Report (101) ell) A eare le 11010.w. Outdoor Unit Single Zone Heat Pump Ductless System Outdoor Model: DLCSRAH18AAK Submittal, Data //7.? ,?•-t-7 Job Data Hampton Inn Tigard i j Location: _ Buyer! I Buyer P 0 #1-------71 Carrier#: I Unit Number. !OAC-1 "Model Number: _._ ___ Performance Data Certified By I,___ ( Date ,,,::'P,,,,!,,,,,'',..,'",',..,,,,''',,,'",:,,,.-', ...,.•.......<‘:,.1.440',..relt;t,:„Aki.,.:,..tt,il..,.'...i`'...',.',:„,;.: ,"'.0!;!...;,',:-. -,..,.".,:"?`":t'..:..'',.';;,::K-.., l , .,,,v4,.: ':'''t'-:.'.', ,:.,,'"-',..,: ,,-.re'''',;'',,,;:‘,.'S''.91;.‘"--,,s1/20.61411C4.#11:41•::kiplitir:44110,`,AEC:. i AUG 13 2019 k.' . , ,,,,,,,,„-;-;:7:::::::::,.--- .2..;....-... .,,„4 .•,..,,*;,„........v .:.,..,,,,,„.,..,,i,:.;;..,A,,-..,,.,...,,,,,, ,,,-..,.. l4..,.,:-A,..i::::), .., .. CilaY OF TIGARD, , , liv,,e,v)N N5,,,,,? 'STANDARDFEATURES 84,7 i,.?7,.; ..,,:.; ...,... ,itt,f,,,,,,:,,,\=:\Wkx,,,,w,,.;,,.,,„,,,,..f.,?:,,c,..:,,;,-,k,,,,, 4.,t,,,.,c;,,,;:::,., If 1 !!fiXii111,.-":",„.',.". l,'. \)4,t4.4140 LAA:v•,,,i.--71'.0:17404 4,W,T6' •Variable Speed(Inverter) .:.,',:.....:;!it::i '',11 1 I.I:71't , ''' . 'E. 1'ft,1 i 11112'W7-":-?•:?:71'.1": „,041i,'"'?"4VA:(f •Factory installed Base Pan Heater ',„!,,,.A,,..i.St,„.;'!;I j 0 II k t l!,.,1.', ' •,-,,, 't I t,I;t i t ‘',.r.;',',•4')U.'.-.:4",„'",ttr.,y ,:......,,g::::,liti,i.i... 7.,r,'..,:fik:O.Vr4,:irki:4;re‘,.A : ' ,...,'.1,7;,,,t',,,t 1 i I 1,.(!riA', ,i1.,:11.!:"*P',,..-."-.'"alfdl.,.... •Factory installed Crankcase Heater 4114:-.,.0 .,:.,,,,,\\\.,,,,,,,,,,,,,„,,,N,,,,,,,,>4„..z.:, „_ „..,,,,X1/'„'.,/„Nt i,i1,,:`V'tii,,,,L2fit:Var''.4.7t0`?:,,.1.:?...:-.;!.*'.16:,..!,:iine". •Low Voltage Controls Irti4V.V\\'.;,.,;'..'N-Nt..«Kr:‘,Z°Z.:1:-:,:i:.:.,;;;<°;,.:,,,i:/:..1.7:f.,,r5.':ti'-'4,,R7''' .0...,;,::,. -,'':i',''t..?"'-e°-.. .?:::01.i....el •Auto-Restart function :0-17.e,,-,,,,(;': ;.,`,...,.,;,k.'.?:,.S',,,,,',. .,'S,:::,,,,:-:::::::',71;;:-..",;',5".‘,1,</,/,/./,,'",8:"N,;.'',:f4,,,t-e::;14;,4..,ii.';',:,Y1,,Nii.i'Zi'P...i::14•,,' •Condenser High Temp Protection •Refrigerant Leakage Detection rtk..1,,„>.,',„;:ir,.. .:::.;:Z::::44:::-.::::EE4.-7.. .7..'"X;(,.'..,..1-' , ' . ' '''' ' ' '5.; ''''',' '40, •fvlodes:Cool, Heat,Dry.Fan,Auto iv,,,.',.,;,,....,;',,&•,:,,,t,' l'''t.-5,?..,..‹"Z:,-.--S:41=J;;;;;;',.:.*:;:1;-.,:•.;',.'' ' ' '''' ' '''''gdi''''' ”,„,,,,,5.., ',Pt 41 4:4,'„,,',77•:Szs;?;Z:77,7: 5,',"Z!,..,,•'',. ' '' ''',', ", , ,''','' ''''''',,14i,,,C4,- •Quiet operation k',,. '...',',:;,'",".4-:'-1,.;',.'t,''.40;4',,,:',.it.,v".',4'.7.,''.:-,&-;.;•,-'."...:Si'.`'%;:c',,.,,k't.;',.--.","<.'1..`;:i.,:: vo:,',:.f 47,.'.."1,, -,',;":..4,,..',.: - •Aluminum Golden Hydrophilic pre-coated fins ,11,,,-„st„...1%-.Y*;..,,,,,,.1.P41‘,,,,,,.t Ti:,'..itNi1..i,.?8#.0!,,,,,,,..;1%,,,ili,,,-'4s.,;:•,:',:st T.;;044trilt;ifi'..14, ....'frI(. Ottilt..4at'4E74 NOTE' Images for Illostratmo pUrposes only Actuai models may he s•gbtly di,ferent t Size — 5 2 18 Face Area -"FS47Ft Sotern Outdoor Model -....