Report (4) Carlson Geotechnical Bend Office (541) 330-9155 P,Fz�. oy. G Eugene Office (541) 345-0289 T A Division of Carlson Testing, Inc. Salem Office (503)589-1252 GEOTECHN1CAL Phone: (503) 601-8250 Tigard Office (503) 684-3460 www.carlsontesting.com Report of Limited Geotechnical Investigation Fought & Company Crane Upgrades 14255 SW 72nd Avenue Tigard, Oregon CGT Project Number G2005242 Prepared for Mr. Steve Fugate Fought & Company 14255 SW 72nd Avenue Tigard, Oregon 97224 March 12, 2020 Office: 8430 SW Hunziker Street, Tigard. Oregon 97223 Mailing: P.O. Box 230997, Tigard, Oregon 97281 Carlson o n i c zi Bend Office (541)330-9155 g L so A Division of Carlson Testing, Inc. Eugene Office (541)345-0289 C.G Salem Office (503)589-1252 oebfecH icl Phone: (503)601-8250 Tigard Office (503)684-3460 www.carlsontesting.com March 12, 2020 Mr. Steve Fugate Fought& Company 14255 SW 72nd Avenue Tigard, Oregon 97224 Report of Limited Geotechnical Investigation Fought& Company Crane Upgrades 14255 SW 72nd Avenue Tigard, Oregon CGT Project Number G2005242 Dear Mr. Fugate: Carlson Geotechnical (CGT), a division of Carlson Testing, Inc. (CTI), is pleased to submit this report summarizing the results of our limited geotechnical investigation for the proposed Fought &Company Crane Upgrades project. The site is located at 14255 SW 72nd Avenue in Tigard, Oregon. We performed our work in general accordance with CGT Proposal GP8807, dated February 12, 2020. Written authorization for our services was received on February 13, 2020. We appreciate the opportunity to work with you on this project. Please contact us at 503.601,8250 if you have any questions regarding this report. Respectfully Submitted, CARLSON GEOTECHNICAL f"i1.`kU.\ aas tc_ �Y Bento L. Nimo, E.I.T. Jim P. Tomkins, P.E. Geotechnical Project Manager Project Geotechnical Engineer bnimo3{c@carlsontestinq.com itomkinsOcarlsontestinq corn Doc ID: G:\GEOTECH\PROJECTS12020 Projects1G2005242 - Fought & Company Crane Updates1G2005242 - GEO1008 - Deliverables\Report\G2005242-Report.docx Office: 8430 SW Hunziker Street, Tigard, Oregon 97223 Mailing: P.O. Box 230997, Tigard, Oregon 97281 Fought&Company Crane Upgrades Tigard, Oregon CGT Project Number G2005242 March 12, 2020 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION 4 2.0 PROJECT INFORMATION 4 3.0 SCOPE OF SERVICES 4 4.0 SITE DESCRIPTION 5 4.1 Site Geology 5 4.2 Site Surface Conditions 5 4.3 Subsurface Conditions 5 5.0 GROUNDWATER 6 6.0 GEOTECHNICAL RECOMMENDATIONS 6 7.0 LIMITATIONS 7 ATTACHMENTS Site Location Figure 1 Site Plan Figure 2 Site Photographs Figure 3 Subsurface Investigation and Laboratory Testing Appendix A Carlson Geotechnical Page 3 of 7 Fought& Company Crane Upgrades Tigard, Oregon CGT Project Number G2005242 March 12, 2020 1.0 INTRODUCTION Carlson Geotechnical (CGT), a division of Carlson Testing, Inc. (CTI), is pleased to submit this report summarizing the results of our limited geotechnical investigation for the proposed Fought & Company Crane Upgrades project. This report is considered "limited" as this assignment did not include an evaluation of seismic hazards at the site or development of seismic design parameters. The site is located at 14255 SW 72nd Avenue in Tigard, Oregon, as shown on the attached Site Location, Figure 1. 2.0 PROJECT INFORMATION CGT developed an understanding of the proposed project based on recent email correspondence, and review of preliminary foundation plan provided by T.M. Rippey, Inc. Based on our correspondence and review of the provided project documents, we understand the following: • Bay 2 and Bay 3 of the existing Fought&Company warehouse building will be subject to additional loads associated with new 15-ton cranes procurement and usage. • Up to 2 cranes will be stored at each Bay. • The cranes will be supported on 6-to 6'/z-foot square column foundations. • Current columns loads for the existing 10-ton crane are: o Up to 150 kips for interior columns loaded with two cranes. o Up to 87 kips for exterior columns loaded with two cranes. o The corresponding maximum applied bearing pressure from interior and exterior columns is about 3,554 and 2,411 pounds per square foot(psf), respectively. • Proposed columns loads for the new 15-ton crane are: o Up to 176 kips for interior columns loaded with two cranes. o Up to 92 kips for exterior columns loaded with