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ELC2021 - 00335 mELECTRICAL SETiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii NN LOCHTE O N 0 o A R C H I T E C T U RA L G R O UP & MACERICW Tenant Coordination -NOTE INDEX 1230 19TH ST. REFERENCES FULL w W SACRAMENTO, CA 95811 APPROVED TELEPHONE: 916.502.8099 COMPILED TI SET- �� PROVED AS NOTED HIGHLIGHTED TENANT ONE PELOTON /"������ Q 125 W.25TH STREET, 11TH FLOOR APPROVAL PENDING RESUBMISSION INCLUDED I N THIS SET J W NEW YORK, 10001 � � C: RYAN BADGG ER Comments: W E: ryan.badger@onepeloton.wm J w C: DENICE BOCEK NE: denimbocek@cbremm SHEET TITLE LANDLORD MACERICH ARCHITECTURAL 11411 NORTH TATUM BLVD,PHIOENK AZ 85028 Charlene Sirokman GO01 COVER SHEET • • C:CHARLIE SIROKMAN 6002 EXITING AND ACCESSIBILITY DIAGRAMS • E:CHARLENE.SIROKMAN@MACERICH.COM Sr. Manager, TC 5/27/2021 CiOW GENERAL ACCESSIBILITY COMPLIANCE GUIDEUNES • T:602.953.6377 6004 GENERAL ACCESSIBILITY COMPLIANCE GUIDELINES • Reviewed by: Date: 0005 RESPONSIBILITY SCHEDULE • • ARCHITECT LOCHTE ARCHITECTURAL GROUP WASHINGTON SQUARE MALL E: s. 19TH5T. PELOTON SACRAMENTO,CA 95811 7:916.502.8099 ('`^ ._.rr C: SRUTHI SEKAR CITS' "�`� SPOI SPECIFICATIONS • E: s.aekar@lochteag.com Til:�'IEWL- I t I: _ _ s COMPLIANCE C: BLAKE THOMAS A 1 roved: [ �/(L SP02 SPECIFICATIONS • E: bAhomas@Iochteag.wm 9374 S .W. WASHINGTON SQUARE ROAD 1P sPo3 SPECIFICATIONS • SEPT0.UCTURr1L THORSON BAKER+ASSOCIATES OTC: [ 3030 W.STREETSBORO SPACE R05 Permit#: A110 CONSTRUCTION FLOOR PLAN • • 1 1 1 1 RIC 30.66559668844286 AM DOOR SCHEDULE AND DOOR TYPES • C: BRYAN MELVIN Address I A120 REFLECTED CEILING PLAN AND SCHEDULES • • E: b.melvin@thorsonbakermm Suite#: TIGARD , OR 97223 Byt Daus 2� 1-� A130 POWER, DATA AND SECURITY FLOOR PLAN • • AAO FIXTURE FLOOR PLAN • • OFFICE COPY A150 FINISH FLOOR PLAN • • 1 1 RECEIVED A151 FINISH SCHEDULE • • A200 STOREFRONT PLAN & ELEVATION • • JUN 112021 A201 STOREFRONT SECTIONS • -- -- ---- --- - A300 INTERIOR ELEVATIONS - SALES FLOOR • CITY A.C. AIR CONDITIONING FL FLOW LINE PR. PAIR SALES A301 ENLARGED PLANS AND INTERIOR ELEVATIONS • BUILDING T GARLG DIVISION ACT ACOUSTIC CEILING TILE FLASH. FLASHING PRCST. PRECAST 101 ROOM / CEILING X f{ PARTITION TAG A302 ENLARGED PLANS AND INTERIOR ELEVATIONS • ACCES. ACCESSIBLE FLUOR. FLUORESCENT PT. POINT 12'-O' TAG =RAT H A303 ENLARGED PLANS AND INTERIOR ELEVATIONS • ACCOUST. ACOUSTICAL F.O. FACE OF P.T.D. PAPER TOWEL DISP. RATING A304 ENLARGED PLANS AND INTERIOR ELEVATIONS A.A. AREA DRAIN F.O.C. FACE OF CONCRETE PTD. PAINTED • ADJ. ADJACENT F.O.F. FACE OF FINISH PTN. PARTITION _ + CEILING TAG MILLWORK TAG A305 RESTROOM ENLARGED PLANS AND INTERIOR ELEVATIONS • OFFICE COPY ADJ. ADJUSTABLE F.O.S. FACE OF STUD P.T.R. PAPER TOWEL RECEP. 0 0 RTOTI A306 B.O.H. ENLARGED PLAN AND INTERIOR ELEVATIONS • A.E.S. ABOVE (E) SLAB F.P. FIRE PROOF PU. POLYURETHANE �� FINISH TAG A400 TYPICAL PARTITION DETAILS • A.E.S. ARCHITECTURAL FRPR'G. FIRE PROOFING PY. POLYCARBONATEW1.1 IA401 PARTITION TYPES • EXPOSED SSIL F.R. FIRE RETARDANT Q.H. QUARRY TILE z y. A.F.F. ABOVE FINISHSH FLOOR F.T. FIRE TREATED R. RISER A-00� EXTERIOR ELEVATION TAG A402 TYPICAL CEILING DETAILS • AGGR. AGGREGATE FT. FOOT / FEET RAD. RADIUS 17 KEY NOTE A403 FLOOR TRANSITION DETAILS • ALUM. ALUMINUM FTG. FOOTING RCP REFLECTED CEILING A404 CEILING DETAILS •A _ _ � �•1 '� A405 CEILING DETAILS • APPROX. APPROXIMATELY F.S. FULL SIZE PLAN ARCH. ARCHITECTURAL FURR. FURRING R.D. ROOF DRAIN "- A406 DOOR DETAILS • _ ASB. ASBESTOS FLIT. FUTURE RDWD. REDWOOD D 00 l3 INTERIOR '' A407 DOOR DETAILS • APPROVED ASPH. ASPHALT GA. GAUGE REF. REFERENCE A-00 ELEVATION TAG FIRST FLOOR ELEVATION Macerich TC 0 AT GALV. GALVANIZED REFR. REFRIGERATOR ±0'-O" MARKER _ l s, z 1 s T a A501 MILLWORK DETAILS • 5/27/2021 BD. BOARD G.B. GRAB BAR REINF. REINFORCED C ( ` A501 MILLWORK DETAILS • BITUM. BITUMINOUS G.C. GENERAL CONTRACTOR REG. REGISTER + A502 MILLWORK DETAILS • BLDG. BUILDING G.H. GARMENT HOOK REQ. REQUIRED = BLK. BLOCK GL GLASS RESIL. RESILIENT � DETAIL TAG 01-01 FF BENCHMARK _ A504 MILLWORK DETAILS • BLK'G. BLOCKING GND. GROUND RET. RETARDANT A-00 0'-0' AFF A504 MILLWORK DETAILS • BM. BEAM GR. GRADE RGTR. REGISTER (CASH) A505 MILLWORK DETAILS • B.O. BOTTOM OF GSM. GALV. SHEET MTL. RM. ROOM _ " A506 MILLWORK DETAILS • BOT. BOTTOM G.W.C. GYPSUM WALL BOARD R.O. ROUGH OPENING '" A507 MILLWORK DETAILS • CAB. CABINET H.B. HOSE BIB R.W.L RAINWATER LEADER 1 SECTION TAG O A508 MILLWORK DETAILS • C.B. CATCH BASIN H.C. HOLLOW CORE S. SOUTH A-00 A509 MILLWORK DETAILS • CEM. CEMENTMOUS HD. HAND S.B.O. SUPPUED BY OWNER �\ CER. CERAMIC HHARDWOOD S.C. SOLID CORE 1 A ) COLUMN GRID STRUCTURAL- C.I. TRUCTURAL PELOTON C.I. CAST IRON H.M..M. oo AREA REFERENCE HOLLOW METAL S.C.D. SEAT COVER DISPENSER `J LINES S001 GENERAL NOTES AND SPECIFICATIONS • C.L. CENTER UNE HOR. HORIZONTAL SCH. SCHEDULE A 00 TAG 5002 GENERAL NOTES AND SPECIFICATIONS • CLG. CEILING HR. HOUR SCHED. SCHEDULE(D) S101 PARTIAL EXISTING FOUNDATION PLAN • WASHINGTON SQUARE MALL CLKG. CAULKING HT. HEIGHT S.A. SOAP DISPENSER "- S102 FOUNDATION DETAILS AND SECTIONS • CLO. CLOSET I.O. INSIDE DIAMETER SECT. SECTION VA BREAKLINE CLR. CLEAR INSUL INSULATION S.E.D. SEE ELECTRICAL DWG. WINDOW TAG S201 PARTIAL EXISTING 2ND FLOOR FRAMING PLAN SPACE R05 • C.M.U. CONC. MASONRY UNIT INT. INTERIOR S.H. SHELF a NOTE: DESIGN CONCEPT RENDERING - NOT SITE SPECIFIC. 8202 FRAMING TYPICAL DETAILS • 9374 S.W. WASHINGTON SQUARE CNTR. COUNTER JAN. JANITOR SHR. SHOWER TRUE NORTH MECHANICAL ROAD, CO. CORIAN JT. JOINT SHT. SHEET 8 DOOR TAG ARROW SITE TIGARD, OR 97223 COL. COLUMN L. ANGLE SIM. SIMILAR NORTH MHO MECHANICAL PLAN • COM. COMPACT LAM. LAMINATE S.M.D. SEE MECH. DWG. M120 MECHANICAL NOTES AND DETAILS • CONC. CONCRETE LAV. LAVATORY S.N.D. SANITARY NAPKIN MW MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS • ISSUE HISTORY CONN. CONNECTION LL LANDLORD DISPENSER CONSTR. CONSTRUCTION LKR. LOCKER S.N.R. SANITARY NAPKIN SYMBOL LEGEND 11 STOREFRONT RENDERING ELECTRICAL 01 PRELIMINARY LL RENEW 05.07.2021 CONT. CONTINUOUS LT. LIGHT RECEPTACLE NONE NONE 02 ISSUE FOR PERMIT/ LL REVIEW 05.24.2021 CORR. CORRIDOR MANUF. MANUFACTURER S.P.D. SEE PLUMBING DWG. E110 ELECTRICAL LIGHTING PLAN • C.S.C.I. CONTRACTOR MAX. MAXIMUM SPEC. SPECIFICATION BUILDING INFO E110A LIGHTING FIXTURE SCHEDULE • SUPPLIED & INSTALLED M.C. MEDICINE CABINET SPEC'D SPECIFIED EtN ELECTRICAL POWER PLAN • C.T. CERAMIC TILE MDF MEDIUM DENSITY SQ. SQUARE ZONING CLASS MERCANTILE E120 ELECTRICAL DETAILS • vCTR. CENTER FIBERBOARD S.S.D. SEE STRUCTURAL DWG. -- 3o CTSK. COUNTERSUNK MECH. MECHANICAL S.S.K. SERVICE SINK TENANT OCCUPANCY M - MERCANTILE (NO CHANGE) E121 PANEL SCHEDULES • CD DBL. DOUBLE MEMB. MEMBRANE SST. STAINLESS STEEL BUILDING TYPE TYPE IIB, FULLY SPRINKLERED (NO CHANGE) E122 ONE LINE DIAGRAMS • o DEPT. DEPARTMENT MFR. MANUFACTURER ST. STONE BUILDING LEVELS 2 LEVELS E130 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS • - CDI D.F. DRINKING FOUNTAIN MLLWK. MILLWORK STA. STATION TENANT SPACE LEVEL 1 E131 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS • —I DEPT. DEPARTMENT M.H. MANHOLE STD. STANDARD FLOOR AREA 2,761 SF E132 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS • o DIA. DIAMETER MIN. MINIMUM STL STEEL OCCUPANT LOAD 42 OCCUPANTS DIM. DIMENSION MIR. MIRROR STOR. STORAGE PELOTON •2019 OREGON STRUCTURAL SPECIALTY E140 FIRE ALARM PLAN • DN. DOWN MISC. MISCELLANEOUS STRUCT. STRUCTURAL CODE INFO CODE (OSSC) E141 FIRE ALARM NOTES • D.O. DOOR OPENING M.O. MASONRY OPENING SUSP. SUSPENDED SPACE R05 APPLICABLE CODES • 2021 OREGON ENERGY EFFICIENCY E150 STUB-UP PLAN • DRESS. DRESSING MTL. METAL SYM. SYMETRICAL SPECIALTY CODE (OEESC) ENIM MECHANICAL COMPLIANCE FORMS • o D.S. DOWNSPOUT MTD. MOUNTED T. TREAD O� J • PROJECT NUMBER D.S.P. DRY STANDPIPE MUL MULLION T.B. TOWEL BAR �F`' 2019 OREGON ZERO ENERGY READY ENM MECHANICAL COMPLIANCE FORMS • 21003 { ly DTL DETAIL MWC MILLWORK CONTRACTOR TC TOP OF CURB �� O — COMMERCIAL CODE (OZERCC) EN112 ELECTRICAL COMPLIANCE FORMS • { DWG DRAWING N. NORTH T.C. TERRA COTTA •2019 OREGON MECHANICAL SPECIALTY PLUMBINIG SCALE AS NOTED o E. EAST (N) NEW TEMP. TEMPERED Sk �/q�� •204E OREGON ELECTRICAL SPECIALTY PTIO DOMESTIC WATER PLAN • SHEET TITLE E EA. EACH N.I.C. NOT IN CONTRACT TER. TERRAllO 8 PTT! SANITARY WASTE AND VENT PLAN • s E.J. EXPANSION JOINT NOM. NOMINAL THK THICK 141 �D _v CODE (OESC) PI20 PLUMBING DIAGRAMS • EL. ELEVATION N.T.S. NOT TO SCALE T.O. TOP OF •2021 OREGON PLUMBING SPECIALTY ELEV. ELEVATOR NUMBER T.O.C. TOP OF CONCRETE - 01 CODE (OPSC) P130 PLUMBING SPECIFICATIONS • COVER SHEET s EMER. EMERGENCY O.A. OVERALL T.O.P. TOP OF PAVEMENT --AFIRE PROTECTION ENCL. ENCLOSURE OBS. OBSCURE T.O.S. TOP OF SLAB j 1 F PTIO FIRE PROTECTION PLAN • E.P. ELECTRICAL PANEL BD. O.C. ON CENTER T.S. TUBE STEEL Q Z SUMMARY OF NEW LEVEL '1' TENANT IMPROVEMENT IN EXISTING "M' OCCUPANCY BUILDING (FULLY SHEET NUMBER o E.Q. EQUAL OFF. OFFICE TYP. TYPICAL ( R 1 �, 1 t + SPRINKLERED) UP TO TENANT VERTICAL LEASE UNE. SCOPE TO INCLUDE NEWOPN' G 0 01 a EQPT. EQUIPMENT O.A. OUTSIDE DIAMETER UNEQ. UNEQUAL FERR I- WORK EXTERIOR FACADE, INTERIOR PARTITIONS, FLOORS, CEILINGS, LIGHTING, MILLWORK, o ESC. ESCALATOR Opp. OPENING OPPOSITE U.O.N. NOTEDS OTHERWISE 210 SG�O�SS 217 HVAC DISTRIBUTION, AND PLUMBING FIXTURES. E.W.C. ELEC. WATER COOLER (E) EXISTING O.H OPPOSITE HAND UR. URINAL c�� „ \ S TOTAL ISSUED 8 71 PROFESSIONAL SEAL EXP. EXPANSION O.S.C.I. OWN. SUPPLIED V.I.F. VERIFY IN FIELD l_ SEPARATE A SEPARATE APPLICATION AND PERMIT IS REQUIRED FOR: EXPO. EXPOSED CONTRACTOR INSTALLED' VERT. VERTICAL a PERMITS A. FIRE SPRINKLERS EXT. EXTERIOR OWN. OWNER VEST. VESTIBULE B. FIRE ALARM �Qi e F.A. FIRE ALARM P. PAINT W WEST C. SIGNAGE CZ)4 F.B. FLAT BAR PC. PRECAST CONCRETE W/ WITH �~� STEPHEN �C� N F.D. FLOOR DRAIN PCS. PIECES W.C. WATER CLOSET LOCHTE o F.E. FOUNDATION PL. PLATE WD. WOOD I� /�s F.E.C. FIRE EXTINHOSE . CAB. PLAM. PLASTIC LAMINATE WDC. WINDOW • S RAMENTO,CA • F.H.C. FIRE HOSE CABINET PLAS. PLASTER W/0 WITHOUT ARI-13364 FIN. FINISH PLYWD. PLYWOOD WP. WALLPAPER FlXT. FIXTURE PCL. POLISHED WI. WEIGHT 'z O ABBREVIATIONS 13 VICINITY MAP 10 SITE PLAN 7 BUILDING CODE INFO SCOPE OF WORK 4 SHEET INDEX 1 `L OF o NONE NTS NTS NONE NONE LOCHTE 1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE GIVEN TO FACE OF FINISH, U.O.N. VERTICAL DIMENSIONS ARE GIVEN FROM A R C H I T E C T U R A L G R O U P FACE OF FINISH FLOOR, U.O.N. 13. EXIT SIGNS SHALL SHOW TWO WAYS OUT. EXIT SIGN LOCATION SHALL BE VERIFIED WITH LOCAL FIRE DEPT. FIELD INSPECTOR PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 1230 19TH ST. 2. G.C. TO VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS OF (E) AND (N) WORK AND SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SACRAMENTO, CA 95811 ACCURACY. ANY DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN DIMENSIONS IN THE FIELD AND ON THE DRAWINGS 14. EXIT AISLE SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 44" WIDTH U.O.N. TELEPHONE: 916.502.8099 SHALL BE REPORTED TO THE ARCHITECT FOR DIRECTION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 15. TOILET ROOM AND DRINKING FOUNTAIN AREA SHALL BE WATERPROOFED WITH AN APPROVED TENANT ONE PELOTON 3. WRITTEN DIMENSIONS GOVERN, DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. WATERPROOF MEMBRANE INSTALLED UNDER THE NEW FLOOR FINISH AND UP 6" ON SURROUNDING 125 W.25TH STREET, 11TH FLOOR WALLS. NEW YORK,NY 10001 4. G.C. TO CONFIRM ALL ARCHITECTURAL AND MEP INSTALLATIONS SUPPORTED BY BASE BUILDING C: RYAN BADGER ELEMENTS FOR IMPACT INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO STRUCTURAL. MALL CORRIDOR E: ryan.badger@onepeloton.com $'-7 1 2° 6'-4 8" g'-5 t 2" C: DENICE BOCEK 5. ALL INTERIOR WALL AND CEILING FINISHES TO COMPLY WITH BUILDING CODE REGULATIONS AND _ / / E: denice.bocek@cbre.wm REQUIREMENTS OF LOCAL CODES AND ORDINANCES FOR SMOKE DEVELOPMENT AND FLAME SPREAD. LANDLORD MACERICH 6. (E) CONCRETE SLAB TO BE LEVELED AND FILLED AS REQUIRED FOR INSTALLATION OF (N) FLOOR — — — 11411 NORM TATUM BLVD,PHOENK AZ 85028C:CHARLIE SIROKMAN FINISHES AT BACK OF HOUSE. SUB-FLOORS TO BE INSPECTED AND APPROVED FOR FLOORING - E:CHARLENE.SIROKMAN@MACERICH.COM INSTALLATION BY FLOORING CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF FINISH FLOOR. 12 T:602.953.6377 7. PROVIDE PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHER WITH A RATING OF NOT LESS THAN 2-A OR 2-10BC 'MTHIN -�C3 p ARCHITECT 75' TRAVEL DISTANCE TO ALL PORTIONS OF THE BUILDING ON EACH FLOOR; ALSO DURING ARCLOCHTE ARCHITECTURAL GROUP CONSTRUCTION. �BOH 1230 19TH ST. 8. FIRE / LIFE SAFETY SYSTEMS INCLUDING ENCLOSED EXIT STAIRWAYS SHALL BE MAINTAINED DURING SACRAMENTO,CA 95811 CONSTRUCTION. I A 7:916.502.8099 7 9„ A3 I C: SRUTHI SEKAR 9. EXTEND OR MODIFY EXISTING AUTOMATIC FIRE EXTINGUISHING SYSTEM AS REQ'D, BY CONTRACTOR -- - D 1 B E: s.sekar@lochteag.com UNDER SEPARATE PERMIT. A306 C: BLAKE THOMAS MALL STAIR MEP E: b.thomas@lochteag.com 10. EXTEND OR MODIFY FIRE / LIFE SAFETY SYSTEMS, BY CONTRACTOR UNDER SEPARATE PERMIT. LL 11 C I STRUCTURAL THORSON BAKER+ASSOCIATES REQUIRED SPRINKLER CONTRACTOR MUST BE USED FOR ALL SPRINKLER WORK. 3030 W.STREETSBORO 9 14'-2 1/2" 9 1/ " 12'-9 3/8" 7'-0 1/8" 5'-1 3/4" 9'-5 3/4" RICHFIELD,OH 44286 11, EXIT SIGNS SHALL BE ILLUMINATED AT ALL TIMES. SIGNS ILLUMINATED BY AN EXTERNAL SOURCE TREAD TREAD T: 330.659.6688 SHALL HAVE AN INTENSITY NOT LESS THAN 5 FOOTCANDLES. LOUNGE TRIAL ROOM TRIAL ROOM i C: BRYAN MELVIN / 109 1p$ 106 E: b.melvin@thomonbaker.wm 12. EGRESS DOORS SHALL BE READILY OPENABLE FROM THE EGRESS SIDE WITHOUT THE USE OF A KEY OR SPECIAL KNOWLEDGE OR EFFORT. Et- WE \ TRIAL ROQ�I 03 12 E3 RIM A306 \ O I 107 GENERAL NOTES 12 If �- - - - - - - - - 3 - - 9 6 / I I \ MANAGER POO A F310 �1 LEASE LINE --. —. — — 6 9 O DASHED LINE INDICATES STOREFRONT A3n03 BULKHEAD ABOVE I C — — — — A3, OBOH MILLWORK COUNTERTOPS AND 3 UPPER/LOWER CABINETS. SEE ELEVATIONS n 12 O IT FLOOR MOUNTED RACK. TRIAL ROOM I F1 EuT — — — CLOSET O NEW IFS. I 15 I 103 9 6 O O 6 i 9 I I A3� APPROVED OPROVIDE SHEET METAL BACKING TO FIX E3 A3 - A3 - E3 - Macerich TC APPAREL HOOK/HANGBAR, SEE INTERIOR — Og i� 5/27/2021 ELEVATIONS FOR MOUNTING HEIGHT. o — — — — _ 00 O PROVIDE SHEET METAL BACKING TO FIX VEST�� - GRAB BAR, SEE INTERIOR ELEVATIONS FOR 10 E3 - E3 r =L MOUNTING HEIGHT. ROOMwk� IWER F1 - 9 A301 I 7 FIESTROOM�� OFREE STANDING HIGH DENSITY SHELVING 102 O B I 1p B3 - 83 - B3 - G3 - O PROVIDE F.R. BLOCKING IN WALL / FIXTURE —! - PANEL FOR WALL PANELS, TV, MONITORS AND MIRRORS, TYP. SEE INTERIOR SECTIONS W AND ELEVATIONS. 10 ELECTRICAL MASTER SMTCH BANK FORPEL T ION "G3L[53 - p - 9 H6 - LIGHTING. SEE ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS. g 16'-0 t 2 2'-7 1 4 WASHINGTON SQUARE MALL L11 MOP SINK AND WATER FILTER WITH SHELF -9" / " / " 5'-1• 7' 2° 5'-1" 2'-7 3/8° 13'-7 1/2" 2'_ 2'-6 - SPACE R05 ABOVE. WATER HEATER AND WATER CHILLER ON SHELF. SEE MECHANICAL DRAWINGS. 9374 S.W. WASHINGTON SQUARE p - p,3 _ ROAD, 12 ACCESSIBLE HIGH-LOW DRINKING FOUNTAIN TIGARD , OR 97223 13 NOT USED. 14 EXTERIOR ILLUMINATED STOREFRONT PORTAL, I p - �, ISSUE HISTORY SEE SHEET A200-A201. i � -- w 01 PRELIMINARY LANDLORD REVIEW 01.28.2021 02 ISSUE FOR PERMIT/LL REVIEW 05.24.2021 O15 CLOSETS WITH RECESSED STANDARDS AND � g SHELVING. i I � --- — -_ L o p 9 3 Z. (E) WALLS TO REMAIN M _ 2 _ 0 (N) WALLS SALES� - Mo O DOOR TAG, SEE 1/A111 FLOOR FYI o N fm PARTITION TAG, SEE A401 a 9 PROJECT NUMBER 21003 0 o Gt C M - - - SCALE 1/4'-1'-D' SHEE7 TITLE 77L!;k J CONSTRUCTION r -f—_ FLOOR o I M € T E PLAN 0 o SHEET NUMBER _ _ _ - - - - _ - - - - - - A110 — -0 — - - - - - - - - - — 48'-B" - - - - - A - - - - - — - - - 5, 8 /8„ — PROFESSIONAL E 4'-0” a Q 1, Acct I Azoo AM �` `$f o ('~ STEPHEN w LOCHTE (� o r e e r e n c e n aJ�,/SkCRAME�NTO, rCA—_� ifs ly . ARI-13364 ")� ' C'3 KEY NOTES 13 LANDLORD NOTES 10 CONSTRUCTION FLOOR PLAN 1 of o C, - -- 1(4' -r 0' a i 1 -" MARK DESCRIPTION L O C H T E ® ® REVOLUTION ACOUSTICS SSPE MULTIDUCER INVISIBLE CONSTANT SPL SPEAKER SUBWOOFER SPEAKERS. G.C. TO PROVIDE 14/2 CABLES FROM EACH SPEAKER TO HOME GENERAL NOTES: A R C H I T E C T U R A L G R O U P RUN AN PANEL IN STOCKROOM 9. G.C. TO USE LASER FOR LEVELING OF CEILINGS ® 12" x 12' OR 24° x 24" SUPPLY/ RETURN AIR DIFFUSERS 1. ALL FIXTURES AND DEVICES BY GC, U.O.N. AND SUSPENDED GRIDS. 1230 19TH ST. SCRAMENO, CA 9811 2. SEE MECHANICAL DRAWINGS FOR SUPPLY / 10. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY IF TELEPHONET916.0258099 OPS PEOPLE SENSOR FOR BRAND SCREEN RETURN AIR DIFFUSER LAYOUT. SERVICE PROVIDED IS ADEQUATE. IF NOT, xx• NOTIFY ARCHITECT IMMEDIATELY. CEILING MOUNTED LINEAR DIFFUSER W/ INVISIBLE EDGE 3. SEE ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS FOR EMERGENCY TENANT ONE PELOTON LIGHT FIXTURE DESIGNATIONS. 11. ALL EQUIPMENT SHALL BEAR UL LABELS. 125 W.25TH STREET, 11TH FLOOR NEW YORK,NY 10001 ABOVE CEILING MOUNTED LINEAR DIFFUSER 4. SEE A402 FOR TYPICAL CEILING NOTES AND 12. G.C. TO INSTALL ACCESS PANELS DOORS AS C: RYAN BADGER MALLCORRIDORNECESSARY, CONF`IRM LOCATIONS WTH E: ryan.badger@onepeloton.00m ® C: DENICE BOCEK CLG. CEILING MOUNTED DUPLEX RECEPTACLE DETAILS. ARCHITECT BEFORE INSTALLING. ACCESS E: denice.bocek@cbre.com 5. SEE ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS FOR LIGHTING INFO. PANEL MUST BE FLUSH FRAMELESS, SQUARE LANDLORD MACERICH CONCEALED SPRINKLER HEAD CORNERS GYPSUM PANELS IN SALES AREA. 11411 NORTH TATUM BLVD,PHOENK AZ 85028 6. SEE SHEET A150 FOR CEILING FINISHES. G.C. MUST PROVIDE AN ALLOWANCE FOR (4) &10�11ZAA 96 C:CHARLIE SIROKMAN ACCESS PANELS IN BID. E:CHARLENE.SIROKMAN[QMACERICH.COM Q EXPOSED SPRINKLER HEAD 7. EMERGENCY LIGHTS TO BE INSTALLED ON tX T:602.953.6377 SEPARATE CIRCUIT. 13. NO WOOD EVEN FIRE RETARDANT AND FIRE FIRE ALARM STROBE TREATED BLOCKING SHALL BE USED ABOVE 8. ALL LIGHT FIXTURES INCLUDING EXIT UGHTS, SUSPENDED CEILING. DEID� FIRE ALARM HORN AND STROBE COMBO EMERGENCY LIGHTS, ETC. TO BE FURNISHED BOH - ARCHITECT LOCHTE ARCHITECTURAL GROUP AND INSTALLED AS NOTED ON G005 p1 - Q O 1230 19TH ST. W1FI ACCESS POINT - UBIQUITI UNIFRI AP PRO, CEILING SURFACE MOUNTED. RESPONSIBILITY SCHEDULE. 10' 6. LS SACRAMENTO,CA 95811 A GC TO WIRE CAT 6 CABLE TO EACH AP AND HOMERUN TO BOH 7:916.502.8099 CL-3 TV C: SRUTHI SEKAR * 11 ® E: BLAKE PEOPLE COUNTER CEILING C: BLAKE THOMAS CCN CCN CAMERA, CEILING MOUNTED 2 ! MALL STAIR CnOV , � MEPs E: b.thomas(allochteag.00m f� srnucuwu THORSON BAKER+ASSOCIATES Ir L7- J"rr 6• `--- 7 CL-1 3030 W.STREETSBORO H� WALL MOUNTED J-BOX — — TRIAL TREAD TREAD RICHFIELD,OH 44286 DAYLIGHT SENSOR v CEILING LOUNGE CEILING TRIAL ROOM TRIAL ROOM � � T: BRYAN MEL CEL NG r CCN rl COVE COVE L$ L5 L5 C: BRYAN MELVIN ® COVE 1 ® 17 11 11 a 14 109 n 10, 105 106 E: b.melvin@thomnbaker.com © A404 v 6' tr 0• tr o• 12 I I ACCESS PANEL, INTEXFORMS APS16X16, COORDINATE PROPER LOCATION W/ fl' �• Ily � yl CL-1 TYP CL-1 2 I I I I I ARCHITECT AND OWNER BEFORE INSTALLING CL-1 b bl CLA CL-1 a--1 LEGEND 15 GENERAL NOTES 12 � p - -- TRIAL Roots r-====___ -_ - - - -- LOCHTE MARK DESCRIPTION NOTES A R C H I T E C T U R A L G R O U P T. NOTE: NO PENETRATIONS OR SAW CUTTING MAY BE MADE THROUGH 1230 19TH 70 DUPLEX RECEPTACLE 'USB' DENOTES USB + DUPLEX RECEPTACLE SUSPENDED SLAB WITHOUT MANAGEMENT APPROVAL AND NOTIFICATION SACRAMENTO, CAA 95811 OF DATE AND TIME. X-RAYS OF THE AREA OF THE PROPOSED FLOOR TELEPHONE: 916.502.8099 =0 QUAD RECEPTACLE -_- OPENING MUST BE TAKEN BEFORE CENTER MANAGEMENT APPROVAL. A QUALIFIED X-RAY CONTRACTOR HIRED AT GENERAL CONTRACTORS NOT: ALL LOW VOLTAGE CABLE TO BE PLENUM RATED CABLE. TENANT ONE PELOTON COMBINATION DUPLEX RECEPTACLE AND DATA FLOOR BOX FLOOR BOX SHALL BE COMPATIBLE WITH EXPENSE SHALL 125 W.25TH STREET,11TH FLOOR A® LEGRAND-WIREMOLD RESOURCE RFB SERIES ABOVE GRADE WITH SURFACE COVER, ADJACENT MATERIALS.E.D. PERFORM ALL X-RAYS. NEW YORK,NY 10001 , 1 TWO GANG FLOOR DUPLEX RECEPTACLE, C: RYAN BADGER RFB2E-RFB6DP-6CTC28S WITH 4REC (DUPLEX) AND 42A (DEVICE MOUNTING PLATE) BRASS FINISH MALL CORRIDOR E: ryan.badger@onepeloton.wm C: DENICE BOCEK COMBINATION DUPLEX RECEPTACLE AND DATA FLOOR BOX FLOOR BOX SHALL BE COMPATIBLE WITH LEGRAND-WIREMOLD RESOURCE RFB SERIES ABOVE GRADE NTH SURFACE COVER, ADJACENT MATERIAL, S.E.D. 15 21 E: denice.bocek@cbre.com 1 TWO GANG FLOOR DUPLEX RECEPTACLE, MACERICH RFB2E-RFB6DP-6CTC2SN WITH 4REC (DUPLEX) AND 42A (DEVICE MOUNTING PLATE) SAI11 NlClo-1 FINISH _ LANDLORD 11411 NORTH TATUM BLVD,PHOENK AZ 85M — C:CHARLIE SIROKMAN ELECTRICAL SWITCH --- E:CHARLENE.SIROKMAN@MACERICH.COM -.-_- _ T:602.953.637 2G J JBOX FOR MILLWORK LIGHTING FIXTURE U.O.N. 1 O ALL FIXTURES BY MWC; G.C. TO PROVIDE POWER ONLY. COORD. LOCATIONS AND ACTUAL QUANTITY W/ PO 0= ro ? L _ _ J MWC. 4+ 130H > 2G+ ARCHITECT LOCHTE ARCHITECTURAL GROUP Q# WALL DATA OUTLET (# OTY. OF PORTS PER LOCATION) --- 111 +60 SACRA�/ 1230 AMENTT TH +60O,CA 95811 T:916.502.9099 ®# FLOOR OR CLG DATA (# QTY. OF PORTS PER LOCATION) --- I 22 23 C: SRUTHI SEKAR SER I E: s.sekar@lochteag.com C: BLAKE THOMAS Av AV BOX --- 25 MALL STAIR I E: b.thomas@lochteag.com srnomr THORSON BAKER+ASSOCIATES O REVOLUTION ACOUSTICS SSPC MULTI DUCER INVISIBLE CONSTANT SPL SPEAKERS. G.C. TO --- -A +136" — — 3030 W.STREETSBORO PROVIDE 14/2 CABLES FROM EACH SPEAKER TO HOME RUN A V PANEL IN STOCKROOM Ly�y - 9 RICHFIELD,OH 44286 / / 6A 68 TRIAL TREAD TREAD T: 330.659.6688 °i LOUNGE TRIAL ROOM TRIAL ROOM C: BRYAN MELVIN CLG CEILING DUPLEX RECEPTACLE = 105 106 a E: b.melvin@thorsonbakeccom ❑� JEO i •25 III II I03; FIRE ALARM STROBE --- 4 H - _ 3 " —BIKE �; FIRE ALARM HORN AND STROBE COMBO --- TRIAL ROOM 7 r + + V W6A B WIFI ACCESS POINT - UBIQUIII UNIFRI AP PRO, ABOVE CEILING SURFACE MOUNTED. EQ I 25 y 1 R GC TO WIRE CAT 6 CABLE TO EACH AP AND HOMERUN TO BOH I I MANAGER nz OOM PEOPLE COUNTER --- - - - - J o + - " 10 civ CCTV CAMERA, CEILING MOUNTED --- r +136" - - -, I_wI .+ + o FIRE EXTINGUISHER WALL MOUNTED 6A 6B 1 ® 1 ( \ ) L +136" - - ❑P FIRE ALARM PULL --- r - - - 6A B 4 I 0®o + BIKE I I I +18^ + JBOX W/ POWER WHIP ALL FIXTURES BY MWC; G.C. TO PROVIDE POWER ONLY. COORD. LOCATIONS AND ACTUAL QUANTITY W/ TRIAL ROOM I 1 ILj MWC. I - - o CLOSET Lv-w LOW VOLTAGE WHIP I EQ. EQ. 1 7 7 19 11 APPROVED :] CONCEALED SPRINKLER HEAD --- +48•I I 1 w 4 I +48" I j /,1 M5/277/20h21 0 Q PENDANT SPRINKLER HEAD --- Frrrm Ci VESTIBULE- — 18" I RESTROOM ROOM 25 ® I 8 i /SHOWER I � -- POWER SCHEDULE 11 - - - - + + + � W P E LOTO N M-A� _ O - - - "$ + - - - - + - - - - g=+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8 a + + 1 POWER AND DATA FOR DEMONSTRATION FIXTURE. POWER AND DATA TO BE SET INy 9 h g 24 y WASHINGTON SQUARE MALL 18 BACK-BOX PROVIDED BY DISPLAY/MONITOR PROVIDER. COORDINATE FINAL POWER LOCATION 61111111+8615" TYPICAL AND LIGHTING LINEAR LENGTHS WITH MILLWORK SHOP DWGS AND PPI DRAWING. � -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SPACE R05 r - - - - - - � � - - - - - - � � - - - - - - � � - - - - - - � � - - - - - - , � - - - - a R - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 1 9374 S.W. WASHINGTON SQUARE I II II II II II If IJBOX FOR EXTERIOR ILLUMINATED PORTAL SURROUND. COORDINATE FINAL LOCAliON WITH INVERTER TRANSFER SWITCHES TO BE MOUNTED AT THE UPPER PART OF THE CLOSET- SEE I I 11I ��EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS AND SIGN SHOP DRAWINGS. ELECTRICAL I i ROAD, I I I I 4 f 4 I 14 "¢•E tlootTIGARD , OR 97223 RECESO FLOOR. FLOOR BOX FOR POWER AND DATA, COVER PLATE TO BE SET FLUSH WITH FINISH POWER 20 INTERIOR ELDATE EVATION ONOAND PPI DRAWINGSTV SCREEN IN TAFF AREA.FOR HEIGHTS. BLOCKING FOR MONITOR. SEE +I i 1 - - 4 - - - - - + 4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - ' - - - - 11 - - - -1 + - 111- - i £ 18 O 3 S" I I I 11 I ISSUE HISTORY ONOT USED 21 [N] IFS SYSTEM PER ELECTRICAL PLAN. I 1 7•_ • I �•J0• I I I I 13'-0' 3•-0' 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 7•-0' 1 01 PRELIMINARY LL REVIEW 04.28.2021 I I I I I 02 ISSUE FOR PERMIT LL RENEW 05.24.2021 DUPLEX OUTLET FOR LED LIGHTING WITHIN MILLWORK. COORDINATE FINAL POWER LOCATION O INVERTERS TO BE LOCATED PER ELECTRICAL PLANS. J�I O AND LIGHTING LINEAR LENGTHS WITH MILLWORK SHOP DWGS. 22 I I i l II it II HI z O DRIVERS TO BE LOCATED PER ELECTRICAL PLANS IN THE DRIVER WALLSEE INTERIOR I L 1 LOW VOLTAGE WHIP FOR LIGHTING WITHIN MILLWORK. REFER ELECTRICAL AND MILLWORK 23 ELEVATIONS +66 5" - - - H - - _ t = _ _ _ _ _ t N _ _ _ _ tl _ _ _ _ _11 _ _ _ _ 1 1 _ _ _ _ _ t - _ _ _I t _ - - 6A DRAWINGS. i t i t I LOW VOLTAGE WHIP FOR LED LIGHTING AT P-LOGO WALL. COORDINATE LENGTH AND POWER 3 4e61s` I i l i l I a INNER BAND LIGHTING WITHIN MIRROR/RESIN MILLWORK WALL PANEL CONTROLLED BY 24 REQUIREMENTS WITH LIGHTING/ MILLWORK AND ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS. •�" 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 + -0 66 TIMECLOCK. E.C. TO VERIFY EXACT LENGTH IN FIELD. COORDINATE WITH ARCH. ELEVATIONS. � I I I I I I I I I oM O LOW VOLTAGE WHIP FOR LED SLAT WALL WASHER. COORDINATE LENGTH AND POWER I I I I I I I ¢I 25 REQUIREMENTS WITH LIGHTING/ MILLWORK AND ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS. L - - - - - J L - - - _ - - J L - - - - - - J L - - - - - - J L - - - - - - J L - - - - - - J L - - - - - - J L - - - - - - J L - - - _ _ - L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TOUCH PANEL CONTROL FOR AV SPEAKERS. STUB 3/4' CONDUIT WITH BUSHING. LEAVE 6• SALES - - - - - - J o O OF CABLE TO BE TERMINATED TO CUSTOM CUTOUT TOUCHPANEL. FLOOR N 101 lFh I ( POWER FOR ELECTRIC HAND DRYER UNIT. III EOg POWER FOR ELECTRIC HOT WATER HEATER. 6A 5- 0 .5• PROJECT NUMBER 10 LIGHTING SWITCH BANK. REFER TO ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS 5" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I I 21003 L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - O DIMMER SWITCH FOR LIGHT FIXTURES WITHIN TRIAL ROOMS. SEE ELECTRICAL DRAWING 2+48.5" - - SCALE 1/4'4-0' � 11 17 �- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - __. - - - - - - - - - - - - - � SHEET TITLE E 12 DISCONNECT SNATCH TO BE LOCATED INSIDE HINGED PORTAL. I •sz'ae I "szw POWER, O POWER, DATA AND LIGHTING CIRCUIT FOR TRIAL LOUNGE DISPLAY FIXTURE. POWER AND DATA — • �] __ 1 III °sz re g 6A DATA, AND 13 TO BE SET IN WALL PROVIDE DUPLEX FOR PERIMETER LED BACKLIGHTING LIGHTING CIRCUIT. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - J L _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ n COORDINATE FINAL POWER LOCATION AND LIGHTING LINEAR LENGTHS WITH MILLWORK SHOP SECURITY FLOOR PLAN -0 DWGS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- -- - - -- -- -- - -- -..- ._ _ -_ -- - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - 14 � _ _ _ _ _ SHEET NUMBER 0 14 POWER, DATA AND LIGHTING CIRCUIT FOR COMMUNITY WALL, . POWER AND DATA TO BE SET A130 IN WALL. COORDINATE FINAL POWER LOCATION WITH MILLWORK SHOP DWGS. ENTRYE IT FLOOR MOUNTED CABINET RACK, PROVIDE POWER AS SHOWN AND A JUNCTION BOCK WITH 12 3LEM16TOGA 3 12 PROFESSIONAL SEAL r t5 1 1/4' CONDUIT AND PULL STRING TO 6' ABOVE CEILING FOR AUDIO CABLES. PROVIDE OWNER FURNISHED FIRE SAFETY RELAY FOR AUDIO DUCKING. A �, 1B J-BOX FOR EXTERIOR ILLUMINATED SIGNAGE ABOVE. COORDINATE W/ SHOP DRAWINGS. POWER, DATA AND LIGHTING CIRCUIT FOR BRAND INTRODUCTION FIXTURE. POWER AND DATA ('~ STEPHEN n 17 TO BE SET IN BACK-BOX PROVIDED BY DISPLAY/MONITOR PROVIDER. PROVIDE A 6'-0' LONG w LOCHTE y LOW VOLTAGE WHIP FOR PERIMETER LED BACKUGHTING LIGHTING.000RDINATE FINAL POWERo rReferenceOnI o LOCATION AND LIGHTING LINEAR LENGTHS WITH MILLWORK SHOP DWGS. SACRAMENTO,CA ARI-13364 0 O Sv' EY 0 K NOTES FLOOR PLAN OF -- 1O 1/4' -T-O' - -- LOCHTE ARCHITECTURAL GROUP 1230 19TH ST. SACRAMENTO, CA 95811 'I 12 TELEPHONE: 916.502.8099 --- --- GENERAL NOTES: TENANT ONE PELOTON 125 W.25TH STREET, 11TH FLOOR NEW YORK,NY 10001 \ • o a • 1. E.C.SHALL DETERMINE AND COORDINATE ALL SPECIFICATIONS,LOCATIONS,AND QUANTITIES OF LIGHTING DRIVERS,DIMMERS, C: RYAN BADGER INVERTERS AND TRANSFER SWITCHES WITH LIGHTING VENDOR PRIOR TO BID. E: ryan.badger@onepeioton.com CCTV _ o o CCTV C: DENICE BOCEK BOH 2. LIGHT FIXTURE SHALL BE SUPPORTED INDEPENDENTLY OF SUSPENDED CEILING OR THE SUSPENDED CEILING SHALL BE SUPPORTED E: denice.bomk@cbre.com WITHIN SIX(6)INCHES OF EACH CORNER OF FIXTURE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM C 636-76. LANDLORD 8' Lis III L5 3 MACERICH 11411 NORTH TATUM BLVD,PHOENIX,AZ 85028 \ / CL-3 1 3. EXIT AND EMERGENCY LIGHTING SHALL BE ADEQUATE.HOWEVER,THE CITY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO MAKE FINAL DETERMINATION C:- ON SITE. E:- x T:- CELNIG COVE CODED NOTES: 0 -1 ARCHITECT LOCHTE ARCHITECTURAL GROUP __ _______ 1. E.C.TO REVIEW THE"EMERGENCY WIRING DIAGRAM"ONSHEET E-120 PRIOR TO ROUTING ANY HOME-RUNS TO THE FIXTURES 1230 19TH ST. 11 L7EGF3`-T TRIAL THEA TREAD SPECIFIED.ALL CIRCUITS ARE EITHER CONTROLLED VIA A DIMMING SNATCH OR A LOCAL OCCUPANCY SWITCH.E.C.TO PROVIDE HARE SACRAMENTO,CA 95811 CEILJN LOUNGE CEILING TRIAL ROOM TRIAL ROOM CELNG G TV COVE _40 -4S L,6 FROM CONTROLS TO(1)TRANSFER DEVICE(ELCD 924)FOR AUTOMATIC OVER-RIDE OF SWITCHED STATE AT LOSS OF POWER,E.C.TO 7:918.502.8099 COVE 1 ® 91,i r'4• 0, 1p v 105 VERIFY EXACT MOUNTING LOCATION FOR TRANSFER DEVICES PRIOR TO BIDDING,REFER TO NOTE#18 ON SHEET E-111 FOR PROPOSED C: SRUTHI SEKAR IT 10' s i O i i 10'6' 1f 0 fl-0' ' " " OC LOCATION. E: s.sekar@iochteag.com `4 Y CL-1 -T I It II C: BLAKE THOMAS CL-1 L-11 E CL-1 CLA CLA n E: b.thomas@Iochteag.com ME) __ __ 2. CONNECT LIGHTING CIRCUIT VIA SWITCH ES LOCATED IN LIGHTING CONTROL SWITCHBANK. LOWERCASE LETTERS ADJACENT TO -rte 3 - BKE EM INV i --- --- , CIRCUIT DESIGNATIONS INDICATE CORRESPONDING CONTROL SYSTEM.SEE SWITCH BANK ELEVATION THIS SHEET FOR MORE URucTIJ Q THORSON BAKER+ASSOCIATES TRIAL ROOM 1 10 -- --------- ------ - _ o L7_ li INFORMATION.PROVIDE LIGHTING CONTROL SWITCHBANK CONFIRM SWITCHBANK WILL FIT WITHIN THIS DESIGNATED AREA PRIOR TO 3030 W.STREETSBORO 107 n- r ^4' LJEM 5 11 CO1V L 8(TIE) ROUGH-IN.REFER TO THE SWITCHBANK ELEVATION DETAIL ON THIS SHEET. RICHFIELD,OH 44286 8--w • I T: 330.659.6688 iP 0' LPEAR CTV -10• Lw_4A 1 I(TIE) ; (xTV7I ® 3. INSTALL PDCU-24V CONSTANT VOLTAGE DRIVER(LUMINI:PDCU-96-24)AND ALL OTHER ASSOCIATED POWER SUPPLY'S SPECIFIED BY THE C: BRYAN MELVIN t M INV L,S E: b.melAn@thorsonbaker.com CL-1 -g-T I O 10 LIGHTING VENDOR ON PLYWOOD BOARD MOUNTED ON THE FACE OF THE WALL.COORDINATE WITH THE LIGHTING VENDOR BILL OF y.� MATERIALS AND THE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO INSTALLATION,SEVERAL DRIVERS SHALL BE TIME CONTROLLED AND SWITCHED USING THE L-10(TIE) 11 i' `iJ° T L-0 TIE SAME CONTROLS,SEE DETAILS ON THIS SHEET AND SHEET E-121 FOR MORE INFORMATION.PROVIDE FINAL CONNECTION TO O � (TIE) I I L-e rn ) L-10 IE 12 ASSOCIATED LUMINARIES.THE LENGTH OF CONDUCTORS BETWEEN THE REMOTE POWER SUPPLY AND ASSOCIATED LUMINAIRES SHALL L-11 (TIE) (T ) it ---�-�--('-�-�-({- T 2 EMINV 1167- -T NOT EXCEED THE MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS FOR MAXIMUM CONDUCTOR LENGTH. If- II I L.====-_=====- ---------- CELWG i I L ---------- ---=J - ---- ---- ----- 4. JUNCTION BOX FOR LIGHT POWER.SUBSCRIPT"C"INDICATES CEILING MOUNTED,OTHERWISE MOUNT ON WALL AT HEIGHT INDICATED COVE G TV C 4 i i ON PLANS.COORDINATE EXACT LOCATION WITH ARCHITECTURAL PLANS PRIOR TO ROUGH IN. 1/10' + y S O vil ( � ® t O CL-1 b _ -- ___-i SHOWER 5. PROVIDE 0-10V DIMMABLE LIGHT SWITCH(LUTRON-DVSTV)FOR L7 AND G1 FIXTURES WITHIN PRIVATE ROOMS.EACH SWITCH TO HAVE BIKE EMIINVIE) 5 i �. P) i i I L*EAR 11 c �T 4 SWITCH AND COTRANSFER ICE CONNECTED FOR EM LIGHTS,REFERENCE EMERGENCY VE PLATE WITH RCHITECTA D PELOTON PM PRIOR TO PURCHASNG E, DIAGRAM ON SHEET E-120.COORDINATE FINISH OF TRIAL ROOM 10 lilt '�+ i' CL-4 �� " � I I I i I"f � ,� L-11 (TIE) 6. E.C.TO PROVIDE#1412 AUDIO CABLES FROM SPEAKER TO AN PANEL IN STOCKROOM.PROVIDE BACK BOXES AND CONDUIT AS 108 i i Y EM INV ¶ CLOSET if 0 8'-8' ; O , I REQUIRED. l LIAR Q I i i �1 L- 1 (TIE) 10 103 CL-1 8 T o D9 9 0' 7. CEILING MOUNTED WAP WITH ONE(1)CAT 6 CABLE TO DATA RACK. ALL WAP'S TO BE FLUSH MOUNTED TO CEILING WITH NO J-BOX,MUD _ -T 10 E INV i ® q-_1 RING,OR COVER PLATE-ONLY STUB CABLE THROUGH CEILING.IF NO CEILING EXISTS,E.C.SHALL INSTALL SUPPORTED CONDUIT AND 16'-T LIN11 ii EAR X1 C7-1a'-T LlEAR i, I� D L4(TIE BACK BOX AT CEILING LINE.VERIFY EXACT LOCATION WITH PM PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. -- -- ------- L-10(TIE) 11 J i ---- ___---- _=JJ 'J" o CBLNIG O _ L-11 QIE�------- - 5 ----- O N COVE � ) L-0 TIE 1 8. FUTURE SECURITY CAMERA TO BE FLUSH MOUNTED TO CEILINGS WITH NO J-BOX,MUD RING,OR COVER PLATE.HARE SHALL BE ---- Q EMINV L-11 IE 9 1 10 STUBBED THROUGH CEILING ONLY.COORDINATE ALL CAMERA LOCATIONS WITH TECHNOLOGY VENDOR. 10 ( ) L� E VESTBULE L61 1 (TIEI EMINV CL-1 FITTNG M INV D ME) RESTROOM 9. CEILING MOUNTED JUNCTION BOX FOR PEOPLE COUNTER.COORDINATE EXACT REQUIREMENTS WITH PM PRIOR TO ROUGH IN. ROOM 9 a 104 /SHOWER 102 ® ® 2 ® ® i 110 10. E.C.TO ONLY WIRE THE SPECIFIED FIXTURES LABELED"EM"THROUGH THE LIGHTING INVERTER AND TRANSFER DEVICE FOR APPROVED 01' 9 0' CL-1 ! g_4• EMERGENCY BACKUP IN THIS ROOM TO LOWER THE LOAD WITHIN THE INVERTER.E.C.TO SEE EMERGENCY WIRING DIAGRAM ON SHEET Macerich TC CL-1 J _24' ®.. L-2(TIE) - C® LDF 24 x CL-2 E•120 FOR INKING INFORMATION FOR NON-EM VS.EM FIXTURES. 5/27/2021 CCN �'� CEILING 11 11, E.C.TO ROUTE LOW VOLTAGE(24V)WIRING FROM ASSOCIATED DRIVER(LUMINI,NOVA,ETC.)AT DRIVER WALL TO FIXTURE(S)AND/OR 9 10' CB-24'e' CB-2t' Ir CAB-E�Ir O CIB-22 ��-27 0 -y� 0• LIGHTING CONTROLS SPECIFIED ON PLANS.E.C.TO VERIFY EXACT ROUGH-IN AND FIXTURE HEIGHTS WITH ARCHITECTURAL ELEVATION. --- - --- ____ -`-- ---------------- E.C.TO PROVIDE POWER FOR DRIVER(S)FROM CIRCUIT SHOWN ON PLANS. CL-1 -------------- -------------- - ----- ------------------------------- - -------------------------------------- ---- - _ ------ - - ------ ---- CLOSET ----- --- - ------- ----------------------------------- --- - -- - --- ----- ------ - - - ---- ---- ---------- --•-- --- W 0' 12. SWITCH(ES)IN THIS ROOM TO BE CIRCUITED AS AN OVERRIDE SWITCH TO THE OCCUPANCY SENSORS IN THIS LOCATION. gil SALES C• --------------------------------- & 1 CL-1 IIr--------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- I NICHE � ' ii � ------------ r------------- r------------- �------------- r------ ------ r------------- '------------- ------------- r------------- � I ' I � � I , I I I I I I I I I I SALES 82' CIA iiC� ii ii ii ii ii ii i NICHE PSWrE8R i i L-3 8'2' n4' V I l g tt I I I I I I I I EM INV I I I j l D2® ' II II II II II II II II , I CL-1 PELOTON r-I i i__ 2 l i '----------iii i __ r i 1- ---- r ' r ---- r~ ' ----- ' i- J------ -- r=- O ________J_ - ___ _ ______J_ _____� _ ______— _ ____ --------�- -T- --r ----------- -r- --------r - ---------- _r I- -r---- -----r - ------- --T -r I WASHINGTON SQUARE MALL L_I I_J LJ 1_J L-1.3-11 L_I I_J L_I I_J LJ I_J I� 1 1 I I 11 II II II II II 11 II II II 11 II I , I I �� 1 I I I I 1 1 I I I I I 1 1 I I „ SPACE RD5 1 . I 1 1 9374 S.W. WASHINGTON SQUARE a I I �y " 1 I II II 11 II I1�� II II II I� Q I I t I I I I I I I 1 1 I ® I I I IF- ROAD, 1 1 1 IL r-I i� r-I r'1 r-I t i-i r-I 1 t r-I i-I 1 1 1L_ I_ 1_ L_ J----------1_ _L_ I_ 1__________ _ _I___ 111 J_______ __1_ _L___________� 1 )_44-4— CEILING -------- - - -------- ------------ - --------- ------------ ------- - ---------- - _ I TIGARD , OR 97223 CONE ' I I I 1 I T-- I 1 I I I r----------1 I I T I. -�--- I I I -----r � I------ ---T I -I ---------- , e L_I L-J l� J L Ll_J L J LJ LJ 12'B• —� 1 BOH STOREFRONT TRELLIS I � 11 II II II II II II 11 CL-1 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I CL9O'aSE T ISSUE HISTORY G UPLIGHTS DNCL2-253P-7 b '(am (amV) Q 01 LANDLORD RENEW 05.17.2021DVSTV I I I I I I I I CL'1 02 ISSUED FOR PERMIT APPROVAL 05.24.2021 SALES B.O.TABUS FLOOR i i L-5 6 8 L-9 9 6' ® 1 L1_a ® "P.) mP.) 8 A II W-72 BOH SWITCHBANK ELEVATION OEM INV CCN CC1Vv_T S. ®CCN P3 P3 P3 P3 r MONITOR ® O 7 CCTV !s NICHE D (nP') l SII i 6 2' --CF14T -------------------------------- ------------- W-7.4 i -- -- - - -------------- ---------------------------------------------- ------- � V V I1 V L•2 ME) 11 4 a � I 1 t T 1 ----------------------------------- i jy l -' - 1 ----------------------------------- O I - PROJECT NUMBER 2M N ---------------------------------------------- ----------________ t------------------- --------------_______________________________ SCALE GNv7 ----------------------------------------------------- ---------- _ - ----------------- ---------------------------------------------- AS NOTED N CD=' ENTRY ENTRY SHEET nTLE N 100 100A LIGHTING PLAN om9162 96, 3 0 Lu � LIGHTING PLAN SHEET NUMBER N „4„ = 1 . 0„ E110 N O PROFESSIONAL SEAL Lua P Vic' 19 74m U OREGON 4 FFRY D. N EttP)KS:12 il'23 o CD CD U d C- N_ L 0 C H T E ARCHITECTURAL GROUP 1230 19TH ST. LIGHTING FIXTURE SCHEDULE SACRAMENTO, 2.8 TELEPHONE: 916.5.502.8099 9 TYPE LOCATION/TYPE/APPLICATION MANUFACTURER ORDER NUMBER(FIXTURE) FINISH COLOR SIZE CRI LUMENS WATTS VOLTAGE SUPPLIER REMARKS TYPE LOCATION 1 TYPE I APPLICATION MANUFACTURER ORDER NUMBER(FIXTURE) FINISH COLOR SIZE CRI LUMENS WATTS VOLTAGE SUPPLIER REMARKS TENANT ONE PELOTON Cl SALES,LOUNGE,SHOWER,RR ECOSENSE SCD-M-12148-35-MULT ALUMINUM 3500K VOR 4'L 80+ 490/FT 4WIFT 120V LIGHTING NOTE1 L5 BACK OF HOUSE/OFFICE LIGHT ABOVE ALL FLP22-D38W30 NIA NOOK 21 X 2'W 80+ N/A 38W 120V LIGHTINGNOTE 1 125 W.25TH STREET,11TH FLOOR ----------- LINEAR COVE LIGHT 1.2"H X 1.63"W SUPPLIER LED FLAT PANEL SUPPLIER NEW YORK, 10001 PERIMETER COVES BACK OF HOUSE/OFFICE LIGHT C: RYAN BADGER E: ryan.batlger@onepeloton.com BOCEK CIA SALES AREA LUMINI LL48HE-HO-35K-SLP-SLP-PER DWGS ALUMINUM 3500K 0.314X0.69"W 92 800/FT 5.9W/FT 24VDC LIGHTING C: DENICE NOTE 3 E: denice.bocek@cek@c bre.wm ----------- LINEAR COVE LIGHT KSC-PER DWGS-HF-SA SUPPLIER L5EM BACK OF HOUSE I OFFICE LIGHT ABOVE ALL FLP22-D38W30-EM N/A 3000K 21 X 2'W 80+ N/A 38W 120V LIGHTING LED FLAT PANEL SUPPLIER NOTE1 LANDLORD TRELLIS MACERICH BACK OF HOUSE 1 OFFICE LIGHT 11411 NORTH TATUM BLVD,PHOENIX,AZ 85028 CIB SALES AREA LUMINI LLFLEX18-35K-TBC-PER DWGS N/A 3500K PER DWG'S IN 90+ 315/FT 2.65W/FT 24VDC LIGHTING NOTE 3 C:- ----------- BENDABLE LED TAPE LIGHT CONNECTORS,CABLES,AND REMOTE DRIVERS AS REQ. 4"INCREMENTS SUPPLIER E:- PERIMETER WALL DISPLAYS PRIVATE ROOM LF EF3-A-S-04F-9035-LN-D2 CUSTOM SHAPE-1-WW WHITE 3500K CUSTOM 90 440LM/FT 4WIFT 120V LIGHTING T' L7 RECESSED TRIMLESS LED ILLUMINATION SUPPLIER NOTE 1,2 CID SALES AREA QTRAN BOXA-SW-"'-DRY-35-HO-ENC/TLP-PER MILLWORK WHITE 3500K PER DWG'S IN 97 204/FT 3.0W/FT 24VDC LIGHTING NOTE 314 PRIVATE ROOM ___________ FLEXIBLE DIRECT VIEW LIGHT CONNECTORS,CABLES,AND REMOTE DRIVERS AS REQ. I"INCREMENTS SUPPLIER DESPLAYSAND LOGO MIRROS XI THROUGHOUT STORE CON TECH REXA-SF-R-EM-P WHITE RED 71 X 11-1/4"W NIA NIA 3W 120V LIGHTING NOTE 1,2 ARCHITECT LOCHTE ARCHITECTURAL GROUP C1G SHOWER AND RESTROOMS LUMINI LL36WET-T-35K ALUMINUM 3500K 0.85"L X 0.85L" 94 244/FT 3.OWIFT 24VDC LIGHTING $f } EDGE LIT EXIT SIGN SUPPLIER SACRATH T NOTE3 PER EE SACRAMENTO,CA 95811 ----------- UNDER SHELF LIGHT K45M-PER MW-HF-SA SUPPLIER 7:916.502.8099 TOWEL SHELVES C: SRUTHISEKAR E: s.sekar@lochteag.com D2 SALES AREA AMERLUX HOUSING:HDLP-HP-S-NC-AI7-TLP-18-120-0-10V MATTE 3000K 3-9/16"X 3-9116" 90+ 1028 18W 120V LIGHTING NOTE 1,2 C: BLAKE THOMAS ® SQ.ADJ.LIGHT TRIMLESS TRIM:HDLP-HP-SA-A17-TLP-MW-NF-309 WHITE 3-518"H ABOVE SUPPLIER E: b.thomas@lochteag.com PERIMETER/ABOVE TRELLIS CLG. MEP& sreucrUuL THORSON BAKER+ASSOCIATES D2F HALLWAY AMERLUX HOUSING:HDLP-HP-S-NC-AI7-TLP-18-120-0-10V MATTE 3000K 3.9116"X 3-9/16" 90+ 1028 18W 120V LIGHTING® 3030 W.STREETSBORO NOTE 1,2 RICHFIELD,OH 44286 SQ.ADJ.LIGHT TRIM:HDLP-HP-SA-AI7-TLP-MW-WF-309 WHITE 3-518"H ABOVE SUPPLIER T: 330.659.6688 HALLWAY CLG. C: BRYAN MELVIN D3 SHOWER AND RESTROOMS NO.8LTG, HOUSING:201-S-HI-3000-40-DIM2-2-PMB MATTE 3000K 4-114"X4-114" 92+ 1183 14W 120V LIGHTING NOTE 112 E: b.melvin@thorsonbaker.com IE SQ.DOWNLIGHT TRIMMED TRIM:FLS-2-WH-SF2-NIC-S WHITE TRIM 5-1/2"H SUPPLIER SHOWER AND RESTROOMS ABOVE CLG. G1 P-WALL AND TRIAL ROOMS LUMINI TAPE LIGHT:FOT-OU-XX-35-24-90-"-"PER MW ALUMINUM 3500K VERIFY 90+ 700/FT 9.0WIFT 24VDC LIGHTING NOTE 3 ----------- LINEAR WALL GRAZER CHANNEL:FOTSC-84-NLPSA SUPPLIER P-WALL AND TRIAL ROOMS P1 TRIAL LOUNGE VONN VMC34960BL BLACK 3000K 13.75"W X 157.5"H 80+ 2000 51W 120V LIGHTING NOTE1 PENDANT FIXTURE LIGHTING (MAX) SUPPLIER TRIAL LOUNGE P STOREFRONT PENDANT FLOS FU317630 BLACK NIA 11.8"WX27.6"H NIA N/A 17W 12OV LIGHTING NOTE1 CEILING PENDANT IC-S-PENDANT SUPPLIER ABOVE STOREFRONT DESK S2 RESTROOM/SHOWER ROOM HEMERA SHW-SP-02-LED-2819-DIM-LED-REM BLACK 3000K SWX16"14 90+ NIA 1GW 24V LIGHTING NOTE1 MIRROR FIXTURE SUPPLIER RESTROOM/SHOWER ROOM LIGHTING FIXTURE SCHEDULE NOTES: GENERAL NOTES: APPROVED Macerich1. REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL REFLECTED CEILING PLAN AND/OR ROOM FINISH SCHEDULE TO 5/27/200 1 5/27/ 21 1. LIGHT FIXTURE IS LINE VOLTAGE THEREFORE NO EXTERNAL DRIVERS ARE REQUIRED.REFER TO THE JOB DETERMINE PROPER TYPE OF LIGHT FIXTURE REQUIRED FOR THE CEILING CONSTRUCTION PRIOR TO SPECIFIC LIGHTING QUOTE BY CAPITOL LIGHTING FOR EXACT QUANTITY AND LENGTH. ORDERING THE FIXTURES 8 PROVIDE FIXTURES THAT ARE COMPATIBLE WITH THE CEILING SYSTEM. 2. LIGHT FIXTURES ON CIRCUITS NOTED"EM INVSHALL BE WIRED THROUGH THE EMERGENCY LIGHTING INVERTER 2. ALL LIGHTING SHALL BE AS SPECIFIED PER THE LIGHTING SCHEDULE.FOR VARIANCES CONTACT EOR AND TRANSFER SWITCH.SEE EMERGENCY INVERTER LIGHTING WIRING DIAGRAM DETAIL ON SHEET E-120 AND AND PELOTON FOR DIRECTION. VENDOR PROVIDED SHOP DRAWINGS FOR MORE INFORMATION. 3. LIGHT FIXTURE IS LOW VOLTAGE LIGHTING THEREFORE LIGHT FIXTURE SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH REMOTE DRIVERS. 0 4. FIXTURE AND CIRCUITING SHOWN ON SHEET E-111. PELOTON WASHINGTON SQUARE MALL SPACE R05 9374 S.W. WASHINGTON SQUARE ROAD, TIGARD , OR 97223 ISSUE HISTORY 01 LANDLORD RENEW 05.17.2021 02 ISSUED FOR PERMIT APPROVAL 05.24.2021 Lo a PROJECT NUMBER 2= 77 O NNW 0; SCALE AS NOTED N O N SHEET TITLE N LIGHTING FIXTURE SCHEDULE 3 O LU SHEET NUMBER co cli E110A N O 04 I- PROFESSIONAL SEAL LU W DO PR CD 19 D � y 14 a L) OREGON N .41 .20,0% r0 4 FFRY D. C'4 F1cP i res 27, N O N cD I U sn N O d N L 0 C H T E ARCHITECTURAL GROUP 1230 19TH ST. 48OV/30 )FC 10 \` SACRAMENTO, CA 95811 12KW 1 TELEPHONE: 916.502.8099 CODED NOTES: Q TENANT ONE PELOTON -- - 1. PROVIDE A 120V,NEMA1,20A11 P MOTOR RATED SWITCH AT THE UNIT,PROVIDE 2#12,1#12(G)-314"C.FROM A 20/1 P CIRCUIT BREAKER AT PANEL 125 W.25TH STREET, 11TH FLOOR + - 1111111111111110 INDICATED TO THE DISCONNECT SWITCH FOR EF-1.FAN SHALL BE INTERLOCKED WITH RESTROOM LIGHTING.E.C.TO ENSURE THE EXHAUST NEW YORK,NY 10001 \ FAN IS WIRED AHEAD OF THE CONTACTOR AND CONTROLLED BY THE LOCAL OCCUPANCY SWITCH IN THE RESTROOM. C: RYAN BADGER m m E: ryan.badger@onepelolon.com + BOCEK 60' LA3 ' ° ° 17 2. E.C.TO PROVIDE JUNCTION BOX FOR CONNECTION TO SIGNAGE.COORDINATE LOCATION AND ALL REQUIREMENTS WITH SIGN CONTRACTOR C: DENICE \ / BOH ++24y," L41 E: denice.booecek@k�cbre.com 1N +60' \ J A +60 PRIOR TO ROUGH-IN.PROVIDE A LOCAL SWITCH FOR DISCONNECTING MEANS AT ACCESS PANEL AT STOREFRONT.MOUNT ALL SWITCHES TO A LANDLORD MCERICH L-34 v L_ V FIRE RATED PLYWOOD BOARD.EACH SIGN CIRCUIT SHALL HAVE A SEPARATE NEUTRAL AND SEPARATE EQUIPMENT GROUNDING. \ / L-39 1g 11411 NORTH TATUM BLVD,PHOENIX,AZ 85028 CLQ _ ETR 3. PRINTABLE,LOW PROFILE TEMPERATURE SENSOR AND/OR THERMOSTAT PROVIDED BY AND INSTALLED BY M.C.SHOWN FOR COORDINATION E:_ '< CELIG DFWrM PURPOSES ONLY.SEE MECHANICAL PLANS FOR MORE INFORMATION. T:- �� it - L-27 10 TR 4. J•BOX FOR HAND DRYER,MOUNT AT 48"AFF. PROVIDE RECEPTACLE AS REQUIRED.COORDINATE EXACT LOCATION WITH ARCHITECTURAL CLL-- I 1 (TIE) L-33 )FC 480V130 DRAWINGS. 12KW ARCHITECT LOCHTE ARCHITECTURAL GROUP L 51 L - - J L-35 3 5. DATA PORT AND QUAD RECEPTACLE FOR IT RACK.MOUNT DEVICES AT 18"AFF.PROVIDE 6"GROUND WIRE AND CONNECT TO ELECTRICAL 1230 19TH ST. TRIAL IAEA TREAD L-59,61 L - - - J GROUND BASE.COORDINATE EXACT LOCATION WITH PM PRIOR TO ROUGH IN. SACRAMENTO,CA 95811 C UNGLOUNGE C� TRIAL ROOM TRIAL ROOM r,4 7:916.502.8099 109 105 106 itCOVE n 4' �,8• 7T 10' i1 5 �' Z + 1 z1+ 11 * 6. NOT USED. C: sRurHl SEKAR E: s.sekar@lochteag.com CL-1 CL-1 CL-, CL-1 CL-1 i 7. 4'Hx3/4'Dx4'W.FIRE TREATED PLYWOOD BOARD ON BACK OF TELEPHONE DEMARK ALONG WALL.MOUNT ABOVE DATA RACK IF ENOUGH ROOM C: BLAKE THOMAS CL-i 62 E: b.thomas@1lochteag.com 10 IS AVAILABLE,IF NOT,E.C.TO DETERMINE EXACT PLACEMENT OF TELEPHONE DEMARK.PLYWOOD SHALL BE PAINTED WITH ONE FIRE RATED )FC 480VI30 MEPB BIKE n __ 9 18 ETR 2 12KW STAMP LEFT UNPAINTED. sreucruv THORSON BAKER+ASSOCIATES 3030 W.STREETSBORO TRIAL BOOM + N + ti + �® 13 8. NEW AREA FOR RELOCATED PANELS AND TRANSFORMER FROM PREVIOUS TENANT SPACE,E.C.TO REFER TO SHEET E-121 FOR MORE RICHFIELD,OH 44286 ^_ NINFORMATION ON RE-USED EQUIPMENT. T: 330.659.6688 iP 0' L-51 C: BRYAN MELVIN CL_1 L-25(TIE) I H 7,9,11 E: b.melvin@thorsonbaker.com 1� 9. PROVIDE A 208V,NEMA 1,20A/2P MOTOR RATED DISCONNECT SWITCH AT THE UNIT. PROVIDE 3#12,1#12(G)-314"C.FROM A 20Al2P CIRCUIT + L-29 11�� L - J BREAKER AT PANEL INDICATED TO THE DISCONNECT SWITCH FOR WH-1. L-38 11 FCU 48OV/30 L-27 12KW 10. E.C.TO EXTEND ALL WIRING FROM EXISTING DISCONNECT SWITCH AT FCU-1,2,3 TO NEW PANEL LOCATION FOR EXISTING PANEL H'.E.C.TO + 8" (E)FCU-3 (TIE) 4 DETERMINE IF EXISTING FEEDERS ARE SIZED CORRECTLY PER NEC.IF NOT,E.C.TO PROVIDE 4#12&1#10GND IN 3/4"C.FROM EXISTING + DISCONNECT SWITCH AT THE UNITS TO THE ASSOCIATED CIRCUIT BREAKERS AT PANEL"H".ALL CIRCUIT BREAKERS FOR EXISTING UNITS ARE CEILING i (TIE) EXISTING TO REMAIN,REFER TO SHEET E-121 FOR MORE INFORMATION. COVE 1r 10' 1 EF 120 1 11, E.C.TO PROVIDE 4#12&1#10GND IN 3/4"C.FROM A 30A13P DISCONNECT SWITCH LOCATED AT THE UNIT TO A 25A/3P CIRCUIT BREAKER AT THE SHOWER PANEL INDICATED ON THIS SHEET FOR FCUA.E.C.TO VERIFY IF THE DISCONNECT WILL BE FACTORY PROVIDED WITH THE UNIT OR IF THE E.C. �_i $0 Q L-29 n L•26 1 52. CEILING WILL NEED TO SUPPLY THEIR OWN DISCONNECTING MEANS AT THE UNIT PRIOR TO BID. � T 4' IRI BIKE M CL-4 12, E.C.TO VERIFY IF EXISTING DOORBELL SYSTEM CAN BE RE-USED.IF NOT,E.C.TO SEE DOORBELL DIAGRAM ON THIS SHEET FOR SPECS.AND L-25 ��� POWER INFORMATION. IE 1P 0' CD � ) 109 13. COORDINATE INSTALLATION HEIGHTS AND LOCATIONS FOR ELECTRICAL DEVICES WITH ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS AND ELEVATIONS. CL-1 9'o' L-21 (TIE) CL-1 14. E.C.TO PROVIDE 2#10&1#10(G)IN 3/4"C TO A GFI RECEPTACLE AT FCU4.E.C.TO VERIFY IF RECEPTACLE WILL BE FACTORY PROVIDED WITH +48^ +48" +48" THE UNITS PRIOR TO BID.IF NOT,E.C.TO PROVIDE WEATHERPROOF GFI AT UNIT, (E)FCU-2 + a CEBL.NG 8 3 ____ _ $ COVE 15. E.C.TO ROUTE NECESSARY WIRING FROM LANDLORD TELEPHONE DEMARK IN PROVIDED 1"C.TO TENANT TELEPHONE DEMARK.E.C.TO __- - - PROVIDE QUAD RECEPTACLE AT TELEPHONE DEMARK FOR LOCAL POWER. FITTING +48%%. VESTIBULE L-27(TIE) 1 RESTROOM 16. E.C.TO WIRE AND MOUNT PDCU-24V CONSTANT VOLTAGE DRIVER(LUMINI:PDCU-96-24)ALONG WITH ANY OTHER ASSOCIATED DRIVER(S) ROOM 2 IE104 /SHOWER SPECIFIED BY THE LIGHTING VENDOR ON THIS WALL.SEE LED LIGHTING DRIVER ELEVATION ON THIS SHEET FOR MORE INFORMATION. 1 0' � ) 6 - L 32 L 28 __ {711 11p 17. E.C.TO LOCATE(3)NEW LIGHTING INVERTERS AND ASSOCIATED TRANSFER DEVICES IN STORAGE/ELECTRICAL AREA ADJACENT TO PANELS AS MaAPPROVED ROh ED 9' 0' CL-1 9'-4' TC CL-1 , 4 �_2 SHOWN ON THIS SHEET.VERIFY EXACT LOCATION WITH ARCHITECT PRIOR TO BID. 5/27/2021 CEILING _ 18. E.C.TO PROVIDE A 120V,NEMA i,20A11 P MOTOR RATED DISCONNECT SIMTCH AT THE UNIT. PROVIDE 2#12,1#12(G)-314"C.FROM A 20A 1P COVE s 3 CIRCUIT BREAKER AT THE PANEL INDICATED TO THE DISCONNECT SWITCH FOR A RECIRCULATION PUMP. CU-2 + + + o° + JIA +W �n w 9' m � w CLOSET � � ^ N �_ Ln 91 I+ •5" - L 44,46,48 / CL-1 H N L-03NKH 8�'S11 L-20 L-16(TIE) \� / L- L-12(TIE) SALES 8' 27 L-22 L-18 / L-50,52,54 L-16(TIE) NC;FE CL-1 / 8'2' L-17 +635 00 120VA_A_, P E L O T O N +63. " TRANSFORMER-EDWARDS#598 X ABOVE +86.5" --- -- - -------- -- -- ------- -- --- -- 8-10VAC CEILING MOUNTENAOCESSIBo LOCATION +86.5" I WITHIN 25'OF BUZZER.E.C.SHALL WASHINGTON SQUARE MALL 86.5" FURNISH&INSTALL(1) SPACE R05 1 t TRANSFORMER PER BUZZER. 9374 S.W. WASHINGTON SQUARE +63 5" ROAD, +7 • BUZZER(S)-EDWARDS#661 FLUSH MOUNTED C COVE W/LOUVERED COVER SIMILAR TOLEGRAND TIGARD , OR 97223 COVE +86.5" SS771 W. MOUNT @ 8'-0"A.F.F.AT BACK OF 6.5" HOUSE. MOUNT ABOVE CEILING OR IN THE CL-1 86.5" CLOSET COVE IN SALES AREA.QUANTITY AS INDICATED ISSUE HISTORY + 910. ON PLANS. 