06/07/2023 - AgendaCity of Tigard | 13125 SW Hall Blvd., Tigard, OR 97223 | 503-639-4171 | www.tigard-or.gov | Page 1 of 1
City of Tigard
Transportation Advisory Committee Agenda
June 7, 2023 – 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.
Tigard Public Library, 2nd Floor Conference Room, 13500 SW Hall Blvd
1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Harshfield 6:00
2. CONSIDER MINUTES Chair Harshfield 6:02
3. PUBLIC COMMENT Chair Harshfield 6:05
6. TTAC MEMBER BIKE LANE GAPS (PHOTOS) Serge Killingsworth 7:35
7. VISION ZERO SAFETY ACTION PLAN Courtney and Dave 7:40
8. UPDATES/INFO Tigard Teammates 7:45
a) Bike Map Update
b) Transportation CIP Scoring Tool
c) Move4May Debrief
10. ADJOURNMENT Chair Harshfield 8:00
Supporting materials attached:
• May 3, 2023 Meeting Minutes
• Bike Lane Gaps Photos, Serge Killingsworth
• Vision Zero “Vision, Strategies, Action: Guidelines for an Effective Vision Zero Action Plan”
• Transportation CIP Prioritization Update Presentation and Scoring Matrix
Related websites and information:
• Tigard 2040 TSP
• Tigard Construction Updates
• Tigard Capital Improvement Projects
• Public Work Service Request Page
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Meeting Minutes
May 3, 2023
Members Present: David Burke, Laura Crawford, Alan Eckert, Ruth Harshfield (Chair), Michael
Hendrickson (Vice Chair), Jane Honeyman (Alternate), Richard Keast, Serge Killingsworth, Derek
Lawson, and Jim Schiffer (Alternate).
Members Absent: Maxine Chaney, Carl Fisher, and Shawne Martinez.
Staff Present: Assistant City Manager Emily Tritsch, Sr. Project Engineer Courtney Furman,
Principal Transportation Planner Dave Roth, Project Planner Gary Pagenstecher, Assistant
Transportation Planner Alec Perkins, and Sr. Administrative Specialist Joe Patton.
Others Present: TTAC Council Liaison Jeanette Shaw.
Chair Harshfield called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. The meeting was held remotely using MS
Teams with a call-in number provided for the public.
The April 5, 2023, meeting Minutes were unanimously approved.
Dave thanked the subcommittee members and the GIS team. He shared four maps: elevation,
TTAC LTS feedback within Tigard boundaries, TTAC LTS feedback outside Tigard boundaries,
and difficult intersections. The maps will be shared via email. During the discussion, public access,
signage, and parking at the Fanno Creek Trailhead next to the Senior Center was raised. The issue
can be discussed at a future meeting, but wayfinding signage may be the resolution.
The costs for the North Dakota St. bridge have escalated. It is at 30% design. Tigard is advocating
for the double span bridge which will help raise the bridge higher out of the floodplain. The Tigard
St. bridge will be completed before North Dakota because it is a 100% locally funded project.. Both
bridges currently include twelve-foot travel lanes and Dave has requested narrowing to eleven feet to
provide additional space for bike facilities. A question on traffic calming arose and Dave noted that
a conversation with emergency service partners needs to take place as any methods used can impact
their response.
Gary gave a brief presentation showing the proposed 2-mile alignment of the Red Rock Creek Trail
(RRCT) comprised of four distinct segments: Tigard Triangle District, Hwy 217 crossing, Hunziker
Core District, and a railroad crossing. Ideally it would stay in the greenway along the creek, but that
is not possible for the entire alignment due in part to the large elevation change along the
Dartmouth to 72nd segment. Gary discussed the project goals, the stakeholder workgroup (SWG)
May 3, 2023
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goals for engagement, the SWG composition, timeline, and desired project outcomes. Several
connections to other local trails and loop trails are possible. Since the Southwest Corridor (SWC)
project is on hold, a separate Hwy 217 bridge is being considered that would not preclude the
planned SWC bridge if funding allows.