two cranes. o The corresponding maximum applied bearing pressure from interior and exterior columns will be 4,169 psf and 2,558 psf, respectively. • 3.0 SCOPE OF SERVICES Our scope of work included the following: • Contact the Oregon Utilities Notification Center to mark the locations of public utilities within a 20-foot radius of our explorations at the site. CGT also subcontracted a private utility locator service to mark the locations of detectable private utilities within the same radius. • Explore subsurface conditions at the site by advancing three, 3-inch diameter, hand auger borings to depths up to about 10 feet below existing footing (bef). • Complete three dynamic cone penetrometer tests in conjunction with our hand auger borings to depths up to about 5'/<feet bef. • Classify the materials encountered in the explorations in general accordance with American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) D2488 (Visual-Manual Procedure). • Collect representative, disturbed samples of the soils encountered within the explorations in order to perform laboratory testing and to confirm our field classifications. • Perform laboratory testing of soil samples taken from within our explorations. • Provide logs of the explorations, including results of laboratory testing on selected soil samples. Carlson Geotechnical Page 4 of 7 Fought& Company Crane Upgrades Tigard, Oregon CGT Project Number G2005242 March 12, 2020 • Provide this written report summarizing the results of our geotechnical investigation, results of our bearing capacity and settlement analyses. 4.0 SITE DESCRIPTION 4.1 Site Geology Based on available geologic mapping of the area, the site is underlain by Pleistocene catastrophic flood deposits1'2 originating from glacial outburst floods of Lake Missoula. The flood deposits were produced by the periodic failure of glacial ice dams that impounded Lake Missoula in present day Montana between 18,000 to 15,000 years ago3. The flood deposits are typically split into three different facies: the coarse-grained fades, the fine-grained facies, and the channel facies. Fine-grained Missoula flood deposits are mapped in the vicinity of the site, which typically consist of silt, clay, and fine-grained sand. The flood deposits are typically less than 30 feet4 thick in the vicinity of the site. The flood deposits are underlain by the Troutdale Formations sediments, which extend to a depth of several hundred feet bgs. 4.2 Site Surface Conditions The site consisted of one developed tax lot totaling approximately 11 acres in size. Development on the site consisted of an approximately 120,000-square-foot warehouse, associated office building, parking lot and equipment storage yard. The relatively level site is bordered to the east by SW 72nd Avenue, to the north and south by commercial development, and to the west by Pacific Railroad property. 4.3 Subsurface Conditions 4.3.1 Subsurface Investigation & Laboratory Testing Our subsurface investigation consisted of three hand auger borings completed on February 21, 2020. The approximate exploration locations are shown on the Site Plan, attached as Figure 2. In summary, the borings were advanced to depths ranging from about 9 to 10 feet bef. Details regarding the subsurface investigation, logs of the explorations, and results of laboratory testing are presented in Appendix A. Subsurface conditions encountered during our investigation are summarized below. 4.3.2 Subsurface Materials Logs of the explorations are presented in Appendix A. The following describes each of the subsurface materials encountered at the site. Ma, Madin, Duplantis, and Williams, 2012, Lidar-based Surficial Geologic Map and Database of the Greater Portland, Oregon, Area, Clackamas, Columbia, Marion, Multnomah, Washington, and Yamhill Counties, Oregon, and Clark County, Washington Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries Open-File Report 0-12-02. 2 Madin, I.P., 2004. Geologic mapping and database for the Portland area fault studies: Final report, Clackamas, Multnomah, and Washington Counties, Oregon: Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries, Open-File Report 0-04-02, scale 1:100,000. 7 Allen, John Eliot, et al., 2009. Cataclysms on the Columbia, The Great Missoula Floods, Revised Second Edition: Ooligan Press, Portland State University. ° Madin, Ian P., 1990. Earthquake Hazard Geology of the Portland metropolitan area,Oregon. Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries Open File Report 90-2. 5 Schlicker, Herbert G., 1967. Engineering Geology of the Tualatin Valley Region, Oregon. Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries Bulletin 60. Carlson Geotechnical Page 5 of 7 Fought& Company Crane Upgrades Tigard, Oregon CGT Project Number G2005242 March 12, 2020 • Fat Clay (CH) Fat clay was encountered at the surface of hand auger borings HA-2 and HA-3, and extended to depths ranging from 1% to 4 feet bgs. The fat clay was generally soft to stiff, gray brown with orange, tan, and black mottling, moist, exhibited high plasticity, and trace fine-grained sand below about 1 foot bef. Silt(ML) Silt was encountered at the surface of HA-1 and below the fat clay in HA-3, and extended to depths ranging from 5 to 7 feet bef. This soil was generally medium stiff to very stiff, dark brown to brown with orange and gray mottling, moist to wet, exhibited low plasticity, and contained some fine-grained sand. Silt with Sand (ML) Underlying the silt in borings HA-1 and HA-2 and the fat clay in HA-3, we encountered Silt with sand. This soil was generally very stiff, gray brown, wet, exhibited low plasticity, and contained fine-grained sand. The silt with sand extended the full depths explored in the borings, about 9 to 10 feet bef. 5.0 GROUNDWATER Groundwater seepage was observed at depths ranging from 3%to 4'/z feet bef within the hand auger borings advanced on Friday, February 21, 2020. To determine approximate regional groundwater levels in the area, we researched well logs available on the Oregon Water Resources Department (OWRD)6 website for wells located within Section'12, Township 2 South, Range 1 West, Willamette Meridian. Our review indicated that groundwater levels in the area generally ranged from about 0 to 30 feet bef. Deeper water zones were reported at depths below 50 feet bef. It should be noted groundwater levels vary with local topography. In addition, the groundwater levels reported on the OWRD logs often reflect the purpose of the well, so water well logs may only report deeper, confined groundwater, while geotechnical or environmental borings will often report any groundwater encountered, including shallow, unconfined groundwater. Therefore, the levels reported on the OWRD well logs referenced above are considered generally indicative of local water levels and may not reflect actual groundwater levels at the project site. The USGS Depth to Seasonal High Groundwater data available on the City of Portland GIS website7 indicates groundwater is present at depths of 0 to 20 feet bef at the site. 6.0 GEOTECHNICAL RECOMMENDATIONS The recommendations presented in this report are based on the information provided to us, results of our field investigation and analyses, laboratory data, and professional judgment. CGT has observed only a small portion of the pertinent subsurface conditions. CGT should be consulted for further recommendations if the design of the proposed development changes and/or variations or undesirable geotechnical conditions are encountered during site development. Based on the data collected at the site and our analyses, we recommend utilizing a maximum allowable bearing pressure of 4,500 psf, which utilizes a factor of safety of 3 for column foundations supporting the new 15-Ton cranes. Loads provided to us as described in Section 2.0 were utilized for this analysis. In addition, total net and differential settlement of foundations is anticipated to be less than ',4-inch from column loads 6 Oregon Water Resources Department, 2020. Well Log Records, accessed March 2020, from OWRD web site: http://aops.wrd.state.or.us/appsiow/well City of Portland Corporate GIS,2020. PortlandMaps, accessed March 2020,http://www.portlandmaos.com. Carlson Geotechnical Page 6 of 7 Fought& Company Crane Upgrades Tigard, Oregon CGT Project Number G2005242 March 12, 2020 associated with the new cranes, and maximum contact stress described in Section 2.0. Our calculations were based on the assumption that new cranes will only be "full-loaded" (including live loads and crane loads)at Bays 2 and 3 within the existing warehouse, for no more than a few minutes. 