Specifications (4) f•Pszo/9y� Hydraulic Calculations iJ799 ro9 41/5 for Project Name: HAMPTON INN Location: , ,TIGARD,OR Drawing Name:TIGARD L4 FIRE.cad Calculation Date: 12/26/2019 Design Remote Area Number: LEVEL 04 RECEIVED Remote Area Location: LEVEL 04 Occupancy Classification: Light Hazard JAN 7 2020 Commodity Classification: LIGHT HAZ CITY OF TIGARD BUILDING DIVISION Density 0.10gpm/ft2 Area of Application: 8ft2(Actual 597ft2) Coverage per Sprinkler: 130ft2 Type of sprinklers calculated: Pendent No.of sprinklers calculated: 8 No.of nozzles calculated: 0 In-rack Demand: N/A gpm at Node: N/A Hose Streams: 0.0 gpm at Node: 1 Type: Allowance at Source 100.00 at Node: 10 Type: Hydrant 100.00 at Node: 10 Type: Hydrant 100.00 at Node: 10 Type: Hydrant Total Water Required (including Hose Streams where applicable): From Water Supply at Node 1: 218.17 @ 42.6 (Safety Margin=33.1 psi) Type of System: WET Volume of Dry or PreAction System: 1gal Name of Contractor: EXPRESS FIRE SYSTEMS, INC Address: 670 S 28TH STREET, WASHOUGAL,WA 98671 Phone Number: 360-953-8432 Name of designer: STAFF Authority Having Jurisdiction: Notes: Automatic peaking results Left:285.6 Right:285.6 kij M.E.P.CAD, Inc. dAutoSPRINK 2019 v15.1.18.0 LEVEL 04 12/26/201910:07:43AM Page 1 Hydraulic Graph Job Name: HAMPTON INN N 1.85 Remote Area Number: LEVEL 04 Date: 12/26/2019 100 Supply Summary Sheet 90 Node: 1 • 80-Available Supply Static Pressure 76.0 31518.17 75.8 70 1950.00 62.0 60 a 50 N Vi a - 18.17 42.6 40 wstem demand curve 30 20 10 0 -188.8811111 111111111 1111 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 ` 0 400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800 3200 3600 Flow-gpm (+e©M.E.P.CAD, Inc. AutoSPRINK 2019 v15.1.18.0 12/26/2019 10:07:46AM Page 2 ,; i Ili , Summary Of Outflowing Devices Job Number:18-071 Report Description:Light Hazard(LEVEL 04) Actual Flow Minimum Flow K-Factor Pressure Device (gpm) (gpm) (K) (psi) Hydrant 10 100.00 100.00 0 36.4 Sprinkler 695 15.95 13.00 4.9 10.6 Sprinkler 700 15.63 13.00 4.9 10.2 _ Sprinkler 702 14.09 13.00 4.9 8.3 4i. Sprinkler 704 13.00 13.00 4.9 7.0 Sprinkler 707 14.38 13.00 4.9 8.6 Sprinkler 709 13.00 13.00 4.9 7.0 Sprinkler 711 15.61 13.00 4.9 10.2 Sprinkler 1543 16.50 13.00 4.9 11.3 c:› Most Demanding Sprinkler Data k,©M.E.P.CAD,Inc. "11 AutoSPRINK 2019 v15.1.18.0 12/26/2019 10:07:49AM Page 3 Job Name: HAMPTON INN Remote Area Number: LEVEL 04 Date: 12/26/2019 Supply Analysis Static Residual Flow Available Total Demand Required Pressure Node Name (psi) (psi) @ (gpm) (psi) (gpm) (psi) 1 Water Supply 76.0 62.0 1950.00 75.8 218.17 42.6 Node Analysis Node Number Elevation(Foot) Node Type Pressure at Discharge at Notes Node Node (psi) (gpm) 1 -37'-10 Supply 42.6 218.17 10 -37'-10 Hydrant 36.4 100.00 695 7'-6 Sprinkler 10.6 15.95 700 7'-6 Sprinkler 10.2 15.63 702 7'-6 Sprinkler 8.3 14.09 704 8'-8 Sprinkler 7.0 13.00 707 7'-6 Sprinkler 8.6 14.38 709 8'-8 Sprinkler 7.0 13.00 711 7'-6 Sprinkler 10.2 15.61 1543 7'-6 Sprinkler 11.3 16.50 5 -37'-10 36.5 8 -31'-10 33.8 411 8'-6 12.1 413 8'-6 11.2 421 8'-6 10.7 426 8'-6 10.4 440 8'-6 8.4 445 8'-6 8.6 448 9'-2 7.3 L' ,©M.E.P.CAD, Inc. yii AutoSPRINK 2019 v15.1.18. 12/26/2019 10:07:52AM Page 4 Job Name: HAMPTON INN Remote Area Number: LEVEL 04 Date: 12/26/2019 Node Number Elevation(Foot) Node Type Pressure at Discharge at Notes Node Node (Psi) (gpm) 453 8'-6 11.9 455 8'-6 10.0 489 8'-6 14.1 812 -0'-2 18.9 ( ,©M.E.P.CAD, Inc. AutoSPRINK 2019 v15.1.18. 