4.2, 5.6, and rosive atmospheres. Consequently, it r# 8.0 K- factor, Upright and Pendent is recommended that the end user be , . , . ' . Sprinklers described in this data sheet consulted with respect to the suitability '°' 4 ` 1 ' . ' f ..- ' t are quick response - standard cover- of these coatings for any given corro- _ i+ , age, decorative 3 mm glass bulb type sive environment. The effects of ambi- spray sprinklers designed for use in ent temperature, concentration of lk i light or ordinary hazard, commercial chemicals, and gas/chemical velocity, ._ . , ^ -:. :. ti. occupancies such as banks, hotels, should be considered, as a minimum, �- .�. � r --:: - shopping malls, etc. along with the corrosive nature of the The recessed version of the Series chemical to which the sprinklers will be TY-FRB Pendent Sprinkler, where ap- exposed. plicable, is intended for use in areas An intermediate level versions of the •� 'i • with a finished ceiling. It uses either a Series TY-FRB Pendent Sprinklers are - - two-piece Style b ` 4 " iece ty 10 (1/2 inch NPT p ( NPT) or detailed in Technical Data Sheet 4 Style 40 (3/4 inch NPT) Recessed Es- TFP356, and Sprinkler Guards are de- e ' ' 1 cutcheon with 1/2 inch (12,7 mm) of tailed in Technical Data Sheet TFP780 ` . recessed adjustment or up to 3/4 inch Y (19,1 mm) of total adjustment from the WARNINGS 4 _ ' flush pendent position, or a two -piece The Series TY -FRB Sprinklers de- Style 20 (1/2 inch NPT) or Style 30 (3/4 scribed herein must be installed and inch NPT) Recessed Escutcheon with maintained in compliance with this 1/4 inch (6,4 mm) of recessed adjust- document, as well as with the applica- ment or up to 1/2 inch (12,7 mm) of ble standards of the National Fire Pro - TY3231 - Pendent 5.6K,1/2 "NPT total adjustment from the flush pen- tection Association, in addition to the TY4131 - Upright 8.0K, 3/4 "NPT dent position.The adjustment provided standards of any other authorities hav- TY4231 - Pendent 8.0K, 3/4 "NPT by the Recessed Escutcheon reduces ing jurisdiction. Failure to do so may the accuracy to which the fixed pipe Impair the performance of these de- drops to the sprinklers must be cut. vices. Technical Corrosion resistant coatings, where The owner is responsible for maintain - applicable, are utilized to extend the ing their fire protection system and de- Data life of copper alloy sprinklers beyond vices in proper operating condition. that which would otherwise be ob- The installing contractor or sprinkler Approvals tained when exposed to corrosive at- manufacturer should be contacted UL and C -UL Listed. with any questions. FM, LPCB, and NYC Approved. (Refer to Table A for complete approval IMPORTANT information including corrosion resis- Always refer to Technical Data tant status.) Sheet TFP700 for the "INSTALLER Model/Sprinkler Maximum Working Pressure WARNING" that provides cautions - - 175 psi (12,1 bar) . with respect to handling and instal- Identification lation of sprinkler systems and corn- ® Discharge Coefficient . ponents. Improper handling and in- Nuimbers K = 2.8 GPM /psi (40,3 LPM/bar stallation can permanently damage K = 4.2 GPM /psi (60,5 LPM/bar a sprinkler system or its compo- TY1131 - Upright 2.8K, 1/2"NPT K = 5.6 GPM /psi (80,6 LPM/bar nents and cause the sprinkler to fail TY1231 - Pendent 2.8K,1/2 "NPT K = 8.0 GPM /psi (115,2 LPM/barl' to operate in a fire situation or cause TY2131 - Upright 4.2K, 1/2"NPT Temperature Ratings it to operate prematurely. TY2231 - Pendent 4.2K, 1/2"NPT Refer to Table A and B TY3131 - Upright 5.6K, 1/2"NPT Page 1 of 8 JULY, 2004 TFP171 ° Page 2 of 8 TFP171 • ESCUTCHEON 7/16° (11,1 mm) STYLE 10 or 20 PLATE SEATING * * NOMINAL RECESSED • SURFACE T MAKE-IN ESCUTCHEON DEFLECTOR • \ _____ - ._ 6 —n— -._.---- MIII_ 2 -1/4° ur (11,11mm) I 2 4 (57,2 mm) =1 � NOMINAL MAKE -IN F 1 -9/16° I O�f1 i 2 -3/16° 3 (39,7 mm) 111 4111 WRENCH (55,6 mm) le 1 II FLATS l 1 larao SSP DEFLECTOR 2 -7/8° (73,0 mm) DIA. 1/2° NPT I PENDENT RECESSED PENDENT UPRIGHT CROSS SECTION 1 - Frame 3 - Sealing 4 - Bulb 6 - Deflector * Temperature rating is indicated on deflector or adjacent to 2 - Button Assembly 5 - Compression 7 - Bushing orifice seat on frame. Screw * *Pipe thread connections per ISO 7/1 can be provided on special request. FIGURE 1 QUICK RESPONSE SERIES TY-FRB UPRIGHT (TY1131) AND PENDENT (TY1231) SPRINKLERS 2.8 K- FACTOR, 1/2 INCH NPT ESCUTCHEON 7/16° (11,1 mm) STYLE 10 or 20 PLATE SEATING ** NOMINAL RECESSED SSU* SURFACE 1/2° MAKE -IN ESCUTCHEON SSU NPT 1 DEFLECTOR - — 1 �-_ 7/16° ' =l 5 2-3/16° 117 (55,6 mm) V III �� m. g114. N 1,1 mm) i NOMINAL I 4 f 7 M AKE -IN II r 1-1/2° I �r I (55,6 mm) 2 3/16° 2 (,) WRENCH $ 0 Y p 1 .._ . _... .._ ... FLATS ����"' 3 1 SSP DEFLECTOR * 2 -7/8° (73,0 mm) DIA. 1/2° NPT PENDENT RECESSED PENDENT UPRIGHT CROSS SECTION 1 - Frame 3 - Sealing 4 - Bulb 6 - Deflector * Temperature rating is indicated on deflector or adjacent to 2 - Button Assembly 5 - Compression orifice