Ordinance No. 16-11 CITY OrtIGARD,OREGON
aILrkRI'l?E I; 11l]N 5.3€- RELATING -Ix) CL NS 11.C11ON OF :1 N1\PI' 1I1 iE1-C 11PACIn:
J]I f#1:;1ti, the City rIf ']i rxl ' .ICf .HI . IIRF autlinlitx Ori .1r iiI ilk- [144 Nus Fin terms 1rf1 t.Ldt:flci 1 cit
4.64.1 ise ambiguous i11 Thr`"IiRard On/Charter:and
\1111 EA.S., Tignnd City laiancil 15aa authority and ctlpihnsiltrility II] irrr]i 'nlen1 ¶]Mx'I64!MN Evan]
(]huxi t and
l 'L{IiIR1=.1S, Ti and t=its (Alarm S ctsvrL 5* carkamF ambbRLaciJF 1'r undefined tr-rnis and arks. pniced.hams l-+]r
jigliplinnerunfmni 1]I!kKI LIf ILS rsL��rrt53Lnr ,and
1 'E LI•:R1111. , elle Tigard R;LTs {:.ouncil Intends to adopt drflnitirrm and proctriurcN frhr rhr pug-111,w ++f
uripkmsnrir g Tigard C[y Chirrn S'€16]15 53;!DLJ
1 'I I]'_11I:_ti., Ilre € i € cored l lif s 1c1 establish pc1I}I4 prric gym m d:euerni ne if an atitIMxi7satinn ordinance
prespo x1 hkr44,1cr Chrirrgr 'tLiriI!53 with iii rt-tinlicirk7i15.fir dbe R:haco:r.
NOW,THI•:RIF31lIR1.II!I:R:iT f)].'11CiARD( 1RI). INS.SSS 1•01..li
4l 1'1ON1 I. An R)rdna.vme sof the OL r 411-TigJIr11 is In-p.17 tU Lt.II"I]ill,WN:
(i1;L]lur Seeli4 n1 3!]rooduriL I ultrtiY,le42
:511:11()N-A. Purpose.
f]efinirieins Jim crrii.cd and a p IcrdLIre impomr43 fm }I4 1-14111 (]! niIKLrc1'I1L ISIINw1 And
U§Sp1r[71cildarg341 ligtrd r:irs Cbainitr Sieculcm 53 rehiring to nra Iiigh-c p . its tr1Lnsit corridor
rrc]jrrrs und!i n ihr Ciry l'.I]rpLIa4. !trIplur11cuIIaribd proCt-dLart,13 rd dui(
air atiFthtw-La:arjon crt1tnaiicr refrrrecl ire i he wicrs11n11Cr t:Jirtsr Swctino 51 i% Ill a].IIurrnmprr widI
1IIi rtx]111rLyriCi11 II(IISaL SCC LLSan.
"11ic purpose 1rf L11c dcfinidonF airily xnf rr11[f irxigt regal-Kling thi' wr]rvls end
p15r;L3xrx 7 Dry{:honer 1JICri1 55.
I)d'Ii n nn&.
r1�Ilrucl in Tkerrilflit/Chdrlrr Sec ion 53.di&fullo rill1 Ilkhlsiti4]Ilx shall altplk
I. ".Accurilely vnunaritra tht rnf+armaticrt rTgtilirvi:I b rrr4:lrt.Tsar LEX b21ILc51 line Approved b
Er. cit,-own.'
grkrd sliaU:
1. t O1 iI LI1 a Link Its 'Ll I],i It' 'Aut.{]5ur1L'r required Infc]ITrJatukn 1S wvii1 L' .
Page 1 -Ordinance NE]. I �,rk•1Iu If,•�1ti��r rrr.r_�.
I..irO.vyri kr.i .fri OAF al
Ih. l'ran'id1 thr el ti Mired eta I ailSrrLlrLt r5f ukpcicuriaCiCy rhae wonki be reduced by the
nor hiRhcapaci •trorlmit Corridor,.aF that phcr+se Cmn3 iii Section 1i,9,irrtd
ITusrlrirued n5 App.trrdix A of ibis C rrlulante.
I]4e9.eolsr in!immoral 1011110.ant' inereascs in housing diNisL[V crr changes Eck bind Lis+
PITON lionthat will he Fpri5ronsud trs silo 43(+I131erwi odr,arntJlrwletr ihr,5a� 1ti li-
est i i iey trail corridor, de-cribcd in St-ciirlil 11.1 and I!.4 of this 0Tdirlance-
03. Provide I,rojreircl public cra t,Jf rhe entire high-cipaciry musk corridor project
Imxel•1 tiiprM1 irlfnrrnIitIeNn Irma the ginvemuirrii rez fJrIniihle flor CralrfiniC[irlr.rl,r
project.AS descnbtd in k-cction 69_.6.of this (.kdinnrlce,
Br b uti Sail ilk t.k>rlo imueu h Tri.11ler at the rive [kit
,I111IFtriaakic'n t rdirrance 1F referred.hc' ihx the Cit}-of Tigard fznincil.
