Plans (3) *** CONSTRUCTIO\ NOTES *** PAGE 1 OF 2 *** 1. GENERAL Construction (latest edition), ACI 318 (latest K's edition), and other applicable regulatory ';.1 ) A. All work shall be performed in compliance with the documents. In case of anv conflicts in principles of good construction practice. specifications, the one(s) o;the applicable cone v it, shall g overn. B. During the construction period the contractor shall 9 p fl ,r) be responsible for the safety (including fire safety) D. These plans and calcu!ations are based upon of the new, as well as existing, structures. The the assignment from, ai well as on the , contractor shall provide adequate shoring, bracing, information ?bout, the new equipment, as all national, state, and provided by A:r Products & Chemicals, Inc. (Mr � and guys in accordance with a not p Y TYP. PERIM. local safety ordinances. Any deviation from such Matthew Hawkins, tel. (92E) 687-3854). ordinances must be approved prior to erection. 00 . , That responsibility shall apply continuously and E. This design shall be used exclusive;} by Fought -' 7 F[ hours. & Tigard, Oregon, Air Products &shall not be limited to normal working u Co.,, g g Chemicals, Inc., as well as their contractor(s). G N C. The contractor shall check all information on the Any other use (including, but not limited to, plans (including dimensions) prior to commencing review, dissemination, or copying) of these the work. All discrepancies shall be called to the design materials and any portion thereof, Es well 9' 1 attention of the engineer, and shall be resolved as any use of those materials by any party or 'x9' PAP before proceeding with the work. parties other than the ones specified above, are 4'-6" > (N) 1500-GAL. 1/2 strictly prohibited unless under a tvritten LOX TANK AI EJ responsible for the permission by SGE. EJ (N) TANK CAST-iN ANCHORS D. The contractor shall be p p Y ASTM A36 STEEL TANK ANCHO:� LAYOUT PER PLANS p1",g MIN. EFF. EMB. restoration of working condition of all existing �+ WITH K-WELDED BOTTOM NUT components and structures affected by this F. Do not scale the plans. 18 1/2" �— 37" >•+ SLAB BY OTHERS SP. ECTION3NOT REQ'DK construction. The contractor shall constantly keep -�` the area of construction from accumulation of G. The measurements shown on the plans are - _ TIGHTEN NUTS TO SNUG CONDITION waste materials and debris. At the end of work, the based upon the catalogued(ideal) dimensions of -� . `° surplus material, the equipment. The contractor shall verify the contractor shall remove all waste, surp y tools, and equipment. dimensions against those of the template and/or / cv T.O.C. FLAT, LEVELED, AND prior to any construction a FLUSH WITH, OR 3" MAX ABOVE, of the actual equipment p y ! 1 SURROUNDING SLAB/GRADE (BY OTHERS) 6, EJ ® \ EJ Y 2" CLR. T.O.C. MAY BE SLOPED 0.75% E. The contractor shall defend, indemnify, and hold activities. MAX FOR DRAINAGE (BY OTHERS) the engineer harmless from any and all liability, real - �-t ' J / , \ I or alleged, in conjunction with this project except 3. SOILS \ �Go • ° °� for liability rising from the sole negligence of the upon the minimum IIP N N I-Z engineer. A. The design was based p requirements of the CBC Section 1805 and CBC �_ ../i�/��/��/� 2. DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Table 18-I-A. .i' —4\ . , _ h, A. These structural plans and calculations were B. Soil under the new structures should be clay, v r—a developed by SGE restrictively in regard to the sandy clay, silty clay, or clayey silt with allowable EJ //,�, �� �� Installation of 1500-gallon Liquid Oxygen (LOX) capacity of 1000 psf. (N) TANK ANCHORAGE: \,/���/���/�� 3" CLR. YP. U.N.O. Tankat Fought& Co., Tigard, Oregon. CAST-IN ANCHORS (N) EQUIPMENT PAD (3) TYP. @ 120' _______/ C. Contractor shall immediately inform SGE if soils 9')(9`x18" ASTM A36 STEEL THR'D RODS B. This design does not consider the structural of different nature or properties (ground water, 2500 PSI NWC 01", MIN. EMB. 12" IVe REINFORCEMENT: TACK-WELDED BUM NUTS BUM NUT TACK-WELDED adequacy of the equipment, legs, baseplates, and apparently lower capacity soils, or aggressive #4016" T&B, B.W. SP. INSPECTION NOT REQ'D (N) EQUIPMENT PAD q Y p SUB-BASE: 9x9 x18 connections between these members (by others). soils) were encountered during the construction. REFER TO SECTION "SOILS" 2500 PSI NWC For the purposes of this design, all new equipment OF CONSTRUCTION NOTES REINFORCEMENT, T&B, B.W.: was assumed to be structurally adequate. Air D. A minimum of 12" thick layer of soil underlying (8) MIN. #4 0 16"MAX Y q Y Products & Chemicals, Inc. is recommended to the new equipment pad should be over- THE SHOWN DIMENSIONS OF THE THE SHOWN MINIMAL DISTANCES verify the adequacy of the equipment with excavated and re-compacted at optimum PAD ARE MINIMAL. THE PAD CAN TO THE PAD EDGES, ANCHOR manufacturers. moisture content to 90% maximum dry density BE ENLARGED WITH THE SAME EDGE DISTANCES, NUMBER AND MINIMUM THICKNESS AND TYPE OF ANCHORS, AND per ASTM D1557. REINFORCEMENT, IF DESIRED. EQUIMENT CLEARANCE DISTANCES C. All materials, structures, and workmanship shall SHALL BE MAINTAINED. conform to these plans, calculations, as well as to E. All earthwork should be conducted under the ANY INCREASES IN THICKNESS SHALL RESULT IN HEAVIER FOR SITE PLAN, EQUIPMENT the established guidelines guidance of a registered geotechnical or civil REINFORCEMENT. LAYOUT AND ORIENTATION, AND PAD SIZE REFER TO PLANS BY ` set forth by 1998 CBC, RISC Manual of Steel engineer. OTHERS. -�' (N) TANK PA!� *** CONSTRUCTION NOTES *** PAGE 2 OF 2 *** SECTION NTS (N) TANK PAD & ANCHOR LAYOUT C:11 PLAN SCALE: 1" = 3'-O" C. Special forms shall be installed to prevent any .2 4. CONCRETE movement of anchors from the exact position during the pouring of concrete. A. All reinforced concrete structures shall be of normal weight (145 PCF) concrete with minimum D. All anchors shall be installed in accordance with compressive strength of 2500 PSI in 28 days. these plans and with the equipment layout by Air Products & Chemicals, Inc. B. Concrete shall be maintained in a moist condition for a minimum of five (5) days after placement. E. All cast-in anchors shall be of ASTM A36 steel, Alternate methods will be approved if satisfactory with. standard hex nuts (top and tack-welded performance can be assured. bottom, of the same or stronger material as the anchors). C. Minimum concrete cover shall be provided for reinforcement as follows: F. Install standard washers under the nuts on all anchors. Tighten the nuts to a snug condition. .