Violator Letter 1.1 - 5-9-2024 1I 111111i TIGARD City of Tigard May 09, 2024 Skyhook Ninja Fitness 12008 Sw Garden PI Tigard, OR 97223 RE: Code Compliance Record Number: DCC2024-00095 Dear Skyhook Ninja Fitness: This requests your cooperation in resolving a complaint that we have received regarding your property at 12008 SW GARDEN PL, TIGARD, OR 97223 in Tigard. Code compliance is an important aspect of neighborhood livability and community pride. The City of Tigard values the quality of our neighborhoods and favors timely response to code compliance requests. The city particularly appreciates having your voluntary cooperation and compliance and we look forward to hearing from you. The complaint indicates that your property is in violation of Tigard Municipal Code provisions regarding: 5.04.040 Prohibited Business Operation. 5.04.050 One Act Constitutes Doing Business. 5.04.190 Penalties. Specifically, it has been reported that the Skyhook Ninja Fitness business associated with your property at 12008 SW Garden PI does not possess a valid City of Tigard issued business license. Please ensure that the business associated with your property possesses a valid City of Tigard business license by contacting the City of Tigard Finance Department at 503-718-2489, by email at buslic@tigard-or.gov, or in person at 13125 SW Hall Blvd in Tigard, Oregon. We have not yet verified these violations nor have we assessed any penalties. If you can confirm that no violation exists or if you correct it voluntarily within 20 days as discussed below, we will not assess penalties and there will be no court record. 13125 SW Hall Blvd. • Tigard, Oregon 97223 • 503.639.4171 TTY Relay: 503.684.2772 • www.tigard-or.gov Each violation described above constitutes a Class One Civil Infraction under the code and is subject to a penalty of up to $250 per day per violation and/or abatement by the city at the property owner's expense. Included below are the relevant regulations pertaining to property use and maintenance, as well as a description of the city's code compliance process. 5.04.040 Prohibited Business Operation. It shall be unlawful for any persons, either directly or indirectly, to engage in any business without having first obtained a business license and where applicable, a Home Occupation Permit and paying the business license fee as prescribed by this chapter. (Ord. 88-13 §1; Ord. 07-15) 5.04.050 One Act Constitutes Doing Business. For the purpose of this chapter, any persons shall be deemed to be engaging in business or engaging in nonprofit enterprise, and thus subject to the requirements of Section 5.04.040, when undertaking one of the following acts: 1. Selling any goods or service; 2. Soliciting business or offering goods or services for sale, hire, trade or barter; 3. Acquiring or using any vehicle or any premises for business purposes in the city. (Ord. 88-13 §1; Ord. 07-15) 08.08.020 General Provisions (Street trees) A. It shall be the duty of owners of lots or portions of lots immediately abutting on, fronting on, adjacent to or owning the largest percentage of any street tree trunk immediately above the trunk flare or root buttresses to maintain and remove street trees in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. No person, except as specified in subsection C of this section, shall plant a street tree on any lot, or within the public right-of-way immediately abutting on, fronting on or adjacent to any lot, without the responsible property owner's permission. You have 20 calendar days from the date of this letter to respond to this compliance request. The city requires confirmation that your property is in compliance with all regulations cited above in one of two ways: • If your property is not currently in compliance, please take appropriate action to bring your property into compliance and notify the city of this action. • If you believe you have received this letter in error or you believe your property is not out of compliance, please contact us so we can discuss this further. Please respond in writing and reference record number DCC2024-00095. You can send photos or other documentation to codecompliance@tigard-or.gov, or mail it to City of Tigard Code Compliance, 13125 SW Hall Blvd., Tigard, OR 97223. If you do 13125 SW Hall Blvd. • Tigard, Oregon 97223 • 503.639.4171 TTY Relay: 503.684.2772 • www.tigard-or.gov not contact us, we will have no way of knowing that the potential code infraction has been resolved or that the request was in error and we may then follow up with other actions including on-site inspection and a possible summons and complaint. This letter also serves as your first formal notice that the City of Tigard may use an abatement service to correct persistent code infractions. The cost of such abatement is at the expense of the property owner and can include a lien on the property. This is in addition to the potential civil penalties discussed above. Your prompt response will be appreciated. It is important to us that Tigard remain a safe, clean, and attractive community. Thank you for your assistance in maintaining Tigard as "A Place to Call Home." Sincerely, Code Compliance City of Tigard 13125 SW Hall Blvd. • Tigard, Oregon 97223 • 503.639.4171 TTY Relay: 503.684.2772 • www.tigard-or.gov