? "Aailibmation{JrdLrl;lnce- rmc u1x illy aulhfud'ix31Ic5n nedirlance iku.cnb.cd in Section 53 of
tI�L•€.it}'cir 7igaril Charier%Alai, .uIijeei iti 'corer 15prruita1,.auil5rariS.,es IIIr City a5(1 Dred (45
Ftllalrclet a new Ii.gh-cappclrc Tranni corridor Ford and crsntains the iiifonilniinn requircd irF
Chance SectieJlE s3C._
1, "C..hanger.to land,ase KO!I rI WI Ilion ilia City 1]tir<L will l5c priil51 Fxd 1„Milt-Lir r]lbenr,t C
acccrnuixxMic the new high-rapacll3• IrsnFit corrLdrsr"rnxans the Rmendmen re.1+1.the t:irw
c'LPrnprtlieud.1'e pin!).2+.Jiuilt4 11.129,411 t1C#-4_4) rnt ll{otic dIiT ilS:L} 13C rciluiret. to Mir or
ACCum1JarwI t the rlea• corridor pre]iv41 within rl,r.{'ii; 1f'i'iora_
d. "Irlcrcas.ca in housinJg lIcslaitw� mean,.changes.lc) vonlltg maps,.cralirrrh.nsivc plait maps.
xr.wLing dtstack.irxl Of comprehensive plan 1rx1.%Ouch have Lilt• effect Id'lhilrheriztrip it
grcion-r5sm]kwr LIIsiing imii'.
5, •'N.e high-c.ipc it'F ira noir corndii Ir l+ria t" meaax n pmpL a.or pr pr43114144C4t I3k+1i1 fl bra
cxicnd Iiphr sail transit irrdicc to Tigard,including ier downtown•I-gtlrcl. Few the purp:rms of
rk5r .'ti,]tkiiirirocicarti f)rcirLarer.(Flui cL►' [rarlsii ctFrrtrJud rnEkireEs:litll inelu3r the.
Onus_clrxr��n ,and descrlpticyrls of the RrrpOani as iiriYPOsei] rIp1irMla Lsmsvci by InMet f
[ht _tiuckL1Ja Lralitaii €}LLliriance.
4- ..Prnjeicied pirbli.c cost of 111e L!nlirt. trauxii corriiliu prOject"mean% the
altiira#ed rirpil a' eiAjnIlaa for iI new hiRI -capacLt; irafasit corridor prciect i sled]as
'rriMet Ir,t ust in an Authurimaiii Lel O Iinat.cr.
..ii11311ic riglles,4�f. r9y tl4rt Cc,u143 rrrherw•iie pr, irk pi3rlirirxisrL rttiud itip,Lit' dL sr future da1&'
iiuc;IJIS nghr-'i[-wax within so estimated fiver Hiles ikf thes�f'I'igprdl th.ni Br the time ilea
rlll[1��Tif;Liisa.i f.l,dirarice is e4trered for a 11.4)ie ie ill public rrwrle,rship, tuoi improved for
i.iiera.public Lyse ai a [rariyl}oristion r,,S 11L rriteri■ 'Sr[ forth iii Srcln n5 7
r,f Appendix Aa llotcntiall}•can he used in the future to srtr one or more nddiiisxlyd v chieular
loam ihbu pts]ride additional roeLi capacity,
• "R,LI •nr within 1i,c mites;u(il5L(..i Iliof Eiiirc.5llti• pvrrpii pul!lx• Iow114Ir1- }Sikh IraitIc '
means na:..public right-elf-wily within fru a auks rir ibe t;11i-boundary line which RC khe I int
IIL12 _u.u1l]rfruu[ia]rL Ordinance is referred DJ idle vi1 ct‘ by ItEd-i ygsrrd(Jr).Gummed prrrnI1
m'jK'r rehide trrl1Fic.
C 2 - Ordinance i s}_ I h . II .144.1.1-N11.1.^0.111.11111.41.111.
"Trii]L 2Ihr,unt of rr RLi capacity that would be reduced the new high-capacity tranaii
corridor' mean
a. I;b cLLrr4mtly p4L II1c mriw tqlligic traffic: a C[rdsspi.1'4 n of L15r
r+a24+3r capacity prig to csrrLxtructlicrn or rhe new high-caper* tranFit orrriclorproicct
4o the raadlway capafree pmpcci CKii.V rlr[Lino.is comptcrcd_
1}. I'or public rigliEx-c51-,lira 11541 Could [rrhtr irx pre]w•ide (E JLrihnat rtnsl vipacitr it p
fuliur date;R comparison of the acriragr ehul Co+ukl pii:r5-i k-addirrr}isal cowl caplciey air a
future dale which is. -ailsblc I}rix,r w Ci.nsmirucricias tie a neg..
liij s cal5 jr} Er�riigr
itirrids7r l50111cir Erd 1hr icr{;u s avaiJrrbk prnicci IPIPniciruciiiin is complfilfi-
ti l .l'1(7N C. . cncrnl Prtr.kirms.
