Resolution No. 24-17 CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON TIGARD CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 24- j 7- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF TIGARD ADOPTING THE APPROVED BUDGET, WITH ADJUSTMENTS,MAKING APPROPRIATIONS,DECLARING THE AD VALOREM TAX LEVY,AND CLASSIFYING THE LEVY AS PROVIDED BY ORS 310.060(2) FOR FISCAL YEAR 2025. WHEREAS, three hearings by the Tigard Budget Committee on the budget document, as proposed by the City Manager, were duly called and held on April 27, 2024, May 14, 2024 and May 20, 2024, where all interested persons were afforded an opportunity to appear and be heard with respect to the budget;and WHEREAS, the budget for the City of Tigard for the year beginning July 1, 2024 was duly approved and recommended to the City Council by the regularly constituted Budget Committee at its meeting on May 20,2024, after proceedings in accordance with Chapter 294, Oregon Revised Statutes;and WHEREAS, a summary of the budget as required by Chapter 294.438 was duly published in the Oregonian, a newspaper of general circulation in the city in accordance with Chapter 294.448;and WHEREAS, a hearing by the Tigard City Council on the budget document as approved by the Budget Committee,was duly called and held on June 18,2024,where all interested persons were afforded an opportunity to appear and be heard with respect to the budget; NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the Tigard City Council that: SECTION 1: The council adopts the budget for FY 2024-25 as approved by council following the budget hearing on June 18, 2024. SECTION 2: The amounts appropriated for each fund for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2024, are shown on the attached—Exhibit A Schedule of Appropriations as approved by Budget Committee on May 20,2024 with adjustments made by council during the hearing on June 18,2024. SECTION 3: The City of Tigard City Council hereby imposes the taxes provided for in the adopted budget at the rate of$2.5131 per S1,000 of assessed value for its permanent rate tax;plus an additional $0.29 per$1,000 local option levy property tax;and in the amount of$2,903,000 for debt service on general obligation bonds; and that these taxes are hereby imposed and categorized for tax year 2024-25 upon the assessed value of all taxable property in the city as follows: General Government Limit Peiinanent rate tax $2.5131/$1,000 Local Option Levy Local Option Levy tax $0.29/$1,000 Excluded from Limit General Obligation Bond Debt Service $2,903,000 RESOLUTION NO.24- Page 1 SECTION 4: This resolution is effective immediately upon passage. PASSED: This day of 2024. Mayor-City of Tigard A IT EST: 7?( City Recorder-City of Tigard RESOLUTION NO. 24- Page 2 EXHIBIT A - SCHEDULE OF APPROPRIATIONS Budget Committee Recommended Fund Program Proposed Changes Approved Council Changes Adopted General Fund Mayor&City Council 624,628 - 624,628 - 624,628 Engagement&Innovation 11,293,388 - 11,293,388 - 11,293,388 Investment&Infrastructure 7,934,035 60,000 7,994,035 - 7,994,035 Police 25,468,443 114,392 25,582,835 - 25,582,835 Transfer 831,688 453,152 1,284,840 - 1,284,840 Contingency 1,381,115 - 1,381,115 - 1,381,115 47,533,297 627,544 48,160,841 - 48,160,841 