seat on frame. Screw ** Pipe thread connections per ISO 7/1 can be provided on special request. FIGURE 2 QUICK RESPONSE SERIES TY-FRB UPRIGHT (TY2131) AND PENDENT (TY2231) SPRINKLERS 4.2 K- FACTOR, 1/2 INCH NPT f E - 'Finishes Bulb Glass m = Sprinkler: Refer to Table A and B Compression Screw Bronze peration i - Recessed Escutcheon: White Coated, Deflector ....... Copper /Bronze - Chrome Plated, or Brass Plated Bushing (K =2.8) Bronze The glass Bulb contains a fluid which m expands when exposed to heat. When N Physical Characteristics the rated temperature is reached, the 0 Y fluid expands sufficiently to shatter the a Frame Bronze glass Bulb, allowing the sprinkler to 0 Button Brass /Copper activate and water to flow. 0.. Sealing Assembly o Beryllium Nickel w) Teflont 4- TFP171 Page 3of8 ESCUTCHEON 7/16" (11,1 mm) STYLE 10 or 20 _ PLATE SEATING ** NOMINAL RECESSED . SURFACE 1/2" PT M -IN ESCUTCHEON DEFLECTOR f _----._ � r 7/16 ° ° 5 2- 3116° — 7 'i''� (11,1 mm) (55,6 mm) A = �� I NOMINAL I 4 1 -1/2 MAKE -IN �. ° I tIII-111 I � 1 2-3/16° 2 (38,1 mm) WRENCH 11 (55,6 mm) $ y D 1 - . FLATS = I 3 SSP DEFLECTOR 2 -7/8° (73,0 mm) DIA. I 1/2" NPT 1 PENDENT RECESSED PENDENT UPRIGHT CROSS SECTION 1 - Frame 3 - Sealing 4 - Bulb 6 - Deflector * Temperature rating is indicated on deflector or adjacent to 2 - Button Assembly 5 - Compression orifice seat on frame. Screw ** Pipe thread connections per ISO 7/1 can be provided on special request. FIGURE 3 QUICK RESPONSE SERIES TY-FRB UPRIGHT (TY3131) AND PENDENT (TY3231) SPRINKLERS 5.6 K- FACTOR, 1/2 INCH NPT - ESCUTCHEON 1/2" (12,7 mm) STYLE 30 or 40 PLATE SEATING ** NOMINAL RECESSED SURFACE NPT MAKE-IN ESCUTCHEON DEFLECTOR _ 1 6* - n - -----_-___,_—_-------=- — irr /- -- 7 . 7% - i; lam; 5 2-5/16" � — 1 - �� (12,7 mm) (58,7 mm) j1 � �I — NOMINAL i 4 i `��I MAKE -IN 1-s /1s• I t e r 2-1/4° V I 2 (39,7 mm) Ir WRENCH = (57,2 mm) 11 . FLATS l 3 SSP DEFLECTOR 2-7/8" ( * ° 3,0 mm) DIA. 3/4" NPT 1 PENDENT RECESSED PENDENT UPRIGHT CROSS SECTION 1 - Frame 3 - Sealing 4 - Bulb 6 - Deflector * Temperature rating is indicated on deflector or adjacent to 2 - Button Assembly 5 - Compression orifice seat on frame. Screw * *Pipe thread connections per ISO 7/1 can be provided on special request. FIGURE 4 QUICK RESPONSE SERIES TY-FRB UPRIGHT (TY4131) AND PENDENT (TY4231) SPRINKLERS 8.0 K- FACTOR, 3/4 INCH NPT Listing is based on the requirements of Design NFPA 13, and FM Approval is based Installation - on the requirements of FM's Loss Pre - Criteria vention Data Sheets ). Only the Style The Series TY-FRB Sprinklers must be • 10, 20, 30, or 40 Recessed Escutch- installed in accordance with the follow - The Series TY-FRB Pendent and Up- eon, as applicable, is to be used for ing instructions: right Sprinklers are intended for fire recessed pendent installations. protection systems designed in ac- NOTES cordance with the standard installation Do not install any bulb type sprinkler if rules recognized by the applicable the bulb is cracked or there is a loss of Listing or Approval agency (e.g., UL liquid from the bulb. With the sprinkler Page 4 of 8 TFPI 71 • SPRINKLER FINISH (See Note 7) inch NPT sprinkler joint should be ob- tained with a torque of 10 to 20 ft.lbs. K TYPE TEMP. BULB NATURAL CHROME WHITE"' (13,4 to 26,8 Nm). A maximum of 30 LIQUID BRASS PLATED POLYESTER ft.lbs. (40,7 Nm) of torque is to be used to install sprinklers with 3/4 NPT con - 135°F/57°C Orange nections. Higher levels of torque may PENDENT 155 °F /68 °C Red distort the sprinkler inlet and cause (TY1231) 1, 2, 3, 5 leakage or impairment of the sprinkler. and 175 °F /79 °C Yellow UPRIG UPRIGHT Do not attempt to make -up for insuffi- H T 200 °F /93 °C Green dent adjustment in the escutcheon 2 . 8 286 °F /141 °C Blue plate by under- or over - tightening the 1/2* sprinkler. Readjust the position of the NPT 135 °F /57°C Orange sprinkler fitting to suit. RECESSED 155 °F /68 °C Red PENDENT The Series TY -FRB Pendent and Up- (ry1231)• 175 °F /79 °C Yellow right Sprinklers must be installed in Figure 5 200 °F /93 °C Green 1, 2, 5 accordance with the following instruc- tions. 135 °F /57 °C Orange Step 1. Pendent sprinklers are to be RECESSED 155 °F /68 °C Red installed in the pendent position, and PENDENT upright sprinklers are to be installed in (TY1231)** 175 °F /79 °C Yellow the upright position. Figure 6 200 °F /93 °C Green Step 2. With pipe thread sealant ap- 135°F/57°C Orange plied to the pipe threads, hand tighten the sprinkler into the sprinkler fitting. PENDENT 155 °F /68 °C Red (TY2231) Step 3. Tighten the sprinkler into the and . 