I. IRCeturred. Informalirrl5. The inr;0tnurkH4 recjluEltd Sce LL'iIL 33 hf rhr t' ti•r#Cliirirr Ih [rim
(hr rt eluitr:L15rr1 Lx fur Elk' _'LUir1M FrresiNw{'frairpinper anrc1 the 11h81101 trtlr ihr Il IFC hou.c1+m
irrfhrm�rN�rr incl 4.lxtn riivrlaaik at the the .iuttiorizar.i 'n Ordinance is taa•rrt•J Lr, die
l'm`rs h• Ehh: Cm . of Li}�a1J C.00iieil. Ilk Laked'acinn.or r,Lr=r[ar}Jk.getilied tri .\Erj,c IN3Lx_X
bv bawd 4W1 the cnuccrt rd plar1N and drrigna issued by •I'riNlet for the new.high-
capacity HAWAII'corridor proirci options cndoacd hX r15r`Sowh.wcsE{asrriLErir Swirling
'L'iHi3ritlrartr elle rtls5e 7]5r_1 ri[I5ur57wr1[rr5 [�nlie]anr=e iS n;frrrcti r[] thc 1,1317px b tlri Citi 4]1
'1'rgasxl Council,
2. Roadway(:.apadiry Iitifrifrnonon. All roacluvar capxin'inform:613 tr+y iirerJ fne i]tie
:3u(h,)ri.7.*[Iran()rdinirice and 45a31rsr nrdap.ure alt■ll Lie Iham L"nn tlar iii[th{>dnl ry:•of 4 cliuri
1)_orf Ehix{.)rclinancr stx clovraninscl by a qualified trait-lc engineer sirt4.1 r+anexined in 14 Wiirt4rr
R p+krt r}f ilit r r1ts Tf npplicariorl& ctu':m l.}_
{:tri,vl,xr l loudiup,I1 t+iltLr`]Irdikrie. 1
_tificAaeft in die rr[Mb(' ID hmaxing units in Tigard
e au lily dm siting 41r licgrOMMEr4d&tie)n.eaf FY high-capacity trarnsit corridor,dor,inclLILling
irisrsR�ci that rcplacr unit[;]east to corridor COOdriIkclJutl tar dial'Clic sJti•a,srgv nr inerea!UJ
translxrcwtirml cspacii, pioviL3rd by A rLe1.-15Wr•rnj5sciex ir4I.it s.1rrikkiI xh�ll n{'t lx'
e[IKLdLiJlerrid prr irrres.cw rn Ii irficig dr r}'itx if the increased number of 116a5 tart['emu red b]
zoning emits adopted prior in voice approval of ihr.Aurboritariirn{}rJlinaritc. 'Ilw: City
may not lucre-asr El4]mzu l deiwIEX 154"Chan.rrr z[rnrrig[7r crimprxhx'nFiv" pati MAR!.Or tr311
for ihr rurpntic of stitinp or aHtlirrr.iir.i`acc'nnmt'datrng a iirY►' huh-capacity rrinsil csati'idirr
wtdicsLjr v c'rcr 2pprosa1.
Nl CTIt'7N li_ tivtethesL nin•k-I:]43rrrrnlins rCRdv+Ry capacity iii5pacts,
The roadway csupicit i tlt•tsr rrunaw'ri is resluEred by this f.lyduiai-Ice ana- IREIrti Cir.: f:hairmr Sot eih id S3
shall b.t based esn rhr:enerhr,[Ic.k. . described Li ,3pprrEJix :1 ttr IN,.4 inlin.ari.ci (Meth„ct4,ln.gl. k[r
I? tirr�tc 11142 ']'heal Aerw3ELi51 irf It .ad f:Aj5sjrir)•Rr43uc11:43 Iw a NEIL' I IRL;h-CRrRciiy Tran .it C:oriidorj
iurhich r amid-1rd mitt rnc'+rpirairtilherein by ref i nci
*1,:1(71uN E. .huahssriw.acorn Ordinance Approval
lief,ire referring pri au I Ilhnd.ini]n ordirMlie tri 11,5'4- riersE ihr {:+ mcil 4101 determine w hethcr
thr prop-nod r ritilrrrs the rcqulrenr its of Zl&td Croy(71ark SLCCrr4re5 53 l Li ihr
dclrrririrr dcci.i'an •o refit May tic mast[. rig s regular 41r SPOC3R1 mC�`tirm,c)f
rhe lift 4]f'1'i. a iI iter Council and rift public will he perrnitrecl the ii parnia ay it' prrtinsi x'.n(rcli tit
+,rn] sestimonv can[lie proposed orclinaince or e,r prior TO stceIm as5rt�inl;.
PiLg< • () ILi14t1C-C Nla, 1.Ci` + 11 a ••inti a i.,l r .
rcrriM1 r.1.rUT T Tr nalIL22-n of
SI CI1(1N Tht sexriar nr1 5.1315eir)15 , f,frr tipr.iJShs grid *Iaraws 431 Ilrax ordinance art. scomIkle. TIic
invalidity ref OM;moon,1111arci1' . parspraph,or clause slra0 nca( afFccr ih.t silirliry r7r1ke
rcrnaknirr,stevaiid,subs mons,pita apltis and dL,ua'ac.
fill{:l'IuN 3. 'Ile Gay Ci>*rsi it 104 I!' L rlrc iminwclialc a+raiL bcIi of the prrxcdiirc provided 1n ibis
r rua#car r� nrce c kr+ flicr~urc ih u rhe Af(hsat,aarirn OrdliruL5cc (ryriicrd b}- f=�rtT
Scc ion 51C.can be cc n'idt7Cd by ...own I(L N:]S-cuIlScr.-141"1 6.
SECTION 4. J'or.ht rt.igiikg.rzi Ii irrh u.S r rig u. 3.,An crni-rhP4..nry IF declared U}rxi.t mil (his Ordinance
193;A:x 4 ffeci up.wI adt}p1Nrn ' Ilrr c,iiy Cowin! And s 5artltr Sal~(h4'Abytar.
r]r 0.19...00-1 VDU'a Kr#II Canncil rieinbi rs Fire-scn1 aI'tti h,eirr r i-ad by isLrinbcr
11rkrk flatly,Ilrrh `+d415"rif
�� . eizr.