12/26/2019 10:07:52AM Page 5 Job Name: HAMPTON INN Remote Area Number: LEVEL 04 Date: 12/26/2019 Pipe Information Elev 1 Flow added Fittings& Length C Factor Total(Pt) Notes Node 1 (Foot) K-Factor this gstep Nominal ID) Devices (Foot) Fitting/Device(Equivalent Length) Fitting Pf Friction Elev(Pe) Fixed Pressure Losses, • Elev 2 Total Flow Equiv. (Foot) Loss Per Unit when applicable,are added Node 2 (Foot) (Q) Actual ID Length Total (psi) Friction(Pf) directly to(Pf)and shown as (Foot) (Foot) „e pt:,%"a'..o 709 8'-8 4.9 13.00 1 (See 6'-0'/2 150 7.0 Route 1 Sprinkler, Notes) 10'-0 -0.2 448 9'-2 13.00 1.1010 0.030666 0.5 2T(5'-0) 16'-0%= 448 9'-2 21.02 11/4 (See 11'-0 150 7.3 Notes) Flow(q)from Route 2 18'-0 0.3 445 8'-6 26.00 1.3940 29 0 0.035036 1 0 2E(6'-0),T(6'-0) 445 8'-6 22.89 1'/= (See 10'-2 150 8.6 Notes) Flow(q)from Route 5 9'-0 455 8'-6 54.48 1.5980 19'2 0.070783 1.4 2Tr(1'-0), E(7'-0) 455 8'-6 15.61 1'/= (See 6-91/2 150 10.0 Flow(q)from Route 5 Notes) 10'-0 453 8'-6 70.09 1.5980 0.112820 1 9 2Tr(1'-0), P0(8'-0) 16'-9'% 453 8'-6 92.94 3 39'-0% 120 11.9 Flow(q)from Route 3 411 8'-6 70.09 3.2600 0.005293 • 39'-0% 0.2 411 8'-6 48.08 3 (See 132'-6 120 12.1 Flow(q)from Route 6 Notes) 11'-9'% 489 8'-6 118.17 3.2600 144'-31/= 0.013913 2.0 fE(5'-0),Tr(6'-9'/=) 489 8'-6 4 (See 229'4 120 14.1 Notes) 47'-11 3.8 812 -0'-2 118.17 4.2600 0.003781 - T(26'-4),3fE(6'-9%),CV(1'-2), 277'-2'% 1.0 L4 812 -0'-2 4 (See 88'-7% 120 18.9 Notes) 219.-9 13.7 8 -31'-10 118.17 4.2600 308'-41/= 0.003781 1.2 - 3BV(15'-9'h),7fE(13'-2),3fT(2 6'-4),CV(1'-2) 8 -31'-10 6 (See 92'-0 140 33.8 Notes) 91'-5 2.6 5 -37'-10 118.17 6.2800 183'S 0.000429 0.1 2E(22'-1),T(47'-3%) 5 -37'-10 100.00 6 (See 60'-0 140 36.5 Flow(q)from Route 11 Notes) 80'-4% 1 -3T-10 218.17 6.2800 0.001335 2LtE(14'-2), BFP(-6.0),GV(4'-8 140'-41/2 6.2 '/_),S,T(47'-3'h) 0.00 42.6 Hose Allowance At Source 1 218.17 Total(Pt) Route 1 ©M.E.P.CAD,Inc. yfy AutoSPRINK 2019 v15.1.18.0 LEVEL 04 12/26/2019 10:07:56AM Page 6 Job Name: HAMPTON INN Remote Area Number: LEVEL 04 Date: 12/26/2019 Pipe Information Elev 1 Flow added Fittings& Length C Factor Total(Pt) Notes Node 1 (Foot) K-Factor this step Nominal ID Devices (Foot) Fitting/Device(Equivalent (9) Length) Fitting Pf Friction Elev(Pe) Fixed Pressure Losses, (Foot) Elev 2 Total Flow Equiv. Loss Per Unit . when applicable,are added Node 2 (Foot) (0) Actual ID LengthooTotal (psi) Friction(Pf) directly to(Pf)and shown as ( ) (Foot) 2 nQ J2t;"e‘'21... 0'% 1 704 8.-8 4.9 13.00 1 (See 6'- 50 7.0 Route 2 Sprinkler, Notes) 10'-0 -0.2 448 9'-2 13.00 1.1010 0.030666 2T(5'-0) 16'-0% 0.5 7.3 Total(Pt) Route 2 8.3 Route 3 150 '-0 702 7'-6 4.9 14.09 1 (See 9Sprinkler, Notes) 7'-0 -0.4 0.035599 E(5'-0),2Tr(1'-0} 440 8'-6 14.09 1.1010 16'-0 0.6 440 8'-6 14.38 1 (See 0'-7'% 150 8.4 Notes) Flow(q)from Route 4 1'-0 445 8'-6 28.48 1.1010 1'T/2 0.130814 0.2 Tr(1'-0) 8.6 Total(Pt) Route 3 707 7'-6 4.9 14.38 1 (See 1'-0 150 8.6 Route 4 - Notes) Sprinkler, 5'-0 -0.4 440 8'-6 14.38 1.1010 0.036981 T(5'-0) 6'-0 0.2 8.4 Total(Pt) Route 4 10.2 Route 50 150 711 7'-6 4.9 15.61 1 (See 1'- Sprinkler, Notes) 5'-0 -0.4 455 8'-6 15.61 1.1010 6 0 O.Q43026 0 3 - T(5'-0) 10.0 Total(Pt) Route 5 700 7'-6 4.9 15.63 1 (See 9'-0 150 10.2 Route 6 Notes) 7'-0 -0.4 Sprinkler, 0.043135 - E(5'-O),2Tr(1'-0) 426 8'-6 15.63 1.1010 16'-0 0.7 426 8'-6 15.95 1 (See 0'-7% 150 10.4 Notes) Flow(q)from Route 7 1'-0 421 8'-6 31.59 1.1010 1'T/� 0.158462 Q 3 Tr(1'-0) Y2 (See 10'-2 150 10.7 421 8'-6 1 Notes) 9'-0 0.025823 2Tr(1'-0}, E(7'-0) 413 8'-6 31.59 1.5980 19'-2 0.5 413 8'-6 16.50 1% (See 6'-9'/z 150 11.2 Flow(q)from Route 8 Notes) 9'-0 0.056187 - Tr(1'-0), P0(8'-Q) 411 8'-6 48.08 1.5980 15'-9'/s 0.9 12.1 Total(Pt) Route 6 • ©M.E.P.CAD,Inc. +;ii AutoSPRINK 2019 v15.1.18.0 LEVEL 04 12/26/2019 10:07:56AM Page 7 Job Name: HAMPTON INN Remote Area Number: LEVEL 04 Date: 12/26/2019 Pipe Information Elev 1 Flow added Fittings& Length C Factor Total(Pt) Notes Node 1 (Foot) K-Factor this gstep Nominal ID Devices (Foot) Fitting/Device(Equivalent Length) Fitting Pf Friction Elev(Pe) Fixed Pressure Losses, _ Elev 2 Total Flow