— DLCSRAH18AAK Outdoor Coil ,No Rows 2 Voltage,Phase,Cycle V/Ph/Hz 208/230-1-60 i 1 ins per inch 18_ _ Electrical MCA A. 17 Circuits 4 __a MOCP-Fuse Rating A 25 1 Type Rotary Inverter Operating Cooling Outdoor DB Mtn-Max 'F('C) 13-122(-25-50) 1 Model ATF235D22UMI Range Heating Outdoor DB Min-Max °F(*C) -22-86(-30-30) : Compressor Oil Type VG74 Total Piping Length ft(m) 98,(30) Oil Charge Ft Oz 23.6 Pipin i Roma Lift ft(m) 66(20) 1 , Rated Current RLA 12 3 g Pipe Connection Size-Liquid in(mm) 1/4(6.35) Unit Width in(rnm) 33 27(845) Lpe Connection Size-Suction in(mm) 1/2(12.7) Unit Height in(mm) 27.63(702) Refrigerant Type R410A Outdoor 'Unit Depth in(rim) 14.26(363) Refrigerant Metering Device EEV Net VVeight lbs(kg) 113.3(51 4) Charge 1 lbs(kg) 4 3(1.95) Airflow CFM 1.824 "Condensing unit above or below indoor unit Sound Pressure d8(A) 58 9 For Compatibility See Product Data 1 I I 1 I copyright 201a CMNA•1025 Cobb Place Eilycl NW Kennesaw,GA 30152 Edtion Date.ON2tifie Catalog No 32809002291 r, . . , SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE Page 1 ;! Replaces NEW i Performance 0***:::- ---. - f,/,,,,,,,,,,, Energy Stay YES Cooling Rated Capacoy Ettufh 18.000 Cooling Cap Range Mn Max Ste/h 4300-21200 SEER I 22 0 EER 12 5 I Heating Rated Capacity (47'`F) Sloth 18 000 Heating Rated Capacity (1 7F) Slue) i 1 900 i 1,g) Heating Maximum Capacity 07'F i lituth 21.500 Heating Maximum Capacity (5'F 20 700 IIII", 3 Heating Cap Range Min-Max Min ; 2900-22900 HSPF 10 5 IM 22 COP(47"F) — COP(171) /w imiiim COP(5'F) \4w Energy Star YES Cooling Rated Capacity Stern i 16,000 t Cooling Cap Range fylin-Max Btilin i 6000-18700 SEER 20 0 EER 1 12 6 4 Heating Rated Capacity (47'F) stem 18 000 Heating Rated Capacity (17'F) (WM 12,000 ,,S' Heating Maximum Capacity (I 7'Fl Slum • 22 700 Heating Maximum Capacity (5-F) Stuill 20 000 Heating Cap Range Min-Max Otuitt ii 8000-21400 HSPF ! 10 5 COP(iarrt WiW 1 2 95 COP(I7'F) W!W '2 58 COP(5'F) WW i 1 45 -',.,' -' , '''' ;:1;,.:;;;6;4:;,',,'3,,,,,:,,,,It...1. cam, Energy Star YES Cooling Rated Capacity Ettuilti ; 16,500 Cooling Cap Range Min;Max Fltuiti ; 6000-18700 SEER 1 20 0 EER 12 5 55 Heating Rated Capacity (47IF) etufti 19,000 a 0 Heating Rated Capacity ti rF) StuTh 12,400 = 0 Heating Maximum Capacity (17'F) Stud) ; 22,700 Heating Maximum Capacity (5IT) 8turh 1 20 000 Heating Cap Range Min-Max Stu i 8900-21400 HSPF 1 10 8 i COP(47'F) WON 2 95 COP(17'F) WW : 2 58 COP 5"F) WON I 45 .. , Enem•Star ; YE-2S Cooling Rated Capacity Stull') 17 500 Cooling. Cap Range Mn-Max aturn 6600-20600 SEER 19 9 ar. Y., EER 12 5 et c Heating Rated Capacity (47-F) Stein 18,000 .8 Heating Rated Capacity (175F) Stern 1 12 800 Ig Heating Maximum Capacity (17'F) Btui8 21,500 a Heating Maximum Capacity (5°F) Stern 18,700 Heating Cap Range Min-Max Slum 1 9000-22300 HSPF 10 2 COP 147 F, WM 3 48 COP;17"F t ww 2 30 COP',5'F) WAN 1 6G i Ctglynghl 2D'e CmNA•1025 God Place Civil NW Kennesaw GA 30152 Edition Dare 0512418 Catalog No 32009052201 8083EC I 10 CHANGE WiTHOUT NOTICE Page 2 Repaces NEW 1 881.11111111111111111111181111111111111101111, ... .. .. _ _ ... ... ..., ... . Construction View '1 Outdoor Model: DLLS/MI.118AM( ) ___,...._1 I ...