. rt'L:'i.]<r r,Cc-3. Dark
PPRO%11k I ''imrd Cikr Cuurica t1iiN ar da}'of . _ _ 21.1.Ir.
Jul 4. C i ak, [atiwir
Approved as to furry
9f 1b, O/
] r . 4 • ()I-dimmerNo. 16' FY".1 11.1
01,11I 4w*I i.i"Ai„P,r•MrprincArci.dia1 ON i j;a1+1
#, Pktcpook
ilii prt,Vt_atL]n. m ehiw ititi th Ic ki.111 ixtecil [r fulfill the requirement in City of'Tigard
C,hiLrter ecti4Jrt 53x. to include in an Authorization ( fiance the emityla!v I it pAcr [Er A
nem. high-capacity transit a t•ridi r minim? (Sats as a pruprmed light rad transit extension to
i:a ri.l) km the Capacity of roadways and the future pores sial caph'iry ono& public
rtk!lir:-of-wai•within fire rnile of the bottnaiity I r the city of'1.0,r<d.
2. Defirti thins;
1. _itiieunciir Orion mirans 3 proposed high•rapacii-v transit route or prolrosed route
options saimionied kir the Southwest CorTidur Prjtect Steering {ominirtet at ale
time elle ,\uthcrizaticn Ordinance r4 fen—ed rte the -voters by the Tigard tits
�t�tnicil, +T a phase thereof including the [rack Alignmeol, isgricigned te ria i and
I:«dine*, Find other ancillary facilities or improvements inchRkcl in thv
cane frtti,il plan or design for such A]ign •its {}pcinii"
B- Critical l)ircai iiwn roans the direction of the main thoroughfare (ice; altar
llir}u14 vast, I-5 that has rhe highest Capacity Ratio in a Peak
C. {-riritaa imam iiti intersc[tiom rat other caparaiy-1imiriiig feature
where two land merge) irI iifr i h; rhc. Traflie Engineer neer +m an Existing Rcradw21.,
That hqs it fairieCastcxi (2035) '{chime-tu-Capacity 1t l(iu crf greater
1). Existing Roadway means x pulslic roadway within rive mini sat the Citi' of Tigard
thin pr.rmits vehicular traffic at tFir time of the rlttrliori [rr]n {irdiranni.vis
rc fe rred tea thr srrt€ra by the OM i i J i hi C.aiu is 1 that may he affccttvt by an
Alignment Option.
F.. Increased I'erH,.n "I'np f:apaciti- means for an. _"LIu nmen t {)pticr�i Elle uilir7uTetl
diffuri.iice betwrxer the Person 'frit, Carmen" f ru a "I extpl I ldr,Lk (;+Frritl+Ir with the
_ ligntmrnr i)prig pjd ihi: 1'crscan _Trip 11.:Rpacity of the 1 crtaL {:t]rrbdor
without the .i lignmeni Option_
I'. Merril "ftainipori:LE1'.I ti \1ridek means the input data and outputs 11nc4n pgin the
smite of transportatiorr r`ompu[er irr.rpd 1 :!..1cito to 14.recast regional
ttPClctlirlg t4'itl4+lut limitation the digitized road network. [lii' 4c'iic'r.iI vapacity
and length of highway links.and the trakie +++flume ut 1i IS,
C;. iilr4ir 1`i. ri l4 :zlpaIir. i,tieatrs fear A stigualircid roadway ur highway thy otin ued
maximum number of mt}torxehirr]i.'z 1 hAt coil pias through a (:riticak Intersection an
the IE.:dial:id L)irI [hart in the Peak I ioi r_
I. NeefJed I isrance from Centerline 1x arr.4 the estimated di:;tarcc ( widtIO fr ni [he
exritmg ceatitcrEine of an kimting, Roadway arr.iutivd to fully ceJanpFy with :Applicable
al1' rtg J irat20_ 2l h
standards e3r criteria (including erc}ss-i iit n ;pric, or irore
additional ME)lartrb %nM P.Ckl d nr a INCUM nate to the I?
6 pr ;Adding !anus u n I_-isuwil Public MAW,} 7', gnd nanlrc of other daia
and infnrmarir ;it the nine the Authorization Ordinance is referred to dire viiturs, as
determined by the Traffic I,n x-t.
4ulharva means rhe aulbarea created by drawing a boundary line aplaiti tl,ii-wate
Ewe miles in all directions from the boundary cif the Cii3- a of-I W-
T. -Poral li.a►diail Cr,rrirnr !Motor "Vehicle Capacity means the estimated anregite Motor
Vehicle Capacity of the three maim-rouics in the 'Radial Travel{:rrttidtxt-
I.'. Total .l.iir Subarea. Motor \ hide tlipacity means s. [he estimated length-weighted
rota] of the motor vehicle capacity in all toad .al $egmentx i11cIi.it1e73 in thy Mori,
-I'r.itwpi rrtIr1i 3n \1 I]d.I that are within the'I i rd Subarea.
