2023-01-23 - Charter Review Committee Meeting Minutes #2 City of Tigard
1111111 = : '- Charter Review Committee Meeting Minutes
T I GARD January 23, 2023 —Virtual/Microsoft Teams
Start time: 5:31 p.m.
• Charter committee members: Margaret Doherty, Karen Emerson,Nathan Jackson,Derek
Lawson,Lindsey Murphy-Washburn,John Cook,Jason Snider, Holly Fenton,Zeena Pinto,
William Simpson, Zach Clairmont, and City Recorder Carol Krager
o Absent:Jeanette Shaw and Dolly Specht
• Staff: Kim Ezell, Shelby Rihala, and Jesse Raymundo
o Does the Committee recommend rewriting the Charter, rather than amending
• The group discussed and agreed to rewriting the Charter,rather than amending
pieces. Any controversial topics may be pulled to discuss more in depth.
o If the Committee recommends rewriting the Charter: Based on the draft `shell'
presented by the City Attorney,what, if any, modifications would the Committee
like to make?
• The draft`shell'is the proposed updated structure of the Charter and will be filled
in as the group develops Charter language. The group discussed and requested to
remove the word `shall' and to ensure that there is comma consistency. The group
agreed to the draft`shell' as proposed.
o Assuming gender neutrality is the direction from the Committee,what consistent
neutral language should be used? For example: he/she, they, or remove pronouns
and refer to title only?
• The group discussed and agreed to remove pronouns throughout the Charter and
refer to individuals exclusively by title for clarity.
o Does the Committee direct the City Attorney to remove the word "shall" from all
Charter language?
• The group discussed and agreed to remove the word "shall" from the Charter and
substitute it with words, such as "will" and "may,"with the rare exception of
sentences that may require the use of the word"shall."This is to make the
Charter easier to understand.
City of Tigard I 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard, OR 97223 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 1 of 2
o When the Charter references public records and meetings should the Charter refer
to state law, rather than a specific method? For example: "A record of council
meetings must be kept in a manner prescribed by the council rules and Oregon
law." Rather than "The Council shall cause a journal of its proceedings to be
• The City cannot be more permissive than state law,but can put additional
limitations.The group discussed and agreed to allow deference to state law and
the ability for the City through the Council to adopt more prescriptive rules.
o Does the Committee want to follow the 30-day enactment period set by state
statue (ORS 221.310) and as currently prescribed by the Charter?
• The group discussed and agreed to keep the 30-day enactment period, but add a
provision that defers to state law and allows for what an individual ordinance may
specify for enactment date.
o Does the Committee want to retain a single reading of ordinances, as currently
prescribed by the Charter?
• The group discussed and there was no decision on this subject. The current
proposal was to keep the one reading enactment and move forward with a second
ordinance that would trigger a second reading when there's significant public
interest or at the request of a Councilor. They will continue this discussion at the
February 13th meeting.
End time: 7:30 p.m.
City of Tigard I 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard, OR 97223 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 2 of 2