Dave briefly discussed changes from the current transportation CIP to the proposed 23-24
transportation CIP. He provided a handout which includes all proposed changes. Due to escalating
construction costs and project delays, changes are minimal this budget cycle. Dave noted that
Washington County MSTIP funding for projects not yet started is on hold while the County works
through budget issues. Alec gave a brief presentation on the 2023 Transportation CIP Methodology
Reprioritization including: current process, project goals, Transportation Project Candidate (TPC)
List, Project Scoring, Criteria, Qualified TPC List designation, Best Fit Funding Source, the Updated
Qualified List, the new selection process, and Project Schedule.
a) Move4May is ongoing. A story on Walk+Roll day may appear on KATU.
b) Dave noted that two of Tigard’s Oregon Community Path Grant applications scored high
enough to make it to the next round of decision-making. More grant opportunities are
c) HB2756 (Hall Blvd jurisdictional transfer) and another bill (HB2793) related to jurisdictional
transfers are going before the Joint Commission on Transportation tomorrow. The funding
is not guaranteed but public comments help.
d) A parking committee is being formed and two TTAC members being sought. Derek and
Laura volunteered to serve.
These items will be shared via email as there was not enough time before the Library closed.
The meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m.
Joe Patton, TTAC Meeting Secretary
Ruth Harshfield, Chair
Left turn pocket
for cars, bike
lane disappears,
Left turn pocket
for cars, bike
lane erased, no
Original, erased
center line and bike
lane stripes visible.
Car travel lane
narrows to 12’2”
Right turn lane for cars,
Bike lane disappears, no
Parking provided for
cars, bike lane erased,
no accommodation.
Cyclists are warned
with signage, drivers
are not warned.
Bike lane ends, stripe
continues as a “fog line”
Pavement for cyclists’ use all but
Raised reflectors placed a little
inside the car travel lane
Bike lane gets pinched down as you
approach 217
Fog stripe disappears, cyclists can
use sidewalk over bridge
Result of
between COT
engineer and PBS:
Narrow travel lane,
fog stripe for
1Action PlAn Guidelines
Vision, Strategies, Action:
Guidelines for an Effective
Vision Zero Action Plan
December 2017
2Action PlAn Guidelines
WE thAnk LivableStreets Alliance
and the Massachusetts Vision Zero
Coalition for their partnership in
writing this report.
Primary authors include Kathleen
Ferrier and Leah Shahum of Vision
Zero Network and Louisa Gag and
Stacy Thompson of LivableStreets
Graphic design by Rachel Krause of
Banjo Creative.
3Action PlAn Guidelines
A cross the country, U.S. towns and cities are
committing to Vision Zero, which, in addition
to setting the goal of zero traffic deaths or severe
injuries, also commits communities to a fundamental
shift in how they approach traffic safety.
once a community has committed to Vision
Zero, it should create an Action Plan to
clearly lay out action steps, timelines, and
priorities and include broader community and
stakeholder input.
At its best, Vision Zero has the potential to galvanize
a thorough and lasting shift in how we design and
use our transportation systems to prioritize the
preservation and quality of human life. At its worst,
Vision Zero runs the risk of becoming a watered-down
slogan that provides only a vague attempt toward real,
life-saving change.
The guidelines presented here are meant for communities
that have already committed to Vision Zero, to outline key
principles of the initiative, and just as importantly, to help
committed communities effectively move from planning to
on-the-ground implementation and institutionalization of
safety priorities.
WhAt DiStinGuiShES ViSion ZEro
Vision Zero is a strategy to eliminate all traffic
fatalities and severe injuries, while increasing safe,
healthy, equitable mobility for all. In creating a Vision
Zero Action Plan, stakeholders should understand,
acknowledge, and discuss how Vision Zero differs from
the traditional approach to traffic safety:
Any Vision Zero Action Plan must be rooted
in the understanding that traffic deaths are
preventable through:
» The prioritization of proven safety strategies
» Multi-departmental collaboration toward the
shared goal of zero
» A focus on data-driven decision-making
» A systems-based approach
Vision Zero is not just “business as usual”
with a new name; its core principles must be
acknowledged and built into everyday efforts.
(Read our publication Moving from Vision to Action
to learn more on Fundamental Principles, Policies
and Practices of Vision Zero.)
trADitionAl APProAch
Traffic deaths are iNeViTABLe
PeRFeCT human behavior
Prevent CoLLiSioNS
iNdiViduAL responsibility
Saving lives is exPeNSiVe
ViSion ZEro
Traffic deaths are PReVeNTABLe
Integrate huMAN FAiLiNG in approach
Prevent FATAL ANd SeVeRe CRASheS
SySTeMS approach
Saving lives is NoT exPeNSiVe
4Action PlAn Guidelines
hoW to uSE thiS GuiDE
A Vision Zero Action Plan should be a living
document. This guide is designed to help cities
who have committed to Vision Zero build an
implementation plan that is concrete and action
driven, while being responsive to the context and
needs of the community you are serving.