Nr. Traffic l;nginrc¢ means a Professional }ni..,6 eer licensed in Oregon aIttl. speekilixilln
tri trmf t tn rutin
W. 'Traffic I ngjnecr Lttpirr[ »suns a report signed and r.enlcd Ii a .l.raffic Fligineer in
conformance with i]1ia Settion'I,
N. 1..niiit4e4i Public Righ[.of-1Xl1. OM means right-of-way proximate to an _lipiment
Option that, a[ ilio time the \vilhiyri.;ii rin Ordinance i$ FPferMI for wore, ix In
1�t�1 li 411s ship and 1N not imp.... L•LL 1.4 genera] public Use as a transportation
I'sful. Unused Public ltd X' means the estimated surface area, measured in acre, if
L'riuscd Public ROW ' puteritial4 capable 4'( providing. a4.I4I ii Ion.;r.l IIM311451r ' 4.11141L
ipci[V ,as i furore a dcrL'riivricd by rhe criteria in SecrI''i1 ' of this ApprriJi
/.. 1 •]1«sr•J PI hric ROW' 'iI i means one or more maps prprtra ing fpr an Alignment
Option the general location of the (I) Useful Unused Pulalk ROW used by NO.
t;.I3;kcic1' rt11fiyii (i_r.; the Reduced Motor r 'Veluclee (apacirc ri I die 1.'nused L1ubtic
RCilkand {II) Unused Public ROW used by the Alignment option that does rt&'t
610101 illi pcK-rilial 11111 MM hiF1u.!1 .ciL ihci.f}' AvoilAlc t1uF111 riudzwil 1'LILILic
_1.1_ \'chicle Lam tm]Yart filar tneanN. i1nc ret Mori' niapri IwirrtPlying iI1L erIVIiIi 1F1c 4[1nn
I if vehicular lanes On Existing Roadways that would be displaced ixr that would he
added for general public traffic by an Alignment if.}pliran,
NHL 1E3 {g, i1-• Ra60, or 'A_ }wrier, ricins the farrccaxted volume ': f rrn fit a[ a
location divided by the mr* c vehicle capacity at the location. :md rerr'. c,U die
Aifficigno u,l 1nlcrcoction r,F acetinu ti date vehicular demand_ A 'v / Ratio Irss
1]1.un 11.90 or less gerierafl. indicates that eapacit} is adequate and significant traffic
queuc!1 .i1itl deka.' are. nor anneiroic l_ Kmart cur 1.0 pri4i i 11111 ieldicatL
unstahlc traffic flans, eiccessise delay, and traffic queuing. intersection VIC Ratin
1ji.uJ I1:1416 grnwp4 IiICI% the i]jl ra[14 3F1N 4)1i i 1 e;f t'ir cull, a.
iikscril.x.4 in the Highway Capar it' ;Manual,
,QIPa ge hI ne 0 . IMI ti
General Parvixions
A. Illy 4.;IJ.1.3l;1rpw 1114 fira'rs described in •ham .1ppc.nrlix A xh IL b based cm
irrfurrnariisn and Mata av i]ablc flt the time the Au �
thoation Ordinance ix referred 1 J
theN.-4by th
rier- be c:ii • of Tigard {Jc unciL i,Thleultrttrin if ricti rrt4 d ribs l in r hL
. pp oidix A xhiIl be based can the a ncepival plans of the .Alignment Options
xanctic i cid bJr the rrrrhw.i I Corri4.14ir Stur•rtrt} Ciornmincie at the time the
AufliE rrirarir,a7 Ordinance is referred to the V{}111:r1 hy the City Or'Tigard Council.. ri
revisions to. Alignment Optp.rits, pEruti, dcsi ,ms, data. asrcumptirariS, CIF nfiy rather
in remirgi riguxrti PI r ye:ram •lie infcjnnori;n do crib. t1 herein err used in the. Traffic
Engineer Report following npproval of an .lurli{rri atiorY Ordinance aha]] 7i{'t
#i'vAlii.1. 11.' 13i tYtY1 (' rh • Apprrvti:41 ''.1rho Yi&' .14 tlrr�i Drslra;rt 4.
13. The Traffic Fngineer Report shall Ix posted on a welasi c prepared or caused to be
pm-pared la}' the City 4-11143•411.
#_ Tr4 ik Engiruvr N Report
A. A Tr.iflrc Engineer's Report shall be prepared by a '1'ri I ii 1:.111011113L7 i3+1<1i1i1erl!Yrig'rtr
klti� . ]ti;rtntirr11s Ot }n srimacLd erg hat t'hc gr4,-Aren impacr and the Alignment
{Matron estimated to have the lost impact on Motor Vehicle Capacity and/or
k"11LLWJ Public I gbi•rt•Way, law foli winir
'Vehicle Line Impact Map
.An. I Iiiv 'r! Ktl is ROVE!
' 1I ap
c. For each Existing Roadw'a'y potentially having its Motor Vehicle Capacity
eviivegA ihq Aligi stiw1 r C)prion t1i f,r]Ir7,ellrlg R1ui1I he 4 rtrni r d:
i. [Motor Vehicle? C:ipacitr' at each Critical Intersection wiiImrir the
A*mem { til 14 FIT:
u, MIotrir 'e]uclr Capacity at eadi Critical Intersection with the .\hgnrnent
.()pitir3.0; and!
ui. Reidoeed 'Joecsr Vehick Capacity for each Critical Intersection.