Gas Tax Fund Investment&Infrastructure 3,644,194 638,838 4,283,033 (40,282) 4,242,750 Transfer 2,783,303 (126,810) 2,656,493 - 2,656,493 Contingency 192,720 - 192,720 - 192,720 6,620,217 512,029 7,132,246 (40,282) 7,091,964 City Gas Tax Fund Transfer 3,337,170 (40,277) 3,296,892 - 3,296,892 3,337,170 (40,277) 3,296,892 - 3,296,892 Transportation TNC Fund Transfer 573 - 573 - 573 Contingency 100,000 - 100,000 - 100,000 100,573 - 100,573 - 100,573 Transient Lodging Tax Fund Transfer 193,950 188,931 382,881 - 382,881 193,950 188,931 382,881 - 382,881 Construction Excise Tax Fund Investment&Infrastructure 500,000 750,000 1,250,000 - 1,250,000 Transfer 15,328 - 15,328 - 15,328 Contingency 15,000 - 15,000 - 15,000 530,328 750,000 1,280,328 - 1,280,328 Electrical Inspection Fund Transfer 265,501 - 265,501 - 265,501 265,501 - 265,501 - 265,501 Building Fund Investment&Infrastructure 3,799,691 - 3,799,691 - 3,799,691 Transfer 4,376 (1,171) 3,204 - 3,204 Contingency 114,026 - 114,026 - 114,026 3,918,093 (1,171) 3,916,921 - 3,916,921 Criminal Forfeiture Fund Police 700,000 - 700,000 - 700,000 Transfer 241 - 241 - 241 700,241 - 700,241 - 700,241 Urban Forestry Fund Transfer 235,905 (10,046) 225,859 - 225,859 235,905 (10,046) 225,859 - 225,859 Parks Utility Fund Investment&Infrastructure 5,793,944 329,554 6,123,497 9,064 6,132,561 EXHIBIT A - SCHEDULE OF APPROPRIATIONS Budget Committee Recommended Fund Program Proposed Changes Approved Council Changes Adopted Transfer 11,568 (2,412) 9,156 - 9,156 Contingency 173,891 - 173,891 - 173,891 5,979,403 327,141 6,306,544 9,064 6,315,608 Police Levy Fund Police 2,354,844 - 2,354,844 - 2,354,844 Contingency 70,645 - 70,645 - 70,645 2,425,489 - 2,425,489 - 2,425,489 Pandemic Relief Fund Engagement&Innovation 790,000 - 790,000 - 790,000 Transfer 918,507 - 918,507 - 918,507 1,708,507 - 1,708,507 - 1,708,507 Bancroft Debt Service Fund N/C N/C N/C General Obligation Debt Service Fund Debt Service 2,758,869 - 2,758,869 - 2,758,869 2,758,869 - 2,758,869 - 2,758,869 Facilities Capital Projects Fund Capital Improvements 2,945,000 - 2,945,000 - 2,945,000 2,945,000 - 2,945,000 - 2,945,000 Transportation Development Tax Transfer 2,182,228 (229,237) 1,952,991 - 1,952,991 2,182,228 (229,237) 1,952,991 - 1,952,991 Underground Utility Fund Transfer 23,454 (3,558) 19,896 - 19,896 23,454 (3,558) 19,896 - 19,896 Street Maintenance Fund Capital Improvements 6,415,000 - 6,415,000 - 6,415,000 Transfer 602,067 (281,820) 320,248 - 320,248 7,017,067 (281,820) 6,735,248 - 6,735,248 Transportation SDC Fund Transfer 4,663,224 (215,439) 4,447,785 - 4,447,785 4,663,224 (215,439) 4,447,785 - 4,447,785 Parks Capital Fund Capital Improvements 5,138,895 - 5,138,895 - 5,138,895 5,138,895 - 5,138,895 - 5,138,895 Parks Bond Fund N/C N/C Transfer 653,645 (3,645) 650,000 - 650,000 653,645 (3,645) 650,000 - 650,000 Parks SDC Fund Transfer 3,823,770 (522,434) 3,301,336 - 3,301,336 3,823,770 (522,434) 3,301,336 - 3,301,336 Transportation CIP Fund Capital Improvements 15,572,000 - 15,572,000 - 15,572,000 15,572,000 - 15,572,000 - 15,572,000 EXHIBIT A - SCHEDULE OF APPROPRIATIONS Budget Committee Recommended Fund Program Proposed Changes Approved Council Changes Adopted Sanitary Sewer Fund Investment&Infrastructure 3,027,105 81,299 3,108,404 