01 LANDLORD RENEW 05.17.2021 L-24 L-21(TIE) N PUSHBUTTON-EDWARDS#1786C-B.MOUNT@48"AFF. 02 ISSUED FOR PERMIT APPROVAL 05.24.2021 SALES FLOM FB.O. 9 DOOR CHIME WIRING DIAGRAM NO SCALE -� iii W-72 >r� 1 ii NOTE: ALL LOW VOLTAGE(24V)WIRING TO BE#14AWG. CL-1 F- -MONITOR +48.5" L-15 NICHE � � +48.5" I 92' +48.5" L-12(TIE) LOWVOLTAGE W-7.4 L-19(TIE) RING CHANNEL V 4 V V J LAO i i L-19(TIE) 25 r t r ; I 1 _ 25 WIREWAY CL PROJECT NUMBER 2M N o PROVIDE UL-LABELED-314" SCALE 04 L-58 �� D FIRE-RETARDENT PLYWOOD AS NOTED N L-56 BACKBOARD FOR MOUNTING N 2 ENTRY ENTRY OF LIGHTING DRIVERS. SHEET TITLE 04 (TMP") L-42(TIE) A L-02(TIE) POWER PLAN 100 m W 6' W 6' 3 a POWER PLAN LINE VOLTAGE SHEET NUMBER N �V/ CONDUIT FOR LOW AND WIRE CHANNEL. C? N 1/4" = 1'-0" LINE VOLTAGE WIRING(TYP.) E 111 CN CN GENERAL NOTES: LED LIGHTING DRIVER ELEVATION PROFESSIONAL SEAL w 1. E.C.TO VERIFY ALL DEVICES AND LAYOUT WITH ARCHITECTURAL POWER PLANA-130 PRIOR TO BID. N.T.S. CIO 2. E.C.TO VERIFY ALL AV/DATA DEVICE LOCATIONS AND NUMBER OF PULLS WITH PPI AND/OR LERNER NOTES: ~ DRAWINGS PRIOR TO BID. :NCI 1. TYPICAL LED LIGHTING DRIVER ELEVATION.E.C.TO COORDINATE WITH PELOTON AND LIGHTING VENDOR TO DETERMINE WHICH 4v 19 v tY SIZE AND TYPE OF DRIVER IS TO BE USED.THIS DOES NOT APPLY TO ALL FIXTURES.EXACT NUMBER OF DRIVERS MAY VARY PER JOB/LIGHTING SCOPE. cc OREGON MA ELEVATION IS NOT TO BE USED FOR QUANTITY OF DRIVERS FOR BIDDING.THIS IS A TYPICAL ELEVATION ONLY AND THE E.C.IS ✓� -44'20 \0 �p No RESPONSIBLE TO INCLUDE IN THE BID TO INSTALL ALL DRIVERS PER LIGHTING VENDOR BILL OF MATERIALS. FFFR! D 0 3. E.C.TO COORDINATE EXACT LOCATION,LED DRIVER WATTAGE,AND SIZE OF PLYWOOD BACKBOARD WITH PELOTON AND �Xr;��;12 31'22. cli ARCHITECT PRIOR TO INSTALLATION, N O N LO O y U - d) O tZ N Q UUcUL SYSTEM NO.CAJ1226 ELECTRICAL SYMBOL LEGEND GENERAL NOTES L O C H T E METAL PIPE THROUGH A SLEEVE IN CONCRETE FLOOR/WALL OR BLOCK WALL A ---- AMPS AC ------ AIR CONDITIONING UNIT N.T.S. F RATING=3-HR. SYMBOL DESCRIPTION AFC ----- ABOVEFINISHCOUNTER ARCHITECTURAL GROUP T RATING=0-HR. 1 FINAL CONNECTIONS TO LIGHT FIXTURES SHALL BE MADE WITH GREENFIELD FLEXIBLE CONDUIT. AFF ----- ABOVE FINISH FLOOR 1230 19TH ST. L RATING AT AMBIENT=LESS THAN 1 CFMISQ.FT. CONDUIT WITH WIRING RUN CONCEALED IN OR ABOVE CEILING OR WALL,OR RUN EXPOSED IN MAXIMUM LENGTH Of FLEXIBLE CONDUIT SHALL BE 6'-0". AFG ---- ABOVE FINISH GRADE SACRAMENTO, CA 95811 TOP VIEW AHU ----- AIR HANDLING UNIT Iv- L RATING AT 400°F=4 CFM/SQ.FT. UNFINISHED AREAS.CROSS HATCHING INDICATES NUMBER OF CONDUCTORS(#12AWG- 2. REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL REFLECTED CEILING PLANS FOR EXACT LOCATION OF LIGHT FIXTURES. AIC ------ ASYMMETRICAL INTERRUPTINGVA TELEPHONE: 916.502.8099 MINIMUM).PROVIDE A CODE-SIZED GROUND WIRE IN ALL CONDUITS IN ADDITION TO THE CONTRACTORS TO COORDINATE LOCATIONS OF LIGHTING,SPEAKERS,AIR DIFFUSERS,GRILLES, CURRENT e SECTION A-A CONDUCTORS SHOWN,SHADED DOT INDICATES CODE-SIZED ISOLATED GROUND WIRE IN SPRINKLER HEADS&THE LIKE,WITH REFLECTED CEILING LAY-OUTS AS REQUIRED&DIRECTED BY ARCH. -- ARCHITECTURAL TENANT T FRONTVIEW SECTIONA-A ONE PELOTON -T 1 T 2 CONDUIT. THE ARCHITECT. A.T. -AMP TRIP 125 W.25TH STREET, 11TH FLOOR e° ° 1 3 ATS ------ AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCH CONDUIT WITH WIRING RUN CONCEALED BELOW FLOOR.CROSS HATCHING INDICATES NEW YORK, G 10001 ° A � 3. ALL DEVICES,EQUIPMENT,FIXTURES,&THE LIKE,MUST BE GROUNDED BY USE OF A PROPERLY AWG ---- AMERICAN WIRE GAGE C: RYAN BADGER e ' 6 5 3 4 + NUMBER OF CONDUCTORS(#12 AWG-MINUMUM).PROVIDE A CODE-SIZED GROUND WIRE IN SIZED GROUNDING CONDUCTOR.MECHANICAU ELECTRICAL BONDS OF THE METALLIC RACEWAY BKR ----- BREAKER E: ryan.badger@onepeloton.com A A 2 ALL CONDUITS IN ADDITION TO THE CONDUCTORS SHOWN.SHADED DOT INDICATES SYSTEM SHALL ALSO BE MAINTAINED. BLDG. ---- BUILDING C: DENICE BOCEK L g CODE-SIZED ISOLATED GROUND WIRE IN CONDUIT. C -------- CONDUIT E: denice.bocek@cbre.com L g° 4 4. REFER TO MECHANICAL,PLUMBING,AND FIRE PROTECTION PLANS FOR EXACT LOCATION OF CAN ------- CABLE TELEVISION LANDLORD MACERICH DISTRIBUTION PANEL MOUNTED 6'-6"TO TOP.SEE SPECIFICATIONS,PANEL SCHEDULES AND CCTV ----- CLOSED CIRCUIT TELEVISION ® MECHANICAL AND PLUMBING EQUIPMENT.COORDINATE LOCATION OF DISCONNECT SWITCH 11411 NORTH TATUM BLVD,PHOENIX,AZ 85028 ONE-LINE DIAGRAM FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. CH ------ CHILLER C:- ASSOCIATED WITH EACH PIECE OF EQUIPMENT WITH RESPECTIVE CONTRACTOR AND INSTALL IN CONTR -- CONTRACTOR E:- 4 ACCORDANCE WITH THE NEC. • � PANELBOARD SURFACE MOUNTED 6'-6"TO TOP.SEE SPECIFICATIONS,PANEL SCHEDULES AND CT -- COOLING TOWER T:- ONE-LINE DIAGRAM FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. COPPER 5. REFER TO DIVISION 15(21,22&23)SPECIFICATIONS,HVAC,PLUMBING AND FIRE PROTECTION CU --- PLANS FOR ADDITIONAL ELECTRICAL WORK REQUIREMENTS&COORDINATION. CUH ----- CABINET UNIT HEATER DRY TYPE TRANSFORMER.SEE SPECIFICATIONS AND ONE-LINE DIAGRAM FOR ADDITIONAL DE ---- DUAL ELEMENT 1 1 L INFORMATION. ON ---- DOWN ARCHITECT LOCHTE ARCHITECTURAL GROUP �✓ 5 6. ALL RECEPTACLES SHOWN BACK-TO-BACK IN WALLS SHALL BE SEPARATED HORIZONTALLY BY 8" DS ---- DISCONNECT SWITCH 1230 19TH ST. 1.CONCRETE FLOOR OR WALL ASSEMBLY(3-HR FIRE-RATING): ❑1 DISCONNECT SWITCH-TYPE AND RATING AS INDICATED ON PLANS MINIMUM. DWG. ---- DRAWING SACRAMENTO,CA 95811 A.LIGHTWEIGHT OR NORMAL WEIGHT CONCRETE FLOOR OR WALL(MIN.4-1/2"THICK). A (E)or EXIST. -- EXISTING T:916.502.8099 1. GYPSUM WALL ASSEMBLY UUULC CLASSIFIED U300 OR U400 SERIES 1-HR.OR 2-HR. $ 20A-120V/277V SINGLE POLE TOGGLE SWITCH MOUNTED 48"O.C.A.F.F.,UNLESS NOTED 7 WHERE OPEN WIRING METHODS FOR LOW VOLTAGE SYSTEMS ARE PERMITTED BY THE CONTRACT EBB --ELECTRIC BASEBOARD C: SRUTHI SEKAR B.ANY UUULC CLASSIFIED CONCRETE BLOCK WALL. ( )( DOCUMENTS,OWNER AND LOCAL AUTHORITY,THE CABLE/CONDUCTOR INSULATION SHALL BE E.C. - ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR E: s.sekar@lochteag.com FIRE-RATING)(2-HR.SHOWN). OTHERWISE.IF APPLICABLE,LOWER CASE SUBSCRIPT")C-KEYS SWITCH TO FIXTURES BEING C: BLAKE THOMAS HEAVIER),2.OPTIONAL:MAXIMUM 37'NOMINAL DIAMETER STEEL PIPE SLEEVE(SCHEDULE 40 OR RATED PER NEC FOR ENVIRONMENT(I.E.PLENUM RATED,ETC.)BEING INSTALLED. EF -- EXHAUST FAN 2. (NOT SHOWN).WOOD STUDS TO CONSIST OF NOMINAL 2"x 4"LUMBER.STEEL STUDS TO BE CONTROLLED(TYPICAL OF ALL SWITCH SYMBOLS) EH ELECTRIC HEATER E: b.ihomas@lochteag.com ---- MINIMUM 2-1/2"WIDE. 8. BRANCH CIRCUIT CONDUCTOR SIZES &CONDUITS SHALL BE INCREASED FROM THOSE INDICATED ELEC. ----- ELECTRICAL STRUCTURAL THORSON BAKER+ASSOCIATES 3.PENETRATING ITEM TO 8E ONE OF THE FOLLOWING 3. PENETRATING ITEM TO BE ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: $M MANUAL MOTOR STARTER TOGGLE SW TCH WITH THERMAL OVERLOAD PROTECTION-TYPE ( ) A.MAXIMUM 30"NOMINAL DIAMETER STEEL PIPE(SCHEDULE 10 OR HEAVIER). A.MAXIMUM 30"DIAMETER STEEL PIPE(SCHEDULE 10 OR HEAVIER). AND RATING PER EQUIPMENT BEING SERVED.PROVIDE ENCLOSURE WITH LOCK-OUT WITH THE PLANS TO PREVENT EXCESSIVE VOLTAGE DROP.BRANCH CIRCUITS SHALL BE INSTALLED EM ------ EMERGENCY 3030 FI LD,OH 4286 ACCESSORY.THERMAL OVERLOADS SIZED PER EQUIPMENT NAMEPLATE RATING. WITH WIRES OF SUFFICIENT SIZE SO THAT VOLTAGE DROP BETWEEN THE PANEL&THE LOADS DO EMT ------ ELECTRICALRECOMETALLIC TUBING RICHFIELD, 68 44286 B.MAXIMUM 30"NOMINAL DIAMETER CAST IRON PIPE. B.MAXIMUM 30"DIAMETER CAST IRON PIPE. NOT EXCEED A LIMIT OF 3%. EOR ------ ENGINEER OF RECORD T: 330.659.6688 C.MAXIMUM 6"NOMINAL DIAMETER COPPER PIPE. C.MAXIMUM 6"NOMINAL DIAMETER COPPER PIPE. EQ. ------ EQUAL C: BRYAN MELVIN D.MAXIMUM 6"NOMINAL DIAMETER STEEL CONDUIT. D.MAXIMUM 6"NOMINAL DIAMETER STEEL CONDUIT. An 20A-125V GROUNDING TYPE DUPLEX RECEPTACLE MOUNTED 10"O.C.A.F.F.,UNLESS 9, REGARDLESS OF THE TEMPERATURE RATING OF THE CONDUCTOR INSULATION,ALL CONDUCTOR ETR --- EXISTING TO REMAIN E: b.melvin@thorsonbaker.com E.MAXIMUM 4"NOMINAL DIAMETER EMT. YY NOTED OTHERWISE.SUBSCRIPT"C"INDICATES CEILING MOUNTED. AMPACITY RATINGS FOR THIS PROJECT SHALL BE DETERMINED FROM THE 75°C CONDUCTOR EUH --- ELECTRIC UNIT HEATER E.MAXIMUM 4"NOMINAL DIAMETER EMT. 4. HILTI FS-ONE HIGH PERFORMANCE INTUMESCENT FIRESTOP SEALANT: EWC --- ELECTRIC WATER COOLER 4.MINIMUM 4"THICKNESS MINERAL WOOL(MIN.4 PCF DENSITY)TIGHTLY PACKED. A.MINIMUM 5/8",FORA 1-HR.FIRE-RATING. 20A-125V GROUNDING TYPE QUADRAPLEX RECEPTACLE MOUNTED 10"O.C.A.F.F.,UNLESS TEMPERATURE RATINGS INDICATED IN THE NEC TABLES.WHERE EQUIPMENT OR DEVICES ARE NOTED OTHERWISE PROVIDED WITH TERMINALSILUGS RATED FOR 60°C,THE AMPACITY RATING OF THE 75°C EWH ----- ELECTRIC WATER HEATER 5.MINIMUM 114"DEPTH HILT/FS-ONE INTUMESCENT FIRESTOP SEALANT. B.MINIMUM 1-114"DEPTH,FOR A 2-HR.FIRE-RATING. F ------ FUSE CONDUCTOR SHALL BE LIMITED TO ITS ASSOCIATED 60°C RATING AS INDICATED IN THE NEC 6.MINIMUM 114"CROWN HILTI FS-ONE INTUMESCENT FIRESTOP SEALANT APPLIED AT POINT OF 5. MINIMUM 1/2"BEAD HILTI FS-ONE HIGH PERFORMANCE INTUMESCENT FIRESTOP SEALANT AT FA -------- FIRE ALARM lG 20A-125V ISOLATED GROUND TYPE DUPLEX RECEPTACLE MOUNTED 10"O.C.A.F.F.,UNLESS TABLES.THE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO INCREASE THE CONDUCTORS CONTACT. POINT OF CONTACT. AND CONDUIT SIZE AS REQUIRED. FRCP ------ FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL NOTED OTHERWISE FC -------- FAN COIL UNIT NOTES:1.MAXIMUM DIAMETER OF OPENING=32". 10. ALL 120VAND 277V BRANCH CIRCUITS SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH SEPARATE NEUTRAL FLUOR ---- FLUORESCENT IG 20A-125V ISOLATED GROUND TYPE QUADRAPLEX RECEPTACLE MOUNTED 10"O.C.A.F.F., FPB --- FAN POWER BOX A 2.ANNULAR SPACE=MINIMUM 0",MAXIMUM 1-718". NOTES:1.MAXIMUM DIAMETER OF OPENING: CONDUCTORS. SHARED NEUTRALS WILL NOT BE PERMITTED FOR MULTI-CIRCUIT INSTALLATIONS. N UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE F.P.C. -- FIRE PROTECTION CONTRACTOR 3.MINIMUM 1/4"DEPTH HILTI FS-ONE INTUMESCENT FIRESTOP SEALANT IS A.32-114"FOR STEEL STUD WALLS. WHERE MULTIPLE CIRCUITS ARE RUN IN A COMMON RACEWAY,THE AMPACITY OF THE FS --- FLOW SWITCH REQUIRED ON BOTH SIDES OF A WALL ASSEMBLY. B.14-112"FOR WOOD STUD WALLS, GFI 20A•125V GROUND FAULT INTERRUPTING TYPE DUPLEX RECEPTACLE MOUNTED 10"AFF CONDUCTORS SHALL BE PROPERLY DERATED&CONDUIT SHALL BE SIZED PER CODE.UNDER NO FT. ---- FOOTIFEET 2.ANNULAR SPACE=MINIMUM 0 MAXIMUM 2-112". TO TOP OF BOX,UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL MORE THAN SIX(6)CURRENT CARRYING CONDUCTORS BE RUN IN A G.C. ----- GENERAL CONTRACTOR SINGLE CONDUIT.REFERENCE NEC ARTICLE AND TABLE 310.15(B)(3)(a). GFI ------ GROUND FAULT INTERRUPTING NOTE: E.C. SHALL COORDINATE TIME CLOCK SCHEDULE WITH MALL REPRESENTATIVE. gGFI 20A-125VGROUND FAULT INTERRUPTING TYPE DUPLEX RECEPTACLE,WEATHER PROTECTION RESISTANT LISTED NTH DIE-CAST ALUMINUM"WHILE IN-USE COVER"AND MOUNTED 18" 11. ALL CONDUITS SHALL CONTAIN A GROUND CONDUCTOR SIZED PER NEC TABLE#250,122.IN GND ---- GROUND UUCUL SYSTEM NO.W-L-1054 AFF TO TOP OF BOX,UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE ADDITION,WHERE AN ISOLATED,INSULATED GROUND IS REQUIRED,A SEPARATE GROUND HID ------ HIGH INTENSITY DISCHARGE METAL PIPE THROUGH 1 -HR. OR 2-HR. GYPSUM WALL ASSEMBLYCONDUCTOR WITH GREEN INSULATION SHALL BE RUN FROM THE PANEL GROUND BUS TO THE HOA ---- HAND-OFF-AUTOMATIC ,GFI (2)20A-125V GROUND FAULT INTERRUPTING TYPE DUPLEX RECEPTACLES,WEATHER ISOLATED GROUND CONNECTION OF THE DEVICE.IN NO CASE SHALL THE SYSTEM GROUND HP --- HORSEPOWER N.T.S. F-RATING=1-HR.OR 2-HR. wP RESISTANT LISTED WITH DIE-CAST ALUMINUM"WHILE IN-USE COVER"AND MOUNTED IT (CONDUCTOR&ASSOCIATED OUTLET BOXES,CONDUIT&BUILDING STEEL)BE ALLOWED TO HPS - HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM T-RATING=0-HR. AFF TO TOP OF 2-GANG BOX,UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE CONTACT THE ISOLATED GROUND(CONDUCTOR&DEVICE).WHERE CIRCUIT CONDUCTORS ARE HVAC ---- HEATING,VENTILATION,AIR DEDICATED NEUTRAL UNSWITCHED LEG L-RATING AT AMBIENT=LESS THAN 1 CFMISQ.FT. INCREASED IN SIZE FOR ANY REASON(I.E.VOLTAGE DROP,DERATING,ETC.),THE GROUND CONDITIONING L-RATING AT 4007=4 CFM/SQ.FT. n GFI 20A-125V GROUND FAULT INTERRUPTING TYPE DUPLEX RECEPTACLE MOUNTED 6"ABOVE TOP CONDUCTOR SIZE SHALL BE INCREASED PROPORTIONATELY(ACCORDING TO CIRCULAR MIL AREA) IG ------- ISOLATED GROUND SWITCHED LEG Q OF COUNTER/BACKSPLASH TO TOP Of BOX,UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.COORDINATE FROM THE SIZE REQUIRED BY NEC TABLE#250.122. INCAND. ----- INCANDESCENT ---- NEUTRAL LOCATION WITH INTERIOR ELEVATIONS INDICATED ON ARCHITECTURAL PLANS. JB JUNCTION BOX 12. ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS FORALL HVAC,PLUMBING,FIRE PROTECTION, KCMIL ---- ONE THOUSAND CIRCULAR MILS APPROVED SPECIAL SYSTEMS AND OWNER EQUIPMENT BEING FURNISHED BY OTHERS SHALL BE REVIEWED K.E.C. --- KITCHEN EQUIPMENT CONTRACTOR /� 20A-125V GROUNDING TYPE DUPLEX RECEPTACLE MOUNTED 6"ABOVE TOP OF Macerich TC x COUNTER/BACKSPLASH TO TOP OF BOX,UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.COORDINATE AND COORDINATED WITH OTHER TRADES PRIOR TO ROUGH-IN. OBTAIN EQUIPMENT SHOP KVA --- KILOVOLT AMPERE 5/27/2021 LOCATION WITH INTERIOR ELEVATIONS INDICATED ON ARCHITECTURAL PLANS. DRAWINGS FROM INSTALLERISUPPLIER/CONTRACTORIOWNER FURNISHING EQUIPMENT,AS KW -- KILOWATT REQUIRED,FOR REVIEW AND COORDINATION. CONTACT ARCHITECT/ENGINEER WITH ANY LTG --- LIGHTING ® FURNISH AND INSTALL A COMPLETE FLOOR BOX OR FIRE RATED POKE-THRU SYSTEM DISCREPANCIES FOUND BETWEEN CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS AND EQUIPMENT BEING FURNISHED MATV ---- MASTER ANTENNA TV NORMAL EMERGENCY NORMAL EMERGENCY (DEPENDING ON FLOOR REQUIREMENTS)WHICH INCLUDES,BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO THE PRIOR TO ROUGH-IN. MAU ___-- MAKE-UP AIR UNIT FOLLOWING:RECESSED FLOOR BOX FOR POWER AND DATA,COVER PLATE TO BE SET FLUSH MAX -- MAXIMUM (AC)BALLAST BATTERY BALLAST (AC)BALLAST BATTERY BALLAST MCB ----- MAIN CIRCUIT BREAKER WITH FINISH FLOOR.COVER PLATE COLOR TO MATCH ADJACENT FINISH FLOOR,COORDINATE 13. THE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH ALL ACCESS PANELS,AS REQUIRED FOR MCC ----- MOTOR CONTROL CENTER EXIT WITH ARCHITECTURAL PLANS.E.C.TO USE LEGRAND WIREMOLD RESOURCE RFB E SERIES SERVICING AND TESTING,FOR EQUIPMENT AND/OR DEVICES FURNISHED UNDER HIS CONTRACT. M.C. --- MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR El >=< RECESSED FLOOR BOX SERIES AT THIS LOCATION. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL ACCESS PANELS.THE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR MECH. --- MECHANICAL TYPICAL EXIT SIGN SHALL COORDINATE THE SIZE AND LOCATION OF EACH ACCESS PANEL WITH THE ARCHITECT AND MFR -- MANUFACTURER TYPICAL B-O-H EMERGENCY ( ❑® JUNCTION BOX-TYPE AND SIZE AS REQUIRED BY NEC.SUBSCRIPT"C"INDICATES CEILING GENERAL CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO ROUGH-IN. MH --- METAL HALIDE 0 TYPICAL SALES/COMMON TYPICAL SALES/COMMON AREA NOTES: LIGHTING UNIT TYPICAL SALES AREA MOUNTED."W'WITHIN DEVICE INDICATES J-BOX WITH POWER WHIP.SEE ARCH,DRAWINGS FOR MIN --- MINIMUM AREA FIXTURE WITH FIXTURE-"NL"WITH EMERGENCY EMERGENCY LIGHTING UNIT MORE INFORMATION. 14. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL INCLUDE IN HIS BID ALL CUTTING,TRENCHING AND PATCHING MLO -- MAIN LUGS ONLY p E L O T O N EMERGENCY BALLAST BALLAST ASSOCIATED WITH THE ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION. MOD ------- MOTOR OPERATED DAMPER 1. CONNECT EMERGENCY FIXTURES TO UNSWITCHED LEG OF LOCAL LIGHTING ® LOW VOLTAGE(24V)WIRING ROUTED FROM LED DRIVER LOCATION TO DESIGNATED LIGHTING MSB ------ MAIN SWITCHBOARD CIRCUIT AND DEDICATED NEUTRAL.EMERGENCY FIXTURES,EMERGENCY FIXTURE ON PLANS.SEE ARCHITECTURAL DETAILS FOR ALL WIRING STUB-IN HEIGHTS. 15, ALL PENETRATIONS IN OR THROUGH FIRE RATED ASSEMBLIES ASSOCIATED WITH THE ELECTRICAL MTD ------ MOUNTED NEUTRAL BALLASTS OR NIGHT LIGHTS SHALL OPERATE WHEN POWER TO LIGHTING CIRCUIT INSTALLATION SHALL BE FIRE-STOPPED USING A UL APPROVED METHOD.FURNISH AND INSTALL UL NEC ---- NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE WASHINGTON SQUARE MALL FAILS,REGARDLESS OF NORMAL LIGHTING ON/OFF STATE. ® Av AV JUNCTION BOX-FOR LOW VOLTAGE POWER 1 DATA TO BE PROVIDED AND INSTALLED BY PPI. LISTED FIRE RATED MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT SUCH AS BOXES,PUDDY PADS,ENDOTHERMIC NF -- NON FUSED SPACE R05 0- HOT SEE SHEET NOTE 01 ON SHEET AV-301A.TYPE AND SIZE AS REQUIRED BY NEC.SUBSCRIPT"C" MAT,LIGHT FIXTURES WITH RATED ENCLOSURES,ETC... TO COMPLY WITH CODE FOR PROJECT NFPA -- NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION 2. NOT ALL FIXTURES MAY APPLY TO THIS SPECIFIC JOB. INDICATES CEILING MOUNTED. CONDITIONS.FURNISH AND INSTALL SLEEVES,WHERE REQUIRED.UL APPROVED METHOD FOR ASSOCIATION 9374 S.W. WASHINGTON SQUARE LOCAL SWITCH( )$ © FIRE STOPPING SHALL MEET OR EXCEED FIRE RATING OF STRUCTURE BEING PENETRATED. NIC ----- NOT IN CONTRACT ROAD, IF APPLICABLE LIGHTING CONTACTOR 3. ALL LIGHTING CIRCUITS WILL HAVE A DEDICATED NEUTRAL REGARDLESS IF as PULL BOX-TYPE AND SIZE AS REQUIRED BY NEC REFERENCE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR FIRE RATED STRUCTURES. NL ------- NIGHTLIGHT IF APPLICABLE SHOWN ON PLAN. NTS ------- NOT TO SCALE TIGARD , OR 97223 v BACKBOX FOR TELEPHONE AND DATA DEVICE(S)MOUNTED 6-0"O.C.A.F.F.,UNLESS 16. NO CONDUIT,BOXES,WIRING,OR CABLES SHALL BE INSTALLED WITHIN 11/2"OF THE LOWEST H or PH ------ PHASE NOTED OTHERWISE, PROVIDE 1"C WITH PULLWIRE FROM JUNCTION BOX WITH SINGLE POINT OF THE UNDERSIDE OF THE ROOF DECKING,NOR SHALL THEY BE INSTALLED CONCEALED P ----- POLE - DEDICATED NEUTRAL GANG PLASTER RING TO ACCESSIBLE CEILING SPACE.FURNISH AND INSTALL CONDUIT WITHIN METAL-CORRUGATED ROOF DECKING. FOR EXISTING INSTALLATIONS,THE ELECTRICAL PB ----- PULL BOX ISSUE HISTORY EMERGENCY BALLAST & LIGHTING WIRING DIAGRAM P.C. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR BUSHINGS.SUBSCRIPT"C"INDICATES CEILING MOUNTED. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO REPLACE AND/OR REWORK EXISTING CONDUIT,BOXES, PNL --- PANEL Ol LANDLORD RENEW 05.17.2021 WIRING,AND CABLING THAT IS NOT IN COMPLIANCE WITH THIS REQUIREMENT. 02 ISSUED FOR PERMIT APPROVAL 05.24.2021 N.T.S. BACKBOX FOR TELEPHONE DEVICE MOUNTED 6'-0"O.C.A.F.F.,UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. POWER ROOF EXHAUSTER PRE -- NOTES: PROVIDE 1"C WITH PULLWIRE FROM JUNCTION BOX WITH SINGLE GANG PLASTER RING TO 17. ALL ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT AND DEVICES FOR THIS PROJECT MUST BE UL LISTED. DEVICES, PVC -- POLYVINYL CHLORIDE RTU --- ROOF TOP UNIT ACCESSIBLE CEILING SPACE.FURNISH AND INSTALL CONDUIT BUSHINGS. EQUIPMENT,SYSTEMS SHALL BE INSTALLED PER N.E.C.REQUIREMENTS AND MANUFACTURER'S SPKR ----- SPEAKER 1. OPERATION: INSTRUCTIONS. VIOLET SWITCHED HOT ❑F FIRE ALARM MANUAL PULL STATION MOUNTED 48"AFF TO TOP. SPST ------ SINGLE POLE SINGLE THROW (0-10V) I a. EMERGENCY LIGHTS AND NORMAL LIGHTS CAN BE DIMMED WITH THE 0-10V DIMMER.WIRE#1 IS 18. THE DESIGN INTENT IS ALL DEVICES SHALL BE RECESSED MOUNTED,UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. TIE --------- MULTIPLE OUTLETS WIRED ON NEUTRAL THE SENSE WIRE FOR ELCD-924 INTERNAL MULTI-POLE RELAY CONTROL.UNDER NORMAL V FIRE ALARM VISUAL STROBE NOTIFICATION APPLIANCE MOUNTED FLUSH IN FINISHED WALL SAME BRANCH CICRUIT OPTION#1:(0-10V)DIMMER SWITCH DIMMER ❑ ( ) THE DEVICE BACK-BOX AND RACEWAY BEING FURNISHED SHALL BE RATED TO COMPLY WITH NEC TR ------ TAMPER RESISTANT OPERATION POWER LOSS FLOWS FROM WIRE#6 BLUE TO WIRE#5 ELLO TO THE AT F AT SWITCH BANK OR LOCAL SWITCH 0 (BLUE) (Y W) T E LESSOR OF 80 AFF TO BOTTOM OR 6"BELOW FINISHED CEILING PER THE APPLICATION. WHERE MOUNTED WITHIN A FIRE RATED WALL OR STRUCTURE,FURNISH LVIOLET -_ _ _ TS -- TAMPER SWITCH [I.E.TRIAL ROOMS,SALES FLOOR,ETC.] EMERGENCY LIGHTS.IN ADDITION,THERE IS AN INTERNAL CONTACT CLOSURE BETWEEN VIOLET AND INSTALL UL APPROVED FIRE STOPPING ASSEMBLIES AND MATERIALS TO MAINTAIN RATING OF - LGRAY_ I _I_ -T TTB - TELEPHONE TERMINAL BOARD WIRES FOR 010V CONTROL. FIRE ALARM AUDIONISUAL(SPEAKER STROBE)NOTIFICATION APPLIANCE MOUNTED FLUSH IN WALL OR STRUCTURE.WHEN THERE IS NO AVAILABLE OPTION BUT TO INSTALL A SURFACE TV - - TELEVISION 1 FINISHED WALL AT THE LESSOR OF 80"AFF TO BOTTOM OR 6"BELOW FINISHED CEILING. MOUNTED DEVICE,CONSULT ARCHITECT/ENGINEER FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. TYR ------ TYPICAL b. UPON POWER LOSS,ELCD-924 WILL CONNECT THE INVERTER AC OUTPUT TO THE EMERGENCY UH ----- GAS FIRED UNIT HEATER J I I LIGHTS,REGARDLESS OF ZONE SWITCHING STATUS.EMERGENCY POWER FLOWS FROM WIRE#6 ® SMOKE DETECTOR-SURFACE MOUNTED ON CEILING. 19, THE DESIGN INTENT IS ALL CONDUIT,CABLES,RACEWAYS AND PATHWAYS SHALL BE CONCEALED UL __--- UNDERWRITER'S LABORATORY NON-EM LIGHT TO#5 TO THE EMERGENCY LIGHTS. FROM SIGHT WITHIN THE BUILDING CONSTRUCTION,UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.THE CONDUIT, UNO -- UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE OL OR I FOR OPTION#1 ONLY DUCT-TYPE SMOKE DETECTOR WITH REMOTE TEST STATION AND AUXILIARY RELAY FURNISHED CABLES,RACEWAYS AND PATHWAYS BEING FURNISHED SHALL BE RATED TO COMPLY WITH NEC UV -------- UNIT VENTILATOR OL SWITCHED HOT 2. IF FIRE ALARM CONTROL IS NEEDED,CUT RED JUMPER,CONNECT TO THE N/C FIRE ALARM AND WIRED BY ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR;INSTALLED IN DUCTWORK BY MECHANICAL PER THE APPLICATION.WHEN THERE IS NO AVAILABLE OPTION BUT TO INSTALL A VISIBLE V ------- VOLTS v I I CONTACT AND 1 OV-30VDC POWER SUPPLY RATED 1 W OR GREATER.POLARITY ON DC LEADS ARE CONTRACTOR PER CODE.COORDINATE EXACT LOCATION WITH MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR CONDUIT,CABLE,RACEWAY OR PATHWAY,CONSULT ARCHITECT/ENGINEER FOR APPROVAL PRIOR W ---- WATTS PROJECT NUMBER 2= INTERCHANGEABLE. AND MANUFACTURER.PROVIDE CONDUIT AND WIRING NECESSARY TO SHUT DOWN HVAC UNIT o r TO INSTALLATION. WP ---- WEATHER-PROOF TYPE DEVICE N I I UPON ACTIVATION OF SMOKE DETECTOR. (NEMA 3R RATED) SCALE A3 NOTED N OPTION#2:(0-10V)LOCAL LINE I I 3. THE ELCD-924 FEATURES A 2.5 SECOND"OFF DELAY"TO AID IN VISUAL INSPECTION OF THE 20. ALL CONDUIT AND CABLING SHALL BE PROPERLY SUPPORTED AS REQUIRED BY THE NATIONAL WR ------ WEATHER-RESISTANT TYPE DEVICE `Q VOLTAGE OCC SWITCH I r EMERGENCY LIGHTING SOURCE.THIS FEATURE OPERATES SUCH THAT WHEN THE ROOM/ZONE RM ADDRESSABLE FIRE ALARM RELAY CONTROL MODULE WITH DRY CONTACT OUTPUT FOR ELECTRICAL CODE. FOR EXISTING INSTALLATIONS,THE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL BE (NEMA 3R RATED) SHEET TITLE N LOCAL OCCUPANCY I LIGHT SWITCH TURNS OFF,THE CONNECTED EM LIGHTS REMAIN ON 2.5 SECONDS LONGER.THIS ACTIVATING AUXILIARY DEVICES. X'FMR ------ TRANSFORMER [I.E.RESTROOM,80H,STORAGE,ETC,] SWITCH I SENSOR I 1 RESPONSIBLE TO REPLACE AND/OR REWORK EXISTING CONDUIT AND/OR CABLING THAT IS NOT IN ELECTRICAL LO I DELAY ALLOWS FOR VISUAL CONFIRMATION THAT THE TRANSFER SWITCH IS OPERATIONAL. COMPLIANCE WITH THIS REQUIREMENT. m L w OBSERVING THIS"OFF DELAY"FUNCTION ELIMINATES MANUAL MONTHLY TESTING AND ALLOWS THE MM ADDRESSABLE FIRE ALARM MONITOR MODULE TO SUPERVISE DRY CONTACT INPUT DEVICES. DETAILS w I LOCATION OF THE TRANSFER SWITCH TO NOT BE IMMEDIATELY ACCESSIBLE. 21. CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY SLAB ON GRADE FLOOR CONSTRUCTION TYPE PRIOR TO C dl FOR OPTION#1 ONLY GC LOW VOLTAGE CEILING MOUNTED OCCUPANCY SENSOR.LOCATE AS DIRECTED PER CUTTING. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL THE CONTRACTOR CUT A STRUCTURAL FLOOR SLAB #1 BLACK J I 4. NOTALL FIXTURES MAY APPLYTO THIS SPECIFIC JOB. x MANUFACTURER AND PROVIDE STANDARD VS.EXTENDED COVERAGE RANGE AS DIRECTED w THICKER THAN FOUR(4")INCHES WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM ENGINEER OF BY MANUFACTURER.MANUFACTURER SHALL BE WATTSTOPPER,HUBBELL,SENSOR SWITCH, SHEET NUMBER V) TRANSFER VIOLET 5. ALL LIGHTING CIRCUITS WILL HAVE A DEDICATED NEUTRAL REGARDLESS IF SHOWN ON PLAN. COOPER CONTROLS,OR LUTRON.PROVIDE ALL REQUIRED POWERPAKS FOR OCCUPANCY RECORD. NOTIFY ENGINEER OF RECORD OF ANY SLAB THICKNESS GREATER THAN FOUR(4", E 12 0 #3 WHITE I SENSORS. INCHES PRIOR TO PROCEEDING LITH ANY SAW CUTTING. DEVICE CN (ELCD-924) NOTE 2 I I 6. ALL WIRING BY E.C.ALL WIRING SHALL BE IN CONDUIT OR PLENUM RATED(IF ACCEPTABLE PER 22. IN OTHER THAN DWELLING UNITS,ALL 125-VOLT THROUGH 250-VOLT RECEPTACLES SUPPLIED BY SEE NOTE#10 NOTE 3 I I LOCAL AHJ AND SPECIFICATIONS). © SECURITY CAMERA SINGLE PHASE BRANCH CIRCUITS RATED 150 VOLTS OR LESS TO GROUND,50 AMPERES OR LESS, PROFESSIONAL SEAL LU LU NOTE 9 I I AND ALL RECEPTACLES SUPPLIED BY THREE PHASE BRANCH CIRCUITS RATED 150 VOLTS OR LESS 1 1 7. VERIFYALL WIRING REQUIREMENTS WITH MANUFACTURER INSTRUCTION PRIOR TO ROUGH-IN. ® CEILING MOUNTED SPEAKER TO GROUND,100 AMPERES OR LESS,INSTALLED IN LOCATIONS IDENTIFIED IN 210-8(B)(1) '¢ ANN THROUGH(8)(12)SHALL HAVE GROUND-FAULT CIRCUIT-INTERRUPTER PROTECTION FOR PR ~ I 1 8. TO BREAKER OR UNCONTROLLABLE HALF OF 2-POLE BREAKER IN EATON CONTROLLABLE PANEL. FIRE ALARM REMOTE ANNUNCIATOR(FLUSH MOUNTED) PERSONNEL.WHERE DEVICE IS READILY ACCESSIBLE,THE DEVICE SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH A. G! NOTE 8DO x INTEGRAL GROUND FAULT PROTECTION,WHERE DEVICE IS NOT READILY ACCESSIBLE AND/OR NOT HOT I #1 BLACK EM LIGHTING #6 BLUE #5 YELLOW 9. CONTACTOR OR CONTROLLED HALF OF 2-POLE BREAKER IN EATON CONTROLLABLE PANEL. AVAILABLE WITH INTEGRAL GROUND FAULT PROTECTION,THE BRANCH CIRCUIT BREAKER 'v fv�jg ?' INVERTER SERVING THE DEVICE(S)SHALL BE GROUND FAULT TYPE. #3 WHITE #4 WHITE/BLUE 10. E.C.TO MOUNT ALL TRANSFER DEVICES IN BOH NEAR REMOTE DRIVERS OR LIGHTING INVERTERS co TO PANEL NEUTRAL (LM-52-LC-VI-WB) 0 AT ACCESSIBLE HEIGHT.E.C.TO PROVIDE WIRING FROM EACH INDIVIDUAL LOCAL SWITCH OR OREGON N GROUND GREEN MOUNT IN BOH NEAR LIGHTING EM LIGHT CONTROLLING ANY EM LIGHTING THROUGHOUT THE SPACE TO ITS OWN TRANSFER DEVICE FOR EM ✓FF ✓AN 20 - PANEL OR AS SPECIFIED ON E-111. AUTOMATIC WHEN CONNECT THE INVERTERS NORMALL"ON"OUTPUTHE ELCO(TRANSFER DEVICE)SENSES THAT T TO THE EM LIGHTSR IS LOST, T WILL FFRY D S9 EMERGENCY LIGHTING INVERTER WIRING DIAGRAM REGARDLESS OF THE SWITCHED INPUT STATE. 1231'ZZ N N.T.S. 1 0 0 v) V N O d H 120V(L49 TIE) N EXISTING PANEL _ _ EXISTING PANEL L O C H T E - - - - - - , f - - - - - - - - - - - - 7 ^PCHITECTUF2AL GROUP T/C.1 PANELBOARD DESIGNATION _H _ I PANELBOARD DESIGNATION _L _ PANELBOARD NOTES 123019TH ST. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - � r - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -_ - - - � El I _L77/4I0 - VOLTS _L PH. 4 WIRE SOLID NEUTRAL MOUNTING: FLUSH - 1 I 1201208 VOLTS 3 PH. 4 WIRE SOLID NEUTRAL MOUNTING: FLUSH = I SACRAMENTO, CA 95811 132 _AMPERE BUS �- - AMPERE MAIN BREAK)R - I AMPERE BUS 150 AMPERE MAIN M.0 B.- - ALL BREAKERS SHALL BE 20A 1P,UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE TELEPHONE: 916.502.8099 SURFACE X I �� SURFACE X I _ SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS __- -_- -_-_-_- -_- -_- -__-_-_-_- -_ _ _ _ I L _ SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS ALC,=2 422A_ _- -_- -_ - - - -_ - - _ _ J • ALL BREAKERS SHALL BE HACR RATED. TENANT INorKVA T DESCRIPTION 7 A B C 7 DESCRIPTION _TKVA_T I NorKVA T DESCRIPTION T A B C �_ DESCRIPTION _T km_ ONE PELOTON T - T - - - - - - - -I 70A I� I I -25A r - - - - - - - T T - - - - - - - -- - I I -� � - - - - - - - - - � 125W.25THSTREET, IITHFLOOR TC1 C-1 X11 9_8 `TRANSFORMER(ETR) - I �I J FCU-1 (ETR) 4 0 2 ❑9 C•3 1 1 1 0.2 I STOREFRONT LTG.(EM) L' L:�- - J DEMO/P•LOGO LTG.(LV) 0.1 2 NOTE: NOT ALL NOTES BELOW MAY APPLY TO THIS PROJECT. NEW YORK,NY 10001 _ _ - - - _ _ _ _ - - _L - 1 � r1_ _I_ _ - - - - - -- I I 1- - - _ _ _ _ - - - � C: RYAN BADGER C $1 3 1 9.8 I I '1� -r L'3� -'I�� 1 4.0 1 4 ❑9 C-1 3 0.1 SALES LTG.(EM) r ' �.J -' ` 1 WALL GRAZER LTG.(LV) 1 0.1 14 C-2 ❑1 INDICATES BREAKER SHALL BE"SWD"RATED. E: ryan.badger@onepeloton.com - T - T - - 7 . . .- 1 T - r - - - - - - - - - - - - J I I I - - - I - - - - - - - - - - C: DENICE BOCEK 5 11.3 - - 15 3 - 4.0 6 I C•1 1 5 0.4 SALES LTG. L' - 0.5' `J SEC.COVE I PENDANT LTG. 1 0.2 16 1 C-2 ❑2 INDICATES BREAKER SHALL BE COMBINATION"ARZ-FAULT/GFI"TYPE. E: denice.bocek@cbm.com L-3,5,7,9 MAIN SALES LIGHTING L - 25A t- J 25A L - - - 1 - 1 rt L J - - - - - - I - - - -I r-I- -I- - - - - - - -I I I I- - - - - - - -I- -I� LANDLORD MACERICH Ell7 4.0 FCU-0(NEW) L.oJ -r -'I`�FCU-3(ETR) 14.0 18 I Gi 7 1 0.9 1 TRELLIS LTG.(LV) r L.zJ - ' `�BOH LIGHTING 10.3 18 "3" INDICATES BREAKER SHALL BE "GFI"TYPE,WITH RATING AS REQUIRED 11411 NORTH TATUM BLVD,PHOENIX,AZ 85028 r - r - - -- - - 7 I rl� .1 r - - - - - - T - r - L - - - - - - - - - - rl� - - - - - - J ❑ 1 9 4.0 - - -L:J 1- - I - 40 101 C-1 19 1 0.5 1 MAIN SALES COVE LTG. 0.7 - -' `J TRIAL RM.MIRROR LTG. L 1 0.2 110 I C-2 BY NEC PER APPLICATION.PROVIDE 5MA RATING FOR PERSONNEL C:- 1 _ 1 _ _ __ _ _ I I L _ 1 - C-I_ _I_ _ _ _ _ - - LIJ I - - - - - I- -I� PROTECTION. PROVIDE 30MA RATING FOR EQUIPMENT PROTECTION. T_ C 2 1 14.0 I - -�- L:J' ` 4.0 1121 ❑9 C•2 11 1 1 1 I SEC SALES LTG (EM) r' `- J- 2 3' ` WALL QUAD REC. 1.2 12 TC2 - - - - - - - I I 20A - - - - - _ L- - - - - - - _ - I L�J COMM.