Equiv. (Foot) Loss Per Unit when applicable,are added Node 2 (Foot) (Q) Actual ID LengthoTotal (psi) Friction(Pf) directly to(Pt)and shown as (Foot) (Foot) P n0g.tk,A"a' 695 T-6 4.9 15.95 1 (See 1'-0 150 10.6 Route 7 Notes) 5'-0 -0.4 Sprinkler, 426 8'-6 15.95 1.1010 6 0 0.044784 0 3 T(5'-0) 10.4 Total(Pt) Route 7 1'-0 150 11.3 Route 8 1543 7'-6 4.9 16.50 1 (See Sprinkler, Notes) 5'-0 -0.4 413 8'-6 16.50 1.1010 6'0 0.047653 0.3 T(5'-0) 11.2 Total(Pt) Route 8 10 -37'-10 100.00 6 (See 140'-0 140 36.4 Route 9 Notes) 22'-1 Hydrant, 5 -37'-10 100.00 6.2800 162' 1 0.000315 0.1 — E(22'-1) 36.5 Total(Pt) Route 9 LA,©M.E.P.CAD,Inc. in AutoSPRINK 2019 v15.1.18.0 LEVEL 04 12/26/2019 10:07:56AM Page 8 Job Name: HAMPTON INN Remote Area Number: LEVEL 04 Date: 12/26/2019 Equivalent Pipe Lengths of Valves and Fittings(C=120 only) IF— [9 Value Multiplier Actual Inside Diameter 4.87 Value Of C 100 130 140 150 =Factor t Schedule 40 Steel Pipe Inside Diameter Multiplying Factor 0.713 1.16 1.33 1.51 Fittings Legend ALV Alarm Valve AngV Angle Valve b Bushing BalV Ball Valve BFP Backflow Preventer BV Butterfly Valve C Cross Flow Turn 90° cplg Coupling Cr Cross Run CV Check Valve DeIV Deluge Valve DPV Dry Pipe Valve E 90°Elbow EE 45°Elbow Eel 11'/<° Elbow Ee2 22W Elbow f Flow Device fd Flex Drop FDC Fire Department Connection fE 90°FireLock(TM)Elbow fEE 45°FireLock(TM)Elbow flg Flange FN Floating Node fT FireLock(TM)Tee g Gauge GIoV Globe Valve GV Gate Valve Ho Hose Hose Hose HV Hose Valve Hyd Hydrant LtE Long Turn Elbow mecT Mechanical Tee Noz Nozzle P1 Pump In P2 Pump Out PIV Post Indicating Valve PO Pipe Outlet PrV Pressure Relief Valve PRV Pressure Reducing Valve red Reducer/Adapter S Supply sCV Swing Check Valve SFx Seismic Flex Spr Sprinkler St Strainer T Tee Flow Turn 90° Tr Tee Run U Union WirF Wirsbo WMV Water Meter Valve Z Cap �N ©M.E.P.CAD,Inc. t AutoSPRINK 2019 v15.1.18.0 LEVEL 04 12/26/2019 10:07:55AM Page 9 Hydraulic Calculations for Project Name: HAMPTON INN Location: , , TIGARD, OR Drawing Name: TIGARD L4 FIRE.cad Calculation Date: 12/26/2019 Design Remote Area Number: PENTHOUSE Remote Area Location: PENTHOUSE Occupancy Classification: Ordinary Group I Commodity Classification: OH1 Density 0.15gpm/ft2 Area of Application: 1950ft2(Actual 2041ft2) Coverage per Sprinkler: 111ft2 Type of sprinklers calculated: Upright No. of sprinklers calculated: 18 No. of nozzles calculated: 0 In-rack Demand: N/A gpm at Node: N/A Hose Streams: 150.00 at Node: 1 Type: Allowance at Source 100.00 at Node: 10 Type: Hydrant 100.00 at Node: 10 Type: Hydrant 100.00 at Node: 10 Type: Hydrant Total Water Required (including Hose Streams where applicable): From Water Supply at Node 1: 558.38 @ 67.6 (Safety Margin =7.0 psi) Type of System: DRY Volume of Dry or PreAction System: 72ga1 Name of Contractor: EXPRESS FIRE SYSTEMS, INC Address: 670 S 28TH STREET, WASHOUGAL,WA 98671 Phone Number: 360-953-8432 Name of designer: STAFF Authority Having Jurisdiction: Notes: Automatic peaking results Left: N/A Right: N/A L©M.E.P.CAD, Inc. tinAutoSPRINK 2019 v15.1.18.0 PENTHOUSE 12/26/20191 0:08:OOAM Page 1 Hydraulic Graph Job Name: HAMPTON INN N 1.85 Remote Area Number: PENTHOUSE Date: 12/26/2019 100 Supply Summary Sheet 90 Node: 1 80 1 I I Static Pressure 76.I0 I 58.38 74.6 70 3867.6 = 558.38 with Hose Allowance at Source 1950.00 62.0 60 a 50 1 = System demand curve a 40 30 20 - 10 0 t 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 111111111 111111111 111111111 0400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800 3200 3600 4000 Flow-gpm ©M.E.P.cAD, Inc. 411 AutoSPRINK 2019 v15.1.18.0 12/26/2019 10:08:02AM Page 2 49 Summary Of Outflowing Devices I Job Number:18-071 L Report Description:Ordinary Group I(PENTHOUSE) Actual Flow Minimum Flow K-Factor Pressure Device (gpm) (gpm) (K) (psi) Hydrant 10 100.00 100.00 0 61.0 Sprinkler 1447 16.84 16.67 5.6 9.0 L.