This guide lays out two key components of a
strong Action Plan: Foundational Elements
and Actionable Strategies. These key
components are underpinned by a process of
continued community Engagement and
attention to Equity. Below we have defined
each of these components in more detail.
All together this creates a guide that is a road map
for action, as well as a tool for measuring and
assessing progress towards the bottom line goal of
eliminating severe injury crashes and fatalities.
FounDAtionAl ElEmEntS
Foundational elements are just that - foundational
to the success of Vision Zero implementation.
These are baseline best practices for creating any
strong plan of action.
ActionAblE StrAtEGiES
While every city and town is unique, there are
certain strategies that are fundamental to achieving
Vision Zero. This is especially important to ensure
local actions follow the Vision Zero strategy of
prioritizing safe roadway design and managing
speed, amongst other strategies.
robuSt community EnGAGEmEnt
The process of building an Action Plan is just as
important as the final product. Vision Zero is based
on the concept of shared responsibility for safety,
and outreach and engagement to communities —
especially those who are most vulnerable on the
roadways — is absolutely essential for success.
recommendations to underpin the
success of your Vision Zero Action Plan:
1. Create a multi-stakeholder Vision Zero
Task Force that includes perspectives from
representatives in public health, transportation,
policy makers, police, community, and advocates,
among others.
2. Conduct meaningful community outreach prior
to releasing the Action Plan, in order to inform its
3. Gather input from residents, particularly those
in Communities of Concern—specifically low-
income communities, communities of color, seniors,
children, people with disabilities, and people who
rely on walking, biking, and transit as their primary
means of transportation—about what they see and
experience on the streets. Learn about their unique
context and adapt the language and approach you
are using.
Equity Priority
Equity is not only a desired outcome of Vision Zero,
it is integral to every component of Vision Zero
planning and implementation. Equitable strategies
such as prioritizing safety improvements in areas
that have historically been underserved, and
building robust engagement strategies to reach
those who are most vulnerable on the roadways
and who have not typically been included in
traditional city planning processes are fundamental
to achieving Vision Zero.
recommendations to underpin the
success of your Vision Zero Action Plan:
1. Prioritize outreach and street design safety
efforts in Communities of Concern, which have
been traditionally underserved.
2. Utilize data to determine if people of color
are disproportionately being targeted by law
enforcement in your community. Make a public
commitment that Vision Zero efforts will not result
in racial profiling and commit to report publicly on
this issue to build trust with the community.
3. Provide anti-racism and cultural competency
training for all staff and departments involved in
Vision Zero.
Throughout this document, we have provided
examples of what equitable approaches might look
like as you build out the Foundational Elements and
Actionable Strategies for your Action Plan. These
examples should not be considered all inclusive, as
we acknowledge this is an area with great room for
expansion and improvement.
5Action PlAn Guidelines
ElEmEntS imPlEmEntAtion
A good action plan is a living document and includes a dynamic, iterative process to establish
and implement strategies, evaluate progress, and make corrective actions as needed,
all the while engaging community and prioritizing equity.
thE ViSion ZEro APProAch
6Action PlAn Guidelines
1. builD A
robuSt DAtA
Vision Zero is a data-driven approach, and gathering,
analyzing, utilizing, and sharing both formal data on
injury crashes and community input to understand
traffic safety priorities is fundamental to Vision Zero
We recommend that injury crash data be
collected before the Action Plan is created,
focusing on fatal and serious injuries,
the data should answer questions like:
» Are injury crashes more likely to occur in
certain locations? At certain times of day?
» Are some demographics and road users
over-represented in injury crashes? If so, who?
» What crash factors are prominent? (Examples
include behaviors such as high speeds, left
turns, or the lack of Complete Streets facilities
for people walking/bicycling.)
It is also important to consider who is involved
in collecting and putting forward the data. A
burgeoning best practice includes supplementing
traditional injury crash data collected by police,
with hospital data. This has been shown to better
represent certain populations, such as low-income
and communities of color, and those walking and
bicycling. Including public health department
professionals, policy makers, and other stakeholders
in the data collection and assessment process,
along with those in the transportation and police
departments, can help ensure a more complete and
comprehensive understanding of the data.
