Ordinance No. 16-11 CITY OrtIGARD,OREGON TI ARD CITY{:olrNCI ORDINANCE NO. 16- ORDINANCE:. TO PROVIDIE A PlFR( :E:1]u'RIE FOR L10I311 IE'.0 .VATION OF 'LICARI) C J'L ' aILrkRI'l?E I; 11l]N 5.3€- RELATING -Ix) CL NS 11.C11ON OF :1 N1\PI' 1I1 iE1-C 11PACIn: TRANSIT CORRIDOR fi11ROJE.CI'. J]I f#1:;1ti, the City rIf ']i rxl ' .ICf .HI . IIRF autlinlitx Ori .1r iiI ilk- [144 Nus Fin terms 1rf1 t.Ldt:flci 1 cit 4.64.1 ise ambiguous i11 Thr`"IiRard On/Charter:and \1111 EA.S., Tignnd City laiancil 15aa authority and ctlpihnsiltrility II] irrr]i 'nlen1 ¶]Mx'I64!MN Evan] (]huxi t and l 'L{IiIR1=.1S, Ti and t=its (Alarm S ctsvrL 5* carkamF ambbRLaciJF 1'r undefined tr-rnis and arks. pniced.hams l-+]r jigliplinnerunfmni 1]I!kKI LIf ILS rsL��rrt53Lnr ,and 1 'E LI•:R1111. , elle Tigard R;LTs {:.ouncil Intends to adopt drflnitirrm and proctriurcN frhr rhr pug-111,w ++f uripkmsnrir g Tigard C[y Chirrn S'€16]15 53;!DLJ 1 'I I]'_11I:_ti., Ilre € i € cored l lif s 1c1 establish pc1I}I4 prric gym m d:euerni ne if an atitIMxi7satinn ordinance prespo x1 hkr44,1cr Chrirrgr 'tLiriI!53 with iii rt-tinlicirk7i15.fir dbe R:haco:r. NOW,THI•:RIF31lIR1.II!I:R:iT f)].'11CiARD( 1RI). INS.SSS 1•01..li 4l 1'1ON1 I. An R)rdna.vme sof the OL r 411-TigJIr11 is In-p.17 tU Lt.II"I]ill,WN: (i1;L]lur Seeli4 n1 3!]rooduriL I ultrtiY,le42 :511:11()N-A. Purpose. f]efinirieins Jim crrii.cd and a p IcrdLIre impomr43 fm }I4 1-14111 (]! niIKLrc1'I1L ISIINw1 And U§Sp1r[71cildarg341 ligtrd r:irs Cbainitr Sieculcm 53 rehiring to nra Iiigh-c p . its tr1Lnsit corridor rrc]jrrrs und!i n ihr Ciry l'.I]rpLIa4. !trIplur11cuIIaribd proCt-dLart,13 rd dui( air atiFthtw-La:arjon crt1tnaiicr refrrrecl ire i he wicrs11n11Cr t:Jirtsr Swctino 51 i% Ill a].IIurrnmprr widI 1IIi rtx]111rLyriCi11 II(IISaL SCC LLSan. "11ic purpose 1rf L11c dcfinidonF airily xnf rr11[f irxigt regal-Kling thi' wr]rvls end p15r;L3xrx 7 Dry{:honer 1JICri1 55. I)d'Ii n nn&. r1�Ilrucl in Tkerrilflit/Chdrlrr Sec ion 53.di&fullo rill1 Ilkhlsiti4]Ilx shall altplk I. ".Accurilely vnunaritra tht rnf+armaticrt rTgtilirvi:I b rrr4:lrt.Tsar LEX b21ILc51 line Approved b Er. cit,-own.' grkrd sliaU: 1. t O1 iI LI1 a Link Its 'Ll I],i It' 'Aut.{]5ur1L'r required Infc]ITrJatukn 1S wvii1 L' . Page 1 -Ordinance NE]. I �,rk•1Iu If,•�1ti��r rrr.r_�. I..irO.vyri kr.i .fri OAF al Ih. l'ran'id1 thr el ti Mired eta I ailSrrLlrLt r5f ukpcicuriaCiCy rhae wonki be reduced by the nor hiRhcapaci •trorlmit Corridor,.aF that phcr+se Cmn3 iii Section 1i,9,irrtd ITusrlrirued n5 App.trrdix A of ibis C rrlulante. I]4e9.eolsr in!immoral 1011110.ant' inereascs in housing diNisL[V crr changes Eck bind Lis+ PITON lionthat will he Fpri5ronsud trs silo 43(+I131erwi odr,arntJlrwletr ihr,5a� 1ti li- est i i iey trail corridor, de-cribcd in St-ciirlil 11.1 and I!.4 of this 0Tdirlance- 03. Provide I,rojreircl public cra t,Jf rhe entire high-cipaciry musk corridor project Imxel•1 tiiprM1 irlfnrrnIitIeNn Irma the ginvemuirrii rez fJrIniihle flor CralrfiniC[irlr.rl,r project.AS descnbtd in k-cction 69_.6.of this (.kdinnrlce, Br b uti Sail ilk t.k>rlo imueu h Tri.11ler at the rive [kit ,I111IFtriaakic'n t rdirrance 1F referred.hc' ihx the Cit}-of Tigard fznincil. ? "Aailibmation{JrdLrl;lnce- rmc u1x illy aulhfud'ix31Ic5n nedirlance iku.cnb.cd in Section 53 of tI�L•€.it}'cir 7igaril Charier%Alai, .uIijeei iti 'corer 15prruita1,.auil5rariS.,es IIIr City a5(1 Dred (45 Ftllalrclet a new Ii.gh-cappclrc Tranni corridor Ford and crsntains the iiifonilniinn requircd irF Chance SectieJlE s3C._ 1, "C..hanger.to land,ase KO!I rI WI Ilion ilia City 1]tir<L will l5c priil51 Fxd 1„Milt-Lir r]lbenr,t C acccrnuixxMic the new high-rapacll3• IrsnFit corrLdrsr"rnxans the Rmendmen re.1+1.the t:irw c'LPrnprtlieud.1'e pin!).2+.Jiuilt4 11.129,411 t1C#-4_4) rnt ll{otic dIiT ilS:L} 13C rciluiret. to Mir or ACCum1JarwI t the rlea• corridor pre]iv41 within rl,r.