175 °F /79 °C Yellow sprinkler fitting using only the W -Type UPRIGHT 200 °F /93 °C Green 6 Sprinkler Wrench (Ref. Figure 13). (TY2131) With reference to Figures 1, 2, 3, and 4.2 286 °F /141 °C Blue 1 2 4, the W -Type 6 Sprinkler Wrench is to 1/2" be applied to the sprinkler wrench NPT 135 °F /57 °C Orange flats. RECESSED 155 °F /68 °C Red • PENDENT (TY2231)* 175 °F /79 °C Yellow The Series TY -FRB Recessed Pen - Figure 7 200 °F /93 °C Green dent Sprinklers must be installed in accordance with the following instruc- 135°F/57°C Orange tions. RECESSED 155 °F /68 °C Red Step A. After installing the Style 10. PENDENT 20, 30, or 40 Mounting Plate, as appli- (TY2231)•* 175 °F /79 °C Yellow cable, over the sprinkler threads and Figure 8 200 °F /93 °C Green with pipe thread sealant applied to the pipe threads, hand tighten the sprin- NOTES: kler into the sprinkler fitting. 1. Listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL) as Quick Response Sprinklers. Step B. Tighten the sprinkler into the 2. Usted by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. for use in Canada (C as Quick Response sprinkler fitting using only the W - Type Sprinklers. 7 Recessed Sprinkler Wrench (Ref. 3. Approved by Factory Mutual Research Corporation (FM) as Quick Response Sprin- Figure 14). With reference to Figure 1, klers. 5. Approved by the City of New York under MEA 354 -01 -E. 2, 3, and 4, the W -Type 7 Recessed 7. Where Polyester Coated Sprinklers are noted to be UL and C -UL Usted, the sprin- Sprinkler Wrench is to be applied to Iders are UL and C -UL Usted as Corrosion Resistant Sprinklers. the sprinkler wrench flats. Installed with Style 10 (1/2° NPT) or Style 40 (3/4° NPT) 3/4° Total Adjustment Step C. After the ceiling has been in- Recessed Escutcheon, as applicable. stalled or the finish coat has been ap- ** Installed with Style 20 (1/2° NPT) or Style 30 (3/4° NPT) 1/2° Total Adjustment plied, slide on the Style 10, 20, 30, or Recessed Escutcheon, as applicable. 40 Closure over the Series TY FRB * ** Frame and Deflector only. Listings and approvals apply to color (Special Order). Sprinkler and push the Closure over N/A: Not Available the Mounting Plate until its flange TABLE A comes in contact with the ceiling. LABORATORY LISTINGS AND APPROVALS 2.8 AND 4.2 K FACTOR SPRINKLERS held horizontally, a small air bubble A leak tight 1/2 inch NPT sprinkler joint should be present. The diameter of the should be obtained with a torque of 7 air bubble is approximately 1/16 inch to 14 ft.lbs. (9,5 to 19,0 Nm). A maxi - (1,6 mm) for the 135 °F /57 °C to 3/32 mum of 21 ft. lbs. (28,5 Nm) of torque inch (2,4 mm) for the 286°F /141 °C may be used to install sprinklers with temperature ratings. 1/2 NPT connections. A leak tight 3/4 . Fire & Building Products AL Customer Service/Sales: Technical Services: Tel: (800) 381 -9312 / Fax: (800) 791 -5500 Tel: (215) 362 -0700 / (800) 523 -6512 Fax: (215) 362 -5385 Series TY-FRB — 506 K- factor Horizontal and Vertical Sidewall Sprinklers Quick Response, Standard Coverage General reduces by the Recessed Escutcheon reduces the accuracy to which the fixed pipe nipples to the sprinklers Description must be cut. The Series TY-FRB, 5.6 K- Factor, Hori- Corrosion resistant coatings, where =1 � `76- - - a licable, are utilized to extend the - � `r- % ° q zon and Vertical Sidewall Sprinklers pp described in this data sheet are quick life of copper alloy sprinklers beyond F 1 r l ra � `* 'i �` respons - standard coverage, deco- that which would otherwise be ob- a # � t rative 3 mm glass bulb type spray tamed when exposed to corrosive at ir r, N "J 5 sprinklers designed for use in light and mospheres. Although corrosion resis- .. ordinary hazard, commercial occupan- tant coated sprinklers have passed the cies such as banks, hotels, shopping standard corrosion tests of the appli- . malls, etc. They are designed for instal- cable approval agencies, the testing is lation along a wall or the side of a beam not representative of all possible cor- and just beneath a smooth ceiling. rosive atmospheres. Consequently, it Sidewall sprinklers are commonly is recommended that the end user be ‘, r w used instead of pendent or upright consulted with respect to the suitability a- • sprinklers due to aesthetics or building of these coatings for any given corro- - �� construction considerations, where sive environment. The effects of ambi- piping across the ceiling is not desir- ent temperature, concentration of t ` ?_ able. chemicals, and gas /chemical velocity, t, should be considered, as a minimum, along with the corrosive nature of the ; ' , ,..:::= The recessed version of the Series g , TY-FRB Horizontal Sidewall Sprinkler chemical to which the sprinklers will be r ,— ''`u is intended for use in areas with a exposed. '-. ". finished wall: It uses a two -piece Style 10 Recessed Escutcheon with 1/2 inch WARNINGS =, 4 , (12,7 mm) of recessed adjustment or The Series TY -FRB Sprinklers de- up to 3/4 inch (19,1 mm) of total adjust- scribed herein must be installed and ment from the flush sidewall position, maintained in compliance with this or a two -piece Style 20 Recessed Es- document, as well as with the applica- Technical cutcheon with 1/4 inch (6,4 mm) of ble standards of the National Fire Pro - recessed adjustment or up to 1/2 inch tection