Ultimately, analysis of Vision Zero data should
lead to the development of a High Injury Network
that geographically identifies locations where
investments in safety are most urgent, which in turn
will drive your implementation strategy. Given that
all communities have limited resources, this data-
driven approach will help allocate resources to those
locations that need them most.
Equity lEnS
While data is important, it also needs context and
usually does not tell the full story on its own. For
example, communities that have been systematically
marginalized may be less likely to report traffic
crashes. Additionally, some locations feel so
dangerous and unwelcoming that people avoid
walking or biking there, which means they are not
elevated as problem spots with high injuries, but still
may deserve attention. Depending on data alone
will leave gaps in your strategy and may compound
inequities in already underserved communities.
To gather an accurate picture, a successful and
equitable data-driven approach will require both
collecting data as well as a robust community
engagement process that prioritizes outreach in
Communities of Concern.
FounDAtionAl ElEmEntS
PortlAnD’S ViSion ZEro ProGrAm
overlays the city’s High Injury Network with
its Communities of Concern as shown in the
image below. Cities including Denver, Los
Angeles, Chicago, and San Francisco use a similar
7Action PlAn Guidelines
2. SEt
GoAlS With
A clEAr
timElinE For
Clear, measurable short-term and mid-term goals,
combined with timelines and ownership from
responsible government agencies, will create a
framework that is easier to evaluate and fund, and
will build buy-in, accountability, and transparency
throughout the implementation process.
We recommend identifying your “reach zero
year” as a baseline. Many cities are using a 10
year time frame as their baseline. Your Action Plan
should then include near term (2-3 year) goals along
with interim goals and measures of progress (5-8
year time horizon). This will ensure that your Action
Plan is more than just a 1-2 year list of priorities,
but truly a long-term strategy.
Each goal identified in your Action Plan
should be measurable and provide
answers to the following questions:
» What does success look like? What are the
measures of success?
» Who is primarily responsible for achieving
this goal and in what timeframe?
» What are the conditions and limitations for
success? (For example, are more staff and/or
funding needed in certain areas to succeed? If
so, be clear about that need.)
Equity lEnS
There is overwhelming evidence that communities
of color are disproportionately impacted by traffic
crashes. When setting goals for Vision Zero, it is
important to both acknowledge these disparities,
as well as set specific goals designed to close this
gap, in addition to reducing the overall number of
serious crashes.
EAch oF thE StrAtEGiES liStED in
PhilADElPhiA’S ViSion ZEro Action
PlAn includes the Lead Agency and a timeline for
implementation. The timeline distinguishes between
short-term (1 to 3 years) and long-term goals.
8Action PlAn Guidelines
3. bE
Vision Zero is rooted in the shared responsibility
among system designers and policymakers to design
and operate safe systems for transportation. Clear
ownership of Action Plan strategies is important to
achieving success and long-term institutionalization of
Vision Zero principles and outcomes.
Each Action Plan strategy should identify
the lead agency responsible, along with
supporting/partner agencies, and budget
Being clear about the budget implications for each
strategy will help ensure the sustainability of your
Vision Zero work and identify the need for additional
resources early on. This will also help to foster more
cross-departmental collaboration and community
partnerships to help fill those resource gaps.
questions you should answer for each
» Is the strategy currently funded? If not, what is
the need?
» Will you need to invest in training for planners,
engineers, public works staff, police, or others
to ensure everyone is working with the same
understanding of Vision Zero implementation?
» Are there other key influencers outside of the
city family that will be key to this goal’s success,
such as the county or state? If so, lay out an
action to address this need.
» Have you considered the seasonality of your
Action Plan? Do annual weather patterns impact
your construction schedules? Will you need
to buy new equipment to ensure year-round
maintenance of new facilities?
Equity lEnS
When you are planning annual Vision Zero funding
priorities, make sure to include support for training
and resources for city staff on the role structural
racism has played in creating inequitable street and
safety conditions in your community. It is important
to ensure that municipal staff have the training,
resources, and tools necessary to achieve the goals
they’ve been assigned in an equitable manner.
DEnVEr’S Action PlAn includes time-bound measurable goals with the responsible city departments identified.