{'ii; 1f'i'iora_ d. "Irlcrcas.ca in housinJg lIcslaitw� mean,.changes.lc) vonlltg maps,.cralirrrh.nsivc plait maps. xr.wLing dtstack.irxl Of comprehensive plan 1rx1.%Ouch have Lilt• effect Id'lhilrheriztrip it grcion-r5sm]kwr LIIsiing imii'. 5, •'N.e high-c.ipc it'F ira noir corndii Ir l+ria t" meaax n pmpL a.or pr pr43114144C4t I3k+1i1 fl bra cxicnd Iiphr sail transit irrdicc to Tigard,including ier downtown•I-gtlrcl. Few the purp:rms of rk5r .'ti,]tkiiirirocicarti f)rcirLarer.(Flui cL►' [rarlsii ctFrrtrJud rnEkireEs:litll inelu3r the. Onus_clrxr��n ,and descrlpticyrls of the RrrpOani as iiriYPOsei] rIp1irMla Lsmsvci by InMet f [ht _tiuckL1Ja Lralitaii €}LLliriance. 4- ..Prnjeicied pirbli.c cost of 111e L!nlirt. trauxii corriiliu prOject"mean% the altiira#ed rirpil a' eiAjnIlaa for iI new hiRI -capacLt; irafasit corridor prciect i sled]as 'rriMet Ir,t ust in an Authurimaiii Lel O Iinat.cr. ..ii11311ic riglles,4�f. r9y tl4rt Cc,u143 rrrherw•iie pr, irk pi3rlirirxisrL rttiud itip,Lit' dL sr future da1&' iiuc;IJIS nghr-'i[-wax within so estimated fiver Hiles ikf thes�f'I'igprdl th.ni Br the time ilea rlll[1��Tif;Liisa.i f.l,dirarice is e4trered for a 11.4)ie ie ill public rrwrle,rship, tuoi improved for i.iiera.public Lyse ai a [rariyl}oristion r,,S 11L rriteri■ 'Sr[ forth iii Srcln n5 7 r,f Appendix Aa llotcntiall}•can he used in the future to srtr one or more nddiiisxlyd v chieular loam ihbu pts]ride additional roeLi capacity, • "R,LI •nr within 1i,c mites;u(il5L(..i Iliof Eiiirc.5llti• pvrrpii pul!lx• Iow114Ir1- }Sikh IraitIc ' means na:..public right-elf-wily within fru a auks rir ibe t;11i-boundary line which RC khe I int IIL12 _u.u1l]rfruu[ia]rL Ordinance is referred DJ idle vi1 ct‘ by ItEd-i ygsrrd(Jr).Gummed prrrnI1 m'jK'r rehide trrl1Fic. C 2 - Ordinance i s}_ I h . II .144.1.1-N11.1.^0.111.11111.41.111. "Trii]L 2Ihr,unt of rr RLi capacity that would be reduced the new high-capacity tranaii corridor' mean a. I;b cLLrr4mtly p4L II1c mriw tqlligic traffic: a C[rdsspi.1'4 n of L15r r+a24+3r capacity prig to csrrLxtructlicrn or rhe new high-caper* tranFit orrriclorproicct 4o the raadlway capafree pmpcci CKii.V rlr[Lino.is comptcrcd_ 1}. I'or public rigliEx-c51-,lira 11541 Could [rrhtr irx pre]w•ide (E JLrihnat rtnsl vipacitr it p fuliur date;R comparison of the acriragr ehul Co+ukl pii:r5-i k-addirrr}isal cowl caplciey air a future dale which is. -ailsblc I}rix,r w Ci.nsmirucricias tie a neg.. liij s cal5 jr} Er�riigr itirrids7r l50111cir Erd 1hr icr{;u s avaiJrrbk prnicci IPIPniciruciiiin is complfilfi- ti l .l'1(7N C. . cncrnl Prtr.kirms. I. IRCeturred. Informalirrl5. The inr;0tnurkH4 recjluEltd Sce LL'iIL 33 hf rhr t' ti•r#Cliirirr Ih [rim (hr rt eluitr:L15rr1 Lx fur Elk' _'LUir1M FrresiNw{'frairpinper anrc1 the 11h81101 trtlr ihr Il IFC hou.c1+m irrfhrm�rN�rr incl 4.lxtn riivrlaaik at the the .iuttiorizar.i 'n Ordinance is taa•rrt•J Lr, die l'm`rs h• Ehh: Cm . of Li}�a1J C.00iieil. Ilk Laked'acinn.or r,Lr=r[ar}Jk.getilied tri .\Erj,c IN3Lx_X bv bawd 4W1 the cnuccrt rd plar1N and drrigna issued by •I'riNlet for the new.high- capacity HAWAII'corridor proirci options cndoacd hX r15r`Sowh.wcsE{asrriLErir Swirling 'L'iHi3ritlrartr elle rtls5e 7]5r_1 ri[I5ur57wr1[rr5 [�nlie]anr=e iS n;frrrcti r[] thc 1,1317px b tlri Citi 4]1 '1'rgasxl Council, 2. Roadway(:.apadiry Iitifrifrnonon. All roacluvar capxin'inform:613 tr+y iirerJ fne i]tie :3u(h,)ri.7.*[Iran()rdinirice and 45a31rsr nrdap.ure alt■ll Lie Iham L"nn tlar iii[th{>dnl ry:•of 4 cliuri 1)_orf Ehix{.)rclinancr stx clovraninscl by a qualified trait-lc engineer sirt4.1 r+anexined in 14 Wiirt4rr R p+krt r}f ilit r r1ts Tf npplicariorl& ctu':m l.}_ {:tri,vl,xr l loudiup,I1 t+iltLr`]Irdikrie. 