RE_ Non-compliant issues from respondent 8-11-2021.msg Debbie Manning From: Ken Richards Sent: Thursday, August 12, 2021 5:32 AM To: TOM PFEIFFER; Tom McGuire; Ken Ross Subject: RE: Non-compliant issues Tome, You have reached the wrong Ken. I will pass it on to Ken Ross. kenro@tigard-or.gov Thanks, Ken Richards From:TOM PFEIFFER<tspf@comcast.net> Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 20213:40 PM To:Tom McGuire<TomM@tigard-or.gov> Cc: Ken Richards<KenR@tigard-or.gov> Subject: Non-compliant issues Caution!This message was sent from outside your organization. Allow sender I Block sender Dear Mr. Tom McGuire, I own rental property in Tigard and the tenants have been issued a letter of non-compliance. The tenants are working closely with Ken Ross toward resolution. My concern is one the the complaints that has been issued, is the storage of a work truck at the homesite. Upon review of City code and the non-compliance letters issued to me and the tenant, work vehicles under the Home Occupation Permit can't exceed a weight of more than 0.75 tons. I have concern about that. My tenants are being forced to remove the vehicle from the homesite in order to be in compliance. I have attached both the City code and the latest letter of non-compliance with highlights in the areas of question (pages 1,3, and 5 of attachment). Both of these documents clearly state that the vehicle can't have a weight exceeding 0.75 tons (1,500 lbs.). There is not a car made in America or anywhere for that matter that has a vehicle weight of less than 0.75 tons (1500 lbs.) The lightest vehicle that I am aware of is the "Smart Car" and even it has a vehicle weight of 1,850 lbs. If the tenants of this property are required to remove their vehicle off-site, then I would suggest that all businesses in the City of Tigard that operate under a similar "home occupation permit" and that use a vehicle in their business operations also be required to store those work vehicles off-site, since it is not possible to have a vehicle that weighs 1,500 lbs. or less. Mr. Ken Ross said you would be the appropriate person to discuss this with. Please get back to me with your thoughts. If I am missing something I would appreciate an explanation. While I agree with the Home Occupation Permit process and the associated requirements to operate, I am just as concerned about equal treatment for all of Tigard's community. Sincerely, Tom Pfeiffer 503-608-9622 i DISCLAIMER: E-mails sent or received by City of Tigard employees are subject to public record laws. If requested, e-mail may be disclosed to another party unless exempt from disclosure under Oregon Public Records Law. E-mails are retained by the City of Tigard in compliance with the Oregon Administrative Rules "City General Records Retention Schedule." z