9Action PlAn Guidelines
4. EnSurE
The process of establishing baseline data, creating
the Action Plan, and assessing progress towards
the goal of zero must be transparent to key
stakeholders and the broader community.
Provide regular opportunities to measure
progress, celebrate success, identify
unforeseen challenges, prevent against
problematic actions, and create an
opportunity for course-corrections when
At a minimum, cities should prioritize
the following actions to promote
» Maintain a comprehensive, public website
to share crash data and progress on Action
Plan strategies, and solicit feedback on safety
concerns, projects, and strategies;
» Meet routinely with your Vision Zero Task
Force to solicit input, review data, and provide
ongoing feedback on progress and challenges;
» Meet with and solicit input from residents
in an ongoing dialogue about Vision Zero
projects, priorities and safety concerns; and
» Seek opportunities for 3rd party assessment
of your progress, and report regularly (annually
at a minimum) to key stakeholders, decision
making bodies, and the public.
Equity lEnS
As part of San Francisco’s Vision Zero commitment,
the city’s Traffic Commander reports quarterly
to the SF Police Commission, in a public forum,
on their traffic enforcement activities, providing
opportunities for transparency and ensuring against
problematic activities, such as racial bias in traffic
Created by alrigelfrom the Noun Project
SEAttlE routinely posts Vision Zero updates
on its website. For example, each of the
projects listed below opens to a new page
with more project details and information
for “What’s happening now?” The city also
provides progress reports and additional
project analyses to update the public.
10Action PlAn Guidelines
Roadway design is the most important
factor that influences speed and safety. Cities should
consider and plan transportation systems that make
slower, safe speeds the norm to protect the most
vulnerable road users, especially in areas with historic
patterns of fatalities and serious injuries, which will, in
turn, mean that all road users are safer.
recommended Actionable Strategies:
1. Invest in capital safety treatments in high injury
areas, prioritizing improvements in Communities
of Concern. Along with large capital improvements,
consider low-cost, near-term safety treatments, such
as painted corner sidewalk extensions and paint-and-
post-protected bike lanes.
2. Identify intersections, corridors, and areas
through predictive analysis where severe crashes are
likely to occur, based on characteristics of the built
environment, to proactively target interventions and
prevent future serious crashes.
3. Create a rapid response protocol and delivery
timelines for safety improvements when serious
crashes do occur. This includes a rapid, on-the-
ground assessment of the crash scene and immediate
implementation for short-term or pilot interventions.
4. Employ policies including Complete Streets and
Transit First in all projects in order to increase safety
for all modes, and to boost the number of trips by
walking, bicycling, and transit. Overall, more people
moving by these modes and fewer by private autos
will boost safety.
FocuS on SPEED
In addition to roadway design, cities should employ
specific strategies to reduce speed for the sake of
safety. Most important is designing (or redesigning)
roadways for safe, intended speeds. Proven
countermeasures include lowering speed limits and the
smart use of automated speed enforcement. A 2017
study by the National Transportation Safety Board
recommends both greater usage of automated speed
enforcement and flexibility for cities to lower speeds
for the sake of safety.
recommended Actionable Strategies:
1. Prioritize designing streets to reduce vehicle speed
in the High Injury Network first. Most Vision Zero
cities have found that a relatively small percentage
of the local road network contributes to the majority
of severe crashes. Reducing speed on these roads
through proven design measures will bring some of the
biggest benefits.
2. Lower speed limits to fit context. In communities
where there is a mix of people walking, biking,
driving, and taking transit, speeds are generally more
appropriate in the 20-25 mph range, and particularly
in areas with schools, senior centers, parks, and transit
3. Institute an automated speed enforcement
program, a strategy which is proving effective
in encouraging safe behavior and saving lives in
communities in the U.S. and around the world. This
should be carefully planned to ensure that safety and
equity are the priorities of the program, avoiding the
pitfalls of troubling perceptions about an over focus on
revenue generation.
4. Create a neighborhood traffic calming program
to reduce the number and severity of crashes on
residential streets. These programs can be designed
to allow communities to identify their own problems
and nominate themselves for projects as in Boston’s
Neighborhood Slow Streets program.
ActionAblE StrAtEGiES
Public transportation investment is among the most
cost effective ways to enhance traffic safety for a
community. Public transit passengers have less than
1/10 the per-mile crash rates as automobile occupants,
and transit-oriented communities have less than 1/5 the
total per capita traffic fatality rates as in automobile-
dependent communities.