For each applicable .\ ig'Y nent ()ptiI.I , the rollcaawdrlg shall be enitiniated;
i. Nue Hor.irr Vehicle pacify Reduction;
ii Percentage !kg-Auction in .J otal Radial Corridim-M olor Vehdcic Capacity--,.
hi, Isctcor7tagi: Rielh.i iic,q 7a 'l ipird tiyrharva ;'l tarry'Vehicle(iw ;
lncrea'ed Person'Trip Capacity;
P+.-rct image I ncrp;m to 11r`gr3ra Trip [:itpacit ;
vi. Reduced Motor Vehick f:apacit}• of the L'nus d Public ROW_
in phi-paring rbc Traffic ! ngitn ,er' kvprur, rile Traffic I':iOrtcer vtrtplray rhe
methodologies. described herein and Filial! use Standard I7ra€rice fur idemiiving i�iher
ANa impti+r11 . 4.1nix. mod n7crlYc,e3�,3s,k,�u. rx the "Traffic Eng-Ulcer 1Jeterrninus arc
nc€es.sarI c]r appropriate four the required 111i2h'9c5.
.1Nirr20, 20 I
C. The .L.raf c E;rijiII r s 9lrprrrr 51121[1 1w signed and scaled by a 'Traffic I:.nolc r.
CD, '11w Traffic I i r's rw giett nn vti•cltsire prepared or caux{.d rLi 1 Fr
prepared by the City oaf Tigard_
5, Methodology to F fir atc Motor Vchiellc Capacity Impacts on Existing Rostd ity i
A. The"Traffic Iirrglneur s3ia]!estimate or pause to be esdimir.iI v;ia 4tierrlxLul iii
this rK3rt S for the Alignment ()piton with the, resar•st imps{I On [Motor 1"4. iick
Capacitti and for the Aligllmerir Option with the Ii ast impact 441 !Ioirit '�91ic1�
p- Niot r Vehick Capacity and Net Motor Vehicle f:Ip iCity Raus:tii.ii 4•!p' of 1.1.1thiting
orinsor i as 1143111 nt+*!
a. 'IIMc 'Traffic Engineer shall irkricif'iCritical intersection Sart I;xirtirt
1 .wrtlaarx fexr ih5; 5i'Ar 21135 .1NI P4.-111. 1+111 And 1 i 114. 1:. Hrcur-
b. ilioMotor Vehicle Capadri- of each C=ritical intersection on an ]:xiatLtlg
Roadway shall ix citinuittil by iltc -I-ra I'Ik 1',xiginr. r fm Kr Chi r1I"I I't h Fie Nurr
and PM Iseak 3lcaur in the year 2ER5. in the Critical Direction. for presai]iir�
a erall, we kt1st' traffic and roadway co.:naitions Ince dire Exi iing 1 E.Padveaw.
ai1]vrrur Ili Alignment {)ptiort and the I?xisting Roati pis with the Alignment
(111111rni. 1'nr cACh Crttika1 lhitet-secdii + tltir "It7t��W: E,ri ttayrt shall ygriimmtr: Ilio
RLJL[eeti] M.{slrxr Vehicle Capaciry of the Critical I nter L'ri0n calculated as the
tliff rt-rle of 11-w NImM43r Vvhiklc CitriAreity 4t11 thy (-11111I,7i4k$4 ii,rfl widirokir
rhe Alignment ()prion ntin!s the Motor Vehicle t:apacir} of the Critic-R1
Initurncti4Kri with CIa4 Alimrncrit ()p+IwhiT, 11.ke L'iI{v14tr "'ehich: (If Illy
1.7 .is.iing Roada..l. shall be the estimated Motor Vehicle Capacity of the
Critical ll Intersection 4xhibi.iiig the Inigi-itcr Red icial Iklotor hi lc :apacits
(i.t"; the greatest c.k-crL I L- in Motor Vehicle C'apacitil among all Critic E
Intersections assessed by t}tr Traffic I gii ccr.
1=r rt a ,11I.nirtlr•iir ()riot). ihr: Not 1'iIrFear "i h lv (:apadry Reducrui.n an an
LA'iL nog Rc>adv5;25' 5.133iII be calculated as {I) 11w MCAUF Vehicle [rapacity of the
11',K6iing lZo oadwPo. vpithilw rise. :\liken itl4 nt ()limier% miriu9. (I I) the I•1 ars n
'Vehicle Capacite of the L':xisting Lt{7a,th:al: with the Alignment Option. minus
OW the capacity frced,Akp far m t wr N..chicle kr4flie tsn 1]st i;xis.ring
l}5 relocating on-street transit vehicles to the separated guideway in the
,1 LiF,ni1v nC c)ptjt 1, For the calckklai i�Fr1 th Net 7feloiror 1'{Iii ]4 t:;upFi,cirw
Reduction of an Alignment Option. the capacit' freed-up i:'r nuotor vehicle
traffic shall 1w crEI ulnted as ibc pt414.Iti,:t r}f miiliipIying (I) the cliffvrynei ref
forecasted 2t35 11rah Ilour, Peak l)irectii n on-street bus volume with the
Alifrnfrrerit ()ption rninim4 forecasted 21135 Pak }Emir. Peak I3irett sr1 on-
,1 r{- i Inis ti olumc without the Ali nn ienr C)poi prig by {I1f d,e bias-auto r
t ii+ic7ry exluii alerice factor identified 1}5- the 'Ira itic l ingirke rr.
5IPa0.0 , noel: i , :101 fi
r1- A "chick Iarrtie Impact klap shall be pfeparcc paiirtraymj for V.Ki.ting
Roadways the general location of vehicular lank that are impacted by the
Alignment Option.