� - - _ _ - _ _i- - � ❑4 INDICATES BREAKER SHALL BE SHUNT-TRIP TYPE. C 113T T L.J I -r 'I FCU-2(ETR) T 4.0 T141 1131 - ISPARE L' `-L2 - -' `J COMM.WALL DUPLEX REC. 1 0.6 114 $2 � � - - - - - - - _ � - - - - - - � - � � r- - - - - - - - - - � I I �- - - - - - - - - - "5" INDICATES BREAKER TO BE"ARZ-FAULT'TYPE. �- 1151 1• - -1 L:� 1 4.0 1161 151 0.4 I INTRO FIXT.QUAD REC. r' 12r -' ` COMM.WALL QUAD REC. 0.8 16 ❑ ARCHITECT LOCHTE ARCHITECTURAL GROUP L-0,6,10,11 - SECONDARY SALES LTG. - - - - - - - L- - - - - - - - - - - L J 1 J 1230 19TH ST. 117T - _- 1 4.p ' r T 4.0 T181 1171 0.4 1 DEMO FIXT.QUAD REC. L' � -I 110 - `J COMM.WALL DUPLEX REC 1 0.6 1181 © INDICATES BREAKER TO HAVE LOCK-0N CLIP. SACRAMENTO,CA 95811 � � - - - - -- - - J _T LIJ 1 - - - - - - 1 - 1 _I I- - - - - - - - - I rLjJ - - - - - - -I- -I T:916.502.8D99 r r r r . . -1 "7" INDICATES BREAKER TO HAVE LOCK-ON CLIP AND RED MARKING. C: SRUTHI SEKAR 1191 I F Li J i -r- - I 1201 C 3 LI 0.4 I STOREFRONT CEILING REC_/ LzJ �- - - COMM.WALL QUAD REC_ -I 0.8 I J ❑ E: s.sekar@lochteag.com H N 1211 t _ -L-1-i- L J L - r T T221 121 1 0.8 1 SALES GENERAL REC. L' `- L.J L -' `J COMM.WALL QUAD REC. 1 1.2 1221 ❑8 NDICATES CIRCUIT TO HAVE REMOTE SmA GFI PROTECTION MODULE C: BLAKE THOMAS 120V(L-49 TIE) - - - - - - - - I rl_1 L - - - - - - - 1 - 1 r - -1- - - - - - - -( I I - - - - - - -I- - MOUNTED IN JUNCTION BOX WITH HINGED COVER ADJACENT TO E: b.thomas@lochteag.com 1_231 _ 1- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - J- _T L J 4 1241 231 0.6 I STORAGE REC. r-' ` rL.J ' `�COMM.WALL DUPLEX REC. 1 0.6 124 PANELBOARD. MODULE SHALL BE LABELED AS TO THE CIRCUIT AND MEP a T r-1 r T T L- - - - - J STRUCTUML THORSON BAKER+ASSOCIATES 1 I - - I I - - - - - - EQUIPMENT THAT IS BEING PROTECTED. TIC-2 125 - - - - - 261 1251 0.8 1 TRIAL ROOM REC. L' 1:� - ' `J WATER FOUNTAIN 1 0.4 1261 3 3030 W.STREETSBORO � � - - - - - - - - ', L_ J r L - - - - - - - -L _r � - - - - - - - - - -1 LI_ I W - - _ - - - - - -I ❑ RICHFIELD,OH 44286 T: 330.659.6688 1271 - 1- I - - L J L - 1 1281 271 0.6 1 BOHIRR GENERAL REC. r' L:J 1 -' ` 1 SOAP DISPENSER 1 0.4 128 ❑ INVERTER E.C.TO NOTE ALL CIRCUITS CONTROLLED BY CONTACTOR G C: BRYAN M L N r - T - - - - 7 �!� C - - - - t - rt - L - - - - - - - - - - - - J 129 - 301 1291 0.4 TRIAL LOUNGE FIXTURE L' �- -I 0.4�^J SPARE 13p 1 11 AND/OR LOCAL SWITCH TO ALSO BE PROVIDED WITH A TRANSFER E: b.melvin@thorsonbaker.com � 1. _ L - _ - - - - _ L - _ _ _ _LJ - 1- - - - _ - - - 1- -1- _ _ _ _ _ - -- 1 SIJ - - - - - - -I- -1 ❑ DEVICE VIA THE EM LIGHTING DIAGRAM ONSHEET E-120. 1 - - KVA SUB TOTALS L5�2527.J - - - I 31 I I SPARE - - r �.4J -r ^�HAND DRYER 1 0.4 132 11 TC1 C-3 1 - - - - 7 I-1 I L- rr L ^J I 1J 10' INDICATES TO FURNISH AND INSTALL HANDLE TIES FOR MULTIPLEXED TOTAL CONNECTED LOAD 18,E _KVA ❑3 133 0.2 REFRIGERATOR T 0.4J BOH TV 0.2 341 11 CIRCUITS. L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ C 3 351 0.2 I MICROWAVE - ' `- 1 014r ^ MANAGERS DESK COMP. -1 0.2 13-16 11 $3 ❑L_I- -I- _r �_ -I_ _I J❑ �11� E.C.TO PROVIDE NEW BREAKER AT THE DESIGNATED L-1,19 STOREFRONT LTG. 1371 I SPARE L' L:J �- -r ^J MANAGERS DESK REC. 1 0.2 138 111 CIRCUIT.BREAKER TO 8E 20A11 P UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. I- - - - - - - -I- -I-7 LI 0.8 I DATA RACK- - - - r-' LI J L `�STOREFRONT SIGNAGE 1 1.0 1 J C-0 1411 0.4 1 TELEPHONE DEMARC 12 ' `J PORTAL POWER 1 0.8 1421 C4 rL'� TC2 C-4 11 1431 0.2 I DOOR BELL- - _ - r ^-L.4J-1 - ^ 1 MAIN SALES TREAD 1 1 11.2 1� THE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY EXISTING CONDITIONS TO - - - - - - - - INSURE THAT THE NEW WORK WILL FIT TO THE EXISTING STRUCTURE C 11 ❑3 1451 0.2 I WATER CHILLER L^- L.6J ^J MAIN SALES BIKE 1 0.4 1461 11 IN THE MANNER INTENDED AND SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS.SHOULD ANY /-$4 r1- -I- - - - - - - 1-- - - - - - - -1- -1-1 CONDITIONS EXIST THAT ARE CONTRARY TO THOSE ON THE DRAWINGS, L40,42 SIGNAGE / 11 ❑7 L 0.2 I FRCP - - - -- r^- - 2.6J^�MAIN SALES BIKE 10.4 1 J 11 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE TENANTS REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR - L� L -I ^J 1 TO FABRICATION OR PERFORMING ANY WORK IN THE AREA INVOLVING 11 © TIMECLOCK 14MAIN SALES TREAD 1 149 0.2 J r - .2 501 11 DIFFERENCES.NOTIFICATION SHALL BE IN THE FORM OF A DRAWING 51 1 0.2 FCU GFI REC. - ' ( MAIN SALES BIKE -1 0.4 152 11 OR SKETCH INDICATING FIELD MEASUREMENTS AND NOTES RELATED TO L1_ -1- - - - - - _ t- LIJ 1 -1- THE AREA. TIC-TIME LOCK,EXISTING, INTERMATIC QUANTITY S ECE TO MATCH 1531 0.2 1 RECIRCULATION PUMP L' -1 - -r06' `J MAIN SALES BIKE 1 0.4 1541 EXISTING.PROVIDE QUANTITY AS NECESSARY. T L_'� P/C-PHOTOCELL,INTERMATIC#K4236C MOUNTED AT 1551- -I SPARE_ r L J -r ` 1 FUTURE SALES BIKE _ _1_ -156 ROOF.FACE SENSOR NORTH. I I L� rl� L i 157 SPARE J FUTURE SALES BIKE 1 1561 L APPROVED ri- -1- - - - - - - � 20A I I � - - - - - - -1- -1� MacedchTC 591 1.5 I WATER HEATER r-- -r-L.2' `�TRIAL ROOM BIKE 1 0.4 160 5/27/2021 LIGHTING CONTROL DIAGRAM L- - - - - - - - I I - - - - - - - - - � N.T.S. 1611 1.5 1� L' L:J -r `J TRIAL ROOM BIKE 1 0.4 1621 rl-_ --I � I rl� - - - - - - - - -I-1 L1_ -ISPARE- - I_!- - - L:J TRIAL ROOM TREAD 1 1.2 164 1651 1 SPARE L' `- -1 112 ' `J TRIAL ROOM TREAD 1.2 1661 LIGHTING CONTROL SCHEDULE r1-_I- - - - - - - � rl= �LIJ I- - - - - - - -1- -1� 671 ISPARE r-„L J -r ' N-1 SPARE 1 168 - - - - - - - - - - - - - LIGHTING CIRCUIT(S) POLES FUNCTION CONTROLSEQUENCE 191 - ISPARE L"- -1 LIJ L-- --J SPARE I - 1701 ZONE rl- -I- - - - - - - -- I I F- - - - - - - -I- -I-1 `•357,9 6 MAIN SALES LIGHTING El-- ISPAREr ' 4- SPARE 30A�SP - - - - - - -I- -1J C-1 ON-WITH TIMECLOCK OFF-WITHTIMECLOCK 1731 ISPARE LI 5A`-L J -r �I`J SPARE 1741 75 SPARE 'IN rh 1- 'I` SPARE - --176 P E L O T O N 1-1- -1- - - - - r I � LIJ 30A- - - - - - - -1- -1J C-2 L-0,6,10,11 g SECONDARY SALES LTG. ON-NTHTIMECLOCK 1771 - ISPARE L' -rr J'I`JSPARE I - 1781 WASHINGTON SQUARE MALL OFF-WITH TIMECLOCK r1- -1- - - - - - - -� I I - - - - - - -1- -1 C-3 L-1,19 4 STOREFRONT LTG. ON-WITH TIMECLOCK 21-- i SPARE - - - - L/ -L r 15A 1 SPARE- - - - - -I- -I J SPACE R05 - - - - 9374 S.W. WASHINGTON SQUARE 181 SPARE - L --I-- SPARE 1 - 1821 OFF-WITH TIMECLOCK 1 I -- L J I - - - -I- -1 ROAD, 83 SPARE SPARE 84 C-4 L-40,42 4 SIGNAGE ON-WITH TIMECLOCK OIL - - - - - _L J _ - _ _ - _ - - _ - _ 1 TIGARD , OR 97223 OFF-WITHTIMECLOCK 1 KVASUBTOTALS 2.8 9.8 11.3 - � - - L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TOTAL CONNECTED LOAD 30.2 _ KVA ISSUE HISTORY 01 LANDLORD RENEW 05.17.2021 NOTES: 02 ISSUED FOR PERMIT APPROVAL 05.24.2021 1. MOUNT CONTACTORS IN PROPER NEMA ENCLOSURE FOR ENVIRONMENT. 2. ALL CONTACTORS SHALL BE MECHANICALLY-HELD WITH 2-WIRE CONTROL MODULE, 3. ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS ARE ASCO AND SQUARE"D". 4. VERIFY IF EXISTING CONTACTORS ARE SUFFICIENT.E.C.TO PROVIDE NEW CONTACTORS IF EXISTING POLES ARE INEFFICIENT. 5. E.C.TO PROVIDE(4)OVERRIDE SWITCHES ADJACENT TO THE CONTACTOR CABINETS FOR MANUAL OVERRIDE OF THE CONTROL ZONES. ELECTRICAL LOAD SUMMARY LOAD DESCRIPTION CONNECTED LOAD(KVA) COMPUTED DEMAND LOAD (KVA) GENERAL LIGHTING: 3.9 CONTINUOUS LOAD x 1.25(MIN 3W/SF)= 4.9 SHOW WINDOW(LTG+RECEPT): 0.6 SHOW WINDOW (454"X 200WIFT)= 9.0 HVAC(INCLUDING ALL MOTORS): 48.0 CONTINUOUS LOAD(INCLUDING 125%OF LARGEST MOTOR): 51.0 CL RECEPTACLES: 3.2 NONCONTINOUS LOAD:1st 10KW @100%+REMAINING @50%= 3.2 WATER HEATER: 3.0 CONTINUOUS LOAD x 1.25: 3.6 0 MISCELLANEOUS NOW CONTINUOUS: 9.4 NON-CONTINUOUS LOAD x1.00= 9.4 PROJECT NUMBER 2=11 N MISCELLANEOUS CONTINUOUS: 9.0 CONTINUOUS LOAD x1.25= 11.3 SCALE ��D "I As SIGN 1.8 CONTINUOUS LOAD: x 1.25=2,250VA 2.3 N SHEET TITLE N TOTAL CONNECTED LOAD: 78.9 TOTAL DEMAND LOAD: 92.6 PANEL o COMPUTED SERVICE DEMAND LOAD OF 92.6 KVA @ 277/480V-30-4W= 111.4 AMPS SCHEDULES `V TOTAL NUMBER OF BRANCH CIRCUITS: 73 Lu - N TOTAL NUMBER OF SPARE CIRCUITS: 26 SHEET NUMBER N E121 cOcyy d PROFESSIONAL SEAL Ji J y ca pc PR GI WVic' 19 ZI co U OREGON o ✓F� SAN.20,19° �O FFAY DCD . � ilYS:1231'xt N O EN CD O y U N O d L 0 C H T E AF2CHITECTUF2AL GROUP 1230 19TH ST. ONE-LINE DIAGRAM NOTES SACRAMENTO, CA 95811 TELEPHONE: 916.502.8099 LOCATION OF NAMEPLATE FOR SURFACE MOUNTED 1. THE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL POWER COMPANY 12. THE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLY WITH NEC ARTICLE 110.16 FOR TENANT ONE PELOTON PANELS.FOR FLUSH-MOUNTED PANELS,INSTALL REQUIREMENTS PRIOR TO BIDDING&INCLUDE THE COST OF ALL ASSOCIATED LABELING OF PANELS FOR ARC FLASH HAZARD WARNING AS WELL AS FOLLOWING 125 W.25TH STREET, 11TH FLOOR NAMEPLATE BEHIND DOOR. LABOR,MATERIALS,&CHARGES IN HIS BID. REQUIRED SAFETY PRECAUTIONS WHEN SERVICING OR MAINTAINING ELECTRICAL NEW YORK,NY 10001 EQUIPMENT. C RYAN BADGER 2. THE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE AVAILABLE FAULT CURRENT WITH E: ryan.badger@onepeioton.com THE UTILITY COMPANY PRIOR TO BIDDING AND PROVIDE EQUIPMENT RATED 13. HVAC CIRCUIT BREAKERS TO BE"HACR"TYPE WHERE REQUIRED BY EQUIPMENT C: DENICE BOCEK ACCORDINGLY.SUBMIT FAULT CURRENT CALCULATIONS WITH SHOP DRAWING NAMEPLATE PER N.E.0 E: denice.bocek@cbre.com SUBMITTAL. LANDLORD MACERICH 14. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL BALANCE PANELS AND ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT 11411 NORTH TATUM BLVD,PHOENIX,AZ 85028 ENGRAVED LAMACOID,5132" 3. ALL CIRCUIT BREAKERS SHALL BE BOLT-ON TYPE. TO±10%BETWEEN PHASES:A/B,BIC,A/C REGARDLESS OF CIRCUITING INDICATED. C:- LETTERS,SECURE TO PANEL E:- BOARD COVER WITH ADHESIVE 4. ALL PANEL CIRCUITS SHALL BE RE-LABELED AS INDICATED. 15. PROPER CLEARANCE MUST BE MAINTAINED ABOUT ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT PER T - TYPE FASTENER. N.E.C..FIELD VERIFY EXACT MOUNTING SPACE AVAILABLE IN ELECTRICAL ROOM I 5. ALL WALL-MOUNTED EQUIPMENT SHALL BE MOUNTED ON 314"FIRE RATED AREA PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT. EQUIPMENT DESIGNATION BACKBOARD. 16. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL MAKE FINAL ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS FOR A ARCHITECT LOCHTE ARCHITECTURAL GROUP T 6. ALL FLOOR-MOUNTED EQUIPMENT SHALL BE MOUNTED ON 4"HIGH CONCRETE COMPLETE ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM. 1230 ATH ST. HOUSEKEEPING PAD. SACRAMENTO,CA 95811 7:916.502.8099 1 FED FROM – 17. EXTERIOR MOUNTED ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT SHALL BE NEMA 3R RATED AND BE C: SRUTHI SEKAR 7. PROVIDE NAMEPLATES PER NAMEPLATE DETAIL. FURNISHED WITH HEATERS,THERMOSTAT AND DISCONNECTING MEANS INTEGRAL E: s.sekar@Iochteag.com TO EQUIPMENT. C: BLAKE THOMAS 3" 8. COORDINATE SPACE WITH ALL OTHER TRADES TO MAINTAIN ALL CODE-REQUIRED E: b.thomas@Iochteag.com CLEARANCES. 18. DRY TYPE TRANSFORMERS SHALL BE GROUNDED TO THE BUILDING GROUNDING sraucruaAi THORSON BAKER+ASSOCIATES EQUIPMENT DESIGNATION OF SOURCE ELECTRODE SYSTEM PER NEC. 3030 W.STREETSBORO SUPPLYING THE DISCONNECT MEANS 9. REFER TO ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS. RICHFIELD,off 44286 (AS APPLICABLE) 19. GROUNDING ELECTRODE SYSTEM CONDUCTORS SHALL BE COPPER. T: 330.659.6688 10. THE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE FINAL SETTINGS REQUIRED FOR ALL C: BRYAN MELVIN NOTE: ADJUSTABLE/ELECTRONIC TYPE CIRCUIT BREAKERS WITH LONGTIME,SHORT TIME, 20. CONDUCTORS SHALL BE COPPER,UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. E: b.melvin@thorsonbaker.com NAMEPLATES ARE REQUIRED ON ALL SWITCHBOARDS,DISTRIBUTION PANELS,PANELBOARDS,ENCLOSURES GF,INSTANTANEOUS,ETC.THE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE FINAL AND ELECTRICAL CABINETS,ACCESS DOORS/PANELS FOR CONCEALED ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT, COORDINATION STUDY. 21. FEEDER ROUTING IS DIAGRAMMATIC ONLY. ACTUAL ROUTING OF FEEDERS EMERGENCY SYSTEMS/BOXES,MOTOR CONTROL CENTERS,ENCLOSED SWITCHES/CIRCUIT (OVERHEAD OR UNDERGROUND)IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE ELECTRICAL BREAKERS/CONTROLLERS,POWER-TRANSFER DEVICES,PUSH-BUTTONS,CONTACTORS,LIGHTING CONTROL 11. WHERE BREAKERS ARE UTILIZED WITHIN ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION EQUIPMENT, CONTRACTOR, SYSTEMS,INVERTERS,GENERATORS,UPS,MONITORING EQUIPMENT,STARTERS,DISCONNECT SWITCHES, THE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE BREAKERS EQUIPPED WITH METER SOCKETS,RELAYS,TRANSFORMERS,AND JUNCTION BOXES GREATER THAN 411116"SQUARE.ALSO ADJUSTABLE INSTANTANEOUS TRIP SETTING TO COMPLY WITH NEC 240.87 ARC PROVIDE NAMEPLATES ON BRANCH SWITCHES/BREAKERS OF SWITCHBOARDS AND DISTRIBUTION PANELS. ENERGY REDUCTION,THE ADJUSTABLE INSTANTANEOUS TRIP SETTING OPTION SHALL BE PROVIDED WHERE THE HIGHEST CONTINUOUS TRIP SETTING FOR WHICH STANDARD COLORS: THE ACTUAL OVERCURRENT DEVICE INSTALLED IN A CIRCUIT BREAKER IS RATED OR 1. NORMAL POWER-WHITE BACKGROUND,BLACK LETTERS CAN BE ADJUSTED IS 1200A OR HIGHER. 2. EMERGENCY POWER-RED BACKGROUND,WHITE LETTERING 3. IN ADDITION TO THE FUNCTION NAMEPLATE,PROVIDE NAMEPLATES IDENTIFYING ALL"MAIN SERVICE NAMEPLATE DISCONNECTS"-RED BACKGROUND-WHITE LETTERING NOTE: NAMEPLATE DETAIL N.T.S. IT IS THE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO PROPERLY BALANCE ALL BRANCH CIRCUITS BETWEEN THE PHASES OF THE SYSTEM FOR EACH ZONE AND/OR CONTACTOR REGARDLESS OF CIRCUIT INDICATED. APPROVED Macerich TC 5/27/2021 APPROX.200' 0 LANDLORD UTILITY ROOM(SUITE SES105) PELOTON UTILITY ROOM PELOTON I E.C.TO VERIFY EXISTING CONDUITAND FEEDERS FROM EXISTING LL SWITCHGEAR TO NEW PELOTON SPACE ISATLEAST 4#310 WASHINGTON SQUARE MALL &1#6GND IN 2"C.FOR EXISTING 200A SERVICE. SPACE R05 IF NOT,E.C.TO VERIFY WITH LANDLORD WHO IS 9374 S.W. WASHINGTON SQUARE TO PROVIDE CONDUIT AND FEEDERS FROM LL EXISTING ABOVE CEILING ROAD, SPACE TO THE TENANT SPACE PRIOR TO ANY 45KVA TRANSFORMER T-1 WORK BEING DONE. 480V-30-3W PRIMARY PROVIDE CONDUIT AND WIRE TIGARD , OR 97223 - - - - - - PER VENDOR SHOP DRAWINGS - - 20SECO DAR 4W SECONDARY REFER TO STRUCTURAL DETAIL AND SPECIFICATIONS. 1 5.1%IMP FOR TRANSFORMER SUPPORT. ISSUE HISTORY LL SWITCHBOARD t- — — TO LIGHTING 01 LANDLORD REVIEW 05.17.2021 1600A \ / 02 ISSUED FOR PERMITAL APPROVAL 05.24.2021 \ / TRANSFER 277/48OV-30-4W \ / EXISTING CONDUIT DEVICE S - - - - - - -S I L -v- -1 +FEEDERS ELCD-924 I L - - - - - J �r1J E.C.TO PROVIDE(3)EM LIGHTING INVERTERS j EXISTING I CENTRAL LIGHTING IN THIS SPACE,E.C.TO ALSO PROVIDE(1) ( M 1 1 - - GROUND I INVERTER TRANSFER DEVICE FOR EVERY LOCAL / r _PANEL"H"_ TO BLDG. r _ PANEL"L"_ SWITCH CONTROLLING ANY EMERGENCY — — =— — ( _ _ _ LM52-LC-VI-WB-DD IIA 1 1 1 r 2771480V-30�W STEEL NG I r 1201208V-30-0W 525VA D AGRAM AND ELIGHTS.SEE E1E11 FOR OLIGHT LIFOR GHTING INVERTER r EXISTING — r EXISTING — Y d l l I I PLACEMENT. EXISTING TO REMAIN METER I F — — 70A LI FOR PELOTON SPACE. ( M l o 1 — I PROVIDE CONDUIT AND / I I WIRE PER VENDOR SHOP DRAWINGS AND a IIA 1 1 I CONTACTOR SPECIFICATIONS. 1 1 1 EXISTING CONDUIT AIC'2,429A PANEL _ _ _ _ — — — — - PROJECT NUMBER �nq co L —200A M.C.B.— J +FEEDERS L —150A M.C.B.— J E.C.TO PROVIDE(3)NEW LIGHTING CONTACTORS LNW o I I M AND ASSOCIATED TIMECLOCKS/PHOTOCELLAS SCALE N / SPECIFIED ON SHEET E-121. AS NOTED N ► 1 1 CLOCK SHEET TITLE N III r l l ONE-LINE o 0 0 - DIAGRAM II II GROUND LEVEL GROUND LEVEL N W SHEET NUMBER a EXISTING 20OA13P CIRCUIT BREAKER SERVING NEW PELOTON SPACE E122 N NEW ELECTRICAL ONE-LINE DIAGRAM PROFESSIONAL SEAL W N.T.S. Co R PR W Q 19 � y U OREGON 0 cli >;xr;res:lx 31It2 N O N If) O U d) 0 d a ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS 260010 (cont.) 260050 (cont.) 260533 (cont.) L 0 C H T E 4. Where such substitutions alter the design or space requirements indicated on the drawings, include F. Temporary Service 8. Installed exposed runs of conduit and conduit above lay-in ceilings parallel or perpendicular to the ARCHITECTURAL G ROU P all items of cost for the revised design and construction including cost of all allied trades involved. 1. The electrical contractor shall furnish, install and remove as required all temporary power and walls, structural members of intersections of vertical planes and ceilings. Provide right angle turns 5. Acceptance or rejection of the proposed substitutions shall be subject to approval of the architect temporary lighting in all areas and individual rooms when needed by the individual trades in the using fittings or symmetrical bends. Support conduits within V of all changes in direction. 1230 19TH ST. Section 260010 - General Provisions and engineer. If requested, the contractor shall submit(at his cost) inspection samples of both the performance of their work. This contractor shall provide a minimum of twenty (20)footcandles of 9. If a conduit is suspended, it shall be supported on trapeze hangers which use"all-thread"rods from specified and proposed substitute items, illumination for temporary lighting. An additional lighting required b individual trades shall be the structural steel. The use of ceilingsupport wire or similar material will not be accepted. SACRAMENTO, CA 95811 P ry r g' y 9 g q y s PP P TELEPHONE: 916.502.8099 A. General 6. In all cases where substitutions are permitted, the contractor shall bear any extra cost of evaluating provided by the individual trades including power for the lighting. The electrical work for 10. Install empty conduit for future use as indicated on the drawings. Conduit shall be complete with 1. Requirements specified in Division 1, instructions to bidders, supplemental general conditions, the quality of the material and equipment to be provided. construction purposes shall conform to all federal (OSHA), state, specific safety requirements, as jetline or pull rope,junction/outlet boxes,tile rings and appropriate cover plates. special conditions, addenda, alternates, contract and proposal, along with Division 26, 27, 28 and well as the requirements of the national electric code and national electrical safety code. The 11. Provide pitch pockets where conduits penetrate the roof. TENANT ONE PELOTON all its sections, comprise the contract documents for the electrical contract, along with these G. Testing and Placing in Service electrical contractor shall obtain and pay for all required applications, permits and inspections 12. Thread lubrication/sealant is required on outdoor and underground threaded metal joints. 125 W.25TH STREET, 11TH FLOOR specifications as though they were one, and anything implied by the specifications shall be 1. Any material or equipment failing a test shall be repaired or replaced at the contractor's expense. pertaining to this work. This cost shall be included in the contractor's price. 13. Install fire seal fittings where conduits penetrate concrete floor slabs or masonry walls required to NEW YORK,NY 10001 interpreted as also implied by the drawings and vice versa. Provide necessary items for a complete 2. Tests shall include the following: 2. New light fixtures shall not be used for temporary lighting. be fire rated. C: RYAN BADGER installation of all electrically operated equipment listed in the specifications or shown on the G.a. Measure the load on each phase of the main service and each phase of every feeder 14. Horizontal portion of conduit exposed on the roof and feeding equipment shall not be more than E: ryan.badger@onepeloton.com BOCEK contract drawings. under full load conditions. G. Electric Service 5'-0" unless the written approval from architect or engineer is obtained. c: DENICE cek@c 2. The architectural, structural, mechanical, plumbing and equipment drawin s and specifications are G. Measure the no-load and full-load voltages (phase to phase, phase to neutral and E: denice.bocek@cbre.com P 99 P 9 (P P P 1. Provide trenching and backfill to the power company specifications. incorporated into, and become a part of this division. This contractor shall examine all such phase to ground for each phase of each service, of each separately derived system, 2. Provide conduit for primary service where required by the power company. B. Pull and Junction Boxes LANDLORD MACERICH drawings and specifications and become thoroughly familiar with the provisions contained therein. and at each panelboard or transformer). 3. Concrete encase conduits where required by the power company and where indicated on the 1. Install pull and junction boxes where shown on the drawings, and where required for changes in 11411 NORTH TATUM BLVD,PHOENIX,AZ 85028 The submission of his bid shall indicate such knowledge. G.c. Measure the ground resistance of the main service grounding electrode and the plans. direction, at junction points, and to facilitate wire pulling. Furnish box sizes in accordance with NEC C.- 3. Electrical drawings are diagrammatic. They are intended to show the approximate locations ofground resistance of each separately derived system's grounding electrode. 4. Provide metering to power company specifications. unless larger boxes are indicated. T:_ equipment and conduit. Dimensions given on the plans, in figures, shall take precedence over G.d. Make insulation resistance tests on all dry type transformers and motors. 5. Make provisions for the pad-mount transformer as required by the power company including the 2. Provide steel boxes and removable covers of code gauge, hot rolled sheet steel, hot dipped scaled dimensions and shall be verified in the field. The electrical contractor shall layout all 3. Provide performance testing as required per N.E.C. or local authority having jurisdiction. transformer pad and grounding. galvanized inside and outside, for above ground work. Furnish weatherproof boxes when installed equipment rooms to make sure the equipment, as purchased,fits in the room or space shown. 6. Pay the cost of all power company charges connected with permanent electric service to the above ground outside. Exact location of all equipment shall be verified in the field and routing of conduits shall suit field H. Interferences building. 3. Provide cast iron boxes, hot dipped galvanized inside and outside where shown on the drawings. ARCHITECT LOCHTE ARCHITECTURAL GROUP conditions. 1. Before the installation of any item begins, the electrical contractor shall carefully ascertain that it 7. Coordinate all work with the power company and perform any work necessary to assure a Furnish removable covers with gaskets and stainless steel, brass or bronze screws. 1230 19TH Sr. 4. Until the time of installation, the architect reserves the right to make minor changes in the location does not interfere with clearances for the erection of finish beams, columns, pilasters, walls or complete, working installation. The entire service installation shall be in complete conformance with 4. Provide concrete boxes for underground work unless otherwise indicated on the drawings. Furnish SACRAMENTO,CA 95811 of conduit and equipment without additional cost to the contract. other structural or architectural members as shown on the architectural drawings. If any work is the power company's requirements. steel frames and covers with the cover attached to the frame with hexagon head, brass or bronze 7:916.502.6099 5. The electrical drawings and specifications are intended to supplement each other. Material and installed and the architectural design cannot be followed,this contractor shall, at his own expense, 8. Verify the exact routing of the primary and secondary services, and all service requirements,with cap screws, 3/8" in diameter. Provide a rubber gasket for sealing between the cover and the frame. C: SRUTHI SEKAR labor necessary to the project shall be furnished and installed even though not specifically make changes in his work as directed by the architect to permit the completion of the architectural the power company prior to bidding. Paint the cover with two coats of heavy asphaltum. E: s.sekar@lochteag.com mentioned in both. Labor and/or materials neither shown nor specified, but obviously necessary for work in accordance with drawings and specifications. C: BLAKE THOMAS E: b.thomas@lochteag.com the completion and proper functioning of the system, shall be furnished and installed by the 2. It shall be the duty of this contractor to report any interferences between his work and that of any of C. Outlet Boxes Section 260519 - Wiring and Cable MEPB electrical contractor. the other contractors as soon as they are discovered. The architect shall determine which 1. Use sheet steel boxes, zinc coated or cadmium plated, for concealed interior work. sTPUcTunAL THORSON BAKER+ASSOCIATES 6. Arrange all equipment substantially as shown on the drawings. Make deviations only where equipment will be relocated, regardless of which was installed first. His decision will be final. A 2. Use cast boxes, zinc-cadmium finish malleable iron, for exposed interior work, and for exposed or 3030 W.STREETSBORO necessary to avoid interference. Check all equipment sizes against available space prior to A. Color code conductors(except control and instrumentation conductors)as follows: concealed work in wet, damp or exterior locations. Cast boxes shall be series FD by Crouse Hinds RICHFIELD,OH 44286 shipment to avoid interference. I. Quality Assurance or Appleton. T: 330.659.6686 2ystem 480/277 C: BRYAN MELVIN 7. Examine the work of other trades insofar as their work comes in contact with or is covered by this 1. All products shall be new and of the type and quality specified. Where materials, equipment, 3. Walt box sizes (minimum)shall be 4" square X 2-1/2"deep where wall construction permits. work in no case attach to, or finish against an defective work or install work in a manner which will apparatus or other products are specified b manufacturer, brand name, a of catalog number, System System Where wall construction dictates, the depth may be reduced to 2-1/8"or 1-1/2"under special E: b.mel0n@thorsonbaker.com 9 Y PP P P Y type 9 P Y P prevent proper installation of the work of other trades. such designation shall establish the standards of the desired quality and style. It is the intent of conditions. Phase A Black Brown 8. Electrical contractor shall verify with other trades all electrical characteristics of equipment requiring these specifications to establish a standard of quality of materials and equipment installed. Phase B Red Orange 4. Fixture outlets in ceilings (minimum)shall be 4"octagonal X 1-112"deep (4-11/16"octagonal X electrical connections, contractor shall verify voltage, phase and horsepower and shall notify Phase C Blue Yellow 2-1/2"deep where required to accommodate larger conduit or larger number of wires). engineer of any discrepancies prior to start of work. Electrical contractor shall provide J. Special Inspections Neutral White Grey 5. Ganged boxes shall be one piece(minimum), 2-1/8"deep. disconnecting means and overload protection for all equipment, unless furnished integral with 1. Special Inspection (as applicable)is to be provided in addition to inspections conducted by the Ground Green Green 6. Provide cast iron, concrete-tile floor boxes with adjustable covers set flush and level with the equipment package. department of building safety and shall not be construed to relieve the owner or his/her authorized finished floor, with outlets as indicated on the drawings. Provide Hubbell#B-2400, 4200, or 4300 9. It is the intent of these drawings that this be a complete electrical job, any errors or omissions shall agent from requesting periodic and called inspections required by the building code. Special 1. #12 and#10 conductors shall have continuous insulation color, as listed above. series boxes with leveling screws. Flush type covers and openings to serve outlets used. Furnish be brought to the attention of the engineer prior to bidding the job. Inspection shall be paid by the owner. flush caps for closing off box when not in use. 2. Color code conductors larger than above,which do not have continuous insulation color by 10.Should any of the general notes, specifications, details or instructions on plans conflict,the strictest 2. Special Inspector shall meet the qualifications as stated in the applicable building code and shall 7. Flush mount boxes in all finished walls, install the plaster rings in drywalled plastered walls and application of at least two laps of colored tape on each conductor at all points of access including provision shall govern. perform the duties and responsibilities as outlined in the applicable building code. raised covers as required in walls with other finishes so that the cover plates fit tightly against junction boxes. Color tape shall be the equal of 3M products Scotch#35. 