„,-----„5.,....:74.:,...-.-........,....N... ,1 „ ,.........„..._. .,,,.. w .........._ „..„, , ...,„...„..............„,„.„...\,4\ 1 1 it.tirutiitti o - —, j,,,,,..„,.....-", ................._................. , - .- . --.......—----....--- ,.:.:;;....---- ------------,,,,• --------- _ ' 1 I sbbO ) i 3119 4, fb4.4 mr,' E im ,eirt f ..,_ ---- — , .., , \ . i 1: - € 0231-4,8 0,e,) 1 \ IN ' 1 1 — —_ ' I € . , t 5 II I I i I fil* i 'IV 140,‘ I It f -,...8., c(fTlis, copinght 2.018 COMA•102E Cobb Pine Sh 0,NW KeP,esaw GA XI 2 4;ort Oat*092 8 Catabo No J280800270-1 SUBJECT TO ORANGE'APITHOUT NOTICE Page 3 Rep 8ce8 NEW Outdoor Unit Multi-zone Heat Pump Ductless System Outdoor Model: DLCMRAH48EAK Submittal Data Job Data!HAMPTON INN TIGARD 1 ideation I Buyer I Buyer P 0 #I I Carrier# 1 Halt Number OAC-4 Model Number Performance Data Certified By 1 Date I -• „•.„.„•„ , z:• MULTI-ZONE STANDARD FEATURES Features Outdoor • onnect up to 5 muftiple style indoor units KM"Wall Cassette 1 Ducted ROCK Console *I/enable Speed(inverte0 Compressor • •flasepan Heater factory installed «()wet operation , »Aluminum Golden Hydrophilic pre-ooated fins Cooling operating range-13 -122'F<-25'-5(r • Heating operafing range-22'-86 F(-30'-30°C) , ,e4Rfi64;, tr 44.4 *WA' Compatibility Table For matched compatibility 4ee Product Data INDOOR UNIT DLFPHAHO9XAK DLFPHA1112XAK DLFSHAHO9XAK FSHAH12XAK DL FSHAH18XAK High Wall DL FSHAI124XAK DLFEHAH09XAK DIFEHAH12XAK OLFEHAHiaxAK OLFEHAVi24XAK DLFSCAHO9XAK DLFSCAH12XAK Cassette OLFSCAH18XAK DLFSCAH24XAK OLFSDAHO9XAK OLFSDAH12XAK Ducted DLFSDAH18XAK DLFSDAH24XAK DLFS AH12XAK Console DLFSFAH18XAK DLFSFAH24xAK copyrzght 20%8 eJANA•1025 Cott Nace NIVsi 0,0,',164/04 GA XI Embon Date 06141S CAUBB9/go 328044001Bco SUBJECT TO CHANGE Will1CIUT NonCE. Page RepLaces Nt• ' Specifications Size 48 1 operating Cooling Outdoor D8 Min-Max 'FCC) -13-142(•25-50) System Out M d door ei ' DI CMRAH48EAK ' Rangy Heating Outer D8 Mir,,Max 'FTC) •22- (-30-30) , %tax Number of Zones 5 Total Piping Length ' ft(m) , 328(100) Energy Star NO Piping to furthest FCU ft(m) 115 (35) Cowling System Tons 4 0 Drop(OD above ID) ft(m) 65(20) Cooling Rated Capacity Btu.Tti 48,000 Piping Lift(OD below ID) ft(m) 65(20) Cooling Cap Range Min•Max Btuth 8560-53180 Pipe Connection Size-Liquid in.imml, 1145(6,36'6 Pe texman SEER 20 5 P_oe iConnecti�on Size-Suction in(min) tl2 Al [12 7'2f9 52'3i Nor-Ducted EER I i 1 Type R41DA Heating Rated Capacity (47F) Btulh 48,000 ! Refrigeca,.r° Charge I IN(kg) 10,13(4.6) Heating Maximum Capacity (51) 8tu1h 37,900 Metering Device Etv He}aunp Cap,Range Minn Max Bluth 7210-55820 ,' Voltage Phase Cvog.g ) VIPA/Hz, 208/230-1.60 HSPF 10 2 E�ecuic�; Power Supply 0 COP(47"Fl MN 3 5 MCA A. 35 • COP(5'F) W,%W - Z 76 MOCP•Fuse Rating _ A. 50 Energy Star NO Type R410A Coaling System Tons 4 0 Model ATO36001 UMU Cooling Rated Capacity' Bluth 48.000 Coanpresso> Oil Type ESTER OIL VG74 ' Performance Cooling Cap Range Min.Max , Btu/h 8510-52580 Oil Charge Fi Oz 4938 SEER 19 05 Rated Current RLA 21 <ombmnatipn EER 10.55 f Unit plum- in(m 41.15(10451 Ducted and Heatanq Rated Capacity (47'F1 Btu/h 49.000 ii Unit Height in(mrn7 52.48(1333) Non-Ducted Heating Maximum Capacity 5'rl (uth 37,350 i Unit Depth in(min), 17 63(448) Hggatang Cap.Range Min-Max (lush 7045-54935 outdoor Net Weight ibs(kg) i 223.8(101 5) I4SPF 1015 Airflow CFM� 4500 OP(47°f) WAN 3 45 Sound Pressure d (A) , 64 COP(5`F) LVIW - 2 29 Energy Star NO '; Cooling System Tons 4.0 Cooiirw Rated Capacity '_ Bluth 48_000 C000l g Cap Range Min-Max Btu/h , 8460-52000 , Performance ER ir t76 'E 10.1 Ducted Heating1Rated Cap-city (471) Btu/n 50,000 Heating Maximum Capacity (5`F) ' Btulh 36.800 Heating Cap Range Min-Max ,8tu/h 6880-54050 !Apr10 1" 1G©ix(47`Ft W 34 i COP(5"F) _ W WM✓ 1.82 I i Copyrrphr 2C76 CMNA•'f(17S Gott Plane Blvd NW Kenneao-w,GA.3U72 E44i17!Date.(151:qI 6 Cat,N©g.No 32809001e01 SUBJECT TO CHANGE nMTHOUT NOTICE Page 2 ReCianes NEW i _ ,.. , . Construction View Outdoor Model: DLCMRAH48EAK __ I r= --". ---,.. ,.. 1 f .$4 ' lei",....,.. -..,-.• \ \ L,. 1 ' 1 <A•igfs-p....,:.sissk‘NIS 1719 iff 4e;I':4;31;6 er ' I ,„pfiligiont Nett,0001 1 i , . ., i At,„ 17:_j 1 i , . • , _ , - ,........„,-... .....,--_-_,,,,,--- • .1 • - „,- , 1 ,...t.,•,-.t•.--,,, , 0 ,.A li•z° .,..,+.110111M11. .4 :Iffilittifftv 4:111It Able p j ' ) 1 •.- ,,,,,...,..... 0 i \\\Ss.7,...;-..-ct,44, —— : 101111111._ ,..,,A- .. , z„,,,, 1.--- ! , . i+, 1 1, film 1 wtft......,,,,,,-",.. 47 , ' ".''- --------. - ' ,...0 ..— '''m' 1 i, r:: • ,,.,1—L 1 . I i r 4 1Ait00,-, 1.1.4i,444JJ 1 \CT:::'- - - ---7'-' '''''7"------- , , t . 7 I', 4 f o ----,,, , 1 _ --% ', 1 i ( -, DEW s -- _ \\N, 1 ••st"14 •-••..•0 '1,14 i C(klailS 1.' I /j fi CoPyrgAl Ilia CPANA•,4:y26 Cobb Piata Sh.c NW Kernesaw GA 3C'tZ SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE F-"11:00 Da*051201A Page 3 i Jta€og Nc '2P047.21,.'` Re .,4,"el, Nr,,/ 1),)A P ,I IA Outdoor Unit Single Zone Heat Pump Ductless System Outdoor Model: DLCSRAH36AAK Submittal Data Job Data 11-IAMPTON INN TIGARD Location I , . I Buyer Buyer P 0 #I , , 1 Carrier# tint Number OA -2 , ,iModel Number] Performance Data Certified By Date E -1 ., . , . STANDARD FEATURES •,"";:',....'.''W U i N,4,41, ife 4 Pt' ,Ir .Variable Speed(Inverter) -.)W11;.iiiill): ,ifilillii.i •Factory instated Base Pan Heater 1::44,44444L'ir,irr:t..)\',,' ' "'(:),17frritt'-'' •Factory instated Crankcase Heater •Low Voltage Controls •.,:)\":,\ ,\:\`):\,;;X.):::;-).:7-----. .,',V,!.... •Auto-Restart function )) ...,:„..›,:.:^-6 ::)* ,,,,/, •Condenser High Temp Protection . ztt».:4:1' .; /"..,, •Refrigerant Leakage Detection •Modes.Coal,Heat.Dry,Fan,Auto ---' •Quiet operation •Aluminum Golden Hydrophilic pre-coated fins ' - • • ''''" -' ••••• -- - —----— ---. -- - NOTE. images icir hiiiiir wenn penzitet ocitiT Sci,a'',7Poit may be PtiTtit PfWerc --, Size 36 Face Area I Sq. Ft System Outdoor Model DLCSRAH36AAK No. Rows 3 Otd Cil Voltage.Phase,Cycle V/PhiHz 2081230 u oor o -1-60 Fins per inch 18 Electrical MCA A. 28 Circuits . 