1 _tificAaeft in die rr[Mb(' ID hmaxing units in Tigard e au lily dm siting 41r licgrOMMEr4d&tie)n.eaf FY high-capacity trarnsit corridor,dor,inclLILling irisrsR�ci that rcplacr unit[;]east to corridor COOdriIkclJutl tar dial'Clic sJti•a,srgv nr inerea!UJ translxrcwtirml cspacii, pioviL3rd by A rLe1.-15Wr•rnj5sciex ir4I.it s.1rrikkiI xh�ll n{'t lx' e[IKLdLiJlerrid prr irrres.cw rn Ii irficig dr r}'itx if the increased number of 116a5 tart['emu red b] zoning emits adopted prior in voice approval of ihr.Aurboritariirn{}rJlinaritc. 'Ilw: City may not lucre-asr El4]mzu l deiwIEX 154"Chan.rrr z[rnrrig[7r crimprxhx'nFiv" pati MAR!.Or tr311 for ihr rurpntic of stitinp or aHtlirrr.iir.i`acc'nnmt'datrng a iirY►' huh-capacity rrinsil csati'idirr wtdicsLjr v c'rcr 2pprosa1. Nl CTIt'7N li_ tivtethesL nin•k-I:]43rrrrnlins rCRdv+Ry capacity iii5pacts, The roadway csupicit i tlt•tsr rrunaw'ri is resluEred by this f.lyduiai-Ice ana- IREIrti Cir.: f:hairmr Sot eih id S3 shall b.t based esn rhr:enerhr,[Ic.k. . described Li ,3pprrEJix :1 ttr IN,.4 inlin.ari.ci (Meth„ct4,ln.gl. k[r I? tirr�tc 11142 ']'heal Aerw3ELi51 irf It .ad f:Aj5sjrir)•Rr43uc11:43 Iw a NEIL' I IRL;h-CRrRciiy Tran .it C:oriidorj iurhich r amid-1rd mitt rnc'+rpirairtilherein by ref i nci *1,:1(71uN E. .huahssriw.acorn Ordinance Approval lief,ire referring pri au I Ilhnd.ini]n ordirMlie tri 11,5'4- riersE ihr {:+ mcil 4101 determine w hethcr thr prop-nod r ritilrrrs the rcqulrenr its of Zl&td Croy(71ark SLCCrr4re5 53 l Li ihr dclrrririrr dcci.i'an •o refit May tic mast[. rig s regular 41r SPOC3R1 mC�`tirm,c)f rhe lift 4]f'1'i. a iI iter Council and rift public will he perrnitrecl the ii parnia ay it' prrtinsi x'.n(rcli tit +,rn] sestimonv can[lie proposed orclinaince or e,r prior TO stceIm as5rt�inl;. PiLg< • () ILi14t1C-C Nla, 1.Ci` + 11 a ••inti a i.,l r . rcrriM1 r.1.rUT T Tr nalIL22-n of SI CI1(1N Tht sexriar nr1 5.1315eir)15 , f,frr tipr.iJShs grid *Iaraws 431 Ilrax ordinance art. scomIkle. TIic invalidity ref OM;moon,1111arci1' . parspraph,or clause slra0 nca( afFccr ih.t silirliry r7r1ke rcrnaknirr,stevaiid,subs mons,pita apltis and dL,ua'ac. fill{:l'IuN 3. 'Ile Gay Ci>*rsi it 104 I!' L rlrc iminwclialc a+raiL bcIi of the prrxcdiirc provided 1n ibis r rua#car r� nrce c kr+ flicr~urc ih u rhe Af(hsat,aarirn OrdliruL5cc (ryriicrd b}- f=�rtT Scc ion 51C.can be cc n'idt7Cd by ...own I(L N:]S-cuIlScr.-141"1 6. . SECTION 4. J'or.ht rt.igiikg.rzi Ii irrh u.S r rig u. 3.,An crni-rhP4..nry IF declared U}rxi.t mil (his Ordinance 193;A:x 4 ffeci up.wI adt}p1Nrn ' Ilrr c,iiy Cowin! And s 5artltr Sal~(h4'Abytar. r]r 0.19...00-1 VDU'a Kr#II Canncil rieinbi rs Fire-scn1 aI'tti h,eirr r i-ad by isLrinbcr 11rkrk flatly,Ilrrh `+d415"rif �� . eizr. . rt'L:'i.]<r r,Cc-3. Dark PPRO%11k I ''imrd Cikr Cuurica t1iiN ar da}'of . _ _ 21.1.Ir. 111 Jul 4. C i ak, [atiwir Approved as to furry 9f 1b, O/ L7i1E ] r . 4 • ()I-dimmerNo. 16' FY".1 11.1 01,11I 4w*I i.i"Ai„P,r•MrprincArci.dia1 ON i j;a1+1 APPENDIX A M1 1-10DoLitcv TOEsTI MATE TH i TOTAL.AMOUNT OP ROAD CAPACITY REDUCED DTA NEW 116h1.-CAPACI7'Y TRANSIT CORRIDOR #, Pktcpook ilii prt,Vt_atL]n. m ehiw ititi th Ic ki.111 ixtecil [r fulfill the requirement in City of'Tigard C,hiLrter ecti4Jrt 53x. to include in an Authorization ( fiance the emityla!v I it pAcr [Er A nem. high-capacity transit a t•ridi r minim? (Sats as a pruprmed light rad transit extension to i:a ri.l) km the Capacity of roadways and the future pores sial caph'iry ono& public rtk!lir:-of-wai•within fire rnile of the bottnaiity I r the city of'1.0,r<d. 2. Defirti thins; 1. _itiieunciir Orion mirans 3 proposed high•rapacii-v transit route or prolrosed route options saimionied kir the Southwest CorTidur Prjtect Steering {ominirtet at ale time elle ,\uthcrizaticn Ordinance