7.0 LIMITATIONS This report has been prepared for use by the owner/contractor and other members of the design and construction team for the proposed 15-Ton crane. The opinions and recommendations contained within this report are not intended to be, nor should they be construed as, a warranty of subsurface conditions, but are forwarded to assist in the planning and design process. Within the limitations of scope, schedule, and budget, our services have been executed in accordance with the generally accepted practices in this area at the time this report was prepared. No warranty or other conditions express or implied should be understood At our client's request, the scope of our evaluation was limited to the scope of services described in this report. Other geotechnical considerations described in the 2019 Oregon Structural Specialty Code (OSSC) have not been addressed. Accordingly, this evaluation must be considered "limited." A more comprehensive evaluation may be completed if requested by our client, for an additional fee. Such evaluation would include, but not be limited to assessment of seismic/geologic hazards at the site, recommendations for seismic design criteria, and other geotechnical considerations. The responsibility for determining the sufficiency of our evaluation to meet the project needs rests solely with the owner and not with CGT. Please contact us if additional evaluation is desired. The scope of our services does not include services related to construction safety precautions, and our recommendations are not intended to direct the contractor's methods, techniques, sequences, or procedures, except as specifically described in our report for consideration in design. Geotechnical engineering and the geologic sciences are characterized by a degree of uncertainty. Professional judgments presented in this report are based on our understanding of the proposed construction, familiarity with similar projects in the area, and on general experience. Within the limitations of scope, schedule, and budget, our services have been executed in accordance with the generally accepted practices in this area at the time this report was prepared; no warranty, expressed or implied, is made. This report is subject to review and should not be relied upon after a period of three years. Carlson Geotechnical Page 7 of 7 FOUGHT& COMPANY CRANE UPGRADES- TIGARD, OREGON FIGURE 1 Project Number G2005242 Site Location 4). + ';i Ss 3 x , f. Tr ec IV f _.. Ni!: 3. . .,. ax,.. 1i 'R m ( o- au�„a+e.�', ,e h '1atry�ye;q �. rYF.Itit.) t ac r J,,t 13sT1 P!� SITE l' .. •. ai4 a A. t 3 ;d f `x ; 3 SN3r m.lre *. Y a d& L { Y Y a "f Dur0um. if Latitude:45.416768° North GP` T�2 Map created with ArcGIS Pro 2.5.0,copyright 2020 Esri, Inc. Longitude: 122.750828°West Township 2 South, Range 1 West,Section 12,Willamette Meridian 1 Inch=2,000 feet 503-601-8250 Drafted bV:aLS 0 2000 4000 FOUGHT& COMPANY CRANE UPGRADES- TIGARD, OREGON FIGURE 2 Project Number G2005242 Site Plan f, '} .urr .-2-' a+r.. r»f .. '� ,.v 1 .4 iIn ,'t - v e " , t r t f x ti af k tld, p,R �'q l r Y o. r • L tp . . .. ii� . iI n 2 . i t j i t".'. { E4 �ra .: • _ . ,: r`.` !t t It rr { t. r ✓ s }.0 '• 41 r r e. del. } .. ,, " .. Ems! , a:. .! .;s m ,. _ k' .,x- �._ r- � "l r !N t I III 1 1 11 1 1 I1 1 J 1 l t 111"#wffll 91l!IflfH101111II1111111111d1111.111111111111111111111 ftV 1 �.•. t ry '' ', H t ; 1 : i is Ili I t i i i 4 z i iiiitn tliiii,tiiiiIV tiltiiiiil !iiiiiitiii l iliiiiiiiit , ? - , • dr l . :,' � sr:t3Y#ttnrtltartrt taarR3t stattntarN ", t Ns " E ' tT';r[tllti9tt?Bitttta N tlaii3ei�[tfrl •� s } 441S...:\ F t F ..„.. si4 iS - x - is 9Nikki, _ _ �"4 5 it .. S ..., a tali HA-2!i r �em- ' r d �' d6, ?.t9 tpap rdl3(F d3/.-- ,4li4it3 dlA P•-' . j '�., - ?'- _`. •��4i � �'�€ � po.,— s i ; "_"{ ir,at t — It4� , ... �.�. !.: 1 t E .,J ( ,gs } •1. .4fe4 ear �' —_ � a, �. ,8x ..2tjr sxr k't:n j•�. " ...as•t S,a ?,i .. � ka v+, il _ i r __ —_ qqr . 3 95. r y - _ t 2 : p. , t• t ti S x ran .a w a 4 if. It `a.Y C _ - ax _ .3 r �i� ['� .� _ HA-", LEGEND 1 Inch = 100 Feet P, y Hand Auger boring and Wildcat Dynamic Cone Penetrometer test. 0 e10111Til �( NOTES:2013 aerial photograph,2014 topographic contours,and `1► Orientation of site photographs shown on Figure 3. property lines from MetroMap Regional Land Information System(RLIS) 503.601.8250 data,accessed February 2020,from Metro website: AElevation benchmark-Assumed 100-foot elevation at the finished http:I/gis.oregonmetro.govimetromap/.Proposed development based on Drafted bj'0".4 floor elevation of the existing building. "Foundation Plan,"provided by client.All locations are approximate. FOUGHT& COMPANY CRANE UPGRADES TIGARD, OREGON FIGURE 3 Project Number G2005242 Site Photographs it ',- { AS +� — .