6 ;MOCP-Fuse Rating A. 35 1 ape Rotary Inverter - Operating 'Cooling Outdoor DO Min-Max 'FCC) -13-122(-25-60) Model , ATF250D221.1MT Range Heating Outdoor DS Min-Max 'FrC) -13-861-25-30) Compressor ,Oil Type VG74 Total Piping Length ft(m) 164(60) Oil Charge Fl. Os 23.6 pipinn Piping Litt ft(rnj 82.12a.., .Reted Current RLA 17 0 ' Pipe Connection Size Liquid in(mm) .., 3/8(9.52) Unit Width in(mm) 37 24(946) Pipe Connection Size•Suction in(mm) 5/8(16) Unit Height in(mm) 31 89(810) Refrigerant Type R410A ' OUtdoor Unit Depth in(rnm) 16 54(42Q) . . Refrigerant Metering Device EEV Net Weight lbs(kg) 143 3(65) Charge les(kg) 7.49(3.4) Airflow CFM 2,119 Condensing ono above or below indem unit Sound Pressure dB(A) 60 0 I For Compatibility See Product Data Copy-eget 201B DANA a 1C75 Cott,ewe*fitvd NW Kennesaw,GA Mlft2 En/ion OM e CC/2)'e C4CP.kw)Na 32509002501 SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE Page 1 ' Replaces NEW Performance Energy Star NO Cooling Rated Capacity BtuWh 36 000 Cooling Cap Range Min-Max Bluth 8000-37800 SEER 18 0 EER 10-5 Heating Rated Catty (47 F) Btuih 3 .000 Heati ng Rated Capacity (17"F) 84ur+ 21,000 Heating Maximum Capacity 071) Btuth 29,700 Neat neaximum Capacity (5"F) Muth 23,400 Heating Cap Ram Min,Max Slum 2700-36000 HSPF 10.0 COP(47'F) WM/ 3 44 COP(17'Ft WAN 260 ti v COP VOW 1.50 rt r ,r I 1 er Cepttgrt 7,018 CMNA s 102S Cabt Pik EstVd NM#Kennesxxx GA 30152 kaXxxa Date 061101a `,' OBJECT TO CHANGE NMtTHOUT NOTICE Page 6rep;ares NEW - . . , Construction View i Outdoor Model: DLCSRAH36AAK ii ill t Et) ii i ill 3 j}i a q� r;T; re 4.1 s� 9 r E E, ` f. EE i t $.1 t to 11''''''' Y' r e :.1-4:: 4 ' K ,` }7 $ �� E { -Tim..,. i , . 'A'A U U ; 1 4.,,,,, A ? 9 ANt K ' i Sr A d^4N aCO)ile j1 Co yoga:MIS CRANA s 1026 CobbPlace Blvd NW Kennesaw.GA 3 Y152 ECle on Data 0w2018 Catak9 No.32 325;"9 SUBJECT TO CHANCE ValItHOU*>NOTnCE Page 3 Rerasces NEW High Wall Heat Pump Ductless System Indoor Model: DLFSHAHI8XAK Submittal Data Job Data: Hampton Inn,_Gary _i Location: Buyer:) 'Illuyer P.Q.#: Carrier#: Unit Number: IAc-1,IAc-3,IAC-7,iAc-8 ? Model Number: [ re \‘•••., Performance Data Certified By: Date: AUG 13 2019 STANDARD FEATURES i •Modes: Cool, Heat, Dry, Fan,Auto CITY OF I IGA D P'" •Turbo Mode BUILDING DIVISION R .'. • Four fan speeds •Sleep I�1cde :• •Up-Down Louver control (fixed or swing) r.<,''. ;:;::' '' ate, °'- , . ,;' '' R •Follow Me(senses temperature at handheld remote) •Heating Setback(46° F Heating Mode) •Quiet indoor operation •Aluminum Golden Hydrophilic pre-coated fins CONTROLS: •Wireless Remote Controller included with indoor unit •Wired Remote Controller KSACNO401AAA(7 Day programmable)(Optional) System Size 18 Face Area I Sq.Ft. 2.97 Indoor Model DLFSHAH18XAI< No.Rows 2 Indoor Coil Voltage,Phase,Cycle I V/Ph/Hz 208/230-1-60 per inch 19 Electrical Power Supply Indoor unit powered by outdoor uni Fins t Circuits 4 MCA I A. 0.2 Unit Width in(mm) 42.91 (1090) Wireless Remote Controller(°F/°C Convertible) Standard Unit Height in(mm) 13.31 (338) Controls Wired Remote Controller(°F/°C Convertible) Optional Unit Depth in(mm) 9.25(235) Operating Cooling Indoor DB