r4 fen—ed rte the -voters by the Tigard tits �t�tnicil, +T a phase thereof including the [rack Alignmeol, isgricigned te ria i and I:«dine*, Find other ancillary facilities or improvements inchRkcl in thv cane frtti,il plan or design for such A]ign •its {}pcinii" B- Critical l)ircai iiwn roans the direction of the main thoroughfare (ice; altar llir}u14 vast, I-5 that has rhe highest Capacity Ratio in a Peak C. {-riritaa imam iiti intersc[tiom rat other caparaiy-1imiriiig feature where two land merge) irI iifr i h; rhc. Traflie Engineer neer +m an Existing Rcradw21., That hqs it fairieCastcxi (2035) '{chime-tu-Capacity 1t l(iu crf greater 1). Existing Roadway means x pulslic roadway within rive mini sat the Citi' of Tigard thin pr.rmits vehicular traffic at tFir time of the rlttrliori [rr]n {irdiranni.vis rc fe rred tea thr srrt€ra by the OM i i J i hi C.aiu is 1 that may he affccttvt by an Alignment Option. F.. Increased I'erH,.n "I'np f:apaciti- means for an. _"LIu nmen t {)pticr�i Elle uilir7uTetl diffuri.iice betwrxer the Person 'frit, Carmen" f ru a "I extpl I ldr,Lk (;+Frritl+Ir with the _ ligntmrnr i)prig pjd ihi: 1'crscan _Trip 11.:Rpacity of the 1 crtaL {:t]rrbdor without the .i lignmeni Option_ I'. Merril "ftainipori:LE1'.I ti \1ridek means the input data and outputs 11nc4n pgin the smite of transportatiorr r`ompu[er irr.rpd 1 :!..1cito to 14.recast regional ttPClctlirlg t4'itl4+lut limitation the digitized road network. [lii' 4c'iic'r.iI vapacity and length of highway links.and the trakie +++flume ut 1i IS, C;. iilr4ir 1`i. ri l4 :zlpaIir. i,tieatrs fear A stigualircid roadway ur highway thy otin ued maximum number of mt}torxehirr]i.'z 1 hAt coil pias through a (:riticak Intersection an the IE.:dial:id L)irI [hart in the Peak I ioi r_ I. NeefJed I isrance from Centerline 1x arr.4 the estimated di:;tarcc ( widtIO fr ni [he exritmg ceatitcrEine of an kimting, Roadway arr.iutivd to fully ceJanpFy with :Applicable al1' rtg J irat20_ 2l h standards e3r criteria (including erc}ss-i iit n ;pric, or irore additional ME)lartrb %nM P.Ckl d nr a INCUM nate to the I? 6 pr ;Adding !anus u n I_-isuwil Public MAW,} 7', gnd nanlrc of other daia and infnrmarir ;it the nine the Authorization Ordinance is referred to dire viiturs, as determined by the Traffic I,n x-t. 4ulharva means rhe aulbarea created by drawing a boundary line aplaiti tl,ii-wate Ewe miles in all directions from the boundary cif the Cii3- a of-I W- T. -Poral li.a►diail Cr,rrirnr !Motor "Vehicle Capacity means the estimated anregite Motor Vehicle Capacity of the three maim-rouics in the 'Radial Travel{:rrttidtxt- I.'. Total .l.iir Subarea. Motor \ hide tlipacity means s. [he estimated length-weighted rota] of the motor vehicle capacity in all toad .al $egmentx i11cIi.it1e73 in thy Mori, -I'r.itwpi rrtIr1i 3n \1 I]d.I that are within the'I i rd Subarea. Nr. Traffic l;nginrc¢ means a Professional }ni..,6 eer licensed in Oregon aIttl. speekilixilln tri trmf t tn rutin W. 'Traffic I ngjnecr Lttpirr[ »suns a report signed and r.enlcd Ii a .l.raffic Fligineer in conformance with i]1ia Settion'I, N. 1..niiit4e4i Public Righ[.of-1Xl1. OM means right-of-way proximate to an _lipiment Option that, a[ ilio time the \vilhiyri.;ii rin Ordinance i$ FPferMI for wore, ix In 1�t�1 li 411s ship and 1N not imp.... L•LL 1.4 genera] public Use as a transportation facility.. I'sful. Unused Public ltd X' means the estimated surface area, measured in acre, if L'riuscd Public ROW ' puteritial4 capable 4'( providing. a4.I4I ii Ion.;r.l IIM311451r ' 4.11141L ipci[V ,as i furore a dcrL'riivricd by rhe criteria in SecrI''i1 ' of this ApprriJi /.. 