Specifications (3) . ., , fivz SD-Q2 . liqcd 61,1)40i-den PL. Ndy 7 : ..,,p-, - t-Y , -:-..,,,:i,. „ -rw. , :•.® A.- ',..' ' ■:;,-;%',,, ' J' ' '''' '' '' •V' www.apc.com NetworkAIRTM FM -15" ECEIVE' Computer Room Air-Conditioning-60 Hz 35-150 kW (10-45 tons) ,,i t 't OF TIGARD -,,,, iimiNG DIVISION • t. • :-. ; :. /-'-- . 7' II . 7,-,'•-;•.: , - . :- ? :.. - : '; : 7: . I . .; — ; • ''.-:=-'.. ... '; : - :',.: .', '..., : , , 7 .; 7: • ; .‘, ,: ; . - , 1 7 ; - : •. . : ;.;-''', s '-'-, ' ; : ; • . , .. ...f.: .. : : •:. • ;: ,, 1 • 1 '''' 1: 1 '• I -... —:..-' • " ' : : ' C i ' - 1 ; ' i• , ;, cL *4-'9,,,‘ i :- • ' . I ::' , . 1 ' : - i , . 1 . I :.,! 1 :. , . I , . . , • . , . ' . . . • I . . . ..- . , I - ■ , ! ; • - • I • , . , . . , OCP 503 .768.9178 I i to co .;:,..0 • Technical Data o Upflow models FM 35 -50 Upflow components u i (1711.111116---: �r ',► � o r' .-- u (0 h .,,, ,___41,6„..._ P .■,,,,.............■,..........■....,.......'"..--..............,, ,. I q i - : rn i i ' ." :, 0, 431 Ar 70t11 1111111 - : •''. ": .---------° 11 1 ____,-% l oill! ' II .4 An e47,, , 55211 i _________________--0 ® Motor and blower assembly 0 Customer interface box ® Distributor nozzle ® Firestat (optional) o Economizer coil (optional) ® Air filters o DX -coil m Disconnect handle 0 Condensate pan ® Display interface ® Liquid refrigerant receiver ® AMP connector /RJ45 connector ® Brazed plate condenser (water and glycol models) ® Electrical panel o Tandem compressors m Smoke detector (optional) o Humidifier m Duct flange (optional) m Condensate pump 0 Electric reheat . , APC NetworkAIRTM FM 11 • . Downflow models ' FM 35 -50 Downflow components A ------____ .___._______________ r i ,___- (D II 0 ' I lt:, ___ il --.. .____ , -iv 4 0 04 ■........e .. i.., -z .„ (,„/ ,,,.. , p4,..,,, \_ 1, , \ : . . t ■ -1 7 ek- 0. f v. o Air filters ® Smoke detector (optional) o Economizer coil (optional) ® Customer interface box o DX -coil ® AMP connector /RJ45 connector O Condensate pan C) Electrical panel o Motor and blower assembly ® Disconnect handle O Liquid refrigerant receiver m Firestat (optional) o Brazed plate condenser (water and glycol models) ® Display interface o Tandom compressor m Distributor nozzle O Humidifier @ Electric reheat G Condensate pump . C 12 APC NetworkAIRTM FM Performance Specifications Air Cooled NET COOLING CAPACITY - BTU/HR (LW) j FM 35 FM 40 I FM 50 80F DB, 67F WB (26.7C DB, 19.4C WB) 50% RH 57 O) Total 123,000 (36 0) 150,000 (44 0) 195,000 ( Sensible 111,000 (32 6) 133.000 (38 9) 166 000 (48 6) I 75F DB, 62.5F WB (23.9C DB, 16.9C WO) 50% RH Total 114,000 (33 3) 138,000 (40 6) 179,000 (52 3) Sensible 11 1 000 132 3) 130,000 (38 0) 162.000 (47 3) 75F DB, 61FWB(23.9C DB, 16.1CWB)45 %RH Total »3 115,000 (33 6) 140,000 ( 41 0) 182,000 (53 3) 3 53 Sensible 1 15,000 (33 6) ( 140,000 (41 0) 182,000 (- ) 72F DB, 60F WB (22.2C DB, 15.5C \\ B) 50% RH Total 109,000 (31 9) 132,000 (38 6) 170,000 (49 9) Sensible ' 106,000 (31 0) 127,000 (37 0) 157.000 (46 0) 72F DB, 58.6 WB (22.2D DB, 14.8C W'B) 45% RH Total 110,000 (32 3) 135,000 (39 3) 174,000 (51 0 ) Sensible 110.000 (32 3) 135,000 (39 3) 174,000 (51 0) ` 70F DB, 58.5F \ \B (21.1C DB. I4.8C \'B) 