Association, in addition to the Data (12,7 mm) of total adjustment from the standards of any other authorities hav- flush sidewall position. The adjustment ing jurisdiction. Failure to do so may Approvals impair the performance of these de- UL and C -UL Listed. vices. FM, LPCB, and NYC Approved. The owner is responsible for maintain- (Refer to Table A for complete approval ing their fire protection system and de- information including corrosion resis- IMPORTANT vices in proper operating condition. tant status.) The installing contractor or s Maximum Working Pressure sprinkler - e.. refer to Technical Data manufacturer should be contacted 175 psi (12,1 bar) E . - Sheet TFP700 for the INSTALLER with any questions. _ WARNING" that provides cautions Discharge Coefficient § - with respect to handling and instal- K = 5.6 GPM /psi (80,6 LPM/bar1 /2) v lation of sprinkler systems and corn- Model/Sprinkler Temperature Ratings m • ponents. Improper handling and in- ti stallation can permanently damage Identification Refer to Table A •C a sprinkler system or its compo- Finishes cc nents and cause the sprinkler to fail Numbers Sprinkler: Refer to Table A = to operate in a fire situation or cause Recessed Escutcheon: White Coated, a it to operate prematurely. TY3331 - Horizontal Chrome Plated, or Brass Plated o TY3431 - Vertical -I- Page 1 of 6 JULY, 2004 TFPI 76 Page 2 of 6 TFP176 • SPRINKLER FINISH (See Note 11) = K TYPE TEMP. BULB NATURAL CHROME WHITE"' LEAD LIQUID BRASS PLATED POLYESTER COATED • 135 °F /57°C Orange SIDEWALL 155 °F /68 °C Red 1,2,3,4,9,10 1,2,3,9 1,2,3,9 (TY3331) 175'F179°C Yellow 200 °F /93 °C Green 5.6 286 °F /141 °C Blue 1/2' NPT RECESSED 135 °F /57°C Orange HORIZ. SIDEWALL 155 °F /68 °C Red (TY3331)' 175 °F /79 °C Yellow 1, 2, 4, 9, 10 1, 2, 9 N/A Figure 3 200 °F /93 °C Green RECESSED 135 °F /57 °C Orange SI HORI . 155 °F /68 °C Red (TY3331)" 175 °F /79 °C Yellow 1, 2, 3, 4, 9 N/A Figure 4 200 °F /93 °C Green VERTICAL 135 °F /57 °C Orange SIDEWALL 155 °F /68 °C Red 5.6 (Mail 5,6,7,8,9 5,6,7,9 1 /2' Installed 175 °F /79 °C Yellow NPT Pendent 200 °F /93 °C Green or Upright 286 °F /141 °C Blue NOTES: 1. Usted by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL) as Quick Response Sprinklers for use in Light and Ordinary Hazard Occupancies at a 4 to 12 inch (100 to 300 mm) top of deflector to ceiling distance. 2. Listed by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. for use in Canada (C -UL) as Quick Response Sprinklers for use in Light and Ordinary Hazard Occupancies at a 4 to 12 inch (100 to 300 mm) top of deflector to ceiling distance. 3. Approved by Factory Mutual Research Corporation (FM) as Quick Response Sprinklers for use in Light Hazard Occupancies at a 4 to 12 inch (100 to 300 mm) top of deflector to ceiling distance. 4. Approved by the Loss Prevention Certification Board (LPCB Ref. No. 007a/04) at a 4 to 6 inch (100 to 150 mm) top of deflector to ceiling distance. The LPC does not rate the thermal sensitivity of horizontal sidewall sprinklers. 5. Listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. as Quick Response Sprinklers for use in Light and Ordinary Hazard Occupancies. 6. Listed by Underwriters Laboratories for use in Canada (C -UL) as Quick Response Sprinklers for use in Light and Ordinary Hazard Occupancies. 7. Approved by Factory Mutual Research Corporation (FM) as Quick Response Sprinklers for use in Light Hazard Occupancies. 8. Approved by the Loss Prevention Certification Board (LPCB Ref. No. 094a/06 & 007a/04) as Quick Response Sprinklers. 9. Approved by the City of New York under MEA 354 -01 -E. 10. Approved by the Loss Prevention Certification Board (LPCB Ref. No. 094a/06) at a.4 to 6 inch (100 to 150 mm) top of deflector to ceiling distance. The LPC does not rate the thermal sensitivity of horizontal sidewall sprinklers. 11. Where Polyester Coated and Lead Coated Sprinklers are noted to be UL and C -UL Listed, the sprinklers are UL and C -UL Listed as Corrosion Resistant Sprinklers. Where Lead Coated Sprinklers are noted to be FM Approved, the sprinklers are FM Approved as Corrosion Resistant Sprinklers. * Installed with Style 10 (1/2' NPT) 3/4' Total Adjustment Recessed Escutcheon. • Installed with Style 20 (1/2' NPT) 1/2' Total Adjustment Recessed Escutcheon. "' Frame and deflector only. Listings and approvals apply to color (Special Order). TABLE A LABORATORY LISTINGS AND APPROVALS Physical Characteristics - Frame Bronze Operation Button Brass /Copper -Sealing Assembly The glass Bulb contains a fluid which Beryllium Nickel w/Teflont expands when exposed to heat. When • • Bulb Glass the rated temperature is reached, the Compression Screw Bronze fluid expands sufficiently to shatter the HSW Deflector Bronze glass Bulb, allowing the sprinkler to VSW Deflector Copper activate and water to flow. Patents U.S.A. 5,810,263 TFP176 Page 3 of 6 Design DEFLECTOR t Criteiria HAT \ 5 I*, '��..i1 The Series TY FRB Horizontal and �' Vertical