C. 'flu PcrcLniage Reduction. id 'Tata.] Radia] Corridor Motor 'ehicle Capacity .k II ix
estimated as folk..4wrs:
a. The Motor Vehicle Capacity of each of the roadway routca constituting
.Metro's C.attielot 2 bu a rrirrrated in se ienta (epi ai 4eurIhi �
licy the 'i'r-affic Engineer. the Capacity of each ye rnenr for each
roadway shall be the capacity shown f&r izuch 1 q rruertit +rn. such ro dyvay in the
Metro Transportation kloiklexcopi thar more s eci is rApacinix may be used
for roadway sepia-its mbutting Alignment Options (sucli as I trbur
boulevard), white twin.41letailvi,1 trafl% carge:it1 infrirn ii 1,o �� :i I��hlt•.
U. The 'Total Radial Corridor Motor Ve.hicle Capacity for each segment (i.e. ar
each ctatliiic) sh:uI1 L+c the sum sof the . leaiixtVehicle Capacity fr~'r each mcg■rrtent
Fur cich , f the three mairsr motor vehicle travcL rouri.Ls within dere,! :Mobility
112. 11w 'total Radial.al. Cc irr li'r 'chicle Capacity, takkn trite r
nccoum all AegrucniN, s h:i11 Le the ']'otal Radial C,Freadc,r l t,r•1 rr Vehicle
C:apacits for the segmcn1 (or at the e:utlirxe) having the [o..3.-est total capacity.
c. The Pcrccriraie Reduction in 'poral Radiak Corridor ]oorin 'chick Opacity
of an Aliplm.ent Option Shull be calculato.1 as the fraction, expressed as a
percmage, resulting from dividing (1 the Net llicarrrr \'chicle f"Arch)'
Reduction for the Alignment Option br (ID the 'Filial Radial Crirrickir Motor
Vehicle € Lein .
Dr "fetal l'ipITx3 Subarea Motor Vehicle Capaci y ar3ti rho Nrc4.1riallt. ReduciiLFn
Tigard Suhareo Xl4.3rrrr\'t']iicle<'apaeirl' shall hi. stlrnoterl ay tirl]cIW
a. "Ilse Tigard Subarea shall be estabLisbid as an arca with a boundary that is Frsc
rail ft*kin thy bciundary' f che Cir
b. Using data from the Metro Transportation li.Enticl. the length tend bi-
i.Lapacuy each link tihall i i,Ltstinintid for AO rcrathli ay 1i11k4
coded in the Metro 'l'rnnsportation Model than arc locatod within the 1'igird
c. I11c Tina! Tilapid Subarea Cairacity shall br calculated as the aggrcpr to sum of
the weighied 1.-Hilikcirt,. of each link within the subarea, where the +peighi for a
Link is eak u]arcd rr_s the length e,f the link. 'i he 'I'u raL '1'ii andubarca d opacity.
shall be c:rkuiatial apple bk Alignment Option and rot a se`e-riitriar
wirllir,krr any .Alignment{)prism.
d. For each app1i e b Alignment nt O }tion. the Perccnt gc Hcductic in iei ]'i f ird
Sullarca %lotr,r Vehicle Capacity. shall he rstirnnred a the (retia, xprctiscd
as a percentage. resulting (tram calculating the cLificrcrice between "I-ora]
611`� hr June : : st16
Tigard and ub r Capacity with the ."iIIim t [ 11[ir,!ti I1LII111 . Iii -I-rwiil 1 iI,giriL
'Subarea C'apacirl Withutaa the Alignment Option, and dividing the difference
by (I1). lily Total iignrd Subarea F IoTut Vrchi k, Capacity withuut the
,1ligi nxnt Option.
6. Metkoacklcigy to Estimate Pcrsort Trip Capacity l mpact
.1i. The faciors d,escribccl in this Suction IS shall be c Ieulaiefc3t [1){F _ lig nii.''r r �p� rait
vtth rhr. Kroilesl iiitipAct rrn I'd t+ar ''eh1 Ic ,a pit and for the Alignment Option
with the least impact on tilotnr Vehicle C:ap ive.
I . -I1ic P.ergin -I-rip ir.:u ae'ii}- 'if die radial Corridor shall be ca[crllartad 113r each
applicable Alignment Option 2ri1,1 secnario wiilw it ;'liwtiment Option by
%Lmi rYIh g (1) the purgigt trip a l+aeit1- trf tie roadways in the Radia] t:rlrridi]F r�t[1ti,
when applicable, •]is Alii.i,tncrii Option plU h, when applicailble. (II) the person trip
capacity rT high-capacit3 iransir in the_1Iignmtn t Option_ Lri 4,I,pici ii]
a_ i h person Trip 4apaci!y of The pilad..rays in the Radial Corridor Shall bc
calcuLited as the product of ItitiltrpIv4n (l) Ilk! Total 'Radial fotti iot I,FIryr
1'�F1ii l� tiapi iiy Irk (FI) .H1 ati•eni1 c Pick F lour auto (Dccupa.nor rate estimated
by.the Traffic Engineer; and
The person u t'ip capacity of high-capacity transit shall be calculaied
i. (I) '1'hc estimated. n7i .iintiiu [tits%it %Thi,ck-5 or raYnsisis
that can lic U cratird in the Peak Hour on the Alignment t prLi n
multipl •el by (!]) rho prr-rson a , {sf hgrh pacitt intuit in the
Ali fitment Option.,n.,minus.
ii (I)1 he furrcasted r ticlue_Eir]fl in the v4 dome of inti-atrect i u ec
UkinitiaiLM.L by hila-raps€ity transit multiplied by (III) i,t•rsco
capacity a a rrr'g1,11)r WS.