50% RH Total 106.000 (30 9) 129.000 (37 6) 165,000 (48 3) I Sensible 103 000 (30 3) � 124,000 (36 3) 153,000 (44 9) 1 70F DB, 57.2F WB (21.1C DB, 14.0C \'B) 45% RH 169,000 149 3 Total 107,000 (31 3) 131,000 (38 3) ) I Sensible 107,000 (31 3) 131,000 (38 3) 169,000 (49 3) MULTICOOL - NET COOLING CAPACITY DATA - BTU /HR (kW`) - 45F (7.2C) EWT 80F DB, 67F WB (26.7C DB, 19.4C WB) 50% RH Total 183,000 (53 6) 211,000 (61 6) 254,000 (74 3) Sensible 140,000 (41 3) 163,000 (47 6) 196.000 (57 3) 75F DB, 62.5F WB (23.9C DB, 16.9C W'B) 50% RH 169.000 (49 6 205,000 (60 0) Total 147,000 (43 3) ) Sensible 129,000 (37 9) 149,000 (43 6) 181,000 (52 9) 75F DB, 6IF WB (23.9C DB, 16.IC WB) 45% RH 200,000 58 3 D Total 144,000 (42 0) 164,000 (48 0) ( ) Sensible 137,000 (40 0) I 157,000 (46 0) 191,000 (55 9) j 7 2F DB, 60F \ \`B (22.2C DB, 15.5C WB) 50% RH 147.000 (43 0 179,000 (52 6) Total 126,000 (36 9) ) Sensible 120,000 (35 0) 138,000 (40 3) I 167,000 (48 9) 72F DB, 58.6 WB (22.2D DB, 14.8C WB) 45% RH Total 120,000 (35 0) 138,000 (40.3) 168.000 (49 3) Sensible 120.000 (35 0) 138.000 (40 3) ( 168,000 (49 3) i 70F DB, 58.5F WB (21.1C DB, 14.8C WB) 50% RH Total 117,000 (34 3) 133.000 (38 9) I 162,000 (47 6) Sensible I 112,000 (32 9) 128,000 (37 6) 156,000 (45 6 ) I I 70F DB, 57.2F WB (21,1C DB, 14.0C WB) 45% RH Total 1 10,000 (32 3) I 126,000 (37 0) 154,000 (45 3) 3) Sensible 1 10,000 (32 3) � 126,000 (37 0) I 154,000 (45 ) \IULTICOOL REQUIREMENTS - CHILLED WATER, 45F (7.2C) EWT Water In -- GPM (L /s) 28 0 (1 8) 33 0 (2 1) 44 0 (2 8 ) Pressure Drop - psig (kPa) 66(455) 101(696) 152(1048) AIR SYSTEM - DIRECT DRIVE CENTRIFUGAL 8,300 (3,920 Air Volume - CFM (L /s) 6.000 (2,830) 7 { ,.00 (3 400) (3,920) 4 (3) 4 (3 4 (3) ) Blower Motor - HP (kW') � 0 5 (125 External Static Pressure - inches of water (Pa) I 0 5 (125) 0 5 (125) ) I Number of Blowers 2 2 2 COMPRESSOR - TANDEM SCROLL � EER 158 149 142 Qua ntity 2 (tandem) 2 (tandem) 2 (tandem) Quantity Nominal HP (kW') 90(671) 113(843) 156(1164) � � EVAPORATOR COIL -- V FRAME, COPPER TUBE /ALUMINUM FIN Face Area - ft (m 21 (1 95) I 21 (1 95) 21 (1 95) I 3 3 Rows Deep I 3 Face Velocity - FP \I (m /s) 286 (1 45) 343 (1 74) 428 (2 17) HL\IIDIFICAT1O1 - SOLID STATE ELECTRODE CANISTER automatic automatic automatic Flush Cycle Capacity' - Lbs/hr (Kg/hr) 10 (45 3) 10 (4 53) 10 (4 53) kW 32 I 32 ! 32 APC NetworkAIRTM FM 13 Performance Specifications —Air Cooled Performance Specifications - Air Cooled I F\I (tons -kW) F\1 35 F\I 40 j FM 50 FILTERS Quantity j 5 5 5 Size — Inches (mm) 12 8 0 (325 12 8 <29 0 (325'737) j 12 8 0 (325 x737) Depth — Inches(mm) 4)1008) j 4(1008) 4(1008) REHEAT Electric — Equally Loaded Three (3) Phase, Finned Tubular, Loa -Watt Density - SCR Controlled Capacity — BTU /HR (kW) Includes Motor Heat` j 32,400 (9 5) j 32.400 (9 5) j 32,400 (9 5) Stages j I j I Hot Water -- 180F (82.2C) EWT, 140F (60.0C) LWT Capacity — BTU /HR (kW) Includes Motor Heat j 84 000 (24 6) 92,000 (27 0) 106.000 (31 3) GPM (L /s) 3 8 (0 240) j 4 2 (0 265) 4 5 (0 284) Pressure Drop -- PSI (kPA) ; 3 7 (25 7) 4 5 (3 1 1) 5 2 (35 9) Steam — 15 psig (103.3 kPa) Capacity — BTU /HR (LW') Includes Motor Heat 139,000 )40 6) 149.000 (41 0) 157,000 (46 