1 •]1«sr•J PI hric ROW' 'iI i means one or more maps prprtra ing fpr an Alignment Option the general location of the (I) Useful Unused Pulalk ROW used by NO. t;.I3;kcic1' rt11fiyii (i_r.; the Reduced Motor r 'Veluclee (apacirc ri I die 1.'nused L1ubtic RCilkand {II) Unused Public ROW used by the Alignment option that does rt&'t 610101 illi pcK-rilial 11111 MM hiF1u.!1 .ciL ihci.f}' AvoilAlc t1uF111 riudzwil 1'LILILic ROW. _1.1_ \'chicle Lam tm]Yart filar tneanN. i1nc ret Mori' niapri IwirrtPlying iI1L erIVIiIi 1F1c 4[1nn I if vehicular lanes On Existing Roadways that would be displaced ixr that would he added for general public traffic by an Alignment if.}pliran, NHL 1E3 {g, i1-• Ra60, or 'A_ }wrier, ricins the farrccaxted volume ': f rrn fit a[ a location divided by the mr* c vehicle capacity at the location. :md rerr'. c,U die Aifficigno u,l 1nlcrcoction r,F acetinu ti date vehicular demand_ A 'v / Ratio Irss 1]1.un 11.90 or less gerierafl. indicates that eapacit} is adequate and significant traffic queuc!1 .i1itl deka.' are. nor anneiroic l_ Kmart cur 1.0 pri4i i 11111 ieldicatL unstahlc traffic flans, eiccessise delay, and traffic queuing. intersection VIC Ratin 1ji.uJ I1:1416 grnwp4 IiICI% the i]jl ra[14 3F1N 4)1i i 1 e;f t'ir cull, a. iikscril.x.4 in the Highway Capar it' ;Manual, ,QIPa ge hI ne 0 . IMI ti General Parvixions A. Illy 4.;IJ.1.3l;1rpw 1114 fira'rs described in •ham .1ppc.nrlix A xh IL b based cm irrfurrnariisn and Mata av i]ablc flt the time the Au � thoation Ordinance ix referred 1 J theN.-4by th rier- be c:ii • of Tigard {Jc unciL i,Thleultrttrin if ricti rrt4 d ribs l in r hL . pp oidix A xhiIl be based can the a ncepival plans of the .Alignment Options xanctic i cid bJr the rrrrhw.i I Corri4.14ir Stur•rtrt} Ciornmincie at the time the AufliE rrirarir,a7 Ordinance is referred to the V{}111:r1 hy the City Or'Tigard Council.. ri revisions to. Alignment Optp.rits, pEruti, dcsi ,ms, data. asrcumptirariS, CIF nfiy rather in remirgi riguxrti PI r ye:ram •lie infcjnnori;n do crib. t1 herein err used in the. Traffic Engineer Report following npproval of an .lurli{rri atiorY Ordinance aha]] 7i{'t #i'vAlii.1. 11.' 13i tYtY1 (' rh • Apprrvti:41 ''.1rho Yi&' .14 tlrr�i Drslra;rt 4. 13. The Traffic Fngineer Report shall Ix posted on a welasi c prepared or caused to be pm-pared la}' the City 4-11143•411. #_ Tr4 ik Engiruvr N Report A. A Tr.iflrc Engineer's Report shall be prepared by a '1'ri I ii 1:.111011113L7 i3+1<1i1i1erl!Yrig'rtr klti� . ]ti;rtntirr11s Ot }n srimacLd erg hat t'hc gr4,-Aren impacr and the Alignment {Matron estimated to have the lost impact on Motor Vehicle Capacity and/or k"11LLWJ Public I gbi•rt•Way, law foli winir 'Vehicle Line Impact Map .An. I Iiiv 'r! Ktl is ROVE! ' 1I ap c. For each Existing Roadw'a'y potentially having its Motor Vehicle Capacity eviivegA ihq Aligi stiw1 r C)prion t1i f,r]Ir7,ellrlg R1ui1I he 4 rtrni r d: • i. [Motor Vehicle? C:ipacitr' at each Critical Intersection wiiImrir the A*mem { til 14 FIT: u, MIotrir 'e]uclr Capacity at eadi Critical Intersection with the .\hgnrnent .()pitir3.0; and! ui. Reidoeed 'Joecsr Vehick Capacity for each Critical Intersection. c!. For each applicable .\ ig'Y nent ()ptiI.I , the rollcaawdrlg shall be enitiniated; i. Nue Hor.irr Vehicle pacify Reduction; ii Percentage !kg-Auction in .J otal Radial Corridim-M olor Vehdcic Capacity--,. hi, Isctcor7tagi: Rielh.i iic,q 7a 'l ipird tiyrharva ;'l tarry'Vehicle(iw ; lncrea'ed Person'Trip Capacity; x-, P+.-rct image I ncrp;m to 11r`gr3ra Trip [:itpacit ; vi. Reduced Motor Vehick f:apacit}• of the L'nus d Public ROW_ 13. in phi-paring rbc Traffic ! ngitn ,er' kvprur, rile Traffic I':iOrtcer vtrtplray rhe methodologies. described herein and Filial! use Standard I7ra€rice fur idemiiving i�iher ANa impti+r11 . 