-1/2 (N) JOINT SEALER: in concrete cast against, and permanently exposed NR-201 UREXPAN to earth minimum clear 3" G. Special inspection (CBC Section 1701) is not BY PECORA CORP. OR APPROVED EQUAL , in concrete exposed to earth or weather, minimum required during the installation of the cast-in- clear 2" place anchors. (N) SLAB 1 1/2" OR FTNG. (N)/(E) SLAB OR ABUTTING D. The surface of all new concrete shall be flat (1/8" 7. ABBREVIATIONS %��jI STRUCTURE max. unflatness under 10-ft straightedge), and shall have rough broom finish. Form 3/4" chamfers A.B. Anchor . ■ (N) JOINT FILLER: I concrete. UNO, the B.W. Both ways �� �� at al. exposed edges of cant � y NON-IMPREGNATED �� � FULL-DEPTH surface of concrete shall slope at 0.75/o max. for BCD Bolt Circle Diameter FIBERBOARD OR ■ drainage. CL Centerline APPROVED EQUAL SUBBASE REFER TO SECTION CLR. Clear "SOILS" OF CONSTRUCTION NOTES E. Special inspection of concrete is not required CONT. Continuous (designed as 2500 < 3000 PSI N.W.C.). DIA. Diameter . _ EA. Each 5. REINFORCING STEEL (E) Existing member EMB. Embedment A. All reinforcing steel shall conform to ASTM HORIZ. Horizontal Specification A615 Grade 60. LONGIT. Longitudinal EXPANSION JOiNT (EJ) MAX. Maximum / SECTION, NTS B. All reinforcing steel shall be spliced with Class B MIN. Minimum splices. Minimum rebar overlapping should be 24" (N) New member for #4 rebars, 29" for #5 rebars, 36" for #6 rebars, N.I.C. Not in this contract 41" for#7 rebars, and 50" for#8 rebars. All splices N.T.S. Not to scale in concrete shall be staggered 24 inches min. N.W.C. Normal weight concrete O.C. Center-to-center C. Rebars shall be held in the required position by PL Plate means of approved devices. PSF Pounds per square foot PSI Pounds per square inch / \ DDj40/QC xxxxxxx 'S�sc ((( l PREPARED FOR D. Rebars shall be clean of dirt, oil, scale, and foreign REINF. Reinforcement 71f l ro;: AIR PRODUCTS �c CHEMICALS, INIC. materials. RPT. Report STD. Standard A 7L % 4000 Nelson Avenue Concord CA 94520 ANCHORS T&B Top and bottoi r1 A 1 ocv r C. CAST IN A � 11 :h. 1� PROJECT T,O.C. Top of concrete A. The contractor shall take all necessary measures T.O.S. Tap of steel aA _ hc1 - INSTALLATION OF CRYOGENIC EQUIPMENT TRANSV Transverse i ;.' I, }•tX ,, �� 1 ,; ; . rY ';.',Ai-�k,�. -` ',_, , , ,,*, 1500-GALLON LIQUID OXYGEN(LOX)TANK po, to ensure the precise installation of the anchors. TYP. ° �}' ;!, '.:' -r.�: . roc T Typical CIS =z � � B. The dimensions between the anchors shall be U.N.O. Unless noted otherwise g i)}�w�p•1� DATE: Z •. } r: >..W° 'r LOCATION verified against those of the actual tank or full-scale VERT. Vertical `'$ �� � �;r� ,;:,, '•r FOUGHT&CO. a I$'s: ; '}�' I THESE PLANS WERE DEVELOPED RESTRiCTIVELY Tigard,Oregon template. x I'lac i : +��'¢8�a:t FOR USE ON THE STRUCTURES AND HY PERSONS/ p GORDIN STRUCTURAL DESIGN ANY OTHER USE (INCLUDING,rBUT NOT LIMITED /i\ ENGINEERING SERVICIS To, DISSEMINATION AND COPYING) OF THESE DRAWN BY VSG SGE JOB No.D5205946 TOTAL STRUCTURAL SHITS. — 1 REV DATE DESCRIPTION BY C S (SGE) PLANS AND ANY PORTION THEREOF, AS WELL AS ANY USE OF THE PLANS BY ANY PARTY OR APD PARTIES OTHER THAN THE ONES SPECIFIED IN CHECKED BY VSG 15351 NORMANDIE AVE.,IRVINE CA 92604 THE TITLE BLOCK. ARE STRICTLY PROHIBITED May 28, 2002 SHEET S-1 REVISIONS TEL.(949)552-5244*FAX(949)552-5243 UNLESS UNDER A WRITTEN PERMISSION BY SGE. SCALE AS SHOWN DATE