0) J Control Vaise Solenoid Solenoid Solenoid PHYSICAL DATA Weight — Ibs (kg) j 1 180 (535) 1180 (535) ( 1290 (585) Height — Inches (mm) 76 0 (1,930) 76 0 (1,930) j 76 0 (1,930) Length — Inches (mm) 709(1800) 709(1,800) 709(1.800) Depth — Inches(mm) 350(889) I 350(889) j 350(889) CONNECTION SIZES** Air Liquid Line -- inches 7/8 I 7/8 j 7/8 Discharge Line — inches 1 -1/8 1 -118 j 1 -1/8 Hot Water Supply Line -- inches 1/2 1/2 I 1/2 ReturnLine -- inches 1/2 1/2 1/2 Steam Supply Line -- inches j 1/2 1/2 1/2 Humidifier Supply Line -- inches 1/4 1/4 j I/4 Condensate Drain Drain Line -- inches j 7/8 j 7/8 j 7/8 MultiCool j r Supply Line -- inches 1 -1/2 1 -1/2 1 -1/2 Return Line -- inches 1 -1/2 1 -1/2 1 -1/2 "W ith equal loading on each phase, rated at 240\ / 3- phase, 480\ / 3 -phase and 575V / 3 -phase * *Connections sizes, not recommended piping sizes 14 APC NetworkAIRTM FM Performance Specifications Water Cooled 'NET COOLING CAPACITY - BTU /HR (kW) FM 35 FM 40 I FM 50 80F DB, 67F WB (26.7C DB, 19.4C WB) 50% RH Total 133,000 (3 8 9) 161.000 (4 7 3) I 209,000 (61 3) Sensible I 116,000 (33 9) 138,000 (40 3) 172.000 (50 5) 75F DB, 62.5F\'B(23.9C DB, 169C WB) 50 %RH Total 123,000 (35 9) 149,000 (43 6) 193,000 (56 3) Sensible 113.000 (33 3) 135 000 (39 6) I 169,000 (49 6) 75F DB, 6IFWB(23.9CDB, 16.IC WB) 45% RH Total 123,000 (35 9) 150,000 (43 9) 188,000 (55 3) Sensible 123,000 (35 9) j 150,000 (43 9) I 183,000 (53 6) 72F DB, 60F WB (22.2C DB, 15.5C WB) 50% RH Total 117,000 (34 3) 142,000 (41 6) I 184.000 (53 6) Sensible ' 111.000 (32 3) 1 132,000 (38 6) 165,000 (48 3) 72F DB, 58.6\B(22.2ODB, 14.8C WB) 45% RH Total 118,000 (34 6) I 144,000 (42 0) 187,000 (54 6) Sensible I 118.000 (34 6) I 144,000 (42 0) I 187,000 (54 6) 70F DB, 58,5F WB (21.IC DB, 14.8C WB) 50% RH Total 114,000 (33 3) 138,000 (40 6) j 178.000 (52 0) Sensible 108.000 (31 6) I 128,000 (37 6) I 160,000 (46 9) 70F DB, 57.2F WB (21.IC DB, 14.0C WB) 45% RH Total 115,000 (33 6) 140.000 (40 9) 181,000 (53 0) 1 Sensible 115,000 (33 6) 140,000 (40 9) I 181.000 (53 0) \IULTICOOL - NET COOLING CAPACITY DATA - BTU /HR (kW) - 45 F (7.2 C) EWT 80F DB, 67F WB (26.7C DB, 19.4C WB) 50% RH I Total 183.000 (53.6) 211,000 (61 6) I 254,000 (74 3) Sensible 140,000 (41 3) 163,000 (47 6) 196,000 (57 3) 1 75F DB, 62,5F WB (23.9C DB, 16.9C WB) 50% RH Total 147,000 (43 3) 169,000 (49 6) I 205,000 (60 0) Sensible 129,000 (37 9) 149,000 (43 6) 181,000 (52 9) 75F DB, 61F WB (23.9C DB, 16.IC1\'B)45% RH Total 144.000 (42.0) I 164,000 (48 0) 200,000 (58 3) e `'- Sensible 1 137,000 (40 0) 157,000 (46 0) I 191,000 (55 9) 72F DB, 60F WB (22.2C DB, I5.5C WB) 50% RH Total 126.000 (36 9) 147,000 (43 0) I 179,000 (52 6) Sensible 120,000 (35 0) I 138,000 (40 3) 167,000 (48 9) 72F DB, 58.6 WB (22.2C DB, 14.8C WB) 45% RH Total 120,000 (35 0) j 138,000 (40 3) I 168,000 (49 3) I Sensible 120,000 (35 0) I 138.000 (40 3) I 168,000 (49 3) 70F DB, 58.5F WB (21.IC DB, 14.8C WB) 50% RH Total 117,000 (34 3) I 133,000 (38 9) 162.000 (47 6) Sensible I 112,000 (32 9) 128,000 (37 6) 156,000 (45 6) 70F DB, 57.2F WB (21.1C DB, 14.0C WB) 45% RH Total 110,000 (32 3) 126,000 (37 0) 154,000 (45 3) Sensible I 110,000 (32 3) I 126,000 (37 0) 154.000 (45 3) COOLANT REQUIREMENTS THR - A1BH (kW) 162.000 (47 6) 199,000 (58 3) I 263,000 (77 0) 65 F (18.3 C) Water In - GPM (L/s) j 81(05) I 100(06) I 132(08) Pressure Drop -psig (kPa) I 0 3 (2 1 ) 0.3 (2 1) j 0 3 (2 1) 75 F (23.9 C) Water In - GPM (L/s) I 125(08) 153(10) I 203(13) Pressure Drop - psig (kPa) I 0 7 (4 8) 0 7 (4 8) I 0 8 (4 9) 85 F (29.4 C) Water In - GPM (L/s) I 295(19) I 362(23) I 47.9(30) Pressure Drop - psig (kPa) j 3 6 (24 8) 3 7 (25 5) 3 9 (26 9) I \ILLTICOOL REQUIREMENTS - CHILLED WATER, 45F (7.2C) EWT Water In - GPM (L /s) 28 0 (1 8) I 33 0 (2 I) I 44 0 (2 8) I Pressure Drop - psig (kPa) 6 6 (45 5) I 10 ((69 6) I 15 2 (104 8) !WATER REGULATING VALVES I Size -- 2 Way Ball Valve - Inches, NPT (Cv)* 1-1/2 (35) 1.1/2 (35) 1-1/2 (35) . I Size - -3 Way Ball Valve - Inches, NPT (Cy ) ** j 1-1/2 (35) 1-1/2 (35) j 1-1/2 (35) I AIR SYSTEM - DIRECT DRIVE CENTRIFUGAL Air Volume -- CF\I (L /s) ; 6,000 (2.830) I 7.200 (3,400) I 8.300 (3,920) 1 Blower Motor - HP (kW) I 4 (3) 4 (3) j 4 (3) ! External Static Pressure - inches of water (Pa) 0 5 (125) 0 5 (125) j 0 5 (125) I Number of Blowers I 2 j 2 2 -2 -Way Single Seated, 400 psig W max "*3-W ay Single Seated, 400 psig W.W.P. max APC NetworkAIRTM FM 15 • I Performance Specifications —Water Cooled Performance Specifications —Water Cooled FM (tons -kW) ( FM 35 FM 40 FM 50 COMPRESSOR -- TANDEM SCROLLS EER 201 186 178 Quantity I 2ltandeml 2 (tandem) 2 (tandem) Nominal HP (k \\) I 90(67!) 11 3 (8 43) 15 6 (11 64) EVAPORATOR COIL — V FRAME, COPPER TUBE /ALI \IINUM FIN Face Area -- ft (m 21 (1 95) 21 (1 95) 21 (1 95) Rosss Deep 3 3 3 Face Velocity — FP1I (m /s) 286 ( 1 4 5 ) I 343 ( 1 74) 428 (2 17 ) HUMIDIFICATION -- SOLID STATE ELECTRODE CANISTER Flush Cycle automatic automatic automatic ' Capacity— Lbs /hr (■g /hr) j 10(45±) 10(453) 10(453) kW j 32 32 32 FILTERS Quantity I 3 - 5 Size — Inches(mm) 1284290(325'737) 12 8 0 (325 128 290(325 Depth -- Inches (mm) 4 (100 8) 4 (100 8) 4 (100 8) ( REHEAT Electric -- Equally Loaded Three (3) Phase, Finned Tubular, Loss -\latt Density Capacity — BTU /HR (LW) Includes Motor Heat* 32.400 (9 5) I 32 400 (9 5) 32.400 (9 5) Stages I I HotWater — 180F (82.2C) E \ \T, 140F (63.9C) L\\'T Capacity - BTU /HR (k \V) Includes Motor Heat 84 000 (24 6) 92,000 (27 0) 106,000 (31 3) GP\I(L/s) 38(0240) I 42(0265) I 45(0284) Pressure Drop -- PSI(kPA) 37(257) 45(311) 5 Hot Gas Reheat Capacity — BTL /HR (LW) Includes Motor Heat 46 000 (13 5) 53.000 (15 7) 60.000 (17 7) Steam -- 15 prig (103.3 kPa) Capacity — BTU /HR (LW) Includes Motor Heat 139,000 (40 6) 149.000 (41 0) 157,000 (46 0) Control Vahe Solenoid Solenoid Solenoid PH1 SICAL DATA \ \eight-- Ibs(kg) 1215(551) 12_ 1340 (608) Height — Inches(mm) 76 (1.930) 76 (1,930) 76 (I 930) Length -- Inches(mm) 709(1800) { 709(1.800) ` 709(1.800) 11 Depth -- Inches (mm) 35 (889) J 35 (889) � 35 (889) J 1 CONNECTION SIZES ** Water In /Out -- Inches 1 -1/2 I 1 -1/2 1 -1/2 Hot Water Supply Line — Inches 1/2 1/2 ` 1/2 Return Line — Inches 112 1/2 1/2 Steam Supply Line -- Inches 1/2 112 1/2 Humidifier Supply Line -- Inches 114 1/4 1/4 Condensate Drain Drain Line -- Inches j 7/8 7/8 7/3 \IultiCool Supply Line -- Inches I 1 -1/2 1-1/2 1-1/2 