Source: American Public Transportation Association
11Action PlAn Guidelines
utiliZE imPActFul
While roadway design and speed management are
core to Vision Zero, education can bolster the success
of Vision Zero implementation. While this includes
educating people about safe road behaviors, it also
includes educating policy makers, decision makers, and
other influencers about the importance of Vision Zero
and the strategies that are proven to be most effective in
order to make real change.
recommended Actionable Strategies:
1. Use data and research to prioritize the most
effective education/outreach strategies. This includes
focusing on dangerous driving behaviors such as
speeding, distracted driving, and driving under the
influence, while avoiding overemphasizing attention on
“distracted” pedestrians. Using this data-driven approach
to proactively educate key stakeholders, including
government partners and community members, about
the leading causes and locations of injury crashes helps
align efforts appropriately.
2. Implement or expand Safe Routes educational
programming, such as Safe Routes to School, Safe
Routes for Seniors, Safe Routes for People with
Disabilities. These efforts should prioritize vulnerable
populations and high crash areas, as well as areas
targeted for increasing walking and bicycling trips.
3. Develop a Vision Zero training manual to share
with key stakeholders. Training can include high-level
principles, communications strategies, leading causes of
injury crashes, the definition and meaning of the High
Injury Network, etc. We also recommend requiring all
municipal employees and contractors who drive a vehicle
as part of their job to participate in Vision Zero safety
4. Require Vision Zero training for frequent drivers,
such as fleet operators, taxi drivers, and large vehicle
operators to meet certain safety practices. Cities can
model good behavior by ensuring their own fleets, and
those they contract with, require Vision Zero safety
Equity lEnS
Develop educational materials and communicate in
languages that are appropriate for diverse communities.
This may include multilingual flyers, pop-up information
tents within the community, having information available
on the city website, and working with community-based
organizations who have developed relationships and
trust in that community. Read our report Elevating Equity
in Vision Zero Communications for more information.
nEW york city: Injury crash data showed
a concentration of serious crashes during late
afternoon and evening hours, so the Task Force
developed and implemented a multi-pronged
education and enforcement seasonal campaign
aimed at night safety. The city measured a 30%
decrease in traffic fatalities for the time period that
year compared to the same time frame during the
three previous years. (Read here for more details
on NYC’s research and campaign.)
12Action PlAn Guidelines
EnForcEmEnt iS
As we emphasize Vision Zero’s safe systems approach
on the front-end — particularly through street design
and speed management strategies proven to encourage
safe behavior — we can reduce the need to correct for
individual problems on the back-end via traffic stops,
ticketing, and fines. Admittedly, this requires long-term
investment to shift our environment and our culture.
In the meantime, we must acknowledge and address
today’s pressing problems related to racial bias in
traffic enforcement and, by extension, to Vision Zero
enforcement activities.
It is important that promoters of Vision Zero in U.S.
communities recognize that officer-initiated traffic
stops allow for higher-than-average levels of individual
discretion and can be a slippery slope for racial bias
and aggressive police action. The broader Vision Zero
community has a role and responsibility in improving —
not exacerbating — these problems.
the most appropriate enforcement strategies
will focus on providing education on the
most dangerous driving behaviors and will
be community supported, as well as ensure
transparency into police activity. While enforcement
has a role to play in traffic safety efforts, it should
not be a primary strategy and should be approached
recommended Actionable Strategies:
1. Vision Zero Action Plans should commit to employing
enforcement strategies that will not result in racial
profiling. (See Portland’s example in sidebar.) Of course,
a commitment is not all that is needed, but it is an
important first step.
2. Focus enforcement on the most dangerous
behaviors based on reliable data to ensure that
this is communicated effectively to ensure public
understanding. Activities such as speeding and violating
pedestrian right of way are more dangerous than minor
infractions such as broken taillights or overly tinted
windows, so police activity should focus on the former.
3. Provide regular updates on law enforcement’s traffic
stop activities. This is essential to building trust amongst
the community for a productive role for enforcement.
Understanding who is being stopped by police, where,
and when, as well as who is ticketed, etc. will be
important information to ensure accountability.
4. Support a Community Policing approach as part
of Vision Zero work. The U.S. Department of Justice
presents 10 Principles of Community Policing, including
two that police and the community share ownership,
responsibility, and accountability for the prevention of
crime, and that mutual trust between the police and the
community is essential for effective policing.