Sidewall Sprinklers are in-/ 1 4 ���0� tended for fire protection systems de- signed in accordance with the stand- ard installation rules recognized by the 6* 4 2 3 1 applicable Listing or Approval agency (e.g., UL Listing is based on the re- 9/16° WRENCH 1/2" ** quirements of NFPA 13, and FM Ap- (14,3 mm) FLATS NPT proval is based on the requirements of FM's Loss Prevention Data Sheets). -AI � Only the Style 10 or 20 Recessed Es- on, as applicable, is to be used Q for recessed - ��11.."111111 for recessed horizontal installations. - lations. � ' Installation 1 13/16° 7/16° The Series TY-FRB Sprinklers must be (46,0 mm) (11,1 mm) installed in accordance with the follow- CENTERLINE NOMINAL ing instructions: OF SPRINKLER MAKE -IN WATERWAY f 1-1/2' NOTES (38,1 mm) — Do not install any bulb type sprinkler if the bulb is cracked or there is a loss of _ 2 - 3/16" - liquid from the bulb. With the sprinkler (55,6 mm) held horizontally, a small air bubble STYLE ESCUTCHEON should be present. The diameter of the 10 or 20 — PLATE SEATING air bubble is approximately 1/16 inch RECESSED I SURFACE (1,6 mm) for the 135 °F /57 °C to 3/32 ESCUTCHEON inch (2,4 mm) for the 286 °F /141 °C 1 - Frame temperature ratings. 2 - Button 3 - Sealing —A111--■ 1 A leak tight 1/2 inch NPT sprinkler joint 4 BAsssembly 2 -7/8" DIA. ar_r,f IIIIIIIIIIII should be obtained with a torque of 7 5 - Compression (73,0 mm) I�! to 14 ft.lbs. (9,5 to 19,0 Nm). A maxi- Screw 1 Iftlill mum of 21 ft. lbs. (28,5 Nm) of torque 6 - Deflector may be used to install sprinklers with 1/2 NPT connections. Higher levels of torque may distort the sprinkler and cause leakage or impairment of the sprinkler. ' Do not attempt to make - for insuffi * Temperature rating is indicated on deflector or adjacent to orifice seat on frame. cient adjustment in the escutcheon * *Pipe thread connections per ISO 7/1 can be provided on special request. plate by under- or over- tightening the sprinkler. Readjust the position of the FIGURE 1 sprinkler fitting to suit. 5.6 K- FACTOR QUICK RESPONSE The Series TY -FRB Horizontal and SERIES TY-FRB HORIZONTAL SIDEWALL (TY3331) SPRINKLERS Vertical Sidewall Sprinklers must be installed in accordance with the follow- ing instructions. Step 3. Tighten the sprinkler into the word "TOP" on the Deflector is to face Step 1. Horizontal sidewall sprinklers sprinkler fitting using only the W -Type towards the ceiling. 5), are to be installed in the horizontal 6 Sprinkler ere ce to Figure (Ref. Figure he Step B. After installing the Style 10 or osition with their centerline of water- W-th T reference to r W e W1 rench or 2, the position W -Type 6 Sprinkler Wrench is to be 20 Mounting Plate over the sprinkler way perpendicular to the back wall and applied to the wrench flats. threads, hand tighten the sprinkler into .parallel to the ceiling. The word "TOP" the sprinkler fitting. on the Deflector is to face towards the The Series TY -FRB Recessed Hori- Step C. Tighten the sprinkler into the ceiling. zontal Sidewall Sprinklers must be sprinkler fitting using only the W -Type Vertical sidewall sprinklers are to be installed i accordance with the follow- 7 Recessed Sprinkler Wrench (Ref. • installed in the pendent or upright po- ing instrucs tions. Figure 6). With reference to Figure 1, sition with the arrow on the Deflector Step A. Recessed horizontal sidewall the W -Type 7 Recessed Sprinkler pointing away from the wall. sprinklers are to be installed in the Wrench is to be applied to the sprinkler Step 2. With pipe thread sealant ap- horizontal position with their centerline wrench flats. to the plied to the pipe threads, hand tighten w all and p wall and p perpendicular arallel to the ceiling. Step D. After the ceiling has been in- the sprinkler into the sprinkler fitting. wng. The stalled or the finish coat has been ap- Page 4 of 6 Tf: P176 plied, slide on the Style 10 or 20 Clo- , sure over the Series TY FRB Sprinkler ARROW MUST ` and push the Closure over the Mount - POINT AWAY ing Plate until its flange comes in con- 7/16° FROM AND BE • tact with the ceiling ESCUTCHEON (11,1 mm) PERPENDICULAR ' O PLATE SEATING . ** NOMINAL TO THE BACK Care and SURFACE 1/2 MAKE -IN WALL SURFACE �,��� ► �� ' t 5 The Series TY BFR Sprinklers must be 2 - 3/16° - 2 - 3/16° maintained and serviced in accord- (55,6 mm) f /11IL \N (55,6 mm) ; 4 ance with the following instructions: 1104 NOTES 1 WRENCH '!fir/ y � 2 Before closing a fire protection system (38,1 mm) FLATS � 7 V main control valve for maintenance _ ¢ 3 work on the fire protection system that it controls, permission to shut down the 1 affected fire protection system must be SHOWN SHOWN CROSS obtained from the proper authorities PENDENT UPRIGHT SECTION and all personnel who may be affected by this action must be notified. 