Return Line— Inches 1 -1/2 I -1/2 1 -1/2 \\ ith equal loading on each phase, rated at 240V 13-phase, 480V / 3 -phase and 575\ / 3 -phase * *Connections sizes, not recommended piping sizes 1 • f I 16 APC NetworkAIRTM FM Performance Sp ecifrcatrons— Glycol Cooled Performance Specifications— Glycol Cooled FM (tons -kW) FM 35 FM 40 FM 50 ' I COOLANT REQUIREMENTS j THR -- MBH (kW) j 166.000 (48 6) 206,000 (60 3) 271.000 (79 6) j 105F(40.6C) Glycol In-- GPM (L /s) I 245(15) j 30.5 (1 9) 401(25) I Pressure Drop with HX, and Dry coolers -- psig (kPa) 8 5 (58 6) 9 3 (64 I) 6 8 (46 8) j Pressure Drop w/ HX, Drycooler, PC Cod — psig (kPa) 15.1 (104 I) 19 5 (134 4) j 21 6 (148 9) VIULTICOOL REQUIREMENTS - CHILLED WATER, 45F (7.2C) EN NT I \laterin— GPVI(L /s) j 280(18) 330(2 I) 440(28) I Pressure Drop — psig (kPa) j 6 6 (45 5) 10 1 (69 6) (52(1048) I WATER REGULATING VALVES Size - -2 Way Ball Valve— Inches, NPT (Cv)* 1 -1/2 (35) j 1 -112 (35) I -I/2 (35) I Size -- 3 Way Ball Valve — Inches, NPT (Cy) ** j 1 -1/2 (35) j I -1/2 (35) I -1/2 (35) I AIR SYSTEM — DIRECT DRIVE CENTRIFUGAL Air Volume -- CFVI (L /s) 6.000 (2.830) j 7,200 (3.400) 8.300 (3 920) Blower Motor — HP (kW) 4 (3) j 4 (3) 4 (3) External Static Pressure — inches of water (Pa) 0 5 (125) j 0 5 (125) 0 5 (125) Number of Blowers j 2 { 2 I 2 COMPRESSOR — TANDEM SCROLL EER j 14 5 138 132 Quantity I 2 (tandem) j 2 (tandem) 2 (tandem) Nominal HP (kW) 90(671) j 113(8 j 156 (II 64) EVAPORATOR COIL — V FRAME, COPPER TUBE /ALUMINUM FIN Face Area — ft2(m2) 21 (I 95) I 21 (1 95) I 21 (1 95) Rows Deep j 3 3 j 3 Face Velocity -- FPII (m /s) ( 286 (1 45) 343 (1 74) 428 (2 17) HUMIDIFICATION -- SOLID STATE ELECTRODE CANISTER Flush Cycle automatic j automatic I automatic Capacity -- Lbs /hr(Kg/hr) j 10(453) 10(453) 10(4 53) kW j 32 j 32 32 FILTERS Quantity j 5 5 5 Size -- Inches (mm) j 12 8 29 0 (325 .737) 12 8' 29 0 (325 12 829 0 (325'737) Depth — Inches(mm) 4 (1008) j 4 (100 8) 4 (100 8) REHEAT Electric — Equally Loaded Three (3) Phase, Finned Tubular, Low -Watt Density Capacity -- BTU /HR (kW) Includes Motor Heat * ** 32,400 (9 5) 32,400 (9 5) 32,400 (9 5) 41 Stages 1 I I Hot Water — 180F (82.2C) EW'T, 140F (63.9C) LW'T Capacity - BTU /HR (kW) Includes Motor Heat I 84,000 (24 6) 92,000 (27 0) 106.000 (31 3) GPM (L /s) 3 8 (0 240) 4 2 (0 265) 4 5 (0 284) Pressure Drop — PSI (kPa) 37(257) j 45(311) p 52(359) Hot Gas Reheat Capacity -- BTU /HR (kW) Includes Motor Heat j 60.000 (17 5) 69,000 (20 I) 81,000 (23 7) Steam -- 15 psig (103.3 kPa) Capacity -- BTU /HR (kW) Includes Motor Heat 139,000 (40 6) j 149,000 (41 0) j 157.000 (46 0) Control Valve Solenoid I Solenoid Solenoid PUMP SYSTEM Horsepower j 3/4 I 1 -1/2 Total Head a Design GPM — Feet (m) 60 (18 3) j 70 (21 3) 75 (22 9) As ailable Est. Head — Feet (in) 41 (12 5) j 49 (14 8) 60 (18 3) FLUID COOLER -- 95F (35C) GPM (L /s) j 24 5 (1 5) 30 5 (1 9) j 40 I (2 5) Pressure Drop — Feet (m) 133(4 l) j 141(43) j 52(16) PHYSICAL DATA Weight — Ibs (kg) j 1220 (553) 1230 (558) 1350 (612) Height -- Inches (mm) j 76 (I 930) j 76 (1,930) j 76 (1,930) Length — Inches(mm) 709(1,800) j 709(1.800) 709(1.800) Depth — Inches (mm) 35 (889) 35 (889) 35 (889) CONNECTION SIZES * ** Glycol In/Out — Inches 1 -112 1 -1/2 I -12 Hot 1Vater Supply Line — Inches 1/2 f 1/2 ; 112 Return Line — Inches i (2 1/2 I/2 Steam Supply Line — Inches 1/2 1/2 j 112 Humidifier Supply Line — Inches If4 ('4 j 1/4 Condensate Drain Drain Line -- Inches 7/8 7/8 7/8 VlultiCool j j Supply Line — Inches I -lit j I -I/2 ( -1/ ReturnLine -- Inches 1 -1/2 j I -1/2 I I -1/2 18 APC NetworkAIRTM FM • • Electrical Data AIR COOLED REHEAT 1 Electric 1 Steam, Hot Water or None 1 Electric 1 Steam, Hot Water or None HUMIDIFIER 1 Electrode Canister - Steam 1 Electrode Canister - Steam 1 Steam or None 1 Steam or None VOLTAGE I 208 1 230 1 460 I 575 1 208 1 230 I 460 1 575 1 208 I 230 I 460 I 575 1 208 1 230 1 460 1 575 F\1 35 FLA( 660 1 642 1 312 1 257 1 660 1 642 1 312 1 257 1 536 1 487 1 243 1 195 1 444 1 404 1 202 1 162 WSA1 847 1 82I 1 400 1 330 1 847 1 821 1 400 1 330 1 692 1 627 1 315 1 252 1 577 1 524 1 263 1 21 1 MOP( 900 1 900 1 400 j 350 1 900 1 900 1 400 1 350 1 800 1 700 1 350 1 300 1 700 1 600 1 300 1 250 FM 40 FLA 1 79 0 1 75 8 1 37 0 1 30 3 1 79.0 1 75 8 1 37 0 1 30 0 1 66 6 1 60 3 1 30 1 1 24 1 1 57 4 1 52 0 1 26 0 1 20 8 WSA 1 940 j 949 1 457 1 379 1 940 1 949 1 457 1 379 1 784 755 1 37I 1 302 1 670 1 652 1 319 1 261 1 MOP1 1000 1 1000 1 500 j 400 110001 10001 500 1 400 1 900 900 1 450 1 350 1 800 1 800 1 400 1 300 FM 50 FLA 1 98 7 93 8 1 46 I! 37.5 1 98 7 1 93 8 1 46 1 1 37 5 86 3 78 3 39 2 31 4 1 77 I 70 0 35 1 28 0 WSA( 132.2 132.0 1 65 9 51 1 1 132 2 1 132 0 1 65 9 1 51 1 116 7 112 6 57 3 43.3 1 105 2 102 2 52 1 39 2 MOP' 1500 1 1 5 0 0 1 700 600 1 1500 1 1500 1 700 1 600 1 125.0 1250 700 500 1 1250 1250 600 50.0 WATER COOLED REHEAT I Electric I Steam, Hot Water or one I Electric 1 Steam, Hot Water or None HUMIDIFIER 1 Electrode Canister - Steam I Electrode Canister - Steam Steam or None 1 Steam or None VOLTAGE 1 208 1 230 I 460 1 575 1 208 1 230 1 460 I 575 208 1 230 I 460 1 575 I 208 I 230 1 460 1 575 FM 35 FLA( 620 1 606 1 294 1 242 1 620 1 606 294 1 242 1 496 451 22.5 180 1 404 36.8 184 14.7 WSA 1 84 7 1 82.1 1 40 0 1 33.0 184 7 1 82 1 40 0 33 0 1 69 2 62 7 31 5 25 2 1 57 7 52.4 26 3 21 MOP I 900 1 900 1 400 1 350 1 900 1 900 1 400 1 350 1 80.0 70.0 350 30.0 1 700 600 300 250 FM 40 FLAI 752 1 724 1 353 1 290 1 752 1 724 1 353 1 290 1 628 569 284 228 1 536 486 243 195 WSA j 94 0 94 9 1 45 7 1 37 9 1 94 0 1 94 9 1 45 7 1 37 9 1 78 4 75 5 37 I 30 2 1 67 0 65.2 31 9 26 1 MOP1 100.0 1 100 0 1 50 0 1 40 0 1 100 0 1 100 0 1 50 0 1 40 0 1 90 0 90 0 45.0 35 0 1 80 0 80 0 40 0 30 0 FM 50 FLA( 932 1 888 1 436 1 355 1 932 1 888 1 436 1 355 1 808 733 36.7 294 1 716 650 326 260 WSA1 132.211320 659 1 511 11322113201 659 1 511 1 1167 1126 573 433 1 1052 1022 521 392 MOP! 150 0 1 150.0 70 0 1 60 0 1 150 0 1 150 0 1 70 0 1 60 0 1 125 0 125 0 70 0 50 0 1 125 0 125 0 60 0 50 0 GLYCOL COOLED REHEAT 1 Electric 1 Steam, Hot Water or None 1 Electric 1 Steam, Hot Water or None HUMIDIFIER 1 Electrode Canister - Steam Electrode Canister - Steam 1 Steam or None Steam or None VOLTAGE 1 208 1 230 1 460 1 575 208 I 230 1 460 1 575 208 1 230 I 460 1 575 1 208 1 230 1 460 575 FM 35 FLA! 67 8 1 65.8 32 0 1 26 3 1 67 8 1 65 8 1 32 0 1 26.3 1 55 3 50 3 25 I 20 11 46 2 42 0 21 