Report Is the construction material wood and does 0 Yes Type of If"Yes", qualifies for the construction qualify No the path. Construction as"conventional light ® prescriptive p frame"construction? Is the spacing 24 inches or less? If"Yes", qualifies for Pre-engineered trusses. 0 Yes the prescriptive path. Q No Roof framing members Is the spacing 24 inches or less? Nominal lumber. ® Yes If"Yes",qualifies for the prescriptive path. 0 No Is the combined weight Yes of the PV modules and If"Yes",qualifies for racking less than or ® No the prescriptive path. Solar equal to 4.5 psf? installation Is the solar installation layout in accordance Q Yes If with Section 305.4(3)of "Yes",qualifies for the 2010 Oregon Solar the the prescriptive path. Code? ® Metal Single layer If roofing material is Roofing Check the type of 0 of wood one of the three types material roofing material shingle/shake checked,qualifies for Max.two layers the prescriptive path. Qof composition shingle. Is the roof mounted O Yes Connections of solar assembly the solar assembly connected to roof ® No If"Yes",prescriptive qualifies for. framingor blockingthe prescriptive path. to the roof directly? 2 I:Building/Fonns/Photo Voltaic-Checklist02-01-I].docx Submittal Documents required for Prescriptive Installations Show the location of the PV system in relation to buildings, structures, property lines, and,as applicable, flood hazard areas. Site Plan Details must be clear and easy to read. Minimum size of the plan is 8.5 x 11 inches. Attach a simple structural plan showing the roof framing(rafter size,type, and spacing) and PV module system racking attachment. System must be shown in sufficient detail and clarity to assess whether it Structural Plan meets the prescriptive construction requirements as listed earlier above in the matrix. Minimum size of the plan is 8.5 x 11 inches. PV Modules Manufacturer: Mission Solar Model Number: MSE385SX5R Listing Agency: UL 1703 4 I:Building/Forms/PhotoV oltaic-ChecklistO2-01-11.docx