12485 SW Brookside Avenue-DCC2021-00077 from complainant 8-3-2021.msg Debbie Manning From: Erica Bidiman <ericabidiman@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, August 3, 2021 7:42 AM To: Ken Ross Subject: 12485 SW Brookside Avenue-DCC2021-00077 Attachments: IMG_20210803_072806483_BURST000_COVER_TOPjpg; IMG_20210803_072945587jpg Caution!This message was sent from outside your organization. Allow sender I Block sender Hi Ross, Here's another picture of the early morning multi-vehicle landscape business. He plays merry go round with his 3 trucks & wife's personal vehicle every morning. He moved the f-150 from his driveway to the street, his Toyota Tacoma from the spot where the f-150 is now sitting to the side street, &their personal vehicle as well. I share this to try to paint a picture of the commercial zone feeling across the in our otherwise very quiet residential neighborhood. Thank you, Erica Bidiman i