— wli 4!. ;'.1. ,t-A "li . s • • F 6 , 1 — t 4 t ti • n ,�,a ,xqi. n • Photograph 1 ( I • $r ow og WO 1111Mile all Ira , ,.qY �- ' ' ''h '` '''''z u r -3 Am . r "I£a s ' 6r -x- �w � A s_ ,:ro � sa� x ` s, , .�$ r ' x ap94t .ia, w Z ' t+x��.' s? r t a„e �#Ys 3k„ ; r , c •5"MY�yY � � w v" y "' rF„,ris naw� 1 ,3x m, 3 y" r x 413 } � yj x^ d443� scxax 'r'"r�:n s _ A ?�thL i.:r swA xEav P' x q .,��;..5,5, 5 ..i ... 5, f Photograph 2 amanciuman P��Tr See Figure 2 for approximate photograph locations and directions. Photographs were taken at the time of our fieldwork. 507-601-8250 DraRxc by:ALS Carlson Geotechnical Bend Office (541) 330-9155 RL'S0 Eugene Office (541) 345-0289 c ;Ti�y A division of Carlson Testing, Inc. Salem Office (503)589-1252 Phone: (503)601-8250 GEOTECHNICAL Fax: (503)601-8254 Tigard Office (503) 684-3460 Appendix A: Subsurface Investigation and Laboratory Testing Fought & Company Crane Upgrades 14255 SW 72nd Avenue Tigard, Oregon CGT Project Number G2005242 March 12, 2020 Prepared For: Mr. Steve Fugate Fought & Company 14255 SW 72nd Avenue Tigard, Oregon 97224 Prepared by Carlson Geotechnical Exploration Key Figure Al Soil Classification Figure A2 Exploration Logs Figures A3—A6 Carlson Geotechnical • P.O. Box 230997, Tigard, Oregon 97281 Fought& Company Crane Upgrades Tigard, Oregon CGT Project Number G2005242 March 12, 2020 A.1.0 SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION Our field investigation consisted of three hand auger borings and three Wildcat dynamic cone penetrometer tests completed on February 21, 2020. The exploration locations are shown on the Site Plan, attached to the geotechnical report as Figure 2. The exploration locations shown therein were determined based on measurements from existing site features (buildings, etc.) and are approximate. Surface elevations indicated on the logs were estimated based on a temporary benchmark (assumed 100-foot elevation at FFE of the existing building) shown on the referenced Site Plan and are approximate. The attached figures detail the exploration methods (Figure Al), soil classification criteria (Figure A2), and present detailed logs of the explorations (Figures A3 through A5), as discussed below. A.1.1 Hand Auger Borings CGT advanced three hand auger borings (HA-1 through HA-3) at the site on February 21, 2020, to depths of up to 10 feet bef. The borings were advanced in saw-cut areas in the existing pavement and floor slab areas (prepared by client) using a manual, 3-inch diameter, hand auger provided and operated by CGT. The hand auger borings were loosely backfilled with the excavated materials upon completion. A.1.2 In-Situ Testing A.1.2.1 Wildcat Dynamic Cone Penetrometer Tests In conjunction with the hand auger borings, we performed three dynamic cone penetrometer tests to depths of up to about 5 feet bef. The tests were performed using a Wildcat Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (WDCP) provided and operated by CGT. The WDCP test is described on the attached Exploration Key, Figure Al. Results of the WDCP test are provided on the corresponding exploration logs. A.1.3 Material Classification & Sampling Representative grab samples of the soils encountered were obtained at select intervals within the hand auger borings. Qualified members of CGT's geological staff collected the samples and logged the soils in general accordance with the Visual-Manual Procedure (ASTM D2488). An explanation of this classification system is attached as Figure A2. The grab samples were stored in sealable plastic bags and transported to our soils laboratory for further examination and testing. Our geotechnical staff visually examined all samples in order to refine the initial field classifications. A.1.4 Subsurface Conditions Subsurface conditions are summarized in Section 2.3 of the geotechnical report. Detailed logs of the explorations are presented on the attached exploration logs, Figures A3 through A5. A.1.5 Laboratory Testing Laboratory testing was performed on samples collected in the field to refine