1 - Frame 3 - Sealing 4 - Bulb 6 - Deflector Absence of an escutcheon, which is 2 - Button Assembly 5 - Compression 7- Ejection Spring used to cover a clearance hole, may Screw delay the time to sprinkler operation in a fire situation. * Temperature rating is indicated on deflector or adjacent to orifice seat on frame. Sprinklers that are found to be leaking * *pipe thread connections per ISO 7/1 can be provided on special request. or exhibiting visible signs of corrosion must be replaced. FIGURE 2 Automatic sprinklers must never be 5.6 K FACTOR QUICK RESPONSE painted, plated, coated or otherwise SERIES TY-FRB VERTICAL SIDEWALL (TY3431) SPRINKLERS altered after leaving the factory. Modi- fied sprinklers must be replaced. Sprinklers that have been exposed to corrosive products of combustion, but have not operated, should be replaced if they cannot be completely cleaned spection, testing, and maintenance of ment by Tyco Fire Products. No war - by wiping the sprinkler with a cloth or their fire protection system and de- ranty is given for products or compo- by brushing it with a soft bristle brush. vices in compliance with this docu- nents manufactured by companies not ment, as well as with the applicable affiliated by ownership with Tyco Fire Care must be exercised to avoid dam- standards of the National Fire Protec- Products or for products and compo- age to the sprinklers - before, during, tion Association (e.g., NFPA 25), in nents which have been subject to mis- and after installation. Sprinklers dam- addition to the standards of any other use, improper installation, corrosion, aged by dropping, striking, wrench authorities having jurisdiction. The in- or which have not been installed, main - twist/slippage, or the like, must be re- stalling contractor or sprinkler manu- tained, modified or repaired in accord - placed. Also, replace any sprinkler that facturer should be contacted relative to ance with applicable Standards of the has a cracked bulb or that has lost any questions. National Fire Protection Association, liquid from its bulb. (Ref. Installation and /or the standards of any other Section). It is recommended that automatic Authorities Having Jurisdiction. Mate - sprinkler systems be inspected, vials found by Tyco Fire Products to be Frequent visual inspections are rec- tested, and maintained by a qualified y y ommended to be initially performed for Inspection Service in accordance with defective shall be either repaired or corrosion resistant coated sprinklers, local requirements and /or national replaced, at Tyco Fire Products' sole after the installation has been corn- codes. option. Tyco Fire Products neither as- pleted, to verify the integrity of the cor- sumes, nor authorizes any person to rosion resistant coating. Thereafter, - - assume for it, any other obligation in annual inspections per NFPA 25 Linitted connection with the sale of products or should suffice; however, instead of in- parts of products. Tyco Fire Products specting from the floor level, a random warranty shall not be responsible for sprinkler `sampling of close -up visual inspec- system design errors or inaccurate or - tions should be made, so as to better Products manufactured by Tyco Fire incomplete information supplied by determine the exact sprinkler condi- Products are warranted solely to the Buyer or Buyer's representatives. tion and the long term integrity of the original Buyer for ten (10) years IN NO EVENT SHALL TYCO FIRE corrosion resistant coating, as it may against defects in material and work- PRODUCTS BE LIABLE, IN CON - be affected by the corrosive conditions manship when paid for and properly TRACT, TORT, STRICT LIABILITY OR present. installed and maintained under normal UNDER ANY OTHER LEGAL THE - use and service. This warranty will ex- ORY, FOR INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, The owner is responsible for the in- pire ten (10) years from date of ship- SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL r '4 • it . BELLS . } ` " PBA -AC & PBD -DC ; . ® The Symbol of Protection UL Listed 4" Sizes Available: 6" (150mm), 8" (200mm) and 10" (250mm) , � , ,1/4-71t:'`,;,, . . Voltages Available: 24VAC r a � „h ` 1. iV 120VAC tt .� `' :' ; < 12VDC (10.2 to 15.6) Polarized ',N �.�, - 44 24VDC (20.4 to 31.2) Polarized r r r'1 � Service Use: Fire Alarm k { r f is :' `aX :. k { ' 4 ,) t h U General Signaling r ` r �� ? e <�� 1, s - Burglar Alarm ' -t 5 ` Environment: Indoor or outdoor use (See Note 1) i -40° to 150 °F (-40° to 66 °C) a r. (Outdoor use requires weatherproof rte backbox.) Termination: 4 No. 18 AWG stranded wires 6” BELL SHOWN Finish: Red powder coating Optional: Model BBK -1 weatherproof backbox These vibrating type bells are designed for use as fire, burglar or general signaling devices. They have low power con- sumption and high decibel ratings. The unit mounts on a standard 4" (101mm) square electrical box for indoor use or on a model BBK -1 weatherproof backbox for outdoor applications. Weatherproof backbox model BBK -1, Stock No. 1500001. ALL DC BELLS ARE POLARIZED AND HAVE BUILT -IN TRANSIENT PROTECTION: SIZE TYPICAL dB MINIMUM dB CURRENT INCHES VOLTAGE MODEL NO. STOCK NO. (M) AT 10 Fr. AT 10 FT. (mm) (3m) (2) (3m) (1) 6 (150) 12VDC PB0126 1706012 .12A 85 76 8 (200) 12VDC PBD128 1708012 .12A 90 77 10 (250) 12VDC PBD1210 1710012 .12A 92 78 6 (150) 24VDC PBD246 1706024 .06A 87 77 8 (200) 24VDC PBD24B 1708024 .06A 91 79 10 (250) 24VDC P0D2410 1710024 .06A 94 80 6 (150) 24VAC PBA246 1806024 .17A 91 78 8 (200) 24VAC PBA248 1808024 .17A 94 77 10 (250) 24VAC PBA2410 1810024 .17A 94 78 6(150) 120VAC PBAl206 1806120 .05A 92 83 8 (200) 120VAC PBAl208 1808120 .05A 99 84 10 (250) 120VAC PBAl2010 1810120 .05A 99 86 Notes: . 