4.1nix. mod n7crlYc,e3�,3s,k,�u. rx the "Traffic Eng-Ulcer 1Jeterrninus arc nc€es.sarI c]r appropriate four the required 111i2h'9c5. .1Nirr20, 20 I C. The .L.raf c E;rijiII r s 9lrprrrr 51121[1 1w signed and scaled by a 'Traffic I:.nolc r. CD, '11w Traffic I i r's rw giett nn vti•cltsire prepared or caux{.d rLi 1 Fr prepared by the City oaf Tigard_ 5, Methodology to F fir atc Motor Vchiellc Capacity Impacts on Existing Rostd ity i A. The"Traffic Iirrglneur s3ia]!estimate or pause to be esdimir.iI v;ia 4tierrlxLul iii this rK3rt S for the Alignment ()piton with the, resar•st imps{I On [Motor 1"4. iick Capacitti and for the Aligllmerir Option with the Ii ast impact 441 !Ioirit '�91ic1� Carriairy- p- Niot r Vehick Capacity and Net Motor Vehicle f:Ip iCity Raus:tii.ii 4•!p' of 1.1.1thiting orinsor i as 1143111 nt+*! a. 'IIMc 'Traffic Engineer shall irkricif'iCritical intersection Sart I;xirtirt 1 .wrtlaarx fexr ih5; 5i'Ar 21135 .1NI P4.-111. 1+111 And 1 i 114. 1:. Hrcur- b. ilioMotor Vehicle Capadri- of each C=ritical intersection on an ]:xiatLtlg Roadway shall ix citinuittil by iltc -I-ra I'Ik 1',xiginr. r fm Kr Chi r1I"I I't h Fie Nurr and PM Iseak 3lcaur in the year 2ER5. in the Critical Direction. for presai]iir� a erall, we kt1st' traffic and roadway co.:naitions Ince dire Exi iing 1 E.Padveaw. ai1]vrrur Ili Alignment {)ptiort and the I?xisting Roati pis with the Alignment (111111rni. 1'nr cACh Crttika1 lhitet-secdii + tltir "It7t��W: E,ri ttayrt shall ygriimmtr: Ilio RLJL[eeti] M.{slrxr Vehicle Capaciry of the Critical I nter L'ri0n calculated as the tliff rt-rle of 11-w NImM43r Vvhiklc CitriAreity 4t11 thy (-11111I,7i4k$4 ii,rfl widirokir rhe Alignment ()prion ntin!s the Motor Vehicle t:apacir} of the Critic-R1 Initurncti4Kri with CIa4 Alimrncrit ()p+IwhiT, 11.ke L'iI{v14tr "'ehich: (If Illy 1.7 .is.iing Roada..l. shall be the estimated Motor Vehicle Capacity of the Critical ll Intersection 4xhibi.iiig the Inigi-itcr Red icial Iklotor hi lc :apacits (i.t"; the greatest c.k-crL I L- in Motor Vehicle C'apacitil among all Critic E Intersections assessed by t}tr Traffic I gii ccr. 1=r rt a ,11I.nirtlr•iir ()riot). ihr: Not 1'iIrFear "i h lv (:apadry Reducrui.n an an LA'iL nog Rc>adv5;25' 5.133iII be calculated as {I) 11w MCAUF Vehicle [rapacity of the 11',K6iing lZo oadwPo. vpithilw rise. :\liken itl4 nt ()limier% miriu9. (I I) the I•1 ars n 'Vehicle Capacite of the L':xisting Lt{7a,th:al: with the Alignment Option. minus OW the capacity frced,Akp far m t wr N..chicle kr4flie tsn 1]st i;xis.ring l}5 relocating on-street transit vehicles to the separated guideway in the ,1 LiF,ni1v nC c)ptjt 1, For the calckklai i�Fr1 th Net 7feloiror 1'{Iii ]4 t:;upFi,cirw Reduction of an Alignment Option. the capacit' freed-up i:'r nuotor vehicle traffic shall 1w crEI ulnted as ibc pt414.Iti,:t r}f miiliipIying (I) the cliffvrynei ref forecasted 2t35 11rah Ilour, Peak l)irectii n on-street bus volume with the Alifrnfrrerit ()ption rninim4 forecasted 21135 Pak }Emir. Peak I3irett sr1 on- ,1 r{- i Inis ti olumc without the Ali nn ienr C)poi prig by {I1f d,e bias-auto r t ii+ic7ry exluii alerice factor identified 1}5- the 'Ira itic l ingirke rr. 5IPa0.0 , noel: i , :101 fi r1- A "chick Iarrtie Impact klap shall be pfeparcc paiirtraymj for V.Ki.ting Roadways the general location of vehicular lank that are impacted by the Alignment Option. C. 'flu PcrcLniage Reduction. id 'Tata.] Radia] Corridor Motor 'ehicle Capacity .k II ix estimated as folk..4wrs: a. The Motor Vehicle Capacity of each of the roadway routca constituting .Metro's C.attielot 2 bu a rrirrrated in se ienta (epi ai 4eurIhi � 13cnrtfi�cl licy the 'i'r-affic Engineer. the Capacity of each ye rnenr for each roadway shall be the capacity shown f&r izuch 1 q rruertit +rn. such ro dyvay in the Metro Transportation kloiklexcopi thar more s eci is rApacinix may be used for roadway sepia-its mbutting Alignment Options (sucli as I trbur boulevard), white twin.41letailvi,1 trafl% carge:it1 infrirn ii 1,o �� :i I��hlt•. U. The 'Total Radial Corridor Motor Ve.hicle Capacity for each segment (i.e. ar each ctatliiic) sh:uI1 L+c the sum sof the . leaiixtVehicle Capacity fr~'r each mcg■rrtent Fur cich , f the three mairsr motor vehicle travcL rouri.Ls within dere,! :Mobility :c}rridear 112. 