0 16 8 WSA; 84 7 1 82 1 1 40 0 1 33.0 1 84 7 1 82 1 1 40 0 1 33 0 1 69.2 62 7 31 5 25 2 1 57 7 52 4 26 3 21 1 MOP1 900 1 900 1 400 1 350 1 900 1 900 1 400 1 350 1 800 700 350 300 1 700 60.0 300 250 FM 40 FLA( 805 1 772 1 377 1 30.9 1 805 1 772 1 377 1 309 1 681 617 308 247 1 589 534 267 214 WSA1 940 1 949 1 4 5 7 1 3 7 9 1 940 1 949 1 457 1 3 7 9 1 7 8 4 7 5 5 3 7 1 302 1 670 652 319 26I MOP1 1000 1 1000 1 500 1 400 1 1000 1 1000 1 500 1 400 1 90 0 900 450 350 1 800 800 400 300 FM 50 FLA 1 100 9 1 95 8 1 47 1 1 38 3 1 100 9 1 95 8 1 47 1 1 38 3 1 88 5 80 3 40 2 32 2 1 79 3 72 0 36 1 28 8 WSA 1 132 2 1 132 0 1 65 9 1 51 1 1 132 2 1 132 0 1 65 9 1 51 1 1 116 7 112 6 57 3 43 3 1 105 2 102 2 52 1 39 2 MOP( 15001 15001 700 1 600 1 15001 15001 700 1 600 1 1250 1250 700 500 ( 1250 1250 600 500 FLA = Full Load Amps WSA = Wire Size Amps MOP = Maximum Overcurrent Protection 1 §svr APC NetworkAIR FM 19 • Electrical Data . Locked Rotor Amps (LRA) 1), VOLTAGE . FNI35 1 F\1 40 I F\I 50 1 I 208 - 230/3/60 i 123 0 156 0 1 195 0 460/3/60 1 49 5 75 0 1 95 0 I j 575/3/60 j 40 0 54 0 ! 80 0 I * LRA data based on Blower /Motor and Compressor ASHRAE Standard Equivalent Length for Fittings Size of Pipe I T∎ pe of Fitting - Equivalent Length of Pipe in Feet In Inches I Gate Valve I Std. Elbow 1 Red. Coupling I Side Outlet "T" I Angle Valve I Glose Valve 1/2 03 13 I5 30 70 140 3/4 04 18 20 40 100 180 1 05 22 25 50 120 230 1 -1/4 06 30 30 60 I50 290 1/2 08 35 35 70 180 340 2 10 4 3 50 80 220 46.0 2 -1/2 1 1 5 0 6 0 1 1 0 27 0 54.0 3 I4 65 70 130 340 660 3 -1/2 16 80 90 150 400 800 4 19 90 100 180 450 920 5 22 110 130 220 560 1120 6 28 13.0 150 270 670 1360 8 37 170 200 350 920 1800 10 4.6 210 250 450 112.0 2300 12 5.5 270 300 530 1320 2700 0 , 14 64 300 350 630 1520 3100 20 APC NetworkAlRTM FM • D' Dimensional Data FM 35 -50 downflow lOP Fit.,,,._ to ACCESS ----\ 35• „ / )0 .8) (1800) EWER DISP�Y �� i. MAIN III , R BEER CI RCU EA KER 2.1)1551 1a it) 1 76 89 (1953) I BLOWER GE ACC DISC S oP ENIN 13,1 513341 /` _ — `` �� 56 ( 651 ` I I: — >' 2. 15.)5 1400 16.141 II � l Y p 1p) 34.00 S te/ r 11 .81 1 FOR S ERVICE AC * All dimensions are in inches (mm). • ... APC NetworkAIRTM FM 21 • Dimensional Data FM 35 -50 upflow COS 1 ' 2 5 1 3 2 ODUCT 35.0 g01 0� 10.81 p�WER 31 50 I ` � 07 I18 S8. 1i4 s 0 0 CAE OPENING I 8.31 12111 t)ISPtAY I N1 ERFgCE o 1.50 (3 N RO 0 X6.13 1 425) gRCUR BRIER 2.111 i 1601 REtURN AIR BE " I N DF F Ro CCe-ss ORS 1 ;I o o 10.0012541 o 0 34.00 ACCESS FpR SERVICE * All dimensions are in inches (mm). . System Configurations The NetworkAIR Floor Mounted units are modular, allowing up to three units to be bayed together, (one main module and two expansion modules) providing cooling capacity from 35kW to 150kW (10 -45 tons). • cooling 22 APC NetworkAlRTM FM .4 ir•- Cooled Condensers 2 -fan air - cooled condenser —FM 35 -50 ) :,,, , 13 1 751 X 25. 