Min-Max °F(°C) 62-90(17-32) Net Weight lbs(kg) 29.8(13.5) Range Heating Indoor DB Min-Max °F(°C) 32-86(0-30) Number of Fan Speeds 4 Airflow(lowest to Pipe Connection Size-Liquid in(mm) 1/4(6.35) Indoor highest) CFM 353/500/618/647 Piping Sound Pressure(lowest Pipe Connection Size-Suction 1 in(mm) 1/2(12.7) dB(A) 33.9/41.7/47 1 I to highest) Air throw Data ft(m) 24.93(7.6) Moisture removal ',int/h(L/I- 2.9(1.38) Field Drain Pipe Size O. in(mm) 0.625(16) Performance may vary based on the outdoor unit matched to.See compatible outdoor units pages for Performance Data. For Compatibility See Product Data Copyright 2018 CMNA•1025 Cobb Place Blvd NW Kennesaw,GA 30152 Eo t sn Date:05)2018 Catalog No 32809005901 SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE Page 1 Replaces.NEW h Accessories KSACN0101AAA Wired Remote Control with Timer Function KSACN0401AAA Wired Remote Control 7 day Programmable KSAIF0501AAA Wi-FiTM Kit High Wall Mid-Tier I Construction View Indoor Model: DLFSHAHI8XAK 42,56 110811 _ 4 [1145I v 04 ...... — - ....- r4 i i!.,H ............ ie. 453 6EI80 _ I } ry i wo , i rx 1 OP ... _ et:,....;.'l ils.., ,i1' 14 2 jc5.37t: 3 99 -- rebWateleffile __,,,.. in wimaT!is a--;.a = i 0110c us x Copyright 2018 CMNA•1025 Cobb Place Blvd NW Kennesaw,GA 30152 Edition Dare:05/2018 Catalog No.329090059O1 e 2 Replaces:NEW SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE Page ,, _ _ High Wall Heat Pump Ductless System Indoor Model: DLFSHAH36XAK Submittal Data Job Data: Hampton Inn Tigard Location: Buyer: Buyer P.O.#: Carrier#: Unit Number: IAC-2 Model Number: Performance Data Certified By: Date: CEV E STANDARD FEATURES AUG 1 3 2019 •Modes: Cool, Heat, Dry, Fan,Auto �. Turbo Mode CITY OF l 1G�311) Tea r � a r Four fan speeds CITY t'p��:, '.� ; 3 r •Sleep Mode ': .,..; ,,,, ,,, ,. •Up-Down Louver control(fixed or swing) ^� `- . *, % •Follow Me(senses temperature at handheld remote) •Heating Setback(46° F Heating Mode) •Quiet indoor operation •Aluminum Golden Hydrophilic pre-coated fins 1 CONTROLS: •Wireless Remote Controller included with indoor unit •Wired Remote Controller KSACN0101AAA(Optional) •Wi-FiTM Kit KSAIF0501AAA(Optional) S stem Size 36 Face Area Sq.Ft. 4.23 y Indoor Model DLFSHAH36XAK No.Rows 3 Voltage,Phase,Cycle V/Ph/Hz 208/230-1-60 Indoor Coil Fins per inch 19 Electrical Power Supply Indoor unit powered by outdoor unit Circuits 7 MCA A. 0.5 Unit Width in(mm) 53.15(1350) Controls Wireless Remote Controller(°F/°C Convertible) Standard Unit Height in(mm) 14.37(365) Wired Remote Controller(°F/°C Convertible) Optional Unit Depth in(mm) 10.71 (272) Operating Cooling Indoor DB Min-Max °F(°C) 62-90(17-32) Net Weight lbs(kg) 46.3(21) Range Heating Indoor DB Min-Max °F(°C) 32-86(0-30) Number of Fan Speeds 4 Pipe Connection Size-Liquid in(mm) 3/8(9.52) Indoor Airflow(lowest to CFM 441/618/882/912 Piping highest) Pipe Connection Size-Suction in mm 5/8 16 Sound Pressure(lowest p ( ) ( ) to highest) dB(A) 33/44/51 Air throw Data ft(m) 49.2(15) Moisture removal 'int/h(Lit- 8.8(4.17) Field Drain Pipe Size O.0 in(mm) 0.625(16) Performance