DCC2023-00045 - 11852 SW Pacific Hwy_ Tigard_ OR from respondent 7-21-2023You don't often get email from maydelotte@bkmcp.com. Learn why this is important<https://aka.ms/LearnAboutSenderIdentification> Good afternoon – I am in receipt of the above noted violation notice. It is noted that a sidewalk construction in the Right of Way at the address has been built without permitting. In the image below you will see work on the street in a Temporary Construction Easement (TCE) area under the control of the Oregon Department of Transportation. I attach the TCE for your review. Given this is a State project and not the land owner conducting this work, is there a resource at the State level we can contact to ensure proper permits were obtained? Kind Regards. [https://storage-use.letsignit.com/63d047bbf05552421994131a/generated/effects_7f5df398ad09af2171457bdd8d6106b1e8ab0f2b2e99d9293437d6a2.png]<https://cloud.letsignit.com/collect/bc/64b060af32f54554ccdd 21ba?p=GwmyQNPCW2T5OVXxQxhwhMmkDPDz4EksTjoY7AKV4OckgELI1qkUOqA80F7Zf1rIQ3ZR55ppVgUcVoidFFfBySZEpwBshxj0Rlhkpu-IITmpzMHCT4VVu6FjeX7w1fuAW7_HUORAYQIuQ_oJ3OwPj1IrqoDzmJCHHJSDlj6LlVKvFPk5pb5zdu_3O7kER2ss > MONICA AYDELOTTE Associate Director, Asset Management BKM Management Company O. 206.487.7043 C. 425.531.2395 maydelotte@bkmcp.com [cid:image001.png@01D9BA60.5B104540]