00 _ >» 1270) —/ / 50 po ( 2 / 5 151 4) , 3g'$U 431 —� 42.50 I 1 p 1 19j8 i ' — _ j 08.00114 00 12 896) 4$•50 (11561 DIA M00IN Ho I APC MODEL I APC PART I CIRCUIT TEMP. VOLTAGE FM 35 � ACCD75040 single 115' F (46' C) 230 /3/60 FM 35 ACCD7504I single I 5° F (46' C) 460/3/60 FM 35 ACCD75042 single I 115' F (46' C) 575/3/60 FM 40 � ACCD75043 single I 105' F (41' C) 230/3'60 I ACCD75044 single I FM 40 sin �fe 105' F (41' C) 460/3/60 FM 40 ACCD75015 single 105' F (41° C) 575/3/60 FM 50 ACCD75049 single 95' F (35' C) 230/3/60 I ACCD75050 I single I 95' F (35' C) I 460/3/60 95° F (35' C) 575/3/60 single FM 50 I ACCD75051 I single I I FM 50 4CCD75040 I single 105' F (41' C) I 230/3/60 5 - 460/3/60 FM 50 I ACCD75041 single 105° F (41 ° C) FM 50 ACCD75042 single I 105' F (41' C) I 575/3/60 3 -fan air - cooled condenser —FM 40 ( X 80 45 72) 0 00 (121°) ,.....______---______, 1 .7 * ..... w. -...., 1 202 if (514) --...... • ----- _ 4 3850 1 Sg0 olt3 2. 11080)19j8i —`` (13711 55,001139 9.°° (42931 5q.0 45.50 I1 1 561 ON 0•g8122) pIA MOO- H0LO 1aI CIRCUIT VOLTAGE I TEMP. I A PC MODEL ( APC PART I I � FM 40 I ACCD75046 I single I 115' F (46' C) I 230/3/60 I FM 40 I ACCD75047 I single I 115' F (46° C) ( 460/3/60 I FM 40 I ACCD75043 I single 115` F (46' C) I 575/3/60 I il APC NetworkAIR FM 29 4 Air- Cooled Condensers (ri Air - cooled condenser - performance data Model Temp. Air Quantity Fan Connection Weight Ambient CFM Mq /H Quantity Hot Gas Liquid I Lbs Kg FM 35 95° F (35° C) 13,700 23,300 2 I 1 -1/8 7/8 510 231 105° F (40° C) 20,500 34,800 3 1 -3/8 1 -1/8 550 249 115° F (46° C) 20,700 35,301 2 1 -5/8 1 -5/8 880 400 FM 40 95° F (35° C) 12,900 21.900 2 1 -3/8 1-1/8 530 240 105° F (40° C) 23,200 39,417 2 1 -5/8 1 -5/8 i 350 115° F (46° C) 32,900 56,107 3 2 -1/8 2 -1 /8 d,2 -f8 550 FM 50 95° F (35° C) 23,000 39,077 2 1 -3/8 1 -3/8 730 l 331 I 105° F (40° C) 20,700 35,301 2 1 -5/8 1 -5/8 I 400 115° F (46° C) 46,400 79,130 4 2 -1/8 2 -1/8 1,580 715 Air - cooled condenser - electrical data MODEL ' TEMP. 208 - 230/1/60 1 208 - 230/3/60 460/3/60 I 575/3/60 AMBIENT FLA MCA MOP FLA MCA I MOP I FLA MCA MOP FLA MCA I MOP I FM35 95 °F(35 °C) 83 95 150 74 86 15.0 37 43 150 58 70 150 105 °F(40 °C) 11.8 130 150 100 11.2 150 50 56 15.0 67 79 150 '115 °F(46 °C) N/A N/A N/A 118 130 150 59 65 150 76 88 150 FNI40 95 °F(35 °C) 83 95 150 74 I 86 150 37 43 I50 58 70 150 105° F (40° C) N/A N/A N/A 11 8 13 0 15 0 5 9 6 5 15 0 7 6 8 8 15 0 1 1 5 ° F (46° C) N/A N/A N/A 1 8 7 20 0 25 0 9 4 1 0 0 1 5 0 1 0 4 1 1 6 15 0 FM50 95 °F(35 °C) N/A N/A N/A I 118 130 150 59 ' 65 150 76 8.8 I50 Ail 105° F (40° C) N/A N/A N/A 11 8 13 0 15 0 5 9 6 5 15 0 7 6 8 8 15 0 115 °F(46 °C) N/A N/A N/A 258 270 300 129 I 135 150 132 144 150 FLA = Full Load Amps MCA = Minimum Circuit Amperes MOP = Maximum Overcurrent Protection Low noise air - cooled condenser- performance data Model Temp. Air Quantity Fan Connection Weight I Ambient CFM A1 /H Quantity Hot Gas I Liquid Lbs I Kg FM 35 95° F (35° C) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 105° F (40° C) 11,700 19,880 2 1 -5/8 1 -5/8 800 363 I 1 15° F (46° C) 17,100 29,055 3 1 -5/8 I 1 -5/8 1240 562 FM 40 95° F (35° C) 12,100 20.560 2 1 -3/8 1 -3/8 770 350 105° F (40° C) 18,500 31,430 3 1 -5/8 1 -5/8 1180 535 115° F (46° C) 23,400 39,755 4 2 -1/8 2 -1/8 1600 I 725 FM 50 95° F (35° C) I 18,500 31.430 3 1 -5/8 1 -5/8 1 180 535 i 105° F (40° C) I 24,600 41,800 4 2 -1/8 2 -1/8 1580 717 I 115' F (46° C) I 29,300 49,780 5 I 2 -1/8 2 -1 /8 2000 907 VP 26 APC NetworkAlRTM FM