may vary based on the outdoor unit matched to.See compatible outdoor units pages for Performance Data. For Compatibility See Product Data Copyright 2018 CMNA•1025 Cobb Place Blvd NW Kennesaw,GA 30152 Edition Date:05/2018 Catalog No:32809006201 SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE Page 1 Replaces:NEW 41111111.11111111111111111111111111110*. Accessories KSACNO101AAA Wired Remote Control with Timer Function KSAIF0501AAA Wi-FiT"'Kit High Wall Mid-Tier Construction View Indoor Model: DLFSHAH36XAK 56.42(1433 28,39 t7211 i 4 Ti ofit........11 1 m7 Ill II II )) 432€1101 4,461113 tr {^. 28..39[721] , co m 7, ti A/ A. 53.27 C13531 4tsap ,r u rre r1 ar- 10.71 7 '{1/4. I I nil !I It I i : r l liar 1 w a �1 . . ' " EMI=.1 • tt.. 0.) Copyright 2018 CMNA•1025 Cobb Place Blvd NW Kennesaw,GA 30152 Edition Date:05/2018 Catalog No:32809006201 SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE Page 2 Replaces:NEW High Wall Heat Pump Ductless System Indoor Model: DLFSHAH24XAK Submittal Data Job Data: Hampton Inn Tigard Location: Buyer: Buyer P.O.#: Carrier#: Unit Number: AC-6 i Model Number: Performance Data Certified By: i Date: i STANDARD FEATURES AUG 13 2019 •Modes: Cool, Heat, Dry, Fan,Auto •Turbo Mode-� � ; ,�i •Four fan speeds I fitidZ y` f3,t ..� , ,,, 'srr;t ,a r SS', -; '.�'. ,,,a •Sleep Mode �.. .. . l •ti •Up-Down Louver control (fixed or swing) ,. ,, emu, .au"'" H,',,.I'x',°..u»w,..,,''':',a ..lv'&,rr,,"a—' .ws.'1r_,1,�:---N. •Follow Me(senses temperature at handheld remote) •Heating Setback(46° F Heating Mode) •Quiet indoor operation •Aluminum Golden Hydrophilic pre-coated fins CONTROLS: •Wireless Remote Controller included with indoor unit •Wired Remote Controller KSACNO401AAA(7 Day programmable)(Optional) System Size f 24 Face Area ��� 2.97 1 Indoor Model DLFSHAH24XAK No. Rows 2 —H Voltage,Phase,Cycle indoor Cali g y V/Ph/Hz 208/230-i-60 Fins per inch 19 Electrical Power Supply Indoor unit powered by outdoor unit Circuits 4 MCA —1A. 0.25 Unit Width in n,m 42.91 1090) Controls Wireless Remote Controller(°F/°C Convertible) Standard Unit Height in(mm) i'i:I Wired Remote Controller(°F/°C Convertible) Optional Unit Depth in mm c Operating Cooling Indoor DB Min-Max °F(°C) 62-90(17-32) Net Weight lbs(kg) 29.8(13.5) Range Heating Indoor DB Min-Max °FCC) 32-86(0-30) Number of Fan Speeds 4 Pipe Connection Size-Liquid in(mm) 3/8(9.52) Indoor Airflow(lowest to CFM 324/471/618/647 Piping highest) Pipe Connection Size-Suction in(mm) 5/8(16) Sound Pressure(lowest dB(A) 34.8/42.9/49.1 to highest) Air throw Data ft(m) 28.54(8.7) Moisture removal 'int/n(L/t 5.6(2.67) Field Drain Pipe Size O. in(mm) 0.625(16) Performance may vary based on the outdoor unit matched to.See compatible outdoor units pages for Performance Data. For Compatibility See Product Data Copyright 2018 CMNA o 1025 Cobb Place bivd NW Ken❑esaw,GA 301 b2 Edinan Date:06/2018 Catalog No:32809006001 SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE Page 1 Replaces:NEW f Accessories KSACNO101AAA Wired Remote Control with Timer Function KSACNO401AAA Wired Remote Control 7 day Programmable KSAIF0501AAA Wi-FiTM Kit High Wall Mid-Tier Construction View Indoor Model: DLFSHAH24XAK 42.