FW_ Code Compliance Record DCC2023-00045 - 11852 SW Pacific Hwy_ Tigard_ OR to respondent 8-14-2023Hi Olivia, Thank you for responding to our code compliance notice. Per our discussion, please see the email thread below regarding sidewalk repair work conducted in the public right-of-way adjacent to your property at 11852 SW Pacific Hwy in Tigard, Oregon without permit. Please obtain a Public Facilities Improvement (PFI) permit for sidewalk construction and connection to the public right-of-way by completing and submitting the completed the attached PFI permit application to rowpermits@tigard-or.gov <mailto:rowpermits@tigard-or.gov> . I cc’d Sr. Project Engineer Courtney Furman with our Engineering Division on this response. If you have any questions regarding these right-of-way requirements, please call Courtney at 503-718-2442. If you have any additional questions, please call me at 503-718-2581. Thank you for your assistance and compliance, Ken From: Courtney Furman <courtney.furman@tigard-or.gov> Sent: Tuesday, August 1, 2023 5:07 PM To: Ken Ross <kenro@tigard-or.gov>; Monica Aydelotte <maydelotte@bkmcp.com> Subject: RE: Code Compliance Record DCC2023-00045 - 11852 SW Pacific Hwy, Tigard, OR Hi Ken and Monica, The concern was not due to the work that ODOT was doing with their project. The sidewalk south of the ODOT right-of-way along Garden Place is not permitted. This was brought to our attention when ODOT was tying in their improvements to the existing sidewalk. I left a message with you Monica, but haven’t heard back. Let me know if you need additional information, but this has not been resolved yet. Thanks, Courtney Furman | Senior Project Engineer City of Tigard | PW Engineering Direct: 503.718.2442 <tel:5037182442> | Cell: 503.278.0640 <tel:5032780640> 13125 SW Hall Boulevard, Tigard OR 97223 | tigard-or.gov <https://www.tigard-or.gov/> From: Ken Ross <kenro@tigard-or.gov <mailto:kenro@tigard-or.gov> > Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2023 8:25 AM To: Monica Aydelotte <maydelotte@bkmcp.com <mailto:maydelotte@bkmcp.com> > Cc: Courtney Furman <courtney.furman@tigard-or.gov <mailto:courtney.furman@tigard-or.gov> > Subject: Code Compliance Record DCC2023-00045 - 11852 SW Pacific Hwy, Tigard, OR Hi Monica, Thank you for responding to our code compliance notice. I cc’d Sr. Project Engineer Courtney Furman with our Engineering Division on this response. If she has any additional concerns, she will follow up with you. If you have any questions, please call me at 503-718-2581. Thank you for your assistance and compliance, Ken From: Monica Aydelotte <maydelotte@bkmcp.com <mailto:maydelotte@bkmcp.com> > Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2023 8:14 AM To: Code Compliance <CodeCompliance@tigard-or.gov <mailto:CodeCompliance@tigard-or.gov> > Subject: RE: DCC2023-00045 - 11852 SW Pacific Hwy, Tigard, OR You don't often get email from maydelotte@bkmcp.com <mailto:maydelotte@bkmcp.com> . Learn why this is important <https://aka.ms/LearnAboutSenderIdentification> Good morning – Following up on the below message as I have not received a response. As of yesterday afternoon, the temporary sidewalk constructed by ODOT was removed from the property. With the obstruction now removed, I assume there is no longer a need to discuss further steps. Appreciate your time in verifying that this issue is resolved. <https://cloud.letsignit.com/collect/bc/64b060af32f54554ccdd21ba?p=GwmyQNPCW2T5OVXxQxhwhMmkDPDz4EksTjoY7AKV4OckgELI1qkUOqA80F7Zf1rIQ3ZR55ppVgUcVoidFFfBySZEpwBshxj0Rlhkpu-IITmpzMHCT4VVu6FjeX7w1fuAW7_ HUORAYQIuQ_oJ3OwPj1IrqoDzmJCHHJSDlj6LlVKvFPk5pb5zdu_3O7kER2ss> MONICA AYDELOTTE Associate Director, Asset Management BKM Management Company O. 206.487.7043 C. 425.531.2395 maydelotte@bkmcp.com <mailto:maydelotte@bkmcp.com> From: Monica Aydelotte Sent: Friday, July 21, 2023 3:12 PM To: codecompliance@tigard-or.gov <mailto:codecompliance@tigard-or.gov> Subject: DCC2023-00045 - 11852 SW Pacific Hwy, Tigard, OR Good afternoon – I am in receipt of the above noted violation notice. It is noted that a sidewalk construction in the Right of Way at the address has been built without permitting. In the image below you will see work on the street in a Temporary