5. Create a diversion program to provide alternatives
to traffic fines. Recognizing the disproportionate
impact of traffic fines on low-income communities, we
recommend developing diversion programs that offer
education and positive reinforcement of safe behavior in
place of overly burdensome fees.
Equity lEnS
When utilized properly, automated speed enforcement
can reduce the number of crashes as well as severity
of injuries. Though far under-used, this approach is cited
as one of the most effective in influencing behavior and
lowering dangerous speeds, while also de-emphasizing
officer-initiated traffic stops that cause concern about
racial profiling. If used inappropriately, these technologies
can reinforce structural inequities. It is important
to recognize that no piece of technology exists in a
vacuum. Any automated speed enforcement program
must be developed with input and buy-in from the most
marginalized and vulnerable people in your community.
Portland’s Vision Zero Action Plan includes
an explicit statement that the plan will be equitable
and “it will not result in racial profiling.” The
diversity of participants drafting Portland’s Action
Plan brought equity to the forefront throughout
its development. As a result, Portland explicitly
commits to develop and implement a set of actions
that would not lead to disproportionately negative
outcomes for communities of color and low-income
For more about Portland’s approach and other
recommendations regarding centering equity in Vision Zero,
see visonzeronetwork.org/resources/equity.
13Action PlAn Guidelines
While elements of evaluation are included
throughout this guide, we want to highlight the
importance of creating a transparent and regular
evaluation process for your Action Plan. Evaluation
can be one of the best ways to ensure your Action
Plan is a living document. How updates will be
developed should be included in the Plan, as well as
when progress updates will be provided to the public.
lead agencies working toward Vision Zero
should regularly update policymakers,
other agencies, and the public. This reporting
and evaluation process should include regular
updates in a variety of forums such as community
conversations, events, report cards, or other
creative engagement strategies.
recommended Actionable Strategies:
1. Highlight and celebrate accomplishments, but
be real about challenges. Be transparent when
you don’t achieve a goal, assess what happened,
and recommend changes to the strategy to correct
2. Revisit the Foundational Elements every time
you modify a goal or strategy. A good Action Plan is
a living document that is utilized often and evolves
over time. However, it is important to maintain your
foundation throughout the process.
3. Utilize the Community Engagement and Equity
Strategies outlined in this document to get feedback
on progress from the people in your community most
impacted by traffic crashes.
Ultimately, there are no shortcuts or compromises
in achieving the goals of Vision Zero. The metrics of
success are simple: one fatality or serious injury in
traffic is one too many. A strong Action Plan will be a
road map for success in your Vision Zero efforts.
Numerous resources available at
ViSion ZEro PrinciPlES
Why Vision Zero Differs from the Traditional Approach
to Tra ffic Safety
Nine Components of a Strong Vision Zero Commitment
Moving from Vision to Action: Fundamental Principles,
Policies & Practices to Advance Vision Zero in the U.S.
community EnGAGEmEnt
Incorporating and budgeting for community group
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, p. 18
Denver, Colorado, p. 8
Vision Zero Equity Strategies for Practitioners
Elevating Equity in Vision Zero Communications
Health Equity Road Map for Getting to Zero
Untokening 1.0 - Principles for Mobility Justice
communitiES oF concErn DEFinitionS
Denver, Colorado, p. 6
Los Angeles, California
Portland, Oregon
San Francisco, California
hiGh injury nEtWork ExAmPlES
Denver, Colorado, p. 8
Los Angeles, California
San Francisco, California, p. 6
ProGrESS rEPortS
New York City, New York
Seattle, Washington
Washington, D.C.
EVAluAtion & rESourcES
14Action PlAn Guidelines
A PublicAtion oF thE
in PArtnErShiP With
liVAblEStrEEtS AlliAncE AnD thE
mASSAchuSEttS ViSion ZEro coAlition
2023 Transportation CIP
Methodology Reprioritization:
Project Scoring Template Update
•Dave Roth -Principal Transportation Planner
•Alec Perkins -Assistant Transportation Planner
•Courtney Furman -Senior Project Engineer
•Joe Wisniewski -Principal Engineer
•Preston Beck -GIS Programs Administrator
•Morgan Josef -GIS Analyst II
Project Overview
•Align project selection process w/
2040 TSP and City goals and policies
•Complete Streets
•Strategic Plan
•More objective, more consistent, and
more data-driven project prioritization
•Create a scoring tool that utilizes GIS
Project Scoring Factors
(example GIS
layer: Proximity to Trailhead)
(example of not entirely
reducing subjectivity: Carbon Reduction)
Scoring Template
Thank you!
