12485 SW Brookside Avenue from complainant 1 - 2-14-2022.msg Debbie Manning From: Erica Bidiman <ericabidiman@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, February 14, 2022 9:25 AM To: Ken Ross Subject: 12485 SW Brookside Avenue Caution!This message was sent from outside your organization. Allow sender I Block sender ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Ethan Schaedel <ethan(a�timberlineelectric.com> Date: Thu, Feb 3, 2022 at 6:59 AM Subject: revised code To: ericabidimanggmail.com<ericabidiman(a?gmail.com> Hello Ken, For the month of December we estimate the 1 ton truck was stored overnight for approximately the first half of the month. Until 2/14/22 the truck has not been stored regularly onsite, but appears sporadically at the residence with employees or Jesus, sometimes driving it there during the day to drop off or pick up things. There continues to be an occasional overnight stay. They currently have an employee arrive at their residence in a small blue sedan almost every day. Sometimes another employee parks down the street, still other times,Jesus will leave and bring an employee back to the house with him. Having employees at a residential business, I thought, was not permitted with a type 1 license. Almost every morning, Monday through Friday or Saturday, at least one employee arrives by 6:45a.m.-7a.m. and they stand around or wait in their vehicle for Jesus to come out and then they load the trailer. The vehicles run, headlights on, for close to a half hour while they prep for the day.They often leave between 7 and 8 am and return later during the day to change out tools and equipment. We know all of this not because we are nosy, but the simple fact the noise radiates throughout our house interrupting our day to day activities, sleep, and peace of mind. We've been quiet about this with the idea that some of the code violations had been curbed, they have begun to respond quickly to their dog when he's outside barking, and the four bright lights that illuminated the entire inside of our home are now turned off at night. It took a tremendous amount of time and energy to achieve this. We have been concerned with retaliation if we speak up about the continued infractions. We are very thankful for the changes our neighbors have made. However, when it comes down to brass tacks we feel that we should not have to continue to expend time and energy policing chronic offenses to business code infractions occurring in our residential neighborhood. We very simply want to live in our home in peace with neighbors that have respect for the residential city code in which they have chosen to live. People that knowingly, and chronically, violate code should be held accountable. It feels incredibly discouraging at this point to witness code infractions by these business owners almost daily out of our front window. With respect to what has transpired over the past year between us,the neighbor and the city, we have a few questions. -When can the city step in and make permanent changes in granting or denying a business license when there is a chronic code infraction? i - How many complaints can a business receive, despite full knowledge of residential business code, before their license is revoked? -When is a business fined for this behavior? It is unsettling to think that for more than 5 years a tenant that is renting a residential property can run a loud, non- compliant business out of their home, while a landowner sits on their hands hoping they will make changes and when they finally muster the courage to speak up are accused by the tenants of being "complainers." Personally, we couldn't have imagined it would be legal to run a business in a residential neighborhood that requires gas operated equipment, a loud, large, diesel truck and an immense amount of effort to load this equipment onto and off of his vehicle(s) every morning and evening. Had anyone in our family decided to take on this type of venture we'd have looked into renting a space in a commercial area or an area mixed with commercial and residential. There are many mixed use rentals in Tigard that allow for commercial use. To us this is common courtesy and common sense. It is a caring approach to being a good neighbor. We have asked for residential code compliance pertaining to our neighbors animals and business. We have also asked them not to flood our house with light all night. We have not felt like this was too much to ask. We have spent a lot of time in the past five years having our simple requests, that were code violations, ignored and dismissed as our home boundaries continued to be breached for years. We would like to enjoy our home and property without wondering which code infraction will occur today and how long it will disturb the peace of our home? Noise and light pollution are very real issues and we are grateful that there are city codes in place to maintain boundaries and some kind of order in residential neighborhoods.The ill effects of these types of pollution are well documented and can have very negative impacts on human and animal health. Having a neighbor closely positioned, directly across the street that has been unwilling to regularly keep their noise and light within their property limits has been difficult to endure for so many years. At this juncture our neighbor, with full knowledge of what their business license allows, continues to violate city code almost daily. It feels inconsiderate at best, and a breach of our right to enjoy our property. We feel disheartened every single day that we witness the continued violation(s), occur, especially now that we are aware that they had full knowledge of the perimeters of the business license they chose to have. We have no desire to police the whole neighborhood for code compliance,that doesn't mean that we are discriminating against our neighbors. We would simply like our home to be returned to the peaceful way it was prior to the current occupants. With the fact that they have clearly grown in size as a business, have purchased a new Toyota tundra, and a 1 ton truck, have multiple employees, and work almost every day, one can assume they have enough money saved up to move their business to a business district. We do hope they can find a business or commercial space where they can feel at ease to expand their business to it's full potential. ****This particular morning 2/14/22,the toyota tundra, which has a very loud engine and muffler that we hear clearly in any room in our home,was started at 6:30a.m. and driven away by Jesus. In the meantime,two employee vehicles showed up at 12485 SW Brookside Avenue and sat waiting for Jesus who returned to the property before 7:00a.m. driving the one ton vehicle.The one ton was then parked on the side of the house and loaded with supplies with the help of employees.The first employee vehicle,white,that arrived before 7:00 had a very loud muffler that he kept 2 running directly in front of our home for a time along with bright headlights left. The other employee who has been arriving for months now every morning drives a blue sedan. Thank you for your continued attention to these residential neighborhood code violations. Sincerely, Ethan & Erica 3