11.The existingconditions of these documents are based upon existing drawings prepared b 3. The electrical contractor shall provide access to areas requiring testing or inspections, and provide boxes r rings, /16"maximum I P 9 9 P P Y P q 9 9 P P 3. Conductors shall be soft annealed copper insulated for 600 volts unless specifically indicated o g , 3gaps are allowed for noncombustible walls. Henderson Engineers Inc. dated 1/6/2016 and may not reflect current installations or as-built requested documentation (if required by the Special Inspector). otherwise8. Adjust location of outlets in masonry or tile construction to occur in the nearest joint to the height conditions. Prior to initiating material procurement and construction, it is the contractor's . Aluminum conductors are not allowed on this project. specified. Heights shall meet A.D.A. requirements. responsibility to verify existing conditions are consistent with the contract documents. This may Section 260050 - Basic Electrical Materials and MethodsB. Insulation type shall be type THWN for wire sizes#8 AWG and larger and THHN or THWN for#10 AWG 9. Support all boxes to maintain proper alignment and rigidity. require removal of existing finishes and possible selective demolition to verify as-built conditions. and smaller. THHN shall not be used in wet or damp locations. 10. Clean boxes of all foreign matter prior to the installation or wiring of devices. 12.Do NOT scale drawings. A. Nameplates 11. Mounting heights on the drawings are to the centerline of the box unless otherwise noted. 13.The contractor shall make provisions for the delivery and safe storage of his/her materials and 1. General: furnish and mount on each panelboard, switchboard (including branch devices), large C. Flexible cord shall be heavy duty type so with an equipment ground conductor in addition to the current equipment in coordination with the work of other trades. Materials and equipment shall be delivered junction box, safety switch, starter, remote control, push button station, and all similar controls, a carrying conductors. Section 260573 - Fault Current Study at such stages of the work as will expedite the work as a whole and shall be marked and stored in nameplate descriptive of the equipment or equipment controlled. such a way as to be easily checked and inspected.The arrival and placing of large equipment 2. Provide black and white nameplates constructed from laminated phenolic with a white center core. D. Provide#12 conductors, unless otherwise indicated. A. The fault current study shall be performed by the distribution equipment manufacturer. The study shall be items shall be scheduled early enough to permit entry and setting when there is no restriction or Letters shall be engraved in the phenolic to form white letters 3/8"high. Fasten the nameplates with 1. Control conductors shall be#14 minimum for NEC class I and#16 for NEC class II. submitted to the engineer prior to receiving final approval of the distribution equipment shop drawings problem due to size and weight. Protection of all finishes during delivery is the responsibility of the an adhesive type fastener. and/or prior to release of equipment for manufacture. If formal completion of the study may cause delay in contractor. E. Conductors#8 AWG and larger shall be stranded. equipment manufacture, approval from the engineer may be obtained for a preliminary submittal of B. Mounting Accessories sufficient study data to ensure that the selection of device ratings and characteristics will be satisfactory. ____] B. Visit to the Site 1. This contractor shall furnish and install all angle iron, channel iron, rods, supports, hangers, F. Conductors#10 AWG and smaller shall be solid. APPROVED 1. This contractor shall visit the site of the work and familiarize himself with all conditions affecting his concrete or plywood required to install, mount and support an electrical equipment or device B. The fault current stud shall be performed with the aid of a "Windows"based computer program, Macerich TC work.The submission of his proposal shall indicate such knowledge. No additional payment shall Phe q PP YY P p P g 5/27/2021 called for on the plans. G. Install wiring in conduit. be made on claims that arise from a lack of knowledge of the existing conditions 2. Supporting material shall be complete with hangers, connectors, bolts, clamps and necessary C. The input data shall include the power company's fault current contribution, resistance and reactance accessories to make a complete installation. Supporting material shall be galvanized, painted or H. Connect#10 and smaller wires with constant pressure expandable spring type connectors, "Scotchlok"by components of the branch impedances, the X/R ratios, base quantities selected and other source C. Code and Permits otherwise suitably finished. Products by Binkley, Steel City, or Raco will be acceptable. 3M or B-Cap by Buchanan. impedances. 1. Installation shall be in full accordance with all codes, rules and regulations of municipal, city, 3. All surface-mounted equipment on block walls shall be mounted on 3/4"plywood backboard.All county, state and public utilities and all other authorities having jurisdiction over the premises. floor-mounted equipment shall be installed on a 4" high concrete housekeeping pad. I. Connect#8 and larger wires with compression connectors or splices as manufactured by Burndy or T&B. D. Short circuit momentary duty values and interrupting duty values shall be calculated on the basis of three 2. Comply with any specification requirements that are in excess but not in conflict with code phase bolted short circuits at each switchgear bus, switchboard, distribution panel, branch circuit panel, and requirements. C. Execution J. Insulate splicing connectors to at least 200%of the wire insulation. Use pre-stretched tubing connector other significant locations through the system. The short circuit tabulations shall include symmetrical fault 3. The contractor shall secure and pay for all permits, plan reviews and certificates of inspection in 1. The electrical work for construction proposed shall conform to all federal (OSHA), state, all specific insulators, 3M PST for#2 and larger conductors. currents and X/R ratios. For each fault location, the total duty on the bus, as well as the individual connection with his work, required by the foregoing authorities. Before final payment of the contract safety requirements and the requirements of the current edition of the NEC. contribution from each connected branch, shall be listed with its respective X/R ratio. is allowed, all certificates shall be delivered to the architect in duplicate. 2. Review the HVAC and plumbing specifications for electrical requirements and include the same in K. Pull conductors using recognized methods and equipment leaving at least 6"wire at all junction boxes for 0 4. Electrical material and equipment shall bear the UL label except where UL does not label such the contract cost. connections. Section 260923 - Lighting Control Devices types of material and equipment. 3. Equipment connections, starters, disconnect switches, control transformers and pushbutton 1. Clean out each conduit system before pulling wire. stations for the equipment furnished by the owner or under a separate contract shall be installed A. Sensor Layout: Utilizing project-specific floor plans, manufacturer shall produce a CAD layout of their P E L O T O N D. Shop Drawings Submittals and connected under this division, as indicated on the contract drawings. L. Form and tie all wiring in panelboards. recommended locations for all occupancy sensors and daylight sensors. Indicate where additional sensors 1. The electrical contractor shall submit product data and shop drawings. Each submittal shall be 4. All cutting, patching, excavating, backfilling and concrete work related to this contract will be the are recommended or where any sensors can be eliminated. Contractor shall use this layout for rough-in of identified using the respective specification numbering system and titles. Each submittal shall responsibility of the electrical contractor. This contractor shall assume the responsibility of providing M. There shall be no wirenut joints or splices made inside switchboards/panelboards. sensor locations. WASHINGTON SQUARE MALL clearly identify which products and options are applicable.The submittals shall be submitted the sleeves, chases and openings necessary for the electrical installation and for their repair in an SPACE R05 through the architect to the engineer and then, if necessary, resubmitted for final approval. B. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the following: acceptable manner, as determined by the architect. All holes shall be core-drilled. Provide fire N. Branch circuit wire sizes(and conduits) shall be increased from those indicated on the plans to prevent Submittals shall be submitted for the following items: stopping materials, UL Listed for application, in all openings created through fire-rated walls, floors excessive voltage drop. Branch circuits shall be installed with wires of sufficient size so that voltage drop 1. Acuity Controls 9374 S.W. WASHINGTON SQUARE D.a. Wiring devices or ceilings. Contractor shall field verify slab on grade floor construction type prior to cutting. Under between the panel and the loads does not exceed limit of 3%. 2. Hubbell Control Solutions ROAD, D.b. Switchboards, Panelboards, transformers and safety switches including fault current no circumstances shall the contractor cut a structural floor slab thicker than four(4") inches without 3. Wattstopper TIGARD , OR 97223 study based on equipment being supplied. prior written approval from Engineer of Record. Notify Engineer of Record of any slab thickness O. Regardless of the temperature rating of the conductor insulation, all conductor ampacity rating for this 4. Lutron D.c. Lighting control system and devices greater than four(4") inches prior to proceeding with any saw cutting. project shall be determined from the 75°C conductor temperature ratings indicated in the NEC tables. 5. Greengate D.d. Lighting fixtures 5. This contractor shall be responsible for providing all required access panels necessary for his work, Where equipment or devices are provided with terminals/lugs rated for 60°C,the ampacity rating of the D.e. Fire/Supervisory alarm system 6. Douglas Lighting Controls ISSUE HISTORY coordinate with architect prior to installation. 75°C conductor shall be limited to its associated 60°C rating as indicated in the NEC tables. The electrical 2. Electronic Submittals: Prepare submittals as PDF package, incorporating complete information into contractor shall be responsible to increase the conductors and conduit size as required. 7. Crestron 01 LANDLORD REVIEW 05.17.2021 each PDF file. Name PDF file with submittal number. D. Materials and Workmanship 8. Steinel Professional 02 ISSUED FOR PERMIT APPROVAL 05.24.2021 3. Each submittal shall be provided with a cover identifying the following: 1. All work shall be installed in a practical and workmanlike manner, by mechanics skilled in the P. Circuits may be multi-plexed in conduit provided wire is properly derated and conduit sized per code. 9. Touch6 Lighting Control D.E. Name of the job several trades necessary. Under no circumstances shall more than six(6)current carrying conductors be run in a single conduit. 10. B.E.G. Controls D.b. Location of the job, address, city and state. 2. All materials shall be new and free from defects and shall be the best of their several kinds unless D.c. Name and address of the company issuing the submittal. specified or indicated on the drawings to the contrary. Section 260526 - Grounding and Bonding C. Daylight Harvesting Controls D.d. Date of the submittal 3. During each phase and at the completion of the construction,this contractor shall remove all debris 1. Sequence of Operation: A daylight harvesting lighting control system shall be furnished and 4. All submitted product data and shop drawings (manufacturers'equipment descriptive sheets or and excess materials caused by his work. He shall leave the area of operation broom clean. installed complete in rooms indicated on plans. The control sequence shall be as follows: vendors'prepared drawings) shall have the general contractor's or subcontractor's"stamp of A. Ground all equipment per N.E.C. P P 9 ) 9 P 4. All electrical equipment shall bear the underwriters laboratories label or ETL label. a. General Mode: Occupants shall have the ability to turn on/off and dim all lighting fixtures in approval"indicating that the item submitted is as called for on the plans and specifications, is 5. This contractor shall guarantee his workmanship and material (lamps excepted)for a period of one the room to a desired light level via the wall dimmer switch(es). Refer to plans for the approved b the general contractor or subcontractor,the date of approval and initialed b the B. Ground each outside lighting pole separately with one ground rod and a#6 ground wire. PP Y 9 PP Y year from the date of building opening and leave his work in perfect order at the completion. quantity of zones required. person approving the submittal and the name of the company submitting said equipment for Should defects develop within the guarantee period, the contractor shall, upon notice of the same, b. Occupancy Detection where indicated): The occupancy sensor shall turn off all lighting approval. C. Ground all dry type transformers as per drawings and NEC#450-10. P Y ( ) P Y 9 9 remedy the defects and have all damages to other work or furnishings caused by the repairs fixtures in the room if occupancy is not detected within 20 minutes. Sensor shall function as 5. Any submittal not as specified shall be returned without review for corrections and re-submittal. corrected at his expense to the condition before such damage. D. All conduits shall contain a code-sized ground wire size per N.E.C. in addition to the conductors shown on off only (manual on). 6. Every effort shall be made, in checking the shop drawings, to detect and correct all errors, omissions and inaccuracies. Failure to do this will not relieve the electrical contractor of thethe plans. Where circuit conductors are increased in size for any reason (i.e. voltage drop, derating, etc.), c. Daylight Harvesting: The daylight sensor shall measure lighting levels within the space and E. Scope of Work the ground wire size shall be increased proportionately(according to circular mil area). automatically dim lighting fixtures according to their daylight zones. Daylight zones shall be CL responsibility for the proper and complete installation in accordance with the contract documents. 1. The electrical contractor shall provide all labor, material, storage, unpacking and placement;to dimmed independently to maintain a consistent lighting level across the space. Note: Some 00 include but not be limited to, the following items: E. Where an isolated, insulated round is required a separate isolated green round shall be run from the rooms may have fixtures that are not on daylight zones. Confirm lighting level setpoints with rn 9 q p 9 9 Yg 9 P PROJECT NUMBER E. As-built Drawings E.a. Demolition 1. Submit three paper-copy sets of marked-up record prints to the architect. Contractor shall use red panel isolated ground bus to the isolated ground connection of the device served. In no case shall the the Architect prior to programming. 77 P P PY ( ) P P E. Emergency lighting and ower. g (g g ) Emergency ( lighting emergency ) P iii g Y g 9 P system round (green wire and associated outlet boxes, conduit and building steel be allowed to contact d. Emer enc Mode rooms with li htin fixtures on an emer enc circuit): Upon loss of normal SCALE ink for all contractor mark-ups on record prints. E.c. Complete electrical distribution system including, but not limited to, switchboards, AS NOTED N 2. Submit PDF electronic files of scanned record prints. Scanned record prints shall be in color. the isolate ground (green wire with white stripe). power, any lighting fixtures on emergency circuits shall be forced on to full light output. All CD p P distribution and appliance panelboards, transformers, safety switches and feeders. v 3. Print and scan each drawing, whether or not changes and additional information were recorded. EA. Complete branch circuit wiring system. such rooms shall either have UL924 power packs as part of the lighting controls or UL924 SHEET TIME N E.e. Complete ower wiring for all air conditioning equipment, lumbin equipment, heatin Section 260533 - Raceways and Boxes devices furnished and installed as required. ELECTRICAL P P 9 9plumbing9 LO F. Standards and Substitutionsequipment, ventilating and exhaust equipment. 2. Dimming Control Module SPECIFICATIONS 3 1. Wherever the words"approved by", "approved equal", "as directed"or similar phrases are used in E.f. Complete lighting fixture installation, including all lamps. A. Raceways a. Provide an open loop continuous dimming daylight harvesting control module with three the following specifications, they shall be understood to refer to the owner as the approving agency. 1. All wire shall be run in accordance with code in corrosion resistant, rigid, threaded, metal conduit or individually adjustable zones of control. o E. g. Complete communications conduit system including but not limited to, back boxes, M The name or make of any equipment or materials named in this specifications(whether or not the plates,j-hooks, cable trays, etc., as specified on the drawings and as required by the electrical metallic tubing (E.M.T.) unless otherwise specifically stated herein. b. Module shall have pushbutton programming and automated setup. LU words"or approved equal"are used)shall be known as the"standard". local service provider and/or owner. A.a. Conduit in exterior walls, below floor slab, or underground shall be rigid,threaded, c. LCD display shall provide"real-time' light-level readings. r• galvanized, heavy wall type. P Y P g g SHEET NUMBER Cl) 2. These specifications establish quality standard of materials and equipment to be provided. Specific E. Temporary electrical power and lighting, as required for construction. 9 y d. Compatible with 2-wire 0-10 volt dimming ballasts, 50 ballasts per channel. No items are identified by manufacturer, trade name or catalog designation. This contractor shall E.I. Testingof all cables and circuit wiring after installation. A.b. Carlon PVC type 40 heavy wall conduit with ground wire may be used below floor slab 9 submit his base bid price based upon standard specified equipment described herein and as E. Exit light system. or underground in lieu of rigid, threaded, galvanized conduit. PVC 40 conduit shall not e. Module shall be capable of integrating with occupancy sensors and manual override control E 1 3 0 c� 1 9 Y N detailed on drawings and associated contract documents. These specifications are not to be E.k. Wiring devices, floor boxes, multi-outlet assemblies. be run in or above floor slab. PVC conduit shall terminate below floor slab with rigid, stations. a considered proprietary. The contractor may submit information on materials and manufacturers E.1. Lighting control system and devices threaded metal conduit adapter. Conduit above slab shall be metal. f. DIN rail mounting. PROFESSIONAL SEAL UJ (other than those listed)for review by the architect and engineer no later than ten (10)days before E.m. Grounding and Bonding of the electrical system. A.c. Conduit run exposed to the weather shall be heavy wall, metal threaded type. g. Shall have standard 2 year warranty and shall be UL listed. � UJ bids are submitted. Manufacturers of products accepted by the architect and engineer will be listed E.n. Outdoor lighting and controls. 2. Conduit size shall be 3/4"minimum. 3. On/Off Control Module min an addendum to the specifications as an acceptable substitution equipment accepted as detailed E.o. Fire/Supervisory alarm system. 3. Conduit shall be securely fastened in place. a. Provide an open loop on/off daylight harvesting stepped control module with three ��i PR F below and shall be shown as a separate add or deduct price to be factored into the base bid price E.p. Communication service 4. All conduit shall be concealed in walls, floors and ceilings wherever possible. Exposed conduit in individually adjustable zones of control. ry�� - I by the architect and owner if accepted. E.q. Electric service. finished areas will not be permitted. Exposed conduit will be permitted in the unfinished areas with b. Module shall have pushbutton programming and automated setup. I> 3. Should the contractor propose to furnish materials and equipment other than those specified or the specific approval of the architect. 19 �' approved by addendum, submit a written request for substitutions to the architect at the bid 5. Use flexible conduit for the connection to recessed or semi-recessed lighting fixtures(6' length c. LCD display shall provide"real-time' light-level readings. U opening. The re request shall be an alternate to the original bid; be accompanied with complete maximum . Use liquid uid ti ht metal conduit for all connections to motors and other a ui ment subject d. Module shall be capable of integrating with occupancy sensors and manual override control J - q 9 P P ) q g equipment / stations. OREGON descriptive (manufacturer, brand name, catalog number, etc.)and technical data for all items. to vibration and in areas subject to moisture. M Failure by this contractor to submit the requisite documentation detailed above shall be understood 6. Use watertight joints with buried and concrete encased conduit. All buried conduits outside of e. DIN rail mounting. ✓�F ✓q) Y0 19°� �O 0 by the architect and engineer to indicate that substitute equipment will not be presented by the buildings shall have a minimum of 24"of cover. Metal conduits buried in earth shall be painted (two f. Shall have standard 2 year warranty and shall be UL listed. FFRY D. M�\� I contractor for consideration. Such substitutions will not be considered after the bid opening date coats)with heavy asphaltum paint. cy and delay of project will not be permitted for further inspection and evaluation after this date. 7. Support runs of conduit as detailed in the appropriate table of the national electrical code (NEC). EXPI 05'.11111 Zz N O N rn O W _ U N O i N_ ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS (Cont.) 260923 (cont.) 260943 (cont.) 260943 (cont.) L O C H T E 4. Power Pack(with 3 Relays) 5. Unit shall fit into a standard 2-1/2 inch deep wall box, single or multi-gang installation, and accept H. Manufacturers 2. Switch Plates ARCH ITECTU RAL G ROU P a. Provide a 1201277VAC to +24VDC power pack to power the dimming control module with a standard toggle switchplate. 1. Manufacturers: Base bid shall include the use of equipment by the following manufacturer: O.a. Select switch plates to suit number of switches as shown on the plans. Up to three(3) three individually controlled relays for ON/OFF control. 6. Unit shall be capable of switching fluorescent lights with electronic or electromagnetic ballasts, H.a. Douglas Lighting Controls. switches can be installed in a one-gang box. Use WN-3020 filler plugs where 1230 19TH ST. b. Built-in overload protection. incandescent lights, or motor loads. Unit shall accept input of 24, 120, 208-240, or 277 volts AC 2. Alternate manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirement of products by one of the appropriate. SACRAMENTO, CA 95811 c. Quick connect. at 50/60 Hz. following manufacturers may be submitted under an alternate bid: 0.b. Switch plates are to be made of stainless steel shall be WN-76)(X Series cover plates. TELEPHONE: 916.502.8099 d. DIN rail mounting. 