FW_ DCC2023-00045 - 11852 SW Pacific Hwy_ Tigard_ OR to PW Eng 7-25-2023Hi Courtney, We received a response regarding the reported sidewalk construction without a PFI. Can you provide the requested guidance to the respondent? Thanks, Ken From: Monica Aydelotte <maydelotte@bkmcp.com> Sent: Friday, July 21, 2023 3:12 PM To: Code Compliance <CodeCompliance@tigard-or.gov> Subject: DCC2023-00045 - 11852 SW Pacific Hwy, Tigard, OR You don't often get email from maydelotte@bkmcp.com <mailto:maydelotte@bkmcp.com> . Learn why this is important <https://aka.ms/LearnAboutSenderIdentification> Good afternoon – I am in receipt of the above noted violation notice. It is noted that a sidewalk construction in the Right of Way at the address has been built without permitting. In the image below you will see work on the street in a Temporary Construction Easement (TCE) area under the control of the Oregon Department of Transportation. I attach the TCE for your review. Given this is a State project and not the land owner conducting this work, is there a resource at the State level we can contact to ensure proper permits were obtained? Kind Regards. <https://cloud.letsignit.com/collect/bc/64b060af32f54554ccdd21ba?p=GwmyQNPCW2T5OVXxQxhwhMmkDPDz4EksTjoY7AKV4OckgELI1qkUOqA80F7Zf1rIQ3ZR55ppVgUcVoidFFfBySZEpwBshxj0Rlhkpu-IITmpzMHCT4VVu6FjeX7w1fuAW7_ HUORAYQIuQ_oJ3OwPj1IrqoDzmJCHHJSDlj6LlVKvFPk5pb5zdu_3O7kER2ss> MONICA AYDELOTTE Associate Director, Asset Management BKM Management Company O. 206.487.7043 C. 425.531.2395 maydelotte@bkmcp.com <mailto:maydelotte@bkmcp.com> From: Courtney Furman courtney.furman@tigard-or.gov <mailto:courtney.furman@tigard-or.gov> Sent: Thursday, July 6, 2023 3:50 PM To: Ken Ross kenro@tigard-or.gov <mailto:kenro@tigard-or.gov> Cc: Adam Jensen adamj@tigard-or.gov <mailto:adamj@tigard-or.gov> Subject: Garden Place sidewalk Hi Ken, It has been brought to our attention by ODOT that there is sidewalk located on Garden Place near Highway 99 that is not permitted and may not meet our standards (see location highlighted below). I attached a few photos, but there are more located in the folder here: L:\8 - System Infrastructure\Traffic and Parking\Garden Place\Garden Place at 99W Sidewalk\Photos 6-27-2023 Can you send a notice to the property owner that they need to apply for a PFI permit and show their work meets our standards? Let me know if you need anything else from me. Thank you, Courtney Furman | Senior Project Engineer City of Tigard | PW Engineering Direct: 503.718.2442 <tel:5037182442> | Cell: 503.278.0640 <tel:5032780640> 13125 SW Hall Boulevard, Tigard OR 97223 | tigard-or.gov <https://www.tigard-or.gov/> ________________________________ DISCLAIMER: E-mails sent or received by City of Tigard employees are subject to public record laws. If requested, e-mail may be disclosed to another party unless exempt from disclosure under Oregon Public Records Law. E-mails are retained by the City of Tigard in compliance with the Oregon Administrative Rules “City General Records Retention Schedule.”