1. Minimum dB ratings are calculated from integrated sound pressure measurements made at Underwriters Laboratories as specified in UL Standard 464. UL temperature range is -30° to 150 °F ( -34° to 66 °C). 2. Typical dB ratings are calculated from measurements made with a conventional sound level meter and are indicative of • output levels in an actual installation. Potter Electric Signal Company • 2081 Craig Road, St. Louis, MO, 63146 -4161 • Phone: 800 - 325 - 3936 /Canada 888 -882 -1833 • www.pottersignal.com PRINTED IN USA MKT. #8850001 - REVS PAGE 1 OF 2 MFG. #5400776 - 5/05 r •,: BELLS , - PBA -AC & PBD -DC The Symbol of Protection • DIMENSIONS INCHES (mm) FIG. 1 BELLS FIG. 2 WEATHERPROOF BACKBOX BOX HAS ONETHREADED 1 /2 "CONDUITENTRANCE Ad e (250) 6" 5 3/4` O _ 3 3/8" g• —VT— r,_ L-i - - . " (200) 6" I I (146) (86) (127] (150) 0 IP --J1 5/8"1- L V; 7 0.1 3 86) (41) (86) 2 11/16'.- _ 4 1/4 (68) OWC. /776 -1 (108) DWG. #776 FIG. 3 WIRING (REAR VIEW) D.C. BELLS (OBSERVE POLARITY) A.C. BELLS RED (IN) RED (OUT) WHITE (IN) .4111111.1116. WHITE (OUT) FROM CONTROL PANEL 10111 TO NEXT BELL FROM C TRDL PANEL PRECEDING Ku. aR ENOE-OP- ISTOR IE PRECE BELL r1114 i BUCK (N) _ P BLACK (OUT) BUCK (IN) �' BUCK (OUT) SO: WHEN ELECTRICAL SUPERVISION IS REQUIRED USE IN AND OUT LEADS AS SHOWN. WHEN ELECTRICAL SUPERMSION 6 REOUIREO USE IN AND OUT LEADS AS SHOWN. NOTES: NOTES: 1. OBSERVE POLARITY TO RING D.C. BELLS. 1. WHEN USING A.C. BELLS, TERMINATE EACH EXTRA WIRE SEPARATELY 2. RED WIRES POSITIVE ( +) AFTER LAST BELL 3. BLACK WIRES NEGATIVE ( -) 2. END- OF -UNE RESISTOR IS NOT REQUIRED ON A.C. BELLS. DWG. #776 -3 INSTALLATION 1. The bell shall be installed in accordance with NFPA 72 or local Ahj. The top of the device shall be no less than 90" Aff and not less than 6" below the ceiling. 2. Remove the gong. 3. Connect wiring (see Fig. 3). 4. Mount bell mechanism to backbox (bell mechanism must be mounted with the striker pointing down). 5. Reinstall the gong (be sure that the gong positioning pin, in the mechanism housing, is in the hole in the gong). 6. Test all bells for proper operation and observe that they can be heard where required (bells must be heard in all areas as designated by the authority having jurisdiction). PRINTED IN USA MKT. #8850001 - REV S PAGE 2 OF 2 MFG. #5400776 - 5/05 mu - sprinkler Head Capin Cab J ^. I z u } D - f ra f :; Central Sprinkler Company S' 451 North Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, Pennsylvania 19446 Product =`' Technical Trim Description t o Head Central Sprinkler Head Cabinets Model: Sprinkler Head Cabinet Sprinkler are constructed of a metal enclosure Style: 3, 6 or 12 head with a hinged cover designed to Head provide on -site storage of an Standard Finish: Red enamel emergency supply of sprinkler heads Mfgr. Source: Non - domestic and a sprinkler head wrench. Capacity: 3 sprinkler heads Cabinet_ NFPA 13 requires a representative 6 sprinkler heads number of each type of sprinkler 12 sprinkler heads head used in a sprinkler system to be Dimensions: stored in a cabinet on -site to allow for immediate removal and replacement 3 head - 5" high x 7W long x 2W deep of sprinklers which may have 6 head - 5" high x 14" long x 3W deep operated or become damaged. 12 head - 5" high x 14 /4" long x 5" deep Central Sprinkler Head Cabinets Weight: 3 head -1.5 lbs. are manufactured of heavy gauge 6 head - 2.3 lbs. steel with knock -outs to 12 head 4 lbs. accommodate either W or 3 /" N.P.T. threaded sprinkler heads and are painted an attractive red enamel. They are available in three (3), six (6) or twelve (12) head capacity. • No. 28-6.0 installation % Care & rderin Mainteri : mom Information Central's Sprinkler Head Cabinet is The Cabinet, wrench, and stock of When placing an order, indicate the ;iesigned with two 3M diameter holes spare sprinklers should be inspected full product name. Please specify the foT wall mounting or direct attachment at least quarterly. The following items quantity, model, style, capacity, and to the system riser with a strap -type should be checked: size. hanger. The Cabinet should be Sprinklers, wrenches, and hard - installed at or near the system control 1. The Cabinet should be readily ware for hanging are not supplied valve and must be stocked with an accessible, and not exposed to with the Cabinet. They must be