11w 'total Radial.al. Cc irr li'r 'chicle Capacity, takkn trite r nccoum all AegrucniN, s h:i11 Le the ']'otal Radial C,Freadc,r l t,r•1 rr Vehicle C:apacits for the segmcn1 (or at the e:utlirxe) having the [o..3.-est total capacity. c. The Pcrccriraie Reduction in 'poral Radiak Corridor ]oorin 'chick Opacity of an Aliplm.ent Option Shull be calculato.1 as the fraction, expressed as a percmage, resulting from dividing (1 the Net llicarrrr \'chicle f"Arch)' Reduction for the Alignment Option br (ID the 'Filial Radial Crirrickir Motor Vehicle € Lein . Dr "fetal l'ipITx3 Subarea Motor Vehicle Capaci y ar3ti rho Nrc4.1riallt. ReduciiLFn Tigard Suhareo Xl4.3rrrr\'t']iicle<'apaeirl' shall hi. stlrnoterl ay tirl]cIW a. "Ilse Tigard Subarea shall be estabLisbid as an arca with a boundary that is Frsc rail ft*kin thy bciundary' f che Cir b. Using data from the Metro Transportation li.Enticl. the length tend bi- i.Lapacuy each link tihall i i,Ltstinintid for AO rcrathli ay 1i11k4 coded in the Metro 'l'rnnsportation Model than arc locatod within the 1'igird tiiilacIrt: c. I11c Tina! Tilapid Subarea Cairacity shall br calculated as the aggrcpr to sum of the weighied 1.-Hilikcirt,. of each link within the subarea, where the +peighi for a Link is eak u]arcd rr_s the length e,f the link. 'i he 'I'u raL '1'ii andubarca d opacity. shall be c:rkuiatial apple bk Alignment Option and rot a se`e-riitriar wirllir,krr any .Alignment{)prism. d. For each app1i e b Alignment nt O }tion. the Perccnt gc Hcductic in iei ]'i f ird Sullarca %lotr,r Vehicle Capacity. shall he rstirnnred a the (retia, xprctiscd as a percentage. resulting (tram calculating the cLificrcrice between "I-ora] 611`� hr June : : st16 Tigard and ub r Capacity with the ."iIIim t [ 11[ir,!ti I1LII111 . Iii -I-rwiil 1 iI,giriL 'Subarea C'apacirl Withutaa the Alignment Option, and dividing the difference by (I1). lily Total iignrd Subarea F IoTut Vrchi k, Capacity withuut the ,1ligi nxnt Option. 6. Metkoacklcigy to Estimate Pcrsort Trip Capacity l mpact .1i. The faciors d,escribccl in this Suction IS shall be c Ieulaiefc3t [1){F _ lig nii.''r r �p� rait vtth rhr. Kroilesl iiitipAct rrn I'd t+ar ''eh1 Ic ,a pit and for the Alignment Option with the least impact on tilotnr Vehicle C:ap ive. I . -I1ic P.ergin -I-rip ir.:u ae'ii}- 'if die radial Corridor shall be ca[crllartad 113r each applicable Alignment Option 2ri1,1 secnario wiilw it ;'liwtiment Option by %Lmi rYIh g (1) the purgigt trip a l+aeit1- trf tie roadways in the Radia] t:rlrridi]F r�t[1ti, when applicable, •]is Alii.i,tncrii Option plU h, when applicailble. (II) the person trip capacity rT high-capacit3 iransir in the_1Iignmtn t Option_ Lri 4,I,pici ii] a_ i h person Trip 4apaci!y of The pilad..rays in the Radial Corridor Shall bc calcuLited as the product of ItitiltrpIv4n (l) Ilk! Total 'Radial fotti iot I,FIryr 1'�F1ii l� tiapi iiy Irk (FI) .H1 ati•eni1 c Pick F lour auto (Dccupa.nor rate estimated by.the Traffic Engineer; and Ir, The person u t'ip capacity of high-capacity transit shall be calculaied i. (I) '1'hc estimated. n7i .iintiiu [tits%it %Thi,ck-5 or raYnsisis that can lic U cratird in the Peak Hour on the Alignment t prLi n multipl •el by (!]) rho prr-rson a , {sf hgrh pacitt intuit in the Ali fitment Option.,n.,minus. ii (I)1 he furrcasted r ticlue_Eir]fl in the v4 dome of inti-atrect i u ec UkinitiaiLM.L by hila-raps€ity transit multiplied by (III) i,t•rsco capacity a a rrr'g1,11)r WS. C. .1.114; I ri'crelm d Perur1 Trip Capadit3v Or an ,'Iignmcnr ()pm ii 4WD cAkLrlatcd soz the numeric diffirenep r]f rlu T PurrivilI rip C:IIaaeit7 of the R2disil Oirridor with the Alignment Option minus the Person 'Trip Capacity of rhe t;citticlut + ithuui the _ lignnu7ir €)iiauill D. The Percentage increase in 'Person 'Trip Capacity of an Aligrltt,.