> Sprinkler 1448 16.67 16.67 5.6 8.9 Sprinkler 1449 17.58 16.67 5.6 9.9 Sprinkler 1450 17.62 16.67 5.6 9.9 Sprinkler 1506 16.87 16.67 5.6 9.1 Sprinkler 1507 16.70 16.67 5.6 8.9 Sprinkler 1511 17.60 16.67 5.6 9.9 Sprinkler 1512 17.64 16.67 5.6 9.9 Sprinkler 1546 16.98 16.67 5.6 9.2 Sprinkler 1547 16.81 16.67 5.6 9.0 Sprinkler 1560 17.67 16.67 5.6 10.0 Sprinkler 1561 17.71 16.67 5.6 10.0 Sprinkler 1574 17.12 16.67 5.6 9.3 Sprinkler 1575 16.95 16.67 5.6 9.2 Sprinkler 1586 17.01 16.67 5.6 9.2 Sprinkler 1587 16.84 16.67 5.6 9.0 Sprinkler 1597 16.98 16.67 5.6 9.2 Sprinkler 1598 16.81 16.67 5.6 9.0 c' Most Demanding Sprinkler Data L,'_,,, .©M.E.P.CAD,Inc. A AutoSPRINK 2019 v15.1.18.0 12/26/2019 10:08:04AM Page 3 Job Name: HAMPTON INN Remote Area Number: PENTHOUSE Date: 12/26/2019 Supply Analysis Static Residual Flow Available Total Demand Required Pressure Node Name (psi) (psi) @@ (gpm) (psi) (gpm) (psi) 1 Water Supply 76.0 62.0 1950.00 74.6 558.38 67.6 Node Analysis Node Number Elevation(Foot) Node Type Pressure at Discharge at Notes Node Node (psi) (gpm) 1 -37'-10 Supply 67.6 408.38 10 -37'-10 Hydrant 61.0 100.00 1447 19'-8 Sprinkler 9.0 16.84 1448 19'-8 Sprinkler 8.9 16.67 1449 19'-8 Sprinkler 9.9 17.58 1450 19'-8 Sprinkler 9.9 17.62 • 1506 19'-8 Sprinkler 9.1 16.87 1507 19'-8 Sprinkler 8.9 16.70 1511 19'-8 Sprinkler 9.9 17.60 1512 19'-8 Sprinkler 9.9 17.64 1546 19'-8 Sprinkler 9.2 16.98 1547 19'-8 Sprinkler 9.0 16.81 1560 19'-8 Sprinkler 10.0 17.67 1561 19'-8 Sprinkler 10.0 17.71 1574 19'-8 Sprinkler 9.3 17.12 1575 19'-8 Sprinkler 9.2 16.95 1586 19'-8 Sprinkler 9.2 17.01 1587 19'-8 Sprinkler 9.0 16.84 1597 19'-8 Sprinkler 9.2 16.98 ,`M,,©M.E.P.CAD, Inc. 1,"fiAutoSPRINK 2019 v15.1.18. 12/26/2019 10:08:07AM Page 4 Job Name: HAMPTON INN Remote Area Number: PENTHOUSE Date: 12/26/2019 Node Number Elevation(Foot) Node Type Pressure at Discharge at Notes Node Node (Psi) (gpm) 1598 19'-8 Sprinkler 9.0 16.81 5 -37'-10 61.0 8 -31'-10 58.0 372 19'-8 10.1 675 19'-8 10.1 789 19'-8 10.2 812 -0'-2 37.4 880 19'-8 10.6 881 19'-8 9.7 882 19'-8 9.5 913 2'-0 28.1 CAL,©M.E.P.CAD, Inc. AutoSPRINK 2019 v15.1.18. 12/26/2019 10:08:07AM Page 5 Job Name: HAMPTON INN Remote Area Number: PENTHOUSE Date: 12/26/2019 Pipe Information Elev 1 Flow added Fittings& Length C Factor Notes Total(Pt) Node 1 (Foot) K-Factor this step Nominal ID Devices (Foot) Fitting/Device(Equivalent (q) Fitting Length) pf Friction Elev(Pe) Equiv. (Foot) Fixed Pressure Losses, Elev 2 Total Flow Loss Per Unit • when applicable,are added Node 2 (Foot) (Q) Actual ID Length Total (psi) Fnction(Pf) directly to(Pf)and shown as (Foot) (Foot) .,gerti.,e.,,i„e 3'/z 100 8.9 Route 1 1448 19'-8 5.6 16.67 2 (See 8'- Sprinkler Notes) 1507 19'-8 16.67 2.1570 0.003888 8'-3'// 0.0 1507 19'-8 5.6 16.70 2 (See 8'-31/2 100 8.9 Notes) Sprinkler 1547 19'-8 33.36 2.1570 0.014039 8'-3'// 0.1 1547 19'-8 5.6 16.81 2 (See 6'-91/2 100 9.0 Sprinkler, Notes) 8'-9'% 882 19'-8 50.17 2.1570 15'-7 0.029861 0.5 P0(8'9%) 882 19'-8 50.60 3 13'-4 100 9.5 Flow(q)from Route 2 881 19'-8 100.77 3.2600 0.014518 13'-4 0.2 881 19'-8 50.68+51.11 3 (See 3'-11 100 9.7 Flow(q)from Route 3 and 4 Notes) 14'-4% 880 19'-8 202.56 3.2600 18'-31/ 0.052832 1.0 T(14'-4%) 880 19'-8 105.82 3 (See 39'-7 100 10.6 Flow(q)from Route 5 Notes) 37-41/ 7.7 913 2'-0 308.38 3.2600 0.114968 2E(6'-8%z), DPV(-1.0), BV(9'-7), 76'-11// 9.8 PO(14.-4%) 913 2'-0 4 (See 268'-11 120 28.1 Notes) 103'-5 0.9 812 40'-2 308.38 4.2600 372 4 0.022296 8 3 3fE(13'2),fT(16'0),1(26.