7. Time switch shall have 5 year warranty and shall be UL listed. H.a. Intelligent Lighting Controls, Inc. H.b. Microlite P. Time-clocks e. Shall have standard 2 year warranty and shall be UL listed. H. Manufacturer's Field Service: Engage a factory-authorized service representative to inspect,test, and 1. 8-channel,time clock: WTP-4408 TENANT ONE PELOTON 5. Power Pack(with 1 Relay) adjust field-assembled components and equipment installation, including connections, and assist in field I. System Requirements P.a. Provide a time clock for timed automation with the following features: 125W.25TH STREET, 11TH FLOOR a. Provide a 120/277VAC to +24VDC power pack with one relay for ON/OFF control. testing. Report results in writing. Remove and replace lighting control devices where test results indicate 1. Expansion capability:Adequate to increase the number of control functions in the future by 25 1.1. Eight(8) outputs, each individually programmable. NEW YORK,NY 10001 b. Built-in overload protection. that they do not comply with specified requirements. percent more than those indicated. This expansion capability applies toequipment ratin s, housing 1.2. Seven (7) assignable programs,64 events per program. C: RYAN BADGER p P P P Y PP9 9 an.bad er c. Quick to install connector. I. Adjusting volumes, spare relays,terminals, number of conductors in control cables, and control software. 1.3. Thirty-two(32) holiday schedules per year. E: ry g @one Peloton.com 1.4. Power loss protection:48 hours for time and indefinite program memory. C: DENICE BOCEK d. Plenum rated for mounting inside or outside a junction box or inside a fluorescent ballast 1. Final occupancy anc sensor locations shall be determined in accordance with manufacturer's 2. Line-voltage surge suppression: Factory installed as an integral part of 120-V and 277-V AC, P p gam memo E: denice.bocek@cbre.com P Y solid-state control panels. 1.5. Astronomic programming. cavity. recommendations and locations adjusted as required prior to rough-in. Refer to sensor layout P 1.6. Automatic daylight savin s adjustment(selectable). LANDLORD MACERICH e. Shall have standard 5 year warranty and shall be UL listed. submittal La. Alternative line-voltage surge suppression: Field-mounting rcategorsurge suppressors that9 1 ( ) y ty provided by manufacturer. All sensors shall have non-adjustable factory calibrated comply with UL 1449 and with IEEE C62.41 for category A locations. 11411 NORTH TATUM BLVD,PHOENIX,Az 85028 6. Relay sensitivity for maximum performance. A factory-authorized service representative shall be Q. Wiring Installation C:- a. Provide a 10 am single-pole double-throw relay with 10-30 VAC/DC/120 VAC coil or 10-30 engaged to meet on-site with the contractor to determine proper device locations prior to rough-in. 1. Wiring method: install wiring In raceways. Comply with section 16120"Wire and Cable". Minimum E' PY J. Functional System Description 9 9 Y P Y T._ VAC/DC/208-277 VAC coil. 2. Once lighting fixtures and occupancy sensors have been installed, a factory-authorized service 1. Manual switch operation energizes and de-energizes one or more groups of lighting fixtures or conduit size shall be 1/2 inch (13 MM). b. Normally open and normally closed isolated contacts. representative shall be engaged to set-up and program occupancy sensors and photosensors. other loads by closing and opening one or more relays in the power-supply circuits to the fixture 2. Wiring within enclosures: Bundle, lace, and train conductors to terminal points. Separate Contractor and service representative shall meet on-site with the Owner to determine appropriate ower-limited and non-power-limited conductors according c. LED status indicator. groups. Switches are hard-wired to the relays they operate. P P g to conductor manufacturer's written set points and programming. instructions. d. Plenum rated housing. 2. Manual switch operation sends a signal to programmable-system control module that processes ARCHITECT LOCHTE ARCHITECTURAL GROUP e. Shall have standard 1 year warranty and shall be UL listed. a. All occupancy sensors shall be field adjusted/aimed to effectively detect motion and the signal according to its programming and routes an open or close command to one or more 3. Install field-mounting transient voltage suppressors for lighting control devices in category A 1230 19TH ST. eliminate nuisance tripping. relays in the power-supply circuits to groups of lighting fixtures or other loads. locations that do not have integral line-voltage surge protection. SACRAMENTO,CA 95811 7. UL924 Relay b. Time Delay settings for occupancy sensors shall be factory set at 10 minutes, and shall not 3. Manual switch, an internal timing and control unit, or an external sensor or other control signal 4. Size conductors according to light control device manufacturer's written instructions, unless T:916.502.8099 a. Provide a 10 amp single-pole double-throw relay with 10-30 VAC/DC/120 VAC coil or 10-30otherwise indicated. C: SRUTHI SEKAR be field adjusted unless specifically instructed by Architect. This delay selection is based on source sends a signal to programmable-system control module that processes the signal according VAC/DC/208-277 VAC coil. lamp life vs. energy savings and sensor performance. to its programming and routes an open or close command to one or more relays in the 5. Splices, taps, and terminations: Make connections only on numbered terminal strips in terminal E: s.sekar@lochteag.com b. Normally open and normally closed isolated contacts. 3. Once all occupancy sensors have been set-up, adjusted and programmed, contractor shall meet power-supply circuits for groups of lighting fixtures or other loads. cabinets, equipment enclosure, and in junction, pull, and outlet boxes. C: BLAKE THOMAS c. LED status indicator. again with factory-authorized service representative and Owner to test operation of systems. 4. Contract closure from the network access control system shall send a signal to programmable 6. Tighten electrical connectors and terminals according to manufacturer's published torque-tightening values. If manufacturer's torque values are not indicated, use those in UL 486A and UL STRUCTURAL THORSON BAKER+ASSOCIATES E: b.thomas@lochteag.com s d. Plenum rated housing. Service representative shall be engaged to make adjustments to sensors, set points and system control module to turn on all building lights. q P e. UL924 listed for emergency use. programming as necessary for proper operation. 486B. 3030 W.STREETSBORC K. Relays 7. Ensure that conduit for line voltage wires enters panel in line voltage areas and conduit for low RICHFIELD,OH 44286 f. Shall have standard 1 year warranty and shall be UL listed. J. Occupancy Adjustments: When requested within 12 months of date of Substantial Completion, a Y voltage control wires enters panel on low voltage areas. Check manufacturer's drawings for T: 330.659.6688 P Y 1 q P 1. Two (2)-wire HID relay suited for all types of lighting loads:WR-6161: 9 P 9 9 8. Photosensor facto authorized service representative shall be engaged to provide on-site assistance in adjusting location of line and low voltage areas. C: BRYAN MELVIN factory-authorized PP 1 9 K.a. Lighting control relays mounted in relay panels shall be WR-6161 full load relays 9 a. Provide an open loop photosensor that continuously measures footcandle levels using a sensors to suit actual occupied conditions. Provide up to two visits to site outside normal occupancy hours suitable for all types of lamp loads up to 20 amperes. Load contacts shall be able to E: b.melvin@thorsonbaker.com photodiode element to provide input to the dimming control module. for this purpose. sustain 1500 amp fault currents for up to 20 milli-seconds. R. Identification b. Foot-candle range of 3 to 6,000 fc. K.b. The relay shall be contained in a molded case containing both low and high voltage 1. Identify components and power and control wiring according to section 260050"Basic Electrical K. Engage afactory-authorized service representative to train Owner's maintenance personnel to adjust, c. Sensor shall be capable of mounting both horizontally and vertically. operate, and maintain lighting controls. Refer to Division 1 Section "Closeout Procedures."Provide a terminals and shall have a built-in operating lever marked on/off for manual switching Materials and Methods". d. User selectable foot-candle range setting via jumper beneath front cover. minimum of four(4) hours of Owner training. at the relay panel. S. Field Quality Control e. Shall have standard 2 year warranty and shall be UL listed. K.c. Switching the relay shall be accomplished with one signal wire and a common return. ty The signal wire shall be able to signal on and off and shall also carry status current 1. Manufacturer's field service: Engage a factory-authorized service representative to inspect, test, 9. Occupancy Sensor Section 260943 - Low-Voltaqe Lighting Control System that indicates if the relay is on or off. and adjust field-assembled components and equipment installation, including connections, and a. Provide a digital dual-technology ultrasonic and passive infrared occupancy sensor to turn K.d. UL listing 20A: 120 and 277 VAC; CSA 20A: 120,277 and 347 VAC. assist in field testing. Report results in writing. lighting ON/OFF based on occupancy via the dimming control module. A. Summary 2. Perform the following field tests and inspections and prepare test reports: b. Automatic self-adaptive technology with no manual adjustment required. 1. Provide a complete low voltage lighting control system for the building as shown on the plans and L. Pre-assembled relay panels: PWEX Series S.a. Test for circuit continuity. c. Non-volatile memory for sensor settings. specified herein. 1. Where indicated on the drawings, provide a factor pre-assembled relay panel. The panel's S.b. Verify that the control module features are operational. d. 1,600 square-foot coverage area. 2. Lighting control system shall utilize networking technology based upon"Lonworks"networking enclosure shall be for surface of flush installation, with a screw-on cover or a hinged door assembly S.c. Check operation of local override controls. e. Auxiliary relay for building automation system integration. technology. Lonworks products to be Lonmarked or Lonmark compliant to certification level 3.1. as required. S.d. Test system diagnostics by simulating improper operation of several components System shall be able to operate as a stand-alone entity or shall be able to be integrated with other 2. The panel shall consist of a pre-assembled interior insert; UUCSA approved Douglas cat. no.: selected by architect. f. Shall have standard 5 year warranty and shall be UL listed. Lonworks systems. CXXM or must series with capacities for 12, 24, 36,48 or 72 relays as indicated on plans. Panel 10. 4-Button Wall Dimmer Switch 3. All relay panel interiors shall be pre-assembled complete with the necessary relays,transformers enclosure must be UUCSA approved. T. Adjusting a. Provide a low voltage four button wall switch for manual override control of the dimming and devices. Relay panel interiors are to be separate from enclosure so as to permit easy 3. Panel interior shall have the following pre-assembled and pre-wired: 1. Occupancy adjustments: When requested within 12 months of date of substantial completion, control module. mounting, conduit installation and wire pull to enclosures. Interiors to be inserted last and L.a. Suitable divider separating class 1 and class 2 compartments. provide on-site assistance in adjusting sensors to suit actual occupied conditions. Provide up to two b. Four buttons provide ON/OFF, dim up, dim down and automatic controls with LED indicators. connections made. L.b. Control transformer, UL/CSA approved for class 2 circuits, Douglas cat. no. visits to site outside normal occupancy hours for this purpose. c. Mounts in standard single-gang box. WR-4075-120. Definitions d. Contractor shall provide decorator style wall plate(not included). B. L.c. Low voltage relays as required by switched circuits shown on plans or schedules. U. Demonstration e. Buttons shall have engraved labels. 1. Bacnet: A networking communication protocol that complies with Ashrae 135. L.d. Control devices as required. 1. Engage a factory-authorized service representative to train owner's maintenance personnel to 2. BAS: Building automation system. adjust, operate, and maintain lighting controls. Provide a minimum of four(4) hours of owner f. Standard finish as selected by architect. 3. HVACIC: Heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning instrumentation and controls. M. Relay controls installed in relay panels training. g. Shall have standard 2 year warranty and shall be UL listed. 4. Lonworks:A control network technology platform for designing and implementing interoperable 1. Programmable relay scanners: WRS-2224: APPROVED 11. 1-Button Wall Switch control devices and networks. M.a. When groups of relays are to be switched by master switches or time controls and it V. Low Voltage Wiring Macerich TC a. Provide a low voltage one button latching wall switch for manual override control of lighting 5. Monitoring: Acquisition, processing, communication, and display of equipment status data, metered 1. For low voltage wiring, provide wire type as 9 9 9 9 electrical parameter values, ower quality evaluation data, event and alarm signals, tabulated still must be possible to switch individual relays by local switches, provide 2. Adhere to manufacturers recommendations to maximum wire length maximum quantity of 5/27/2021 fixtures. P P q Y 9 programmable relay scanner WRS-2224. 9 4 tY b. Single button provides ON/OFF control with LED indicator. reports, and event logs. M.b. Each scanner shall be solid state and have 24-relay outputs. An output shall be relays per switch. 6. PC: Personal computer; sometimes plural as"PCS" capable of switching the connecting relay on and off and sensing if the connected 3. Data line shall be#16 Twisted Pair Beldon#8471 or equal. c. Mounts in standard single-gang box. P 9 9 Y 9 d. Contractor shall provide decorator style wall plate (not included). 7. RS-485: A serial network protocol, similar to RS-232, complying with TIA/EIA-485-A. relay is on or off. e. Button shall have engraved label. C. Submittals M.c. Each programmable relay scanner shall have 5-switch inputs to accommodate master W. Line Voltage Use w ren gauges from#12 AWG to#14 AWG as appropriately group switches. Each switch input can be set with the keypad built into the scanner to 9 9 sized for the branch circuit. Adhere f. Standard finish as selected by architect. 1. Product Data: For each type of product indicated. switch some or all of the 24-relay outputs of the scanner. Each switch input must to manufacturer's recommendations as to maximum quantity of relays per switch (4 relays or 20 g. Shall have standard 2 year warranty and shall be UL listed. 2. Shop Drawings: Detail assemblies of standard components, custom assembled for specific indicate an on state if any of the relay's in the group is on. If all relays are off,then scanners for most Douglas switches and outputs). application on this project. indicate an off state to the master switch. D. Occupancy Sensors, Line Voltage, Wall Switch Type C.a. Outline Drawings: Indicate dimensions, weights, arrangement of components, and X. Security System Interface M.d. The scanner shall be able to provide an optional flick warn option for each of the five �' y 0 1. Shall use passive infrared motion detection. clearance and access requirements. (5) groups.After the flick warn, the occupant has five (5)minutes to prevent the local 1. Provide(2)#18 AWG in 1/2"C from building security system to the low-voltage relay panel. 2. Shall be compatible with incandescent, magnetic or electronic low voltage, and magnetic or C.b. Block Diagram: Show interconnections between components specified in this section lights from switching off by activating the local switch. Interlock systems such that an alarm condition in the security panel shall sweep on all building electronic fluorescent, as well as motor loads. and devices furnished with power distribution system components. Indicate data M.e. The programming of the scanner shall be user-friendly with instructions printed on the lights.t data b data k t identify d id paths ti iP E L O T O N 3. Switch shall be microprocessor controlled. communication pas aneny newors, aa uses, aa gaeways, scanner label. P 4. Shall be capable of detecting occupancy with true, 1800 field of view. concentrators, and other devices to be used. Describe characteristics of network and M.f. The relay scanner shall accept a plug-in module, WNX-2624 network node. The Section 262213 - Dry Type Transformers 5. Shall utilize zero crossing circuitry, which increases relay life, protects from the effects of inrush other data communication lines. network node shall use Lonworks technology and shall be Lonmark certified (V3.1). WASHINGTON SQUARE MALL current, and increases sensor longevity. C.c. Wring Diagrams: Power, signal, and control wiring. Coordinate nomenclature and This node shall be capable of connecting to an FTT-1 OA data line to communicate A. Transformers shall be continuously rated isolating type for 60 hertz service unless otherwise indicated. SPACE R05 presentation with a block diagram. with other scanners in different relay panels or with other vendors using Lonworks 6. Wall switch shall have integral shutters that narrow the field of view from 1800 3. Coordination Drawings: Submit evidence that lighting controls are compatible with connected 9374 S.W. WASHINGTON SQUARE 7. Shall feature pushbutton for manual on and off, which times out based upon occupancy detection. technology. B. Insulation systems shall be 220 degrees C (150 degrees C rise). P P P Y monitoring and control devices and systems specified in other sections. ROAD, 1. Overview of network nodes: WNX-2624 node rodent proof. 8. An LED shall indicate occupancy status. C.a. Show interconnecting signal and control wiring and interfacing devices that prove N. Relay panel network and Lonworks technology C. Enclosures for transformers shall be metallic, suitable for indoor and outdoor installation as applicable and 9. Internal timer shall be factory set at 10 minutes, shall be push-button programmable from 30 compatibility of inputs and outputs. TIGARD , OR 97223 seconds to 20 minutes and shall reset every time occupancy is re-detected. Requires no field C.b. For networked controls, list network protocols and provide statements from N.a. Relay panels that are networked together with Douglas scanners and network nodes calibration or sensitivity adjustments. manufacturers that input and output devices meet interoperability requirements of the shall be able to operate as a stand-alone system or it shall be able to be integrated as D. Manufacturer shall be Cutler-Hammer, Square"D", General Electric or I.T.E.-Siemens. Fractional KVA 10. Manual range, photocell, and time settings shall be user-configurable. network protocol. ISSUE HISTORY 9 P 9 9 apart of a greater building automation system that includes other functions of the transformers shall be manufactured by Edwards or the special equipment manufacturer in which the documentation:are and firmware operational erational 11. Switch shall be rated at 120/277V in one unit. 4. P building such as HVAC and security. transformers are used. 01 LANDLORD RENEW 05.17.2021 12. Unit shall fit in a standard box and use a standard wallplate, which is gangable. C.a. Software operating and upgrade manuals. N.b. The network shall use Lonworks inter-operable technology and the network nodes 02 ISSUED FOR PERMIT APPROVAL 05.24.2021 C.b. Program software backup: On a magnetic media or compact disc, complete with data attached to the relay scanners shall be Lonmark certified to the 3.X standard for E. Four approved variation dampeners per transformer shall be employed as necessary to avoid transmitting 13. Wall switch shall not protrude more than .4 inches from box. files. lighting. The network data bus shall utilize Lonworks industry standard FTT-10 any vibration to the building structure. Sizes of the mountings shall be selected on the basis of the weight of 14. Shall be a Decora style unit with a matching wallplate available. C.c. Device address list. transceivers that can be connected directly to the integrated system or should isolation the transformer, using: 15. Shall have standard 5 year warranty and shall be UL listed. C.d. Printout of software application and graphic screens. or expansion be required b the integrated system a Lonworks router can be used. 1. A minimum 1"thick rubber-cork-rubber sandwich 16. Two-pole devices shall provide switching for 2 separate banks from a single unit. 5. Software upgrade kit: For owner to use in modifying software to upgrade and to allows stem P q y 9 Y type for floor mounting. P P 9 P 9 P9 fY 9 P9 Y 2. A spring type for suspension mounting. expansion. 2. Stand-alone system 3. Two(2) spring type at the top(with two (2) steel brackets)and two (2) rubber-in compression type E. Occupancy Sensors, Low Voltage, Ceiling Mount 6. Field quality-control test reports. N.a. The stand-alone system shall not require the services of an integrator or other at the bottom (stand-off)for wall mounting. 1. Shall incorporate dual-technology passive infrared and ultrasonic motion detection. 7. Operation and maintenance data: For lighting controls to include in emergency, operation, and software specialist to program the system. No PC or extra device is required for 2. Shall mount on ceiling. maintenance manuals. setting which relays are controlled by a group switch input. It shall be possible to view F. No conduits shall be attached directly to the transformer. At each attachment, provide a vibration 3. Shall have 360° coverage with at least a 28 ft coverage pattern (when mounted at 9 ft) in all and edit which relays are controlled by a switch input with indicators and buttons built dampening assembly consisting of: directions for walking motions. D. Quality Assurance into the relay control devices. 1. AT&B#5721, 2, 3 etc., or equivalent female hub type liquid-tight connector by Steel City, Efcor or 4. Shall automatically adapt to changing room conditions--including background PIR levels and 1. Source limitations: Obtain lighting control module and power distribution components through one N.b. As a stand-alone system, the network of relay panels shall permit the following: approved equal. source from a single manufacturer. 2.1. Each in y group y g y q type liquid-tight connector with an insulated throat by continuous airflow not less than 6 feet from sensor. put can control an rou of relays located throughout the system. 2. T&B#5331, 2, 3 etc., ore equivalent male hub 2. Electrical components, devices, and accessories: Listed and labeled as defined in NFPA 70, article 22. A single group of relays can be operated b more than one input.5. Shall incorporate areal-time motion indicator LED,which is visible from the front of unit. 9 9 P Y P Y P Steel City, Efcor or approved equal. g 100, by a testing agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, and marked for intended use. 2.3. When connected to an input, a pilot light switch shall indicate the state of 3. Shor length (24" plus or minus)of liquid-tight flexible conduit. ( 6. Shall have mask inserts for PIR rejection to prevent false tripping. 3. Comply with 47 CFR, subparts A and B, for class A digital devices. the relaygroup. If an relay In the group is on, the switch shall indicate on. 4. A bonding jumper of NEC size outside of the assembly. r` 7. Internal timer shall be facto set at 10 minutes, shall be push-buttonprogrammable from 30 9 P Y y 9 P 91 P o factory P 4. Comply with NFPA 70. If all relays of the group are off, the switch shall indicate off.00 PROSECT NUMBER 23 seconds to 20 minutes and shall reset every time occupancy is re-detected. Requires no field 2.4. Group inputs shall be able to accept signals from other devices such as G. Floor mounting: All floor mounted transformers shall be installed on a 4"high concrete pad. This contractor N calibration or sensitivity adjustments. E. Coordination SCALE time clocks, photocells or contact closures from other system to provide shall furnish and install concrete pad. As NOTED N 8. Shall be included with a low voltage relay for tie-in to building automation system. 1. Coordinate lighting control components to form an integrated interconnection of compatible automation of the lighting controls. N 9. Shall have standard 5 year warranty and shall be UL listed. components. 2.5. Each relay group shall be able to support the flick-warn option.After the SHEET TITLE N E. Match components and interconnections for optimum performance of lighting control flick warn, the occupant has five minutes to prevent the local lights from Section 262416 - Distribution and Panelboards F. Power Pack P P 9 ELECTRICAL functions. `� switching on by activating the local switch. A. Panelboards SPECIFICATIONS 0 1. Transforms 120 or 277V to class 2, 15 to 24V DC,to power remote sensors. 2. Coordinate lighting control components specified in this section with components specified in other 3 3. Integrated to building automation system(BAS) 1. Panelboards shall be enclosed dead front safety type with features and ratings as scheduled on the 7 2. Shall be compatible with incandescent, magnetic or electronic low voltage, and magnetic or sections. N.a. Provide WNX-2624 Lonworks nodes with the following standard features. o electronic fluorescent, as well as motor loads. drawings. m 3.1. Lonmark certified 3.1 2. Panels known as"load centers"are unacceptable. LLI 3. Ratings: 20A incandescent,20A fluorescent, 120 or 277V. F. Warranty 3.2. Transceiver type: FTT-10. 