C. .1.114; I ri'crelm d Perur1 Trip Capadit3v Or an ,'Iignmcnr ()pm ii 4WD cAkLrlatcd soz
the numeric diffirenep r]f rlu T PurrivilI rip C:IIaaeit7 of the R2disil Oirridor with the
Alignment Option minus the Person 'Trip Capacity of rhe t;citticlut + ithuui
the _ lignnu7ir €)iiauill
D. The Percentage increase in 'Person 'Trip Capacity of an Aligrltt,.-Il[ ()Om slinin be
the inct.burhi. cxprog a74 pk-t*u tltslil;e :' 1 I,iiet1 a (I) the Increased Person Trip
Lapacrty of the Aliinmcni Option. divided b}' (II) rIu. Inion Trip C,Ypacir •or the
p�lk;l I (:r]rri la 1,r wrr 14 LI r rho' r'I]igiirrierit(1iti�*YI.
7. M ihudui1ugy to Estimate Reduced Motor Vchivlk Capacity orlintised Public ROW
1. iltc `I raffle I'j ireeer shall etitrate tar cause t{t be estimated the Reduced Minor
'Vehicle C=apacitT' &f the UFNUSed PUNIC Rt) ' fisr rho Akpimere Option w iih the
rata' r impAri i' i 4'rtLIred Publzic ROW' :Hid for the ,1Eignmtiir []'prir]pi r►'rr]5 Thr-
impact on II.'nused Public IRC W%
71I';I _' e luhr� fl_ :2CI1ri
II_ For sarh Ipplicahle ..I'dignment Option, the kccatou .Ff 1.1tut ed l'ttblir: ROW
impacted by the Alignment Option shall be identified wing the conceptual iilaw or
the applicable AIigrtr eni Options and property ownerAhir txt'.'rds tFr ditaaa'
C_ Iger rich apalslkable .Alignment Option, the Useful Unused Public ROW' x+11 1I be
idernif ed AS fiAl ►'V
.1-he rtradway design standards or crireria (Including cross-.sectlnn
specifcatiiins) appli aIIi( Flo rxltarittin ; the number of Titles on the I?Nistini
Roadway chsiL] be identified; cross-sections shall include die w i.LIrb of all
hicyclu farrrCisies, $ide+e•alk , shoulders,. or Cather features needed tis
comply with the design standard crirerin.
b. The Need Drtancsr f �m �t-rxtr riirt4 shall be estimated for I:xiaring
Ronk,. ;v'. that max in the Future poteritkialy expand onto 11:i.iiSCd irulaiic
l {]i\ :1•- rltit• ti1.11.1rii OurAid rrud from the centerline i pi the Existing I coaaeav)r rf
A cro!,:—se.crion. needed for the add414 Tarte {3r laiies that is required. to comply
with aria applicable desigai staiulards or criteria_
c. Useful Unused Public k{)W osiiix ntt'd as for area of Unused Public
13011,V tiritierlxtir g an Alignment tlptu me
'Where the reati.Ft boundary (=loured frorn the existing centerline of
Rhe Existing Rumba-ay) of the L'ntss: d KUM: e9ualk cat•
es€eetiy rhe' t,ur q 1 +s4in5lflIfY (rill:4154111:d frOTTm the existing centerline)
caf the Needed Distance from the Centerline rlin. reqpitrd rr .ILIA An auto
latae Er liLrics.arid
ii. If the Eaci,sdng Roadwav to be expan{leJ is ;t Freeway i31 Thr luEiiwas
(i.e_: i-5), sx ftr'rs added lark or lanes either (I) extends
along the [Ai:4.ring Roadwav for 3 Eli!-Lrsn t}f i Isrrtxt rant half of:nr
iitile rif (ii) �r ttri,�Il3 addresses a capacity-reducing si.isreing
lai rrilencek identified an TlW l i jffie Rupt Fit;or
if Fisting Itcisadvr a' to he cxpandad is not a Fens ;bk• rat
throug.hway i.r_, EL rbur Rriu vard1, arldrex> ' r} $yelctns lr+artleneck
idt ntifirxl ui the 7'ra Efi&. Engineering,ineering Report.
SIM. i'or each applicable Alignment Option, the IxelvLe41 'Iotrar Vehicle (_apsu itti of the
k'nused Public ROW sha[I he the art-a (measured in acres} of I.'gelid I.ina,,sed i\1k1t
ROW+' that-would he displaced by ib Ali ii7rrent Optrom In making this ca]cuhtion,
rli4.' arm, usyd by bicycle in petk.strian facilities incorpnrated. in an : lig;trtieut
Option shall not count as Reduced Motor Vchiels Cupaciry of the Unused Public
Knew r flit tri lway expartsionr. that urr subject to 'uriAdi4rinis41 rli.sii Y standards +ir
criteria that rt urr than AttCh FtiC:FCIe And i dusttiurt facilities as pan of a r0ad4Vati
1Mftr F4 Jur~e26. 20. 16