-4),3 fE(6'-9%),CV(1'-2),L4 812 0'-2 4 (See 88'-7% 120 37.4 Notes) 219'-9 13.7 8 -31'-10 308.38 4.2600 308'4'/z 0.022296 6.9 36V(15'-91/),7fE(13'2),3fT(2 6'-4),CV(1'-2) 8 -31-10 6 (See 92'-0 140 58.0 Notes) 91'-5 2.6 0.002532 2E(22'-1),T(47'-3%) 5 -37-10 308.38 6.2800 183'-5 0.5 5 -37'-10 100.00 6 (See 60'-0 140 61.0 Flow(q)from Route 11 Notes) 80'-41/ 1 -37-10 408.38 6.2800 0.004258 2LtE(14'-2), BFP(-6.0),GV(4'-8 140'-4'// 6.6 1/2),S,T(47'-31/2) 150.00 67.6 Hose Allowance At Source • 1 558.38 Total(Pt) Route 1 &©M.E.P.CAD,Inc. II AutoSPRINK 2019 v15.1.18.0 PENTHOUSE 12/26/2019 10:08:10AM Page 6 Job Name: HAMPTON INN Remote Area Number: PENTHOUSE Date: 12/26/2019 Pipe Information Elev 1 Flow added Fittings& Length C Factor Total(Pt) Notes Node 1 (Foot) K-Factor this step Nominal ID Devices g (Foot) Fitting/Device(Equivalent ) Length) Fitting Pf Friction Elev(Pe) Fixed Pressure Losses, Elev 2 Total Flow Equiv. (Foot) Loss Per Unit when applicable,are added Node 2 (Foot) (Q) Actual ID LengthooTotal (psi) Friction(Pf) directly to(Pf)and shown as (Foot) (Foot) 'eej ':"0 vv6.q 1598 19'-8 5.6 16.81 2 (See 8'-31/2 100 9.0 Route 2 Notes) Sprinkler 1587 19'-8 16.81 2.1570 80.003949 '-3'h 0.0 1587 19'-8 5.6 16.84 2 (See 8'-3'h 100 9.0 Notes) Sprinkler - 1575 19'-8 33.65 2.1570 0.014261 8'-3'/2 0.1 1575 19'-8 5.6 16.95 2 (See 1'-6 100 9.2 Sprinkler, Notes) 8'-91/2 882 19'-8 50.60 2,1570 10' 3 0.030333 0.3 P0(8'-91/2) 9.5 Total(Pt) Route 2 '-3'% 100 9.0 Route 3 1447 19'-8 5.6 16.84 2 (See 8Sprinkler Notes) 1506 19'-8 16.84 2.1570 8._316 0.003962 0.0 1506 19'-8 5.6 16.87 2 (See 8'-3'/z 100 9.1 Notes) Sprinkler 1546 19'-8 33.70 2.1570 0.014306 - 8'-3'/2 0.1 9'% 100 9.2 1546 19'-8 5.6 16.98 2 (See 6'- Sprinkler, Notes) 8.-9% 881 19'-8 50.68 2.1570 15' 7 0.030428 0.5 P0(8'-91/2) 9.7 Total(Pt) Route 3 1597 19'-8 5.6 16.98 2 (See 8•-31/2 100 9.2 Route 4 Notes) Sprinkler 1586 19'-8 16.98 2.1570 - 0.004024 8'-3'/2 0.0 1586 19'-8 5.6 17.01 2 (See 8'-31/2 100 9.2 Notes) Sprinkler 1574 19'-8 33.99 2.1570 0.014532 8'-3'/2 0.1 1574 19'-8 5.6 17.12 2 (See 1'-6 100 9.3 Sprinkler, Notes) 8'-91/2 881 19'-8 51.11 2.1570 10'-3 0.030908 0.3 P0(8.-91/2) 9.7 Total(Pt) Route 4 1449 19'-8 5.6 17.58 2 (See 11'-6 100 9.9 Route 5 Notes) Sprinkler - 1450 19'-8 17.58 2.1570 0.004291 11'-6 0.0 LA:©M.E.P.CAD,Inc. 411AutoSPRINK 2019 v15.1.18.0 PENTHOUSE 12/26/2019 10:08:10AM Page 7 Job Name: HAMPTON INN Remote Area Number: PENTHOUSE Date: 12/26/2019 Pipe Information Elev 1 Flow added Length C Factor Notes Nominal ID Fittings& Foot Total(Pt) Node 1 K-Factor this step(Foot) (q) Devices (Foot) Fitting/Device(Equivalent Length) FittingPf Friction Elev(Pe) Fixed Pressure Losses, Equiv. (Foot) Elev 2 Total Flow Loss Per Unit - when applicable,are added Node 2 (Foot) (Q) Actual ID Length Total (psi) Friction(Pf) directly to(Pf)and shown as (Foot) (Foot) negar;vo„?i,.a 1450 19'-8 5.6 17.62 2 (See 1,-11 100 9.9 Sprinkler, Notes) 8'-9% 372 19'-8 35.20 2.1570 0.015504 - P0(8'_9'/2) 10'-8% 0.2 10'-4'% 100 10.1 372 19'-8 3 675 19'-8 35.20 3.2600 0.002075 10'-4'% 0.0 675 19'-8 35.24 3 10'4'/z 100 10.1 Flow(q)from Route 6 789 19'-8 70.44 3.2600 0.007486 10'-4% 0.1 789 19'-8 35.38 3 (See 8'-1 100 10.2 Notes) Flow(q)from Route 7 21'-1 880 19'-8 105.82 3.2600 0.015893 E(6'-8%),T(14'-41/2)29'-2 0.5 10.6 Total(Pt) Route 5 1511 19'-8 5.6 17.60 2 (See 11'-6 100 9.9 Route 6 Notes) Sprinkler 1512 19'-8 17.60 2.1570 0.004299 11'-6 0.0 1512 19'-8 5.6 17.64 2 (See 1-11 100 9.9 Sprinkler, , Notes) g,_9,/2 675 19'-8 35.24 2.1570 0.015535 PO(P0(8'-91/2)10'-8% 0.2 2 10.1 Total(Pt) Route 6 1560 19'-8 5.6 17.67 2 (See 11'-6 100 10.0 Route 7 Notes) Sprinkler 1561 19'-8 17.67 2.1570 0.004330 11'-6 0.0 1561 19'-8 5.6 17.71 2 (See 1-11 100 10.0 Sprinkler, Notes) 8'-9'/2 789 19'-8 35.38 2.1570 10'8'/2 0.015646 0.2 P0(8.