3. Molded case circuit breakers shall be as scheduled on the drawings and specified in this division. SHEET NUMBER � 4. Shall be plenum rated. Mount in dee unction box where required per local AHJ. 1. Special warranty: manufacturer's standard form in which manufacturer agrees to repair or replace 3.3. Global switch grouping capability via scanner inputs. 9 P Cl) P P 1 q P 9 P 9 P tY4. All bus bar shall be rectangular solid copper. N components of lighting controls that fail in materials or workmanship within specific warranty period. 9E 131 0 5. Shall have elongated mounting nipple which can be mounted either directly through a 3.4. Flick warn option. 5. Space, where shown in panel schedules, designates space for future protective devices and shall /2" knockout in a 'unction box or to be located inside an adjacent box for specific local code F.a. Failures include, but are not limited to,the following: 04 > > P 1.1. Software: Failure of input/output to execute switching or dimming include bus and support. N requirements, contractor to verify. O. Wall Switches and Accessories 6. Install cabinets so that center of the top breaker does not exceed 6'-6"above the finished floor. commands. 1. Switches PROFESSIONAL SEAL F 7. Entries n directory card shat complete n 6. Shall be capable of powering up to 14 sensors. t es o d e ry s I be typed, a p ete a d accurate. EL 1.2. Failure of modular relays to operate under manual or software commands. O.a. Remote control switches and switch hardware to mount to standard wall boxes. g, All bolted connections shall be for Lu 7. Shall have self-contained relays with relay circuit protection. 1.3. Damage of electronic components due to transient voltage surges. torqued in accordance with manufacturer's standards. g Standard switches mount up to three (3)switches per gang. 9. Electrical contractor shall arrange circuits as near as possible to circuit numbers on the drawings. m8. Provide 2-pole version for rooms with two levels of lighting control including inboard/outboard F.b. Warranty period: Cost to repair or replace malfunctioning parts for two years from date O.b. Rocker switches shall be WR-8001. At completion of job, electrical contractor shall take current reading checks of respective phases.A R �.P H switching. of substantial completion. O.c. Switches that require an indicator shall be WR-8501 push button switch. Switch shall minimum of circuit connections shall be rearranged to balance, as closely as possible,the load in 9. Shall have standard 5 year warranty and shall be UL listed. have integral LED's that indicate both on and off states(red=on, green=off). TheCy a '> the panel. G. Extra Materials 4i ly 19 y switch shall have a plastic cap to permit holding a paper identification label. 10. All breakers shall be bolt-on type. G. Wall Timer Switches r Of 1. Furnish extra materials described below that match products installed and that are packaged with O.d. Switches that require keyed operation shall be WRK-8201 key switch complete with 11. Provide 3 spare 1"conduits into accessible ceiling space where -6 1. The timer shall be an electronic interval timer with a manually operated toggle switch. protective covering for storage and identified with labels describing contents. ( ) p g p panels are flush-mounted. cc P 9 9 9 integral LED to indicate state. 12. Manufacturer shall be Square D, Siemens, G.E., or Cutler-Hammer. OREGON2. The timer switch shall be capable of 3-way operation. G.a. Electrically held relays: Equal to ten percent of amount installed for each size O.e. Wiring of switches to be#18 AWG, solid conductor. Check with manufacturer Cl) 3. Switch contacts shall break the current at the end of a preset time which is user adjustable from 1 indicated, but no fewer than ten relays. regarding other gauges before installing. �E 1:10,1 o minute to 18 hours. Timer adjustment shall be hidden after wallplate is installed. SeCtlOn 262726 - WIf7Dq Devices FFA c� 4. Flicker feature shall be provided to provide a flick warn of the load controlled two minutes before RY D. �\ cry the end of the timed cycle and again one minute before the end of the timed cycle. A. Wiring device color shall be selected by architect, unless otherwise indicated. Exr"res 11 31'22. N O N O N U d) O d ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS (Cont.) 265119 (cont.) 284621 (cont.) L O C H T E B. Provide totally enclosed, 20 ampere, 120/277 volt, quiet A/C general use snap switches. C. Compact fluorescent lighting fixtures: 9. A remote monitoring facility output circuit, selectable for interface to remote station reverse polarity, ARCH ITECTU RAL G ROU P 1. Lamps for new light fixtures shall be 3500K, minimum 80 CRI of the following manufacturers: local energy master box, shunt master box, digital alarm communicator, or radio transmitter C. Switches shall be specification grade as manufactured by Hubbell, P&S, or Leviton. monitoring systems, shall be provided. The equipment supplier must contact the local authorities 1230 19TH ST. a. General Electric"Biax" SPX35 Series(4 pin base) prior to bidding and supply all required equipment in base bid. 95811 D. Provide NEMA configuration 5-20R Duplex 125 volt grounding type receptacles rated for 20 amperes b. Sylvania "Dulux"835 Series (4 pin base) 10. Control panel shall be Simplex 4004-9101. The power supply shall be adequate to serve control SACRAMENTO, .5 2.809 c. Phillips"PL-T"3500K Series 4 in base y g pp secondary emergency power TELEPHONE: 916.502.8099 unless otherwise indicated on the drawings. P ( P ) panel modules, relays alarm indicating appliances. Include a seconds emer enc 2. Ballasts for 75" compact fluorescent lamps shall be electronic, parallel, instant-start, normal output supply with capacity for operating system for a period of time as specified per NFPA, the local E. Receptacles shall be specification grade as manufactured by Hubbell, P&S or Leviton. type, less than 10% THD, CBM and ETL certified, as manufactured by Sylvania, Philips Advance, authorities having jurisdiction and or Owner/Building Standards.The strictest provision shall TENANT ONE PELOTON Universal Lighting Technologies and Robertson. govern. 125 W.25TH STREET, 11TH FLOOR F. Receptacles requiring amperages, voltages or configurations different from the duplex convenience 3. Ballasts for "74" compact fluorescent lamps shall be electronic, parallel, rapid-start, normal output 11. Duct-mounted smoke detectors shall have a base with auxiliary relay (Simplex Type 2098-9201), NEW YORK,NY 10001 receptacles above shall be as indicated on the drawings. type, less than 10% THD, CBM and ETL certified, as manufactured by Sylvania, Philips Advance, and sampling tubes (length as required). C: RYAN BADGER 12. Duct detector remote key reset/test station with alarm LED shall be Simplex Type 2098-9806. E: ryan.badger@onepeioton.com Universal Lighting Technologies and Robertson. Y P YP C: DENICE BOCEK G. Provide other receptacles of a quality, material and workmanship equal to that specified for duplex 4. All lamps shall be furnished and installed by electrical contractor. Lamps shall be of the same 13. Semi-flush audio/visual unit shall be Simplex Type 4903 Series with A.D.A. complying 15/75 E: denice.booek@cbre.com convenience receptacles. manufacturer for all types. Candela strobe and horn. 14. Waterflow and tamper switches shall be furnished and installed by the sprinkler contractor. The LANDLORD MACERICH H. Provide cover or device plates for outlet boxes as follows unless otherwise noted: 5. Fixtures shall comply with UL 1598. electrical contractor shall connect each device to the supervisory alarm System. 11411 NORTH TATUM BLVD,PHOENIX,AZ 85028 1. Finished areas: Thermoplastic-color to match device. D. Exit Signs: 15. Provide and install wiring per manufacturers' specifications.All wiring shall be in conduit(3/4" C - 2. Unfinished areas: Zinc coated sheet metal, aluminum, or cast metal as appropriate for the t e of minimum). E' YP 1. Comply with UL 924; for sign colors and lettering size, comply with authorities having jurisdiction. ) T:- box. 2. Internally Lighted Signs: Lamps for AC Operation: Light-emitting diodes, 70,000 hours minimum of 16. All junction boxes shall be painted red. Wiring color code shall be maintained throughout the 3. Exterior areas: Copper free aluminum with gray, powder epoxy finish, gasket, weatherproof, installation. rated lamp life. Crouse-Hinds"WLRD"for duplex receptacles and WLRS for single receptacles or equal. 3. NFPA 101 Compliance: Comply with visibility and luminance requirements for exit signs. 17. The completed supervisory alarm system shall be fully tested in accordance with NFPA-72H, and 4. Telephone, communication, and signal outlet plates, shall match those used for receptacles and local fire department requirements, by the installer, in the presence of the owner's representative ARCHITECT LOCHTE ARCHITECTURAL GROUP switches. All outlet and/or junction boxes shall be complete with a cover plate by this contractor. E. All lighting fixtures shall be furnished and installed by electrical contractor as indicated on the lighting and the local fire marshal. Upon completion of a successful test, the installer shall so certify, in 1230 19TH ST. 5. Where devices are ganged, they shall be installed under a common cover plate. fixture schedule. Other acceptable manufacturers shall be at the discretion and approval of the architect writing, to the owner and general contractor. SACRAMENTO,CA 95811 and engineer. 18. Include on-site services of a certified technician to provide technical installation support for panel 7:916.502.8099 I. Locate the switches approximately 4'-0"above the finished floor elevation or nearest block course(within start-up, program editing,troubleshooting of the supervisory alarm system control panel, and C: SRUTHI SEKAR A.D.A. requirements), unless otherwise indicated. The long dimension of the switches shall be vertical. F. All fixtures shall bear the underwriter's laboratories (UL) label, be listed and approved for the purpose assistance to the installer for one complete final system checkout in accordance with the field E: s.sekar@lochteag.com intended and installed according to manufacturer's instructions. quality control section of these specifications. c: BLAKE THOMAS J. Locate receptacles approximately V-6"above the finished floor elevation or nearest block course (within G. Existing fixtures noted to be reused shall be cleaned and relamped. 19. Acceptable manufacturers/suppliers shall be Simplex or Notifier(as supplied by a certified Nesco MEP& E: b.thomas@Iochteag.CAm A.D.A. requirements), unless noted otherwise. The long dimension of receptacles shall be vertical. affiliate). sraucruanL THORSON BAKER+ASSOCIATES H. Electrical contractor shall confirm that all lighting fixtures and associated drivers, ballasts, etc. are 3030 W.STREETSBORO Section 262813 - Fuses coordinated with the lighting/dimming controls being provided. Contractor shall verify if and where RICHFIELD,OH 44286 Generator Transfer Devices(GTDs)are required prior to ordering lighting fixtures. T: 330.659.6688 C: BRYAN MELVIN A. The contractor shall furnish a complete set of fuses for all switches, plus fusible equipment furnished by I. Electrical contractor shall confirm that all lighting fixture mounting options and hardware are coordinated E: b.melvin@thorsonbaker.com other trades. Unless indicated otherwise on plans, the fuses shall be of the following types: with the ceiling height and construction. Contractor shall verify fixture mounting heights with architect prior 1. Fuses 601 to 6000 amps shall be UL class. Trade type shall be KRP-C as manufactured by to ordering and rough-in. Bussmann Company. 2. Fuses 1/10 to 600 amps shall be UL class RK1. Trade type shall be low peak LPS-RK(60OV)and J. Coordinate layout and installation of lighting fixtures and suspension system with other construction that LPN-RK(250V)as manufactured by Bussmann Company. penetrates ceilings or is supported by them, including HVAC equipment, fire-suppression system, and 3. All other fuses shall be dual-element current-limiting type with 200,000 amperes symmetrical partition assemblies. interrupting capacity. K. Set all lighting fixtures level, plumb, and square with ceilings and walls. B. Fuses shall be manufactured by Bussman, Gould-Shawmutt, or Reliance. L. This contractor shall provide and install all necessary support media for all lighting fixtures including structural steel, angle, rods, etc. and shall be supported in a manner acceptable to the local inspection C. Spare fuses amounting to a duplicate set of each size installed shall be turned over to the owner upon authorities. All fixtures shall be firmly supported from beams or joists. completion of the project. Provide and place in a spare fuse cabinet similar to Bussman#SFC. 1. Provide all necessary backing, blocking and supports for wall mounted fixtures. 2. Fixtures shall not be supported from roof deck. D. This contractor shall replace all fuses blown during construction. 3. Support for Fixtures in or on Grid-Type Suspended Ceilings: Section 262816 - Safety Switches a. Install a minimum of four ceiling support system rods or wires for each fixture. Locate not more than 6 inches(150 mm)from fixture corners. A. Safe switches shall be the enclosed heavy-duty type (type HD with quick-make, quick-break mechanism b. Support Clips: Fasten to fixtures and to ceiling grid members at or near each fixture corner Safety vY ty yp (yP ) q q with clips that are UL listed for the application. and external pad lockable operating handle. c. Fixtures of Sizes Less Than Ceiling Grid: Install as indicated on reflected ceiling plans or B. Safety switches shall be rated for 240 or 600 volts as applicable.They shall be horsepower rated when center in acoustical panel, and support fixtures independently with at least two 3/4-inch used in motor circuits. (20-mm) metal channels spanning and secured to ceiling tees. 4. Suspended Fixture Support: Pendants and Rods: Where longer than 48 inches (1200 mm), brace C. Safety switches shall be fusible or non-fusible 2, 3, or 4 pole as indicated on the drawings. to limit swinging. M. If required by code, light fixtures shall be Chicago Plenum or New York City rated. If required by code or APPROVED D. Safety switches shall be single throw unless otherwise indicated on the drawings. project requirements, light fixtures shall be CALGREEN, DC Green, Title 24 and/or Energy Star Macerich TC E. Enclosures shall be NEMA 1 indoors and NEMA 3R outdoors unless otherwise indicated on the drawings. compliant/cer ified. 5/27/2021 N. Recessed fixtures recessed in air plenums shall be approved for the purpose intended and installed F. Manufacturer shall be Square D, Siemens, G.E., or Cutler-Hammer.All safety switches shall be by one according to manufacturer's instructions. Fixtures shall be air-tight rated and/or provide air-tight gaskets to manufacturer. seal around openings. G. Mount the safety switches securely between 3'X 6' levels above the floor unless otherwise indicated on the O. Recessed fixtures in direct contact with insulation shall be IC (Insulated Ceiling) rated. Insulation shall be drawings. kept away from Non-IC rated fixtures as required by code and manufacturer's instructions. Provide barriers as required. H. Switches on block walls shall be mounted on a 3/4" plywood backboard,where located indoors. P. All penetrations associated with the electrical installation located in or passing through fire rated assemblies shall be fire-stopped using a UL approved method. Furnish and install UL listed fire rated 0 Section 262913 - Motor Starters materials and equipment such as boxes, puddy pads, endothermic mat, lighting fixtures with rated enclosures, fire rated covers for lighting fixtures, etc. to comply with code for project conditions. UL P E L O T O N A. Provide motor starters (magnetic or fused combination) and control equipment where shown. Starters shall approved method for fire stopping shall meet or exceed fire rating of structure being penetrated. be provided with 120 volt coils, 3 overloads, control transformer with fused 120 volt secondary control Reference architectural plans for fire ratings. circuit, (2) N.O. and (2) N.C. auxiliary contacts, hand-off-auto selector switch and running pilot light, unless O All adjustable fixtures shall be aimed and adjusted during evening hours to the satisfaction of the otherwise noted. Wire thru control devices furnished by other trades. Since motor driven equipment is architect. WASHINGTON SQUARE MALL furnished by other trades,the control indicated on the drawings shall be considered as for bidding purposes SPACE R05 only. Wire to conform to the actual equipment supplied and installed by the other trades.All fuses shall be R. Submittals: In accordance with other sections of these specifications, provide shop drawings for lighting dual element type. Provide"blownfuse" indicator lamps in cover. fixtures containing the following information (as applicable): 9374 S.W. WASHINGTON SQUARE 1. Project specific luminaire designation ROAD, B. Starters shall be Square D, G.E., Cutler-Hammer, or Siemens. 2. All features, options, accessories, mounting, etc. clearly marked TIGARD , OR 97223 C. The exact number of normally open and normally close auxiliary contacts in each starter shall be 3. Luminaire dimensions determined by the temperature control contractor. 4. Delivered lumen output, CCT and CRI 5. Lamp life ISSUE HISTORY D. Coordinate all equipment indicated on the electrical drawings with mechanical equipment schedules and 6. Energy efficiency data 01 LANDLORD REVIEW 05.17.2021 specifications and provide motor starters for all equipment indicated as being interlocked or started from a 7. Photometric data 02 ISSUED FOR PERII APPROVAL 05.24.2021 remote location. 8. Listings(NRTL, IC, IP, etc.) E. Starters supplied as an integral part of equipment shall be furnished under the division providing the 9. Lighting controls compatibility equipment. Wiring and disconnect shall be by this contractor.All other starters and auxiliary control 10. Emergency batteries (integral or remote) including the capacity and lumen output equipment shall be supplied and wired by this contractor unless otherwise noted. 11. Factory shop drawings indicating project specific lengths and layouts for all continuous linear products Section 265119 - Lighting Fixtures Section 270528 - Telephone System A. LED lighting fixtures: 1. Recessed Fixtures: Comply with NEMA LE 4. A. Electrical contractor to provide telephone service conduit or duct to telephone board as shown on plans. 2. Bulb shape complying with ANSI C79.1. Service conduit size and quantity shall be as determined by local telephone company. 3. Lamp base complying with ANSI C81.61. 4. CRI of minimum 80. B. This contractor shall provide and install all conduits with pull wires, outlet boxes, metal cabinets and pull 5. CCT of 3500K, unless noted otherwise on the plans or fixture schedule. boxes. Provide a complete conduit system with pull wire as indicated on drawings. CL 6. Rated lamp life of 50,000 hours, minimum at 70 percent lumen maintenance. C. All plates shall be standard telephone type with jack. Provide plates of same material and finish as 77 7. Lamps dimmable from 100 percent to 10 percent of maximum light output, unless noted otherwise specified for receptacles. Wall phone plates shall have mounting studs. PROJECT NUMBER 23 °_o on the plans or fixture schedule. N 8. Integral driver. Driver power factor shall be 40 percent or greater. Harmonic distortion shall be less D. Provide fire-rated plywood terminal board as shown on drawings. SCALE AS NOTED 04 than 10% THD. Drivers shall be equipped with automatic thermal protection and 20 KA surge N protection with end of life LED indicator. E. A conduit run shall have not more than three (3) bends in a run between outlet boxes or between outlet box SHEET TITLE N 9. Nominal Operating Voltage: as indicated on plans and schedules. and a metal cabinet or pull box. When a run requires more than three(3) bends, a pull box of suitable size ELECTRICAL 10. Efficiency minimum of 80 lumens per watt. shall be placed in suitable location to meet the above conditions. SPECIFICATIONS m 11. Each LED luminaire type shall be binned within athree-step MacAdam Ellipse to ensure color Section 284621 - Alarm System o consistency among luminaires. 12. Fixtures shall comply with UL 1598 and UL 8750. Lu A. Supervisor Alarm System SHEET NUMBER M B. Linear fluorescent lighting fixtures: 1. This contractor shall submit fire alarm system drawings and specifications to the local fire E 13 2 0 1. Lamps for new light fixtures shall be T8, 3500K, minimum 80 CRI of the following manufacturers: department for their approval before installation of any supervisory alarm components or wiring. Na. General Electric"Starcoat" SPX35 Series 2. Equipment: all devices, combinations of devices, appliances and equipment shall be listed for the opurpose for which they are used and shall be installed in compliance with applicable codes and F b. Sylvania"Octron"835 Series PROFESSIONAL SEAL a standards. c. Phillips TLD835 Series 3. Provide a complete, supervised, power-limited, supervisory alarm system. All equipment herein LIJ M 2. Ballasts shall be electronic, parallel, instant-start, normal output type, less than 10% THD, CBM specified is that of Simplex Time Recorder Company. Equipment suPPlied by listed acceptable and ETL certified, as manufactured by Sylvania, Philips Advance, Universal Lighting Technologies alternate manufacturers shall meet or exceed the quality of the Simplex Equipment specified. P CC) and Robertson. 4. The supervisor alarm system shall be an electrically supervised system, which shall monitor the ' 3. All lamps shall be furnished and installed by electrical contractor. Lamps shall be of the same integrity of circuit conductors and power supplies. Cti manufacturer for all types. 5. The installation organization shall be a company specializing in the installation of supervisory 19 y 4. Fixtures shall comply with UL 1598. systems. This organization shall have a minimum of five years experience with installation of such systems. OREGON �? 6. The contractor shall provide and maintain on the site an up-to-date record set of approved shop co drawings. ✓AFF ' 10,199$ QUO 0 7. Record drawings shall include location of end-of-line device locations. trRy D. N 8. Upon completion of the work, and final acceptance by the local authority, the contractor shall � submit record drawings to the owner. �XP!FtS:l2 31'22 N O O w U 4) 0 d y L 0 C H T E ARCHITECTURAL GROUP 1230 19TH ST. SACRAMENTO, CA 95811 TELEPHONE: 916.502.8099 1 TENANT ONE PELOTON 125 W.25TH STREET, 11TH FLOOR i \ FACP NEW YORK, 10001 (ETR) 0 0 C: RYAN BADGER 6 E: ryan.badger(donepeloton.com 0 0 C: DENICE BOCEK \ / BOH 1 E: denice.bocek@cbre.com 111 ` LANDLORD MACERICH 1016. 11411 NORTH TATUM BLVD,PHOENIX,AZ 85028 \ / CL-3 5 c:- CEBJNG - / \ (AVE in,10` � CL-1 ARCHITECT LOCHTE ARCHITECTURAL GROUP TRIAL TREAD 1230 19TH ST. SACRAMENTO,CA 95811 : LOUNGE COVEETRIAL ROOM TRIAL ROOM T:916.502.8099 COVE n 109 p, 105 106 u 1P�, / 10' 1T ff . ' ' II a C: SRUTHI@SEKARg CL-1 C: BLAKE THOMAS CL CL-1 CL-1 a E: b.thomas@lochteag.com BKEIt - STRUCTURAL THORSON BAKER+ASSOCIATES TRIAL'ROOM �® �\ RICH ELD,OH 443030 W. 2 O 86 107 T: 330.659.6688 1P Q• ❑D �. C: BRYAN MELVIN CL-1 E: b.melvin@thorsonbakecwm ev7p) CEILING ------------------ COVE Iry CL-1 SHOWER �® CEILING � ❑V T 4' WE CL-4 TRIAL ROOM p I w8 CLOSET CODED NOTES: O 1T 0` 1 Ill I 103 CL-1 9'0` 1. RELAY FOR AUDIO SHUTDOWN UPON FIRE ALARM ACTIVATION. _ 3L-1 a � � CBLNIG 2. NOT USED. COVE 3. NEW SPEAKER/STROBE.FIRE ALARM CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY EXACT MOUNTING LOCATION(WALL OR CEILING)WITH ARCHITECT AND/OR OWNER PRIOR TO BIDDING. FITTNCRESTROOM 4. NEW STROBE-ONLY DEVICE.FIRE ALARM CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY EXACT MOUNTING LOCATION ROOM r , (WALL OR CEILING)WITH ARCHITECT AND/OR OWNER PRIOR TO BIDDING. 102 36 8' 2' . APPROVED 9'-4' 5. NEW CEILING MOUNTED SMOKE DETECTOR.REFER TO FIRE ALARM WIRING DIAGRAM ON THIS Macerich TC CL-1 9 LIMCL-2 SHEET.FIRE ALARM CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY EXACT MOUNTING LOCATION(WALL OR CEILING)WITH 5/27/2021 CEILING LA ARCHITECT AND/OR OWNER PRIOR TO BIDDING. COVE g xJ' 6. EXISTING HONEYWELL-3NWf FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL TO BE RELOCATED TO THE AREA SHOWN �_t - ON THIS SHEET,FA CONTRACTOR TO DETERMINE IF THIS SYSTEM CAN BE RE-USED OR NOT IN FIELD CLOSET PRIOR TO ANY WORK BEING DONE.IF NOT,FA CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE A SIMILAR PANEL TO woe TIE-INTO THE LANDLORD FIRE ALARM SYSTEM. CL-1 SALES 1 0 NICE SALES W2' NICI-E CL-1 8' 2' CL-1 ETR CONNECTION P E L O T O N MALLS FA SYSTEM.. I VERIFY IN FIELD WIRE SPEAKER STROBES SEPARATELY 2-CONDUCTOR#14AWG FOR SYNCHRONOUS OPERATION. WASHINGTON SQUARE MALL ETR ITO ADDITIONAL DEVICES. SPACE R05 HONEYWELL-3NWT V V F F PROVIDEE.O.L.RESISTOR AT 9374 S.W. WASHINGTON SQUARE FACP #18 AWG TWISTED SHIELDED PAIR END OF CIRCUIT.