our initial field classifications and determine in-situ parameters. Laboratory testing included the following: • Six moisture content determinations (ASTM D2216). • One Atterberg limits (plasticity)test (ASTM D4318). • Two percentage passing the U.S. Standard No. 200 Sieve tests (ASTM D1140). Results of the laboratory tests are shown on the exploration logs. Carlson Geotechnical Page 2 of 2 r FOUGHT& COMPANY CRANE UPGRADES- TIGARD, OREGON FIGURE Al Project Number G2005242 Exploration Key PrL Atterberg limits(plasticity) test results (ASTM D4318): PL = Plastic Limit, LL = Liquid Limit, and MC= Moisture Content MC T (ASTM D2216) FINES CONTENT(%) Percentage passing the U.S. Standard No.200 Sieve(ASTM D1140) SAMPLING 3' GRAB Grab sample BULK Bulk sample Standard Penetration Test (SPT) consists of driving a 2-inch, outside-diameter, split-spoon sampler into the undis- turbed formation with repeated blows of a 140-pound, hammer falling a vertical distance of 30 inches (ASTM D1586). X` SPT The number of blows(N-value)required to drive the sampler the last 12 inches of an 18-inch sample interval is used to ''" characterize the soil consistency or relative density. The drill rig was equipped with an cat-head or automatic hammer to conduct the SPTs. The observed N-values, hammer efficiency,and N60 are noted on the boring logs, Modified California sampling consists of 3-inch, outside-diameter, split-spoon sampler(ASTM G3550)driven similarly to H MC the SPT sampling method described above, A sampler diameter correction factor of 0.44 is applied to calculate the equiv- alent SPT N60 value per Lacroix and Horn, 1973. II CORE Rock Coring interval ISH Shelby Tube is a 3-inch, inner-diameter, thin-walled, steel tube push sampler (ASTM D1587) used to collect relatively undisturbed samples of fine-grained soils. Wildcat Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (WDCP) test consists of driving 1.1-inch diameter, steel rods with a 1.4-inch WDCP diameter, cone tip into the ground using a 35-pound drop hammer with a 15-inch free-fall height. The number of blows required to drive the steel rods is recorded for each 10 centimeters(3.94 inches)of penetration. The blow count for each interval is then converted to the corresponding SPT N60 values. Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) test consists of driving a 20-millimeter diameter, hardened steel cone on 16- DCP .millimeter diameter steel rods into the ground using a 10-kilogram drop hammer with a 460-millimeter free-fall height, The depth of penetration in millimeters is recorded for each drop of the hammer. POCKET Pocket Penetrometer test is a hand-held instrument that provides an approximation of the unconfined compressive PEN.(tsf) strength in tons per square foot(tsf)of cohesive,fine-grained soils. CONTACTS "" Observed(measured)contact between soil or rock units. ———- Inferred(approximate)contact between soil or rock units. 1111 — -— Transitional(gradational)contact between soil or rock units. (9 ) ADDITIONAL NOTATIONS Italics Notes drilling action or digging effort {Braces} Interpretation of material origin/geologic formation(e.g.{Base Rock}or{Columbia River Basalt}) P O G All measurements are approximate. 503-601.8250 FOUGHT& COMPANY CRANE UPGRADES- TIGARD, OREGON FIGURE A2 Project Number G2005242 Soil Classification Classification of Terms and Content Grain Size U.S.Standard Sieve NAME Group Name and Symbol Fines <#200(0.075 rum) Relative Density or Consistency Fine #200-#40(0.425 mm) Color • Sand Medium #40-#10(2 mm) Moisture Content Coarse #10-#4(4.75 mm) Plasticity Fine #4-0.75 inch Other Constituents Gravel Coarse 0.75 inch-3 inches Other:Grain Shape,Approximate Gradation Organics,Cement,Structure,Odor,etc. Cobbles 3 to 12 inches Geologic Name or Formation Boulders >12 inches Coarse-Grained(Granular)Soils Relative Density Minor Constituents SPT PercentDensity Descriptor • Example N 60 by Volume 0-4 Very Loose 0-5% "Trace"as part of soil description "trace silt 4-10 Loose 10-30 Medium Dense 5-15% "With"as part of group name "POORLY GRADED SAND WITH SILT 30-50 Dense 15-49% Modifier to group name "SILTY SAND" >50 Very Dense Fine-Grained(Cohesive)Soils SPT To vane tsf Pocket Pen tsf Consistency Manual Penetration Test Minor Constituents N60 Value Shear Strength Unconfined <2 <0.13 <0.25 Very Soft Thumb penetrates more than 1 inch Percent 