-91/2) 10.2 Total(Pt) Route 7 10 37'-10 100.00 6 (See 140'-0 140 61.0 Route 8 Hydrant, Notes) 22'-1 5 -37'-10 100.00 6.2800 162' 1 0.000315 0.1 E(22'-1) 61.0 Total(Pt) Route 8 &,©M.E.P.CAD,Inc. ; ,AutoSPRINK 2019 v15.1.18.0 PENTHOUSE 12/26/2019 10:08:10AM Page 8 Job Name: HAMPTON INN Remote Area Number: PENTHOUSE Date: 12/26/2019 Equivalent Pipe Lengths of Valves and Fittings(C=120 only) 11-1O Value Multiplier Actual Inside Diameter 4.87 Value Of C 100 130 140 150 =Factor ( Schedule 40 Steel Pipe Inside Diameter ) Multiplying Factor 0.713 1.16 1.33 1.51 Fittings Legend ALV Alarm Valve AngV Angle Valve b Bushing BaIV Ball Valve BFP Backflow Preventer BV Butterfly Valve C Cross Flow Turn 90° cplg Coupling Cr Cross Run CV Check Valve DeIV Deluge Valve DPV Dry Pipe Valve E 90°Elbow EE 45°Elbow Eel 11'/4° Elbow Ee2 22W Elbow f Flow Device fd Flex Drop FDC Fire Department Connection fE 90'FireLock(TM)Elbow fEE 45'FireLock(TM)Elbow flg Flange FN Floating Node fT FireLock(TM)Tee g Gauge GloV Globe Valve GV Gate Valve Ho Hose Hose Hose HV Hose Valve Hyd Hydrant LtE Long Turn Elbow mecT Mechanical Tee Noz Nozzle P1 Pump In P2 Pump Out PIV Post Indicating Valve PO Pipe Outlet PrV Pressure Relief Valve PRV Pressure Reducing Valve red Reducer/Adapter S Supply sCV Swing Check Valve SFx Seismic Flex Spr Sprinkler St Strainer T Tee Flow Turn 90° Tr Tee Run U Union WirF Wirsbo WMV Water Meter Valve Z Cap L©M.E.P.CAD,Inc. iiiiAutoSPRINK 2019 v15.1.18.0 PENTHOUSE 12/26/2019 10:08:10AM Page 9 Hydraulic Calculations for Project Name: HAMPTON INN Location: , , TIGARD, OR Drawing Name: TIGARD L4 FIRE.cad Calculation Date: 12/26/2019 Design Remote Area Number: L4 ATTIC Remote Area Location: L4 Occupancy Classification: Light Hazard Commodity Classification: LIGHT Density 0.10gpm/ft2 Area of Application: 1000ft2(Actual 1095ft2) Coverage per Sprinkler: 210ft2 Type of sprinklers calculated: Upright No. of sprinklers calculated: 10 No. of nozzles calculated: 0 In-rack Demand: N/A gpm at Node: N/A Hose Streams: 100.00 at Node: 1 Type: Allowance at Source 100.00 at Node: 10 Type: Hydrant 100.00 at Node: 10 Type: Hydrant 100.00 at Node: 10 Type: Hydrant Total Water Required (including Hose Streams where applicable): From Water Supply at Node 1: 434.62 @ 68.9 (Safety Margin=6.2 psi) Type of System: WET Volume of Dry or PreAction System: 1gal Name of Contractor: EXPRESS FIRE SYSTEMS, INC Address: 670 S 28TH STREET, WASHOUGAL,WA 98671 Phone Number: 360-953-8432 Name of designer: STAFF Authority Having Jurisdiction: Notes: Automatic peaking results Left: N/A Right: N/A M.E.P.CAD, Inc. AutoSPRINK 2019 v15.1.18.0 L4 ATTIC 12/26/201910:08:14AM Page 1 Hydraulic Graph Job Name: HAMPTON INN N 1.85 Remote Area Number: L4 ATTIC Date: 12/26/2019 100 Supply Summary Sheet 90 Node: 1 80 tatic Pressure 76.0 434.62 CO 75.1 70 34.62@ 434.62 with Hose Allowance at Source 1950.00 @ 62.0 60 N Q 50 N I . System demand curve o_ 40 1 30 20 10 0 L111111111 111111111 111111111 11111111 1 111111I1 I 111111 / 11 111111 11 I 1 I I I I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800 3200 3600 4000 Flow-gpm &C)M.E.P.CAD, Inc. 4 AutoSPRINK 2019 v15.1.18.0 12/26/2019 10:08:17AM Page 2 4 � Summary Of Outflowing Devices Job Number:18-071 Report Description:Light Hazard(L4 ATTIC) Actual Flow Minimum Flow K-Factor Pressure Device (gpm) (gpm) (K) (psi) Hydrant 10 _ 100.00 100.00 0 62.5 Sprinkler 1939 27.22 21.00 5.6 23.6 Sprinkler 1940 22.03 21.00 5.6 15.5 Sprinkler 1941 21.02 21.00 5.6 14.1 Sprinkler 1943 23.97 21.00 5.6 18.3 Sprinkler 1944 22.89 21.00 5.6 16.7 Sprinkler 1955 22.01 21.00 5.6 15.4 Sprinkler 1956 24.94 21.00 5.6 19.8 Sprinkler 1957 23.82 21.00 5.6 18.1 j Sprinkler 1958 21.00 21.00 5.6 14.1 Sprinkler 1960 25.75 21.00 5.6 21.1 Y Most Demanding Sprinkler Data LF©M.E.P.CAD,Inc. iin AutoSPRINK 2019 v15.1.18.0 12/26/2019 10:08:19AM Page 3 Job Name: HAMPTON INN Remote Area Number: L4 ATTIC Date: 12/26/2019 Supply Analysis Static Residual Flow Available Total Demand Required Pressure