Construction Easement (TCE) area under the control of the Oregon Department of Transportation. I attach the TCE for your review. Given this is a State project and not the land owner conducting this work, is there a resource at the State level we can contact to ensure proper permits were obtained? Kind Regards. <https://cloud.letsignit.com/collect/bc/64b060af32f54554ccdd21ba?p=GwmyQNPCW2T5OVXxQxhwhMmkDPDz4EksTjoY7AKV4OckgELI1qkUOqA80F7Zf1rIQ3ZR55ppVgUcVoidFFfBySZEpwBshxj0Rlhkpu-IITmpzMHCT4VVu6FjeX7w1fuAW7_ HUORAYQIuQ_oJ3OwPj1IrqoDzmJCHHJSDlj6LlVKvFPk5pb5zdu_3O7kER2ss> MONICA AYDELOTTE Associate Director, Asset Management BKM Management Company O. 206.487.7043 C. 425.531.2395 maydelotte@bkmcp.com <mailto:maydelotte@bkmcp.com> ________________________________ DISCLAIMER: E-mails sent or received by City of Tigard employees are subject to public record laws. If requested, e-mail may be disclosed to another party unless exempt from disclosure under Oregon Public Records Law. E-mails are retained by the City of Tigard in compliance with the Oregon Administrative Rules “City General Records Retention Schedule.” ⢊ꈀ⢊ꈀ⢊ꈀ⢊ꈀ⢊ꈀ⢊ꈀ⢊ꈀ⢊ꈀ⢊ꈀ⢊ꈀ⢊鼃�鏼ዟÿ⫘→䔀礵씇錄뼷%�ﺏ붒㝻⊋龷�㟤彷땥侓⚝溜捈콠犴᳘痠秅옏괈ﻭ砆᭖꽋�⷇䎢子͈㳭䞮㴸䀳ᑅݐ粀r錀ﵗᄌ흓ힿ粀r錀ﵗᄌ흓킿䔁倔䔁倔䔁倔封씿㏍盡禳睡ꔽ绌쥆邠邙〜烤ﱈ롫微ῢ⾇夼巠䍋銰뱮趭ျ沃Ȥ⥺䃭䔝儔Հ儔Հ儔Հ儔Ṁ﹋ፎ忁ÿ侥~帀﹋ፎ忁ÿ侥~䀀ᐅ䁑ܜトﲮd렀﹯檈丛㰯걇돩㍩嫛秘䔞�薘澛ߊ终艓੿ꃙ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨꬂ幟 綺﷍黜땝䶴켴뚴凔躹✇�햬羶屧ÿ不渟鯲↓栀韏惦�鶷욹칱̨윾멚뮸எྯ뛪☋䭂鈿룩瀂ꥼ꼜⿀츘荊퍲퍖᮵ꮋ⵻홂篦⏮斂蕶䚲̜㦕셓㗴槌琺殐佶碤뛃裗䃒녇ʀ攨亮繇盐ᮡ薱ꐩ멩纜蜗靆땁稗蹾뗮䜆⫶嗭챂扡涙໛簂٨鄾頦ଵ�蘶⥋傒䮲䘢 菣錢ᗟ⵮乗咗䮛傋綴ᑂ⷟첢咦㹞䱦࿤箙ṷ습ꇃ詸멐蚻䗺嶚쀠꙯䆂퉸ᡊᕂ樗삒�猄閟楮Ḿⷕ䧼먐謺�埪ⴓ뒰焞ᮛ匀㸻섧唎뱳₆怨�랺哞চ㱐䙲闁賔ࢂ࣪姯碑�ൻ틞忺Ԟ覀㺥䱂ပ 럡鄕홆矚扤躷虇嵈㏐♅죒퉎䝆⎱돞欴謫卍㏄ṏ׵Κᶸⷨ辠�〲틧⎀얛ᗚ�驶�௤ꄆ遰쩈㊒੯鋍傌溕ᗣ먤짺潩ꍷ쿘宮뭏椓�඲ᾧ祐杻煎橒唺쯂꽯㫪⩺掭⪷低﯍鳈鳧익⬝唯熳٩ꦟ፨꫸翕♸涙쐙澙达⃥냂匊ﰤϙ«ڋ銵컺響䯳⒂蕐塣䛠斍⯋좺᭱ﲣ�ضᕘԝힽ⟚讻黈댿⋊⋟奭䕾졽西絾ﺹ냲峭栂ⅾ뎾ﯡ⦋௵拍⋕䙭ꐰ캆瘫䱩늎鸟戶ᡕ憕닕튣(誢(誢(誢(誢(誢(誢(誢(誢(誢(誢(誢(誢(誢̨쐫墒幽前☙틓曊誺蘳艸᰹쾕ᶯ 쏸㿶凸ᒾ쿾ﻳ線뼼䦳纷㟞ᥣ竇翵=준ﴯ꺂坓粐s錀ﵟᄌ퀫뼇䗑Ĕῠ뼔ᔼÿ㽮哺ᐟ㳡5渀憎儀ᑅ儀ᑅ儀ᑅ圀勇䳳巸�嵘槏έ늑⑨먱摦ఇ᰹㼒鈫闸徠齸꒭ꩩ禍⌲蹄䏻鄔湟ɺ遂옳쥈栝괃誢(誢(誢(誢̨㻀缩싉⭸�㻀缩싉⭸�ꈀ⢊阃ﳐ祇碩엫ᱚ샑몶�츾ꓨ礻ឱ읭㰸ゎ䵝Ṱ3鈀︓뿡⇺뾫ʠ⢊ʠ⢊ʠ⢊ʠ⢊ʠ⢊ʠ⢊ʠ⢊ʠ⢊ʠ⢊ʠ⢊ʠ⢊ʠ⢊ʠ⢊ʠ⢊ʠ⢊ʠ⢊ʠ⢊ʠ⢊ʠ⢊ʠ⢊ʠ⢊ʠ⢊ʠ⢊ʠ⢊ಠኯ덩ṫ픗 믴䕶毊�䉂璆प磆ᶯ쇸脟ᒾ룠◲讴럎뛉䇚᮹鲺ὤሯ썙碨坟뢲䮻⸸꘬䮊㆙ᖶ⁤즹⬝织䌰潯㏰냂�ꩽ㧚ቭ輛Ꜭ芜䷚뒯맲췴笀ᒽ䁑Ğ䯱仾섓 ̄ꔀ幏ÿŞ䯱仾섓 ̄ꔀ幏ÿՀ儔Հ儔Հ儔Հ�㔔䞽뿃딎坝롊㷻Ử靗씮뭽䖦〼ꄣꬽ꺱讆ꯎ榥v栀龽�뮩ꡬ雇琠봇瘀儔E儔E儔E儔Eݸ⿅㣹Տ�ﺏ㶕ﵻݸ⿅㣹Տ�ﺏ㶕ﵻ᐀䕑挀�裧鷵洶符孫⌏뷈댐省鹿쨏佰寡쬵繨밣볔ອ嵛枟剴밝诘ẜᡇꚮ઀ꈨ઀ꈨ઀ꈨ઀ꈨ઀ꈨ઀ꈨ઀ꈨ઀ ꈨ઀ꈨ઀ꈨ઀ꈨ઀ꈨ઀ꈨ઀ꈨ઀ꈨ઀ꈨ઀ꈨ઀ꈨ઀ꈨ઀ꈨ઀ꈨ઀ꈨ઀ꈨ઀ꈨ㦀ÿ=준ﴯ꺂坓粐s錀ﵟᄌ휫碱ৎ벮笋ꑸ禚�㖊츬㛆