2-4 0.13-0.25 0.25-0.50 Soft Thumb penetrates about 1 inch by Volume Descriptor Example 4-8 0.25-0.50 0.50-1.00 Medium Stiff Thumb penetrates about'A inch 0-5% "Trace"as part of soil description "trace fine-grained sand" 8-15 0.50-1.00 1.00-2.00 Stiff Thumb penetrates less than'A inch 5-15% "Some'as part of soil description "some fine-grained sand" 15-30 1.00-2.00 Very Stiff Readily indented by thumbnail 15-30% "With°as part of group name "SILT WITH SAND' >30 >2.00 >4.00 Hard Difficult to indent by thumbnail 30-49% Modifier to group name "SANDY SILT" Moisture Content Structure Dry: Absence of moisture,dusty,dry to the touch Stratified:Alternating layers of material or color>6 mm thick Moist: Leaves moisture on hand Laminated: Alternating layers<6 mm thick Wet: Visible free water,likely from below water table Fissured: Breaks along definite fracture planes Plasticity Dry Strength Dilatancy Toughness Slickensided: Striated,polished,or glossy fracture planes • ML Non to Low Non to Low Slow to Rapid Low,can't roll Blocky: Cohesive soil that can be broken down into small angular lumps CL Low to Medium Medium to High None to Slow • Medium which resist further breakdown MH Medium to High Low to Medium None to Slow Low to Medium Lenses: Has small pockets of different soils,note thickness CH Medium to High High to Very High None High Homogeneous:Same color and appearance throughout Visual-Manual Classification Group Major Divisions Symbols Typical Names Clean OW Well-graded gravels and gravel/sand mixtures,little or no fines Coarse Gravels:50%or more Gravels GP Poorly-graded gravels and graveUsand mixtures,little or no fines Grained retained on the No.4 sieve Gravels GM Silty gravels,gravel/sand/silt mixtures Soils: with Fines GC Clayey gravels,gravel/sand/clay mixtures More than 50%retained Clean SW Well-graded sands and gravelly sands,little or no fines Sands:More than Sands on No.200 50%passing the SP Poorly-graded sands and gravelly sands,little or no fines sieve No.4 sieve Sands SM Silty sands,sand/silt mixtures with Fines SC Clayey sands,sand/clay mixtures ML Inorganic silts,rock flour,clayey silts Fine-Grained Silt and Clays CL Inorganic clays of low to medium plasticity,gravelly clays,sandy clays,lean clays Soils: Low Plasticity Fines 50%or more OL Organic soil of low plasticity Passes No. MH Inorganic silts,clayey silts Silt and Clays CH Inorganic clays of high plasticity,fat clays 200 Sieve High Plasticity Fines g y 9 p y' OH Organic soil of medium to high plasticity Highly Organic Soils PT Peat,muck,and other highly organic soils References: (�P` T�1. ASTM D2487 Standard Practice for Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes(Unified Soil Classification System) isiplEucommal ASTM D2488 Standard Practice for Description and Identification of Soils(Visual-Manual Procedure) 503-601-8250 . Terzaghi, K., and Peck, R.B., 1948, Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practice,John Wiley&Sons, CDc...,p, Carlson Geotechnical FIGURE A-3 • A Division of Carlson Testing, Inc. Boring HA-1 CIMMIZZEI www.carlsontesting.com PAGE 1 OF 1 CLIENT Steve Fugate PROJECT NAME Fought&Company Crane Upgrades • PROJECT NUMBER G2005242 _ PROJECT LOCATION 14255 SW 72nd Avenue,Tigard,Oregon DATE STARTED 2/21/20 GROUND ELEVATION 96.5 ft ELEVATION DATUM 100 feet=FFE of existing building WEATHER Indoors SURFACE Concrete Slab LOGGED BY AET/DJD REVIEWED BY BLN DRILLING CONTRACTOR CGT % SEEPAGE 3.8 ft/El.92.8 ft EQUIPMENT 3 inch diameter hand auger GROUNDWATER AT END -- DRILLING METHOD Hand Auger&WDCP 1 GROUNDWATER 2.5 HOURS AFTER DRILLING 1.8 ft/El.94.7 ft O w w e w w i ♦WDCP Nm VALUE A 0 ? M ¢ >-o_ > x -0 m MATERIAL DESCRIPTION o a w li j 0 8 a L.0 N z n IP • LL >" §J a z w� am o� o Y� ��- MC W 0 0 a mz U �Z U >- w ec re co x d o El FINES CONTENT(%)El 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 SILT:Soft to medium stiff,brown with orange and GRAB 100 1 96 grey mottling,moist,low plasticity,and trace 1 organics within the upper 6 inches. 