Any questions?
•Dave Roth -Senior Transportation Planner
•Alec Perkins -Assistant Transportation Planner
•Courtney Furman -Senior Project Engineer
•Joe Wisniewski -Principal Engineer
•Preston Beck -GIS Programs Administrator
•Morgan Josef -GIS Analyst II
Critical Crash Rate Over Under
Vehicle Collisions Involving
Pedestrians/Bicyclists 3 or more 2 1 0
Fatalities + Serious Injuries 3 or more 2 1 0
Speed Differential > 10 MPH 6 - 9 MPH < 5 MPH
Average Daily Traffic > 10,000 5,000 - 9,999 2,000 - 4,999 < 1,999
Documented Safety Concern Documented concern No documented concern
Safety [Total]
Indicators of Potential
Disadvantage (IPD) Risk Levels Well Above Average Above Average Average Below/Well Below
Equity Active Transportation
Demand Score 26 or more 19 - 25 16 - 18 15 or less
Equity [Total]
Proximity to Trailhead Within 250ft of Regional
Within 250ft of Local
Trailhead Within 1/4mi of Trailhead No Trailhead
Proximity to Transit Stop Within 250ft of Frequent
Transit Stop
Within 250ft of Standard
Transit Stop
Within 1/4mi of Transit
Stop No Transit Stop
Proximity to School/SRTS Within 250ft of School
Within 250ft of SRTS
(within 1/2mi of school)
Within 250ft of SRTS
(within 1mi of school)No School/SRTS
Proximity to Park Within 250ft of
Community Park
Within 250ft of
Neighborhood Park Within 1/4mi of Park No Park
Zoning/Land Use Within 250ft of High
Density Area
Within 250ft of Medium
Density Area
Within 250ft of Low
Density Area
Barrier Access Removes Barrier Does Not Remove Barrier
Pedestrian Network Sidewalk Gaps in
Pedestrian Focused Area Sidewalk Gaps Sidewalk Sub-Standard Sidewalk to Standard
Transportation CIP Scoring Template Handout
Mobility & Accessibility Notes: The section prioritizes locations with safety concerns or a higher safety risk based on factors related to
vehicle crashes, speeding, traffic levels, and previously documented safety concerns. This approach promotes
projects that directly address and improve safety deficiencies on Tigard's transportation network.
Notes: This section prioritizes transportation disadvantaged locations and populations. IPD Risk Levels includes
general factors related to race, age, income, etc., while the Equity Active Transportation Demand Score includes
factors related to transportation, such as reliance on transit and population density (by children, seniors, etc.).
This approach supports investments in locations where populations will benefit from improved transit access and
active travel infrastructure.
Bike Network 4 3 2 1
Traffic Operations F or V/C > 0.99 E D C through A
Mobility & Accessibility [Total]
Carbon Reduction High Potential to Reduce
Moderate Potential to
Reduce Carbon
Low Potential to Reduce
Transit Priority Improves Transit Priority Does Not Improve Transit
Electrification Adds to Existing EV
Charger Inventory
Adds EV Ready
Does Not Add EV
Impact to Sensitive Lands No Potential to Impact
Lands Potential to Impact Lands
Tree Inventory Adds to Existing Inventory No Impact to Existing
Inventory Impacts Mitigated Reduces Existing
Environment [Total]
Safety - %
Equity - %
Mobility & Accessibility - %
Environment - %
Total Project Score - /100%/100
Notes: This section measures connectivity and accessibility based on proximity to common destinations such as
trails, transit stops, schools, parks, and commercial areas. Additionally, it measures sidewalk quality, bicycle level
of stress, and traffic operations. Prioritizing projects that improve access and mobility improve Tigard residents'
ability to travel using any mode.
Transportation CIP Scoring Template Handout
Notes: This section measures how the scored project would impact the environment looking at factors related
to CO2 emissions, transit access/priority, electrification, tree impacts, and impacts to sensitive lands. While other
sections of the scoring tool focus on existing conditions of the proposed project location, this section responds
to how the proposed project could impact the future of the City's environmental and community health. TotalEnvironmentPOINTSMobility & Accessibility