Node Name (psi) (psi) °@ (gpm) (psi) @ (gpm) (psi) 1 Water Supply 76.0 62.0 1950.00 75.1 434.62 68.9 Node Analysis Node Number Elevation(Foot) Node Type Pressure at Discharge at Notes Node Node (Psi) (gpm) 1 -37'-10 Supply 68.9 334.62 10 -37'-10 Hydrant 62.5 100.00 1939 10'-2 Sprinkler 23.6 27.22 1940 10'-2 Sprinkler 15.5 22.03 1941 10'-2 Sprinkler 14.1 21.02 1943 10'-2 Sprinkler 18.3 23.97 1944 10'-2 Sprinkler 16.7 22.89 - 1955 10'-2 Sprinkler 15.4 22.01 1956 10'-2 Sprinkler 19.8 24.94 1957 10'-2 Sprinkler 18.1 23.82 1958 10'-2 Sprinkler 14.1 21.00 1960 10'-2 Sprinkler 21.1 25.75 5 -37'-10 62.5 8 -31'-10 59.6 445 8'-6 18.7 448 9'-2 15,9 453 8'-6 25.4 489 8'-6 34.3 812 -0'-2 41.8 L'I.-©M.E.P.CAD, Inc. yiy AutoSPRINK 2019 v15.1.18. 12/26/2019 10:08:22AM Page 4 Job Name: HAMPTON INN Remote Area Number: L4 ATTIC Date: 12/26/2019 Node Number Elevation(Foot) Node Type Pressure at Discharge at Notes Node Node (psi) (gpm) 1343 8'-6 26.0 1356 9'-2 17.4 1359 8'-6 20.4 1375 8'-6 21.2 1376 8'-6 19.4 1380 8'-6 22.6 ©M.E.P.CAD, Inc. ; AutoSPRINK 2019 v15.1.18. 12/26/2019 10:08:22AM Page 5 Job Name: HAMPTON INN Remote Area Number: L4 ATTIC Date: 12/26/2019 Pipe Information Elev 1 Flow added Fittings& Length C Factor Total(Pt) Notes Node 1 (Foot) K-Factor this gstep Nominal ID) Devices (Foot) Fitting/Device(Equivalent Length) Fitting Pf Friction Elev(Pe) Fixed PressureLosses, Elev 2 Total Flow Equiv. (Foot) _ Loss Per Unit when applicable,are added Node 2 (Foot) (0) Actual ID Length Total (psi) Friction(Pf) directly to(Pf)and shown as (Foot) (Foot) ne3.+".,e"a1••4. a 1958 10'-2 5.6 21.00 1 (See 7'-101/2 150 14.1 Route 1 Sprinkler, Notes) 11'-0 0.4 0.074468 E(5'-0),Tr(1'-0),T(5'-0) 448 9'-2 21.00 1.1010 18'-10'% 1.4 448 9'-2 21.02 1'/ (See 11'-0 150 15.9 Notes) Flow(q)from Route 2 18'-0 0.3 445 8'-6 42.02 1.3940 0.085150 2E(6'-0),T(6'-0) 29'-0 2.5 445 8'-6 22.89 1'/z (See 6'-101/2 150 18.7 Notes) Flow(q)from Route 5 1'-0 1376 8'-6 64.90 1.5980 0.097871 - Tr(1'-0) 7'-10% 0.8 8 1376 8'-6 23.82 1% (See 8'-1 150 19.4 Notes) Flow(q)from Route 6 10'-0 1380 8'-6 88.72 1.5980 18' 1 0.174495 3 2 - E(7'-0), 3Tr(1'-0) 1380 8'-6 25.75 1% (See 1'-11% 150 22.6 Notes) Flow(q)from Route 9 8'-0 453 8'-6 114.47 1.59800.279583 2.8 P0(8'-0) 9'-11% 453 8'-6 92.94 3 15'-8% 120 25.4 Flow(q)from Route 3 1343 8'-6 207.40 3.2600 0.039390 - 15'-8'% 0.6 1343 8'-6 27.22 3 (See 155'-10 120 26.0 Flow(q)from Route 10 Notes) 11'-9'% 489 8'-6 234.62 3.2600 167'7'h 0.049484 8.3 fE(5'-0),Tr(6'-9'h) 489 8'-6 4 (See 229'-4 120 34.3 Notes) 47'-11 3.8 812 -0'-2 234.62 4.2600 277'2'/z 0.013447 3.7 - T(26'-4), 3fE(6'-9%),CV(1'-2), L4 812 -0'-2 4 (See 88'-7'% 120 41.8 Notes) 219'-9 13.7 8 -31'-10 234.62 4.2600 308'-4'/2 0.013447 4.1 - 3BV(15'-9%),7fE(13'-2), 3fT(2 6'-4),CV(1'-2) 8 -31'-10 6 (See 92'-0 140 59.6 Notes) 91'-5 2.6 5 -37'-10 234.62 6.2800 183'-5 0.001527 0.3 2E(22'-1),T(47'-3%) 5 -37'-10 100.00 6 (See 60'-0 140 62.5 Flow(q)from Route 11 Notes) 80'-4% 1 -37'-10 334.62 6.2800 0.002946 2LtE(14'-2), BFP(-6.0),GV(4'-8 140'-4'% 6.4 %),S,T(47'-3%z) Li,,©M.E.P.CAD,Inc. i�,�AutoSPRINK 2019 v15.1.18.0 L4 ATTIC 12/26/2019 10:08:25AM Page 6 Job Name: HAMPTON INN Remote Area Number: L4 ATTIC Date: 12/26/2019 Pipe Information Flow added Length C Factor Notes Elev 1 Fittings& Total(Pt) Node 1 (Foot) K-Factor this gstep Nominal ID Devices {Foot) Fitting/Device(Equivalent Length) - Fitting N Friction Elev(Pe) Fixed Pressure Losses, (Foot) Elev 2 Total Flow Equiv. Loss Per Unit - when applicable,are added Node 2 (Foot) (0) Actual ID LengthFootTotal (psi) Friction(Pf) directly to(P7)and shown as (Foot) (Foot) 9.,90?t4„o".al'.o 100.00 68.9 Hose Allowance At Source 1 434.62 Total(Pt) Route 1 14.1 Route 26% 150 1941 10'-2 5.6 21.02 1 (See 7'- Sprinkler, _ Notes) 11'-0 0.4 0.074593 E(5'-0),Tr(1'-0),T(5'-0) 