4,335 3,112,739 Capital Improvements 1,400,000 - 1,400,000 - 1,400,000 Transfer 755,608 (59,945) 695,662 - 695,662 Contingency 155,372 - 155,372 - 155,372 5,338,085 21,353 5,359,438 4,335 5,363,773 Stormwater Fund Investment&Infrastructure 4,019,042 191,434 4,210,476 3,994 4,214,470 Capital Improvements 3,779,000 - 3,779,000 - 3,779,000 Transfer 1,265,465 (310,014) 955,451 - 955,451 Contingency 271,727 - 271,727 - 271,727 9,335,234 (118,580) 9,216,654 3,994 9,220,648 Water Quality/Quantity Fund Transfer 20,079 (20,079) - - - 20,079 (20,079) - - - Water Fund Investment&Infrastructure 11,300,326 809,220 12,109,546 (32,095) 12,077,450 Transfer 20,246,435 (659,253) 19,587,182 - 19,587,182 Contingency 730,037 - 730,037 - 730,037 32,276,798 149,966 32,426,764 (32,095) 32,394,669 Water SDC Fund Transfer 9,237,747 (423,395) 8,814,352 - 8,814,352 9,237,747 (423,395) 8,814,352 - 8,814,352 Water CIP Fund Capital Improvements 20,552,000 15,000 20,567,000 - 20,567,000 20,552,000 15,000 20,567,000 - 20,567,000 Water Debt Service Fund Debt Service 7,207,147 - 7,207,147 - 7,207,147 7,207,147 - 7,207,147 - 7,207,147 Central Services Fund City Attorney 386,920 - 386,920 - 386,920 City Recorder 530,789 - 530,789 - 530,789 Engagement&Innovation 6,706,222 - 6,706,222 - 6,706,222 Investment&Infrastructure 10,825,690 24,416 10,850,106 - 10,850,106 18,449,620 24,416 18,474,036 - 18,474,036 Information Technology Replacement Fund Investment&Infrastructure 1,579,930 - 1,579,930 - 1,579,930 Contingency 157,993 - 157,993 - 157,993 1,737,923 - 1,737,923 - 1,737,923 Facilities Replacement Fund Investment&Infrastructure 1,658,600 - 1,658,600 - 1,658,600 Transfer 619,000 - 619,000 - 619,000 Contingency 227,760 - 227,760 - 227,760 2,505,360 - 2,505,360 - 2,505,360 Public Works Admin Fund EXHIBIT A - SCHEDULE OF APPROPRIATIONS Budget Committee Recommended Fund Program Proposed Changes Approved Council Changes Adopted Investment&Infrastructure 2,785,484 - 2,785,484 129,518 2,915,002 Transfer 916 - 916 - 916 2,786,400 - 2,786,400 129,518 2,915,918 Public Works Engineering Fund Investment&Infrastructure 5,657,988 - 5,657,988 (111,347) 5,546,640 Transfer 3,204 - 3,204 - 3,204 5,661,192 - 5,661,192 (111,347) 5,549,845 Fleet/Facilities Fund Investment&Infrastructure 3,681,136 - 3,681,136 - 3,681,136 3,681,136 - 3,681,136 - 3,681,136 Fleet/Vehicle Replacement Fund Investment&Infrastructure 2,172,486 - 2,172,486 - 2,172,486 Contingency 217,249 - 217,249 - 217,249 2,389,735 - 2,389,735 - 2,389,735 Insurance Fund Engagement&Innovation 477,000 - 477,000 - 477,000 477,000 - 477,000 - 477,000 Library Donations and Bequests Fund Transfer 600,045 - 600,045 - 600,045 600,045 - 600,045 - 600,045 All Funds Mayor&City Council 624,628 - 624,628 - 624,628 City Attorney 386,920 - 386,920 - 386,920 City Recorder 530,789 - 530,789 - 530,789 Engagement&Innovation 19,266,609 - 19,266,609 - 19,266,609 Investment&Infrastructure 68,379,650 2,884,760 71,264,410 (36,814) 71,227,596 Police 28,523,286 114,392 28,637,678 - 28,637,678 Capital Improvements 55,801,895 15,000 55,816,895 - 55,816,895 Transfer 53,294,997 (2,267,454) 51,027,543 - 51,027,543 Debt Service 9,966,016 - 9,966,016 - 9,966,016 Contingency 3,807,535 - 3,807,535 - 3,807,535 240,582,325 746,698 241,329,023 (36,814) 241,292,209