DCC2021-00077 Pics from respondent 8-3-2021.msg Debbie Manning From: Elizabeth Escobar <skkobar@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, August 3, 2021 9:30 PM To: Ken Ross Subject: Pics Attachments: 20210803_204048jpg; 20210803_195751.jpg; 20210803_195758.jpg; 20210803_ 195709.jpg Caution!This message was sent from outside your organization. Allow sender I Block sender Hi Ken, I am providing pictures to show a scenario of the neighbor's vehicles, the neighbor submitting complaints. The van starts at 730am leaves at 745 or Sam, sometimes 6am or 630 Last Sunday morning Sam ish, while I was in a zoom meeting the male adult neighbor was outside by the van talking on the phone really loud I could hear the entire conversation in my bedroom. What Did I do instead complaining? I engaged my problem solving skills and I close the window and move my computer to the living room. Their vehicles get move around in the morning as well, my kids wake up due to the house and when the Van starts and leaves. We normally don't park any car on the street during the day, because the mail box and not to obstruct the traffic as they always park 3 vehicles on the street. I parked the Ford white truck to take pictures. The Toyota(not tacoma) is always parked on the other street Brookside place or the drive way. Sometimes we parked the vehicles overnight(Toyota or ford) on the driveway, or the street where the picture shows,because both got broke into. We are in a corner, we get to park on both sides of the street,but to be considered, we park on Brookside place like I mentioned before. i