%11 1'_.�. 45.08111451 u m — ... k gi a yr .iri .37 38 42,5300801 rll�Irrlrww1IllMl , r2 , A i 14 : ��llVi ' it��t� k GUS "`WWW Kt.. p C F r Copyright 2018 CMNA•1025 Cobb Place Blvd NW Kennesaw,GA 30152 Edition Data:05/2018 Catalog No:32809006001 SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE Page 2 Replaces:NEW High Wall Heat Pump Ductless System Indoor Model: DLFSHAHO9XAK t. Submittal Data rJob Data: Hampton Inn Tigard Location: Buyer: Buyer P.O.#: 1 Carrier#: m Unit Number: IAC-4,AC-5 — 7 Model Number:L J Performance Data Certified By: [_ Date: STANDARD FEATURES AUG 13 201.9 •Modes: Cool, Heat, Dry, Fan,Auto r�r •Turbo Mode CITY OF "f l „A�s`;,(':� r�;ij, ' e, #sA� •Four fan Speeds n i h•Iw�d r -.. ' •SPeep Made II�!m ; . ... : . ,. •Up Down Louver control (fixed or swing) `* " ` ` ' •Follow Me(senses temperature at handheld remote) •Heating Setback(46° F Heating Mode) •Quiet indoor operation •Aluminum Golden Hydrophilic pre-coated fins CONTROLS: •Wireless Remote Controller included with indoor unit •Wired Remote Controller KSACNO401AAA(7 Day programmable)(Optional) System Size I 9 Face Area I Sq. Ft. I 1.91 Indoor Model DLFSHAHO9XAK No.Rows 2 Indoor Coil Voltage,Phase,Cycle I V/Ph/Hz , 208/230-1-60 Fins per inch 19 Electrical Power Supply Indoor unit powered by outdoor unit Circuits 2 MCA I A. 0.2 Unit Width in(mm) 31.89(810) Controls Wireless Remote Controller(°F/°C Convertible) Standard Unit Height in(mm) 11.81 (300) Wired Remote Controller('F/`C Convertible) Optional Unit Depth in(mm)_ 7.87(200) Operating Cooling Indoor DB Min-Max °F(°C) 62-90(17-32) Net Weight los(kg) 18.3(8.3) Range Heating Indoor DB Min-Max °F(°C) 32-86(0-30) Number of Fan Speeds 4 Airflow(lowest to FM 159/'L53!294/324 Pipe Connection Size-Liquid in(mm) 1/4(6.35) indoor CFM Piping Pipe Connection Size-Suction in(mm) 3/8(9.52) Sound Pressure(lowest dB(A) 24.7/32.1/39.8 to highest) Air throw Data ft(m) 21.75(6.63) Moisture removal °int/h(L/h 1.5(0.7) Field Drain Pipe Size O.0 in(mm) 0.625(16) Performance may vary based on the outdoor unit matched to.See compatible outdoor units pages for Performance Data. For Compatibility See Product Data Copyright 2018 CMNA•1025 Cobb Place Blvd NW Kennesaw,GA 30152 Edition pate.05/2018 Catalog No.32809005701 SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE Page`! Replaces:NEW 4 Accessories KSACN0101AAA Wired Remote Control with Timer Function KSACN0401AAA Wired Remote Control 7 day Programmable KSAIF0501AAA Wi-Fire Kit High Wall Mid-Tier Construction View Indoor Model:: DLFSHAHO9XAK Billie I f4 a � v.. Qa ..: ae... '..-.---4 -- g i CIL '° <_ irisNib 1 rw. r'Rlltil . MON1I air M 34 4074'�MI�" .4N I Ili,Ai%1 x416►Mk ii N'FiaTiiii t ` .1111._wll._...... sue.: µvN 4 A C(fTif)t.th 14`" ` rs&`"Sa`'#?i�� tit#SJs*' Copyright 2018 CMNA.1025 Cobb Place Blvd NW Kennesaw,GA 30152 Edition Date:05I2018 Catalog No:32809005701 SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE Page 2 Replaces:NEW