Re_ FW_ 12490 SW Brookside Avenue_DCC2021-00077 from respondent 8-2-2021.msg Debbie Manning From: Elizabeth Escobar <skkobar@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, August 2, 2021 4:42 PM To: Ken Ross Subject: Re: FW: 12490 SW Brookside Avenue/DCC2021-00077 Caution!This message was sent from outside your organization. Allow sender I Block sender Hi Ken, Jesus and I are working, modifying and doing all we can to be compliant with the city of Tigard. We are waiting for the parking storage spot to park the truck( I am still gathering information about the truck)because after talking to a lawyer it seems that the Truck is not an oversized vehicle and it might be within the limits,it is not as loud as the complaint states. The truck gets started at 7: 10, 7:15 Jesus leaves at 7:20 or 7:25 comes back until 5, 6 or 7pm the truck doesn't come and go through the day, it is away all day. In the meantime I gather more information. I already requested a storage spot, as soon as I get it I'll let you know. Sunday!!!! We clean the trucks, we water the plants, turn on sprinkles,we walk our dogs, we wake up every morning at 5am 7 days a week,but we wait until 7:20 or 7:30 or Sam to start our outdoor activities, there is no harm, we don't operate any equipment, we don't turn on any mowers, no vacuums in the morning, we mow the yard until 2 or 4pm so we don't bother, a neighbor few houses from us mows his yard at 9am, but is no big deal, we understand. The complaint keeps mentioning multiple vehicles, We are allowed 2 trucks for the business as I mentioned on the home business application. As a resident I can park multiple vehicles if I need to,(not the case I have 4 vehicles only) as long as the vehicles are properly parked. We have 2 trucks for the business, a Ford and the dumptruck, my own and Jesus's personal truck. My nephew's car is parked every morning at a neighbor's house on Brookside Place St. As she offered to us, (not at our property like the email states) sometimes he comes to go with Jesus (it is clear if he volunteers I need to pick him up)but sometimes he comes to watch my kids or play with them. This will end at the end of this month,because he goes away for school. It is absolutely impossible to live like this, for one single neighbor that keeps complaining, I have done things in consideration,(not because any of this was a violation) starting the truck at 7:10 not earlier, redirected the sensor lights, not turning on the main entry of the house light anymore, asked a family member not to come in the mornings, a piano teacher not to park at front(once a week) We will have to pay $2,460 for the truck storage. There is no harm at all to any neighbor, to the city, the truck is never left parked on the street, always on the driveway, a garbage truck that comes at 6:am is 10 times louder than this med size truck. Starting next week my nephew won't be coming anymore, very stressful for him as well. Is this legal? That a neighbor emails the city of tigard for a car that is properly parked with the owner's permission, and doesn't even drive by the neighbor's house that is complaining? Is this legal?that the neighbor keeps sending pictures, that will be exposed to the public where the individuals are not doing anything inappropriate? Jesus doesn't feel comfortable anymore,having pictures taken of him at his own property. We can go on and on, how we are doing everything to be compliance, it's very complicated when the neighbor gives false information or exaggerates, there has to be some maturity when living across from each other, this neighbor has 5 vehicules 3 med size, I work/construction van and I ford truck(which has the right to park as many as needed) my point here is that, when I see their vehicles parked on the street not their driveway I go to the other street brookside place to park, (initiative to make the city we live at a better place) so we don't block the brookside Ave, because our houses are right in front of each other. I Thank you for helping make the city of Tigard a better place to live!! Elizabeth Escobar On Mon, Aug 2, 2021 at 7:41 AM Ken Ross <kenro&tigard-or.gov>wrote: Hi Elizabeth, We received another complaint regarding your property(see attachments and email below). Per our discussion last week, please provide an update on when the reported issues will be resolved so I can relay this information to the complainant. If you have any questions, please call me at 503-718-2581. Thank you for your assistance and compliance, Ken Today is day 20 from the time we received the second code compliance letter. These are photos from Sunday morning, August 1st at 7:15 a.m. We can hear their morning work preparations in our home, is this legal on Sundays? This is a 7 day a week operation. There continue to be multiple vehicles being used daily, including the 1 ton Chevy dumptuck. There is an employee that is driving&parking at their home every morning. The only positive change that I have noticed is that the dumptruck is being idled for less time every morning. DISCLAIMER: E-mails sent or received by City of Tigard employees are subject to public record laws. If requested, e- mail may be disclosed to another party unless exempt from disclosure under Oregon Public Records Law. E-mails are 2 retained by the City of Tigard in compliance with the Oregon Administrative Rules"City General Records Retention Schedule." 3