adequate supply of spare sprinklers a corrosive atmosphere or ordered separately. and a sprinkler wrench. temperatures in excess of The stock of spare sprinklers 100 °F /38 °C. Availability and Service: Central should include sprinklers of each type sprinklers, accessories, and other and temperature rating as are 2. The stock of spare sprinklers products are available throughout the installed in the sprinkler system, in should include an adequate U.S. and Canada, and internationally the following quantities: number of each type and through a network of Central temperature rating. Sprinkler distribution centers. You Sprinklers Spare Sprinklers may write directly to Central Sprinkler In System Required 3. The stock of sprinklers must be Company, or call (215) 362 -0700 for in good condition. the distributor nearest you. under 300 6 300 -1000 12 4. A sprinkler wrench of the Guarantee: Central Sprinkler over 1000 24 appropriate type must be Company will repair and /or replace included in the Cabinet. any products found to be defective in The Cabinets are designed to material or workmanship within a accept both f" and 3 /4" N.P.T. period of one year from date of threaded sprinklers. For i4" N.P.T. shipment. Please refer to the current :sprinklers, leave the removable Price List for further details of the knockout in the hole. For 3 A" N.P.T. warranty. sprinklers, insert a screwdriver blade from the front top of the shelf and Conversion Table: under the near bottom part of the 1 inch = 25.400 mm knockout annular ring. Press the 1 foot = 0.3048 M screwdriver handle down to remove 1 pound = 0.4536 kg the knockout ring. The hole, with the knockout ring removed, will accept a Conversions are approximate. 3 A" N.P.T. sprinkler. CENTRAL Central Sprinkler Company 451 North Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, PA 19446 ©1994 Central Sprinlder Company Phone (215) 362 -0700 Printed in U.S.A. FAX (215) 362 -5385 Hd.Cab.2 POTTER - ROEMER HOSE VALVES A Dgiision of Smith industries, Inc. • • STRAIGHT GLOBE FEMALE x MALE DOUBLE FEMALE - -- FUNCTION: Used with a fire hose assembly FUNCTION: Used with a fire hose rack I or as a fire dept outlet connection. assembly or as a drain valve. at REGULARLY FURNISHED: Cast brass REGULARLY FURNISHED: Cast brass valve with red handwheel. Female NPT inlet valve with red handwheel. Female NPT inlet x male hose thread outlet. and outlet. is Model Model �- F _ ` ,"� - 4110 1 1 4"/18 cm Size 4119 1 ,4"/1.3 cm Size ;,, I 4115 2! ",a, 4 cm Size 4120 1 14"/3.8 cm Size SPECIFY: Thread 4125 2 'A "/6.4 cm Size SPECIFY: Thread - OPTIONAL FINISHES: - B Polished Brass - C Rough Chrome Plated 4110 & 4115 - D Polished Chrome Plated VARIATIONS: Extended stem up to 24 "'61 cm SPECIFY: Length I __ 1 11 II :'. cIo s . . o pen .: - Y�R ?. ,;,, . She _ A `. C:' , 4 C ; 0' E F �:: E In. �-... 1 W.. ; In s It JCL= -_ ii as w` 1_ s:sm eai C Ala. Ye 2 4 4'/4 1 3'h 2'/4 .' 1'.'` r -- t 12 • 0.3 5 102 10.7 2.5 8.5 5.7 r; . . '` Y • \- 1'/2 2'/2 3'h 71. 8'/4 3 5'/4 5'h I �� 1, 3.8 6.4 8.9 184 20.9 7.6 14.6 14 l II " 84 3'/2 5 10Y4 11'/4 3'/2 8'h 7 I VI � 84 8.9 127 zs 28.5 8.9 20.9 17.8 --A- F - - 41 19 -4125 HYDRANT FUNCTION: Used as a fire dept outlet connection. Designed to prevent unauthorized use. REGULARLY FURNISHED: Cast brass valve with brass pentagonal operating nut. Female NPT inlet x male hose thread outlet. Brass cap and chain. 300 PSI/22.6 Model � i 4141 1 Wait cm Size �� _� B h 4142 2f "/6.4 cm Size :II il, 4143 4" x 214"no.2x cm Size ' : I SPECIFY: Thread • "�' • . Closed Open Sl te UL A B C C 0 ili Listed U ln In. In In la. In. I C p g OM CM CM an an i 1' /' YES YES 3 1'/. 6'h 7'h 2 ,.si„), 3. 8 7.6 2.8 16.5 1929.2 I • D e4 YES 102 2 24/1 1312.' 9.31 69 • • 4:21/2 No NO 7 1' /. 13'h 15'h 3' /. _ ]_ ;if ) f0.2i t1.1 17.7 2.8 34.2 8.8 - I ...--A.--- 4140 SERIES Page 49 NOTE: ALWAYS INDICATE HOSE THREAD REQUIREMENTS All dimensions dimensio in English and Metric. - e EQUIPMENT SUBMITTAL INDEX TIGARD TRIANGLE 11850 SW 67 AVE. TIGARD, OR 97223 o EQUIPMENT SUBMITALS: 1. Model BFV -N Butterfly Valve 2. Potter VSR -F Waterflow Alarm Switch 3. AGF Model 1000 TestanDrain 4. Central Soft Seat Globe Valve 5. Allied Dyna -Flow Pipe 6. Allied Dyna - Thread Pipe 7. Allied Schedule -10/40 Pipe 8. Ward Cast Iron Fittings 9. Grinnel Grooved Fire Protection Products 10. Tolco All Thread 11. Tolco C -Type Beam Clamps 12. Tolco Beam Clamp Retaining Strap 13. Tolco Trimline Adjustable Band Hanger 14: Tolco Fig. 1000 Fast Clamp Sway Brace Attachment 15. Tolco Fig. 909 No- Thread Swivel Sway Brace Attachment 16. Tolco Fig.980 Universal Sway Brace Attachment 17. Tolco Fig. 4A -pipe Clamp for Sway Bracing 18. Trubolt Wedge Anchors 19. Tyco TY -FRB, TY3231, 155 °, Chrome Pendent 20. Tyco TY -FRB, TY 3131, 200 °, Brass Upright 21. Potter Electric Bell 22. Sprinkler Head Cabinet 23. Potter - Roemer Hose Valve ❑ HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS: ❑ FIRE SPRINKLER PLANS: •