(TYPICAL) ROAD, TO ADDITIONAL DEVICES. CELNG 2 PHONE LINE TO MAIN TIGARD , OR 97223 COVE TELEPHONE BOARD IN 3/4"C. F — — — 12' 8' DIGITAL CL-1 CLOSET COMMUNICATOR I ISSUE HISTORY 9'0' L -- — _Jj R 01 LANDLORD RENEW 05.17.2021 CL-1 I CKT 1_47. SD 02 ISSUED FOR PERMIT APPROVAL 05.24.2021 SALES B•O•TRELLIS MARKREDOCK-ON& N.C.AUX.RELAY ADDRESSABLE SMOKE FLOOR 9' 6' CONTACT FOR DETECTOR tv AUDIO SYSTEM MOUNTED ii W-72 CONTROL. ABOVE FACE, AMPLIFIER FL CABINETS,NAC MONITOR i PANELS,AND NICHE i SIMILAR V2' I REMOTE V "- V EQUIPMENT. \\` TYPICAL FIRE ALARM DEVICE WIRING DIAGRAM a yII�� 1 yyI,, yy1�� `CY) C_- --_� `L_ -_T N.T.S. PROJECT NUMBERS 7t :E:: - - INDICATES EXISTING EQUIPMENTICONDUITMIIRING,UNLESS INDICATED OTHERW SE scaLE N AS NOTED C14 INDICATES EQUIPMENT/CONDUITWRING INSTALLED UNDER THIS CONTRACT SHEET TITLE ENTR100Y ENTRY N 100A FIRE ALARM PLAN LO s' 6 sY6 GENERAL NOTES: 3 CD 1. E.C.TO PROVIDE NEW FACP WITHIN SPACE IF EXISTING EQUIPMENT CANNOT BE USED.FIRE ALARM v FIRE ALARM PLAN CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE SCOPE WITH LANDLORD AND FIRE ALARM CONTACT PRIOR TO BID. W SHEET NUMBER C14 " E140 Cl) 1/4" = l'- 0" 2. ALL FIRE ALARM SHOWN IS FOR DESIGN INTENT PURPOSE ONLY.FA CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL DEVICE LOCATIONS AND TYPES WITH MALL AND LOCAL JURISDICTION PRIOR TO BIDDING. N O PROFESSIONAL SEAL d W a PR ca 19 Of m OREGON .20 N ✓FFFFRY D., o Cli �xP%res:lx 31'z2 N N O N LO O m U N 2 d w L 0 C H T E ARCHITECTURAL GROUP FIRE ALARM SYSTEM NOTES: 123019TH ST. SACRAMENTO, CA 95811 1, THE EXISTING SYSTEM SHALL BE MODIFIED AND UPGRADED AS REQUIRED TO ACCOMMODATE THE PROPOSED AREAS OF RENOVATIONS.THE INTENT IS TO FURNISH AND INSTALL NEW DEVICES AND TELEPHONE: 916.502.8099 EQUIPMENT WITHIN THE PROPOSED AREAS OF RENOVATION,UNLESS DIRECTED OTHERWISE. 2. THE FIRE ALARM SYSTEM MUST BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND MUST MEET ALL STATE&LOCAL CODE REQUIREMENTS.THE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL BE TENANT ONE PELOTON RESPONSIBLE TO PROVIDE ALL CODE REQUIRED DOCUMENTS INCLUDING,BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE FOLLOWING: 125 W.25TH STREET, 11TH FLOOR A. A FLOOR PLAN WHICH INDICATES THE USE OF ALL ROOMS. NEW YORK,NY 10001 B. LOCATIONS OF ALARM-INITIATING AND NOTIFICATION APPLIANCES. C: RYAN BADGER C ALARM CONTROL AND TROUBLE SIGNALING EQUIPMENT, E: DENICEryan.badBOCEnepeloton.com C: DENICE BOCEK D. ANNUNCIATION. E: denice.bocek@cbre.com E. POWER CONNECTION. LANDLORD F. BATTERY CALCULATIONS. MACERICH G. CONDUCTOR TYPE AND SIZES. 11411 NORTH TATUM BLVD,PHOENIX,AZ 85028 C: H. VOLTAGE DROP CALCULATIONS. E:- I. MANUFACTURERS,MODEL NUMBERS AND LISTING INFORMATION FOR EQUIPMENT,DEVICES AND MATERIALS. T:J. DETAILS OF CEILING HEIGHT AND CONSTRUCTION. K. THE INTERFACE OF FIRE SAFETY CONTROL FUNCTIONS. THESE DOCUMENTS MUST BE PREPARED BY THE TENANTS CERTIFIED FIRE ALARM CONTRACTOR,APPROVED BY LANDLORD'S FIRE ALARM CONTRACTOR AND SENT TO LOCAL AUTHORITIES FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL PRIOR TO START OF WORK. ARCHITECT LOCHTE ARCHITECTURAL GROUP 1230 19TH ST. 3. A STAMPED SET OF APPROVED FIRE ALARM DRAWINGS SHALL BE AT THE JOB SITE AND SHALL BE USED FOR INSTALLATION. SACRAMENTO,CA 95811 T:916.502.8099 4. UPDATE AN AS-BUILT DRAWING SET DAILY WITH JOB PROGRESS.PROVIDE AN AS-BUILT DRAWING SET TO OWNER NO LATER THAN 7 DAYS AFTER FINAL TEST C: SSEKAR E: s.sekarekar@lochteag.com C: BLAKE THOMAS 5. EQUIPMENT:ALL DEVICES,COMBINATIONS OF DEVICES,APPLIANCES AND EQUIPMENT SHALL BE LISTED FOR THE PURPOSE FOR WHICH THEY ARE USED AND SHALL BE INSTALLED IN COMPLIANCE NTH E: b.thomas@lochteag.com APPLICABLE CODES,STANDARDS AND MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS. sTeucruan THORSON BAKER+ASSOCIATES 6. SYSTEM DEVICES,BACK-BOXES,AND ENCLOSURES MUST BE RATED FOR THE ENVIRONMENT WHICH IT IS INSTALLED.FURNISH AND INSTALL CONDUIT SEALS WHERE RACEWAYS PASS BETWEEN 3030 W.STREETSBORO CONDITIONED AND UNCONDITIONED SPACES. RICHFIELD,off 44286 T: 330.659.6688 C: BRYAN MELVIN 7. NOTIFICATION DEVICE COVERS SHALL BE WHITE WITH RED LETTERING,UNLESS OTHERWISE REQUIRED. E: b.melvin@thorsonbaker.com 8. ALL WIRING SHALL BE IN CONDUIT,UNLESS DIRECTED OTHERWISE.DO NOT RUN ANY OTHER WIRING IN THE SAME CONDUIT WITH ALARM WIRING.DO NOT RUN 120VAC WIRING WITH ALARM WIRING.ALL WIRE TO BE SHIELDED CABLE.ALL J-BOXES ASSOCIATED WITH THE FIRE ALARM SYSTEM SHALL BE SPRAY PAINTED"FIRE ENGINE"RED, 9. ALL WIRE&CABLE MUST BE RATED PER THE LATEST REVISION OF THE NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE SECTION 760. 10. CONFIRM ALL WIRING REQUIREMENTS WITH THE MANUFACTURER OF THE PROPOSED FIRE ALARM EQUIPMENT BEING FURNISHED PRIOR TO BID AND PROVIDE IN ACCORDANCE THEREWITH.WIRING SHOWN ON THIS DIAGRAM REPRESENTS THE MINIMUM SIZE REQUIRED,WIRE SIZES SHALL BE INCREASED AS REQUIRED FOR VOLTAGE DROP. 11, FIRE ALARM CIRCUITS SHALL BE IDENTIFIED IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPROPRIATE SECTION OF NEC 760.MARK ALL FIRE ALARM WIRES IN ACCORDANCE WITH NEC 760 SECTIONS FOR POWER LIMITED AND NON-POWER LIMITED WIRE. 12. WIRING SHALL BE CONTINUOUS FROM ONE DEVICE TO THE NEXT.SPLICING IS PROHIBITED. 13. THE TYPICAL WIRING DIAGRAM IS NOT INTENDED TO SHOW QUANTITIES OF DEVICES.REFER TO PLANS FOR QUANTITIES. 14. WHERE PROPOSED ROUTING OF SYSTEM CONDUIT AND WIRING IS INDICATED ON PLANS,DETAILS AND DIAGRAMS,SAID ROUTING IS DIAGRAMMATIC.EXACT ROUTING OF CONDUITS AND WIRING TO BE DETERMINED IN THE FIELD BY THE INSTALLING CONTRACTOR TO SUIT CONDITIONS.INSTALLATION SHALL COMPLY WITH CODE AND PROJECT REQUIREMENTS,ALL MODIFICATIONS SHALL BE CLEARLY INDICATED ON THE RECORD DRAWINGS. 15. ALL CONDUCTORS INCLUDING SHIELDS MUST TEST FREE OF OPENS,SHORTS&GROUNDS BEFORE MAKING CONNECTIONS TO THE FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL. 16. EACH FIRE ALARM PANEL AND ANCILLARY EQUIPMENT REQUIRES A DEDICATED 120VAC CIRCUIT.RUN 3412(INCLUDES THE GREEN GROUND WIRE)FROM A 20 AMP CIRCUIT BREAKER.PROVIDE A LOCK-ON CLIP&RED MARKING ON THE BREAKER AND IDENTIFY AS"FIRE ALARM CIRCUIT CONTROL.°THE LOCATION OF THE CIRCUIT DISCONNECTING MEANS(CIRCUIT BREAKER)SHALL BE PERMANENTLY IDENTIFIED AT THE FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL AND ANCILLARY EQUIPMENT. APPROVED Macerich TC 17. DO NOT APPLY POWER TO SYSTEM EXCEPT IN THE PRESENCE OF A FACTORY TRAINED TECHNICAL REPRESENTATIVE. 5/27/2021 18. INSTALLATION OF SYSTEM DEVICES SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS.POWER LIMITED AND NON-POWER LIMITED FIELD WIRING MUST BE INSTALLED WITHIN EQUIPMENT ENCLOSURES IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS AND NEC 0 19. STROBES SHALL BE WIRED SEPARATELY FOR SYNCHRONOUS OPERATION.PROVIDE SYNCHRONIZATION MODULES AS REQUIRED TO COMPLY WITH CODE, 20. SMOKE DETECTOR HEADS MUST BE INSTALLED FREE OF DUST OR ANY OTHER CONTAMINATION.SMOKE DETECTORS SHALL NOT BE MOUNTED WITHIN T-0"OF A SUPPLY OR RETURN AIR GRILLE. COORDINATE SMOKE DETECTOR LOCATIONS WITH MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 21. IN ALL ROOMS REQUIRING SMOKE DETECTION,IF THERE IS NOT A SMOOTH,FLAT CEILING,THEN DETECTION SHALL BE SPACED PER NFPA 72.IF THERE ARE BEAM DEPTHS LESS THAN 10%OF THE CEILING HEIGHT(0.1 X H),SMOOTH CEILING SPACES SHALL BE PERMITTED.IF THERE ARE BEAM DEPTHS EQUAL OR GREATER THAN 10%OF THE CEILING HEIGHT(0.1 X H),AND THE BEAM SPACING IS EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN 40%OF THE CEILING HEIGHT(0.4 X H),SPOT SMOKE DETECTORS SHALL BE LOCATED ON THE CEILING IN EACH BEAM POCKET PER NFPA 72 2007, O O 22. DUCT DETECTORS SHALL HAVE REMOTE TEST STATIONS INSTALLED IN AN ACCESSIBLE LOCATION AND BE CLEARLY LABELED TO INDICATE THEIR FUNCTION AND THE MECHANICAL UNIT ASSOCIATED WITH EACH DETECTOR.DUCT DETECTOR TEST STATIONS SHALL BE LOCATED AS CLOSE TO THE APPLIANCES AS POSSIBLE FOR EASE IN LOCATING AND UNLESS ASSOCIATED WITH ROOF TOP MECHANICAL UNITS WASHINGTON SQUARE MALL A. IF THERE IS A DROP CEILING,THE REMOTE TEST STATIONS SHALL BE MOUNTED IN CEILING TILES BELOW THE DUCT DETECTORS. B. IF THERE IS A HARD CEILING,THE REMOTE TEST STATIONS SHALL BE LOCATED IN THE CEILING NEXT TO A MINIMUM OF A 2'x4'OR 3'x3'ACCESS PANEL LOCATED BELOW THE DUCT DETECTOR. SPACE R05 C. IF THERE IS NO CEILING,THE REMOTE TEST STATIONS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON A PILLAR OR WALL AS CLOSE TO THE DEVICE AS POSSIBLE. 9374 S.W. WASHINGTON SQUARE 24. THE LOCATION OF ALL DETECTORS IN AIR DUCT SYSTEMS SHALL BE PERMANENTLY AND CLEARLY IDENTIFIED AND RECORDED. ROAD, 25. ALL DETECTORS NOT ACCESSIBLE STANDING AT FINISHED FLOOR SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH A REMOTE TEST SWITCH WITH INDICATOR LIGHT.LOCATIONS OF ALL FIRE ALARM REMOTE TEST STATIONS TI GARD , OR 97223 SHALL BE LABELED PER LOCAL LOCAL AUTHORITY REQUIREMENTS.TEST STATION LOCATIONS SHALL BE FIELD VERIFIED WITH LOCAL AUTHORITY PRIOR TO ROUGH-IN. 26, DUCT DETECTORS SHALL BE INSTALLED AND POSITIONED TO ALLOW EASY ACCESS FOR PERIODIC INSPECTION AND TESTING. ISSUE HISTORY 01 LANDLORD RENEW 05.17.2021 27. FURNISH AND INSTALL A KNOX BOX AS REQUIRED BY LOCAL FIRE DEPARTMENT,EXACT QUANTITIES AND LOCATIONS AS DETERMINED BY LOCAL AUTHORITY.KNOX BOX MANUFACTURER SHALL SEAS 02 ISSUED FOR PERMITAL APPROVAL 05.24.2021 REQUIRED BY LOCAL AUTHORITY,PROVIDE AN ADDRESSABLE MONITOR MODULE WHEN REQUIRED. 28. THE FIRE ALARM SUPPLIER SHALL PROVIDE A COPY OF THE PROGRAMMING CODES AND OPERATION MANUALS IN A SLEEVED BINDER ATTACHED TO THE FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL. 29. PROVIDE CONNECTION TO REMOTE SUPERVISION AS DIRECTED FOR SUPERVISION OF SYSTEM IN COMPLIANCE WITH LOCAL AUTHORITY&OWNER.PROVIDE ALL INTERFACE REQUIRED TO INITIATE REMOTE SUPERVISION. 30. PROVIDE&INSTALL A CEILING MOUNTED SMOKE DETECTOR IN FRONT OF THE FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL AND EACH REMOTE AUXILIARY PANEL IN ADDITION TO THE DEVICES SHOWN ON THE FLOOR PLANS. 31. PROVIDE&INSTALL MANUAL STATIONS WHERE REQUIRED BY LOCAL AUTHORITIES TO MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF NFPA-72 SECTION IN ADDITION TO THE DEVICES SHOWN ON THE PLANS,VERIFY WITH LOCAL AUTHORITY PRIOR TO BIDDING&INDICATE COST IN BID PRICE. 32. INCLUDE ON-SITE SERVICES OF LANDLORD TECHNICIAN TO PROVIDE TECHNICAL INSTALLATION SUPPORT FOR PANEL START UP,PROGRAM EDITING,AND ASSISTANCE TO THE INSTALLER FOR ONE COMPLETE FINAL SYSTEM CHECKOUT. PROJECT NUMBER 33. THE COMPLETED FIRE ALARM SYSTEM SHALL BE FULLY TESTED IN ACCORDANCE NTH NFPA-72,AND LOCAL AND STATE CODE REQUIREMENTS,BY THE INSTALLER,IN THE PRESENCE OF THE G.C.,OWNER'S 2= o REPRESENTATIVE AND AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION. UPON COMPLETION OF A SUCCESSFUL TEST,THE INSTALLER SHALL SO CERTIFY,IN WRITING,TO THE OWNER AND GENERAL CONTRACTOR. SCALE N AS NOTED N N SHEET TIME N FIRE ALARM NOTES 3 a C> w SHEET NUMBER co E141 N O cli PROFESSIONAL SEAL D_ Lu m DO PR �� '�19 z, U OKGON o ✓�FFFRV Dr0 N %P;res:lz 31'Zt N O O rn U N O IZ N L 0 C H T E ARCHITECTURAL GROUP `.\ 1230 19TH ST. SAC MENTO, CA 95811 TELEPHONE: 916.02 8099 I TENANT ONE PELOTON 125 W.25TH STREET, 11TH FLOOR i NEW YORK, 10001 C: RYAN BADGER i C: DEN CE BOCEK Peloton.com \ / BOH E: denim.bocek@cbre.com 111 LANDLORD MACERICH 10. 61 11411 NORTH TATUM BLVD,PHOENIX,AZ 85028 CL-3 E: x CEILING T:- / \ COVE CL-1 / \ ARCHITECT LOCHTE ARCHITECTURAL GROUP (2)314"C, ti TRIAL TREAD TREAD 1230 19TH ST. SACRAMENTO,CA 95811 CELNG Z LOUNGE COVE C� TRIAL ROOM TRIAL ROOM VE 7:916.502.8099 COVE 109 105 106 C: SRUTHI SEKAR m4 IT KY � CL-1 10' 6' 11�• tY 0' n'-0' E: s.sekar@lochteag.com (x_1 CL-1 CL-1 CL-1 CL-1 C: BLAKE THOMAS (2)314"C. / E: b.lhomas@lochleag.com BIKESTRIJCTIJ AL THORSON BAKER+ASSOCIATES TRIAL ROOM z 3030 W.STREETSBORO 107 �\ RIC 30!659.6688HFELD,OH 44286 n'O' C: BRYAN MELVIN CL-1 (2)314"C. E: b.melvin@thorsonbaker.eom (�7 LI�Y.J� N \ 2 N z (2)314"C. CEILING (2)3/4"C. z COVE iP 10' SHOWER CL-i 1 1 (2)314"C. � J ' I,I �4• TRI ROOM z q_ (2)314"C. CL-4 108 I�ST CLOSET CL-1 z (2)314"C. CL-1 a CEILING COVE RTTING 04� VESTIBULE RESTROOM ROOM /SHOWER 102 8' 2' 110 APPROVED 9' 0' CL-1 9-4' Macerich TC CL-1 CL-2 5/27/2021 CEILING COVE 9'b' CL-1 \ / \ / CLOSET \ / 9,0. SALES \ / CL-i NICHESALES / 8'2' \ NICHE (2)314"C. \ / 0 CL-1 (2)314"C. 8' 2. PELOTION WASHINGTON SQUARE MALL L (2)3/4"c. (z)314°c 1 (z)3/4"c. (z)31a°c. SPACE R05 9374 S.W. WASHINGTON SQUARE ROAD, CEILING TIGARD , OR 97223 COVE 12'8' �.._ CL_1 CLOSET ISSUE HISTORY 9' 0' 01 LANDLORD RENEW 05.17.2021 CL-1 02 ISSUED FOR PERMIT APPROVAL 05.24.2021 SALES B.O.TRELLIS FLOOR 9' 6' 101 W-72 ff 10' CL-1 MONITOR NICHE &2' W-7.4 V V V �� V F+ „ l I �, 1 (2)314"C. ; \ i \ i (2)314"C. � Qt 1Q ` � � � PROJECT NUMBER 2=N SCALE AS NOTED N NSHEET TITLE N 1100ENTRY =A STUB UP PLAN W 6' 7 0 Lo V STUB UP PLAN I� SHEET NUMBER 9 E150 cli NOTE: o — 1. PROVIDE ALL CONDUIT WITH PULL STRING. STUB UP CONDUIT TO 6" PROFESSIONAL SEAL w AFF. PROVIDE 24"X24"SLAB LEAVE OUT AT EACH FLOOR BOX. 6 PR ~ 2. ALL TRENCHING TO BE COMPLETED FROM CLOSEST WALL TO 101 STUB-UP POINT. G.C. TO VERIFY IN FIELD PRIOR TO TRENCHING. � X19 /� 9 0 3. E.C. TO SEE SECTION d"CONSTRUCTION RULES-SLAB L) OREGONPENETRATION"IN WASHINGTON SQUARE CONTRACTOR RULES AND10 00 o REGULATIONS DOCUMENT PRIOR TO ANY SLAB PENETRATIONS. ✓FFFFRY D. V�@�� N �%r;res:lz 31':1, N O N CD O N U N O d y L H T E ARCHITECTURAL GROUP 1230 19TH ST. COMcheck Software Version A B C D E COMcheck Software Version SACRAMENTO, CA 95811 Fixture ID: Description I Lamp I Wattage Per Lamp I Ballast Lamps/ #of Fixture (C X D) TELEPHONE: 916.502.8099 5-Trial Room#3(Common Space Types:Offce-Enclosed) IV Interior Lighting Compliance Certificate Fixture Fixtures Watt. V Inspection Checklist TENANT ONE PELOTON LED 5 copy 2:LT Linear LED:Other. 1 30 4 120 Energy Code: 20181ECC 125 W.25TH STREET, I ITH FLOOR 6-Trial Room#4(Common Space Types'office-Enclosed) Requirements: 100.0% were addressed directly in the COMcheck software NEW YORK,NY 10001 Project Information LED 5 copy 3:L7:Linear LED:Other: 1 30 4 120 Text in the "Comments/Assumptions" column is provided by the user in the COMcheck Requirements screen. For each C: RYAN BADGER 7-Storage Closet(Common Space Types'Storage>=50-<=1000 sq$J requirement,the user certifies that a code requirement will be met and how that is documented, or that an exception E: ryan.bedger@onepeloton.00m Energy Code: 20181ECC LED 1 co 2:D2:SQ.LED Downfi ht:Other: 1 4 18 72 q q p C: DENICE BOCEK Project Title: Peloton at Washington Square copy 9 is being claimed.Where compliance is itemized in a separate table, a reference to that table is provided. Project Type: New Construction 8-Restroom(Common Space Types-Restrooms) E: denice.bocek@cbre.com LED 1 copy 3:D3:SQ.LED Downlight:Other: 1 4 14 56 Section LANDLORD MACERICH LED 11:P4:Mirror Pendant:Other: 1 1 10 10 # Plan Review Complies? Comments/Assumptions & Req.ID 11411 NORTH TATUM BLVD,PHOENIX,AZ 85028 Construction Site: Owner/Agent Designer/Contractor: 9-BOH(Common S ace ce Tvnes:Storage>=50-<=1000 sq,$,) C103.2 Plans,specifications,and/or ❑Complies Requirement will be met. C:- 9355 S.W.Washington Square Road One Peloton Thorson Baker and Associates LED 12:L5:LED Flat Panel:Other: 1 15 38 570 [PR411 calculations provide all information ❑Does Not E:- Portland,OR 97223 125 W.25th St. 3030 W Streetsboro Rd. 10-Fittin m Retail:Dressin FiRoom) with which compliance can be T:- New York,NY 10001 Richfield,OH 44286 � ( 9tBn g�LED 1 determined for the Interior lighting ❑Not Observable copy 3:D2:SQ.LED Downlight:Other: 1 2 18 36 and electrical systems and equipment ❑Not Applicable Additional Efficiency Package(s) Total Proposed Watts= 2605 and document where exceptions to High efficiency HVAC.Systems that do not meet the performance requirement will be idenfified in the mechanical requirements checklist the standard are claimed.Information report. Interior Lighting 'ADesign '• better than c..- provided should Include interior ARCHITECT LOCHTE ARCHITECTURAL GROUP lighting power calculations,wattage of Allowed Interior Lighting Power g g Interior Lighting Compliance Statement bulbs and ballasts,transformers and 1230 19TH ST. A B C Dcontrol devices. SACRAMENTO,CA 95811 Compliance Statement: The proposed interior lighting design represented in this document is consistent with the building plans, -- Area Category Floor Area Allowed Allowed Watts specifications,and other calculations submitted with this permit application.The proposed interior lighting systems have been 0406 Plans,specifications,and/or ❑Complies Requirement will be met. T:916.502.8099 (ft2) Watts/ft2 (B X C) designed to meet the 2018 IECC requirements in COMcheck Version 4.1and to comply with any applicable mandatory IPR911 calculations provide all information ❑Does Not C: SRUTHI SEKAR requirements listed in the Inspection Checklist. with which compliance can be E: s.sekar@lochteag.com ❑Not Applicable C: BLAKE THOMAS 1-Main Sales(Retail:Sales Area) 1463 1.22 1785 determined for the additional energy []Not Observable ! 2-Secondary Sales(Retail:Sales Area) 495 1.22 eoa Jeff D. Miterko, P.E. 5/24/2021 efficiency package options. E: b.thomas@lochteag.com 3-Trial Room#1(Common Space Types:Office-Enclosed) 82 0.93 76 Name-Title Signature Date Additional Comments/Assumptions: MEP& 4-Trial Room#2(Common Space Types:Ofnce-Enclosed) 82 0.93 76 STRUCTURAL THORSON BAKER+ASSOCIATES 5-Trial Room#3(Common Space Types:Office-Enclosed) 103 0.93 96 3030 W.STREETSBORO 6-Trial Room#4(Common Space Types:Office-Enclosed) 103 0.93 96 RICHFIELD,OH 44286 T: 330.659.6688 7-Storage Closet(Common Space Types:Storege>=50-<=1000 sq.ft.) 55 0.46 25 C: BRYAN MELVIN 8-Restroom(Common Space Types:Restrooms) 100 0.85 85 E: b.melvin@thorsonbaker.com 9-BOH(Common Space Types:Storage>=50-<=1000 sq.ft.) 426 0.46 196 10-Fitting Room(Retail:Dressing/Filting Room) 47 0.50 24 Total Allowed Watts= 3063 Proposed Interior Lighting Power A B C D E Fixture ID : Description I Lamp I Wattage Per Lamp I Ballast Lamps/ #of Fixture (C X D) Fixture Fixtures Watt. 1-Main Sales(RetaiLSales Area) LED 1:D2:SO.LED Downlight:Other: 1 22 18 396 LED 2:Cl:LED Linear Cove:Other: 1 147 4 588 LED 14:P3:LED Pendant:Other: 1 4 17 68 2-Secondary Sales,(RetaikSales Area) LED 1 copy 1:D2:SQ.LED Downlight:Other: 1 11 18 198 LED 2 copy 1:Cl:LED Linear Cove:Other: 1 32 4 128 LED 14 copy 1:P1:LED Pendant:Other: 1 1 51 51 3-Trial Room#1 (Common Space Types:Office-Enclosed) _ LED 5:L7:Linear LED:Other: 1 24 4 96 4-Trial Room#2(Common Space Type&Office-Enclosed) LED 5 copy 1:L7:Linear LED:Other: 1 24 4 96 1 High Impact(Tier 1) Medium Impact(Tier 2) 13 1 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: Peloton at Washington Square Report date: 05/1721 Project Title: Peloton at Washington Square Report date: 05/1721 Project Title: Peloton at Washington Square Report date: 05/17/21 Data filename: \\tbs-projects05\2021\2021-0237\Engineering\_Energy-Calcs\2021-0237 Interior Lighting Page 1 of 6 Data filename: \\tbs-projects05\2021\2021-0237\Engineering\_Energy-Calcs\2021-0237 Interior Lighting Page 2 of 6 Data filename: \\tbs-projectSO5\2021\2021-0237\Engineering\_Energy-Calcs\2021-0237 Interior Lighting Page 3 of 6 COMcheck.cck COMcheck.cck COMcheck.cck APPROVED APMRPROPRO TC 5/27/2021 Section Section Section P E L O T O N # Rough-In Electrical Inspection Complies? Comments/Assumptions # Rough-In Electrical Inspection Complies? Comments/Assumptions # Final Inspection Complies? Comments/Assumptions &Re .ID &Re .ID &Req.ID ' 0405.2.2. Spaces required to have light- ❑Complies Requirement will be met. C405.2.3, Daylight zones provided with ❑Complies Exception: Requirement does not apply. C303.3, Furnished O&M instructions for ❑Complies Requirement will be met. 2 reduction controls have a manual ❑Does Not i C405.2.3. individual controls that control the ❑Does Not 0408.2.5. systems and equipment to the ❑Does Not [EL22]1 control that allows the occupant to1, lights independent of general area 2 building owner or designated reduce the connected lighting load In ❑Not Observable', 0405.2.3. lighting.See code section C405.2.3 ❑Not Observable; [FI1713 representative. ❑Not Observable WASHINGTON SQUARE MALL a reasonably uniform illumination ❑Not Applicable j 2 Daylight-responsive controls for ❑Not Applicable ❑Not Applicable pattern>=50 percent. [EL23]' applicable spaces,0405.2.3.1 Daylight', SPACE R05 0405.2.1, Occupancy sensors installed in ❑Complies ;Requirement will be met. responsive control function and 0405.4.1 Interior installed lamp and fixture ❑Compiles ;see the Interior lighting fixture schedule for values 9374 S.W. WASHINGTON SQUARE 0405.2.1. classrooms/lectureftraining rooms, ❑Does Not section C405.2.3.2 Sidelit zone. (FI18] lighting power is consistent with what ❑Does Not 1 conference/meeting/multipurpose 0405.2.4 Se orate lighting control devices for Iles Re uirement will be met. is shown on the approved lighting P 9 9 P q ❑Not Observable: ROAD, [EL18]1 rooms,copy/print rooms, []Not Observable; [EL26]1 specific uses installed per approved [[]]Cc Not plans,demonstrating proposed watts ❑Not Applicable lounges/breakrooms,enclosed offices, ❑Not Applicable lighting plans. are less than or equal to allowed pp cable ! TIGARD OR 97223 .open plan office areas,restrooms, []Not Observable watts. storage rooms,locker rooms, .❑Not Applicable C408.1.1 !Building operations and maintenance ❑Complies Requirement will be met. warehouse storage areas,and other C405.2.4 Additional interior lighting power ❑Complies Requirement will be met. IFI5711 documents will be provided to the ❑Does Not spaces<=300 sqft that are enclosed [EL27]1 allowed for special functions per the ❑Does Not owner.Documents will cover ❑Not Observable ISSUE HISTORY by floor-to-ceiling height partitions. approved lighting plans and is manufacturers'information, Reference section language ❑Not Observable specifications,programming ❑Not Applicable � :automatically controlled and P Ol LANDLORD REVIEW 05.17.2021 C405.2.1.2 for control function In separated from general lighting. ❑Not Applicable procedures and means of illustrating 02 ISSUED FOR PERMIT APPROVAL 05.24.2021 warehouses and section C405.2.1.3 to owner how building,equipment and for open plan office spaces. C405i3 Exit signs do not exceed 5 watts per ❑Complies Requirement will be met. lEL61face. ❑Does Not systems are intended to be installed, ,❑ 0405.2.1. Occupancy sensors control function in ' Complies �Exception: Requirement does not apply. ' maintained,and operated. 2 warehouses: In warehouses,the ❑Does Not ❑Not Observable 0408.2.5. Furnished as-built drawings for ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [EL39)1 lighting In aisleways and open areas is ❑Not Applicable 1 electric power systems within 90 days ❑Does Not controlled with occupant sensors that ❑Not Observable [FI16]3 of system acceptance. p p ❑Not Applicable 0405.6 Low-voltage dry-type distribution ❑Complies Requirement will be met. []Not Observable automaticallyreduce lightingower PP [EL26]2 electric transformers meet the ❑Does Not ❑Not Applicable by 50%or more when the areas are minimum efficiency requirements of unoccupied.The occupant sensors Table C405.6. []Not Observable C408.3 Lighting systems have been tested to '.❑Complies Requirement will be met. 'control lighting in each aisleway ❑Not Applicable [F13311 ensure proper calibration,adjustment, ❑Does Not ;independently and do not control0405.7 Electric motors meet the minimum ❑Com lies Requirement will be met. programming,and operation. lighting beyond the alsleway being a p q ❑Not Observable controlled by the sensor. ]EL27] efficiency requirements of Tables []Does Not ❑Not Applicable C405.7(1)through 0405.7(4). ❑Not Observable' C405.2.1. :Occupant sensor control function in ❑Complies Requirement will be met. Efficiency verified through certification ❑Not Applicable Additional Comments/Assumptions: 3 ;open plan office areas:Occupant ❑Does Not under an approved certification pP i IEL2011 sensor controls in open office spaces [_-]Not Observable program or the equipment efficiency >=300 sq.ft.have controls 1) ratings shall be provided by motor configured so that general lighting can ❑Not Applicable be controlled separately manufacturer(where certification p y'In control programs do not exist). :zones with floor areas<=600 sq.ft. 0405.8.2, Escalators and moving walks comply ❑Complies Exception: Requirement does not apply. o within the space,2)automatically turn: 0405.8.2. with ASME A17.1/CSA 844 and have ❑ off general lighting In all control zones Does Not 77 9 g g f automatic controls configured to PROJECT NUMBER .within 20 minutes after all occupants ; [EL2811 'reduce speed to the minimum ❑Not Observable' LNVV CIA have left the space,3)are configured permitted speed In accordance with ❑Not Applicable so that general lighting power in each SCALE o control zone is reduced by>=80%of ocalASME ode when not conveying applicable AS ��D N .the full zone general lighting power passengers. SHEET TITLE within 20 minutes of a0 occupants ELECTRICAL N leaving that control zone,and n are 0405.9 Total voltage drop across the ❑Complies Requirement will be met. `n configured such that any daylight [EL29]1 combination of feeders and branch ❑Does Not m responsive control will activates ace circuits<=5%. general lighting or control zone p ❑Not Observable COMPLIANCE FORMS general lighting only when occupancy ---- ❑Not Applicable N for the same area is detected. - Additional Comments/Assumptions: Z 0405.2.2, Each area not served by occupancy ❑Complies Requirement will be met. LU 0405.2.2. sensors(per C405.2.1)have time- ❑Does Not SHEET NUMBER r__ 1, switch controls and functions detailed N C405.2.2 in sections C405.2.2.1 and 0405.2.2.2.'❑Not Observable 0 2 ❑Not Applicable E N 1 12 N ]EL21]1 O cli PROFESSIONAL SEAL Lu Lu m P 1 High Impact(Tier 1) - Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier 31 1 High Impact(Tier 1) Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier 31 1 Hlgh Impact(Tier 1) Medium Impact(Tier 2) a Low Impact(Tier 3) �CtiG 19 D_ Project Title: Peloton at Washington Square Report date: 05/17/21 Project Title: Peloton at Washington Square Report date: 05/17/21 Project Title: Peloton at Washington Square Report date: 05/17/21 Data filename: \\tbs-projectr05\2021\2021.0237\EngineeringLEnergy-Calcs\2021-0237 Interior Lighting Page 4 of 6 Data filename: \\tbs-projectr05\2021\2021-0237\EnglneeringLEnergy-Calfs\2021-0237 Interior Lighting Page 5 of 6 Data filename: \\tbs-projectsO5\2021\2021-0237\Engineering\ Energy-Calcs\2021-0237 Interior Lighting Page 6 of 6 U COMcheck.cck COMcheck.cck COMcheck.cck C4 ✓FF 4V Z0,1 �O N FFRY D. �xP;res:l2 31'z2. N O N O N U a: 2 d N