448 9'2 21.02 1.1010 18'-6% 1.4 15.9 Total(Pt) Route 2 1955 10'-2 5.6 22.01 1 (See 7'-10'/2 150 15.4 Route 3 Notes) 11'-0 0.4 Sprinkler, 1356 9'-2 22.01 1.1010 0'081198 - E(5-0),Tr(1'-0),T(5'-0) 18'-10% 1.5 1356 9'-2 22.03 1% (See 11'-0 150 17.4 Notes) 18'-0 0.3 Flow(q)from Route 4 0.092844 • 2E(6' 0),T(6' 0) T359 8'-6 44.03 1.3940 29'-0 2.7 1359 8'-6 23.97 1% (See 6'-10'/2 150 20.4 Notes) 1'-0 Flow(q)from Route 7 - 1375 8'-6 68.00 1.5980 7' 10'/2 0.106679 0.8 Tr(1'-0) 1375 8'-6 24.94 1% (See 5i_91,4 150 21.2 , Notes) 16'-0 Flow(q)from Route 8 0.190145 - E(7'-0),Tr(1'-0), P0(8'-0) 453 8'-6 92.94 1.5980 21'-9'/2 4.1 25.4 Total(Pt) Route 3 1940 10'-2 5.6 22.03 1 (See 7'-6% 150 15.5 Route 4 Notes) Sprinkler, 11'-0 0.4 0.081333 E(5'-0),Tr(1'0),T(5'-0) 1356 9'-2 22.03 1.1010 18'6'/2 1,5 17.4 Total(Pt) Route 4 1944 10'-2 5.6 22.89 1 (See 7'-2% 150 16.7 Route 5 Notes) Sprinkler, 7'-0 0.7 0.087305 - T(5'-0),2Tr(1'-0) 445 8'-6 22.89 1.1010 14'-2'/2 1.2 18.7 Total(Pt) Route 5 1957 10'-2 5.6 23.82 1 (See 1'-8 150 18.1 Route 6 Notes) Sprinkler, 5-0 0.7 1376 8'-6 23.82 1.1010 5-8 0.093982 0.6 - T(5'-0) 19.4 Total(Pt) Route 6 Lii,©M.E.P.CAD,Inc. in AutoSPRINK 2019 v15.1.18.0 L4 ATTIC 12/26/2019 10:08:25AM Page 7 Job Name: HAMPTON INN Remote Area Number: L4 ATTIC Date: 12/26/2019 Pipe Information Elev 1 Flow added Fittings& Length C Factor Total(Pt) Notes Node 1 (Foot) K-Factor this gstep Nominal ID) Devices (Foot) Fitting/Device(Equivalent Length)Fitting Pf Friction Elev(Pe) Fixed PressureLosses, Elev 2 Total Flow Equiv. (Foot) Loss Per Unit when applicable,are added Node 2 (Foot) (Q) Actual ID Length Total (psi) Friction(Pf) directly to(Pf)and shown as (Foot) (Foot) neg't•"e vs".y 1943 10'-2 5.6 23.97 1 (See 7'-21/2 150 18.3 Route 7 Notes) 7' 0 0.7 Sprinkler, 1359 8'-6 23.97 1.1010 14'21/2 0.095104 1.3 T(5'-0),2Tr(1'-0) 20.4 Total(Pt) Route 7 1'-8 150 19.8 Route 8 1956 10'-2 5.6 24.94 1 (See Sprinkler, Notes) 5'-0 0.7 1375 8'-6 24.94 1.1010 6 8 0.102330 0.7 T(5'-0) 21.2 Total(Pt) Route 8 1960 10'-2 5.6 25.75 1 (See 1'-8 150 21.1 Route 9 Notes) Sprinkler, 5-0 0.7 1380 8'-6 25.75 1.1010 6 8 0.108577 0.7 T(5-0) 22.6 Total(Pt) Route 9 1939 10'-2 5.6 27.22 1 (See 3'-7'/2 150 23.6 Route 10 Notes) 10'-0 0.7 Sprinkler, 1343 8'-6 27.22 1.1010 13'7'/2 0.120345 1.6 E(5-0),P0(5'-0) 26.0 Total(Pt) Route 10 10 -37'-10 100.00 6 (See 140'-0 140 62.5 Route 11 Notes) 22'-1 Hydrant, 5 -37'-10 100.00 6.2800 162'-1 0.000315 0.1 E(22'-1) 62.5 Total(Pt) Route 11 s+"i©M.E.P.CAD,Inc. in AutoSPRINK 2019 v15.1.18.0 L4 ATTIC 12/26/2019 10:08:25AM Page 8 Job Name: HAMPTON INN Remote Area Number: L4 ATTIC Date: 12/26/2019 [Equivalent Pipe Lengths of Valves and Fittings(C=120 only) r— [C Value Multiplier Actual Inside Diameter 4.87 Value Of C 100 130 140 150 =Factor Schedule 40 Steel Pipe Inside Diameter ) Multiplying Factor 0.713 1.16 1.33 1.51 Fittings Legend ALV Alarm Valve AngV Angle Valve b Bushing BaIV Ball Valve BFP Backflow Preventer BV Butterfly Valve C Cross Flow Turn 90° cplg Coupling Cr Cross Run • CV Check Valve DeIV Deluge Valve DPV Dry Pipe Valve E 90°Elbow EE 45°Elbow Eel 11W Elbow Ee2 22W Elbow f Flow Device fd Flex Drop FDC Fire Department Connection fE 90°FireLock(TM)Elbow fEE 45°FireLock(TM)Elbow flg Flange FN Floating Node fT FireLock(TM)Tee g Gauge GIoV Globe Valve GV Gate Valve Ho Hose Hose Hose HV Hose Valve Hyd Hydrant LtE Long Turn Elbow mecT Mechanical Tee Noz Nozzle P1 Pump In P2 Pump Out PIV Post Indicating Valve PO Pipe Outlet PrV Pressure Relief Valve PRV Pressure Reducing Valve red Reducer/Adapter S Supply sCV Swing Check Valve SFx Seismic Flex Spr Sprinkler St Strainer T Tee Flow Turn 90° Tr Tee Run U Union WirF Wirsbo WMV Water Meter Valve Z Cap • �y©M.E.P.CAD,Inc. AutoSPRINK 2019 v15.1.18.0 L4 ATTIC 12/26/2019 10:08:24AM Page 9