-Il[ ()Om slinin be the inct.burhi. cxprog a74 pk-t*u tltslil;e :' 1 I,iiet1 a (I) the Increased Person Trip Lapacrty of the Aliinmcni Option. divided b}' (II) rIu. Inion Trip C,Ypacir •or the p�lk;l I (:r]rri la 1,r wrr 14 LI r rho' r'I]igiirrierit(1iti�*YI. 7. M ihudui1ugy to Estimate Reduced Motor Vchivlk Capacity orlintised Public ROW 1. iltc `I raffle I'j ireeer shall etitrate tar cause t{t be estimated the Reduced Minor 'Vehicle C=apacitT' &f the UFNUSed PUNIC Rt) ' fisr rho Akpimere Option w iih the rata' r impAri i' i 4'rtLIred Publzic ROW' :Hid for the ,1Eignmtiir []'prir]pi r►'rr]5 Thr- impact on II.'nused Public IRC W% 71I';I _' e luhr� fl_ :2CI1ri II_ For sarh Ipplicahle ..I'dignment Option, the kccatou .Ff 1.1tut ed l'ttblir: ROW impacted by the Alignment Option shall be identified wing the conceptual iilaw or the applicable AIigrtr eni Options and property ownerAhir txt'.'rds tFr ditaaa' C_ Iger rich apalslkable .Alignment Option, the Useful Unused Public ROW' x+11 1I be idernif ed AS fiAl ►'V .1-he rtradway design standards or crireria (Including cross-.sectlnn specifcatiiins) appli aIIi( Flo rxltarittin ; the number of Titles on the I?Nistini Roadway chsiL] be identified; cross-sections shall include die w i.LIrb of all hicyclu farrrCisies, $ide+e•alk , shoulders,. or Cather features needed tis comply with the design standard crirerin. b. The Need Drtancsr f �m �t-rxtr riirt4 shall be estimated for I:xiaring Ronk,. ;v'. that max in the Future poteritkialy expand onto 11:i.iiSCd irulaiic l {]i\ :1•- rltit• ti1.11.1rii OurAid rrud from the centerline i pi the Existing I coaaeav)r rf A cro!,:—se.crion. needed for the add414 Tarte {3r laiies that is required. to comply with aria applicable desigai staiulards or criteria_ c. Useful Unused Public k{)W osiiix ntt'd as for area of Unused Public 13011,V tiritierlxtir g an Alignment tlptu me L 'Where the reati.Ft boundary (=loured frorn the existing centerline of Rhe Existing Rumba-ay) of the L'ntss: d KUM: e9ualk cat• es€eetiy rhe' t,ur q 1 +s4in5lflIfY (rill:4154111:d frOTTm the existing centerline) caf the Needed Distance from the Centerline rlin. reqpitrd rr .ILIA An auto latae Er liLrics.arid ii. If the Eaci,sdng Roadwav to be expan{leJ is ;t Freeway i31 Thr luEiiwas (i.e_: i-5), sx ftr'rs added lark or lanes either (I) extends along the [Ai:4.ring Roadwav for 3 Eli!-Lrsn t}f i Isrrtxt rant half of:nr iitile rif (ii) �r ttri,�Il3 addresses a capacity-reducing si.isreing lai rrilencek identified an TlW l i jffie Rupt Fit;or w- if Fisting Itcisadvr a' to he cxpandad is not a Fens ;bk• rat throug.hway i.r_, EL rbur Rriu vard1, arldrex> ' r} $yelctns lr+artleneck idt ntifirxl ui the 7'ra Efi&. Engineering,ineering Report. SIM. i'or each applicable Alignment Option, the IxelvLe41 'Iotrar Vehicle (_apsu itti of the k'nused Public ROW sha[I he the art-a (measured in acres} of I.'gelid I.ina,,sed i\1k1t ROW+' that-would he displaced by ib Ali ii7rrent Optrom In making this ca]cuhtion, rli4.' arm, usyd by bicycle in petk.strian facilities incorpnrated. in an : lig;trtieut Option shall not count as Reduced Motor Vchiels Cupaciry of the Unused Public Knew r flit tri lway expartsionr. that urr subject to 'uriAdi4rinis41 rli.sii Y standards +ir criteria that rt urr than AttCh FtiC:FCIe And i dusttiurt facilities as pan of a r0ad4Vati exi,aatrst�art, 1Mftr F4 Jur~e26. 20. 16