5 v_GRAB 100 11 53 - - 7 i 2 15 Stiff to very stiff below about 2 feet bef. 21 94 ML 12 tn_GRAB 78 100 15 • 0 31 21 - - 14 N 4 18 18 92 13 25 SILT WITH SAND:Very stiff,brown,wet,low ;�ry-GRAB 100 25 plasticity,and contained fine-grained sand. V 4 6 suilL90 dark gray with brown and orange mottling,and 1\-7 5AB 100 trace fine organics belwo about 6 feet bgs. m ML - - m 0 I- I- GRAE a 88 v 6 100 • 32 GRAB 100 •Hand auger boring terminated at approximatley 9 In feet bef. - - •Groundwater encountered at approximately 2 feet a bef. o •Borehole backfilled with cuttings. x I= 86 z 0 F 0 0 J a x- w 1- 0 0 -2 C--176D., Carlson Geotechnical FIGURE A-4 `_ A Division of Carlson Testing, Inc. www.carlsontesting.com Boring HA PA PAGE1 OF 1 CLIENT Steve Fugate PROJECT NAME Fought&Company Crane pgrades PROJECT NUMBER G2005242 PROJECT LOCATION 14255 SW 72nd Avenue,Tigard,Oregon DATE STARTED 2/21/20 GROUND ELEVATION 96 ft ELEVATION DATUM 100 feet= FFE of existing building WEATHER Indoors SURFACE Concrete Slab LOGGED BY AET/DJD REVIEWED BY BLN SEEPAGE 4.5 ft/El.91.5 ft DRILLING CONTRACTOR CGT EQUIPMENT 3 inch diameter hand auger GROUNDWATER AT END -- DRILLING METHOD Hand Auger&WDCP 1 GROUNDWATER 4 HOURS AFTER DRILLING 1.7 ft/El.94.3 ft O ww w o w if, ♦WDCP Nso VALUE oz m a ^ a 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 0 a F w m j d o a w z 0 PL • LL ¢� a z w� a7 OW > Y� 7._. MC lL K D 7 0 __- w C7 0 0 <Z K Z d E FINES CONTENT(%)❑ 0 0 0 0 20 40 60 80100 FAT CLAY:Soft to medium stiff,dark grey to M GRAB 100 2 bt brown with orange,tan,and black mottling,moist, v 1 CH high plasticity,trace organics. 100 7 on,GRAB 25 51 2 8 33 Trace fine-grained sand below 1 foot bef. GRAB 100 10 3 16 SILT:Stiff to very stiff,dark brown with orange 1 94 and grey mottling,moist to wet,low plasticity,with 2 17 • some fine-grained sand. 16 Trace subrounded gravel up to%inch in diameter at 2 feet bef. 16 :m_G 4 100 25 4 25 16 92 4 25 23 ML % 25 25 - - - -GRAB 100 25 90 6 m SILT WITH SAND:Brown,wet,low plasticity, m with fine-grained sand. w duv4G 6 B 100 43• 7 88 8 l o `LGRAE0 100 N 7 ML _ _ ." - R N 0 0 O N GR4e 100 o. 86 10 8 _ • Hand auger boring terminated at approximatley 10 feet bef. i •Groundwater encountered at approximately 1% o feet bef. ()- - • Borehole backfilled with cuttings. 0 J a x w r• 8 84 _... .. p" Carlson Geotechnical FIGURE A-5 A Division of Carlson Testing, Inc. IMEIEMIZMI www.carlsontesting.com Boring HA-3 PA PAGE 1 OF 1 CLIENT Steve Fugate PROJECT NAME Fought&Company Crane Upgrades PROJECT NUMBER G2005242 PROJECT LOCATION 14255 SW 72nd Avenue,Tigard,Oregon DATE STARTED 2/21/20 GROUND ELEVATION 96.5 ft ELEVATION DATUM 100 feet=FFE of existing building WEATHER Indoors SURFACE Concrete Slab LOGGED BY AET/DJD REVIEWED BY BLN DRILLING CONTRACTOR CGT % SEEPAGE 3.3 ft/El. 93.3 ft EQUIPMENT 3 inch diameter hand auger GROUNDWATER AT END -- DRILLING METHOD Hand Auger&WDCP 1 GROUNDWATER AFTER DRILLING 2.0 ft/El.94.5 ft J Z O co � a e w W ♦WDCP N�VALUE O x M ¢ _ w �^ D. a. PL LL r o.O m MATERIAL DESCRIPTION o a j 0 0¢ w N Z n I • I uJ �.J D. Z w�' d5 O� a Yv 0- MC 0 O p 2Z iE U T w < Z d o ❑FINES CONTENT(%)❑ 0 O 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 FAT CLAY:Medium stiff,grey brown with orange GRAB 5 A 96 mottling,moist, and exhibited high plasticity. v 1 100 6 5.GRA2 100 5 • 6 8 y 2 15 CH With some fine-grained sand below 2 feet bgs. 13 94 13 Stiff below about 2%feet bef. m 12 • Wet below about 3 feet bef. % \-( 3 100 17 43 13 4 14 SILT WITH SAND:Very stiff,grey with brown 23 92 mottling,wet,low plasticitty,with fine-grained sand 25 with. 25 sct GRAB 100 � 75 6 90 ML s 2 m o- - 1- . GRAB 100 s 8 5 a v0 88 ,, Y. _ m_GRAB 100 N Grey below about 9 feet bef. V 6 N_ - •Hand auger boring terminated at approximatley o 9%feet bef. a. •Groundwater encountered at approximately 2 feet bef. _ -Borehole backfilled with cuttings. 1-- 86 z 0 R- 0 a d U I- I- 0 U • OFFICE COPY - • • CITY OF TMAII,P,.. REVIEWED FOR C:6,t)E comeLTANCE Approved: 't•„/ OTC: Permit #: clop aDaz 0 ) Address: tl s-s- AV Suite #: By: Date: . . SPECIAL ICTION Fir..7QUIRED State of Orog,:il: Spvciaity Code 0 Concrete and Steel E.3 Bolts Instead n Concrete I:3 Special Moment-Resting Concrete Frame El -Reinforcing St !& Prestressing Steel Tendons E StnxtumI Higit-streflo 3tAinij El Structorri:Wemry Ileinfoivixi Ciyi-;=: .ifi Concrete insulatint3 Ccricrc:c 0 Spray Appiiix:; Materials El Pilings,Draled Pieia z,n{:;C&issons C3 Shotcretc VALIDITY OF PERMIT THE ISSUANCE OF A PERMIT 0 Speciai Excavation and Filling BASED ON CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS AND OTHER 0 Smoke-Ccor,r0I Syctoms DATA SHALL NOT PREVENT El Otnei THE CODE OFFICIAL FROM REQUIRING THE CORRECTION OF ERRORS. OSSC 105.4